@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ |
<string name="error_loading_profile">Errore nel caricamento del profilo! Il nome utente è valido? Se sì, potresti essere considerato limitato.</string> |
<string name="error_loading_profile_loggedin">Errore nel caricamento del profilo! Il nome utente è valido? O ti hanno bloccato?</string> |
<string name="error_loading_hashtag">Errore nel caricamento dell\'hashtag! Il nome è valido?</string> |
<string name="error_loading_location">Errore nel caricamento dell\'hashtag! L\'URL è valido?</string> |
<string name="error_loading_location">Error loading location! Is the URL valid?</string> |
<string name="error_creating_folders">Errore creando le cartelle di Download.</string> |
<string name="save_to_folder">Salva alla cartella personalizzata</string> |
<string name="select_folder">Seleziona cartella</string> |
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ |
<string name="direct_messages_replied_story">Ha risposto ad una storia</string> |
<string name="direct_messages_reacted_story">Ha reagito ad una storia</string> |
<string name="direct_messages_mention_story">Menzionato in una storia</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_raven_message_unknown"><i>Tipo di messaggio non supportato</i></string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_raven_message_unknown">Unsupported message type</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_open_link">Apri collegamento</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_copy_text">Copia testo</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_download">Scarica allegato</string> |
@ -171,7 +171,24 @@ |
<string name="dms_inbox_unlike">Il messaggio Non mi Piace</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_unsend">Annulla invio messaggio</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_author">Visualizza profilo dell\'autore</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_media_shared_from">Post condiviso da %s</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_post">%s shared a post by @%s</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_image">%s shared an image</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_video">%s shared a video</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_message">%s sent a message</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_gif">%s shared a gif</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_profile">%s shared a profile: @%s</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_location">%s shared a location: %s</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_highlight">%s shared a story highlight by @%s</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_story">%s shared a story by @%s</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_voice">%s sent a voice message</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_clip">%s shared a clip by @%s</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_igtv">%s shared an IGTV video by @%s</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_replied_story_outgoing">You replied to their story: %s</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_replied_story_incoming">%s replied to your story: %s</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_reacted_story_outgoing">You reacted to their story: %s</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_reacted_story_incoming">%s reacted to your story: %s</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_mentioned_story_outgoing">You mentioned @%s in your story</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_mentioned_story_incoming">%s mentioned you in their story</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_raven_media_unknown"><i>Tipo di media sconosciuto</i></string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_raven_media_expired">Media scaduto!</string> |
<string name="dms_inbox_raven_media_delivered">Consegnato</string> |
@ -417,4 +434,5 @@ |
<string name="accept_request_from_user">Accetta la richiesta da %1s (%2s)?</string> |
<string name="decline">Rifiuta</string> |
<string name="accept">Accetta</string> |
<string name="you">You</string> |
</resources> |