//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
#include "MapReslistGenerator.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "cmd.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "vengineserver_impl.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tier0/dbg.h>
#include "host.h"
#include "host_state.h"
#include "utlbuffer.h"
#include "characterset.h"
#include "tier1/fmtstr.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern engineparms_t host_parms;
#define ENGINE_RESLIST_FILE "engine.lst"
// Purpose:
void MapReslistGenerator_Usage() { Msg( "-makereslists usage:\n" ); Msg( " [ -makereslists <optionalscriptfile> ] -- script file to control more complex makereslists operations (multiple passes, etc.)\n" ); Msg( " [ -usereslistfile filename ] -- get map list from specified file, default is to build for maps/*.bsp\n" ); Msg( " [ -startmap mapname ] -- restart generation at specified map (after crash, implies resume)\n" ); Msg( " [ -condebug ] -- prepend console.log entries with mapname or engine if not in a map\n" ); Msg( " [ -reslistmap mapname ] -- generate reslists for specified map and exit after that map\n" ); Msg( " [ -rebuildaudio ] -- force rebuild of _other_rebuild.cache (metacache) file at exit\n" ); Msg( " [ -forever ] -- when you get to the end of the maplist, start over from the top\n" ); Msg( " [ -stringtables ] -- force rebuild of the .bsp's stringtable dictionary\n" ); Msg( " [ -reslistdir ] -- default is 'reslists', use this to override\n" ); Msg( " [ -startstage nnn ] -- when running from script file, this starts at specified stage\n" ); Msg( " [ -collate ] -- skip everything, just merge the reslist from temp folders to the final folder again\n" ); }
void MapReslistGenerator_Init() { // check for reslist generation
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm("-makereslists") ) { bool usemaplistfile = false; if ( CommandLine()->FindParm("-usereslistfile") ) { usemaplistfile = true; } MapReslistGenerator().EnableReslistGeneration( usemaplistfile ); } else if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-rebuildaudio" ) ) { MapReslistGenerator().SetAutoQuit( true ); }
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-trackdeletions" ) ) { MapReslistGenerator().EnableDeletionsTracking(); }
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-autoquit" ) ) { MapReslistGenerator().SetAutoQuit( true ); } }
void MapReslistGenerator_Shutdown() { MapReslistGenerator().Shutdown(); }
void MapReslistGenerator_BuildMapList() { MapReslistGenerator().BuildMapList(); }
CMapReslistGenerator g_MapReslistGenerator; CMapReslistGenerator &MapReslistGenerator() { return g_MapReslistGenerator; }
static bool ReslistLogLessFunc( CUtlString const &pLHS, CUtlString const &pRHS ) { return CaselessStringLessThan( pLHS.Get(), pRHS.Get() ); }
// Purpose: Constructor
CMapReslistGenerator::CMapReslistGenerator() : m_AlreadyWrittenFileNames( 0, 0, true ), m_DeletionListWarnings( 0, 0, DefLessFunc( CUtlSymbol ) ), m_EngineLog( 0, 0, ReslistLogLessFunc ), m_MapLog( 0, 0, ReslistLogLessFunc ), m_bAutoQuit( false ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_CLASS();
m_bUsingMapList = false; m_bTrackingDeletions = false; m_bLoggingEnabled = false; m_bCreatingForXbox = false; m_iCurrentMap = 0; m_flNextMapRunTime = 0.0f; m_szPrefix[0] = '\0'; m_szLevelName[0] = '\0'; m_iPauseTimeBetweenMaps = PAUSE_TIME_BETWEEN_MAPS; m_bRestartOnTransition = false; m_bLogToEngineList = true; m_sResListDir = "reslists"; }
void CMapReslistGenerator::SetAutoQuit( bool bState ) { m_bAutoQuit = bState; }
void CMapReslistGenerator::BuildMapList() { if ( !IsEnabled() ) return;
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "+map" ) != 0 ) { // This entire module is broken in about N different ways.
