//========= Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "client_pch.h"
#include "networkstringtabledefs.h"
#include <checksum_md5.h>
#include <iregistry.h>
#include "userid.h"
#include "pure_server.h"
#include "netmessages.h"
#include "cl_demo.h"
#include "host_state.h"
#include "host.h"
#include "gl_matsysiface.h"
#include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include <proto_oob.h>
#include "checksum_engine.h"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "logofile_shared.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "decal.h"
#include "networkstringtableclient.h"
#include "dt_send_eng.h"
#include "ents_shared.h"
#include "cl_ents_parse.h"
#include "cl_entityreport.h"
#include "MapReslistGenerator.h"
#include "DownloadListGenerator.h"
#include "GameEventManager.h"
#include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
#include "clockdriftmgr.h"
#include "snd_audio_source.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Controls.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "download.h"
#include "checksum_engine.h"
#include "ModelInfo.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "materialsystem/materialsystem_config.h"
#include "tier1/fmtstr.h"
#include "cl_steamauth.h"
#include "matchmaking/imatchframework.h"
#include "audio/private/snd_sfx.h"
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "tier0/systeminformation.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
ConVar cl_timeout( "cl_timeout", "30", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "After this many seconds without receiving a packet from the server, the client will disconnect itself" #ifndef _DEBUG
, true, 4, true, 30 #endif
); static ConVar cl_forcepreload( "cl_forcepreload", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Whether we should force preloading."); static ConVar cl_downloadfilter( "cl_downloadfilter", "all", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Determines which files can be downloaded from the server (all, none, nosounds)" ); static ConVar cl_download_demoplayer( "cl_download_demoplayer", "1", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Determines whether downloads of external resources are allowed during demo playback (0:no,1:workshop,2:all)" );
ConVar cl_debug_ugc_downloads( "cl_debug_ugc_downloads", "0", FCVAR_RELEASE );
extern ConVar sv_downloadurl; extern ConVar sv_consistency; extern ConVar cl_hideserverip;
extern bool g_bServerGameDLLGreaterThanV5;
// Construction/Destruction
CClientState::CClientState() { m_bMarkedCRCsUnverified = false; demonum = -1; m_tickRemainder = 0; m_frameTime = 0; m_pAreaBits = NULL; m_hWaitForResourcesHandle = NULL; m_bUpdateSteamResources = false; m_bShownSteamResourceUpdateProgress = false; m_pPureServerWhitelist = NULL; m_bCheckCRCsWithServer = false; m_flLastCRCBatchTime = 0; m_nFriendsID = 0; m_FriendsName[ 0 ] = 0; m_flLastServerTickTime = -1.0f; lastoutgoingcommand = 0; chokedcommands = 0; last_command_ack = 0; last_server_tick = 0; command_ack = 0; m_nSoundSequence = 0; serverCRC = 0; serverClientSideDllCRC = 0; viewangles.Init(); Q_memset( m_chAreaBits, 0, sizeof( m_chAreaBits ) ); Q_memset( m_chAreaPortalBits, 0, sizeof( m_chAreaPortalBits ) ); m_bAreaBitsValid = false; addangletotal = 0.0f; prevaddangletotal = 0.0f; cdtrack = 0; Q_memset( m_FriendsName, 0, sizeof( m_FriendsName ) ); m_pModelPrecacheTable = NULL; m_pDynamicModelTable = NULL; m_pGenericPrecacheTable = NULL; m_pSoundPrecacheTable = NULL; m_pDecalPrecacheTable = NULL; m_pInstanceBaselineTable = NULL; m_pLightStyleTable = NULL; m_pUserInfoTable = NULL; m_pServerStartupTable = NULL; m_pDownloadableFileTable = NULL; m_bDownloadResources = false; m_bDownloadingUGCMap = false; insimulation = false; oldtickcount = 0; ishltv = false; #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
isreplay = false; #endif
ResetHltvReplayState(); }
void CClientState::ResetHltvReplayState() { m_nHltvReplayDelay = 0; m_nHltvReplayStopAt = 0; m_nHltvReplayStartAt = 0; m_nHltvReplaySlowdownBeginAt = 0; m_nHltvReplaySlowdownEndAt = 0; m_flHltvReplaySlowdownRate = 1.0f; }
CClientState::~CClientState() { if ( m_pPureServerWhitelist ) m_pPureServerWhitelist->Release(); }
// HL1 CD Key
#define GUID_LEN 13
======================= CL_GetCDKeyHash()
Connections will now use a hashed cd key value A LAN server will know not to allows more then xxx users with the same CD Key ======================= */ const char *CClientState::GetCDKeyHash( void ) { if ( IsPC() ) { char szKeyBuffer[256]; // Keys are about 13 chars long.
static char szHashedKeyBuffer[64]; int nKeyLength; bool bDedicated = false;
MD5Context_t ctx; unsigned char digest[16]; // The MD5 Hash
nKeyLength = Q_snprintf( szKeyBuffer, sizeof( szKeyBuffer ), "%s", registry->ReadString( "key", "" ) );
if (bDedicated) { ConMsg("Key has no meaning on dedicated server...\n"); return ""; }
if ( nKeyLength == 0 ) { nKeyLength = 13; Q_strncpy( szKeyBuffer, "1234567890123", sizeof( szKeyBuffer ) ); Assert( Q_strlen( szKeyBuffer ) == nKeyLength );
DevMsg( "Missing CD Key from registry, inserting blank key\n" );
registry->WriteString( "key", szKeyBuffer ); }
if (nKeyLength <= 0 || nKeyLength >= 256 ) { ConMsg("Bogus key length on CD Key...\n"); return ""; }
// Now get the md5 hash of the key
memset( &ctx, 0, sizeof( ctx ) ); memset( digest, 0, sizeof( digest ) ); MD5Init(&ctx); MD5Update(&ctx, (unsigned char*)szKeyBuffer, nKeyLength); MD5Final(digest, &ctx); Q_strncpy ( szHashedKeyBuffer, MD5_Print ( digest, sizeof( digest ) ), sizeof( szHashedKeyBuffer ) ); return szHashedKeyBuffer; }
return "12345678901234567890123456789012"; }
void CClientState::SendClientInfo( void ) { CCLCMsg_ClientInfo_t info;
info.set_send_table_crc( SendTable_GetCRC() ); info.set_server_count( m_nServerCount ); info.set_is_hltv( false ); #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
info.set_is_replay( false ); #endif
#if !defined( NO_STEAM )
info.set_friends_id( Steam3Client().SteamUser() ? Steam3Client().SteamUser()->GetSteamID().GetAccountID() : 0 ); #else
info.set_friends_id( 0 ); #endif
info.set_friends_name( m_FriendsName );
CheckOwnCustomFiles(); // load & verfiy custom player files
for ( int i=0; i< MAX_CUSTOM_FILES; i++ ) { info.add_custom_files( m_nCustomFiles[i].crc ); } m_NetChannel->SendNetMsg( info ); }
void CClientState::SendLoadingProgress( int nProgress ) { if ( !m_NetChannel || nProgress <= m_nLastProgressPercent ) { return; }
CCLCMsg_LoadingProgress_t info; info.set_progress( nProgress ); m_nLastProgressPercent = nProgress;
m_NetChannel->SendNetMsg( info ); }
void CClientState::SendServerCmdKeyValues( KeyValues *pKeyValues ) { if ( !pKeyValues ) return;
// Ensure keyvalues are deleted per contract obligations
KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete_pKeyValues( pKeyValues ); if ( !m_NetChannel ) return;
CCLCMsg_CmdKeyValues_t msg; CmdKeyValuesHelper::CLCMsg_SetKeyValues( msg, pKeyValues ); m_NetChannel->SendNetMsg( msg ); }
bool CClientState::SendNetMsg( INetMessage &msg, bool bForceReliable, bool bVoice ) { if ( m_NetChannel ) return m_NetChannel->SendNetMsg( msg, bForceReliable, bVoice ); else return false; }
extern IVEngineClient *engineClient;
// Purpose: A svc_signonnum has been received, perform a client side setup
// Output : void CL_SignonReply
bool CClientState::SetSignonState ( int state, int count, const CNETMsg_SignonState *msg ) { int nOldSignonState = m_nSignonState;
if ( !CBaseClientState::SetSignonState( state, count, msg ) ) { CL_Retry(); return false; }
// ConDMsg ("Signon state: %i\n", state );
COM_TimestampedLog( "CClientState::SetSignonState: start %i", state );
switch ( m_nSignonState ) { case SIGNONSTATE_CHALLENGE : m_bMarkedCRCsUnverified = false; // Remember that we just connected to a new server so it'll
// reverify any necessary file CRCs on this server.
