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Convert StoriesRepository and StoriesService to kotlin
Convert StoriesRepository and StoriesService to kotlin
8 changed files with 529 additions and 744 deletions
@ -1,43 +1,38 @@ |
package awais.instagrabber.repositories; |
package awais.instagrabber.repositories |
import java.util.Map; |
import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.StoryStickerResponse |
import retrofit2.http.* |
import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.StoryStickerResponse; |
import retrofit2.Call; |
import retrofit2.http.FieldMap; |
import retrofit2.http.FormUrlEncoded; |
import retrofit2.http.GET; |
import retrofit2.http.POST; |
import retrofit2.http.Path; |
import retrofit2.http.QueryMap; |
import retrofit2.http.Url; |
public interface StoriesRepository { |
@GET("/api/v1/media/{mediaId}/info/") |
Call<String> fetch(@Path("mediaId") final long mediaId); |
interface StoriesRepository { |
// this one is the same as MediaRepository.fetch BUT you need to make sure it's a story |
@GET("/api/v1/media/{mediaId}/info/") |
suspend fun fetch(@Path("mediaId") mediaId: Long): String |
@GET("/api/v1/feed/reels_tray/") |
Call<String> getFeedStories(); |
suspend fun getFeedStories(): String |
@GET("/api/v1/highlights/{uid}/highlights_tray/") |
Call<String> fetchHighlights(@Path("uid") final long uid); |
suspend fun fetchHighlights(@Path("uid") uid: Long): String |
@GET("/api/v1/archive/reel/day_shells/") |
Call<String> fetchArchive(@QueryMap Map<String, String> queryParams); |
suspend fun fetchArchive(@QueryMap queryParams: Map<String, String>): String |
@GET |
Call<String> getUserStory(@Url String url); |
suspend fun getUserStory(@Url url: String): String |
@FormUrlEncoded |
@POST("/api/v1/media/{storyId}/{stickerId}/{action}/") |
Call<StoryStickerResponse> respondToSticker(@Path("storyId") String storyId, |
@Path("stickerId") String stickerId, |
@Path("action") String action, |
// story_poll_vote, story_question_response, story_slider_vote, story_quiz_answer |
@FieldMap Map<String, String> form); |
suspend fun respondToSticker( |
@Path("storyId") storyId: String, |
@Path("stickerId") stickerId: String, |
@Path("action") action: String, // story_poll_vote, story_question_response, story_slider_vote, story_quiz_answer |
@FieldMap form: Map<String, String>, |
): StoryStickerResponse |
@FormUrlEncoded |
@POST("/api/v2/media/seen/") |
Call<String> seen(@QueryMap Map<String, String> queryParams, @FieldMap Map<String, String> form); |
} |
suspend fun seen( |
@QueryMap queryParams: Map<String, String>, |
@FieldMap form: Map<String, String>, |
): String |
} |
@ -1,548 +1,309 @@ |
package awais.instagrabber.webservices; |
import android.util.Log; |
import androidx.annotation.NonNull; |
import androidx.annotation.Nullable; |
import org.json.JSONArray; |
import org.json.JSONException; |
import org.json.JSONObject; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.Collections; |
import java.util.HashMap; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.Map; |
import java.util.Objects; |
import java.util.UUID; |
import awais.instagrabber.fragments.settings.PreferenceKeys; |
import awais.instagrabber.models.FeedStoryModel; |
import awais.instagrabber.models.HighlightModel; |
import awais.instagrabber.models.StoryModel; |
import awais.instagrabber.repositories.StoriesRepository; |
import awais.instagrabber.repositories.requests.StoryViewerOptions; |
import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.StoryStickerResponse; |
import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.User; |
import awais.instagrabber.utils.Constants; |
import awais.instagrabber.utils.ResponseBodyUtils; |