// The scripting features have heavily rotted, plus tie in with stringtables (which gets confused with multiple restarts).
// The whole thing barely works. I am narrowing it to work in exactly the one remaining way necesary for shipping.
Error( "CMapReslistGenerator Incompatible with normal map loading. Use -reslistmap" ); }
Msg( "********************\n" ); Msg( "Building Reslists\n" ); Msg( "********************\n" );
// Get the maplist file, if any
const char *pMapFile = NULL; CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-usereslistfile", &pMapFile );
// -reslistmap argument precludes using a maplist file
bool bUseMap = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-reslistmap" ) != 0; bool bUseMapListFile = bUseMap ? false : CommandLine()->FindParm("-usereslistfile") != 0;
// Build the map list
if ( !BuildGeneralMapList( &m_Maps, bUseMapListFile, pMapFile, "reslists", &m_iCurrentMap ) ) { m_bLoggingEnabled = false; } }
bool BuildGeneralMapList( CUtlVector<maplist_map_t> *aMaps, bool bUseMapListFile, const char *pMapFile, char *pSystemMsg, int *iCurrentMap ) { if ( !bUseMapListFile ) { // If the user passed in a -reslistmap parameter, just use that single map
char const *pMapName = NULL; if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-reslistmap", &pMapName ) && pMapName ) { // ensure validity
if (g_pVEngineServer->IsMapValid(pMapName)) { // add to list
maplist_map_t newMap; Q_strncpy(newMap.name, pMapName, sizeof(newMap.name)); aMaps->AddToTail( newMap ); }
CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-reslistmap" ); } else { // build the list of all the levels to scan
// Search the directory structure.
const char *mapwild = "maps/*.bsp"; char const *findfn = Sys_FindFirst( mapwild, NULL, 0 ); while ( findfn ) { // make sure that it's in the mod filesystem
if ( !g_pFileSystem->FileExists( va("maps/%s", findfn), "MOD" ) ) { findfn = Sys_FindNext( NULL, 0 ); continue; }
// strip extension
char sz[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_strncpy( sz, findfn, sizeof( sz ) ); char *ext = strchr( sz, '.' ); if (ext) { ext[0] = 0; }
// move to next item
findfn = Sys_FindNext( NULL, 0 );
// ensure validity
if (!g_pVEngineServer->IsMapValid(sz)) continue;
// add to list
maplist_map_t newMap; Q_strncpy(newMap.name, sz, sizeof(newMap.name)); aMaps->AddToTail( newMap ); }
Sys_FindClose(); } } else { // Read from file
if ( pMapFile ) { // Load them in
FileHandle_t resfilehandle; resfilehandle = g_pFileSystem->Open( pMapFile, "rb" ); if ( FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE != resfilehandle ) { // Read in and parse mapcycle.txt
int length = g_pFileSystem->Size(resfilehandle); if ( length > 0 ) { char *pStart = (char *)new char[ length + 1 ]; if ( pStart && ( length == g_pFileSystem->Read(pStart, length, resfilehandle) ) ) { pStart[ length ] = 0; const char *pFileList = pStart;
while ( 1 ) { char szMap[ MAX_OSPATH ];
pFileList = COM_Parse( pFileList ); if ( strlen( com_token ) <= 0 ) break;
Q_strncpy(szMap, com_token, sizeof(szMap));
// ensure validity
if (!g_pVEngineServer->IsMapValid(szMap)) continue;
// Any more tokens on this line?
