//===== Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $Revision: $
// $NoKeywords: $
// This file contains code to allow us to associate client data with bsp leaves.
#include "staticpropmgr.h"
#include "convar.h"
#include "vcollide_parse.h"
#include "engine/ICollideable.h"
#include "iclientunknown.h"
#include "iclientrenderable.h"
#include "gamebspfile.h"
#include "engine/ivmodelrender.h"
#include "engine/IClientLeafSystem.h"
#include "ispatialpartitioninternal.h"
#include "utlbuffer.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "gl_model_private.h"
#include "gl_matsysiface.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "materialsystem/ivballoctracker.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "lightcache.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "cmodel_engine.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
#include "ModelInfo.h"
#include "cdll_engine_int.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "debugoverlay.h"
#include "draw.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "l_studio.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "sys_dll.h"
#include "generichash.h"
#include "tier2/renderutils.h"
#include "ipooledvballocator.h"
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
#include "gl_cvars.h"
#include "shaderapi/ishaderapi.h"
#include "iclientalphaproperty.h"
#include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Convars!
static ConVar r_DrawSpecificStaticProp( "r_DrawSpecificStaticProp", "-1" ); static ConVar r_drawstaticprops( "r_drawstaticprops", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT, "0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe" ); extern ConVar r_slowpathwireframe; static ConVar r_colorstaticprops( "r_colorstaticprops", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT ); ConVar r_staticpropinfo( "r_staticpropinfo", "0" ); ConVar r_drawmodeldecals( "r_drawmodeldecals", "1" ); ConVar disableStaticPropLoading( "disable_static_prop_loading", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "If non-zero when a map loads, static props won't be loaded" ); extern ConVar mat_fullbright; static bool g_MakingDevShots = false; ConVar r_shadow_deferred( "r_shadow_deferred", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Toggle deferred shadow rendering");
DEFINE_LOGGING_CHANNEL_NO_TAGS( LOG_StaticPropManager, "StaticPropManager", 0, LS_ERROR );
// Index into the fade list
enum { INVALID_FADE_INDEX = (unsigned short)~0 };
// All static props have these bits set (to differentiate them from edict indices)
enum { // This bit will be set in GetRefEHandle for all static props
// A default physics property for non-vphysics static props
static const objectparams_t g_PhysDefaultObjectParams = { NULL, 1.0, //mass
1.0, // inertia
0.1f, // damping
0.1f, // rotdamping
0.05f, // rotIntertiaLimit
"DEFAULT", NULL,// game data
0.f, // volume (leave 0 if you don't have one or call physcollision->CollideVolume() to compute it)
1.0f, // drag coefficient
true,// enable collisions?
// return true if the renderer should use the slow path that supports the various debug modes
inline bool IsUsingStaticPropDebugModes() { if ( r_drawstaticprops.GetInt() != 1 || r_DrawSpecificStaticProp.GetInt() >= 0 || r_colorstaticprops.GetBool() || r_staticpropinfo.GetInt() || mat_fullbright.GetInt() || r_drawmodellightorigin.GetBool() || ShouldDrawInWireFrameMode() || r_drawmodelstatsoverlay.GetBool() ) return true; return false; }
// A static prop
class CStaticProp : public IClientUnknown, public IClientRenderable, public ICollideable, public IClientModelRenderable { public: CStaticProp(); ~CStaticProp();
// IHandleEntity overrides
public: virtual void SetRefEHandle( const CBaseHandle &handle ); virtual const CBaseHandle& GetRefEHandle() const;
// IClientUnknown overrides.
public: virtual IClientUnknown* GetIClientUnknown() { return this; } virtual ICollideable* GetCollideable() { return this; } virtual IClientNetworkable* GetClientNetworkable() { return NULL; } virtual IClientRenderable* GetClientRenderable() { return this; } virtual IClientEntity* GetIClientEntity() { return NULL; } virtual C_BaseEntity* GetBaseEntity() { return NULL; } virtual IClientThinkable* GetClientThinkable() { return NULL; } virtual IClientAlphaProperty* GetClientAlphaProperty() { return m_pClientAlphaProperty; }
public: // These methods return a box defined in the space of the entity
virtual const Vector& OBBMins( ) const; virtual const Vector& OBBMaxs( ) const;
// custom collision test
virtual bool TestCollision( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned int fContentsMask, trace_t& tr );
// Perform hitbox test, returns true *if hitboxes were tested at all*!!
virtual bool TestHitboxes( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned int fContentsMask, trace_t& tr );
// Returns the BRUSH model index if this is a brush model. Otherwise, returns -1.
virtual int GetCollisionModelIndex();
// Return the model, if it's a studio model.
virtual const model_t* GetCollisionModel();
// Get angles and origin.
virtual const Vector& GetCollisionOrigin() const; virtual const QAngle& GetCollisionAngles() const; virtual const matrix3x4_t& CollisionToWorldTransform() const;
// Return a SOLID_ define.
virtual SolidType_t GetSolid() const; virtual int GetSolidFlags() const;
// Gets at the entity handle associated with the collideable
virtual IHandleEntity *GetEntityHandle() { return this; }
virtual int GetCollisionGroup() const { return COLLISION_GROUP_NONE; }
virtual void WorldSpaceTriggerBounds( Vector* pVecWorldMins, Vector *pVecWorldMaxs ) const; virtual void WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( Vector* pVecWorldMins, Vector *pVecWorldMaxs ); virtual uint GetRequiredTriggerFlags() const { return 0; } virtual const matrix3x4_t *GetRootParentToWorldTransform() const { return NULL; } virtual IPhysicsObject *GetVPhysicsObject() const { return NULL; }
// IClientRenderable overrides.
public: virtual int GetBody() { return 0; } virtual int GetSkin() { return m_Skin; } virtual const Vector& GetRenderOrigin( ); virtual const QAngle& GetRenderAngles( ); virtual bool ShouldDraw(); virtual uint8 OverrideAlphaModulation( uint8 nAlpha ) { return nAlpha; } virtual uint8 OverrideShadowAlphaModulation( uint8 nAlpha ) { return nAlpha; } virtual void OnThreadedDrawSetup() {} virtual const model_t* GetModel( ) const; virtual int DrawModel( int flags, const RenderableInstance_t &instance ); virtual void GetColorModulation( float* color ); virtual bool LODTest() { return true; } // NOTE: UNUSED
virtual bool SetupBones( matrix3x4a_t *pBoneToWorldOut, int nMaxBones, int boneMask, float currentTime ); virtual void SetupWeights( const matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld, int nFlexWeightCount, float *pFlexWeights, float *pFlexDelayedWeights ); virtual bool UsesFlexDelayedWeights() { return false; } virtual void DoAnimationEvents( void ); virtual IPVSNotify* GetPVSNotifyInterface(); virtual void GetRenderBounds( Vector& mins, Vector& maxs ); virtual void GetRenderBoundsWorldspace( Vector& mins, Vector& maxs ); virtual bool ShouldCacheRenderInfo(); virtual bool ShouldReceiveProjectedTextures( int flags ); virtual bool GetShadowCastDistance( float *pDist, ShadowType_t shadowType ) const { return false; } virtual bool GetShadowCastDirection( Vector *pDirection, ShadowType_t shadowType ) const { return false; } virtual int GetRenderFlags( void ); virtual ClientShadowHandle_t GetShadowHandle() const { return CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE; } virtual ClientRenderHandle_t& RenderHandle(); virtual void RecordToolMessage() {} virtual bool ShouldDrawForSplitScreenUser( int nSlot ) { return true; }
// These normally call through to GetRenderAngles/GetRenderBounds, but some entities custom implement them.
