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InstaGrabber is an alternative Instagram client for Android. You can...
- Search: Profile / Hashtag / Location
- Profile: View posts (timeline & face-tagged), copy bio, view stories* (Highlight & status), follow*, restrict*, block*, compare following/followers*
- Hashtag: View posts (newest only), view stories*, follow*
- Location: View posts (newest only), view stories*, open map
- Post: View, download (+ batch download selected posts), copy captions, like/save*
- Story*: View (w/ incognito mode), download, interact with stickers, reply as DM
- Comment: View (+ copy), write*, reply*, like*, delete*
- DM*: View, download attachments, text reply
- Viewing* your own feed, discover, saved, and liked posts
- Adding personal bookmarks to accounts/hashtags/locations locally
We support private accounts!*
* Requires login. You must be a current follower of the desired private accounts, this app cannot hack people (which I have to state despite the obvious)!
It can be used as a drop-in replacement for read functionalities of the official Instagram app, with unnecessary components stripped.
This app is originally made by @AwaisKing who posted on GitLab but subsequently abandoned it. I decided to continue the app cuz why not, even though it might not be that cash money. (Also I need to learn Java.)
Download here. ALWAYS download the latest version.
Contact us
- Use GitHub issues when possible.
- Matrix: #InstaGrabber:matrix.org
- Telegram: @Grabber_App
Previous owner left a lot of swearings in the code, I will remove them when I get to that file.
1. The downside is that they'll always be "new" in other Instagram clients. Also, this app will not respect DM message restrictions (replay once / no replay).
2. Shameless plug: If you do not have an Android device but wants to do that, read this.