//========= Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Defines a group of app systems that all have the same lifetime
// that need to be connected/initialized, etc. in a well-defined order
// $Revision: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "appframework/ilaunchermgr.h"
#if defined( PLATFORM_PS3)
#include "ps3/ps3_helpers.h"
#include "tier0/platwindow.h"
#include "appframework/IAppSystemGroup.h"
#include "appframework/iappsystem.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "filesystem_init.h"
#include <algorithm>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// constructor, destructor
extern ILoggingListener *g_pDefaultLoggingListener;
// constructor, destructor
CAppSystemGroup::CAppSystemGroup( CAppSystemGroup *pAppSystemParent ) : m_SystemDict(false, 0, 16) { m_pParentAppSystem = pAppSystemParent; }
// Actually loads a DLL
CSysModule *CAppSystemGroup::LoadModuleDLL( const char *pDLLName ) { return Sys_LoadModule( pDLLName ); }
// Methods to load + unload DLLs
AppModule_t CAppSystemGroup::LoadModule( const char *pDLLName ) { // Remove the extension when creating the name.
int nLen = Q_strlen( pDLLName ) + 1; char *pModuleName = (char*)stackalloc( nLen ); Q_StripExtension( pDLLName, pModuleName, nLen );
// See if we already loaded it...
for ( int i = m_Modules.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { if ( m_Modules[i].m_pModuleName ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pModuleName, m_Modules[i].m_pModuleName ) ) return i; } }
CSysModule *pSysModule = LoadModuleDLL( pDLLName ); if (!pSysModule) { #ifdef _X360
Warning("AppFramework : Unable to load module %s! (err #%d)\n", pDLLName, GetLastError() ); #else
Warning("AppFramework : Unable to load module %s!\n", pDLLName ); #endif
int nIndex = m_Modules.AddToTail(); m_Modules[nIndex].m_pModule = pSysModule; m_Modules[nIndex].m_Factory = 0; m_Modules[nIndex].m_pModuleName = (char*)malloc( nLen ); Q_strncpy( m_Modules[nIndex].m_pModuleName, pModuleName, nLen );
return nIndex; }
int CAppSystemGroup::ReloadModule( const char * pDLLName ) { // Remove the extension when creating the name.
int nLen = Q_strlen( pDLLName ) + 1; char *pModuleName = (char*)stackalloc( nLen ); Q_StripExtension( pDLLName, pModuleName, nLen );
// See if we already loaded it...
for ( int i = m_Modules.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { Module_t &module = m_Modules[i]; if ( module.m_pModuleName && !Q_stricmp( pModuleName, module.m_pModuleName ) ) { // found the module, reload
Msg("Unloading module %s, dll %s\n", pModuleName, pDLLName ); Sys_UnloadModule( m_Modules[i].m_pModule ); Msg("Module %s unloaded, reloading\n", pModuleName ); CSysModule *pSysModule = NULL; CreateInterfaceFn fnFactory = NULL; while( !pSysModule ) { pSysModule = LoadModuleDLL( pDLLName ); if( !pSysModule ) { Warning("Cannot load, retrying in 5 seconds..\n"); ThreadSleep( 5000 ); } fnFactory = Sys_GetFactory( pSysModule ) ; if( !fnFactory ) { Error( "Could not get factory from %s\n", pModuleName ); } ( *fnFactory )( "Reload Interface", NULL ); // let the CreateInterface function work and do after-reload stuff
} Msg( "Reload complete, module %p->%p, factory %llx->%llx\n", module.m_pModule, pSysModule, (uint64)(uintp)module.m_Factory, (uint64)(uintp)fnFactory ); module.m_pModule = pSysModule; if( module.m_Factory ) { // don't reload factory pointer unless it was initialized to non-NULL
module.m_Factory = fnFactory; } return 0; // no error
} } Warning( "No such module: '%s' in appsystem @%p. Dumping available modules:\n", pModuleName, this ); for ( int i = 0; i < m_Modules.Count(); ++i ) { Module_t &module = m_Modules[i]; #ifdef _PS3
Msg( "%25s %llx %p %6d %6d bytes\n", module.m_pModuleName, (uint64)module.m_Factory, module.m_pModule, ( ( PS3_PrxLoadParametersBase_t *)module.m_pModule )->sysPrxId, ( ( PS3_PrxLoadParametersBase_t *)module.m_pModule )->cbSize ); #else
Msg("%25s %p %p\n", module.m_pModuleName, (void*)module.m_Factory, module.m_pModule ); #endif
} return m_pParentAppSystem ? m_pParentAppSystem->ReloadModule( pDLLName ) : -1; }
AppModule_t CAppSystemGroup::LoadModule( CreateInterfaceFn factory ) { if (!factory) { Warning("AppFramework : Unable to load module %p!\n", factory ); return APP_MODULE_INVALID; }
// See if we already loaded it...
for ( int i = m_Modules.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { if ( m_Modules[i].m_Factory ) { if ( m_Modules[i].m_Factory == factory ) return i; } }
int nIndex = m_Modules.AddToTail(); m_Modules[nIndex].m_pModule = NULL; m_Modules[nIndex].m_Factory = factory; m_Modules[nIndex].m_pModuleName = NULL; return nIndex; }
void CAppSystemGroup::UnloadAllModules() { // NOTE: Iterate in reverse order so they are unloaded in opposite order
// from loading
for (int i = m_Modules.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { if ( m_Modules[i].m_pModule ) { Sys_UnloadModule( m_Modules[i].m_pModule ); } if ( m_Modules[i].m_pModuleName ) { free( m_Modules[i].m_pModuleName ); } } m_Modules.RemoveAll(); }
// Methods to add/remove various global singleton systems
IAppSystem *CAppSystemGroup::AddSystem( AppModule_t module, const char *pInterfaceName ) { if (module == APP_MODULE_INVALID) return NULL;
int nFoundIndex = m_SystemDict.Find( pInterfaceName ); if ( nFoundIndex != m_SystemDict.InvalidIndex() ) { Warning("AppFramework : Attempted to add two systems with the same interface name %s!\n", pInterfaceName ); return m_Systems[ m_SystemDict[nFoundIndex] ]; }
Assert( (module >= 0) && (module < m_Modules.Count()) ); CreateInterfaceFn pFactory = m_Modules[module].m_pModule ? Sys_GetFactory( m_Modules[module].m_pModule ) : m_Modules[module].m_Factory;
int retval; void *pSystem = pFactory( pInterfaceName, &retval ); if ((retval != IFACE_OK) || (!pSystem)) { Warning("AppFramework : Unable to create system %s!\n", pInterfaceName ); return NULL; }
IAppSystem *pAppSystem = static_cast<IAppSystem*>(pSystem); int sysIndex = m_Systems.AddToTail( pAppSystem );
// Inserting into the dict will help us do named lookup later
MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); m_SystemDict.Insert( pInterfaceName, sysIndex ); return pAppSystem; }
void CAppSystemGroup::ReportStartupFailure( int nErrorStage, int nSysIndex ) { COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( APPSYSTEM_GROUP_STAGE_COUNT == ARRAYSIZE( g_StageLookup ) );
const char *pszStageDesc = "Unknown"; if ( nErrorStage >= 0 && nErrorStage < ( int )ARRAYSIZE( g_StageLookup ) ) { pszStageDesc = g_StageLookup[ nErrorStage ]; }
const char *pszSystemName = "(Unknown)"; for ( int i = m_SystemDict.First(); i != m_SystemDict.InvalidIndex(); i = m_SystemDict.Next( i ) ) { if ( m_SystemDict[ i ] != nSysIndex ) continue;
pszSystemName = m_SystemDict.GetElementName( i ); break; } // Walk the dictionary
Warning( "System (%s) failed during stage %s\n", pszSystemName, pszStageDesc ); }
void CAppSystemGroup::AddSystem( IAppSystem *pAppSystem, const char *pInterfaceName ) { if ( !pAppSystem ) return;
int sysIndex = m_Systems.AddToTail( pAppSystem );
// Inserting into the dict will help us do named lookup later
MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); m_SystemDict.Insert( pInterfaceName, sysIndex ); }
void CAppSystemGroup::RemoveAllSystems() { // NOTE: There's no deallcation here since we don't really know
// how the allocation has happened. We could add a deallocation method
// to the code in interface.h; although when the modules are unloaded
// the deallocation will happen anyways
m_Systems.RemoveAll(); m_SystemDict.RemoveAll(); }
// Simpler method of doing the LoadModule/AddSystem thing.
bool CAppSystemGroup::AddSystems( AppSystemInfo_t *pSystemList ) { while ( pSystemList->m_pModuleName[0] ) { AppModule_t module = LoadModule( pSystemList->m_pModuleName ); IAppSystem *pSystem = AddSystem( module, pSystemList->m_pInterfaceName ); if ( !pSystem ) { Warning( "Unable to load interface %s from %s, requested from EXE.\n", pSystemList->m_pInterfaceName, pSystemList->m_pModuleName ); return false; } ++pSystemList; }
return true; }
// Methods to find various global singleton systems
void *CAppSystemGroup::FindSystem( const char *pSystemName ) { unsigned short i = m_SystemDict.Find( pSystemName ); if (i != m_SystemDict.InvalidIndex()) return m_Systems[m_SystemDict[i]];
// If it's not an interface we know about, it could be an older
// version of an interface, or maybe something implemented by
// one of the instantiated interfaces...
// QUESTION: What order should we iterate this in?
// It controls who wins if multiple ones implement the same interface
for ( i = 0; i < m_Systems.Count(); ++i ) { void *pInterface = m_Systems[i]->QueryInterface( pSystemName ); if (pInterface) return pInterface; }
int nExternalCount = m_NonAppSystemFactories.Count(); for ( i = 0; i < nExternalCount; ++i ) { void *pInterface = m_NonAppSystemFactories[i]( pSystemName, NULL ); if (pInterface) return pInterface; }
if ( m_pParentAppSystem ) { void* pInterface = m_pParentAppSystem->FindSystem( pSystemName ); if ( pInterface ) return pInterface; }
// No dice..
return NULL; }
// Adds a factory to the system so other stuff can query it. Triggers a connect systems
void CAppSystemGroup::AddNonAppSystemFactory( CreateInterfaceFn fn ) { m_NonAppSystemFactories.AddToTail( fn ); }
// Removes a factory, triggers a disconnect call if it succeeds
void CAppSystemGroup::RemoveNonAppSystemFactory( CreateInterfaceFn fn ) { m_NonAppSystemFactories.FindAndRemove( fn ); }
// Causes the systems to reconnect to an interface
void CAppSystemGroup::ReconnectSystems( const char *pInterfaceName ) { // Let the libraries regrab the specified interface
for (int i = 0; i < m_Systems.Count(); ++i ) { IAppSystem *pSystem = m_Systems[i]; pSystem->Reconnect( GetFactory(), pInterfaceName ); } }
// Gets at the parent appsystem group
CAppSystemGroup *CAppSystemGroup::GetParent() { return m_pParentAppSystem; }
// Deals with sorting dependencies and finding circular dependencies
void CAppSystemGroup::ComputeDependencies( LibraryDependencies_t &depend ) { bool bDone = false; while ( !bDone ) { bDone = true;
// If i depends on j, then i depends on what j depends on
// Add secondary dependencies to i. We stop when no dependencies are added
int nCount = depend.GetNumStrings(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { int nDependentCount = depend[i].GetNumStrings(); for ( int j = 0; j < nDependentCount; ++j ) { int nIndex = depend.Find( depend[i].String( j ) ); if ( nIndex == UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL ) continue;
int nSecondaryDepCount = depend[nIndex].GetNumStrings(); for ( int k = 0; k < nSecondaryDepCount; ++k ) { // Don't bother if we already contain the secondary dependency
const char *pSecondaryDependency = depend[nIndex].String( k ); if ( depend[i].Find( pSecondaryDependency ) != UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL ) continue;
// Check for circular dependency
if ( !Q_stricmp( pSecondaryDependency, depend.String( i ) ) ) { Warning( "Encountered a circular dependency with library %s!\n", pSecondaryDependency ); continue; }
bDone = false; depend[i].AddString( pSecondaryDependency ); nDependentCount = depend[i].GetNumStrings(); } } } } }
// Sorts dependencies
CAppSystemGroup::LibraryDependencies_t *CAppSystemGroup::sm_pSortDependencies; bool CAppSystemGroup::SortLessFunc( const int &left, const int &right ) { const char *pLeftInterface = sm_pSortDependencies->String( left ); const char *pRightInterface = sm_pSortDependencies->String( right ); bool bRightDependsOnLeft = ( (*sm_pSortDependencies)[pRightInterface].Find( pLeftInterface ) != UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL ); return ( bRightDependsOnLeft ); }
void CAppSystemGroup::SortDependentLibraries( LibraryDependencies_t &depend ) { int nCount = depend.GetNumStrings();
int *pIndices = (int*)stackalloc( depend.GetNumStrings() * sizeof(int) ); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { pIndices[i] = i; }
// Sort by dependency. Can't use fancy stl algorithms here because the sort func isn't strongly transitive.
// Using lame bubble sort instead. We could speed this up using a proper depth-first graph walk, but it's not worth the effort.
sm_pSortDependencies = &depend; bool bChanged = true; while ( bChanged ) { bChanged = false; for ( int i = 1; i < nCount; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ) { if ( SortLessFunc( pIndices[i], pIndices[j] ) ) { int nTmp = pIndices[i]; pIndices[i] = pIndices[j]; pIndices[j] = nTmp; bChanged = true; } } } } sm_pSortDependencies = NULL;
// This logic will make it so it respects the specified initialization order
// in the face of no dependencies telling the system otherwise.
// Doing this just for safety to reduce the amount of changed code
bool bDone = false; while ( !bDone ) { bDone = true; for ( int i = 1; i < nCount; ++i ) { int nLeft = pIndices[i-1]; int nRight = pIndices[i]; if ( nRight > nLeft ) continue;
const char *pLeftInterface = depend.String( nLeft ); const char *pRightInterface = depend.String( nRight ); bool bRightDependsOnLeft = ( depend[pRightInterface].Find( pLeftInterface ) != UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL ); if ( bRightDependsOnLeft ) continue; Assert ( UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL == depend[pRightInterface].Find( pLeftInterface ) ); V_swap( pIndices[i], pIndices[i-1] ); bDone = false; } }
// Reorder appsystem list + dictionary indexing
Assert( m_Systems.Count() == nCount ); int nTempSize = nCount * sizeof(IAppSystem*); IAppSystem **pTemp = (IAppSystem**)stackalloc( nTempSize ); memcpy( pTemp, m_Systems.Base(), nTempSize ); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { m_Systems[i] = pTemp[ pIndices[i] ]; } // Remap system indices
for ( uint16 i = m_SystemDict.First(); i != m_SystemDict.InvalidIndex(); i = m_SystemDict.Next( i ) ) { int j = 0; for ( ; j < nCount; ++j ) { if ( pIndices[j] == m_SystemDict[i] ) { m_SystemDict[i] = j; break; } } Assert( j != nCount ); }
( void )stackfree( pTemp ); ( void )stackfree( pIndices ); }
// Finds appsystem names
const char *CAppSystemGroup::FindSystemName( int nIndex ) { for ( uint16 i = m_SystemDict.First(); i != m_SystemDict.InvalidIndex(); i = m_SystemDict.Next( i ) ) { if ( m_SystemDict[i] == nIndex ) return m_SystemDict.GetElementName( i ); } return NULL; }
// Method to load all dependent systems
bool CAppSystemGroup::LoadDependentSystems() { LibraryDependencies_t dependencies;
// First, load dependencies.
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Systems.Count(); ++i ) { IAppSystem *pSystem = m_Systems[i]; const char *pInterfaceName = FindSystemName( i ); dependencies.AddString( pInterfaceName );
const AppSystemInfo_t *pDependencies = pSystem->GetDependencies(); if ( !pDependencies ) continue;
for ( ; pDependencies->m_pInterfaceName && pDependencies->m_pInterfaceName[0]; ++pDependencies ) { dependencies[ pInterfaceName ].AddString( pDependencies->m_pInterfaceName );
CreateInterfaceFn factory = GetFactory(); if ( factory( pDependencies->m_pInterfaceName, NULL ) ) continue;
AppModule_t module = LoadModule( pDependencies->m_pModuleName ); IAppSystem *pSystem = AddSystem( module, pDependencies->m_pInterfaceName ); if ( !pSystem ) { Warning( "Unable to load interface %s from %s (Dependency of %s)\n", pDependencies->m_pInterfaceName, pDependencies->m_pModuleName, pInterfaceName ); return false; } } }
ComputeDependencies( dependencies ); SortDependentLibraries( dependencies ); return true; }
// Method to connect/disconnect all systems
bool CAppSystemGroup::ConnectSystems() { // Let the libraries grab any other interfaces they may need
for (int i = 0; i < m_Systems.Count(); ++i ) { IAppSystem *pSystem = m_Systems[i]; if ( !pSystem->Connect( GetFactory() ) ) { ReportStartupFailure( CONNECTION, i ); return false; } }
return true; }
void CAppSystemGroup::DisconnectSystems() { // Disconnect in reverse order of connection
for (int i = m_Systems.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { m_Systems[i]->Disconnect(); } }
// Method to initialize/shutdown all systems
InitReturnVal_t CAppSystemGroup::InitSystems() { for (int nSystemsInitialized = 0; nSystemsInitialized < m_Systems.Count(); ++nSystemsInitialized ) { InitReturnVal_t nRetVal = m_Systems[nSystemsInitialized]->Init(); if ( nRetVal != INIT_OK ) { for( int nSystemsRewind = nSystemsInitialized; nSystemsRewind-->0; ) { m_Systems[nSystemsRewind]->Shutdown(); } ReportStartupFailure( INITIALIZATION, nSystemsInitialized ); return nRetVal; } } return INIT_OK; }
void CAppSystemGroup::ShutdownSystems() { // Shutdown in reverse order of initialization
for (int i = m_Systems.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { m_Systems[i]->Shutdown(); } }
// Window management
void* CAppSystemGroup::CreateAppWindow( void *hInstance, const char *pTitle, bool bWindowed, int w, int h, bool bResizing ) { #if defined( PLATFORM_WINDOWS ) || defined( PLATFORM_OSX )
int nFlags = 0; if ( !bWindowed ) { nFlags |= WINDOW_CREATE_FULLSCREEN; } if ( bResizing ) { nFlags |= WINDOW_CREATE_RESIZING; }
PlatWindow_t hWnd = Plat_CreateWindow( hInstance, pTitle, w, h, nFlags ); if ( hWnd == PLAT_WINDOW_INVALID ) return NULL;
int CenterX, CenterY; Plat_GetDesktopResolution( &CenterX, &CenterY ); CenterX = ( CenterX - w ) / 2; CenterY = ( CenterY - h ) / 2; CenterX = (CenterX < 0) ? 0: CenterX; CenterY = (CenterY < 0) ? 0: CenterY;
// In VCR modes, keep it in the upper left so mouse coordinates are always relative to the window.
Plat_SetWindowPos( hWnd, CenterX, CenterY );
return hWnd; #elif defined( PLATFORM_OSX )
extern ICocoaMgr *g_pCocoaMgr; g_pCocoaMgr->CreateGameWindow( pTitle, bWindowed, w, h ); return (void*)Sys_GetFactoryThis(); // Other stuff will query for ICocoaBridge out of this.
#elif defined( PLATFORM_LINUX )
// extern IGLXMgr *g_pGLXMgr;
// g_pGLXMgr->CreateWindow( pTitle, bWindowed, w, h );
return (void*)Sys_GetFactoryThis(); // Other stuff will query for ICocoaBridge out of this.
return NULL; }
void CAppSystemGroup::SetAppWindowTitle( void* hWnd, const char *pTitle ) { Plat_SetWindowTitle( (PlatWindow_t)hWnd, pTitle ); }
// Returns the stage at which the app system group ran into an error
CAppSystemGroup::AppSystemGroupStage_t CAppSystemGroup::GetCurrentStage() const { return m_nCurrentStage; }
// Gets at a factory that works just like FindSystem
// This function is used to make this system appear to the outside world to
// function exactly like the currently existing factory system
CAppSystemGroup *s_pCurrentAppSystem; void *AppSystemCreateInterfaceFn(const char *pName, int *pReturnCode) { void *pInterface = s_pCurrentAppSystem->FindSystem( pName ); if ( pReturnCode ) { *pReturnCode = pInterface ? IFACE_OK : IFACE_FAILED; } return pInterface; }
// Gets at a class factory for the topmost appsystem group in an appsystem stack
CreateInterfaceFn CAppSystemGroup::GetFactory() { return AppSystemCreateInterfaceFn; }
// Main application loop
int CAppSystemGroup::Run() { // The factory now uses this app system group
s_pCurrentAppSystem = this; // Load, connect, init
int nRetVal = OnStartup();
// NOTE: In case of OnStartup Failure
// On PS/3, not unloading the PRXes in order will cause crashes on quit, which is a TRC failure
// We probably should, but don't have to do this on all platforms, since it's not required to clean-up crash-free.
if ( m_nCurrentStage == RUNNING ) { // Main loop implemented by the application
// FIXME: HACK workaround to avoid vgui porting
nRetVal = Main(); }
// Shutdown, disconnect, unload
// The factory now uses the parent's app system group
s_pCurrentAppSystem = GetParent();
return nRetVal; }
// Virtual methods for override
int CAppSystemGroup::Startup() { return OnStartup(); }
void CAppSystemGroup::Shutdown() { return OnShutdown(); }
// Use this version in cases where you can't control the main loop and
// expect to be ticked
int CAppSystemGroup::OnStartup() { // The factory now uses this app system group
s_pCurrentAppSystem = this;
// Call an installed application creation function
m_nCurrentStage = CREATION; if ( !Create() ) return -1;
// Load dependent libraries
m_nCurrentStage = DEPENDENCIES; if ( !LoadDependentSystems() ) return -1;
// Let all systems know about each other
m_nCurrentStage = CONNECTION; if ( !ConnectSystems() ) return -1;
// Allow the application to do some work before init
m_nCurrentStage = PREINITIALIZATION; if ( !PreInit() ) return -1;
// Call Init on all App Systems
m_nCurrentStage = INITIALIZATION; int nRetVal = InitSystems(); if ( nRetVal != INIT_OK ) return -1;
m_nCurrentStage = POSTINITIALIZATION; if ( !PostInit() ) return -1;
m_nCurrentStage = RUNNING; return nRetVal; }
void CAppSystemGroup::OnShutdown() { // The factory now uses this app system group
s_pCurrentAppSystem = this;
switch( m_nCurrentStage ) { case RUNNING: case POSTINITIALIZATION: break;
case PREINITIALIZATION: case INITIALIZATION: goto disconnect; case CREATION: case DEPENDENCIES: case CONNECTION: goto destroy;
default: break; }
// Allow the application to do some work before shutdown
m_nCurrentStage = PRESHUTDOWN; PreShutdown();
// Cal Shutdown on all App Systems
m_nCurrentStage = SHUTDOWN; ShutdownSystems();
// Allow the application to do some work after shutdown
m_nCurrentStage = POSTSHUTDOWN; PostShutdown();
disconnect: // Systems should disconnect from each other
m_nCurrentStage = DISCONNECTION; DisconnectSystems();
destroy: // Unload all DLLs loaded in the AppCreate block
m_nCurrentStage = DESTRUCTION; RemoveAllSystems();
// Have to do this because the logging listeners & response policies may live in modules which are being unloaded
// @TODO: this seems like a bad legacy practice... app systems should unload their spew handlers gracefully.
