<stringname="light_barinsta_theme"comment="Yes, this one is Barista (the theme), you can also substitute it with other coffee-related words">Barista</string>
<stringname="added_to_favs">Añadido a favoritos</string>
<stringname="added_to_favs">En favoritos</string>
<stringname="added_to_favs_short"comment="Here it's an adjective (equivalent to verb past tense), used for the favorite chip on profile/hashtag/location fragments, so be short">En favoritos</string>
<stringname="add_to_favorites"comment="Here it's a verb, used for the favorite chip on profile/hashtag/location fragments, so be short">Agregar a favoritos</string>
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
<itemquantity="one">%s historia</item>
<itemquantity="other">%s stories</item>
<itemquantity="other">%s historias</item>
<stringname="download_permission">¡Permiso de almacenamiento no concecido!</string>
<stringname="comment_viewer_see_likers">Voir les \"j\'aime\" du commentaire</string>
<stringname="comment_viewer_reply_comment">Répondre au commentaire</string>
<stringname="comment_viewer_like_comment">Aimer le commentaire</string>
<stringname="comment_viewer_unlike_comment">Retirer le j\'aime du commentaire</string>
@ -228,8 +228,8 @@
<stringname="crash_title">L\'application a planté</string>
<stringname="crash_descr">Oups.. l\'application a planté, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, vous pouvez envoyer un rapport d\'erreur au développeur pour l\'aider à résoudre le problème :)</string>
<stringname="light_barinsta_theme"comment="Yes, this one is Barista (the theme), you can also substitute it with other coffee-related words">Barista</string>
<stringname="added_to_favs">Ajouté aux favoris</string>
<stringname="added_to_favs_short"comment="Here it's an adjective (equivalent to verb past tense), used for the favorite chip on profile/hashtag/location fragments, so be short">Favorited</string>
<stringname="add_to_favorites"comment="Here it's a verb, used for the favorite chip on profile/hashtag/location fragments, so be short">Favorite</string>
<stringname="added_to_favs_short"comment="Here it's an adjective (equivalent to verb past tense), used for the favorite chip on profile/hashtag/location fragments, so be short">Ajouté aux favoris</string>
<stringname="add_to_favorites"comment="Here it's a verb, used for the favorite chip on profile/hashtag/location fragments, so be short">Ajouter aux favoris</string>
<stringname="removed_from_favs">Supprimé des favoris</string>
<stringname="backup_and_restore">Backup & Restore User Settings</string>
<stringname="backup_summary">Back up app settings, account login information, and/or favorites data to a plain text or encrypted backup file for later restoration.</string>
<stringname="backup_warning">If you\'re backing up login info, treat the file as confidential: Keep them somewhere safe!</string>
<stringname="create_backup">Create new backup file</string>
<stringname="restore_backup">Restore from existing backup file</string>
<stringname="backup_and_restore">Paramètres de sauvegarde et de restauration</string>
<stringname="backup_summary">Sauvegardez les paramètres de l\'application, les informations de connexion du compte et/ou les données favorites sur un fichier de sauvegarde en texte brut ou chiffré pour une restauration ultérieure.</string>
<stringname="backup_warning">Si vous sauvegardez vos informations de connexion, traitez le fichier comme confidentiel : Gardez-les quelque part en sécurité !</string>
<stringname="create_backup">Créer un nouveau fichier de sauvegarde</string>
<stringname="restore_backup">Restaurer à partir du fichier de sauvegarde existant</string>