//===== Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "keys.h"
#include "cdll_engine_int.h"
#include "cmd.h"
#include "toolframework/itoolframework.h"
#include "toolframework/itoolsystem.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h"
#include "keyvalues.h"
#include "host.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "cheatcodes.h"
#include "baseclientstate.h" // splitscreen interface
#include "tier1/fmtstr.h"
#include "EngineSoundInternal.h"
#include "cl_splitscreen.h"
#if defined( INCLUDE_SCALEFORM )
#include "scaleformui/scaleformui.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
ConVar in_forceuser( "in_forceuser", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Force user input to this split screen player." );
struct KeyInfo_t { char *m_pKeyBinding; unsigned char m_nKeyUpTarget : 4; // see KeyUpTarget_t
unsigned char m_bKeyDown : 1; };
// Current keypress state
struct KeyContext_t { KeyContext_t() { // NOTE: If this compile-time assert fails, modify the bit count
// in KeyInfo_t::m_nKeyUpTarget
Q_memset( m_pKeyInfo, 0, sizeof( m_pKeyInfo ) ); m_bTrapMode = false; m_bDoneTrapping = false; m_nTrapKeyUp = BUTTON_CODE_INVALID; m_nTrapKey = BUTTON_CODE_INVALID; }
KeyInfo_t m_pKeyInfo[BUTTON_CODE_LAST]; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Trap mode is used by the keybinding UI
bool m_bTrapMode; bool m_bDoneTrapping; ButtonCode_t m_nTrapKeyUp; ButtonCode_t m_nTrapKey; };
static KeyContext_t s_KeyContext;
// Can keys be passed to various targets?
static inline bool ShouldPassKeyUpToTarget( ButtonCode_t code, KeyUpTarget_t target ) { if (code < 0 || code >= BUTTON_CODE_LAST) return true; return ( s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[code].m_nKeyUpTarget == target ) || ( s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[code].m_nKeyUpTarget == KEY_UP_ANYTARGET ); }
ButtonCode_t GetSplitPlayerJoystickCode( ButtonCode_t bc ) { #ifdef DEDICATED
return bc; #else
if ( !IsJoystickCode( bc ) && !IsSteamControllerCode( bc ) ) return bc;
int nJoystick = GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT(); return ButtonCodeToJoystickButtonCode( bc, nJoystick ); #endif
void Key_SetBinding( ButtonCode_t keynum, const char *pBinding ) { char *pNewBinding; int l; if ( keynum == BUTTON_CODE_INVALID ) return;
keynum = GetSplitPlayerJoystickCode( keynum );
// free old bindings
if ( s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[keynum].m_pKeyBinding ) { // Exactly the same, don't re-bind and fragment memory
if ( !Q_strcmp( s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[keynum].m_pKeyBinding, pBinding ) ) return;
delete[] s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[keynum].m_pKeyBinding; s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[keynum].m_pKeyBinding = NULL; } // allocate memory for new binding
l = Q_strlen( pBinding ); pNewBinding = (char *)new char[ l+1 ]; Q_strncpy( pNewBinding, pBinding, l + 1 ); pNewBinding[l] = 0; s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[keynum].m_pKeyBinding = pNewBinding;
#if defined( INCLUDE_SCALEFORM )
if ( g_pScaleformUI ) { g_pScaleformUI->UpdateBindingForButton( keynum, pBinding ); } #endif
if ( g_ClientDLL ) { g_ClientDLL->OnKeyBindingChanged( keynum, g_pInputSystem->ButtonCodeToString( (ButtonCode_t)keynum ), pNewBinding ); } #endif
=================== Key_Unbind_f =================== */ CON_COMMAND( unbind, "Unbind a key." ) { ButtonCode_t b;
if ( args.ArgC() != 2 ) { ConMsg( "unbind <key> : remove commands from a key\n" ); return; } b = g_pInputSystem->StringToButtonCode( args[1] ); if ( b == BUTTON_CODE_INVALID ) { ConMsg( "\"%s\" isn't a valid key\n", args[1] ); return; }
if ( b == KEY_ESCAPE ) { ConMsg( "Can't unbind ESCAPE key\n" ); return; }
Key_SetBinding( b, "" ); }
CON_COMMAND( unbindall, "Unbind all keys." ) { int i; for ( i=0; i<BUTTON_CODE_LAST; i++ ) { if ( !s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[i].m_pKeyBinding ) continue; // Don't ever unbind escape or console key