while ( COM_TokenWaiting( pFileList ) ) { pFileList = COM_Parse( pFileList ); }
maplist_map_t newMap; Q_strncpy(newMap.name, szMap, sizeof(newMap.name)); aMaps->AddToTail( newMap ); } } delete[] pStart; }
g_pFileSystem->Close(resfilehandle); } else { Error( "Unable to load %s maplist file: %s\n", pSystemMsg, pMapFile ); return false; }
} else { Error( "Unable to find %s maplist filename\n", pSystemMsg ); return false; } }
int c = aMaps->Count(); if ( c == 0 ) { Msg( "%s: No maps found\n", pSystemMsg ); return false; }
Msg( "%s: Creating for:\n", pSystemMsg );
// Determine the current map (-startmap allows starts mid-maplist)
*iCurrentMap = 0; char const *startmap = NULL; if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-startmap", &startmap ) && startmap ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < c; ++i ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( aMaps->Element(i).name, startmap ) ) { *iCurrentMap = i; } } }
for ( int i = 0 ; i < c; ++i ) { if ( i < *iCurrentMap ) { Msg( "- %s\n", aMaps->Element(i).name ); } else { Msg( "+ %s\n", aMaps->Element(i).name ); } }
return true; }
// Purpose: Reconstructs engine log dictionary from existing engine reslist.
// This is used to restore state after a restart, otherwise the engine log
// would aggregate duplicate files.
void CMapReslistGenerator::BuildEngineLogFromReslist() { m_EngineLog.RemoveAll();
CUtlBuffer buffer( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); if ( !g_pFileSystem->ReadFile( CFmtStr( "%s\\%s", m_sResListDir.String(), ENGINE_RESLIST_FILE ), "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH", buffer ) ) { // does not exist
return; }
characterset_t breakSet; CharacterSetBuild( &breakSet, "" );
// parse reslist
char szToken[MAX_PATH]; for ( ;; ) { int nTokenSize = buffer.ParseToken( &breakSet, szToken, sizeof( szToken ) ); if ( nTokenSize <= 0 ) { break; }
int idx = m_EngineLog.Find( szToken ); if ( idx == m_EngineLog.InvalidIndex() ) { m_EngineLog.Insert( szToken ); } } }
// Purpose: Appends specified line to the engine reslist.
void CMapReslistGenerator::LogToEngineReslist( char const *pLine ) { // prevent unecessary duplication due to file appending
int idx = m_EngineLog.Find( pLine ); if ( idx != m_EngineLog.InvalidIndex() ) { // already logged
return; }
m_EngineLog.Insert( pLine );
// Open for append, write data, close.
FileHandle_t fh = g_pFileSystem->Open( CFmtStr( "%s\\%s", m_sResListDir.String(), ENGINE_RESLIST_FILE ), "at", "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH" ); if ( fh != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { g_pFileSystem->Write( "\"", 1, fh ); g_pFileSystem->Write( pLine, Q_strlen( pLine ), fh ); g_pFileSystem->Write( "\"\n", 2, fh ); g_pFileSystem->Close( fh ); } }
// Purpose: initializes the object to enable reslist generation
void CMapReslistGenerator::EnableReslistGeneration( bool usemaplistfile ) { // hackhack !!!! This is a work-around until CS precaches things on level start, not player spawn
if ( !Q_stricmp( "cstrike", GetCurrentMod() ) || !Q_stricmp( "csgo", GetCurrentMod() ) ) { // the CS UI basically broke this, all sorts of waiting for team selection player input in UI
// 5 for the loading map screen, 10 for team selection, 15 for loading in general.