virtual void GetShadowRenderBounds( Vector &mins, Vector &maxs, ShadowType_t shadowType ) { GetRenderBounds( mins, maxs ); }
// Other methods related to shadow rendering
virtual bool IsShadowDirty( ) { return false; } virtual void MarkShadowDirty( bool bDirty ) {}
// Iteration over shadow hierarchy
virtual IClientRenderable *GetShadowParent() { return NULL; } virtual IClientRenderable *FirstShadowChild() { return NULL; } virtual IClientRenderable *NextShadowPeer() { return NULL; }
// Returns the shadow cast type
virtual ShadowType_t ShadowCastType() { return SHADOWS_NONE; }
// Create/get/destroy model instance
virtual void CreateModelInstance() { Assert(0); } virtual ModelInstanceHandle_t GetModelInstance();
// Attachments
virtual int LookupAttachment( const char *pAttachmentName ) { return -1; } virtual bool GetAttachment( int number, Vector &origin, QAngle &angles ); virtual bool GetAttachment( int number, matrix3x4_t &matrix ); virtual bool ComputeLightingOrigin( int nAttachmentIndex, Vector modelLightingCenter, const matrix3x4_t &matrix, Vector &transformedLightingCenter );
// Rendering clip plane, should be 4 floats, return value of NULL indicates a disabled render clip plane
virtual float *GetRenderClipPlane( void ) { return NULL; }
// Returns the transform from RenderOrigin/RenderAngles to world
virtual const matrix3x4_t &RenderableToWorldTransform() { return m_ModelToWorld; } virtual IClientModelRenderable* GetClientModelRenderable();
// IClientModelRenderable overrides
public: virtual bool GetRenderData( void *pData, ModelDataCategory_t nCategory );
public: bool Init( int index, StaticPropLump_t &lump, model_t *pModel ); // KD Tree
void InsertPropIntoKDTree(); void RemovePropFromKDTree();
void PrecacheLighting(); void RecomputeStaticLighting();
int LeafCount() const; int FirstLeaf() const; LightCacheHandle_t GetLightCacheHandle() const; void SetModelInstance( ModelInstanceHandle_t handle ); void SetRenderHandle( ClientRenderHandle_t handle ); void CleanUpRenderHandle( ); ClientRenderHandle_t GetRenderHandle() const; void CleanUpAlphaProperty();
// Create VPhysics representation
void CreateVPhysics( IPhysicsEnvironment *physenv, IVPhysicsKeyHandler *pDefaults, void *pGameData );
float Radius() const { return m_flRadius; } int Flags() const { return m_Flags; } int FlagsEx() const { return m_FlagsEx; } void DisableCSMRendering( void ) { m_FlagsEx |= STATIC_PROP_FLAGS_EX_DISABLE_CSM; }
int DrawModelSlow( int flags, const RenderableInstance_t &instance );
private: // Diagnostic information for static props
void DisplayStaticPropInfo( int nInfoType ); inline void InitModelRenderInfo( ModelRenderInfo_t &sInfo, int flags ) { sInfo.origin = m_Origin; sInfo.angles = m_Angles; sInfo.pRenderable = this; sInfo.pModel = m_pModel; sInfo.pModelToWorld = &m_ModelToWorld; sInfo.pLightingOffset = NULL; sInfo.pLightingOrigin = &m_LightingOrigin; sInfo.flags = flags; sInfo.entity_index = -1; sInfo.skin = m_Skin; sInfo.body = 0; sInfo.hitboxset = 0; sInfo.instance = m_ModelInstance; }
private: friend class CStaticPropMgr; Vector m_Origin; QAngle m_Angles; model_t* m_pModel; SpatialPartitionHandle_t m_Partition; ModelInstanceHandle_t m_ModelInstance;
unsigned char m_Alpha; unsigned char m_nSolidType; unsigned char m_Skin; unsigned char m_Flags; unsigned int m_FlagsEx;
unsigned char m_nMinCPULevel; unsigned char m_nMaxCPULevel; unsigned char m_nMinGPULevel; unsigned char m_nMaxGPULevel;
unsigned short m_FirstLeaf; unsigned short m_LeafCount;
CBaseHandle m_EntHandle; // FIXME: Do I need client + server handles?
ClientRenderHandle_t m_RenderHandle; unsigned short m_nReserved;
IClientAlphaProperty* m_pClientAlphaProperty;
// bbox is the same for both GetBounds and GetRenderBounds since static props never move.
// GetRenderBounds is interpolated data, and GetBounds is last networked.
Vector m_RenderBBoxMin; Vector m_RenderBBoxMax; matrix3x4_t m_ModelToWorld; float m_flRadius;
Vector m_WorldRenderBBoxMin; Vector m_WorldRenderBBoxMax;
// FIXME: This sucks. Need to store the lighting origin off
// because the time at which the static props are unserialized
// doesn't necessarily match the time at which we can initialize the light cache
Vector m_LightingOrigin; Vector4D m_DiffuseModulation; };
// The engine's static prop manager
class CStaticPropMgr : public IStaticPropMgrEngine, public IStaticPropMgrClient, public IStaticPropMgrServer { public: // constructor, destructor
CStaticPropMgr(); virtual ~CStaticPropMgr();
// methods of IStaticPropMgrEngine
virtual bool Init(); virtual void Shutdown(); virtual void LevelInit(); virtual void LevelInitClient(); virtual void LevelShutdown(); virtual void LevelShutdownClient(); virtual bool IsPropInPVS( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, const byte *pVis ) const; virtual void DisableCSMRenderingForStaticProp( int staticPropIndex ); virtual ICollideable *GetStaticProp( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ); virtual void RecomputeStaticLighting( ); virtual LightCacheHandle_t GetLightCacheHandleForStaticProp( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ); inline bool IsStaticProp_Inline( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ) const { #if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
return (!pHandleEntity) || pHandleEntity->m_bIsStaticProp; #else
return (!pHandleEntity) || ( (pHandleEntity->GetRefEHandle().GetSerialNumber() == (STATICPROP_EHANDLE_MASK >> NUM_SERIAL_NUM_SHIFT_BITS) ) != 0 ); #endif
} virtual bool IsStaticProp( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ) const; virtual bool IsStaticProp( CBaseHandle handle ) const; virtual int GetStaticPropIndex( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ) const; virtual ICollideable *GetStaticPropByIndex( int propIndex );
// methods of IStaticPropMgrClient
virtual void TraceRayAgainstStaticProp( const Ray_t& ray, int staticPropIndex, trace_t& tr ); virtual void AddDecalToStaticProp( Vector const& rayStart, Vector const& rayEnd, int staticPropIndex, int decalIndex, bool doTrace, trace_t& tr, void *pvProxyUserData = NULL, const Vector* saxis = NULL, int32 nAdditionalDecalFlags = 0 ) OVERRIDE; virtual void AddShadowToStaticProp( unsigned short shadowHandle, IClientRenderable* pRenderable ); virtual void RemoveAllShadowsFromStaticProp( IClientRenderable* pRenderable ); virtual void GetStaticPropMaterialColorAndLighting( trace_t* pTrace, int staticPropIndex, Vector& lighting, Vector& matColor ); virtual void CreateVPhysicsRepresentations( IPhysicsEnvironment *physenv, IVPhysicsKeyHandler *pDefaults, void *pGameData );
// methods of IStaticPropMgrServer
//Changes made specifically to support the Portal mod (smack Dave Kircher if something breaks)
virtual void GetAllStaticProps( CUtlVector<ICollideable *> *pOutput ); virtual void GetAllStaticPropsInAABB( const Vector &vMins, const Vector &vMaxs, CUtlVector<ICollideable *> *pOutput ); virtual void GetAllStaticPropsInOBB( const Vector &ptOrigin, const Vector &vExtent1, const Vector &vExtent2, const Vector &vExtent3, CUtlVector<ICollideable *> *pOutput ); //===================================================================
virtual void GetLightingOrigins( Vector *pLightingOrigins, int nOriginStride, int nCount, IClientRenderable **ppRenderable, int nRenderableStride ); virtual void ConfigureSystemLevel( int nCPULevel, int nGPULevel ); virtual void RestoreStaticProps();
// Internal methods
const Vector &ViewOrigin() const { return m_vecLastViewOrigin; }
// Computes the opacity for a single static prop
void DrawStaticProps( IClientRenderable **pProps, const RenderableInstance_t *pInstances, int count, bool bShadowDepth, bool drawVCollideWireframe ); void DrawStaticProps_Slow( IClientRenderable **pProps, const RenderableInstance_t *pInstances, int count, bool bShadowDepth, bool drawVCollideWireframe ); void DrawStaticProps_Fast( IClientRenderable **pProps, const RenderableInstance_t *pInstances, int count, bool bShadowDepth ); void DrawStaticProps_FastPipeline( IClientRenderable **pProps, const RenderableInstance_t *pInstances, int count, bool bShadowDepth );
private: void OutputLevelStats( void ); void PrecacheLighting(); void UpdatePropVisibility( int nCPULevel, int nGPULevel );
// Methods associated with unserializing static props
void UnserializeModelDict( CUtlBuffer& buf ); void UnserializeLeafList( CUtlBuffer& buf ); void UnserializeModels( CUtlBuffer& buf ); void UnserializeStaticProps();
int HandleEntityToIndex( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ) const;
private: // Unique static prop models
// The list of all static props
CUtlVector <model_t *> m_StaticPropDict; CUtlVector <CStaticProp> m_StaticProps; CUtlVector <StaticPropLeafLump_t> m_StaticPropLeaves;
bool m_bLevelInitialized; bool m_bClientInitialized; Vector m_vecLastViewOrigin; float m_flLastViewFactor;
int m_nLastCPULevel; int m_nLastGPULevel; };
// Expose Interface to the game + client DLLs.