import awais.instagrabber.utils.TextUtils; |
import awais.instagrabber.utils.Utils; |
import retrofit2.Call; |
import retrofit2.Callback; |
import retrofit2.Response; |
public class StoriesService extends BaseService { |
private static final String TAG = "StoriesService"; |
private static StoriesService instance; |
private final StoriesRepository repository; |
private final String csrfToken; |
private final long userId; |
private final String deviceUuid; |
private StoriesService(@NonNull final String csrfToken, |
final long userId, |
@NonNull final String deviceUuid) { |
this.csrfToken = csrfToken; |
this.userId = userId; |
this.deviceUuid = deviceUuid; |
repository = RetrofitFactory.INSTANCE |
.getRetrofit() |
.create(StoriesRepository.class); |
} |
public String getCsrfToken() { |
return csrfToken; |
package awais.instagrabber.webservices |
import android.util.Log |
import awais.instagrabber.fragments.settings.PreferenceKeys |
import awais.instagrabber.models.FeedStoryModel |
import awais.instagrabber.models.HighlightModel |
import awais.instagrabber.models.StoryModel |
import awais.instagrabber.repositories.StoriesRepository |
import awais.instagrabber.repositories.requests.StoryViewerOptions |
import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.StoryStickerResponse |
import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.User |
import awais.instagrabber.utils.Constants |
import awais.instagrabber.utils.ResponseBodyUtils |
import awais.instagrabber.utils.TextUtils.isEmpty |
import awais.instagrabber.utils.Utils |
import awais.instagrabber.utils.extensions.TAG |
import awais.instagrabber.webservices.RetrofitFactory.retrofit |
import org.json.JSONArray |
import org.json.JSONObject |
import java.util.* |
object StoriesService : BaseService() { |
private val repository: StoriesRepository = retrofit.create( |
suspend fun fetch(mediaId: Long): StoryModel { |
val response = repository.fetch(mediaId) |
val itemJson = JSONObject(response).getJSONArray("items").getJSONObject(0) |
return ResponseBodyUtils.parseStoryItem(itemJson, false, null) |
} |
public long getUserId() { |
return userId; |
suspend fun getFeedStories(): List<FeedStoryModel> { |
val response = repository.getFeedStories() |
return parseStoriesBody(response) |
} |
public String getDeviceUuid() { |
return deviceUuid; |
private fun parseStoriesBody(body: String): List<FeedStoryModel> { |
val feedStoryModels: MutableList<FeedStoryModel> = ArrayList() |
val feedStoriesReel = JSONObject(body).getJSONArray("tray") |
for (i in 0 until feedStoriesReel.length()) { |
val node = feedStoriesReel.getJSONObject(i) |
if (node.optBoolean("hide_from_feed_unit") && Utils.settingsHelper.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.HIDE_MUTED_REELS)) continue |
val userJson = node.getJSONObject(if (node.has("user")) "user" else "owner") |
try { |
val user = User(userJson.getLong("pk"), |
userJson.getString("username"), |
userJson.optString("full_name"), |
userJson.optBoolean("is_private"), |
userJson.getString("profile_pic_url"), |
userJson.optBoolean("is_verified") |
) |
val timestamp = node.getLong("latest_reel_media") |
val fullyRead = !node.isNull("seen") && node.getLong("seen") == timestamp |
val itemJson = if (node.has("items")) node.getJSONArray("items").optJSONObject(0) else null |
var firstStoryModel: StoryModel? = null |
if (itemJson != null) { |
firstStoryModel = ResponseBodyUtils.parseStoryItem(itemJson, false, null) |
} |
feedStoryModels.add(FeedStoryModel( |
node.getString("id"), |
user, |
fullyRead, |
timestamp, |
firstStoryModel, |
node.getInt("media_count"), |
false, |
node.optBoolean("has_besties_media"))) |
} catch (e: Exception) { |
Log.e(TAG, "parseStoriesBody: ", e) |
