<stringname="remove_all_acc">Remove all accounts</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc_warning">This will remove all added accounts from the app!\nTo remove just one account, long tap the account from the account switcher dialog.\nDo you want to continue?</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc_warning">Dadurch werden alle hinzugefügten Konten aus der App entfernt!\nUm nur ein Konto zu entfernen, tippe lange auf das Konto aus dem Kontowechseldialog.\nMöchtest du fortfahren?</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Swap Time and Date positions</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Zeit und Datum tauschen</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">Die Favoriten-Leiste dient dem Hinzufügen deiner Lieblingshashtags und/oder Benutzernamen.\n\nUnd das Schnellzugriffsmenü ermöglicht schnellen Wechsel zwischen den Konten.\n\nHinweis 1: Stelle sicher, dass du dich mit jedem Konto anmeldest [Settings > Login], um Konten zur Liste hinzuzufügen!\n\nHinweis 2: Logge dich aus dem aktuellen Konto aus und melde dich dann in mit dem anderen Konto wieder an.</string>
<stringname="quick_access_cannot_delete_curr">Derzeit verwendetes Konto kann nicht gelöscht werden</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Are you sure you want to delete \'%s\'?</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Bist du sicher, dass du \'%s \' löschen möchtest?</string>
<stringname="profile_endpoint">Wählen den Profilbild Endpunkt\n(wirkt sich nicht auf Hashtags aus)</string>
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
<stringname="discover_empty">Diese Kategorie ist irgendwie leer...</string>
<stringname="update_available">Ein Update ist verfügbar! (%s)</string>
<stringname="update_notice">Erinnerung: Wenn du die App von F-Droid heruntergeladen hast, musst du sie dort aktualisieren! Das gilt auch für GitHub.</string>
<stringname="updated">Danke für die Aktualisierung von InstaGrabber!</string>
<stringname="updated">Danke für die Aktualisierung von Barinsta!</string>
<stringname="crash_title">App abgestürzt</string>
<stringname="crash_descr">Hoppla.. die App ist abgestürzt, aber keine Sorge — du kannst Fehlerberichte an den Entwickler senden, um ihm zu helfen, das Problem zu beheben. (:</string>
<stringname="use_amoled_dark_theme">AMOLED-Modus für Dunkles Design verwenden</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt_summary">The following third-party open-source libraries are used:</string>
<stringname="reminder_summary">Please use this app responsibly. Downloaded images should only be used for purposes allowed by applicable laws.</string>
<stringname="about_documentation_summary">Bekomme Unterstützung, diskutiere, treffe andere und hab Spaß!</string>
<stringname="about_repository">Quellcode auf GitHub einsehen</string>
<stringname="about_repository_summary">Prüfe den Code, melde Bugs, werde teil des Projekts und hab (nochmal) Spaß!</string>
<stringname="about_feedback">Feedback per E-Mail senden</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt">Integration von Drittanbietern</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt_summary">Folgende Open-Source-Bibliotheken von Drittanbietern werden verwendet:</string>
<stringname="reminder_summary">Bitte verwenden Sie diese App verantwortungsvoll. Heruntergeladene Bilder sollten nur für Zwecke verwendet werden, die durch die geltenden Gesetze erlaubt sind.</string>
<stringname="light_barinsta_theme"comment="Yes, this one is Barista (the theme), you can also substitute it with other coffee-related words">Barista</string>
<stringname="title_changelog">Lista de cambios</string>
<stringname="bottom_toolbar">Mostrar barra de herramientas inferior</string>
<stringname="update_check">Check for updates at startup</string>
<stringname="download_user_folder">Descargar mensajes a la carpeta de usuario en Downloads</string>
<stringname="download_user_folder">Download posts to username folders</string>
<stringname="autoload_posts">Cargar automáticamente todos los mensajes de usuario</string>
<stringname="mark_as_seen_setting">Mark stories as seen after viewing</string>
<stringname="mark_as_seen_setting_summary">Story author will know you viewed it</string>
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
<stringname="discover_empty">Esta categoría está vacía...</string>
<stringname="update_available">¡Hay una actualización disponible! (%s)</string>
<stringname="update_notice">Recordatorio: si ha descargado de F-Droid, debe actualizar desde él. Lo mismo se aplica a GitHub.</string>
