<stringname="remove_all_acc">Remove all accounts</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc_warning">This will remove all added accounts from the app!\nTo remove just one account, long tap the account from the account switcher dialog.\nDo you want to continue?</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc_warning">Dadurch werden alle hinzugefügten Konten aus der App entfernt!\nUm nur ein Konto zu entfernen, tippe lange auf das Konto aus dem Kontowechseldialog.\nMöchtest du fortfahren?</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Swap Time and Date positions</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Zeit und Datum tauschen</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">Die Favoriten-Leiste dient dem Hinzufügen deiner Lieblingshashtags und/oder Benutzernamen.\n\nUnd das Schnellzugriffsmenü ermöglicht schnellen Wechsel zwischen den Konten.\n\nHinweis 1: Stelle sicher, dass du dich mit jedem Konto anmeldest [Settings > Login], um Konten zur Liste hinzuzufügen!\n\nHinweis 2: Logge dich aus dem aktuellen Konto aus und melde dich dann in mit dem anderen Konto wieder an.</string>
<stringname="quick_access_cannot_delete_curr">Derzeit verwendetes Konto kann nicht gelöscht werden</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Are you sure you want to delete \'%s\'?</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Bist du sicher, dass du \'%s \' löschen möchtest?</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt_summary">The following third-party open-source libraries are used:</string>
<stringname="reminder_summary">Please use this app responsibly. Downloaded images should only be used for purposes allowed by applicable laws.</string>
<stringname="about_documentation_summary">Bekomme Unterstützung, diskutiere, treffe andere und hab Spaß!</string>
<stringname="about_repository">Quellcode auf GitHub einsehen</string>
<stringname="about_repository_summary">Prüfe den Code, melde Bugs, werde teil des Projekts und hab (nochmal) Spaß!</string>
<stringname="about_feedback">Feedback per E-Mail senden</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt">Integration von Drittanbietern</string>
<stringname="about_category_3pt_summary">Folgende Open-Source-Bibliotheken von Drittanbietern werden verwendet:</string>
<stringname="reminder_summary">Bitte verwenden Sie diese App verantwortungsvoll. Heruntergeladene Bilder sollten nur für Zwecke verwendet werden, die durch die geltenden Gesetze erlaubt sind.</string>
<stringname="light_barinsta_theme"comment="Yes, this one is Barista (the theme), you can also substitute it with other coffee-related words">Barista</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_message"comment="post_viewer_download_message [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Note: Current [Session] won\'t show this dialog until you\'re here, and will always download shown post slide.</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_dialog_title">Select what to download</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_session"comment="post_viewer_download_session [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Current [Session]</string>
<stringname="no_more_stories">No more stories!</string>
<stringname="be_patient">Be patient!</string>
<stringname="view_story_post">View Post</string>
<stringname="view_post">View Post</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_message"comment="post_viewer_download_message [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">नोट: बर्तमान [Session] ये वार्ता को नहीं दिखाएगा जब तक आप यहाॅ है, और सर्बदा दिखाए गये पोस्ट स्लाइड को डाउनलोड करे</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_dialog_title">डाउनलोड करने के लिए चयन करें</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_session"comment="post_viewer_download_session [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">बर्तमान [Session]</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc">Remove all accounts</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc_warning">This will remove all added accounts from the app!\nTo remove just one account, long tap the account from the account switcher dialog.\nDo you want to continue?</string>
<stringname="voted_story_poll">आप पहले से ही मत दिये हो!</string>
<stringname="answered_story">सही उत्तर</string>
<stringname="reply_story">स्टोरि पे प्रतिक्रिया करें</string>
<stringname="story_quizzed">आप पहले से ही उत्तर दिये हो!</string>
<stringname="priv_acc">यह एकाउॅट निजी है</string>
<stringname="priv_acc_confirm">अनफलो चे बाद आप पोस्ट तक पहुंच नहिं पाओगे!