EngineVGui()->UpdateProgressBar(PROGRESS_SIGNONCHALLENGE); break;
case SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED : { EngineVGui()->UpdateProgressBar(PROGRESS_SIGNONCONNECTED); // make sure it's turned off when connecting
SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque (); // Clear channel and stuff
// allow longer timeout
m_NetChannel->SetTimeout( SIGNON_TIME_OUT ); m_NetChannel->SetMaxBufferSize( true, NET_MAX_PAYLOAD ); // set user settings (rate etc)
CNETMsg_SetConVar_t convars; Host_BuildUserInfoUpdateMessage( m_nSplitScreenSlot, convars.mutable_convars(), false ); m_NetChannel->SendNetMsg( convars ); } break;
case SIGNONSTATE_NEW : { EngineVGui()->UpdateProgressBar(PROGRESS_SIGNONNEW);
if ( cl_download_demoplayer.GetBool() || !demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ) { // When playing back a demo we need to suspend packet reading here
if ( demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ) { demoplayer->SetPacketReadSuspended( true ); }
// start making sure we have all the specified resources
StartUpdatingSteamResources(); } else { // during demo playback dont try to download resource
FinishSignonState_New(); }
// don't tell the server yet that we've entered this state
COM_TimestampedLog( "CClientState::SetSignonState: end %i", state ); return true; } break;
case SIGNONSTATE_PRESPAWN : EngineVGui()->UpdateProgressBar(PROGRESS_SENDSIGNONDATA); m_nSoundSequence = 1; // reset sound sequence number after receiving signon sounds
break; case SIGNONSTATE_SPAWN : { extern float NET_GetFakeLag(); Assert( g_ClientDLL );
// Tell client .dll about the transition
char mapname[256]; CL_SetupMapName( modelloader->GetName( host_state.worldmodel ), mapname, sizeof( mapname ) );
COM_TimestampedLog( "LevelInitPreEntity: start %i", state ); // enable prediction if the server isn't local or the user is requesting fake lag
g_ClientGlobalVariables.m_bRemoteClient = !Host_IsLocalServer() || (NET_GetFakeLag() != 0.0f); g_ClientDLL->LevelInitPreEntity(mapname); COM_TimestampedLog( "LevelInitPreEntity: end %i", state );
audiosourcecache->LevelInit( mapname );
// stop recording demo header
demorecorder->SetSignonState( SIGNONSTATE_SPAWN ); } break;
case SIGNONSTATE_FULL: { CL_FullyConnected(); if ( !m_NetChannel ) return false; // disconnected during connection
m_NetChannel->SetTimeout( cl_timeout.GetFloat() ); m_NetChannel->SetMaxBufferSize( true, NET_MAX_DATAGRAM_PAYLOAD );
HostState_OnClientConnected(); // If we came through a level transition with splitscreen guys, then we need to force their
// signon state to be SIGNONSTATE_FULL, too
FOR_EACH_VALID_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER( hh ) { CBaseClientState &cl = GetLocalClient( hh ); if ( &cl == this ) continue; cl.m_nSignonState = SIGNONSTATE_FULL; } } break;
case SIGNONSTATE_CHANGELEVEL: m_NetChannel->SetTimeout( SIGNON_TIME_OUT ); // allow 5 minutes timeout
m_nLastProgressPercent = -1; if ( m_nMaxClients > 1 ) { // start progress bar immediately for multiplayer level transitions
EngineVGui()->EnabledProgressBarForNextLoad(); } SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque( msg->map_name().c_str() ); if ( m_nMaxClients > 1 ) { EngineVGui()->UpdateProgressBar(PROGRESS_CHANGELEVEL); } break; }
COM_TimestampedLog( "CClientState::SetSignonState: end %i", state );
KeyValues *pEvent = new KeyValues( "OnEngineClientSignonStateChange" ); pEvent->SetInt( "slot", m_nSplitScreenSlot ); if ( m_bServerConnectionRedirect && nOldSignonState >= SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED && state < SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED ) nOldSignonState = state; // during server redirect attempt to keep the MMS session
pEvent->SetInt( "old", nOldSignonState ); pEvent->SetInt( "new", state ); pEvent->SetInt( "count", count ); g_pMatchFramework->GetEventsSubscription()->BroadcastEvent( pEvent );
if ( m_nSignonState >= SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED ) { // tell server that we entered now that state
CNETMsg_SignonState_t msgSignonState( m_nSignonState, count); m_NetChannel->SendNetMsg( msgSignonState ); }
return true; }
bool CClientState::HookClientStringTable( char const *tableName ) { INetworkStringTable *table = GetStringTable( tableName ); if ( !table ) { // If engine takes a pass, allow client dll to hook in its callbacks
if ( g_ClientDLL ) { g_ClientDLL->InstallStringTableCallback( tableName ); } return false; }
// Hook Model Precache table
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, MODEL_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ) ) { m_pModelPrecacheTable = table; return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, GENERIC_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ) ) { m_pGenericPrecacheTable = table; return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, SOUND_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ) ) { m_pSoundPrecacheTable = table; return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, DECAL_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ) ) { // Cache the id
m_pDecalPrecacheTable = table; return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, INSTANCE_BASELINE_TABLENAME ) ) { // Cache the id
m_pInstanceBaselineTable = table; return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, LIGHT_STYLES_TABLENAME ) ) { // Cache the id
m_pLightStyleTable = table; return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, USER_INFO_TABLENAME ) ) { // Cache the id
m_pUserInfoTable = table; return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, SERVER_STARTUP_DATA_TABLENAME ) ) { // Cache the id
m_pServerStartupTable = table; return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, DOWNLOADABLE_FILE_TABLENAME ) ) { // Cache the id
m_pDownloadableFileTable = table; return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, DYNAMIC_MODEL_TABLENAME ) ) { m_pDynamicModelTable = table; return true; }
// If engine takes a pass, allow client dll to hook in its callbacks
g_ClientDLL->InstallStringTableCallback( tableName );
return false; }
bool CClientState::InstallEngineStringTableCallback( char const *tableName ) { INetworkStringTable *table = GetStringTable( tableName );
if ( !table ) return false;
// Hook Model Precache table
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, MODEL_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ) ) { table->SetStringChangedCallback( NULL, Callback_ModelChanged ); return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, GENERIC_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ) ) { // Install the callback
table->SetStringChangedCallback( NULL, Callback_GenericChanged ); return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, SOUND_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ) ) { // Install the callback
table->SetStringChangedCallback( NULL, Callback_SoundChanged ); return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, DECAL_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ) ) { // Install the callback
table->SetStringChangedCallback( NULL, Callback_DecalChanged ); return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, INSTANCE_BASELINE_TABLENAME ) ) { // Install the callback (already done above)