if ( i == KEY_ESCAPE ) continue;
if ( i == KEY_BACKQUOTE ) continue;
Key_SetBinding( (ButtonCode_t)i, "" ); } }
CON_COMMAND( unbindalljoystick, "Unbind all joystick keys." ) { int i;
for ( i = 0; i < BUTTON_CODE_LAST; i++ ) { if ( !s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[i].m_pKeyBinding ) continue;
// Don't ever unbind escape or console key
if ( i == KEY_ESCAPE ) continue;
if ( i == KEY_BACKQUOTE ) continue;
if ( IsJoystickCode( ( ButtonCode_t )i ) ) { Key_SetBinding( (ButtonCode_t)i, "" ); } } }
CON_COMMAND( unbindallmousekeyboard, "Unbind all mouse / keyboard keys." ) { int i;
for ( i = 0; i < BUTTON_CODE_LAST; i++ ) { if ( !s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[i].m_pKeyBinding ) continue;
// Don't ever unbind escape or console key
if ( i == KEY_ESCAPE ) continue;
if ( i == KEY_BACKQUOTE ) continue;
if ( IsMouseCode( ( ButtonCode_t )i ) || IsKeyCode( ( ButtonCode_t )i ) ) { Key_SetBinding( (ButtonCode_t)i, "" ); } } }
CON_COMMAND_F( escape, "Escape key pressed.", FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE ) { EngineVGui()->HideGameUI(); } #endif
=================== Key_Bind_f =================== */ static void BindHelper( const CCommand &args ) { int i, c; ButtonCode_t b; char cmd[1024]; c = args.ArgC();
if ( c != 2 && c != 3 ) { ConMsg( "bind <key> [command] : attach a command to a key\n" ); return; }
b = g_pInputSystem->StringToButtonCode( args[1] ); if ( b == BUTTON_CODE_INVALID ) { ConMsg( "\"%s\" isn't a valid key\n", args[1] ); return; }
if ( c == 2 ) { b = GetSplitPlayerJoystickCode( b );
if (s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[b].m_pKeyBinding) { ConMsg( "\"%s\" = \"%s\"\n", args[1], s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[b].m_pKeyBinding ); } else { ConMsg( "\"%s\" is not bound\n", args[1] ); } return; }
if ( b == KEY_ESCAPE ) { Q_strncpy( cmd, "cancelselect", sizeof( cmd ) ); } else { // copy the rest of the command line
cmd[0] = 0; // start out with a null string
for ( i=2 ; i< c ; i++ ) { if (i > 2) { Q_strncat( cmd, " ", sizeof( cmd ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } Q_strncat( cmd, args[i], sizeof( cmd ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } } Key_SetBinding( b, cmd ); }
CON_COMMAND( bind, "Bind a key." ) { BindHelper( args ); }
CON_COMMAND( bind_osx, "Bind a key for OSX only." ) { if ( IsOSX() ) BindHelper( args ); }
============ GetDefaultKeyBindings
Returns a KeyValues object holding default keybindings. Caller is responsible for freeing the KeyValues object. ============ */ KeyValues *GetDefaultKeyBindings( void ) { KeyValues *defaults = new KeyValues( "defaults" );
FileHandle_t f; char szFileName[ _MAX_PATH ]; char token[ 1024 ]; char szKeyName[ 256 ];
// read kb_def file to get default key binds
Q_snprintf( szFileName, sizeof( szFileName ), "%skb_def" PLATFORM_EXT ".lst", SCRIPT_DIR ); f = g_pFileSystem->Open( szFileName, "r"); if ( !f ) { ConMsg( "Couldn't open kb_def.lst\n" ); return defaults; }
// read file into memory
int size = g_pFileSystem->Size(f); char *startbuf = new char[ size + 1 ]; g_pFileSystem->Read( startbuf, size, f ); g_pFileSystem->Close( f ); startbuf[size] = 0;
const char *buf = startbuf; while ( 1 ) { buf = COM_ParseFile( buf, token, sizeof( token ) ); if ( strlen( token ) <= 0 ) break; Q_strncpy ( szKeyName, token, sizeof( szKeyName ) );
buf = COM_ParseFile( buf, token, sizeof( token ) ); if ( strlen( token ) <= 0 ) // Error
defaults->SetString( token, szKeyName ); } delete [] startbuf; // cleanup on the way out
return defaults; }
const char *GetSuggestedBinding( const char *command, KeyValues *defaults ) { if ( !defaults ) return NULL;
const char *suggestedKeyString = defaults->GetString( command, NULL ); if ( suggestedKeyString ) { return suggestedKeyString; }
// If no exact match, scan for substring matches