<stringname="updated">¡Gracias por actualizar InstaGrabber!</string>
<stringname="updated">Thank you for updating Barinsta!</string>
<stringname="crash_title">App atascada</string>
<stringname="crash_descr">Vaya.. la aplicación dejó de funcionar, pero no te preocupes por un enviar un reporte de error al desarrollador para solucionar este problema. (:</string>
<stringname="use_amoled_dark_theme">Usar modo AMOLED para el tema oscuro</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">موقعیت زمان و تاریخ را عوض کنید</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">پنل علاقه مندی ها برای اضافه کردن هشتگ های مورد علاقه شما و یا نام کاربری است.\n\n و پنل دسترسی سریع برای سریع تعویض کردن میان حساب هاست.\n\n یادداشت ۱ : توجه 1: حتما وارد هر حساب شوید [تنظیمات > ورود] برای اضافه کردن حساب در لیست!\n\n یادداشت ۲: از حساب کنونی بیرون بروید و سپس وارد حساب های دیگر شوید.</string>
<stringname="quick_access_cannot_delete_curr">نمیتواند حذف شود این اکانت در حال استفاده است</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Are you sure you want to delete \'%s\'?</string>
<stringname="crash_descr">اوپسس.. برنامه خراب است، اما نگران نباشید شما میتوانید گزارش خطا را برای توسعه دهنده بفرستید برای کمک به او در درست کردن مشکل. (:</string>
<stringname="use_amoled_dark_theme">استفاده از حالت AMOLED در پوسته تاریک</string>
<stringname="light_barinsta_theme"comment="Yes, this one is Barista (the theme), you can also substitute it with other coffee-related words">باریستا</string>
<stringname="priv_acc_confirm">Vous ne pourrez plus accéder aux messages après avoir été désabonné! Êtes-vous sûr(e) ?</string>
<stringname="no_acc">You can log in via More -> Account on the bottom-right corner or you can view public accounts without login!</string>
<stringname="no_acc">Vous pouvez vous connecter via Plus -> de Compte en bas à droite ou vous pouvez consulter les comptes publics sans vous connecter !</string>
<stringname="no_acc_logged_in">Vous pouvez glisser vers la gauche/droite pour changer de catégorie, ou rechercher quelque chose ci-dessous!</string>
<stringname="empty_acc">Ce compte ne contient pas de posts</string>
<stringname="empty_list">Aucun post de ce genre !</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc">Remove all accounts</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc_warning">This will remove all added accounts from the app!\nTo remove just one account, long tap the account from the account switcher dialog.\nDo you want to continue?</string>
<stringname="logout_summary">Parcourir Instagram de façon anonyme</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc">Supprimer tous les comptes</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc_warning">Ceci supprimera tous les comptes ajoutés sur l\'application!\nPour supprimer un seul compte, appuyez longuement sur le compte depuis la boîte de dialogue de changement de compte.\nVoulez-vous continuer?</string>
<stringname="send_logs">Envoyer des journaux de débogage</string>
<stringname="time_settings">Date format</string>
<stringname="time_settings">Format de la date</string>
<stringname="project_link">Visiter la page du projet</string>
<stringname="telegram_link">Rejoindre le groupe Telegram</string>
<stringname="matrix_link">Rejoindre la salle sur Matrix</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Swap Time and Date positions</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Permuter la date et l\'heure</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">Le panneau des favoris permet d\'ajouter vos hashtags et/ou noms d\'utilisateur favoris.\n\nLe panneau \"Accès rapide\" permet de passer rapidement d\'un compte à l\'autre.\n\nNote 1: Assurez-vous de vous connecter à chaque compte [Paramètres > Connexion] pour ajouter un compte à la liste !\n\nNote 2: Déconnectez-vous du compte courant et connectez-vous ensuite à l\'autre compte.</string>
<stringname="quick_access_cannot_delete_curr">Impossible de supprimer le compte actuellement utilisé</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Are you sure you want to delete \'%s\'?</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer \'%s\' ?</string>
<stringname="downloader_error_creating_folder">Erreur de création de dossier !</string>
<stringname="downloader_error_download_file">Erreur de téléchargement du fichier</string>
<stringname="downloader_too_many">You can only download 100 posts at a time. Don\'t be too greedy!</string>