table->SetStringChangedCallback( NULL, Callback_InstanceBaselineChanged ); return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, LIGHT_STYLES_TABLENAME ) ) { return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, USER_INFO_TABLENAME ) ) { // Install the callback
table->SetStringChangedCallback( NULL, Callback_UserInfoChanged ); return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, SERVER_STARTUP_DATA_TABLENAME ) ) { return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, DOWNLOADABLE_FILE_TABLENAME ) ) { return true; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( tableName, DYNAMIC_MODEL_TABLENAME ) ) { table->SetStringChangedCallback( NULL, Callback_DynamicModelChanged ); m_pDynamicModelTable = table; return true; }
// The the client.dll have a shot at it
return false; }
void CClientState::InstallStringTableCallback( char const *tableName ) { // Let engine hook callbacks before we read in any data values at all
if ( !InstallEngineStringTableCallback( tableName ) ) { // If engine takes a pass, allow client dll to hook in its callbacks
g_ClientDLL->InstallStringTableCallback( tableName ); } }
bool CClientState::IsPaused() const { return m_bPaused || ( g_LostVideoMemory && Host_IsSinglePlayerGame() ) || !host_initialized || demoplayer->IsPlaybackPaused() || EngineVGui()->ShouldPause(); }
float CClientState::GetTime() const { int nTickCount = GetClientTickCount(); float flTickTime = nTickCount * host_state.interval_per_tick; float flResult; // Timestamps are rounded to exact tick during simulation
if ( insimulation ) { return flTickTime; } #if defined(_X360) || defined( _PS3 )
// This function is called enough under ComputeLightingState to make this little cache worthwhile [10/6/2010 tom]
static float lastResult; static int lastTick; if ( lastTick == nTickCount ) { return lastResult; } lastTick = nTickCount; #endif
// Tracker 77931: If the game is paused, then lock the client clock at the previous tick boundary
// (otherwise we'll keep interpolating through the "remainder" time causing the paused characters
// to twitch like they have the shakes)
// TODO: Since this rounds down on the frame we paused, we could see a slight backsliding. We could remember the last "remainder" before pause and re-use it and
// set insimulation == false to be more exact. We'd still have to deal with the timing difference between
// when pause/unpause happens on the server versus the client
if ( GetBaseLocalClient().IsPaused() ) { // Go just before next tick
flResult = flTickTime + host_state.interval_per_tick - 0.00001f; } else { flResult = flTickTime + m_tickRemainder; }
#if defined(_X360) || defined( _PS3 )
lastResult = flResult; #endif
return flResult; }
float CClientState::GetFrameTime() const { if ( CClockDriftMgr::IsClockCorrectionEnabled() ) { return IsPaused() ? 0 : m_frameTime; } else { if ( insimulation ) { int nElapsedTicks = ( GetClientTickCount() - oldtickcount ); return nElapsedTicks * host_state.interval_per_tick; } else { return IsPaused() ? 0 : m_frameTime; } } }
float CClientState::GetClientInterpAmount() { // we need client cvar cl_interp_ratio
static const ConVar *s_cl_interp_ratio = NULL; if ( !s_cl_interp_ratio ) { s_cl_interp_ratio = g_pCVar->FindVar( "cl_interp_ratio" ); if ( !s_cl_interp_ratio ) return 0.1f; } static const ConVar *s_cl_interp = NULL; if ( !s_cl_interp ) { s_cl_interp = g_pCVar->FindVar( "cl_interp" ); if ( !s_cl_interp ) return 0.1f; } float flInterpRatio = s_cl_interp_ratio->GetFloat(); float flInterp = s_cl_interp->GetFloat();
const ConVar_ServerBounded *pBounded = dynamic_cast<const ConVar_ServerBounded*>( s_cl_interp_ratio ); if ( pBounded ) flInterpRatio = pBounded->GetFloat(); //#define FIXME_INTERP_RATIO
return MAX( flInterpRatio / cl_updaterate->GetFloat(), flInterp ); }
// Purpose: // Clear all the variables in the CClientState.
void CClientState::Clear( void ) { CBaseClientState::Clear();
m_pModelPrecacheTable = NULL; m_pDynamicModelTable = NULL; m_pGenericPrecacheTable = NULL; m_pSoundPrecacheTable = NULL; m_pDecalPrecacheTable = NULL; m_pInstanceBaselineTable = NULL; m_pLightStyleTable = NULL; m_pUserInfoTable = NULL; m_pServerStartupTable = NULL; m_pAreaBits = NULL; // Clear all download vars.
m_pDownloadableFileTable = NULL; m_hWaitForResourcesHandle = NULL; m_bUpdateSteamResources = false; m_bShownSteamResourceUpdateProgress = false; m_bDownloadResources = false; m_bDownloadingUGCMap = false; m_modelIndexLoaded = -1; m_lastModelPercent = -1;
DeleteClientFrames( -1 ); // clear all
viewangles.Init(); m_flLastServerTickTime = 0.0f; oldtickcount = 0; insimulation = false;
addangle.RemoveAll(); addangletotal = 0.0f; prevaddangletotal = 0.0f;
memset(model_precache, 0, sizeof(model_precache)); memset(sound_precache, 0, sizeof(sound_precache)); ishltv = false; #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
isreplay = false; #endif
cdtrack = 0; serverCRC = 0; serverClientSideDllCRC = 0; last_command_ack = 0; last_server_tick = 0; command_ack = 0; m_nSoundSequence = 0;
// make sure the client isn't active anymore, but stay
// connected if we are.
if ( m_nSignonState > SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED ) { m_nSignonState = SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED; } }
void CClientState::ClearSounds() { int c = ARRAYSIZE( sound_precache ); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { sound_precache[ i ].SetSound( NULL ); } }
bool CClientState::ProcessConnectionlessPacket( netpacket_t *packet ) { Assert( packet );
return CBaseClientState::ProcessConnectionlessPacket( packet ); }
void CClientState::ConnectionStart( INetChannel *chan ) { CBaseClientState::ConnectionStart( chan ); m_SVCMsgHltvReplay.Bind< CSVCMsg_HltvReplay_t >( chan, UtlMakeDelegate( this, &CClientState::SVCMsg_HltvReplay ) ); }
void CClientState::ConnectionStop( ) { CBaseClientState::ConnectionStop( ); m_SVCMsgHltvReplay.Unbind(); }
float CClientState::GetHltvReplayTimeScale()const { extern ConVar spec_replay_rate_base; if ( m_nHltvReplayDelay ) { int nCurrentTick = GetClientTickCount(); if ( nCurrentTick >= m_nHltvReplaySlowdownBeginAt && nCurrentTick < m_nHltvReplaySlowdownEndAt ) return spec_replay_rate_base.GetFloat() * m_flHltvReplaySlowdownRate; else return spec_replay_rate_base.GetFloat(); } return 1.0f; }
float CL_GetHltvReplayTimeScale() { return GetBaseLocalClient().GetHltvReplayTimeScale(); }
void CClientState::StopHltvReplay() { ForceFullUpdate( "Force StopHltvReplay on client" ); m_nHltvReplayDelay = 0; m_nHltvReplayStopAt = 0; m_nHltvReplayStartAt = 0; if ( g_ClientDLL ) { CSVCMsg_HltvReplay msg; g_ClientDLL->OnHltvReplay( msg ); } }
void CClientState::FullConnect( const ns_address &adr, int nEncryptionKey ) { CBaseClientState::FullConnect( adr, nEncryptionKey ); m_NetChannel->SetDemoRecorder( g_pClientDemoRecorder ); m_NetChannel->SetDataRate( cl_rate->GetFloat() );
// Not in the demo loop now
demonum = -1; // We don't have a backed up cmd history yet
lastoutgoingcommand = -1;
// we didn't send commands yet
chokedcommands = 0; // Report connection success.