// Static prop
CStaticProp::CStaticProp() : m_pModel(0), m_Alpha(255) { #ifdef _GAMECONSOLE
m_bIsStaticProp = true; #endif
m_ModelInstance = MODEL_INSTANCE_INVALID; m_Partition = PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE; m_EntHandle = INVALID_EHANDLE; m_RenderHandle = INVALID_CLIENT_RENDER_HANDLE; m_pClientAlphaProperty = NULL; }
CStaticProp::~CStaticProp() { CleanUpAlphaProperty(); RemovePropFromKDTree( ); if (m_ModelInstance != MODEL_INSTANCE_INVALID) { modelrender->DestroyInstance( m_ModelInstance ); } }
// Initialization
bool CStaticProp::Init( int index, StaticPropLump_t &lump, model_t *pModel ) { m_EntHandle.Init(index, STATICPROP_EHANDLE_MASK >> NUM_SERIAL_NUM_SHIFT_BITS); m_Partition = PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE; VectorCopy( lump.m_Origin, m_Origin ); VectorCopy( lump.m_Angles, m_Angles ); m_pModel = pModel; m_FirstLeaf = lump.m_FirstLeaf; m_LeafCount = lump.m_LeafCount; m_nSolidType = lump.m_Solid; m_DiffuseModulation[0] = lump.m_DiffuseModulation.r * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ); m_DiffuseModulation[1] = lump.m_DiffuseModulation.g * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ); m_DiffuseModulation[2] = lump.m_DiffuseModulation.b * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ); m_DiffuseModulation[3] = lump.m_DiffuseModulation.a * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ); MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION_( g_pMDLCache );
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( m_pModel );
if ( pStudioHdr ) { if ( !( pStudioHdr->flags & STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_STATIC_PROP ) ) { static int nBitchCount = 0; if( nBitchCount < 100 ) { Log_Warning( LOG_StaticPropManager, "model %s used as a static prop, but not compiled as a static prop\n", pStudioHdr->pszName() ); nBitchCount++; } } }
// Initialize the alpha property
if ( !sv.IsDedicated() ) { CleanUpAlphaProperty(); m_pClientAlphaProperty = g_pClientAlphaPropertyMgr->CreateClientAlphaProperty( this ); m_pClientAlphaProperty->SetAlphaModulation( lump.m_DiffuseModulation.a ); m_pClientAlphaProperty->SetDesyncOffset( index ); m_pClientAlphaProperty->SetRenderFX( kRenderFxNone, kRenderTransTexture );
float flForcedFadeScale = lump.m_flForcedFadeScale; if ( pStudioHdr->flags & STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_NO_FORCED_FADE ) { flForcedFadeScale = 0.0f; }
m_pClientAlphaProperty->SetFade( flForcedFadeScale, 0.0f, 0.0f ); if ( lump.m_Flags & STATIC_PROP_FLAG_FADES ) { m_pClientAlphaProperty->SetFade( flForcedFadeScale, lump.m_FadeMinDist, lump.m_FadeMaxDist ); } } #endif
switch ( m_nSolidType ) { // These are valid
default: { char szModel[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( szModel, m_pModel ? modelloader->GetName( m_pModel ) : "unknown model", sizeof( szModel ) ); Log_Warning( LOG_StaticPropManager, "CStaticProp::Init: Map error, static_prop with bogus SOLID_ flag (%d)! (%s)\n", m_nSolidType, szModel ); m_nSolidType = SOLID_NONE; } break; }
m_Alpha = 255; m_Skin = (unsigned char)lump.m_Skin; m_Flags = ( lump.m_Flags & ( STATIC_PROP_MARKED_FOR_FAST_REFLECTION | STATIC_PROP_NO_FLASHLIGHT | STATIC_PROP_NO_PER_VERTEX_LIGHTING ) ); m_FlagsEx = (unsigned int)lump.m_FlagsEx; m_nMinCPULevel = lump.m_nMinCPULevel; m_nMaxCPULevel = lump.m_nMaxCPULevel; m_nMinGPULevel = lump.m_nMinGPULevel; m_nMaxGPULevel = lump.m_nMaxGPULevel;
// Cache the model to world matrix since it never changes.
AngleMatrix( lump.m_Angles, lump.m_Origin, m_ModelToWorld );
// Cache the collision bounding box since it'll never change.
modelinfo->GetModelRenderBounds( m_pModel, m_RenderBBoxMin, m_RenderBBoxMax ); m_flRadius = m_RenderBBoxMin.DistTo( m_RenderBBoxMax ) * 0.5f; TransformAABB( m_ModelToWorld, m_RenderBBoxMin, m_RenderBBoxMax, m_WorldRenderBBoxMin, m_WorldRenderBBoxMax );
// FIXME: Sucky, but unless we want to re-read the static prop lump when the client is
// initialized (possible, but also gross), we need to cache off the illum center now
if (lump.m_Flags & STATIC_PROP_USE_LIGHTING_ORIGIN) { m_LightingOrigin = lump.m_LightingOrigin; } else { modelinfo->GetIlluminationPoint( m_pModel, this, m_Origin, m_Angles, &m_LightingOrigin ); } g_MakingDevShots = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-makedevshots" ) ? true : false;
return true; }
// EHandle
void CStaticProp::SetRefEHandle( const CBaseHandle &handle ) { // Only the static prop mgr should be setting this...
Assert( 0 ); }
const CBaseHandle& CStaticProp::GetRefEHandle() const { return m_EntHandle; }
// These methods return a box defined in the space of the entity
const Vector& CStaticProp::OBBMins( ) const { if ( GetSolid() == SOLID_VPHYSICS ) { return m_pModel->mins; } Vector& tv = AllocTempVector(); // FIXME: why doesn't this just return m_RenderBBoxMin?
VectorSubtract( m_WorldRenderBBoxMin, GetCollisionOrigin(), tv ); return tv; }
const Vector& CStaticProp::OBBMaxs( ) const { if ( GetSolid() == SOLID_VPHYSICS ) { return m_pModel->maxs; } Vector& tv = AllocTempVector(); // FIXME: why doesn't this just return m_RenderBBoxMax?
VectorSubtract( m_WorldRenderBBoxMax, GetCollisionOrigin(), tv ); return tv; }
void CStaticProp::WorldSpaceTriggerBounds( Vector* pVecWorldMins, Vector *pVecWorldMaxs ) const { // This should never be called..
Assert(0); }
// Surrounding box
void CStaticProp::WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( Vector* pVecWorldMins, Vector *pVecWorldMaxs ) { *pVecWorldMins = m_WorldRenderBBoxMin; *pVecWorldMaxs = m_WorldRenderBBoxMax; }
// Data accessors
const Vector& CStaticProp::GetRenderOrigin( void ) { return m_Origin; }
const QAngle& CStaticProp::GetRenderAngles( void ) { return m_Angles; }
bool CStaticProp::GetAttachment( int number, Vector &origin, QAngle &angles ) { origin = m_Origin; angles = m_Angles; return true; }
bool CStaticProp::GetAttachment( int number, matrix3x4_t &matrix ) { MatrixCopy( RenderableToWorldTransform(), matrix ); return true; }
bool CStaticProp::ComputeLightingOrigin( int nAttachmentIndex, Vector modelLightingCenter, const matrix3x4_t &matrix, Vector &transformedLightingCenter ) { if ( nAttachmentIndex <= 0 ) { VectorTransform( modelLightingCenter, matrix, transformedLightingCenter ); } else { matrix3x4_t attachmentTransform; GetAttachment( nAttachmentIndex, attachmentTransform ); VectorTransform( modelLightingCenter, attachmentTransform, transformedLightingCenter ); } return true; }
bool CStaticProp::ShouldDraw() { return ( m_RenderHandle != INVALID_CLIENT_RENDER_HANDLE ); }
// Render setup
bool CStaticProp::SetupBones( matrix3x4a_t *pBoneToWorldOut, int nMaxBones, int boneMask, float currentTime ) { if (!m_pModel) return false;
MatrixCopy( m_ModelToWorld, pBoneToWorldOut[0] ); return true; }
void CStaticProp::SetupWeights( const matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld, int nFlexWeightCount, float *pFlexWeights, float *pFlexDelayedWeights ) { }
void CStaticProp::DoAnimationEvents( void ) { }
// Render baby!
const model_t* CStaticProp::GetModel( ) const { return m_pModel; }
// Hooks into the fast path render system
IClientModelRenderable* CStaticProp::GetClientModelRenderable() { // FIXME: Can I cache off ModelHasMaterialProxy?
// Don't bother using fast path if proxies are happening
if ( !m_pModel || modelinfoclient->ModelHasMaterialProxy( m_pModel ) ) return NULL; #endif
if ( IsUsingStaticPropDebugModes() ) return NULL;
return this; }
bool CStaticProp::GetRenderData( void *pData, ModelDataCategory_t nCategory ) { switch ( nCategory ) { case MODEL_DATA_LIGHTING_MODEL: *(RenderableLightingModel_t*)pData = LIGHTING_MODEL_STATIC_PROP; return true;
#if defined( _X360 )
// Deferred shadow rendering:
case MODEL_DATA_STENCIL: { if ( r_shadow_deferred.GetBool() ) { // clear stencil and hi-stencil because static props don't cast shadows
ShaderStencilState_t* pStencilState = reinterpret_cast<ShaderStencilState_t*>( pData );
uint32 mask = 1 << 2; uint32 nRef = 0;
pStencilState->m_bEnable = true; pStencilState->m_nTestMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; pStencilState->m_nWriteMask = mask; pStencilState->m_nReferenceValue = nRef; pStencilState->m_CompareFunc = SHADER_STENCILFUNC_ALWAYS; pStencilState->m_PassOp = SHADER_STENCILOP_SET_TO_REFERENCE; pStencilState->m_FailOp = SHADER_STENCILOP_KEEP; pStencilState->m_ZFailOp = SHADER_STENCILOP_KEEP;//SHADER_STENCILOP_SET_TO_REFERENCE;
pStencilState->m_bHiStencilEnable = false; pStencilState->m_bHiStencilWriteEnable = true; pStencilState->m_HiStencilCompareFunc = SHADER_HI_STENCILFUNC_NOTEQUAL; pStencilState->m_nHiStencilReferenceValue = 0; return true; } } return false; #endif
default: return false; } }
// Accessors
inline int CStaticProp::LeafCount() const { return m_LeafCount; }
inline int CStaticProp::FirstLeaf() const { return m_FirstLeaf; }
inline ModelInstanceHandle_t CStaticProp::GetModelInstance() { return m_ModelInstance; }
inline void CStaticProp::SetModelInstance( ModelInstanceHandle_t handle ) { m_ModelInstance = handle; }
inline void CStaticProp::SetRenderHandle( ClientRenderHandle_t handle ) { m_RenderHandle = handle; }
inline ClientRenderHandle_t CStaticProp::GetRenderHandle() const { return m_RenderHandle; }
void CStaticProp::CleanUpRenderHandle( ) { if ( m_RenderHandle != INVALID_CLIENT_RENDER_HANDLE ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
clientleafsystem->RemoveRenderable( m_RenderHandle ); #endif
void CStaticProp::CleanUpAlphaProperty() { if ( m_pClientAlphaProperty ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
g_pClientAlphaPropertyMgr->DestroyClientAlphaProperty( m_pClientAlphaProperty ); #endif
m_pClientAlphaProperty = NULL; } }
// Determine alpha and blend amount for transparent objects based on render state info
void CStaticProp::GetColorModulation( float* color ) { memcpy( color, m_DiffuseModulation.Base(), sizeof( float ) * 3 ); }
// custom collision test
bool CStaticProp::TestCollision( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned int fContentsMask, trace_t& tr ) { Assert(0); return false; }
// Perform hitbox test, returns true *if hitboxes were tested at all*!!