for ( KeyValues *keybind = defaults->GetFirstSubKey(); keybind != NULL; keybind = keybind->GetNextKey() ) { const char *suggestedKeyString = keybind->GetString(); const char *suggestedCommand = keybind->GetName();
const char *subStr = V_stristr( suggestedCommand, command ); if ( subStr != NULL ) { return suggestedKeyString; } }
return NULL; }
============ Key_ForceBind_f
Find empty keys for the incoming command strings and bind them ============ */ void Key_ForceBind_f( const CCommand &args ) { int argc = args.ArgC(); if ( argc < 2 ) return;
KeyValues *defaults = GetDefaultKeyBindings(); Color boundColor( 0, 255, 64, 255 ); Color unboundColor( 255, 0, 64, 255 );
for ( int arg = 1; arg<argc; ++arg ) { const char *command = args[arg]; const char *currentKeyBinding = Key_NameForBinding(command); const char *suggestedKeyString = GetSuggestedBinding(command, defaults);
if ( !suggestedKeyString && currentKeyBinding ) { // if we don't have a suggested keybind, unbind the command
ButtonCode_t key = g_pInputSystem->StringToButtonCode( currentKeyBinding ); if ( key == - 1 || key == KEY_ESCAPE ) { continue; }
ConColorMsg( boundColor, "Unbound obsolete command \"%s\"\n", command ); Key_SetBinding( key, "" ); continue; }
if ( currentKeyBinding != NULL ) continue; // Already bound
if ( suggestedKeyString == NULL ) continue; // Was a key to be unbound
ButtonCode_t suggestedKeynum = g_pInputSystem->StringToButtonCode( suggestedKeyString );
const char *suggestedBind = Key_BindingForKey( suggestedKeynum ); if ( suggestedKeynum != -1 && (suggestedBind == NULL || *suggestedBind == '\0') ) { ConColorMsg( boundColor, "Bound \"%s\" to key %s\n", command, suggestedKeyString ); Key_SetBinding(suggestedKeynum, command); } else { // Their suggestion was taken, so we need to find a key since we can't return empty handed.
int newTry = suggestedKeynum + 1; if ( newTry > KEY_SCROLLLOCKTOGGLE ) newTry = KEY_0; while( newTry != suggestedKeynum ) { const char *newString = g_pInputSystem->ButtonCodeToString( (ButtonCode_t)newTry ); const char *newTryBind = Key_BindingForKey( (ButtonCode_t)newTry ); if ( newTryBind == NULL || *newTryBind == '\0' ) // Never set, or unset.
{ ConColorMsg( boundColor, "Bound \"%s\" to key %s\n", command, newString ); Key_SetBinding( (ButtonCode_t)newTry, command ); break; }
newTry++; if ( newTry > KEY_SCROLLLOCKTOGGLE ) newTry = KEY_0; } }
if ( Key_NameForBinding(command) == NULL ) { ConColorMsg( unboundColor, "Unable to bind \"%s\" to a key\n", command ); } }
defaults->deleteThis(); } static ConCommand forcebind("forcebind",Key_ForceBind_f, "Bind a command to an available key. (forcebind command opt:suggestedKey)" );
============ Key_CountBindings
Count number of lines of bindings we'll be writing ============ */ int Key_CountBindings( void ) { int i; int c = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < BUTTON_CODE_LAST; i++ ) { if ( !s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[i].m_pKeyBinding || !s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[i].m_pKeyBinding[0] ) continue;
c++; }
return c; }
============ Key_WriteBindings
Writes lines containing "bind key value" ============ */ void Key_WriteBindings( CUtlBuffer &buf, const int iSplitscreenSlot /*= -1*/ ) { int i;
CUtlVector< CUtlString > deferred[ MAX_SPLITSCREEN_CLIENTS ]; for ( i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_CODE_LAST ; i++ ) { char const *pszBinding = s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[i].m_pKeyBinding;
if ( !pszBinding || !*pszBinding) continue;
char const *pszKeyName = g_pInputSystem->ButtonCodeToString( (ButtonCode_t)i );
int nSlot = GetJoystickForCode( (ButtonCode_t)i );
if ( iSplitscreenSlot >= 0 ) { // only bind commands for this controller, don't use cmd2
if ( iSplitscreenSlot != nSlot ) continue;
buf.Printf( "bind \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", pszKeyName, pszBinding ); } else { if ( nSlot == 0 ) { buf.Printf( "bind \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", pszKeyName, pszBinding ); } else { CUtlString str; str = CFmtStrN< 2048 >( "cmd%d bind \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", nSlot + 1, pszKeyName, pszBinding ); deferred[ nSlot ].AddToTail( str ); } } }