} // to cover promotional reels with non-long user pk's |
} |
val broadcasts = JSONObject(body).getJSONArray("broadcasts") |
for (i in 0 until broadcasts.length()) { |
val node = broadcasts.getJSONObject(i) |
val userJson = node.getJSONObject("broadcast_owner") |
val user = User(userJson.getLong("pk"), |
userJson.getString("username"), |
userJson.optString("full_name"), |
userJson.optBoolean("is_private"), |
userJson.getString("profile_pic_url"), |
userJson.optBoolean("is_verified") |
) |
feedStoryModels.add(FeedStoryModel( |
node.getString("id"), |
user, |
false, |
node.getLong("published_time"), |
ResponseBodyUtils.parseBroadcastItem(node), |
1, |
isLive = true, |
isBestie = false |
)) |
} |
return sort(feedStoryModels) |
} |
public static StoriesService getInstance(final String csrfToken, |
final long userId, |
final String deviceUuid) { |
if (instance == null |
|| !Objects.equals(instance.getCsrfToken(), csrfToken) |
|| !Objects.equals(instance.getUserId(), userId) |
|| !Objects.equals(instance.getDeviceUuid(), deviceUuid)) { |
instance = new StoriesService(csrfToken, userId, deviceUuid); |
suspend fun fetchHighlights(profileId: Long): List<HighlightModel> { |
val response = repository.fetchHighlights(profileId) |
val highlightsReel = JSONObject(response).getJSONArray("tray") |
val length = highlightsReel.length() |
val highlightModels: MutableList<HighlightModel> = ArrayList() |
for (i in 0 until length) { |
val highlightNode = highlightsReel.getJSONObject(i) |
highlightModels.add(HighlightModel( |
highlightNode.getString("title"), |
highlightNode.getString(Constants.EXTRAS_ID), |
highlightNode.getJSONObject("cover_media") |
.getJSONObject("cropped_image_version") |
.getString("url"), |
highlightNode.getLong("latest_reel_media"), |
highlightNode.getInt("media_count") |
)) |
} |
return instance; |
return highlightModels |
} |
public void fetch(final long mediaId, |
final ServiceCallback<StoryModel> callback) { |
final Call<String> request = repository.fetch(mediaId); |
request.enqueue(new Callback<String>() { |
@Override |
public void onResponse(@NonNull final Call<String> call, |
@NonNull final Response<String> response) { |
if (callback == null) return; |
final String body = response.body(); |
if (body == null) { |
callback.onSuccess(null); |
return; |
} |
try { |
final JSONObject itemJson = new JSONObject(body).getJSONArray("items").getJSONObject(0); |
callback.onSuccess(ResponseBodyUtils.parseStoryItem(itemJson, false, null)); |
} catch (JSONException e) { |
callback.onFailure(e); |
} |
} |
@Override |
public void onFailure(@NonNull final Call<String> call, |
@NonNull final Throwable t) { |
if (callback != null) { |
callback.onFailure(t); |
} |
} |
}); |
suspend fun fetchArchive(maxId: String): ArchiveFetchResponse { |
val form = mutableMapOf( |
"include_suggested_highlights" to "false", |
"is_in_archive_home" to "true", |
"include_cover" to "1", |
) |
if (!isEmpty(maxId)) { |
form["max_id"] = maxId // NOT TESTED |
} |
val response = repository.fetchArchive(form) |
val data = JSONObject(response) |
val highlightsReel = data.getJSONArray("items") |
val length = highlightsReel.length() |
val highlightModels: MutableList<HighlightModel> = ArrayList() |
for (i in 0 until length) { |
val highlightNode = highlightsReel.getJSONObject(i) |
highlightModels.add(HighlightModel( |
null, |
highlightNode.getString(Constants.EXTRAS_ID), |
highlightNode.getJSONObject("cover_image_version").getString("url"), |
highlightNode.getLong("latest_reel_media"), |
highlightNode.getInt("media_count") |
)) |
} |
return ArchiveFetchResponse(highlightModels, data.getBoolean("more_available"), data.getString("max_id")) |
} |