bool CStaticProp::TestHitboxes( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned int fContentsMask, trace_t& tr ) { return false; }
// Returns the BRUSH model index if this is a brush model. Otherwise, returns -1.
int CStaticProp::GetCollisionModelIndex() { return -1; }
// Return the model, if it's a studio model.
const model_t* CStaticProp::GetCollisionModel() { return m_pModel; }
// Get angles and origin.
const Vector& CStaticProp::GetCollisionOrigin() const { return m_Origin; }
const QAngle& CStaticProp::GetCollisionAngles() const { if ( GetSolid() == SOLID_VPHYSICS ) { return m_Angles; }
return vec3_angle; }
const matrix3x4_t& CStaticProp::CollisionToWorldTransform() const { return m_ModelToWorld; }
// Return a SOLID_ define.
SolidType_t CStaticProp::GetSolid() const { return (SolidType_t)m_nSolidType; }
int CStaticProp::GetSolidFlags() const { return 0; }
int CStaticProp::GetRenderFlags( void ) { int nRet = 0; if ( m_pModel ) { if ( m_pModel->flags & MODELFLAG_STUDIOHDR_USES_FB_TEXTURE ) { nRet |= ERENDERFLAGS_NEEDS_POWER_OF_TWO_FB; } } return nRet; }
ClientRenderHandle_t& CStaticProp::RenderHandle() { return m_RenderHandle; }
IPVSNotify* CStaticProp::GetPVSNotifyInterface() { return NULL; }
void CStaticProp::GetRenderBounds( Vector& mins, Vector& maxs ) { mins = m_RenderBBoxMin; maxs = m_RenderBBoxMax; }
void CStaticProp::GetRenderBoundsWorldspace( Vector& mins, Vector& maxs ) { mins = m_WorldRenderBBoxMin; maxs = m_WorldRenderBBoxMax; }
bool CStaticProp::ShouldReceiveProjectedTextures( int flags ) { if ( m_Flags & STATIC_PROP_NO_FLASHLIGHT ) return false;
if( flags & ( SHADOW_FLAGS_FLASHLIGHT | SHADOW_FLAGS_SIMPLE_PROJECTION ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } }
bool CStaticProp::ShouldCacheRenderInfo() { return true; }
void CStaticProp::PrecacheLighting() { #ifndef DEDICATED
if ( m_ModelInstance == MODEL_INSTANCE_INVALID ) { LightCacheHandle_t lightCacheHandle = CreateStaticLightingCache( m_LightingOrigin, m_WorldRenderBBoxMin, m_WorldRenderBBoxMax ); m_ModelInstance = modelrender->CreateInstance( this, &lightCacheHandle ); } #endif
void CStaticProp::RecomputeStaticLighting( void ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
modelrender->RecomputeStaticLighting( m_ModelInstance ); #endif
// Diagnostic information for static props
void CStaticProp::DisplayStaticPropInfo( int nInfoType ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
char buf[512]; switch( nInfoType ) { case 1: Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s", modelloader->GetName( m_pModel ) ); break;
case 2: Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof( buf ), "%d", (m_EntHandle.ToInt() & (~STATICPROP_EHANDLE_MASK)) ); break;
case 3: { float flDist = GetRenderOrigin().DistTo( s_StaticPropMgr.ViewOrigin() ); Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof( buf ), "%.1f", flDist ); } break;
case 4: { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); float flPixelWidth = pRenderContext->ComputePixelWidthOfSphere( GetRenderOrigin(), Radius() ); Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof( buf ), "%.1f", flPixelWidth ); } break; }
Vector vecTextBox = ( m_WorldRenderBBoxMax + m_WorldRenderBBoxMin ) * 0.5f; vecTextBox.z = m_WorldRenderBBoxMax.z + 10; CDebugOverlay::AddTextOverlay( vecTextBox, 0.0f, buf ); #endif
// Draws the model
int CStaticProp::DrawModelSlow( int flags, const RenderableInstance_t &instance ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
if ( !r_drawstaticprops.GetBool() ) return 0;
if ( r_drawstaticprops.GetInt() == 2 || r_slowpathwireframe.GetInt() ) { flags |= STUDIO_WIREFRAME; }
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( r_DrawSpecificStaticProp.GetInt() >= 0 ) { if ( (m_EntHandle.ToInt() & (~STATICPROP_EHANDLE_MASK) ) != r_DrawSpecificStaticProp.GetInt() ) return 0; } #endif
if ( ( instance.m_nAlpha == 0 ) || !m_pModel ) return 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( m_pModel ); Assert( pStudioHdr ); if ( !( pStudioHdr->flags & STUDIOHDR_FLAGS_STATIC_PROP ) ) { return 0; } #endif
if ( r_colorstaticprops.GetBool() ) { // deterministic random sequence
unsigned short hash[3]; hash[0] = HashItem( m_ModelInstance ); hash[1] = HashItem( hash[0] ); hash[2] = HashItem( hash[1] ); r_colormod[0] = (float)hash[0] * 1.0f/65535.0f; r_colormod[1] = (float)hash[1] * 1.0f/65535.0f; r_colormod[2] = (float)hash[2] * 1.0f/65535.0f; VectorNormalize( r_colormod ); }
int nInfoType = r_staticpropinfo.GetInt(); if ( nInfoType ) { DisplayStaticPropInfo( nInfoType ); }
// CDebugOverlay::AddBoxOverlay( vec3_origin, m_WorldRenderBBoxMin, m_WorldRenderBBoxMax, vec3_angle, 255, 0, 0, 32, 0.01 );
// CDebugOverlay::AddBoxOverlay( GetRenderOrigin(), m_RenderBBoxMin, m_RenderBBoxMax, GetRenderAngles(), 0, 255, 0, 32, 0.01 );
ModelRenderInfo_t sInfo; InitModelRenderInfo( sInfo, flags ); g_pStudioRender->SetColorModulation( r_colormod ); g_pStudioRender->SetAlphaModulation( instance.m_nAlpha / 255.0f ); // Restore the matrices if we're skinning
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity(); int drawn = modelrender->DrawModelEx( sInfo ); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix();
if ( m_pModel && (flags & STUDIO_WIREFRAME_VCOLLIDE) ) { if ( m_nSolidType == SOLID_VPHYSICS ) { // This works because VCollideForModel only uses modelindex for mod_brush
// and props are always mod_Studio.
vcollide_t * pCollide = CM_VCollideForModel( -1, m_pModel ); if ( pCollide && pCollide->solidCount == 1 ) { static color32 debugColor = {0,255,255,0}; DebugDrawPhysCollide( pCollide->solids[0], NULL, m_ModelToWorld, debugColor, false ); } } else if ( m_nSolidType == SOLID_BBOX ) { static Color debugColor( 0, 255, 255, 255 ); RenderWireframeBox( m_Origin, vec3_angle, m_pModel->mins, m_pModel->maxs, debugColor, true ); } }
return drawn; #else
return 0; #endif
int CStaticProp::DrawModel( int flags, const RenderableInstance_t &instance ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
if ( ( instance.m_nAlpha == 0 ) || !m_pModel ) return 0;
if ( IsUsingStaticPropDebugModes() || (flags & (STUDIO_WIREFRAME_VCOLLIDE|STUDIO_WIREFRAME)) ) return DrawModelSlow( flags, instance );
ModelRenderInfo_t sInfo; InitModelRenderInfo( sInfo, flags ); g_pStudioRender->SetColorModulation( r_colormod ); g_pStudioRender->SetAlphaModulation( instance.m_nAlpha / 255.0f ); // Restore the matrices if we're skinning
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity();
#ifdef _X360
ShaderStencilState_t stencilState; bool bDeferredShadows = r_shadow_deferred.GetBool(); if ( bDeferredShadows ) { // Deferred shadow rendering:
// clear stencil and hi-stencil because static props don't cast shadows
uint32 mask = 1 << 2; uint32 nRef = 0;
stencilState.m_bEnable = true; stencilState.m_nTestMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; stencilState.m_nWriteMask = mask; stencilState.m_nReferenceValue = nRef; stencilState.m_CompareFunc = SHADER_STENCILFUNC_ALWAYS; stencilState.m_PassOp = SHADER_STENCILOP_SET_TO_REFERENCE; stencilState.m_FailOp = SHADER_STENCILOP_KEEP; stencilState.m_ZFailOp = SHADER_STENCILOP_KEEP;
stencilState.m_bHiStencilEnable = false; stencilState.m_bHiStencilWriteEnable = true; stencilState.m_HiStencilCompareFunc = SHADER_HI_STENCILFUNC_NOTEQUAL; stencilState.m_nHiStencilReferenceValue = 0; pRenderContext->SetStencilState( stencilState ); } #endif
int drawn = modelrender->DrawModelExStaticProp( pRenderContext, sInfo ); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix();
#ifdef _X360
if ( bDeferredShadows ) { ShaderStencilState_t stencilState; stencilState.m_bEnable = false; stencilState.m_bHiStencilWriteEnable = false; pRenderContext->SetStencilState( stencilState ); } #endif
return drawn; #else
return 0; #endif
// KD Tree
void CStaticProp::InsertPropIntoKDTree() { Assert( m_Partition == PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE ); if ( m_nSolidType == SOLID_NONE ) return;
// Compute the bbox of the prop
Vector mins, maxs; matrix3x4_t propToWorld; AngleMatrix( m_Angles, m_Origin, propToWorld ); TransformAABB( propToWorld, m_pModel->mins, m_pModel->maxs, mins, maxs );
// If it's using vphysics, get a good AABB
if ( m_nSolidType == SOLID_VPHYSICS ) { vcollide_t *pCollide = CM_VCollideForModel( -1, m_pModel ); if ( pCollide && pCollide->solidCount ) { physcollision->CollideGetAABB( &mins, &maxs, pCollide->solids[0], m_Origin, m_Angles ); } else { m_nSolidType = SOLID_NONE; return; } }
// add the entity to the KD tree so we will collide against it
Assert( m_Partition != PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE ); }
void CStaticProp::RemovePropFromKDTree() { // Release the spatial partition handle
if ( m_Partition != PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE ) { SpatialPartition()->DestroyHandle( m_Partition ); m_Partition = PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE; } }
// Create VPhysics representation
void CStaticProp::CreateVPhysics( IPhysicsEnvironment *pPhysEnv, IVPhysicsKeyHandler *pDefaults, void *pGameData ) { if ( m_nSolidType == SOLID_NONE ) return;
vcollide_t *pVCollide = NULL; solid_t solid; CPhysCollide* pPhysCollide = NULL; unsigned int iContents = MASK_ALL;
if ( m_pModel ) { if ( m_nSolidType == SOLID_VPHYSICS ) { // This works because VCollideForModel only uses modelindex for mod_brush
// and props are always mod_Studio.
