//===== Copyright � 1996-2011, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
#include "ps3_saveutil_v2.h"
#include "memdbgon.h"
// the interface class
class CPS3SaveRestoreToUI : public CTier2AppSystem< IPS3SaveRestoreToUI > { public: // IAppSystem
virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory ); virtual void Disconnect(); virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ); virtual InitReturnVal_t Init(); virtual void Shutdown();
public: // IPS3SaveRestoreToUI
/// You have to call this before doing any other save operation. In particular,
/// there may be an error opening the container. Poll on Async, and when it's done,
/// look in the return value to see if it succeeded, or if not, why not.
/// When bCreateIfMissing is set, it will create a new container where none exists.
virtual void Initialize( CPS3SaveRestoreAsyncStatus *pAsync, IPS3SaveSteamInfoProvider *pSteamInfoProvider, bool bCreateIfMissing, int nKBRequired ) { SaveUtilV2_Initialize( pAsync, pSteamInfoProvider, nKBRequired ); }
// Save the given file into the container. (ie /dev_hdd1/tempsave/foo.ps3.sav will
// be written into the container as foo.ps3.sav ). You can optionally specify a second
// file to be written at the same time, eg a screenshot, because batching two writes
// to happen at once is far far faster than having two batches one after another.
// ALL game progress files must be
// written as secure; for now, even the screenshots should be, as that puts the work
// of CRC onto the operating system.
virtual void Write( CPS3SaveRestoreAsyncStatus *pAsync, const char *pSourcepath, const char *pScreenshotPath, const char *pComment, FileSecurity_t nSecurity = kSECURE ) { SaveUtilV2_Write( pAsync, pSourcepath, pScreenshotPath, pComment ); }
// A more complicated and intelligent form of save writing, specifically for the case of autosaves.
// The source filename given (as an absolute path) will be written to "autosave.ps3.sav".
// Meanwhile, the existing "autosave.ps3.sav" will be renamed "autosave01.ps3.sav",
// any "autosave01.ps3.sav" will be renamed "autosave02.ps3.sav", and so on up to a maximum
// number of autosaves N, plus the base autosave.ps3.sav. The highest "autosave%02d.ps3.sav"
// will therefore have a number N. Excess autosaves with numbers >N will be deleted.
// If you specify a ScreenshotExtension (such as "tga"), the same operation is performed
// for every file above, where ."sav" is replaced with the given extension.
virtual void WriteAutosave( CPS3SaveRestoreAsyncStatus *pAsync, const char *pSourcePath, // eg "/dev_hdd1/tempsave/autosave.ps3.sav"
const char *pComment, // the comment field for the new autosave.
const unsigned int nMaxNumAutosaves ) // should be at least 1; the highest numbered autosave will be N-1.
{ SaveUtilV2_WriteAutosave( pAsync, pSourcePath, pComment, nMaxNumAutosaves ); }
// A way of writing clouded files into container, clouded files over
// a certain age are purged from container
virtual void WriteCloudFile( CPS3SaveRestoreAsyncStatus *pAsync, const char *pSourcePath, const unsigned int nMaxNumCloudFiles ) // should be at least 1; the highest numbered cloud file will be N-1.
{ SaveUtilV2_WriteCloudFile( pAsync, pSourcePath, nMaxNumCloudFiles ); }
// Load a file from the container into the given directory.
// give it a pointer to a CPS3SaveRestoreAsyncStatus struct that you have created and
// intend to poll.
virtual void Load( CPS3SaveRestoreAsyncStatus *pAsync, const char *pFilename, const char *pDestFullPath ) { SaveUtilV2_Load( pAsync, pFilename, pDestFullPath ); }
// kill one or two files (eg, save and screenshot).
// async will respond when done.
virtual void Delete( CPS3SaveRestoreAsyncStatus *pAsync, const char *pFilename, const char *pOtherFilename = NULL ) { SaveUtilV2_Delete( pAsync, pFilename ); }
// synchronously retrieve information on the files in the container. Lacks some of the container-wide'
// info of the above function, and may have slightly out of date information, but is a synchronous call
// and returns precisely the structure needed by CBaseModPanel::GetSaveGameInfos().
virtual void GetFileInfoSync( CUtlVector< PS3SaveGameInfo_t > &saveGameInfos, bool bFindAll ) { SaveUtilV2_GetFileInfoSync( saveGameInfos, bFindAll ); }
// try to find Steam's schema file for the user and stuff it into the container.
// returns false if it couldn't find the file locally (in which case you should
// not wait for the async object to be "done", as the job wasn't initiated);
// true if it found it locally and queued up an async job to write it.
virtual void WriteSteamInfo( CPS3SaveRestoreAsyncStatus *pAsync ) { SaveUtilV2_WriteSteamInfo( pAsync ); }
// returns whether save thread is busy
virtual bool IsSaveUtilBusy() { return !!g_pSaveUtilAsyncStatus; }
// returns the m_nCurrentOperationTag field of the most recent async op to
// have run, or kSAVE_TAG_UNKNOWN if none has been enqueued yet. This tag
// changes the moment a job is made active and remains until the next job
// starts.
virtual uint32 GetCurrentOpTag() { CPS3SaveRestoreAsyncStatus *pAsync = g_pSaveUtilAsyncStatus; if ( pAsync ) return pAsync->m_nCurrentOperationTag; else return kSAVE_TAG_UNKNOWN; }
// returns the version of container, used to fire off events when container
// contents changes.
virtual uint32 GetContainerModificationVersion() { return g_SaveUtilV2TOCVersion; }
// sets the cloud crypto key.
virtual void SetCloudFileCryptoKey( uint64 uiCloudCryptoKey ) { g_uiSteamCloudCryptoKey = uiCloudCryptoKey; } };
CPS3SaveRestoreToUI g_PS3SaveToUI;
static CreateInterfaceFn s_pfnDelegateFactory; static void * InternalFactory( const char *pName, int *pReturnCode ) { if ( pReturnCode ) { *pReturnCode = IFACE_OK; }
// Try to get interface via delegate
if ( void *pInterface = s_pfnDelegateFactory ? s_pfnDelegateFactory( pName, pReturnCode ) : NULL ) { return pInterface; }
// Try to get internal interface
if ( void *pInterface = Sys_GetFactoryThis()( pName, pReturnCode ) ) { return pInterface; }
// Failed
if ( pReturnCode ) { *pReturnCode = IFACE_FAILED; } return NULL; }
bool CPS3SaveRestoreToUI::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory ) { Assert( !s_pfnDelegateFactory );
s_pfnDelegateFactory = factory;
CreateInterfaceFn ourFactory = InternalFactory; ConnectTier1Libraries( &ourFactory, 1 ); ConnectTier2Libraries( &ourFactory, 1 );
s_pfnDelegateFactory = NULL;
return true; }
void CPS3SaveRestoreToUI::Disconnect() { DisconnectTier2Libraries(); DisconnectTier1Libraries(); }
void * CPS3SaveRestoreToUI::QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pInterfaceName, IPS3SAVEUIAPI_VERSION_STRING ) ) return static_cast< IPS3SaveRestoreToUI * >( this );
return NULL; }
InitReturnVal_t CPS3SaveRestoreToUI::Init() { return INIT_OK; }
void CPS3SaveRestoreToUI::Shutdown() { return; }