public void getFeedStories(final ServiceCallback<List<FeedStoryModel>> callback) { |
final Call<String> response = repository.getFeedStories(); |
response.enqueue(new Callback<String>() { |
@Override |
public void onResponse(@NonNull final Call<String> call, @NonNull final Response<String> response) { |
final String body = response.body(); |
if (body == null) { |
Log.e(TAG, "getFeedStories: body is empty"); |
return; |
} |
parseStoriesBody(body, callback); |
} |
@Override |
public void onFailure(@NonNull final Call<String> call, @NonNull final Throwable t) { |
callback.onFailure(t); |
suspend fun getUserStory(options: StoryViewerOptions): List<StoryModel> { |
val url = buildUrl(options) ?: return emptyList() |
val response = repository.getUserStory(url) |
val isLocOrHashtag = options.type == StoryViewerOptions.Type.LOCATION || options.type == StoryViewerOptions.Type.HASHTAG |
val isHighlight = options.type == StoryViewerOptions.Type.HIGHLIGHT || options.type == StoryViewerOptions.Type.STORY_ARCHIVE |
var data: JSONObject? = JSONObject(response) |
data = if (!isHighlight) { |
data?.optJSONObject(if (isLocOrHashtag) "story" else "reel") |
} else { |
data?.getJSONObject("reels")?.optJSONObject( |
} |
var username: String? = null |
if (data != null && !isLocOrHashtag) { |
username = data.getJSONObject("user").getString("username") |
} |
val media: JSONArray? = data?.optJSONArray("items") |
return if (media?.length() ?: 0 > 0 && media?.optJSONObject(0) != null) { |
val mediaLen = media.length() |
val models: MutableList<StoryModel> = ArrayList() |
for (i in 0 until mediaLen) { |
data = media.getJSONObject(i) |
models.add(ResponseBodyUtils.parseStoryItem(data, isLocOrHashtag, username)) |
} |
}); |
models |
} else emptyList() |
} |
private void parseStoriesBody(final String body, final ServiceCallback<List<FeedStoryModel>> callback) { |
try { |
final List<FeedStoryModel> feedStoryModels = new ArrayList<>(); |
final JSONArray feedStoriesReel = new JSONObject(body).getJSONArray("tray"); |
for (int i = 0; i < feedStoriesReel.length(); ++i) { |
final JSONObject node = feedStoriesReel.getJSONObject(i); |
if (node.optBoolean("hide_from_feed_unit") && Utils.settingsHelper.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.HIDE_MUTED_REELS)) continue; |
final JSONObject userJson = node.getJSONObject(node.has("user") ? "user" : "owner"); |
try { |
final User user = new User(userJson.getLong("pk"), |
userJson.getString("username"), |
userJson.optString("full_name"), |
userJson.optBoolean("is_private"), |
userJson.getString("profile_pic_url"), |
userJson.optBoolean("is_verified") |
); |
final long timestamp = node.getLong("latest_reel_media"); |
final boolean fullyRead = !node.isNull("seen") && node.getLong("seen") == timestamp; |
final JSONObject itemJson = node.has("items") ? node.getJSONArray("items").optJSONObject(0) : null; |
StoryModel firstStoryModel = null; |
if (itemJson != null) { |
firstStoryModel = ResponseBodyUtils.parseStoryItem(itemJson, false, null); |
} |
feedStoryModels.add(new FeedStoryModel( |
node.getString("id"), |
user, |
fullyRead, |
timestamp, |
firstStoryModel, |
node.getInt("media_count"), |
false, |
node.optBoolean("has_besties_media"))); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
Log.e(TAG, "parseStoriesBody: ", e); |
} // to cover promotional reels with non-long user pk's |
} |
final JSONArray broadcasts = new JSONObject(body).getJSONArray("broadcasts"); |
for (int i = 0; i < broadcasts.length(); ++i) { |
final JSONObject node = broadcasts.getJSONObject(i); |
final JSONObject userJson = node.getJSONObject("broadcast_owner"); |
// final ProfileModel profileModel = new ProfileModel(false, false, false, |
// userJson.getString("pk"), |