pVCollide = CM_VCollideForModel( -1, m_pModel ); }
int nModelType = m_pModel->type; if ( nModelType == mod_studio ) { MDLHandle_t hStudioHdr = m_pModel->studio; if ( hStudioHdr != MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) { const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = mdlcache->GetStudioHdr( hStudioHdr ); iContents = pStudioHdr->contents; } } else if ( nModelType == mod_brush ) { iContents = m_pModel->brush.pShared->nodes[ m_pModel->brush.firstnode ].contents; } }
if (pVCollide) { pPhysCollide = pVCollide->solids[0];
IVPhysicsKeyParser *pParse = physcollision->VPhysicsKeyParserCreate( pVCollide ); while ( !pParse->Finished() ) { const char *pBlock = pParse->GetCurrentBlockName(); if ( !strcmpi( pBlock, "solid" ) ) { pParse->ParseSolid( &solid, pDefaults ); break; } else { pParse->SkipBlock(); } } physcollision->VPhysicsKeyParserDestroy( pParse ); } else { if ( m_nSolidType != SOLID_BBOX ) { char szModel[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( szModel, m_pModel ? modelloader->GetName( m_pModel ) : "unknown model", sizeof( szModel ) ); Log_Warning( LOG_StaticPropManager, "Map Error: Static prop with bogus solid type %d! (%s)\n", m_nSolidType, szModel ); m_nSolidType = SOLID_NONE; return; }
// If there's no collide, we need a bbox...
pPhysCollide = physcollision->BBoxToCollide( m_pModel->mins, m_pModel->maxs ); solid.params = g_PhysDefaultObjectParams; Q_strncpy( solid.surfaceprop, "default", sizeof( solid.surfaceprop ) ); }
Assert(pPhysCollide); solid.params.enableCollisions = true; solid.params.pGameData = pGameData; solid.params.pName = "prop_static";
int surfaceData = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( solid.surfaceprop ); IPhysicsObject *pPhysObject = pPhysEnv->CreatePolyObjectStatic( pPhysCollide, surfaceData, m_Origin, m_Angles, &solid.params );
pPhysObject->SetContents( iContents ); if ( iContents & CONTENTS_SOLID ) { pPhysObject->SetCollisionHints(COLLISION_HINT_STATICSOLID); } //PhysCheckAdd( pPhys, "Static" );
// Expose IStaticPropMgr to the engine
IStaticPropMgrEngine* StaticPropMgr() { return &s_StaticPropMgr; }
// constructor, destructor
CStaticPropMgr::CStaticPropMgr() { m_bLevelInitialized = false; m_bClientInitialized = false; m_nLastCPULevel = m_nLastGPULevel = -1; }
CStaticPropMgr::~CStaticPropMgr() { }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CStaticPropMgr::Init() { return true; }
// Purpose:
void CStaticPropMgr::Shutdown() { if ( !m_bLevelInitialized ) return;
LevelShutdown(); }
// Configures the system level for static props
void CStaticPropMgr::ConfigureSystemLevel( int nCPULevel, int nGPULevel ) { if ( nCPULevel == m_nLastCPULevel && nGPULevel == m_nLastGPULevel ) return;
m_nLastCPULevel = nCPULevel; m_nLastGPULevel = nGPULevel; if ( m_bClientInitialized ) { UpdatePropVisibility( nCPULevel, nGPULevel ); } }
void CStaticPropMgr::RestoreStaticProps( ) { UpdatePropVisibility( m_nLastCPULevel, m_nLastGPULevel );
// It's possible in certain alt+tab situations that the mdl flags will not be set the first time we compute static lighting.
// Ensure that we recompute it here to catch any mdl flag changes after the alt+tab.
RecomputeStaticLighting(); }
void CStaticPropMgr::UpdatePropVisibility( int nCPULevel, int nGPULevel ) { #ifdef DEDICATED
return; #endif
if ( !m_bClientInitialized ) return;
int nCount = m_StaticProps.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { CStaticProp &prop = m_StaticProps[i];
bool bNoDraw = false; if ( !IsGameConsole() ) { if ( nCPULevel >= 0 ) { bNoDraw = ( prop.m_nMinCPULevel && prop.m_nMinCPULevel-1 > nCPULevel ); bNoDraw = bNoDraw || ( prop.m_nMaxCPULevel && prop.m_nMaxCPULevel-1 < nCPULevel ); } if ( nGPULevel >= 0 ) { bNoDraw = bNoDraw || ( prop.m_nMinGPULevel && prop.m_nMinGPULevel-1 > nGPULevel ); bNoDraw = bNoDraw || ( prop.m_nMaxGPULevel && prop.m_nMaxGPULevel-1 < nGPULevel ); } }
// Add the prop to all the leaves it lies in
if ( bNoDraw || !prop.LeafCount()) { prop.CleanUpRenderHandle(); continue; }
RenderableTranslucencyType_t nType = modelinfo->ComputeTranslucencyType( prop.m_pModel, prop.GetSkin(), prop.GetBody() ); if ( prop.RenderHandle() != INVALID_CLIENT_RENDER_HANDLE ) { clientleafsystem->SetTranslucencyType( prop.RenderHandle(), nType ); clientleafsystem->RenderInFastReflections( prop.RenderHandle(), ( prop.m_Flags & STATIC_PROP_MARKED_FOR_FAST_REFLECTION ) != 0 ); clientleafsystem->DisableShadowDepthRendering( prop.RenderHandle(), ( prop.m_FlagsEx & STATIC_PROP_FLAGS_EX_DISABLE_SHADOW_DEPTH ) != 0 ); clientleafsystem->DisableCSMRendering( prop.RenderHandle(), (prop.m_FlagsEx & STATIC_PROP_FLAGS_EX_DISABLE_CSM) != 0 ); continue; }
clientleafsystem->CreateRenderableHandle( &prop, false, nType, RENDERABLE_MODEL_STATIC_PROP ); ClientRenderHandle_t handle = prop.RenderHandle(); clientleafsystem->AddRenderableToLeaves( handle, prop.LeafCount(), (unsigned short*)&m_StaticPropLeaves[prop.FirstLeaf()] ); clientleafsystem->RenderInFastReflections( prop.RenderHandle(), ( prop.m_Flags & STATIC_PROP_MARKED_FOR_FAST_REFLECTION ) != 0 ); clientleafsystem->DisableShadowDepthRendering( prop.RenderHandle(), ( prop.m_FlagsEx & STATIC_PROP_FLAGS_EX_DISABLE_SHADOW_DEPTH ) != 0 ); clientleafsystem->DisableCSMRendering( prop.RenderHandle(), (prop.m_FlagsEx & STATIC_PROP_FLAGS_EX_DISABLE_CSM) != 0 ); } }
// Unserialize static prop model dictionary
void CStaticPropMgr::UnserializeModelDict( CUtlBuffer& buf ) { int count = buf.GetInt(); m_StaticPropDict.AddMultipleToTail( count );
COM_TimestampedLog( "Starting UnserializeModelDict for %d models\n", count ); for ( int i=0; i < count; i++ ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
if ( !(i % 10 ) ) { EngineVGui()->UpdateProgressBar(PROGRESS_DEFAULT); } #endif
StaticPropDictLump_t lump; buf.Get( &lump, sizeof(StaticPropDictLump_t) );
m_StaticPropDict[i] = modelloader->GetModelForName( lump.m_Name, IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_STATICPROP ); } COM_TimestampedLog( "Finished UnserializeModelDict\n" ); }
void CStaticPropMgr::UnserializeLeafList( CUtlBuffer& buf ) { int nCount = buf.GetInt(); m_StaticPropLeaves.Purge(); if ( nCount > 0 ) { m_StaticPropLeaves.AddMultipleToTail( nCount ); buf.Get( m_StaticPropLeaves.Base(), nCount * sizeof(StaticPropLeafLump_t) ); } }
void CStaticPropMgr::UnserializeModels( CUtlBuffer& buf ) { // Version check
int nLumpVersion = Mod_GameLumpVersion( GAMELUMP_STATIC_PROPS ); if ( nLumpVersion < 4 ) { Log_Warning( LOG_StaticPropManager, "Really old map format! Static props can't be loaded...\n" ); return; }
int count = buf.GetInt();
// Gotta preallocate the static props here so no rellocations take place
// the leaf list stores pointers to these tricky little guys.