if ( !adr.IsLoopback() ) { ConMsg( "Connected to %s\n", cl_hideserverip.GetInt()>0 ? "<ip hidden>" : ns_address_render( adr ).String() ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
// Output : model_t
model_t *CClientState::GetModel( int index ) { if ( !m_pModelPrecacheTable ) { return NULL; }
if ( index <= 0 ) { return NULL; }
if ( index >= m_pModelPrecacheTable->GetNumStrings() ) { Assert( 0 ); // model index for unkown model requested
return NULL; }
CPrecacheItem *p = &model_precache[ index ]; model_t *m = p->GetModel(); if ( m ) { return m; }
char const *name = m_pModelPrecacheTable->GetString( index );
if ( host_showcachemiss.GetBool() ) { ConDMsg( "client model cache miss on %s\n", name ); }
m = modelloader->GetModelForName( name, IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_CLIENT ); if ( !m ) { const CPrecacheUserData *data = CL_GetPrecacheUserData( m_pModelPrecacheTable, index ); if ( data && ( data->flags & RES_FATALIFMISSING ) ) { COM_ExplainDisconnection( true, "Cannot continue without model %s, disconnecting\n", name ); Host_Disconnect(true); } }
p->SetModel( m ); return m; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *name -
// Output : int -- note -1 if missing
int CClientState::LookupModelIndex( char const *name ) { if ( !m_pModelPrecacheTable ) { return -1; } int idx = m_pModelPrecacheTable->FindStringIndex( name ); return ( idx == INVALID_STRING_INDEX ) ? -1 : idx; }
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
// *name -
void CClientState::SetModel( int tableIndex ) { if ( !m_pModelPrecacheTable ) { return; }
// Bogus index
if ( tableIndex < 0 || tableIndex >= m_pModelPrecacheTable->GetNumStrings() ) { return; }
CPrecacheItem *p = &model_precache[ tableIndex ]; const CPrecacheUserData *data = CL_GetPrecacheUserData( m_pModelPrecacheTable, tableIndex );
bool bLoadNow = ( data && ( data->flags & RES_PRELOAD ) ) || IsGameConsole(); if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nopreload" ) || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nopreloadmodels" )) { bLoadNow = false; } else if ( cl_forcepreload.GetInt() || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-preload" ) ) { bLoadNow = true; }
if ( bLoadNow ) { char const *name = m_pModelPrecacheTable->GetString( tableIndex ); int lenModelName = V_strlen( name ); if ( demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() && ( lenModelName > 4 ) && !V_stricmp( name + lenModelName - 4, ".bsp" ) ) name = m_szLevelName; // For demo playback we force the client bsp which may differ from precache table
p->SetModel( modelloader->GetModelForName( name, IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_CLIENT ) ); } else { p->SetModel( NULL ); }
// log the file reference, if necessary
if (MapReslistGenerator().IsEnabled()) { char const *name = m_pModelPrecacheTable->GetString( tableIndex ); int lenModelName = V_strlen( name ); if ( demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() && ( lenModelName > 4 ) && !V_stricmp( name + lenModelName - 4, ".bsp" ) ) name = m_szLevelName; // For demo playback we force the client bsp which may differ from precache table
MapReslistGenerator().OnModelPrecached( name ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
// Output : model_t
char const *CClientState::GetGeneric( int index ) { if ( !m_pGenericPrecacheTable ) { Warning( "Can't GetGeneric( %d ), no precache table [no level loaded?]\n", index ); return ""; }
if ( index <= 0 ) return "";
if ( index >= m_pGenericPrecacheTable->GetNumStrings() ) { return ""; }
CPrecacheItem *p = &generic_precache[ index ]; char const *g = p->GetGeneric(); return g; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *name -
// Output : int -- note -1 if missing
int CClientState::LookupGenericIndex( char const *name ) { if ( !m_pGenericPrecacheTable ) { Warning( "Can't LookupGenericIndex( %s ), no precache table [no level loaded?]\n", name ); return -1; } int idx = m_pGenericPrecacheTable->FindStringIndex( name ); return ( idx == INVALID_STRING_INDEX ) ? -1 : idx; }
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
// *name -
void CClientState::SetGeneric( int tableIndex ) { if ( !m_pGenericPrecacheTable ) { Warning( "Can't SetGeneric( %d ), no precache table [no level loaded?]\n", tableIndex ); return; } // Bogus index
if ( tableIndex < 0 || tableIndex >= m_pGenericPrecacheTable->GetNumStrings() ) { return; }
char const *name = m_pGenericPrecacheTable->GetString( tableIndex ); CPrecacheItem *p = &generic_precache[ tableIndex ]; p->SetGeneric( name ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
// Output : char const
char const *CClientState::GetSoundName( int index ) { if ( index <= 0 || !m_pSoundPrecacheTable ) return "";
if ( index >= m_pSoundPrecacheTable->GetNumStrings() ) { return ""; }
char const *name = m_pSoundPrecacheTable->GetString( index ); return name; }
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
// Output : model_t
CSfxTable *CClientState::GetSound( int index ) { if ( index <= 0 || !m_pSoundPrecacheTable ) return NULL;
if ( index >= m_pSoundPrecacheTable->GetNumStrings() ) { return NULL; }
CPrecacheItem *p = &sound_precache[ index ]; CSfxTable *s = p->GetSound(); if ( s ) return s;
char const *name = m_pSoundPrecacheTable->GetString( index );
if ( host_showcachemiss.GetBool() ) { ConDMsg( "client sound cache miss on %s\n", name ); }
s = S_PrecacheSound( name );
p->SetSound( s ); return s; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *name -
// Output : int -- note -1 if missing
int CClientState::LookupSoundIndex( char const *name ) { if ( !m_pSoundPrecacheTable ) return -1;
int idx = m_pSoundPrecacheTable->FindStringIndex( name ); return ( idx == INVALID_STRING_INDEX ) ? -1 : idx; }
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
// *name -
void CClientState::SetSound( int tableIndex ) { // Bogus index
if ( !m_pSoundPrecacheTable ) return;
if ( tableIndex < 0 || tableIndex >= m_pSoundPrecacheTable->GetNumStrings() ) { return; }
CPrecacheItem *p = &sound_precache[ tableIndex ]; const CPrecacheUserData *data = CL_GetPrecacheUserData( m_pSoundPrecacheTable, tableIndex );
bool bLoadNow = ( data && ( data->flags & RES_PRELOAD ) ) || IsGameConsole(); if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nopreload" ) || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nopreloadsounds" )) { bLoadNow = false; } else if ( cl_forcepreload.GetInt() || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-preload" ) ) { bLoadNow = true; }
if ( bLoadNow ) { char const *name = m_pSoundPrecacheTable->GetString( tableIndex ); CSfxTable *pSfxTable = S_PrecacheSound( name ); if ( ( pSfxTable != NULL ) && pSfxTable->m_bIsLateLoad ) { DevWarning( " CClientState::SetSound() created the late loading.\n" ); } p->SetSound( pSfxTable ); } else { p->SetSound( NULL ); }
// log the file reference, if necssary
if (MapReslistGenerator().IsEnabled()) { char const *name = m_pSoundPrecacheTable->GetString( tableIndex ); MapReslistGenerator().OnSoundPrecached( name ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
// Output : model_t
char const *CClientState::GetDecalName( int index ) { if ( index <= 0 || !m_pDecalPrecacheTable ) { return NULL; }
if ( index >= m_pDecalPrecacheTable->GetNumStrings() ) { return NULL; }
CPrecacheItem *p = &decal_precache[ index ]; char const *d = p->GetDecal(); return d; }
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
// *name -
void CClientState::SetDecal( int tableIndex ) { if ( !m_pDecalPrecacheTable ) return;
if ( tableIndex < 0 || tableIndex >= m_pDecalPrecacheTable->GetNumStrings() ) { return; }
char const *name = m_pDecalPrecacheTable->GetString( tableIndex ); CPrecacheItem *p = &decal_precache[ tableIndex ]; p->SetDecal( name );
Draw_DecalSetName( tableIndex, (char *)name ); }
// Purpose: sets friends info locally to be sent to other users
void CClientState::SetFriendsID( uint friendsID, const char *friendsName ) { m_nFriendsID = friendsID; Q_strncpy( m_FriendsName, friendsName, sizeof(m_FriendsName) ); }
void CClientState::CheckOthersCustomFile( CRC32_t crcValue ) { if ( crcValue == 0 ) return; // not a valid custom file
extern ConVar cl_allowdownload; if ( !cl_allowdownload.GetBool() ) return; // client doesn't want to download anything
CCustomFilename filehex( crcValue );
if ( g_pFileSystem->FileExists( filehex.m_Filename ) ) return; // we already have this file (assuming the CRC is correct)
// we don't have it, request download from server
m_NetChannel->RequestFile( filehex.m_Filename, false ); }
void CClientState::AddCustomFile( int slot, const char *resourceFile) { if ( Q_strlen(resourceFile) <= 0 ) return; // no resource file given
if ( !COM_IsValidPath( resourceFile ) ) { Msg("Customization file '%s' has invalid path.\n", resourceFile ); return; }
if ( slot < 0 || slot >= MAX_CUSTOM_FILES ) return; // wrong slot
if ( !g_pFileSystem->FileExists( resourceFile ) ) { DevMsg("Couldn't find customization file '%s'.\n", resourceFile ); return; // resource file doesn't exits
if ( g_pFileSystem->Size( resourceFile ) > MAX_CUSTOM_FILE_SIZE ) { Msg("Customization file '%s' is too big ( >%i bytes).\n", resourceFile, MAX_CUSTOM_FILE_SIZE ); return; // resource file doesn't exits
CRC32_t crcValue;
// Compute checksum of resource file
CRC_File( &crcValue, resourceFile );
// Copy it into materials/downloads if it's not there yet, so the server doesn't have to
// transmit the file back to us.