// userJson.getString("username"), |
// null, null, null, |
// userJson.getString("profile_pic_url"), |
// null, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, false); |
final User user = new User(userJson.getLong("pk"), |
userJson.getString("username"), |
userJson.optString("full_name"), |
userJson.optBoolean("is_private"), |
userJson.getString("profile_pic_url"), |
userJson.optBoolean("is_verified") |
); |
feedStoryModels.add(new FeedStoryModel( |
node.getString("id"), |
user, |
false, |
node.getLong("published_time"), |
ResponseBodyUtils.parseBroadcastItem(node), |
1, |
true, |
false |
)); |
} |
callback.onSuccess(sort(feedStoryModels)); |
} catch (JSONException e) { |
Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing json", e); |
} |
private suspend fun respondToSticker( |
csrfToken: String, |
userId: Long, |
deviceUuid: String, |
storyId: String, |
stickerId: String, |
action: String, |
arg1: String, |
arg2: String, |
): StoryStickerResponse { |
val form = mapOf( |
"_csrftoken" to csrfToken, |
"_uid" to userId, |
"_uuid" to deviceUuid, |
"mutation_token" to UUID.randomUUID().toString(), |
"client_context" to UUID.randomUUID().toString(), |
"radio_type" to "wifi-none", |
arg1 to arg2, |
) |
val signedForm = Utils.sign(form) |
return repository.respondToSticker(storyId, stickerId, action, signedForm) |
} |
public void fetchHighlights(final long profileId, |
final ServiceCallback<List<HighlightModel>> callback) { |
final Call<String> request = repository.fetchHighlights(profileId); |
request.enqueue(new Callback<String>() { |
@Override |
public void onResponse(@NonNull final Call<String> call, @NonNull final Response<String> response) { |
try { |
if (callback == null) { |
return; |
} |
final String body = response.body(); |
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(body)) { |
callback.onSuccess(null); |
return; |
} |
final JSONArray highlightsReel = new JSONObject(body).getJSONArray("tray"); |
final int length = highlightsReel.length(); |
final List<HighlightModel> highlightModels = new ArrayList<>(); |
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { |
final JSONObject highlightNode = highlightsReel.getJSONObject(i); |
highlightModels.add(new HighlightModel( |
highlightNode.getString("title"), |
highlightNode.getString(Constants.EXTRAS_ID), |
highlightNode.getJSONObject("cover_media") |
.getJSONObject("cropped_image_version") |
.getString("url"), |
highlightNode.getLong("latest_reel_media"), |
highlightNode.getInt("media_count") |
)); |
} |
callback.onSuccess(highlightModels); |
} catch (JSONException e) { |
Log.e(TAG, "onResponse", e); |
callback.onFailure(e); |
} |
} |
@Override |
public void onFailure(@NonNull final Call<String> call, @NonNull final Throwable t) { |
if (callback != null) { |
callback.onFailure(t); |
} |
} |
}); |
suspend fun respondToQuestion( |
csrfToken: String, |
userId: Long, |
deviceUuid: String, |
storyId: String, |
stickerId: String, |
answer: String, |
): StoryStickerResponse = respondToSticker(csrfToken, userId, deviceUuid, storyId, stickerId, "story_question_response", "response", answer) |
suspend fun respondToQuiz( |
csrfToken: String, |
userId: Long, |
deviceUuid: String, |
storyId: String, |
stickerId: String, |
answer: Int, |
): StoryStickerResponse { |
return respondToSticker(csrfToken, userId, deviceUuid, storyId, stickerId, "story_quiz_answer", "answer", answer.toString()) |
} |
public void fetchArchive(final String maxId, |
final ServiceCallback<ArchiveFetchResponse> callback) { |
final Map<String, String> form = new HashMap<>(); |
form.put("include_suggested_highlights", "false"); |
form.put("is_in_archive_home", "true"); |
form.put("include_cover", "1"); |