<stringname="downloader_too_many">Vous ne pouvez télécharger que 100 publications à la fois. Ne soyez pas trop gourmands !</string>
<stringname="comment_viewer_copy_user">Copier le nom d\'utilisateur</string>
<stringname="comment_viewer_copy_comment">Copier le commentaire</string>
<stringname="comment_viewer_reply_comment">Répondre au commentaire</string>
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
<stringname="discover_empty">Cette catégorie est vide...</string>
<stringname="update_available">Une mise-à-jour est disponible! (%s)</string>
<stringname="update_notice">Rappel : Si vous avez téléchargé l\'application à partir de F-Droid, vous devez la mettre à jour depuis là ! Il en va de même pour GitHub.</string>
<stringname="updated">Merci d\'avoir mis à jour InstaGrabber !</string>
<stringname="updated">Merci d\'avoir mis à jour Barinsta !</string>
<stringname="crash_title">L\'application a planté</string>
<stringname="crash_descr">Oups.. l\'application a planté, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, vous pouvez envoyer un rapport d\'erreur au développeur pour l\'aider à résoudre le problème :)</string>
<stringname="use_amoled_dark_theme">Utiliser le mode AMOLED pour le thème sombre</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt_summary">The following third-party open-source libraries are used:</string>
<stringname="reminder_summary">Please use this app responsibly. Downloaded images should only be used for purposes allowed by applicable laws.</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt_summary">Les bibliothèques tierces open-source suivantes sont utilisées :</string>
<stringname="reminder_summary">Veuillez utiliser cette application de manière responsable. Les images téléchargées ne devraient être utilisées que pour les fins autorisées par les lois en rigueur.</string>
<stringname="light_barinsta_theme"comment="Yes, this one is Barista (the theme), you can also substitute it with other coffee-related words">Barista</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_message"comment="post_viewer_download_message [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Note: Current [Session] won\'t show this dialog until you\'re here, and will always download shown post slide.</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_dialog_title">Select what to download</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_session"comment="post_viewer_download_session [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Current [Session]</string>
<stringname="no_more_stories">No more stories!</string>
<stringname="be_patient">Be patient!</string>
<stringname="view_story_post">View Post</string>
<stringname="view_post">View Post</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_message"comment="post_viewer_download_message [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">नोट: बर्तमान [Session] ये वार्ता को नहीं दिखाएगा जब तक आप यहाॅ है, और सर्बदा दिखाए गये पोस्ट स्लाइड को डाउनलोड करे</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_dialog_title">डाउनलोड करने के लिए चयन करें</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_session"comment="post_viewer_download_session [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">बर्तमान [Session]</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc">Remove all accounts</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc_warning">This will remove all added accounts from the app!\nTo remove just one account, long tap the account from the account switcher dialog.\nDo you want to continue?</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Swap Time and Date positions</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">Favorites panel is for adding your favorite hashtags and/or usernames.\n\nAnd the Quick Access panel is for quickly switching between accounts.\n\nNote 1: Make sure to Login into each account [Settings > Login] to add account to the list!\n\nNote 2: Log out of the current account and then log into the other account.</string>
<stringname="quick_access_cannot_delete_curr">Cannot delete currently in use account</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Are you sure you want to delete \'%s\'?</string>
<stringname="voted_story_poll">आप पहले से ही मत दिये हो!</string>
<stringname="answered_story">सही उत्तर</string>
<stringname="reply_story">स्टोरि पे प्रतिक्रिया करें</string>
<stringname="story_quizzed">आप पहले से ही उत्तर दिये हो!</string>
<stringname="priv_acc">यह एकाउॅट निजी है</string>
<stringname="priv_acc_confirm">अनफलो चे बाद आप पोस्ट तक पहुंच नहिं पाओगे!
आप निश्चित हैं?</string>
<stringname="no_acc">आप लग इन और तरिकें के साथ कर सकते हो -> दक्षिण के निचे कोने में एकाउॅट पर या आप सार्बजनीन एकाउॅट को बिना लग इन के देख सकते हो!</string>
<stringname="no_acc_logged_in">तुम बाम/दक्षिण को स्बाइप करने से अन्वेषण/फिड देख सकते हो, या निचे से कुछ खोज सकते हो!</string>
<stringname="empty_acc">इसी एकाउॅट में कोई पोस्ट नहीं है।</string>
<stringname="empty_list">एसे कोई पोस्ट नहीं है!</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc_warning">अब एप से सब आड हुआ एकाउॅट मिट जाएगा!\nसिर्फ एक एकाउॅट को मिटाने के लिये, एकाउॅट स्बिचर डाइलग से बही एकाउॅट को देर तक टैप करें।\nआप आगे बढने के लिये चाहते हैं?</string>
<stringname="send_logs">डिबग लग्स को भेजें</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">समय और दिबस अदला-बदली करें</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">फेवराइट पैनल आपके पसन्दिता हैजटैग या/और ब्यक्ति के नाम को लिखने के लिए है।\n\nऔर क्विक आसेस पैनल दो या ज्यादा एकाऊँटस में
तुरन्त बदलाव कर सकते हैं।\n\n टिप्पणी १: सुनिश्चित करें कि प्रत्येक एकाउँट पर लग इन करें[सेटिंगस > लग इन]\n\n२: बर्तमान एकाउँट से लग आउट करें और अन्य एक एकाउँट पे लग इन करें।</string>
<stringname="quick_access_cannot_delete_curr">बर्तमीन ब्यबह्रत एकाउँट को मिटा नहिं सकते</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">क्या आप सचमुच %s मिटाना चाहते हैं?</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Tukar posisi jam dan tanggal</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">Panel Favorit digunakan untuk menambahkan hashtag dan/atau pengguna yang anda sukai.\n\nPanel Akses Cepat digunakan untuk berpindah akun secara cepat.\n\nNb. 1: Pastikan kamu masuk ke akun yang kamu inginkan [Pengaturan > Masuk] terlebih dahulu untuk menambahkan akun ke daftar ini.\n\nNb. 2: Keluar dari akun saat ini kemudian masuk ke akun lainnya.\nJika banyak akun tidak bekerja untukmu, tidak ada yang bisa kita lakukan!</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">Panel Kesukaan digunakan untuk menambahkan hashtag dan/atau pengguna yang anda sukai.\n\nPanel Akses Cepat digunakan untuk berpindah akun secara cepat.\n\nNb. 1: Pastikan kamu masuk ke akun yang kamu inginkan [Pengaturan > Masuk] terlebih dahulu untuk menambahkan akun ke daftar ini.\n\nNb. 2: Keluar dari akun saat ini kemudian masuk ke akun lainnya.\nJika banyak akun tidak bekerja untukmu, tidak ada yang bisa kita lakukan!</string>
<stringname="quick_access_cannot_delete_curr">Tidak dapat menghapus akun yang sedang digunakan</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Are you sure you want to delete \'%s\'?</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Anda yakin ingin menghapus \'%s\'?</string>
<stringname="crash_descr">Ups! Aplikasi berhenti bekerja! Jangan khawatir, anda dapat mengirimkan laporan galat/kesalahan kepada Pengembang untuk membantunya memperbaiki masalah ini. (:</string>
<stringname="use_amoled_dark_theme">Gunakan AMOLED untuk tema gelap</string>
<stringname="light_barinsta_theme"comment="Yes, this one is Barista (the theme), you can also substitute it with other coffee-related words">Barista</string>
<stringname="error_loading_profile">Errore durante il caricamento del profilo!\nProvare ad accedere e cercare nuovamente.</string>
<stringname="error_creating_folders">Errore durante la creazione delle cartelle di scaricamento.</string>
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
<stringname="priv_acc">Questo profilo è privato</string>
<stringname="priv_acc_confirm">Non sarai in grado di accedere ai post dopo non seguire! Sei sicuro?</string>
<stringname="no_acc">È possibile accedere tramite More -> Account nell\'angolo in basso a destra o è possibile visualizzare gli account pubblici senza effettuare il login!</string>
<stringname="no_acc">È possibile accedere tramite Altro -> Account nell\'angolo in basso a destra o è possibile visualizzare gli account pubblici senza effettuare il login!</string>
<stringname="no_acc_logged_in">È possibile scorrere a sinistra/destra per esplorare/feed, o cercare qualcosa qui sotto!</string>
<stringname="empty_acc">Questo profilo non ha post</string>
<stringname="empty_list">Nessun Post Simile!</string>
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
<stringname="discover_empty">Questa categoria è in qualche modo vuota...</string>
<stringname="update_available">Un aggiornamento è disponibile! (%s)</string>
<stringname="update_notice">Promemoria: Se hai scaricato da F-Droid, devi aggiornare da esso! Stesso vale per GitHub.</string>
<stringname="updated">Grazie per aver aggiornato InstaGrabber!</string>
<stringname="updated">Grazie per aver aggiornato Barinsta!</string>
<stringname="crash_title">L\'app si è arrestata in modo anomalo</string>
<stringname="crash_descr">Oops… L\'app si è arrestata in modo anomalo, ma non preoccuparti, puoi inviare una segnalazione di errore allo sviluppatore per aiutarlo a risolvere il problema. (:</string>
<stringname="use_amoled_dark_theme">Usa la modalità AMOLED per il tema scuro</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_message"comment="post_viewer_download_message [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Note: Current [Session] won\'t show this dialog until you\'re here, and will always download shown post slide.</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_message"comment="post_viewer_download_message [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Белешка: Тековната [Session] нема да го прикажува овој дијалог сè додека не сте тука и секогаш ќе го прикажува во табот за објавување.</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_dialog_title">Селектирај што сакаш да превземеш</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_session"comment="post_viewer_download_session [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Current [Session]</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_session"comment="post_viewer_download_session [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Тековна сесија[Session]</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Премести ги местата на датата и времето</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">Панелот за омилени е за додавање корисници и хаштагов.\n\n и Панелот за Брз Пристап е за брзо променување помеѓу акаунти.\n\nЗабелешка бр 1: Бидете сигрни дека сте логирани на секој поединечен акаунт[Опции > Логин] за да доадете акаунт во листата!\n\nЗабелешка број 2: Одлогирај се од сегашниот акаунт и логирај се на друг акаунт.</string>
<stringname="quick_access_cannot_delete_curr">Неможе да избришите акаунт во корист</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Are you sure you want to delete \'%s\'?</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да избришите \'%s\'?</string>
<stringname="discover_empty">Оваа категорија некако магично е празна...</string>
<stringname="update_available">Нова надоградба е присутна! (%s)</string>
<stringname="update_notice">Потсетник: Ако го имате превземено од F-Droid, морате од таму да надоградите! Истото важи и за верзиите од GitHub.</string>
<stringname="updated">Ви благодариме за надоградбата на InstaGrabber(Barinsta)!</string>
<stringname="updated">Ви благодариме за надоградбата на Barinsta!</string>
<stringname="crash_descr">аааагхххх.. апликацијаа крашна, ама не се грижете, можете да пратите листа на фатални грешки кај програмерите за да ви помогнат да се поправи проблемот. (:</string>
<stringname="use_amoled_dark_theme">Користи AMOLED тема (потемна од темната) за Темна тема</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt_summary">The following third-party open-source libraries are used:</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt">Интеграција на Third-Party</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt_summary">Следниве third-party библиотеки кои се со отворен код се користени:</string>
<stringname="reminder_summary">Ве молиме користете ја апликацијата со одговорност. Превземените содржини како слики, видеа и аудио, треба да бидат користени со применливите закони на Инстаграм и авторите на постот/приказната.</string>
<stringname="light_barinsta_theme"comment="Yes, this one is Barista (the theme), you can also substitute it with other coffee-related words">Barista</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_message"comment="post_viewer_download_message [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Note: Current [Session] won\'t show this dialog until you\'re here, and will always download shown post slide.</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_message"comment="post_viewer_download_message [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Uwaga: Bieżąca [Sesja] nie pokaże tego okna, zawsze pobierze pokazane slajdy razem z postem.</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_dialog_title">Wybierz, co chcesz pobrać</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_session"comment="post_viewer_download_session [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Current [Session]</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_session"comment="post_viewer_download_session [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Aktualna sesja [Session]</string>
<stringname="priv_acc">To konto jest prywatne</string>
<stringname="priv_acc_confirm">You won\'t be able to access posts after unfollowing! Are you sure?</string>
<stringname="no_acc">You can log in via More -> Account on the bottom-right corner or you can view public accounts without login!</string>
<stringname="no_acc_logged_in">You can swipe left/right for explore/feed, or search something below!</string>
<stringname="priv_acc_confirm">Nie będziesz mieć dostępu do postów po anulowaniu obserwowania! Jesteś pewny?</string>
<stringname="no_acc">Możesz zalogować się za pomocą \"Więcej\" - > \"Konto\" w prawym dolnym rogu lub możesz zobaczyć konta publiczne bez logowania!</string>
<stringname="no_acc_logged_in">Możesz przesunąć w lewo/w prawo, aby przeglądać lub wyszukać coś poniżej!</string>
<stringname="empty_acc">To konto nie zawiera postów</string>
<stringname="empty_list">No Such Posts!</string>
<stringname="empty_list">Nie ma więcej postów!</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc">Remove all accounts</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc_warning">This will remove all added accounts from the app!\nTo remove just one account, long tap the account from the account switcher dialog.\nDo you want to continue?</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc">Usuń wszystkie konta</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc_warning">Spowoduje to usunięcie wszystkich dodanych kont z aplikacji!\nAby usunąć tylko jedno konto, naciśnij i przytrzymaj konto z okna przełączania kont.\nCzy chcesz kontynuować?</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Swap Time and Date positions</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">Favorites panel is for adding your favorite hashtags and/or usernames.\n\nAnd the Quick Access panel is for quickly switching between accounts.\n\nNote 1: Make sure to Login into each account [Settings > Login] to add account to the list!\n\nNote 2: Log out of the current account and then log into the other account.</string>
<stringname="quick_access_cannot_delete_curr">Cannot delete currently in use account</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Are you sure you want to delete \'%s\'?</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Zamień pozycją czas i datę</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">Panel ulubionych służy do dodawania Twoich ulubionych hashtagów i/lub nazw użytkowników.\n\nPanel szybkiego dostępu umożliwia szybkie przełączanie się pomiędzy kontami.\n\nUwaga 1: Upewnij się, że jesteś zalogowany do każdego konta [Ustawienia > Zaloguj się], aby dodać konto do listy!\n\nUwaga 2: Wyloguj się z bieżącego konta, a następnie zaloguj się na inne konto.</string>
<stringname="quick_access_cannot_delete_curr">Nie można usunąć aktualnie używanego konta</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć \'%s\'?</string>
<stringname="login_success_loading_cookies">Pomyślnie załadowano ciasteczka!\nJeśli nadal nie możesz otworzyć prywatnych stron/postów, zaloguj się ponownie!</string>
<stringname="comment_hint">Napisz nowy komentarz...</string>
<stringname="dm_hint">Write a new message...</string>
<stringname="dm_hint">Napisz nową wiadomość...</string>
<stringname="share_public_post">Share this public post to...</string>
<stringname="share_private_post">This is a private post! Share to those who can view them!</string>
<stringname="discover_empty">This category is somehow empty...</string>
<stringname="mention_notif">Wspomniał o Tobie:</string>
<stringname="request_notif">Poproszono o zgodę na obserwowanie</string>
<stringname="share_public_post">Udostępnij ten publiczny post do...</string>
<stringname="share_private_post">To jest prywatny post! Udostępnij tym, którzy mogą je zobaczyć!</string>
<stringname="discover_empty">Ta kategoria jest jakoś pusta...</string>
<stringname="update_available">Aktualizacja jest dostępna! (%s)</string>
<stringname="update_notice">Reminder: If you downloaded from F-Droid, you must update from it! Same applies for GitHub.</string>
<stringname="updated">Dziękujemy za aktualizację InstaGrabber!</string>
<stringname="update_notice">Przypomnienie: Jeśli pobrałeś z F-Droid, musisz go zaktualizować! To samo dotyczy GitHub.</string>
<stringname="updated">Dziękujemy za aktualizację Barinsta!</string>
<stringname="crash_title">Aplikacja uległa awarii</string>
<stringname="crash_descr">Ups.. aplikacja uległa awarii, ale nie martw się, możesz wysłać raport o błędzie do dewelopera, aby pomóc mu rozwiązać ten problem (:</string>
<stringname="use_amoled_dark_theme">Use AMOLED mode for Dark theme</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt_summary">The following third-party open-source libraries are used:</string>
<stringname="reminder_summary">Please use this app responsibly. Downloaded images should only be used for purposes allowed by applicable laws.</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt_summary">Używane są następujące biblioteki open source:</string>
<stringname="reminder_summary">Korzystaj z tej aplikacji odpowiedzialnie. Pobrane obrazy powinny być używane tylko do celów dozwolonych przez obowiązujące przepisy.</string>
<stringname="light_barinsta_theme"comment="Yes, this one is Barista (the theme), you can also substitute it with other coffee-related words">Barista</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_message"comment="post_viewer_download_message [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Nota: A [Session] atual não mostrará esta caixa de diálogo até que você esteja aqui e sempre fará o download do slide de postagem mostrado.</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_message"comment="post_viewer_download_message [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Nota: A [Sessão] atual não mostrará esta caixa de diálogo até que você esteja aqui e sempre fará o download do slide de postagem mostrado.</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_dialog_title">Selecione o que baixar</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_session"comment="post_viewer_download_session [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Atual [Session]</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_session"comment="post_viewer_download_session [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">[Sessão] Atual</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc">Remove all accounts</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc_warning">This will remove all added accounts from the app!\nTo remove just one account, long tap the account from the account switcher dialog.\nDo you want to continue?</string>
<stringname="read_more">ler mais…</string>
<stringname="logout_summary">Explorar o Instagram anonimamente</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc">Remover todas as contas</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc_warning">Isto removerá todas as contas adicionadas do aplicativo!\nPara remover apenas uma conta, aperte e segure na conta na área de troca de conta.\nVocê quer continuar?</string>
<stringname="send_logs">Enviar registros de depuração</string>
<stringname="time_settings">Date format</string>
<stringname="time_settings">Formato de data</string>
<stringname="project_link">Visite a página do projeto</string>
<stringname="telegram_link">Junte-se ao Grupo Telegram</string>
<stringname="matrix_link">Entrar na sala Matrix</string>
<stringname="telegram_link">Junte-se ao Grupo do Telegram</string>
<stringname="matrix_link">Junte-se à sala Matrix</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Swap Time and Date positions</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">O painel Favoritos serve para adicionar suas hashtags e/ou nomes de usuário favoritos. E o painel de acesso rápido serve para alternar rapidamente entre contas. Observação 1: certifique-se de fazer login em cada conta [Configurações > Login] para adicionar uma conta à lista! Nota 2: saia da conta atual e, em seguida, faça login na outra conta.</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Trocar posições de Data e Hora</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">O painel de Favoritos serve para adicionar suas hashtags e/ou nomes de usuário favoritos.\n\nE o painel de acesso rápido serve para alternar rapidamente entre contas.\n\nObservação 1: Certifique-se de fazer login em cada conta [Configurações > Logar] para adicionar uma conta a lista!\n\nObservação 2: Deslogue da conta atual e, em seguida, faça login na outra conta.</string>
<stringname="quick_access_cannot_delete_curr">Não é possível excluir a conta atualmente em uso</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Are you sure you want to delete \'%s\'?</string>
<stringname="followers_not_follower">%s não segue</string>
<stringname="login_error_loading_cookies">Erro ao carregar cookies</string>
<stringname="login_success_loading_cookies">Cookies carregados com sucesso!\nSe você ainda não consegue abrir páginas/postagens privadas, faça o login novamente!</string>
<stringname="comment_hint">Escreva um novo comentário ...</string>
<stringname="dm_hint">Escreva uma nova mensagem ...</string>
<stringname="liked_notif">Gostou da sua postagem</string>
<stringname="comment_hint">Escrever um novo comentário...</string>
<stringname="dm_hint">Escrever uma nova mensagem...</string>
<stringname="liked_notif">Curtiu sua postagem</string>
<stringname="comment_notif">Comentou em sua postagem:</string>
<stringname="crash_descr">Ops... o aplicativo travou, mas não se preocupe, você pode enviar um relatório de erro para o desenvolvedor para ajudá-lo a corrigir o problema. (:</string>
<stringname="use_amoled_dark_theme">Use AMOLED mode for Dark theme</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt_summary">The following third-party open-source libraries are used:</string>
<stringname="reminder_summary">Please use this app responsibly. Downloaded images should only be used for purposes allowed by applicable laws.</string>
<stringname="about_documentation_summary">Obtenha suporte, discuta, conheça outras pessoas e divirta-se!</string>
<stringname="about_repository">Veja nosso código-fonte no GitHub</string>
<stringname="about_repository_summary">Verifique, favorite, reporte bugs, contribua e divirta-se (de novo)!</string>
<stringname="about_feedback">Enviar feedback por email</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt">Atribuições de terceiros</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt_summary">São usadas as seguintes bibliotecas de código aberto de terceiros:</string>
<stringname="reminder_summary">Por favor, use este app com responsabilidade. Imagens baixadas devem ser usadas apenas para fins permitidos pelas leis aplicáveis.</string>
<stringname="light_barinsta_theme"comment="Yes, this one is Barista (the theme), you can also substitute it with other coffee-related words">Barista</string>
<stringname="discover_empty">Bu kategori nasıl oluyorsa boş...</string>
<stringname="update_available">Yeni bir güncelleme mevcut! (%s)</string>
<stringname="update_notice">Hatırlatıcı: Eğer F-Droid kullanarak kurduysanız güncellemeyi oradan yapmalısınız. Aynısı GitHub için de geçerli.</string>
<stringname="updated">InstaGrabber\'ı güncellediğin için teşekkürler!</string>
<stringname="updated">Barinsta\'yı güncellediğin için teşekkürler!</string>
<stringname="crash_title">Uygulama çöktü</string>
<stringname="crash_descr">Amanın.. uygulama çöktü, ama telaşlanma. Geliştiriciye hata raporu yollayarak sorunun çözülmesine yardımcı olabilirsin. (:</string>
<stringname="use_amoled_dark_theme">\'AMOLED ekran için Koyu Tema\'yı kullan</string>
<stringname="discover_empty">Mục này đang bị bỏ trống...</string>
<stringname="update_available">Đã có bản cập nhật! (%s)</string>
<stringname="update_notice">Nhắc nhở: Nếu bạn tải về từ F-Droid, bạn phải cập nhật từ nó! Điều tương tự cho GitHub.</string>
<stringname="updated">Cảm ơn bạn đã cập nhật InstaGrabber!</string>
<stringname="updated">Cảm ơn bạn đã cập nhật Barinsta!</string>
<stringname="crash_title">Ứng dụng đã bị crash</string>
<stringname="crash_descr">Ối.. ứng dụng đã bị crash, nhưng đừng lo bạn có thể gửi báo cáo lỗi đến cho nhà phát triển để giúp anh ấy sửa vấn đề. (:</string>
<stringname="use_amoled_dark_theme">Sử dụng chế độ AMOLED cho nền tối</string>