bool bSkip = false; m_StaticProps.EnsureCapacity(count); for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { // Reset every loop.
bSkip = false;
StaticPropLump_t lump; switch ( nLumpVersion ) { case 4: buf.Get( &lump, sizeof(StaticPropLumpV4_t) ); lump.m_flForcedFadeScale = 1.0f; lump.m_nMinCPULevel = lump.m_nMaxCPULevel = lump.m_nMinGPULevel = lump.m_nMaxGPULevel = 0; lump.m_DiffuseModulation.r = lump.m_DiffuseModulation.g = lump.m_DiffuseModulation.b = lump.m_DiffuseModulation.a = 255; // default color/alpha modulation to identity
lump.m_bDisableX360 = false; lump.m_FlagsEx = 0; break;
case 5: buf.Get( &lump, sizeof(StaticPropLumpV5_t) ); lump.m_nMinCPULevel = lump.m_nMaxCPULevel = lump.m_nMinGPULevel = lump.m_nMaxGPULevel = 0; lump.m_DiffuseModulation.r = lump.m_DiffuseModulation.g = lump.m_DiffuseModulation.b = lump.m_DiffuseModulation.a = 255; // default color/alpha modulation to identity
lump.m_bDisableX360 = false; lump.m_FlagsEx = 0; break;
case 6: buf.Get( &lump, sizeof( StaticPropLumpV6_t ) ); lump.m_nMinCPULevel = lump.m_nMaxCPULevel = lump.m_nMinGPULevel = lump.m_nMaxGPULevel = 0; lump.m_DiffuseModulation.r = lump.m_DiffuseModulation.g = lump.m_DiffuseModulation.b = lump.m_DiffuseModulation.a = 255; // default color/alpha modulation to identity
lump.m_bDisableX360 = false; lump.m_FlagsEx = 0; break;
case 7: buf.Get( &lump, sizeof( StaticPropLumpV7_t ) ); lump.m_nMinCPULevel = lump.m_nMaxCPULevel = lump.m_nMinGPULevel = lump.m_nMaxGPULevel = 0; lump.m_bDisableX360 = false; lump.m_FlagsEx = 0; break;
case 8: buf.Get( &lump, sizeof( StaticPropLumpV8_t ) ); lump.m_bDisableX360 = false; lump.m_FlagsEx = 0; break;
case 9: buf.Get( &lump, sizeof( StaticPropLumpV9_t ) ); lump.m_FlagsEx = 0; break; case 10: buf.Get( &lump, sizeof( StaticPropLump_t ) ); break; }
int j = m_StaticProps.AddToTail(); m_StaticProps[j].Init( j, lump, m_StaticPropDict[lump.m_PropType] );
// Add the prop to the K-D tree for collision
m_StaticProps[j].InsertPropIntoKDTree( );
if ( !(i % 10 ) ) { EngineVGui()->UpdateProgressBar(PROGRESS_DEFAULT); } #endif
} }
void CStaticPropMgr::OutputLevelStats( void ) { // STATS
int i; int totalVerts = 0; for( i = 0; i < m_StaticProps.Count(); i++ ) { CStaticProp *pStaticProp = &m_StaticProps[i]; model_t *pModel = (model_t*)pStaticProp->GetModel(); if( !pModel ) { continue; } Assert( pModel->type == mod_studio ); studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = ( studiohdr_t * )modelloader->GetExtraData( pModel ); int bodyPart; for( bodyPart = 0; bodyPart < pStudioHdr->numbodyparts; bodyPart++ ) { mstudiobodyparts_t *pBodyPart = pStudioHdr->pBodypart( bodyPart ); int model; for( model = 0; model < pBodyPart->nummodels; model++ ) { mstudiomodel_t *pModel = pBodyPart->pModel( model ); totalVerts += pModel->numvertices; } } } Log_Warning( LOG_StaticPropManager, "%d static prop instances in map\n", ( int )m_StaticProps.Count() ); Log_Warning( LOG_StaticPropManager, "%d static prop models in map\n", ( int )m_StaticPropDict.Count() ); Log_Warning( LOG_StaticPropManager, "%d static prop verts in map\n", ( int )totalVerts ); }
// Unserialize static props
void CStaticPropMgr::UnserializeStaticProps() { // Unserialize static props, insert them into the appropriate leaves
int size = Mod_GameLumpSize( GAMELUMP_STATIC_PROPS ); if (!size) return;
COM_TimestampedLog( "UnserializeStaticProps - start");
MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); CUtlBuffer buf( 0, size ); if ( Mod_LoadGameLump( GAMELUMP_STATIC_PROPS, buf.PeekPut(), size )) { buf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, size ); COM_TimestampedLog( "UnserializeModelDict" ); UnserializeModelDict( buf ); COM_TimestampedLog( "UnserializeLeafList" ); UnserializeLeafList( buf ); COM_TimestampedLog( "UnserializeModels" ); UnserializeModels( buf ); }
COM_TimestampedLog( "UnserializeStaticProps - end"); }
// Level init, shutdown
void CStaticPropMgr::LevelInit() { if ( m_bLevelInitialized ) return;
Assert( !m_bClientInitialized ); m_bLevelInitialized = true;
// See if we should skip loading static props
if( disableStaticPropLoading.GetBool() == false ) { // Read in static props that have been compiled into the bsp file
UnserializeStaticProps(); }
// OutputLevelStats();
void CStaticPropMgr::LevelShutdown() { if ( !m_bLevelInitialized ) return;
// Deal with client-side stuff, if appropriate
if ( m_bClientInitialized ) { LevelShutdownClient(); }
m_bLevelInitialized = false;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_StaticPropDict, i ) { modelloader->UnreferenceModel( m_StaticPropDict[i], IModelLoader::FMODELLOADER_STATICPROP ); } m_StaticPropDict.Purge(); }
void CStaticPropMgr::LevelInitClient() { #ifndef DEDICATED
if ( sv.IsDedicated() ) return;
extern ConVar r_proplightingfromdisk;
bool bNeedsMapAccess = r_proplightingfromdisk.GetBool(); if ( bNeedsMapAccess ) { g_pFileSystem->BeginMapAccess(); }
Assert( m_bLevelInitialized ); Assert( !m_bClientInitialized );
// Since the client will be ready at a later time than the server
// to set up its data, we need a separate call to handle that
int nCount = m_StaticProps.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { CStaticProp &prop = m_StaticProps[i];
if ( prop.LeafCount() <= 0 ) { Vector origin = prop.GetCollisionOrigin(); Vector mins = prop.OBBMins(); Vector maxs = prop.OBBMaxs(); DevMsg( 1, "Static prop in 0 leaves! %s, @ %.1f, %.1f, %.1f\n", modelloader->GetName( prop.GetModel() ), origin.x, origin.y, origin.z ); continue; } }
m_bClientInitialized = true;
// swapping order of UpdatePropVisibility and PrecacheLighting - Precache now first since it updates the flag to determine if prop contributes to CSM
PrecacheLighting(); UpdatePropVisibility( m_nLastCPULevel, m_nLastGPULevel );
if ( bNeedsMapAccess ) { g_pFileSystem->EndMapAccess(); }
void CStaticPropMgr::LevelShutdownClient() { if ( !m_bClientInitialized ) return;
Assert( m_bLevelInitialized );
for (int i = m_StaticProps.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { m_StaticProps[i].CleanUpAlphaProperty(); m_StaticProps[i].CleanUpRenderHandle( ); modelrender->SetStaticLighting( m_StaticProps[i].GetModelInstance(), NULL ); }
// Make sure static prop lightcache is reset
ClearStaticLightingCache(); #endif
m_bClientInitialized = false; }
// Create physics representations of props
void CStaticPropMgr::CreateVPhysicsRepresentations( IPhysicsEnvironment *pPhysEnv, IVPhysicsKeyHandler *pDefaults, void *pGameData ) { // Walk through the static props + make collideable thingies for them.