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(maxId)) { |
form.put("max_id", maxId); // NOT TESTED |
} |
final Call<String> request = repository.fetchArchive(form); |
request.enqueue(new Callback<String>() { |
@Override |
public void onResponse(@NonNull final Call<String> call, @NonNull final Response<String> response) { |
try { |
if (callback == null) { |
return; |
} |
final String body = response.body(); |
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(body)) { |
callback.onSuccess(null); |
return; |
} |
final JSONObject data = new JSONObject(body); |
final JSONArray highlightsReel = data.getJSONArray("items"); |
final int length = highlightsReel.length(); |
final List<HighlightModel> highlightModels = new ArrayList<>(); |
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { |
final JSONObject highlightNode = highlightsReel.getJSONObject(i); |
highlightModels.add(new HighlightModel( |
null, |
highlightNode.getString(Constants.EXTRAS_ID), |
highlightNode.getJSONObject("cover_image_version").getString("url"), |
highlightNode.getLong("latest_reel_media"), |
highlightNode.getInt("media_count") |
)); |
} |
callback.onSuccess(new ArchiveFetchResponse(highlightModels, |
data.getBoolean("more_available"), |
data.getString("max_id"))); |
} catch (JSONException e) { |
Log.e(TAG, "onResponse", e); |
callback.onFailure(e); |
} |
} |
@Override |
public void onFailure(@NonNull final Call<String> call, @NonNull final Throwable t) { |
if (callback != null) { |
callback.onFailure(t); |
} |
} |
}); |
suspend fun respondToPoll( |
csrfToken: String, |
userId: Long, |
deviceUuid: String, |
storyId: String, |
stickerId: String, |
answer: Int, |
): StoryStickerResponse = respondToSticker(csrfToken, userId, deviceUuid, storyId, stickerId, "story_poll_vote", "vote", answer.toString()) |
suspend fun respondToSlider( |
csrfToken: String, |
userId: Long, |
deviceUuid: String, |
storyId: String, |
stickerId: String, |
answer: Double, |
): StoryStickerResponse = respondToSticker(csrfToken, userId, deviceUuid, storyId, stickerId, "story_slider_vote", "vote", answer.toString()) |
suspend fun seen( |
csrfToken: String, |
userId: Long, |
deviceUuid: String, |
storyMediaId: String, |
takenAt: Long, |
seenAt: Long, |
): String { |
val reelsForm = mapOf(storyMediaId to listOf(takenAt.toString() + "_" + seenAt)) |
val form = mutableMapOf( |
"_csrftoken" to csrfToken, |
"_uid" to userId, |
"_uuid" to deviceUuid, |
"container_module" to "feed_timeline", |
"reels" to reelsForm, |
) |
val signedForm = Utils.sign(form) |
val queryMap = mapOf( |
"reel" to "1", |
"live_vod" to "0", |
) |
return repository.seen(queryMap, signedForm) |
} |
public void getUserStory(final StoryViewerOptions options, |
final ServiceCallback<List<StoryModel>> callback) { |
final String url = buildUrl(options); |
final Call<String> userStoryCall = repository.getUserStory(url); |
final boolean isLocOrHashtag = options.getType() == StoryViewerOptions.Type.LOCATION || options.getType() == StoryViewerOptions.Type.HASHTAG; |
final boolean isHighlight = options.getType() == StoryViewerOptions.Type.HIGHLIGHT || options |
.getType() == StoryViewerOptions.Type.STORY_ARCHIVE; |
userStoryCall.enqueue(new Callback<String>() { |
@Override |
public void onResponse(@NonNull final Call<String> call, @NonNull final Response<String> response) { |
JSONObject data; |
try { |
final String body = response.body(); |
if (body == null) { |
Log.e(TAG, "body is null"); |
return; |
} |
data = new JSONObject(body); |
if (!isHighlight) { |
data = data.optJSONObject((isLocOrHashtag) ? "story" : "reel"); |
} else { |
data = data.getJSONObject("reels").optJSONObject(options.getName()); |
} |
String username = null; |