bool bCopy = true; CCustomFilename filehex( crcValue ); if ( g_pFileSystem->FileExists( filehex.m_Filename ) ) { // check if existing file already has same CRC,
// then we don't need to copy it anymore
CRC32_t test; CRC_File( &test, filehex.m_Filename ); if ( test == crcValue ) bCopy = false; }
if ( bCopy ) { // Copy it over under the new name
COM_CopyFile( resourceFile, filehex.m_Filename );
if ( !g_pFileSystem->FileExists( filehex.m_Filename ) ) { Warning( "CacheCustomFiles: can't copy '%s' to '%s'.\n", resourceFile, filehex.m_Filename ); return; } }
/* Finally, validate the VTF file. TODO
CUtlVector<char> fileData; if ( LogoFile_ReadFile( crcValue, fileData ) ) { bValid = true; } else { Warning( "CL_LogoFile_OnConnect: logo file '%s' invalid.\n", logotexture ); } */
m_nCustomFiles[slot].crc = crcValue; // first slot is logo
m_nCustomFiles[slot].reqID = 0;
void CClientState::CheckOwnCustomFiles() { // clear file CRCs
Q_memset( m_nCustomFiles, 0, sizeof(m_nCustomFiles) ); }
// Purpose:
void CClientState::DumpPrecacheStats( const char * name ) { if ( !name || !name[0] ) { ConMsg( "Can only dump stats when active in a level\n" ); return; }
CPrecacheItem *items = NULL; if ( !Q_strcmp(MODEL_PRECACHE_TABLENAME, name ) ) { items = model_precache; } else if ( !Q_strcmp(GENERIC_PRECACHE_TABLENAME, name ) ) { items = generic_precache; } else if ( !Q_strcmp(SOUND_PRECACHE_TABLENAME, name ) ) { items = sound_precache; } else if ( !Q_strcmp(DECAL_PRECACHE_TABLENAME, name ) ) { items = decal_precache; }
INetworkStringTable *table = GetStringTable( name );
if ( !items || !table) { ConMsg( "Precache table '%s' not found.\n", name ); return; }
int count = table->GetNumStrings(); int maxcount = table->GetMaxStrings();
ConMsg( "\n" ); ConMsg( "Precache table %s: %i of %i slots used\n", table->GetTableName(), count, maxcount );
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { char const *name = table->GetString( i ); CPrecacheItem *slot = &items[ i ]; const CPrecacheUserData *p = CL_GetPrecacheUserData( table, i );
if ( !name || !slot || !p ) continue;
ConMsg( "%03i: %s (%s): ", i, name, GetFlagString( p->flags ) );
if ( slot->GetReferenceCount() == 0 ) { ConMsg( " never used\n" ); } else { ConMsg( " %i refs, first %.2f mru %.2f\n", slot->GetReferenceCount(), slot->GetFirstReference(), slot->GetMostRecentReference() ); } }
ConMsg( "\n" ); }
void CClientState::ReadDeletions( CEntityReadInfo &u ) { VPROF( "ReadDeletions" ); int nBase = -1; int nCount = u.m_pBuf->ReadUBitVar(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { int nDelta = u.m_pBuf->ReadUBitVar(); int nSlot = nBase + nDelta;
Assert( !u.m_pTo->transmit_entity.Get( nSlot ) );
CL_DeleteDLLEntity( nSlot, "ReadDeletions" );
nBase = nSlot; } }
inline static UpdateType DetermineUpdateType( CEntityReadInfo &u, int oldEntity ) { if ( !u.m_bIsEntity || ( u.m_nNewEntity > oldEntity ) ) { // If we're at the last entity, preserve whatever entities followed it in the old packet.
// If newnum > oldnum, then the server skipped sending entities that it wants to leave the state alone for.
if ( !u.m_pFrom || ( oldEntity > u.m_pFrom->last_entity ) ) { return Finished; }
// Preserve entities until we reach newnum (ie: the server didn't send certain entities because
// they haven't changed).
} else { if( u.m_UpdateFlags & FHDR_ENTERPVS ) { return EnterPVS; } else if( u.m_UpdateFlags & FHDR_LEAVEPVS ) { return LeavePVS; } return DeltaEnt; }
return PreserveEnt; }
static inline void CL_ParseDeltaHeader( CEntityReadInfo &u ) { u.m_UpdateFlags = FHDR_ZERO;
int startbit = u.m_pBuf->GetNumBitsRead(); #endif
u.m_nNewEntity = u.m_nHeaderBase + 1 + u.m_pBuf->ReadUBitVar();
u.m_nHeaderBase = u.m_nNewEntity;
// leave pvs flag
if ( u.m_pBuf->ReadOneBit() == 0 ) { // enter pvs flag
if ( u.m_pBuf->ReadOneBit() != 0 ) { u.m_UpdateFlags |= FHDR_ENTERPVS; } } else { u.m_UpdateFlags |= FHDR_LEAVEPVS;
// Force delete flag
if ( u.m_pBuf->ReadOneBit() != 0 ) { u.m_UpdateFlags |= FHDR_DELETE; } } // Output the bitstream...
int lastbit = u.m_pBuf->GetNumBitsRead(); { void SpewBitStream( unsigned char* pMem, int bit, int lastbit ); SpewBitStream( (byte *)u.m_pBuf->m_pData, startbit, lastbit ); } #endif
void CClientState::ReadPacketEntities( CEntityReadInfo &u ) { // Loop until there are no more entities to read
bool bRecord = cl_entityreport.GetBool();
int oldEntity = u.m_nOldEntity; oldEntity = u.GetNextOldEntity(u.m_nOldEntity); UpdateType updateType = u.m_UpdateType;
while ( updateType < Finished ) { u.m_nHeaderCount--;
u.m_bIsEntity = ( u.m_nHeaderCount >= 0 ) ? true : false;
if ( u.m_bIsEntity ) { CL_ParseDeltaHeader( u ); }
for ( updateType = PreserveEnt; updateType == PreserveEnt; ) { // Figure out what kind of an update this is.
updateType = DetermineUpdateType(u, oldEntity); switch( updateType ) { case EnterPVS: { int iClass = u.m_pBuf->ReadUBitLong( m_nServerClassBits );
int iSerialNum = u.m_pBuf->ReadUBitLong( NUM_NETWORKED_EHANDLE_SERIAL_NUMBER_BITS ); u.m_nOldEntity = oldEntity; CL_CopyNewEntity( u, iClass, iSerialNum );
if ( u.m_nNewEntity == oldEntity ) // that was a recreate
{ oldEntity = u.GetNextOldEntity(oldEntity); } } break;
case LeavePVS: { if ( !u.m_bAsDelta ) { Assert(0); // GetBaseLocalClient().validsequence = 0;
ConMsg( "WARNING: LeavePVS on full update" ); updateType = Failed; // break out
} else { Assert( !u.m_pTo->transmit_entity.Get( oldEntity ) );
if ( u.m_UpdateFlags & FHDR_DELETE ) { CL_DeleteDLLEntity( oldEntity, "ReadLeavePVS" ); }
oldEntity = u.GetNextOldEntity(oldEntity); } } break;
case DeltaEnt: { u.m_nOldEntity = oldEntity; CL_CopyExistingEntity( u ); oldEntity = u.GetNextOldEntity(oldEntity); } break;
case PreserveEnt: { if ( !u.m_bAsDelta ) // Should never happen on a full update.
{ updateType = Failed; // break out
} else { Assert( u.m_pFrom->transmit_entity.Get(oldEntity) );
// copy one of the old entities over to the new packet unchanged
if ( u.m_nNewEntity < 0 || u.m_nNewEntity >= MAX_EDICTS ) { Host_Error ("CL_ReadPreserveEnt: u.m_nNewEntity == MAX_EDICTS"); }
u.m_pTo->last_entity = oldEntity; u.m_pTo->transmit_entity.Set( oldEntity );
if ( bRecord ) { CL_RecordEntityBits( oldEntity, 0 ); }
oldEntity = u.GetNextOldEntity(oldEntity); } } break;
default: break; } } } u.m_nOldEntity = oldEntity; u.m_UpdateType = updateType;
// Now process explicit deletes
if ( u.m_bAsDelta && u.m_UpdateType == Finished ) { ReadDeletions( u ); }
// Something didn't parse...
if ( u.m_pBuf->IsOverflowed() ) { Host_Error ( "CL_ParsePacketEntities: buffer read overflow\n" ); }
// If we get an uncompressed packet, then the server is waiting for us to ack the validsequence
// that we got the uncompressed packet on. So we stop reading packets here and force ourselves to
// send the clc_move on the next frame.
if ( !u.m_bAsDelta ) { m_flNextCmdTime = 0.0; // answer ASAP to confirm full update tick
} }
// Purpose: Starts checking that all the necessary files are local
void CClientState::StartUpdatingSteamResources() { if ( IsX360() ) { return; }
// we can only do this when in SIGNONSTATE_NEW,
// since the completion of this triggers the continuation of SIGNONSTATE_NEW
Assert(m_nSignonState == SIGNONSTATE_NEW);
// make sure we have all the necessary resources locally before continuing
m_hWaitForResourcesHandle = g_pFileSystem->WaitForResources(m_szLevelNameShort); m_bUpdateSteamResources = true; m_bShownSteamResourceUpdateProgress = false; m_bDownloadResources = false; m_bDownloadingUGCMap = false; }
bool g_bASW_Waiting_For_Map_Build = false;
CON_COMMAND( asw_engine_finished_building_map, "Notify engine that we've finished building a map" ) { g_bASW_Waiting_For_Map_Build = false; }
// Purpose: checks to see if we're done updating files
void CClientState::CheckUpdatingSteamResources() { if ( IsX360() ) { return; }
if (m_bUpdateSteamResources) { bool bComplete = false; float flProgress = 0.0f; g_pFileSystem->GetWaitForResourcesProgress(m_hWaitForResourcesHandle, &flProgress, &bComplete);
if (bComplete) { m_hWaitForResourcesHandle = NULL; m_bUpdateSteamResources = false; m_bDownloadResources = false; m_bDownloadingUGCMap = false;
if ( m_pDownloadableFileTable ) { bool allowDownloads = true; bool allowSoundDownloads = true;
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( cl_downloadfilter.GetString(), "none" ) ) { allowDownloads = allowSoundDownloads = false; } else if ( !Q_strcasecmp( cl_downloadfilter.GetString(), "nosounds" ) ) { allowSoundDownloads = false; }
if ( allowDownloads ) { char extension[4]; for ( int i=0; i<m_pDownloadableFileTable->GetNumStrings(); ++i ) { const char *fname = m_pDownloadableFileTable->GetString( i );
if ( !allowSoundDownloads ) { Q_ExtractFileExtension( fname, extension, sizeof( extension ) ); if ( !Q_strcasecmp( extension, "wav" ) || !Q_strcasecmp( extension, "mp3" ) ) { continue; } }
// If this is a community map we're loading download from the workshop cdn instead of server.
char bufFileName[MAX_PATH]; V_FixupPathName( bufFileName, sizeof( bufFileName ), fname );
if ( m_unUGCMapFileID != 0 ) { int lenBufFileName = V_strlen( bufFileName ); if ( !V_stricmp( bufFileName, m_szLevelName ) || // if UGC map file ID is set and the resource is the bsp then download the client level
( ( lenBufFileName > 4 ) && !V_stricmp( bufFileName + lenBufFileName - 4, ".bsp" ) ) ) { g_ClientDLL->DownloadCommunityMapFile( m_unUGCMapFileID ); m_bDownloadingUGCMap = true; if ( cl_debug_ugc_downloads.GetBool() ) Msg( "CheckUpdatingSteamResources: downloading UGC map file '%s' id %llu\n", m_szLevelName, m_unUGCMapFileID );
continue; } if ( ( lenBufFileName > 4 ) && !V_stricmp( bufFileName + lenBufFileName - 4, ".nav" ) ) continue; // UGC maps always have nav embedded in the bsp
if ( demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() && ( cl_download_demoplayer.GetInt() < 2 ) ) continue; // demo playback doesn't need to download all the resources
if ( cl_debug_ugc_downloads.GetBool() ) Msg( "CheckUpdatingSteamResources: downloading file '%s'\n", bufFileName );
static char gamedir[MAX_OSPATH]; Q_FileBase( com_gamedir, gamedir, sizeof( gamedir ) ); if ( !Q_stricmp( gamedir, "infested" ) ) { // if we're trying to download a randomly generated map, instead request the map layout file
const char *pExt = V_GetFileExtension( fname ); if ( !Q_stricmp( pExt, "bsp" ) ) { char mapLayoutFName[256]; Q_snprintf( mapLayoutFName, sizeof( mapLayoutFName ), "%s", fname ); int extPos = pExt - fname; Q_snprintf( mapLayoutFName + extPos, sizeof( mapLayoutFName ) - extPos, "layout" );
if ( StringHasPrefix( fname + 5, "gridrandom" ) || StringHasPrefix( fname + 5, "output" ) ) { CL_QueueDownload( mapLayoutFName ); } else { // if we're downloading a non-random map, make sure we're not waiting for a map build
g_bASW_Waiting_For_Map_Build = false; CL_QueueDownload( fname ); } } else { CL_QueueDownload( fname ); } } else { CL_QueueDownload( fname ); } } }
if ( CL_GetDownloadQueueSize() || g_bASW_Waiting_For_Map_Build || m_bDownloadingUGCMap ) { // make sure the loading dialog is up
EngineVGui()->StartCustomProgress(); EngineVGui()->ActivateGameUI(); m_bDownloadResources = true; } else { m_bDownloadResources = false; FinishSignonState_New(); } } else { Host_Error( "Invalid download file table." ); } } else if (flProgress > 0.0f) { if (!m_bShownSteamResourceUpdateProgress) { // make sure the loading dialog is up
EngineVGui()->StartCustomProgress(); EngineVGui()->ActivateGameUI(); m_bShownSteamResourceUpdateProgress = true; }
// change it to be updating steam resources
EngineVGui()->UpdateSecondaryProgressBar( flProgress, (flProgress < 1.0f) ? g_pVGuiLocalize->FindSafe("#Valve_UpdatingSteamResources") : L"" ); } }
if ( m_bDownloadResources || m_bDownloadingUGCMap ) { // Check on any HTTP downloads in progress
bool stillDownloading = CL_DownloadUpdate(); if ( m_bDownloadingUGCMap ) { float progress = g_ClientDLL->GetUGCFileDownloadProgress( m_unUGCMapFileID ); if ( progress == 1.0f || progress < 0.0f ) m_bDownloadingUGCMap = false; // stop waiting if we're done, or on error.
if ( cl_debug_ugc_downloads.GetBool() ) Msg( "CheckUpdatingSteamResources: Downloading UGC Map.... %f%%\n", 100.0f*progress );
wchar_t wszPercent[ 10 ]; V_snwprintf( wszPercent, ARRAYSIZE( wszPercent ), L"%d%%", (int)(100*progress) ); wchar_t wszWideBuff[ 128 ]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszWideBuff, sizeof( wszWideBuff ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_Loading_UGCMap_Progress" ), 1, wszPercent );
// change it to be updating steam resources
EngineVGui()->UpdateSecondaryProgressBar( progress, ( (progress > 0.0f) && (progress < 1.0f) ) ? wszWideBuff : L"" ); }
if ( !stillDownloading && !g_bASW_Waiting_For_Map_Build && !m_bDownloadingUGCMap ) { m_bDownloadResources = false; FinishSignonState_New();
// Setting to blank will clear it
EngineVGui()->UpdateSecondaryProgressBar( 1, L"" ); } } }
// Purpose: At a certain rate, this function will verify any unverified
// file CRCs with the server.
void CClientState::CheckFileCRCsWithServer() { VPROF_( "CheckFileCRCsWithServer", 1, VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_OTHER_NETWORKING, false, BUDGETFLAG_CLIENT ); const float flBatchInterval = 1.0f / 5.0f; const int nBatchSize = 5;
// Don't do this yet..
if ( !m_bCheckCRCsWithServer ) return;
if ( m_nSignonState != SIGNONSTATE_FULL ) return;
// Only send a batch every so often.
float flCurTime = Plat_FloatTime(); if ( (flCurTime - m_flLastCRCBatchTime) < flBatchInterval ) return;
m_flLastCRCBatchTime = flCurTime;
CUnverifiedFileHash rgUnverifiedFiles[nBatchSize]; int count = g_pFileSystem->GetUnverifiedFileHashes( rgUnverifiedFiles, ARRAYSIZE( rgUnverifiedFiles ) ); if ( count == 0 ) return;
// Send the messages to the server.