m_iPauseTimeBetweenMaps = 5 + 10 + 15; }
m_bUsingMapList = usemaplistfile;
m_bLoggingEnabled = true;
char const *pszDir = NULL; if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-reslistdir", &pszDir ) && pszDir ) { char szDir[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_strncpy( szDir, pszDir, sizeof( szDir ) ); Q_StripTrailingSlash( szDir ); Q_strlower( szDir ); Q_FixSlashes( szDir );
if ( Q_strlen( szDir ) > 0 ) { m_sResListDir = szDir; } }
m_bCreatingForXbox = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-xboxreslist" ) != 0;
// create file to dump out to
g_pFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy( m_sResListDir.String() , "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH" );
// Leave the existing one if resuming from a specific map, otherwise, blow it away
if ( !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-startmap" ) ) { g_pFileSystem->RemoveFile( CFmtStr( "%s\\%s", m_sResListDir.String(), ENGINE_RESLIST_FILE ), "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH" ); m_EngineLog.RemoveAll(); } else { BuildEngineLogFromReslist(); }
// add logging function
g_pFileSystem->AddLoggingFunc(&FileSystemLoggingFunc); }
// Purpose: starts the first map
void CMapReslistGenerator::StartReslistGeneration() { // wait for the main menu to stabilize then start the first map loading
m_iCurrentMap = 0; m_flNextMapRunTime = Sys_FloatTime() + 10; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *mapname -
void CMapReslistGenerator::SetPrefix( char const *mapname ) { Q_snprintf( m_szPrefix, sizeof( m_szPrefix ), "%s: ", mapname ); }
void CMapReslistGenerator::OnLevelShutdown() { m_bLogToEngineList = true; }
// Purpose:
// Output : char const
char const *CMapReslistGenerator::LogPrefix() { // If not recording stuff to file, then use the "default" prefix.
if ( m_bLogToEngineList ) { return "engine: "; }
return m_szPrefix; }
// Purpose: call to mark level load/end
void CMapReslistGenerator::OnLevelLoadStart(const char *levelName) { // prepare for map logging
m_bLogToEngineList = false; V_strncpy( m_szLevelName, levelName, sizeof( m_szLevelName ) );
if ( !IsEnabled() ) { char basename[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_FileBase( levelName, basename, sizeof( basename ) ); Q_strlower( basename ); SetPrefix( basename ); return; }
// reset the duplication list
// add in the bsp file to the list, and its node graph
char path[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( path, sizeof( path ), "maps\\%s.bsp", levelName ); OnResourcePrecached( path );
bool useNodeGraph = true; KeyValues *modinfo = new KeyValues("ModInfo"); if ( modinfo->LoadFromFile( g_pFileSystem, "gameinfo.txt" ) ) { useNodeGraph = modinfo->GetInt( "nodegraph", 1 ) != 0; } modinfo->deleteThis();
if ( useNodeGraph ) { Q_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "maps\\graphs\\%s.ain", levelName); OnResourcePrecached(path); } }
// Purpose: call to mark level load/end
void CMapReslistGenerator::OnLevelLoadEnd() { }
void CMapReslistGenerator::OnPlayerSpawn() { }
void CMapReslistGenerator::OnFullyConnected() { if ( !IsEnabled() ) return;
// initiate the next level
m_flNextMapRunTime = Sys_FloatTime() + m_iPauseTimeBetweenMaps; }
bool CMapReslistGenerator::ShouldRebuildCaches() { if ( !IsEnabled() ) { return CommandLine()->FindParm( "-rebuildaudio" ) != 0; }
if ( !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-norebuildaudio" ) ) return true; return false; }
char const *CMapReslistGenerator::GetResListDirectory() const { return m_sResListDir.String(); }
void CMapReslistGenerator::DoQuit() { Cbuf_AddText( Cbuf_GetCurrentPlayer(), "quit\n" ); // remove the logging
g_pFileSystem->RemoveLoggingFunc(&FileSystemLoggingFunc); m_bLogToEngineList = true; }
// Purpose: call every frame if we're enabled, just so that the next map can be triggered at the right time
void CMapReslistGenerator::RunFrame() { if ( !IsEnabled() ) { if ( m_bAutoQuit ) { m_bAutoQuit = false; DoQuit(); } return; }
if ( m_flNextMapRunTime && m_flNextMapRunTime < Sys_FloatTime() ) { // about to transition or terminate, emit the current map log
if ( m_Maps.IsValidIndex( m_iCurrentMap ) ) { // will start counting again after the level loads
m_flNextMapRunTime = 0.0f;
if ( !m_bRestartOnTransition ) { Cbuf_AddText( Cbuf_GetCurrentPlayer(), va( "map %s\n", m_Maps[m_iCurrentMap].name ) );
SetPrefix( m_Maps[m_iCurrentMap].name );
++m_iCurrentMap; if ( m_Maps.IsValidIndex( m_iCurrentMap ) ) { // cause a full engine restart on the transition to the next map
// ensure that one-time init code logs correctly to each map reslist
m_bRestartOnTransition = true; } } else { // restart at specified map
CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "-startmap" ); CommandLine()->AppendParm( "-startmap", m_Maps[m_iCurrentMap].name ); HostState_Restart(); } } else { // no more levels, just quit
if ( !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-forever" ) ) { DoQuit(); } else { StartReslistGeneration(); m_bRestartOnTransition = true; } } } }
// Purpose: logs and handles mdl files being precaches
void CMapReslistGenerator::OnModelPrecached(const char *relativePathFileName) { if ( !IsEnabled() ) return;
if (strstr(relativePathFileName, ".vmt")) { // it's a materials file, make sure that it starts in the materials directory, and we get the .vtf
char file[_MAX_PATH];
if ( StringHasPrefix( relativePathFileName, "materials" ) ) { Q_strncpy(file, relativePathFileName, sizeof(file)); } else { // prepend the materials directory
Q_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "materials\\%s", relativePathFileName); } OnResourcePrecached(file);
// get the matching vtf file
char *ext = strstr(file, ".vmt"); if (ext) { Q_strncpy(ext, ".vtf", 5); OnResourcePrecached(file); } } else { OnResourcePrecached(relativePathFileName); } }
// Purpose: logs sound file access
void CMapReslistGenerator::OnSoundPrecached(const char *relativePathFileName) { // skip any special characters
if (!V_isalnum(relativePathFileName[0])) { ++relativePathFileName; }
// prepend the sound/ directory if necessary
char file[_MAX_PATH]; if ( StringHasPrefix( relativePathFileName, "sound" ) ) { Q_strncpy(file, relativePathFileName, sizeof(file)); } else { // prepend the sound directory
Q_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "sound\\%s", relativePathFileName); }
OnResourcePrecached(file); }
// Purpose: logs the precache as a file access
void CMapReslistGenerator::OnResourcePrecached(const char *relativePathFileName) { if ( !IsEnabled() ) return;
// ignore empty string
if (relativePathFileName[0] == 0) return;
// ignore files that start with '*' since they signify special models
if (relativePathFileName[0] == '*') return;
char fullPath[_MAX_PATH]; if (g_pFileSystem->GetLocalPath(relativePathFileName, fullPath, sizeof(fullPath))) { OnResourcePrecachedFullPath(fullPath); } }
// Purpose: Logs out file access to a file
void CMapReslistGenerator::OnResourcePrecachedFullPath(const char *fullPathFileName) { char fixed[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_strncpy( fixed, fullPathFileName, sizeof( fixed ) ); Q_strlower( fixed ); Q_FixSlashes( fixed );