if (data != null |
// && localUsername == null |
&& !isLocOrHashtag) { |
username = data.getJSONObject("user").getString("username"); |
} |
JSONArray media; |
if (data != null |
&& (media = data.optJSONArray("items")) != null |
&& media.length() > 0 && media.optJSONObject(0) != null) { |
final int mediaLen = media.length(); |
final List<StoryModel> models = new ArrayList<>(); |
for (int i = 0; i < mediaLen; ++i) { |
data = media.getJSONObject(i); |
models.add(ResponseBodyUtils.parseStoryItem(data, isLocOrHashtag, username)); |
} |
callback.onSuccess(models); |
} else { |
callback.onSuccess(null); |
} |
} catch (JSONException e) { |
Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing string", e); |
} |
private fun buildUrl(options: StoryViewerOptions): String? { |
val builder = StringBuilder() |
builder.append("") |
val type = options.type |
var id: String? = null |
when (type) { |
StoryViewerOptions.Type.HASHTAG -> { |
builder.append("tags/") |
id = |
} |
@Override |
public void onFailure(@NonNull final Call<String> call, @NonNull final Throwable t) { |
callback.onFailure(t); |
StoryViewerOptions.Type.LOCATION -> { |
builder.append("locations/") |
id = |
} |
}); |
} |
private void respondToSticker(final String storyId, |
final String stickerId, |
final String action, |
final String arg1, |
final String arg2, |
final ServiceCallback<StoryStickerResponse> callback) { |
final Map<String, Object> form = new HashMap<>(); |
form.put("_csrftoken", csrfToken); |
form.put("_uid", userId); |
form.put("_uuid", deviceUuid); |
form.put("mutation_token", UUID.randomUUID().toString()); |
form.put("client_context", UUID.randomUUID().toString()); |
form.put("radio_type", "wifi-none"); |
form.put(arg1, arg2); |
final Map<String, String> signedForm = Utils.sign(form); |
final Call<StoryStickerResponse> request = |
repository.respondToSticker(storyId, stickerId, action, signedForm); |
request.enqueue(new Callback<StoryStickerResponse>() { |
@Override |
public void onResponse(@NonNull final Call<StoryStickerResponse> call, |
@NonNull final Response<StoryStickerResponse> response) { |
if (callback != null) { |
callback.onSuccess(response.body()); |
} |
StoryViewerOptions.Type.USER -> { |
builder.append("feed/user/") |
id = |
} |
@Override |
public void onFailure(@NonNull final Call<StoryStickerResponse> call, |
@NonNull final Throwable t) { |
if (callback != null) { |
callback.onFailure(t); |
} |
StoryViewerOptions.Type.HIGHLIGHT, StoryViewerOptions.Type.STORY_ARCHIVE -> { |
builder.append("feed/reels_media/?user_ids=") |
id = |
} |
}); |
} |
// |
public void respondToQuestion(final String storyId, |
final String stickerId, |
final String answer, |
final ServiceCallback<StoryStickerResponse> callback) { |
respondToSticker(storyId, stickerId, "story_question_response", "response", answer, callback); |
} |
// |
public void respondToQuiz(final String storyId, |
final String stickerId, |
final int answer, |
final ServiceCallback<StoryStickerResponse> callback) { |
respondToSticker(storyId, stickerId, "story_quiz_answer", "answer", String.valueOf(answer), callback); |
} |
// |
public void respondToPoll(final String storyId, |
final String stickerId, |
final int answer, |
final ServiceCallback<StoryStickerResponse> callback) { |
respondToSticker(storyId, stickerId, "story_poll_vote", "vote", String.valueOf(answer), callback); |
} |
public void respondToSlider(final String storyId, |
final String stickerId, |
final double answer, |
final ServiceCallback<StoryStickerResponse> callback) { |
respondToSticker(storyId, stickerId, "story_slider_vote", "vote", String.valueOf(answer), callback); |
} |
public void seen(final String storyMediaId, |
final long takenAt, |