for ( int i=0; i < count; i++ ) { CCLCMsg_FileCRCCheck_t crcCheck; CCLCMsg_FileCRCCheck_t::SetPath( crcCheck, rgUnverifiedFiles[i].m_PathID ); CCLCMsg_FileCRCCheck_t::SetFileName( crcCheck, rgUnverifiedFiles[i].m_Filename ); crcCheck.set_file_fraction( rgUnverifiedFiles[i].m_nFileFraction ); crcCheck.set_md5( (void*)(rgUnverifiedFiles[i].m_FileHash.m_md5contents.bits), MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH ); crcCheck.set_crc ( CRC32_ConvertToUnsignedLong( &rgUnverifiedFiles[i].m_FileHash.m_crcIOSequence ) ); crcCheck.set_file_hash_type ( rgUnverifiedFiles[i].m_FileHash.m_eFileHashType ); crcCheck.set_file_len ( rgUnverifiedFiles[i].m_FileHash.m_cbFileLen ); crcCheck.set_pack_file_number( rgUnverifiedFiles[i].m_FileHash.m_nPackFileNumber ); crcCheck.set_pack_file_id( rgUnverifiedFiles[i].m_FileHash.m_PackFileID );
m_NetChannel->SendNetMsg( crcCheck ); } }
// Purpose: sanity-checks the variables in a VMT file to prevent the client from
// making player etc. textures that glow or show through walls etc. Anything
// other than $baseTexture and $bumpmap is hereby verboten.
bool CheckSimpleMaterial( IMaterial *pMaterial ) { if ( !pMaterial ) return false;
const char *name = pMaterial->GetShaderName(); if ( Q_strncasecmp( name, "VertexLitGeneric", 16 ) && Q_strncasecmp( name, "UnlitGeneric", 12 ) && Q_strncasecmp( name, "Infected", 8 ) ) { return false; }
if ( pMaterial->GetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_IGNOREZ ) ) return false;
if ( pMaterial->GetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_WIREFRAME ) ) return false;
if ( pMaterial->GetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_SELFILLUM ) ) return false;
if ( pMaterial->GetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_ADDITIVE ) ) return false;
if ( pMaterial->GetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_NOFOG ) ) return false;
return true; }
// Purpose: find a filename in the string table, ignoring case and slash mismatches. Returns the index, or INVALID_STRING_INDEX if not found.
int FindFilenameInStringTable( INetworkStringTable *table, const char *searchFname ) { char searchFilename[MAX_PATH]; char tableFilename[MAX_PATH];
Q_strncpy( searchFilename, searchFname, MAX_PATH ); Q_FixSlashes( searchFilename );
for ( int i=0; i<table->GetNumStrings(); ++i ) { const char *tableFname = table->GetString( i ); Q_strncpy( tableFilename, tableFname, MAX_PATH ); Q_FixSlashes( tableFilename );
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( searchFilename, tableFilename ) ) { return i; } }
// Purpose: find a filename in the string table, ignoring case and slash mismatches.
// Returns the consistency type, with CONSISTENCY_NONE being a Not Found result.
ConsistencyType GetFileConsistencyType( INetworkStringTable *table, const char *searchFname ) { int index = FindFilenameInStringTable( table, searchFname ); if ( index == INVALID_STRING_INDEX ) { return CONSISTENCY_NONE; }
int length = 0; unsigned char *userData = NULL; userData = (unsigned char *)table->GetStringUserData( index, &length ); if ( userData && length == sizeof( ExactFileUserData ) ) { switch ( userData[0] ) { case CONSISTENCY_EXACT: case CONSISTENCY_SIMPLE_MATERIAL: return (ConsistencyType)userData[0]; default: return CONSISTENCY_NONE; } } else { return CONSISTENCY_NONE; } }
// Purpose: Does a CRC check compared to the CRC stored in the user data.
bool CheckCRCs( unsigned char *userData, int length, const char *filename ) { if ( userData && length == sizeof( ExactFileUserData ) ) { if ( userData[0] != CONSISTENCY_EXACT && userData[0] != CONSISTENCY_SIMPLE_MATERIAL ) { return false; }
ExactFileUserData *exactFileData = (ExactFileUserData *)userData;
CRC32_t crc; if ( !CRC_File( &crc, filename ) ) { return false; }
return ( crc == exactFileData->crc ); }
return false; }
// Purpose: completes the SIGNONSTATE_NEW state
void CClientState::FinishSignonState_New() { // make sure we're still in the right signon state
if (m_nSignonState != SIGNONSTATE_NEW) return;
if ( demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ) { demoplayer->SetPacketReadSuspended( false ); }
if ( !m_bMarkedCRCsUnverified ) { // Mark all file CRCs unverified once per server. We may have verified CRCs for certain files on
// the previous server, but we need to reverify them on the new server.
m_bMarkedCRCsUnverified = true; g_pFileSystem->MarkAllCRCsUnverified(); }
// Check for a new whitelist. It's good to do it early in the connection process here because if we wait until later,
// the client may have loaded some files w/o the proper whitelist restrictions and we'd have to reload them.
m_bCheckCRCsWithServer = false; // Don't check CRCs yet.. wait until we got a whitelist and cleaned out our files based on it to send CRCs.
CL_CheckForPureServerWhitelist(); // Verify the map and player .mdl crc's now that we've finished downloading missing resources (maps etc)
if ( !CL_CheckCRCs( m_szLevelName ) ) { Host_Error( "Unabled to verify map %s\n", ( m_szLevelName && m_szLevelName[0] ) ? m_szLevelName : "unknown" ); return; }
// Don't load the client if we don't own the game
if ( NET_IsMultiplayer() && Steam3Client().SteamApps() && !Steam3Client().SteamApps()->BIsSubscribed() ) { Host_Error( "Steam ownership check failed.\n" ); return; }
COM_TimestampedLog( "CL_InstallAndInvokeClientStringTableCallbacks" ); CL_InstallAndInvokeClientStringTableCallbacks(); #if 0
// HACK!!!! For use only on PC not yet using a whitelist!
// install hooks
if ( IsPC() && ( m_nMaxClients > 1 ) ) { m_pModelPrecacheTable->SetStringChangedCallback( NULL, Callback_ModelChanged );
int nTableCount = m_StringTableContainer->GetNumTables(); for ( int iTable =0; iTable < nTableCount; ++iTable ) { // iterate through server tables
CNetworkStringTable *pTable = (CNetworkStringTable*)m_StringTableContainer->GetTable( iTable ); if ( !pTable ) continue;
pfnStringChanged pCallbackFunction = pTable->GetCallback(); if ( pCallbackFunction ) for ( int iString = 0; iString < pTable->GetNumStrings(); ++iString ) { int userDataSize; const void *pUserData = pTable->GetStringUserData( iString, &userDataSize ); (*pCallbackFunction)( NULL, pTable, iString, pTable->GetString( iString ), pUserData ); } }
materials->CacheUsedMaterials(); }
COM_TimestampedLog( "materials->CacheUsedMaterials" );
COM_TimestampedLog( "ConsistencyCheck" ); // force a consistency check
ConsistencyCheck( true ); COM_TimestampedLog( "CL_RegisterResources" ); CL_RegisterResources();
// Done with all resources, issue prespawn command.
// Include server count in case server disconnects and changes level during d/l
// Tell rendering system we have a new set of models.
EngineVGui()->UpdateProgressBar(PROGRESS_SENDCLIENTINFO); if ( !m_NetChannel ) return; SendClientInfo();
// tell server that we entered now that state
CNETMsg_SignonState_t msgSignonState( m_nSignonState, m_nServerCount ); m_NetChannel->SendNetMsg( msgSignonState ); }
// Purpose: run a file consistency check if enforced by server
void CClientState::ConsistencyCheck(bool bChanged ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CClientState::ConsistencyCheck", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_OTHER_FILESYSTEM );
// get the default config for the current card as a starting point.