for ( int nSlot = 1; nSlot < host_state.max_splitscreen_players; ++nSlot ) { int c = deferred[ nSlot ].Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { buf.Printf( "%s", deferred[ nSlot ][ i ].String() ); } } }
============ Key_NameForBinding
Returns the keyname to which a binding string is bound. E.g., if TAB is bound to +use then searching for +use will return "TAB" ============ */
static bool IsKeyBoundedToBinding( int i, const char* pBind ) { char *pszBinding = s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[i].m_pKeyBinding;
if ( pszBinding && *pszBinding ) { if ( !strchr( pszBinding, ';' ) ) { // Not a list of commands, do it the easy way
if ( pszBinding[ 0 ] == '+' ) { ++pszBinding; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( pszBinding, (char *)pBind ) ) { return true; } } else { // Tokenize the binding name (could be more than one binding)
char szBinding[ 256 ]; Q_strncpy( szBinding, pszBinding, sizeof( szBinding ) );
pszBinding = strtok( szBinding, ";" );
while ( pszBinding ) { if ( pszBinding[ 0 ] == '+' ) { ++pszBinding; }
if ( !Q_strcasecmp( pszBinding, (char *)pBind ) ) { return true; }
pszBinding = strtok( NULL, ";" ); } } }
return false; }
const char *Key_NameForBinding( const char *pBinding, int userId, int iStartCount, BindingLookupOption_t nFlags ) { int i = Key_CodeForBinding( pBinding, userId, iStartCount, nFlags );
if( pBinding && i != BUTTON_CODE_INVALID ) { const char *pBind = pBinding;
if ( pBinding[0] == '+' ) { ++pBind; }
if ( IsKeyBoundedToBinding( i, pBind ) ) { return g_pInputSystem->ButtonCodeToString( (ButtonCode_t)i ); } }
return NULL; }
============ Key_CodeForBinding
Returns the keycode to which a binding string is bound. E.g., if TAB is bound to +use then searching for +use will return KEY_TAB ============ */ int Key_CodeForBinding( const char *pBinding, int userId, int iStartCount, BindingLookupOption_t nFlags ) { if( pBinding ) { const char *pBind = pBinding;
if ( pBinding[0] == '+' ) { ++pBind; }
int iCount = 0;
if ( IsPC() || userId < 0 || nFlags == BINDINGLOOKUP_ALL ) { for( int i=0 ; i < BUTTON_CODE_LAST ; i++ ) { if( IsKeyBoundedToBinding( i, pBind ) ) { if ( nFlags == BINDINGLOOKUP_ALL || ( nFlags == BINDINGLOOKUP_STEAMCONTROLLER_ONLY && ( i >= STEAMCONTROLLER_FIRST && i <= STEAMCONTROLLER_LAST ) ) || ( nFlags == BINDINGLOOKUP_KEYBOARD_ONLY && ( i < JOYSTICK_FIRST || i > JOYSTICK_LAST ) && ( i < STEAMCONTROLLER_FIRST || i > STEAMCONTROLLER_LAST ) ) || ( nFlags == BINDINGLOOKUP_JOYSTICK_ONLY && ( i >= JOYSTICK_FIRST && i <= JOYSTICK_LAST ) ) ) { if ( iCount == iStartCount ) { return i; } else { ++iCount; } } } } } else { int first = userId * JOYSTICK_MAX_BUTTON_COUNT + JOYSTICK_FIRST_BUTTON; int last = first + JOYSTICK_MAX_BUTTON_COUNT;
for( int i = first; i < last; ++i ) { if( IsKeyBoundedToBinding( i, pBind ) ) { if ( iCount == iStartCount ) { return i; } else { ++iCount; } } }
first = userId * JOYSTICK_POV_BUTTON_COUNT + JOYSTICK_FIRST_POV_BUTTON; last = first + JOYSTICK_POV_BUTTON_COUNT; for( int i = first; i < last; ++i ) { if( IsKeyBoundedToBinding( i, pBind ) ) { if ( iCount == iStartCount ) { return i; } else { ++iCount; } } } first = userId * JOYSTICK_AXIS_BUTTON_COUNT + JOYSTICK_FIRST_AXIS_BUTTON; last = first + JOYSTICK_AXIS_BUTTON_COUNT; for( int i = first; i < last; ++i ) { if( IsKeyBoundedToBinding( i, pBind ) ) { if ( iCount == iStartCount ) { return i; } else { ++iCount; } } } first = userId * STEAMCONTROLLER_MAX_BUTTON_COUNT + STEAMCONTROLLER_FIRST_BUTTON; last = first + STEAMCONTROLLER_MAX_BUTTON_COUNT;
for( int i = first; i < last; ++i ) { if( IsKeyBoundedToBinding( i, pBind ) ) { if ( iCount == iStartCount ) { return i; } else { ++iCount; } } }
first = userId * STEAMCONTROLLER_AXIS_BUTTON_COUNT + STEAMCONTROLLER_FIRST_AXIS_BUTTON; last = first + STEAMCONTROLLER_AXIS_BUTTON_COUNT; for( int i = first; i < last; ++i ) { if( IsKeyBoundedToBinding( i, pBind ) ) { if ( iCount == iStartCount ) { return i; } else { ++iCount; } } } }
// Xbox 360 controller: Handle the dual bindings for duck and zoom
if ( !Q_stricmp( "duck", pBind ) ) return Key_CodeForBinding( "toggle_duck", userId, iCount );
if ( !Q_stricmp( "zoom", pBind ) ) return Key_CodeForBinding( "toggle_zoom", userId, iCount );
const char *Key_BindingForKey( ButtonCode_t code ) { if ( code < 0 || code > BUTTON_CODE_LAST ) return NULL; return s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[ code ].m_pKeyBinding; }
CON_COMMAND( key_listboundkeys, "List bound keys with bindings." ) { int i;
for (i=0 ; i<BUTTON_CODE_LAST ; i++) { const char *pBinding = Key_BindingForKey( (ButtonCode_t)i ); if ( !pBinding || !pBinding[0] ) continue;
if ( !IsJoystickCode( (ButtonCode_t)i ) && !IsSteamControllerCode( (ButtonCode_t)i ) ) { ConMsg( "\"%s\" = \"%s\"\n", g_pInputSystem->ButtonCodeToString( (ButtonCode_t)i ), pBinding ); } else { int nSlot = GetJoystickForCode( (ButtonCode_t)i ); ConMsg( "[%d:%d]\"%s\" = \"%s\"\n", i, nSlot, g_pInputSystem->ButtonCodeToString( (ButtonCode_t)i ), pBinding ); } } }
CON_COMMAND( key_findbinding, "Find key bound to specified command string." ) { if ( args.ArgC() != 2 ) { ConMsg( "usage: key_findbinding substring\n" ); return; }
const char *substring = args[1]; if ( !substring || !substring[ 0 ] ) { ConMsg( "usage: key_findbinding substring\n" ); return; }
int i;
for (i=0 ; i<BUTTON_CODE_LAST ; i++) { const char *pBinding = Key_BindingForKey( (ButtonCode_t)i ); if ( !pBinding || !pBinding[0] ) continue;
if ( Q_strstr( pBinding, substring ) ) { if ( !IsJoystickCode( (ButtonCode_t)i ) ) { ConMsg( "\"%s\" = \"%s\"\n", g_pInputSystem->ButtonCodeToString( (ButtonCode_t)i ), pBinding ); } else { int nSlot = GetJoystickForCode( (ButtonCode_t)i ); ConMsg( "[%d] \"%s\" = \"%s\"\n", nSlot, g_pInputSystem->ButtonCodeToString( (ButtonCode_t)i ), pBinding ); } } } }
// Initialization, shutdown
void Key_Init (void) { ReadCheatCommandsFromFile( "scripts/cheatcodes.txt" ); ReadCheatCommandsFromFile( "scripts/mod_cheatcodes.txt" ); }
void Key_Shutdown( void ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo ); ++i ) { delete[] s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[ i ].m_pKeyBinding; s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[ i ].m_pKeyBinding = NULL; }
ClearCheatCommands(); }
// Purpose: Starts trap mode (used for keybinding UI)
void Key_StartTrapMode( void ) { if ( s_KeyContext.m_bTrapMode ) return;
Assert( !s_KeyContext.m_bDoneTrapping && s_KeyContext.m_nTrapKeyUp == BUTTON_CODE_INVALID );
s_KeyContext.m_bDoneTrapping = false; s_KeyContext.m_bTrapMode = true; s_KeyContext.m_nTrapKeyUp = BUTTON_CODE_INVALID; }
// We're done trapping once the first key is hit
bool Key_CheckDoneTrapping( ButtonCode_t& code ) { if ( s_KeyContext.m_bTrapMode ) return false;
if ( !s_KeyContext.m_bDoneTrapping ) return false;
code = s_KeyContext.m_nTrapKey; s_KeyContext.m_nTrapKey = BUTTON_CODE_INVALID;
// Reset since we retrieved the results
s_KeyContext.m_bDoneTrapping = false; return true; }
// Filter out trapped keys
static bool FilterTrappedKey( ButtonCode_t code, bool bDown ) { // After we've trapped a key, we want to capture the button up message for that key
if ( s_KeyContext.m_nTrapKeyUp == code && !bDown ) { s_KeyContext.m_nTrapKeyUp = BUTTON_CODE_INVALID; return true; }
// Only key down events are trapped
if ( s_KeyContext.m_bTrapMode && bDown ) { s_KeyContext.m_nTrapKey = code; s_KeyContext.m_bTrapMode = false; s_KeyContext.m_bDoneTrapping = true; s_KeyContext.m_nTrapKeyUp = code; return true; }
return false; }
// Lets tools have a whack at key events
static bool HandleToolKey( const InputEvent_t &event ) { // Tools are not given typed messages
if ( event.m_nType == IE_KeyTyped || event.m_nType == IE_KeyCodeTyped ) return false;
IToolSystem *toolsys = toolframework->GetTopmostTool(); return toolsys && toolsys->TrapKey( (ButtonCode_t)event.m_nData, ( event.m_nType != IE_ButtonReleased ) ); }
// Lets vgui have a whack at key events
static bool HandleVGuiKey( const InputEvent_t &event ) { bool bDown = ( event.m_nType == IE_ButtonPressed ) || ( event.m_nType == IE_ButtonDoubleClicked ); if ( bDown && IsGameConsole() ) { ButtonCode_t code = (ButtonCode_t)event.m_nData; LogKeyPress( code ); CheckCheatCodes(); }
return EngineVGui()->Key_Event( event ); }
#if defined( INCLUDE_SCALEFORM )
// Lets scaleform have a whack at key events
static bool HandleScaleformKey( const InputEvent_t &event ) { ButtonCode_t code = ( ButtonCode_t ) event.m_nData;
bool bDown = ( event.m_nType == IE_ButtonPressed ) || ( event.m_nType == IE_ButtonDoubleClicked ); if ( bDown ) { if ( IsX360() ) { LogKeyPress( code ); CheckCheatCodes(); }
#if defined ( CSTRIKE15 )
if ( !g_ClientDLL->IsLoadingScreenRaised() && !g_ClientDLL->IsChatRaised() && !g_ClientDLL->IsBindMenuRaised() && !g_ClientDLL->IsRadioPanelRaised() && !g_ClientDLL->IsTeamMenuRaised() ) #endif
const char * szBinding = s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[ code ].m_pKeyBinding; if ( szBinding && szBinding[0] ) { // Add entries to this list if you want to PREVENT scaleform from filtering them
static const char *szNoFilterList[] = { "screenshot", };
static const int kNumNoFilterEntries = sizeof( szNoFilterList ) / sizeof( szNoFilterList[0] );
for ( int idx=0; idx < kNumNoFilterEntries; ++idx ) { if ( StringHasPrefix( szBinding, szNoFilterList[idx] ) ) { return false; } }
// Only filter these binds when the GameUI is active
static const char *szNoFilterListGameUI[] = { "messagemode", "messagemode2", "+showscores", "togglescores", "+voicerecord", };
static const int kNumNoFilterEntriesGameUI = sizeof( szNoFilterListGameUI ) / sizeof( szNoFilterListGameUI[0] );
if ( !EngineVGui()->IsGameUIVisible() ) { for ( int idx=0; idx < kNumNoFilterEntriesGameUI; ++idx ) { if ( StringHasPrefix( szBinding, szNoFilterListGameUI[idx] ) ) { return false; } } } } } }
return g_pScaleformUI->HandleInputEvent( event ); } #endif
// Lets the client have a whack at key events
static bool HandleClientKey( const InputEvent_t &event ) { // KeyTyped events are not handled by the client
if ( ( event.m_nType == IE_KeyCodeTyped ) || ( event.m_nType == IE_KeyTyped ) ) return false;
bool bDown = event.m_nType != IE_ButtonReleased; ButtonCode_t code = (ButtonCode_t)event.m_nData;
if ( g_ClientDLL && g_ClientDLL->IN_KeyEvent( bDown ? 1 : 0, code, s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[ code ].m_pKeyBinding ) == 0 ) return true;
return false; }
// Lets the new Game UI system have a whack at key events
static bool HandleGameUIKey( const InputEvent_t &event ) { if ( g_ClientDLL && g_ClientDLL->HandleGameUIEvent( event ) ) return true;
return false; } #endif
// Lets the engine have a whack at key events
static bool HandleEngineKey( const InputEvent_t &event ) { // KeyTyped events are not handled by the client
if ( ( event.m_nType == IE_KeyCodeTyped ) || ( event.m_nType == IE_KeyTyped ) ) return false;
bool bDown = event.m_nType != IE_ButtonReleased; ButtonCode_t code = (ButtonCode_t)event.m_nData;
// Warn about unbound keys
if ( IsPC() && bDown ) { if ( IsJoystickCode( code ) && !IsJoystickAxisCode( code ) && !s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[code].m_pKeyBinding ) { ConDMsg( "[joy %d]%s is unbound.\n", GetJoystickForCode( code ), g_pInputSystem->ButtonCodeToString( code ) ); } }
// key up events only generate commands if the game key binding is
// a button command (leading + sign). These will occur even in console mode,
// to keep the character from continuing an action started before a console
// switch. Button commands include the kenum as a parameter, so multiple
// downs can be matched with ups
char *kb = s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[ code ].m_pKeyBinding; if ( !kb || !kb[0] ) return false;
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
// Prevent keybindings from doing funky stuff unless in game (except toggleconsole)
if ( Q_stricmp( kb, "toggleconsole" ) ) { extern IVEngineClient *engineClient; if ( engineClient && !engineClient->IsConnected() ) return false; // prevent the keybinding from being processed without a game
} #endif
char cmd[1024]; if ( !bDown ) { if ( kb[0] == '+' ) { Q_snprintf( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), "-%s %i\n", kb+1, code ); Cbuf_AddText( Cbuf_GetCurrentPlayer(), cmd, kCommandSrcUserInput ); return true; } return false; }
// Send to the interpreter
if (kb[0] == '+') { // button commands add keynum as a parm
Q_snprintf( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), "%s %i\n", kb, code ); Cbuf_AddText( Cbuf_GetCurrentPlayer(), cmd, kCommandSrcUserInput ); return true; }
// Swallow console toggle if any modifier keys are down if it's bound to toggleconsole (the default)
if ( !Q_stricmp( kb, "toggleconsole" ) ) { if ( s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[KEY_LALT].m_bKeyDown || s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[KEY_LSHIFT].m_bKeyDown || s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[KEY_LCONTROL].m_bKeyDown || s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[KEY_RALT].m_bKeyDown || s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[KEY_RSHIFT].m_bKeyDown || s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[KEY_RCONTROL].m_bKeyDown ) return false; }
Cbuf_AddText( Cbuf_GetCurrentPlayer(), kb, kCommandSrcUserInput ); return true; }
// Helper function to make sure key down/key up events go to the right places
typedef bool (*FilterKeyFunc_t)( const InputEvent_t &event );
static bool FilterKey( const InputEvent_t &event, KeyUpTarget_t target, FilterKeyFunc_t func ) { // Don't pass the key up or keytyped messages to this target if some other system wants it
ButtonCode_t code = (ButtonCode_t)event.m_nData; bool bFilterableEvent = ( event.m_nType == IE_ButtonReleased ) || ( event.m_nType == IE_KeyTyped ) || ( event.m_nType == IE_KeyCodeTyped ); if ( bFilterableEvent && !ShouldPassKeyUpToTarget( code, target ) ) return false;
// Try to process the input message
bool bFiltered = func( event );
// If we filtered it, then we need to get the key up event
if ( ( event.m_nType == IE_ButtonPressed ) || ( event.m_nType == IE_ButtonDoubleClicked ) ) { if ( bFiltered ) { Assert( s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[code].m_nKeyUpTarget == KEY_UP_ANYTARGET ); s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[code].m_nKeyUpTarget = target; } } else if ( event.m_nType == IE_ButtonReleased ) // Up case
{ if ( s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[code].m_nKeyUpTarget == target ) { s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[code].m_nKeyUpTarget = KEY_UP_ANYTARGET; bFiltered = true; } else { // NOTE: It is illegal to trap up key events. The system will do it for us
Assert( !bFiltered ); } }
// We do nothing special for the KeyTyped/KeyCodeTyped cases; they do not change state
return bFiltered; }
inline bool IsESC( const InputEvent_t &event ) { switch ( event.m_nType ) { case IE_ButtonPressed: case IE_ButtonReleased: case IE_ButtonDoubleClicked: case IE_KeyCodeTyped: { return ( (ButtonCode_t)event.m_nData == KEY_ESCAPE ); } break;
case IE_KeyTyped: { // ASCII Escape character
return ( event.m_nData == 27 ); } break; } return false; }
void Key_Event( const InputEvent_t &event ) { #ifdef DEDICATED
return; #else
ButtonCode_t code = (ButtonCode_t)event.m_nData;
int nSplitScreenPlayerSlot = 0; if ( !IsJoystickCode( code ) && !IsSteamControllerCode( code ) ) { if ( splitscreen->IsValidSplitScreenSlot( in_forceuser.GetInt() ) ) { nSplitScreenPlayerSlot = in_forceuser.GetInt(); } } else { nSplitScreenPlayerSlot = GetJoystickForCode( code ); }
// Don't handle key ups if the key's already up.