final long seenAt, |
final ServiceCallback<String> callback) { |
final Map<String, Object> form = new HashMap<>(); |
form.put("_csrftoken", csrfToken); |
form.put("_uid", userId); |
form.put("_uuid", deviceUuid); |
form.put("container_module", "feed_timeline"); |
final Map<String, Object> reelsForm = new HashMap<>(); |
reelsForm.put(storyMediaId, Collections.singletonList(takenAt + "_" + seenAt)); |
form.put("reels", reelsForm); |
final Map<String, String> signedForm = Utils.sign(form); |
final Map<String, String> queryMap = new HashMap<>(); |
queryMap.put("reel", "1"); |
queryMap.put("live_vod", "0"); |
final Call<String> request = repository.seen(queryMap, signedForm); |
request.enqueue(new Callback<String>() { |
@Override |
public void onResponse(@NonNull final Call<String> call, |
@NonNull final Response<String> response) { |
if (callback != null) { |
callback.onSuccess(response.body()); |
} |
StoryViewerOptions.Type.STORY -> { |
} |
@Override |
public void onFailure(@NonNull final Call<String> call, |
@NonNull final Throwable t) { |
if (callback != null) { |
callback.onFailure(t); |
} |
else -> { |
} |
}); |
} |
@Nullable |
private String buildUrl(@NonNull final StoryViewerOptions options) { |
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); |
builder.append(""); |
final StoryViewerOptions.Type type = options.getType(); |
String id = null; |
switch (type) { |
case HASHTAG: |
builder.append("tags/"); |
id = options.getName(); |
break; |
case LOCATION: |
builder.append("locations/"); |
id = String.valueOf(options.getId()); |
break; |
case USER: |
builder.append("feed/user/"); |
id = String.valueOf(options.getId()); |
break; |
builder.append("feed/reels_media/?user_ids="); |
id = options.getName(); |
break; |
case STORY: |
break; |
// break; |
} |
if (id == null) { |
return null; |
return null |
} |
builder.append(id); |
builder.append(id) |
if (type != StoryViewerOptions.Type.HIGHLIGHT && type != StoryViewerOptions.Type.STORY_ARCHIVE) { |
builder.append("/story/"); |
builder.append("/story/") |
} |
return builder.toString(); |
return builder.toString() |
} |
private List<FeedStoryModel> sort(final List<FeedStoryModel> list) { |
final List<FeedStoryModel> listCopy = new ArrayList<>(list); |
Collections.sort(listCopy, (o1, o2) -> { |
int result; |
switch (Utils.settingsHelper.getString(PreferenceKeys.STORY_SORT)) { |
case "1": |
result =, o1.getTimestamp()); |
break; |
case "2": |
result =, o2.getTimestamp()); |
break; |
default: |
result = 0; |
private fun sort(list: List<FeedStoryModel>): List<FeedStoryModel> { |
val listCopy = ArrayList(list) |
listCopy.sortWith { o1, o2 -> |
when (Utils.settingsHelper.getString(PreferenceKeys.STORY_SORT)) { |
"1" -> return@sortWith o2.timestamp.compareTo(o1.timestamp) |
"2" -> return@sortWith o1.timestamp.compareTo(o2.timestamp) |
else -> return@sortWith 0 |
} |
return result; |
}); |
return listCopy; |
} |
public static class ArchiveFetchResponse { |
private final List<HighlightModel> archives; |
private final boolean hasNextPage; |
private final String nextCursor; |
public ArchiveFetchResponse(final List<HighlightModel> archives, final boolean hasNextPage, final String nextCursor) { |
this.archives = archives; |
this.hasNextPage = hasNextPage; |
this.nextCursor = nextCursor; |
} |
public List<HighlightModel> getResult() { |
return archives; |
} |
public boolean hasNextPage() { |
return hasNextPage; |
} |
return listCopy |
} |
public String getNextCursor() { |
return nextCursor; |
class ArchiveFetchResponse(val result: List<HighlightModel>, val hasNextPage: Boolean, val nextCursor: String) { |
fun hasNextPage(): Boolean { |
return hasNextPage |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue