//===== Copyright � 1996-2006, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
#include <tier0/platform.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bitmap/floatbitmap.h"
#include "vstdlib/vstdlib.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
void FloatBitMap_t::InitializeWithRandomPixelsFromAnotherFloatBM( FloatBitMap_t const & other ) { for( int z = 0; z < NumSlices(); z++ ) { for( int y = 0;y < NumRows();y++ ) { for( int x = 0;x < NumCols();x++ ) { int x1 = RandomInt( 0, other.NumCols() - 1 ); int y1 = RandomInt( 0, other.NumRows() - 1 ); int z1 = RandomInt( 0, other.NumSlices() - 1 ); for( int c = 0; c < 4; c++ ) { Pixel( x, y, z, c ) = other.Pixel( x1, y1, z1, c ); } } } } }
void FloatBitMap_t::QuarterSizeWithGaussian( FloatBitMap_t *pBitmap ) { // generate a new bitmap half on each axis, using a separable gaussian.
static float kernel[]={.05, .25, .4, .25, .05}; pBitmap->Init( NumCols() / 2, NumRows() / 2 );
for( int y = 0;y < NumRows() / 2;y++ ) for( int x = 0;x < NumCols() / 2;x++ ) { for( int c = 0;c < 4;c++ ) { float sum = 0; float sumweights = 0; // for versatility in handling the
// offscreen case
for( int xofs =- 2;xofs <= 2;xofs++ ) { int orig_x = MAX( 0, MIN( NumCols() - 1, x * 2 + xofs )); for( int yofs =- 2;yofs <= 2;yofs++ ) { int orig_y = MAX( 0, MIN( NumRows() - 1, y * 2 + yofs )); float coeff = kernel[xofs + 2]* kernel[yofs + 2]; sum += Pixel( orig_x, orig_y, 0, c ) * coeff; sumweights += coeff; } } pBitmap->Pixel( x, y, 0, c ) = sum / sumweights; } } }
FloatImagePyramid_t::FloatImagePyramid_t( FloatBitMap_t const & src, ImagePyramidMode_t mode ) { memset( m_pLevels, 0, sizeof( m_pLevels )); m_nLevels = 1; m_pLevels[0]= new FloatBitMap_t( & src ); ReconstructLowerResolutionLevels( 0 ); }
void FloatImagePyramid_t::ReconstructLowerResolutionLevels( int start_level ) { while( ( m_pLevels[start_level]-> NumCols() > 1 ) && ( m_pLevels[start_level]-> NumRows() > 1 ) ) { if ( m_pLevels[start_level + 1] ) delete m_pLevels[start_level + 1]; m_pLevels[start_level + 1] = new FloatBitMap_t; m_pLevels[start_level]->QuarterSizeWithGaussian( m_pLevels[start_level + 1] ); start_level++; } m_nLevels = start_level + 1; }
float & FloatImagePyramid_t::Pixel( int x, int y, int component, int level ) const { Assert( level < m_nLevels ); x <<= level; y <<= level; return m_pLevels[level]-> Pixel( x, y, 0, component ); }
void FloatImagePyramid_t::WriteTGAs( char const * basename ) const { for( int l = 0;l < m_nLevels;l++ ) { char bname_out[1024]; Q_snprintf(bname_out,sizeof(bname_out),"%s_%02d.tga",basename,l); m_pLevels[l]-> WriteTGAFile( bname_out ); }
FloatImagePyramid_t::~FloatImagePyramid_t( void ) { for( int l = 0;l < m_nLevels;l++ ) if ( m_pLevels[l] ) delete m_pLevels[l]; }