InstaGrabber is an app that allows...
* Viewing **and downloading** Instagram posts (users: timeline & tagged; account feed/saved\*; explore\*), stories (including highlights)\*, DM\*, and profile pictures (HD), **without** letting people know you viewed it! Works for followed private accounts\*! * Like/bookmark posts\*! * Downloading multiple posts at once (hold & select)! * (Un)follow/restrict/block people\*, and (un)follow hashtags\*! (Or you can add shortcuts to them, without logging in!) * **Copy** post captions, comments, DM messages\*, and profile bios. * **Post, Reply, Like, & Delete** comments!\* * **Compare** follower/following list! * Searching usernames, hashtags, and locations!
<sub>* Requires [login](https://github.com/austinhuang0131/instagrabber/blob/master/README.md#how-to-log-in). You must be a current follower of the desired private accounts, this app cannot hack people (which I have to state despite the obvious)!</sub>
It can be used as a drop-in replacement for read functionalities of the official Instagram app, with unnecessary components stripped.
Remember to read the [wiki](https://github.com/austinhuang0131/instagrabber/wiki) for more info!