आप निश्चित हैं?</string>
<stringname="no_acc">आप लग इन और तरिकें के साथ कर सकते हो -> दक्षिण के निचे कोने में एकाउॅट पर या आप सार्बजनीन एकाउॅट को बिना लग इन के देख सकते हो!</string>
<stringname="no_acc_logged_in">तुम बाम/दक्षिण को स्बाइप करने से अन्वेषण/फिड देख सकते हो, या निचे से कुछ खोज सकते हो!</string>
<stringname="empty_acc">इसी एकाउॅट में कोई पोस्ट नहीं है।</string>
<stringname="empty_list">एसे कोई पोस्ट नहीं है!</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc_warning">अब एप से सब आड हुआ एकाउॅट मिट जाएगा!\nसिर्फ एक एकाउॅट को मिटाने के लिये, एकाउॅट स्बिचर डाइलग से बही एकाउॅट को देर तक टैप करें।\nआप आगे बढने के लिये चाहते हैं?</string>
<stringname="send_logs">डिबग लग्स को भेजें</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Tukar posisi jam dan tanggal</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">Panel Favorit digunakan untuk menambahkan hashtag dan/atau pengguna yang anda sukai.\n\nPanel Akses Cepat digunakan untuk berpindah akun secara cepat.\n\nNb. 1: Pastikan kamu masuk ke akun yang kamu inginkan [Pengaturan > Masuk] terlebih dahulu untuk menambahkan akun ke daftar ini.\n\nNb. 2: Keluar dari akun saat ini kemudian masuk ke akun lainnya.\nJika banyak akun tidak bekerja untukmu, tidak ada yang bisa kita lakukan!</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">Panel Kesukaan digunakan untuk menambahkan hashtag dan/atau pengguna yang anda sukai.\n\nPanel Akses Cepat digunakan untuk berpindah akun secara cepat.\n\nNb. 1: Pastikan kamu masuk ke akun yang kamu inginkan [Pengaturan > Masuk] terlebih dahulu untuk menambahkan akun ke daftar ini.\n\nNb. 2: Keluar dari akun saat ini kemudian masuk ke akun lainnya.\nJika banyak akun tidak bekerja untukmu, tidak ada yang bisa kita lakukan!</string>
<stringname="quick_access_cannot_delete_curr">Tidak dapat menghapus akun yang sedang digunakan</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Are you sure you want to delete \'%s\'?</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Anda yakin ingin menghapus \'%s\'?</string>
<stringname="light_barinsta_theme"comment="Yes, this one is Barista (the theme), you can also substitute it with other coffee-related words">Barista</string>
<stringname="bottom_toolbar">Mostra barra degli strumenti in basso</string>
<stringname="update_check">Controlla gli aggiornamenti all\'avvio</string>
<stringname="download_user_folder">Scarica i post nella cartella nome utente in Download</string>
<stringname="download_user_folder">Scarica post nelle cartelle del nome utente</string>
<stringname="autoload_posts">Carica automaticamente tutti i post dall\'utente</string>
<stringname="mark_as_seen_setting">Segna le storie come viste dopo la visualizzazione</string>
<stringname="mark_as_seen_setting_summary">L\'autore della storia saprà che l\'hai vista</string>
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
<stringname="priv_acc">Questo profilo è privato</string>
<stringname="priv_acc_confirm">Non sarai in grado di accedere ai post dopo non seguire! Sei sicuro?</string>
<stringname="no_acc">È possibile accedere tramite More -> Account nell\'angolo in basso a destra o è possibile visualizzare gli account pubblici senza effettuare il login!</string>
<stringname="no_acc">È possibile accedere tramite Altro -> Account nell\'angolo in basso a destra o è possibile visualizzare gli account pubblici senza effettuare il login!</string>
<stringname="no_acc_logged_in">È possibile scorrere a sinistra/destra per esplorare/feed, o cercare qualcosa qui sotto!</string>
<stringname="empty_acc">Questo profilo non ha post</string>
<stringname="empty_list">Nessun Post Simile!</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_message"comment="post_viewer_download_message [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Note: Current [Session] won\'t show this dialog until you\'re here, and will always download shown post slide.</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_dialog_title">Wybierz, co chcesz pobrać</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_session"comment="post_viewer_download_session [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Current [Session]</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_session"comment="post_viewer_download_session [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Aktualna sesja [Session]</string>
<stringname="priv_acc">To konto jest prywatne</string>
<stringname="priv_acc_confirm">You won\'t be able to access posts after unfollowing! Are you sure?</string>
<stringname="no_acc">You can log in via More -> Account on the bottom-right corner or you can view public accounts without login!</string>
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
<stringname="remove_all_acc">Remove all accounts</string>
<stringname="remove_all_acc_warning">This will remove all added accounts from the app!\nTo remove just one account, long tap the account from the account switcher dialog.\nDo you want to continue?</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Swap Time and Date positions</string>
<stringname="time_settings_swap_time">Zamień pozycją czas i datę</string>
<stringname="quick_access_info_dialog">Favorites panel is for adding your favorite hashtags and/or usernames.\n\nAnd the Quick Access panel is for quickly switching between accounts.\n\nNote 1: Make sure to Login into each account [Settings > Login] to add account to the list!\n\nNote 2: Log out of the current account and then log into the other account.</string>
<stringname="quick_access_cannot_delete_curr">Cannot delete currently in use account</string>
<stringname="quick_access_confirm_delete">Are you sure you want to delete \'%s\'?</string>