int nCount = m_StaticProps.Count(); for ( int i = nCount; --i >= 0; ) { m_StaticProps[i].CreateVPhysics( pPhysEnv, pDefaults, pGameData ); } }
// Handles to props
inline int CStaticPropMgr::HandleEntityToIndex( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ) const { Assert( IsStaticProp_Inline( pHandleEntity ) ); return pHandleEntity->GetRefEHandle().GetEntryIndex(); }
ICollideable *CStaticPropMgr::GetStaticProp( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ) { if ( !IsStaticProp_Inline( pHandleEntity ) ) { return NULL; }
int nIndex = pHandleEntity ? pHandleEntity->GetRefEHandle().GetEntryIndex() : -1; if ( nIndex < 0 || nIndex > m_StaticProps.Count() ) { return NULL; } return &m_StaticProps[nIndex]; }
ICollideable *CStaticPropMgr::GetStaticPropByIndex( int propIndex ) { if ( propIndex < m_StaticProps.Count() ) { return &m_StaticProps[propIndex]; } Assert(0); return NULL; }
// Get large amounts of handles to static props
void CStaticPropMgr::GetAllStaticProps( CUtlVector<ICollideable *> *pOutput ) { if ( pOutput == NULL ) return; int iPropVectorSize = m_StaticProps.Count();
int counter; for ( counter = 0; counter != iPropVectorSize; ++counter ) { pOutput->AddToTail( &m_StaticProps[counter] ); } }
void CStaticPropMgr::GetAllStaticPropsInAABB( const Vector &vMins, const Vector &vMaxs, CUtlVector<ICollideable *> *pOutput ) { if ( pOutput == NULL ) return; int iPropVectorSize = m_StaticProps.Count();
int counter; for ( counter = 0; counter != iPropVectorSize; ++counter ) { CStaticProp *pProp = &m_StaticProps[counter];
Vector vPropMins, vPropMaxs; pProp->WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( &vPropMins, &vPropMaxs );
if( vPropMaxs.x < vMins.x ) continue; if( vPropMaxs.y < vMins.y ) continue; if( vPropMaxs.z < vMins.z ) continue;
if( vPropMins.x > vMaxs.x ) continue; if( vPropMins.y > vMaxs.y ) continue; if( vPropMins.z > vMaxs.z ) continue;
pOutput->AddToTail( pProp ); } }
void CStaticPropMgr::GetAllStaticPropsInOBB( const Vector &ptOrigin, const Vector &vExtent1, const Vector &vExtent2, const Vector &vExtent3, CUtlVector<ICollideable *> *pOutput ) { if ( pOutput == NULL ) return; int counter;
Vector vAABBMins, vAABBMaxs; vAABBMins = ptOrigin; vAABBMaxs = ptOrigin; Vector ptAABBExtents[8];
Vector ptOBBExtents[8]; for( counter = 0; counter != 8; ++counter ) { ptOBBExtents[counter] = ptOrigin; if( counter & (1<<0) ) ptOBBExtents[counter] += vExtent1; if( counter & (1<<1) ) ptOBBExtents[counter] += vExtent2; if( counter & (1<<2) ) ptOBBExtents[counter] += vExtent3;
//expand AABB extents
if( ptOBBExtents[counter].x < vAABBMins.x ) vAABBMins.x = ptOBBExtents[counter].x; if( ptOBBExtents[counter].x > vAABBMaxs.x ) vAABBMaxs.x = ptOBBExtents[counter].x; if( ptOBBExtents[counter].y < vAABBMins.y ) vAABBMins.y = ptOBBExtents[counter].y; if( ptOBBExtents[counter].y > vAABBMaxs.y ) vAABBMaxs.y = ptOBBExtents[counter].y; if( ptOBBExtents[counter].z < vAABBMins.z ) vAABBMins.z = ptOBBExtents[counter].z; if( ptOBBExtents[counter].z > vAABBMaxs.z ) vAABBMaxs.z = ptOBBExtents[counter].z; }
//generate planes for the obb so we can use halfspace elimination
Vector vOBBPlaneNormals[6]; float fOBBPlaneDists[6];
vOBBPlaneNormals[0] = vExtent1; vOBBPlaneNormals[0].NormalizeInPlace(); fOBBPlaneDists[0] = vOBBPlaneNormals[0].Dot( ptOrigin + vExtent1 ); vOBBPlaneNormals[1] = -vOBBPlaneNormals[0]; fOBBPlaneDists[1] = vOBBPlaneNormals[1].Dot( ptOrigin );
vOBBPlaneNormals[2] = vExtent2; vOBBPlaneNormals[2].NormalizeInPlace(); fOBBPlaneDists[2] = vOBBPlaneNormals[2].Dot( ptOrigin + vExtent2 ); vOBBPlaneNormals[3] = -vOBBPlaneNormals[2]; fOBBPlaneDists[3] = vOBBPlaneNormals[3].Dot( ptOrigin );
vOBBPlaneNormals[4] = vExtent3; vOBBPlaneNormals[4].NormalizeInPlace(); fOBBPlaneDists[4] = vOBBPlaneNormals[4].Dot( ptOrigin + vExtent3 ); vOBBPlaneNormals[5] = -vOBBPlaneNormals[4]; fOBBPlaneDists[5] = vOBBPlaneNormals[5].Dot( ptOrigin );
int iPropVectorSize = m_StaticProps.Count();
for ( counter = 0; counter != iPropVectorSize; ++counter ) { CStaticProp *pProp = &m_StaticProps[counter];
Vector vPropMins, vPropMaxs; pProp->WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( &vPropMins, &vPropMaxs );
if( vPropMaxs.x < vAABBMins.x ) continue; if( vPropMaxs.y < vAABBMins.y ) continue; if( vPropMaxs.z < vAABBMins.z ) continue;
if( vPropMins.x > vAABBMaxs.x ) continue; if( vPropMins.y > vAABBMaxs.y ) continue; if( vPropMins.z > vAABBMaxs.z ) continue;
//static prop AABB and desired AABB intersect, do OBB tests
Vector vPropOBBMins = pProp->OBBMins(); Vector vPropOBBMaxs = pProp->OBBMaxs();
Vector ptPropExtents[8];
matrix3x4_t matPropWorld; AngleMatrix( pProp->GetCollisionAngles(), pProp->GetCollisionOrigin(), matPropWorld );
int counter2, counter3; //generate prop extents, TODO: update these to handle props with OBB's since it should be nearly trivial
for( counter2 = 0; counter2 != 8; ++counter2 ) { /*ptPropExtents[counter2].x = (counter2 & (1<<0))?(vPropMaxs.x):(vPropMins.x);
ptPropExtents[counter2].y = (counter2 & (1<<1))?(vPropMaxs.y):(vPropMins.y); ptPropExtents[counter2].z = (counter2 & (1<<2))?(vPropMaxs.z):(vPropMins.z);*/
Vector ptTemp; ptTemp.x = (counter2 & (1<<0))?(vPropOBBMaxs.x):(vPropOBBMins.x); ptTemp.y = (counter2 & (1<<1))?(vPropOBBMaxs.y):(vPropOBBMins.y); ptTemp.z = (counter2 & (1<<2))?(vPropOBBMaxs.z):(vPropOBBMins.z);
VectorTransform( ptTemp, matPropWorld, ptPropExtents[counter2] ); }
for( counter2 = 0; counter2 != 6; ++counter2 ) //loop over OBB planes
{ for( counter3 = 0; counter3 != 8; ++counter3 ) //loop over prop extents
{ if( (ptPropExtents[counter3].Dot( vOBBPlaneNormals[counter2] ) - fOBBPlaneDists[counter2]) < 0.0f ) { //an extent of the prop is within the OBB halfspace, this halfspace does not eliminate our prop, move to the next halfspace
break; } } if( counter3 == 8 ) break; //if all 8 extents lie outside the halfspace, then the prop is not in the OBB
} if( counter2 == 6 ) { //if all 6 planes failed to eliminate the extents, the OBB and prop intersect
//FIXME: Halfspace elimination will never remove props that do intersect, but leaves some false positives in some cases.
pOutput->AddToTail( pProp ); } } }
// Are we a static prop?
bool CStaticPropMgr::IsStaticProp( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ) const { return IsStaticProp_Inline( pHandleEntity ); }
bool CStaticPropMgr::IsStaticProp( CBaseHandle handle ) const { return (handle.GetSerialNumber() == (STATICPROP_EHANDLE_MASK >> NUM_SERIAL_NUM_SHIFT_BITS)); }
int CStaticPropMgr::GetStaticPropIndex( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ) const { return HandleEntityToIndex( pHandleEntity ); }
// Returns lighting origins
void CStaticPropMgr::GetLightingOrigins( Vector *pLightingOrigins, int nOriginStride, int nCount, IClientRenderable **ppRenderable, int nRenderableStride ) { for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i, ppRenderable = (IClientRenderable**)( (unsigned char*)ppRenderable + nRenderableStride ), pLightingOrigins = (Vector*)( (unsigned char*)pLightingOrigins + nOriginStride )) { CStaticProp *pProp = assert_cast< CStaticProp* >( (*ppRenderable)->GetIClientUnknown() ); *pLightingOrigins = pProp->m_LightingOrigin; } }
// Compute static lighting
void CStaticPropMgr::PrecacheLighting() { COM_TimestampedLog( "CStaticPropMgr::PrecacheLighting - start");
int numVerts = 0; if ( IsGameConsole() ) { if ( g_bLoadedMapHasBakedPropLighting && g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->SupportsStreamOffset() ) { // total the static prop verts
int i = m_StaticProps.Count(); while ( --i >= 0 ) { studiohwdata_t *pStudioHWData = g_pMDLCache->GetHardwareData( ( (model_t*)m_StaticProps[i].GetModel() )->studio ); for ( int lodID = pStudioHWData->m_RootLOD; lodID < pStudioHWData->m_NumLODs; lodID++ ) { studioloddata_t *pLOD = &pStudioHWData->m_pLODs[lodID]; for ( int meshID = 0; meshID < pStudioHWData->m_NumStudioMeshes; meshID++ ) { studiomeshdata_t *pMesh = &pLOD->m_pMeshData[meshID]; for ( int groupID = 0; groupID < pMesh->m_NumGroup; groupID++ ) { numVerts += pMesh->m_pMeshGroup[groupID].m_NumVertices; } } } } } modelrender->SetupColorMeshes( numVerts ); }
int total = m_StaticProps.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < total; i++ ) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION_( g_pMDLCache ); m_StaticProps[i].PrecacheLighting(); #ifndef DEDICATED
EngineVGui()->UpdateProgressBar( PROGRESS_PRECACHELIGHTING ); #endif
COM_TimestampedLog( "CStaticPropMgr::PrecacheLighting - end" ); }
void CStaticPropMgr::RecomputeStaticLighting( ) { int i = m_StaticProps.Count(); while ( --i >= 0 ) { if ( m_StaticProps[i].RenderHandle() == INVALID_CLIENT_RENDER_HANDLE ) continue; m_StaticProps[i].RecomputeStaticLighting(); } }
// Is the prop in the PVS?