// make sure the filename hasn't already been written
UtlSymId_t filename = m_AlreadyWrittenFileNames.Find( fixed ); if ( filename != UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL ) return;
// record in list, so we don't write it again
m_AlreadyWrittenFileNames.AddString( fixed );
// add extras for mdl's
if (strstr(fixed, ".mdl")) { // it's a model, get it's other files as well
char file[_MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy(file, fixed, sizeof(file) - 10); char *ext = strstr(file, ".mdl");
Q_strncpy(ext, ".vvd", 10); OnResourcePrecachedFullPath(file); Q_strncpy(ext, ".ani", 10); OnResourcePrecachedFullPath(file); Q_strncpy(ext, ".dx90.vtx", 10); OnResourcePrecachedFullPath(file); Q_strncpy(ext, ".phy", 10); OnResourcePrecachedFullPath(file); Q_strncpy(ext, ".jpg", 10); OnResourcePrecachedFullPath(file); }
// strip it down relative to the root directory of the game (for steam)
char const *relativeFileName = Q_stristr( fixed, GetBaseDirectory() ); if ( relativeFileName ) { // Skip the basedir and slash
relativeFileName += ( Q_strlen( GetBaseDirectory() ) + 1 ); }
if ( !relativeFileName ) { return; }
if ( m_bLogToEngineList ) { LogToEngineReslist( relativeFileName ); } else { // find or add to sorted tree
int idx = m_MapLog.Find( relativeFileName ); if ( idx == m_MapLog.InvalidIndex() ) { m_MapLog.Insert( relativeFileName ); } } }
void CMapReslistGenerator::WriteMapLog() { if ( !m_szLevelName[0] ) { // log has not been established yet
return; }
// write the sorted map log, allows for easier diffs between revisions
char path[_MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( path, sizeof( path ), "%s\\%s.lst", m_sResListDir.String(), m_szLevelName ); FileHandle_t fh = g_pFileSystem->Open( path, "wt", "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH" ); if ( FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE != fh ) { for ( int i = m_MapLog.FirstInorder(); i != m_MapLog.InvalidIndex(); i = m_MapLog.NextInorder( i ) ) { const char *pLine = m_MapLog[i].String(); g_pFileSystem->Write( "\"", 1, fh ); g_pFileSystem->Write( pLine, Q_strlen( pLine ), fh ); g_pFileSystem->Write( "\"\n", 2, fh ); } g_pFileSystem->Close( fh ); } }
// Purpose: callback function from filesystem
void CMapReslistGenerator::FileSystemLoggingFunc(const char *fullPathFileName, const char *options) { g_MapReslistGenerator.OnResourcePrecachedFullPath(fullPathFileName); }
#define DELETIONS_BATCH_FILE "deletions.bat"
#define DELETIONS_WARNINGS_FILE "undelete.lst"
// Purpose:
void CMapReslistGenerator::EnableDeletionsTracking() { unsigned int deletions = 0; unsigned int warnings = 0;
// Load deletions file and build dictionary
m_bTrackingDeletions = true;;
// Open up deletions.bat and parse out all filenames
// Load them in
FileHandle_t deletionsfile; deletionsfile = g_pFileSystem->Open( DELETIONS_BATCH_FILE, "rb" ); if ( FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE != deletionsfile ) { // Read in and parse mapcycle.txt
int length = g_pFileSystem->Size(deletionsfile); if ( length > 0 ) { char *pStart = (char *)new char[ length + 1 ]; if ( pStart && ( length == g_pFileSystem->Read(pStart, length, deletionsfile) ) ) { pStart[ length ] = 0; const char *pFileList = pStart;
while ( 1 ) { char filename[ MAX_OSPATH ];
pFileList = COM_Parse( pFileList ); if ( strlen( com_token ) <= 0 ) break;
if ( !Q_stricmp( com_token, "del" ) ) continue;
Q_snprintf(filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s/%s", com_gamedir, com_token );
// Any more tokens on this line?