// NOTE: This should already be taken care of by the input system
// NOTE ALSO: KeyTyped and KeyCodeTyped messages are going to come through here also
// Only the VGui and the new GameUI system should accept them; and only if
// they accepted the keydown event
if ( ( event.m_nType != IE_KeyCodeTyped ) && ( event.m_nType != IE_KeyTyped ) ) { bool bDown = ( event.m_nType == IE_ButtonPressed ) || ( event.m_nType == IE_ButtonDoubleClicked ); Assert( s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[code].m_bKeyDown != bDown ); if ( s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[code].m_bKeyDown == bDown ) return;
s_KeyContext.m_pKeyInfo[code].m_bKeyDown = bDown;
// Deal with trapped keys
if ( FilterTrappedKey( code, bDown ) ) return; }
// Make sure vgui is initialzied
if ( !EngineVGui()->IsInitialized() ) return;
// Keep vgui's notion of which keys are down up-to-date regardless of filtering
// Necessary because vgui has multiple input contexts, so vgui can't directly
// ask the input system for this information.
// QUESTION: Should GameUI do the same thing?
EngineVGui()->UpdateButtonState( event );
if ( IsPC() && EngineVGui()->IsGameUIVisible() && scr_drawloading && IsESC( event ) ) { // prevent ESC key during loading
return; }
// Let tools have a whack at keys
if ( FilterKey( event, KEY_UP_TOOLS, HandleToolKey ) ) return;
// If we happen to be checking the MAGICAL ESC key then
// let's have the client check first since we do magical things
// with this key otherwise.
// [jason] Bypass the ButtonPress event for the BACKQUOTE key ("~") so that HandleGameUIKey can intercept it and bring up the Console Window
if ( !IsESC( event ) && !(event.m_nType == IE_ButtonPressed && code == KEY_BACKQUOTE) ) { // Let vgui have a whack at keys
if ( FilterKey( event, KEY_UP_VGUI, HandleVGuiKey ) ) return;
#if defined( INCLUDE_SCALEFORM )
// scaleform goes first
if ( FilterKey( event, KEY_UP_SCALEFORM, HandleScaleformKey ) ) return; #endif
} #if defined ( CSTRIKE15 )
else if ( g_ClientDLL->IsChatRaised() || g_ClientDLL->IsBindMenuRaised() ) { if ( FilterKey( event, KEY_UP_SCALEFORM, HandleScaleformKey ) ) return; }
// Let the new GameUI system have a whack at keys
if ( FilterKey( event, KEY_UP_GAMEUI, HandleGameUIKey ) ) return;
// Let the client have a whack at keys
if ( FilterKey( event, KEY_UP_CLIENT, HandleClientKey ) ) return;
// Ok the client wants nothing to do with the magical ESC key
// let's see if VGUI wants to do something with it.
if ( IsESC( event ) ) { #if defined( INCLUDE_SCALEFORM )
bool bAllowScaleformFilter = true; static ConVarRef cv_console_window_open( "console_window_open" ); static ConVarRef cv_server_browser_dialog_open( "server_browser_dialog_open" ); if ( ( cv_console_window_open.GetBool() ) || ( cv_server_browser_dialog_open.GetBool() ) || ( EngineSoundClient() && EngineSoundClient()->IsMoviePlaying() ) ) { // make closing the console window, server browser dialog, or exiting a movie priority
bAllowScaleformFilter = false; }
if ( bAllowScaleformFilter && FilterKey( event, KEY_UP_SCALEFORM, HandleScaleformKey ) ) return;
// Let vgui have a whack at keys
if ( FilterKey( event, KEY_UP_VGUI, HandleVGuiKey ) ) return; }
// Finally, let the engine deal. Here's where keybindings occur.
FilterKey( event, KEY_UP_ENGINE, HandleEngineKey ); #endif