// server must have sent us this table
if ( !m_pDownloadableFileTable ) return;
// no checks during single player or demo playback
if( (m_nMaxClients == 1) || demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() ) return;
// only if we are connected
if ( !IsConnected() ) return;
// only if enforce by server
if ( !sv_consistency.GetBool() ) return;
// check if material configuration changed
static MaterialSystem_Config_t s_LastConfig; MaterialSystem_Config_t newConfig = materials->GetCurrentConfigForVideoCard();
if ( Q_memcmp( &s_LastConfig, &newConfig, sizeof(MaterialSystem_Config_t) ) ) { // remember last config we tested
s_LastConfig = newConfig; bChanged = true; }
if ( !bChanged ) return;
char errorFilenameBuf[MAX_PATH] = "";
// check CRCs and model sizes
Color red( 200, 20, 20, 255 ); Color blue( 100, 100, 200, 255 ); for ( int i=0; i<m_pDownloadableFileTable->GetNumStrings(); ++i ) { int length = 0; unsigned char *userData = NULL; userData = (unsigned char *)m_pDownloadableFileTable->GetStringUserData( i, &length ); const char *filename = m_pDownloadableFileTable->GetString( i );
// [FTrepte] Ignore the CRC check for Counter-Strike 15.
// $FIXME: Is this the right thing to do or should we fix endianness and content issues
// that may be causing this not to match between the PC server and Xbox client?
// CRC Check
if ( userData && userData[0] == CONSISTENCY_EXACT && length == sizeof( ExactFileUserData ) ) { #if !defined( CSTRIKE15 )
if ( !CheckCRCs( userData, length, filename ) ) { ConColorMsg( red, "Bad CRC for %s\n", filename ); V_strncpy( errorFilenameBuf, filename, sizeof( errorFilenameBuf ) ); } #endif
// Bounds Check
// This is simply asking for the model's mins and maxs. Also, it checks each material referenced
// by the model, to make sure it doesn't ignore Z, isn't overbright, etc.
// TODO: Animations and facial expressions can still pull verts out past this.
else if ( userData && userData[0] == CONSISTENCY_BOUNDS && length == sizeof( ModelBoundsUserData ) ) { ModelBoundsUserData *boundsData = (ModelBoundsUserData *)userData; model_t *pModel = modelloader->GetModelForName( filename, IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_CLIENT ); if ( !pModel ) { ConColorMsg( red, "Can't find model for %s\n", filename ); V_strncpy( errorFilenameBuf, filename, sizeof( errorFilenameBuf ) ); } else { // [FTrepte] It seems that the boundsData is endian-swapped when connecting to the PC server in CClientState::ConsistencyCheck.
if (IsX360()) { CByteswap swap; swap.ActivateByteSwapping( true );
float minx = boundsData->mins.x; swap.SwapBufferToTargetEndian<float>(&boundsData->mins.x, &minx, 1);
float miny = boundsData->mins.y; swap.SwapBufferToTargetEndian<float>(&boundsData->mins.y, &miny, 1);
float minz = boundsData->mins.z; swap.SwapBufferToTargetEndian<float>(&boundsData->mins.z, &minz, 1);
float maxx = boundsData->maxs.x; swap.SwapBufferToTargetEndian<float>(&boundsData->maxs.x, &maxx, 1);
float maxy = boundsData->maxs.y; swap.SwapBufferToTargetEndian<float>(&boundsData->maxs.y, &maxy, 1);
float maxz = boundsData->maxs.z; swap.SwapBufferToTargetEndian<float>(&boundsData->maxs.z, &maxz, 1); }
if ( pModel->mins.x < boundsData->mins.x || pModel->mins.y < boundsData->mins.y || pModel->mins.z < boundsData->mins.z ) { ConColorMsg( red, "Model %s exceeds mins (%.1f %.1f %.1f vs. %.1f %.1f %.1f)\n", filename, pModel->mins.x, pModel->mins.y, pModel->mins.z, boundsData->mins.x, boundsData->mins.y, boundsData->mins.z); V_strncpy( errorFilenameBuf, filename, sizeof( errorFilenameBuf ) ); } if ( pModel->maxs.x > boundsData->maxs.x || pModel->maxs.y > boundsData->maxs.y || pModel->maxs.z > boundsData->maxs.z ) { ConColorMsg( red, "Model %s exceeds maxs (%.1f %.1f %.1f vs. %.1f %.1f %.1f)\n", filename, pModel->maxs.x, pModel->maxs.y, pModel->maxs.z, boundsData->maxs.x, boundsData->maxs.y, boundsData->maxs.z); V_strncpy( errorFilenameBuf, filename, sizeof( errorFilenameBuf ) ); }
// Check each texture
IMaterial *materials[ 128 ]; int materialCount = Mod_GetModelMaterials( pModel, ARRAYSIZE( materials ), materials );
for ( int j = 0; j<materialCount; ++j ) { IMaterial *pMaterial = materials[j];
if ( !CheckSimpleMaterial( pMaterial ) ) { // Try reloading the material:
pMaterial->RecomputeStateSnapshots(); if ( !CheckSimpleMaterial( pMaterial ) ) { ConColorMsg( red, "Model %s has a bad texture %s\n", filename, pMaterial->GetName() ); V_strncpy( errorFilenameBuf, filename, sizeof( errorFilenameBuf ) ); break; } } } } } }
if ( *errorFilenameBuf ) { COM_ExplainDisconnection( true, "Server is enforcing consistency for this file:\n%s\n", errorFilenameBuf ); Host_Error( "Server is enforcing file consistency for %s\n", errorFilenameBuf ); } }
void CClientState::UpdateAreaBits_BackwardsCompatible() { if ( m_pAreaBits ) { memcpy( m_chAreaBits, m_pAreaBits, sizeof( m_chAreaBits ) ); // The whole point of adding this array was that the client could react to closed portals.
// If they're using the old interface to set area portal bits, then we use the old
// behavior of assuming all portals are open on the clent.
memset( m_chAreaPortalBits, 0xFF, sizeof( m_chAreaPortalBits ) );
m_bAreaBitsValid = true; } }
unsigned char** CClientState::GetAreaBits_BackwardCompatibility() { return &m_pAreaBits; }
void CClientState::RunFrame() { CBaseClientState::RunFrame();
// Since cl_rate is a virtualized cvar, make sure to pickup changes in it.
if ( m_NetChannel ) m_NetChannel->SetDataRate( cl_rate->GetFloat() );
ConsistencyCheck( false );
// Check if paged pool is low ( < 8% free )
static bool s_bLowPagedPoolMemoryWarning = false; PAGED_POOL_INFO_t ppi; if ( ( SYSCALL_SUCCESS == Plat_GetPagedPoolInfo( &ppi ) ) && ( ( ppi.numPagesFree * 12 ) < ( ppi.numPagesUsed + ppi.numPagesFree ) ) ) { con_nprint_t np; np.time_to_live = 1.0; np.index = 1; np.fixed_width_font = false; np.color[ 0 ] = 1.0; np.color[ 1 ] = 0.2; np.color[ 2 ] = 0.0; Con_NXPrintf( &np, "WARNING: OS Paged Pool Memory Low" );
// Also print a warning to console
static float s_flLastWarningTime = 0.0f; if ( !s_bLowPagedPoolMemoryWarning || ( Plat_FloatTime() - s_flLastWarningTime > 3.0f ) ) // print a warning no faster than once every 3 sec
{ s_bLowPagedPoolMemoryWarning = true; s_flLastWarningTime = Plat_FloatTime(); Warning( "OS Paged Pool Memory Low!\n" ); Warning( " Currently using %d pages (%d Kb) of total %d pages (%d Kb total)\n", ppi.numPagesUsed, ppi.numPagesUsed * Plat_GetMemPageSize(), ( ppi.numPagesFree + ppi.numPagesUsed ), ( ppi.numPagesFree + ppi.numPagesUsed ) * Plat_GetMemPageSize() ); Warning( " Please see http://support.steampowered.com for more information.\n" ); } } else if ( s_bLowPagedPoolMemoryWarning ) { s_bLowPagedPoolMemoryWarning = false; Msg( "Info: OS Paged Pool Memory restored - currently %d pages free (%d Kb) of total %d pages (%d Kb total).\n", ppi.numPagesFree, ppi.numPagesFree * Plat_GetMemPageSize(), ( ppi.numPagesFree + ppi.numPagesUsed ), ( ppi.numPagesFree + ppi.numPagesUsed ) * Plat_GetMemPageSize() ); }