LoggingSystem_ResetCurrentLoggingState(); Assert( g_pDefaultLoggingListener != NULL ); LoggingSystem_RegisterLoggingListener( g_pDefaultLoggingListener );
// Call an installed application destroy function
Destroy(); }
// This class represents a group of app systems that are loaded through steam
// Constructor
CSteamAppSystemGroup::CSteamAppSystemGroup( IFileSystem *pFileSystem, CAppSystemGroup *pAppSystemParent ) { m_pFileSystem = pFileSystem; m_pGameInfoPath[0] = 0; }
// Used by CSteamApplication to set up necessary pointers if we can't do it in the constructor
void CSteamAppSystemGroup::Setup( IFileSystem *pFileSystem, CAppSystemGroup *pParentAppSystem ) { m_pFileSystem = pFileSystem; m_pParentAppSystem = pParentAppSystem; }
// Loads the module from Steam
CSysModule *CSteamAppSystemGroup::LoadModuleDLL( const char *pDLLName ) { return m_pFileSystem->LoadModule( pDLLName ); }
// Returns the game info path
const char *CSteamAppSystemGroup::GetGameInfoPath() const { return m_pGameInfoPath; }
// Sets up the search paths
bool CSteamAppSystemGroup::SetupSearchPaths( const char *pStartingDir, bool bOnlyUseStartingDir, bool bIsTool ) { CFSSteamSetupInfo steamInfo; steamInfo.m_pDirectoryName = pStartingDir; steamInfo.m_bOnlyUseDirectoryName = bOnlyUseStartingDir; steamInfo.m_bToolsMode = bIsTool; steamInfo.m_bSetSteamDLLPath = true; steamInfo.m_bSteam = m_pFileSystem->IsSteam(); if ( FileSystem_SetupSteamEnvironment( steamInfo ) != FS_OK ) return false;
CFSMountContentInfo fsInfo; fsInfo.m_pFileSystem = m_pFileSystem; fsInfo.m_bToolsMode = bIsTool; fsInfo.m_pDirectoryName = steamInfo.m_GameInfoPath;
if ( FileSystem_MountContent( fsInfo ) != FS_OK ) return false;
// Finally, load the search paths for the "GAME" path.
CFSSearchPathsInit searchPathsInit; searchPathsInit.m_pDirectoryName = steamInfo.m_GameInfoPath; searchPathsInit.m_pFileSystem = fsInfo.m_pFileSystem; if ( FileSystem_LoadSearchPaths( searchPathsInit ) != FS_OK ) return false;
FileSystem_AddSearchPath_Platform( fsInfo.m_pFileSystem, steamInfo.m_GameInfoPath ); Q_strncpy( m_pGameInfoPath, steamInfo.m_GameInfoPath, sizeof(m_pGameInfoPath) ); return true; }