<stringname="post_viewer_download_message">Note: Current [Session] won\'t show this dialog until you\'re here, and will always download shown post slide.</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_message"comment="post_viewer_download_message [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Note: Current [Session] won\'t show this dialog until you\'re here, and will always download shown post slide.</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_dialog_title">Select what to download</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_dialog_title">Select what to download</string>
<stringname="post_viewer_download_session"comment="post_viewer_download_session [Session] is NOT a variable, please translate it and ignore warnings">Current [Session]</string>
<stringname="update_available">An update is available!</string>
<stringname="update_available">An update is available!</string>
<stringname="update_notice">Reminder: If you downloaded from F-Droid, you must update from it! Same applies for GitHub.</string>
<stringname="update_notice">Reminder: If you downloaded from F-Droid, you must update from it! Same applies for GitHub.</string>
<stringname="updated">Thank you for updating InstaGrabber!</string>
<stringname="updated">Thank you for updating InstaGrabber!</string>
<stringname="crash_title">App crashed</string>
<stringname="crash_descr">Oops.. the app crashed, but don\'t worry you can send error report to the developer to help him fix the issue. (:</string>
<stringname="crash_title">App abgestürzt</string>
<stringname="crash_descr">Hoppla.. die App ist abgestürzt, aber keine Sorge — du kannst Fehlerberichte an den Entwickler senden um ihm zu helfen, das Problem zu beheben. (:</string>