<stringname="login_success_loading_cookies">Berhasil memuat cookies!\nJika anda tetap tidak dapat membuka laman/kiriman pribadi, coba masuk lagi!</string>
<stringname="comment_hint">Write a new comment…</string>
<stringname="dm_hint">Write a new message…</string>
<stringname="light_barinsta_theme"comment="Yes, this one is Barista (the theme), you can also substitute it with other coffee-related words">Barista</string>
<stringname="light_barinsta_theme"comment="Yes, this one is Barista (the theme), you can also substitute it with other coffee-related words">咖啡棕</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_message"comment="post_viewer_download_message [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Note: Current [Session] won\'t show this dialog until you\'re here, and will always download shown post slide.</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_dialog_title">Select what to download</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_session"comment="post_viewer_download_session [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Current [Session]</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Swap Time and Date positions</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">Favorites panel is for adding your favorite hashtags and/or usernames.\n\nAnd the Quick Access panel is for quickly switching between accounts.\n\nNote 1: Make sure to Login into each account [Settings > Login] to add account to the list!\n\nNote 2: Log out of the current account and then log into the other account.</string>
<stringname="quick_access_cannot_delete_curr">Cannot delete currently in use account</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Are you sure you want to delete \'%s\'?</string>