while ( COM_TokenWaiting( pFileList ) ) { pFileList = COM_Parse( pFileList ); }
Q_FixSlashes( filename ); Q_strlower( filename ); m_DeletionList.AddString( filename );
++deletions; } } delete[] pStart; }
g_pFileSystem->Close(deletionsfile); } else { Warning( "Unable to load deletions.bat file %s\n", DELETIONS_BATCH_FILE ); m_bTrackingDeletions = false; return; }
FileHandle_t warningsfile = g_pFileSystem->Open( DELETIONS_WARNINGS_FILE, "rb" ); if ( FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE != warningsfile ) { // Read in and parse mapcycle.txt
int length = g_pFileSystem->Size(warningsfile); if ( length > 0 ) { char *pStart = (char *)new char[ length + 1 ]; if ( pStart && ( length == g_pFileSystem->Read(pStart, length, warningsfile) ) ) { pStart[ length ] = 0; const char *pFileList = pStart;
while ( 1 ) { pFileList = COM_Parse( pFileList ); if ( strlen( com_token ) <= 0 ) break;
Q_FixSlashes( com_token ); Q_strlower( com_token ); CUtlSymbol sym = m_DeletionListWarningsSymbols.AddString( com_token ); int idx = m_DeletionListWarnings.Find( sym ); if ( idx == m_DeletionListWarnings.InvalidIndex() ) { m_DeletionListWarnings.Insert( sym ); ++warnings; } } } delete[] pStart; }
g_pFileSystem->Close(warningsfile); } // Hook up logging function
g_pFileSystem->AddLoggingFunc( &TrackDeletionsLoggingFunc );
Msg( "Tracking deletions (%u files in deletion list in '%s', %u previous warnings loaded from '%s'\n", deletions, DELETIONS_BATCH_FILE, warnings, DELETIONS_WARNINGS_FILE ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *fullPathFileName -
void CMapReslistGenerator::TrackDeletions( const char *fullPathFileName ) { Assert( m_bTrackingDeletions );
char test[ _MAX_PATH ]; Q_strncpy( test, fullPathFileName, sizeof( test ) ); Q_FixSlashes( test ); Q_strlower( test );
CUtlSymbol sym = m_DeletionList.Find( test ); if ( UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL != sym ) { CUtlSymbol warningSymbol = m_DeletionListWarningsSymbols.AddString( test );
uint idx = m_DeletionListWarnings.Find( warningSymbol ); if ( idx == m_DeletionListWarnings.InvalidIndex() ) { Msg( "--> Referenced file marked for deletion \"%s\"\n", test ); m_DeletionListWarnings.Insert( warningSymbol ); } }
// add extras for mdl's
if (strstr(test, ".mdl")) { // it's a model, get it's other files as well
char file[_MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy(file, test, sizeof(file) - 10); char *ext = strstr(file, ".mdl");
Q_strncpy(ext, ".vvd", 10); TrackDeletions(file); Q_strncpy(ext, ".ani", 10); TrackDeletions(file); Q_strncpy(ext, ".dx80.vtx", 10); TrackDeletions(file); Q_strncpy(ext, ".dx90.vtx", 10); TrackDeletions(file); Q_strncpy(ext, ".sw.vtx", 10); TrackDeletions(file); Q_strncpy(ext, ".phy", 10); TrackDeletions(file); Q_strncpy(ext, ".jpg", 10); TrackDeletions(file); } }
// Purpose: callback function from filesystem
void CMapReslistGenerator::TrackDeletionsLoggingFunc(const char *fullPathFileName, const char *options) { g_MapReslistGenerator.TrackDeletions(fullPathFileName); }
// Purpose:
void CMapReslistGenerator::Shutdown() { if ( m_bTrackingDeletions ) { SpewTrackedDeletionsLog();
g_pFileSystem->RemoveLoggingFunc( &TrackDeletionsLoggingFunc ); m_DeletionList.RemoveAll(); m_DeletionListWarnings.RemoveAll(); m_DeletionListWarningsSymbols.RemoveAll(); m_bTrackingDeletions = NULL; } }
void CMapReslistGenerator::SpewTrackedDeletionsLog() { if ( !m_bTrackingDeletions ) return;
FileHandle_t hUndeleteFile = g_pFileSystem->Open( DELETIONS_WARNINGS_FILE, "wt", "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH" ); if ( FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE == hUndeleteFile ) { return; }
for ( int i = m_DeletionListWarnings.FirstInorder(); i != m_DeletionListWarnings.InvalidIndex() ; i = m_DeletionListWarnings.NextInorder( i ) ) { char const *filename = m_DeletionListWarningsSymbols.String( m_DeletionListWarnings[ i ] );
g_pFileSystem->Write("\"", 1, hUndeleteFile); g_pFileSystem->Write(filename, Q_strlen(filename), hUndeleteFile); g_pFileSystem->Write("\"\n", 2, hUndeleteFile); }
g_pFileSystem->Close( hUndeleteFile ); }
bool CMapReslistGenerator::IsCreatingForXbox() { return IsEnabled() && m_bCreatingForXbox; }