bool CStaticPropMgr::IsPropInPVS( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, const byte *pVis ) const { // Strip off the bits
int nIndex = HandleEntityToIndex( pHandleEntity );
// Get the prop
const CStaticProp &prop = m_StaticProps[nIndex];
int i; int end = prop.FirstLeaf() + prop.LeafCount(); for( i = prop.FirstLeaf(); i < end; i++ ) { Assert( i >= 0 && i < m_StaticPropLeaves.Count() ); int clusterID = CM_LeafCluster( m_StaticPropLeaves[i].m_Leaf ); if( pVis[ clusterID >> 3 ] & ( 1 << ( clusterID & 7 ) ) ) { return true; } } return false; }
void CStaticPropMgr::DrawStaticProps_Slow( IClientRenderable **pProps, const RenderableInstance_t *pInstances, int count, bool bShadowDepth, bool drawVCollideWireframe ) { VPROF("CStaticPropMgr::DrawStaticProps_Slow"); // slow mode
MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION_( g_pMDLCache ); int flags = STUDIO_RENDER; if (bShadowDepth) flags |= STUDIO_SHADOWDEPTHTEXTURE; if ( drawVCollideWireframe ) flags |= STUDIO_WIREFRAME_VCOLLIDE;
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { CStaticProp *pProp = (CStaticProp *)(pProps[i]); pProp->DrawModelSlow( flags, pInstances[i] ); } }
void CStaticPropMgr::DrawStaticProps_Fast( IClientRenderable **pProps, const RenderableInstance_t *pInstances, int count, bool bShadowDepth ) { VPROF("CStaticPropMgr::DrawStaticProps_Fast"); float color[3]; color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 1.0f; g_pStudioRender->SetColorModulation(color); g_pStudioRender->SetAlphaModulation(1.0f); g_pStudioRender->SetViewState( CurrentViewOrigin(), CurrentViewRight(), CurrentViewUp(), CurrentViewForward() ); CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix(); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity(); ModelRenderInfo_t sInfo; sInfo.flags = STUDIO_RENDER | STUDIO_STATIC_LIGHTING; if (bShadowDepth) sInfo.flags |= STUDIO_SHADOWDEPTHTEXTURE;
sInfo.entity_index = -1; sInfo.body = 0; sInfo.hitboxset = 0; sInfo.pLightingOffset = NULL; for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION_( g_pMDLCache ); CStaticProp *pProp = (CStaticProp *)(pProps[i]); if ( !pProp->m_pModel ) continue; sInfo.instance = pProp->m_ModelInstance; sInfo.pModel = pProp->m_pModel; sInfo.origin = pProp->m_Origin; sInfo.angles = pProp->m_Angles; sInfo.skin = pProp->m_Skin; sInfo.pLightingOrigin = &pProp->m_LightingOrigin; sInfo.pModelToWorld = &pProp->m_ModelToWorld; sInfo.pRenderable = pProps[i]; modelrender->DrawModelExStaticProp( pRenderContext, sInfo ); } // Restore the matrices if we're skinning
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix(); }
// NOTE: This is a work in progress for a new static prop (eventually new model) rendering pipeline
void CStaticPropMgr::DrawStaticProps_FastPipeline( IClientRenderable **pProps, const RenderableInstance_t *pInstances, int count, bool bShadowDepth ) { VPROF("CStaticPropMgr::DrawStaticProps_FastPipeline"); const int MAX_OBJECTS = 2048; StaticPropRenderInfo_t propList[MAX_OBJECTS]; int listCount = 0; if ( count > MAX_OBJECTS ) { DrawStaticProps_FastPipeline( pProps + MAX_OBJECTS, pInstances, count - MAX_OBJECTS, bShadowDepth ); count = MAX_OBJECTS; }
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { CStaticProp *pProp = static_cast< CStaticProp * >(pProps[i]); if ( !pProp->m_pModel ) continue; propList[listCount].pModelToWorld = &pProp->m_ModelToWorld; propList[listCount].pModel = pProp->m_pModel; propList[listCount].instance = pProp->m_ModelInstance; propList[listCount].skin = pProp->m_Skin; propList[listCount].pRenderable = pProp; propList[listCount].pLightingOrigin = &pProp->m_LightingOrigin; propList[listCount].alpha = pInstances[i].m_nAlpha; listCount++; } modelrender->DrawStaticPropArrayFast( propList, listCount, bShadowDepth ); }
// NOTE: Set this to zero to revert to the previous static prop lighting behavior
ConVar pipeline_static_props("pipeline_static_props", "1"); ConVar cl_skipslowpath( "cl_skipslowpath", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Set to 1 to skip any models that don't go through the model fast path" ); void CStaticPropMgr::DrawStaticProps( IClientRenderable **pProps, const RenderableInstance_t *pInstances, int count, bool bShadowDepth, bool drawVCollideWireframe ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CStaticPropMgr::DrawStaticProps", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_STATICPROP_RENDERING );
if ( !r_drawstaticprops.GetBool() || cl_skipslowpath.GetBool() ) return;
if ( IsUsingStaticPropDebugModes() || drawVCollideWireframe || r_slowpathwireframe.GetInt() ) { DrawStaticProps_Slow( pProps, pInstances, count, bShadowDepth, drawVCollideWireframe ); } else { // the fast pipeline is only supported on dx8+
if ( pipeline_static_props.GetBool() ) { DrawStaticProps_FastPipeline( pProps, pInstances, count, bShadowDepth ); } else { DrawStaticProps_Fast( pProps, pInstances, count, bShadowDepth ); } } }
// Returns the lightcache handle
LightCacheHandle_t CStaticPropMgr::GetLightCacheHandleForStaticProp( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ) { int nIndex = HandleEntityToIndex(pHandleEntity); return modelrender->GetStaticLighting( m_StaticProps[ nIndex ].GetModelInstance() ); }
// Purpose: Trace a ray against the specified static Prop. Returns point of intersection in trace_t
void CStaticPropMgr::TraceRayAgainstStaticProp( const Ray_t& ray, int staticPropIndex, trace_t& tr ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
// Get the prop
CStaticProp& prop = m_StaticProps[staticPropIndex];
if (prop.GetSolid() != SOLID_NONE) { // FIXME: Better bloat?
// Bloat a little bit so we get the intersection
Ray_t temp = ray; temp.m_Delta *= 1.1f; g_pEngineTraceClient->ClipRayToEntity( temp, MASK_ALL, &prop, &tr ); } else { // no collision
tr.fraction = 1.0f; } #endif
// Adds decals to static props, returns point of decal in trace_t
void CStaticPropMgr::AddDecalToStaticProp( Vector const& rayStart, Vector const& rayEnd, int staticPropIndex, int decalIndex, bool doTrace, trace_t& tr, void *pvProxyUserData, const Vector* saxis, int32 nAdditionalDecalFlags ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
// Invalid static prop? Blow it off!
if (staticPropIndex >= m_StaticProps.Count()) { memset( &tr, 0, sizeof(trace_t) ); tr.fraction = 1.0f; return; }
Ray_t ray; ray.Init( rayStart, rayEnd ); if (doTrace) { // Trace the ray against the prop
TraceRayAgainstStaticProp( ray, staticPropIndex, tr ); if (tr.fraction == 1.0f) return; }
if ( !r_drawmodeldecals.GetInt() ) return;
// Get the prop
CStaticProp& prop = m_StaticProps[staticPropIndex];
// Found the point, now lets apply the decals
Assert( prop.GetModelInstance() != MODEL_INSTANCE_INVALID );
// Choose a new ray along which to project the decal based on
// surface normal. This prevents decal skewing
bool noPokethru = false; if (doTrace && (prop.GetSolid() == SOLID_VPHYSICS) && !tr.startsolid && !tr.allsolid) { Vector temp; VectorSubtract( tr.endpos, tr.plane.normal, temp ); ray.Init( tr.endpos, temp ); noPokethru = true; }
// Player sprays attempt to limit the smearing and backfaces application?
// but this code doesn't seem to work
if ( !doTrace && !noPokethru && pvProxyUserData ) { if ( (prop.GetSolid() == SOLID_VPHYSICS) && !tr.startsolid && !tr.allsolid ) { Vector temp; VectorSubtract( tr.endpos, tr.plane.normal, temp ); ray.Init( tr.endpos, temp ); noPokethru = true; } } */
// FIXME: What to do about the body parameter?
Vector up(0, 0, 1); if ( saxis ) { up = (*saxis).Cross( rayEnd - rayStart ); }
modelrender->AddDecal( prop.GetModelInstance(), ray, up, decalIndex, 0, noPokethru, ADDDECAL_TO_ALL_LODS, NULL, 1.0f, 1.0f, pvProxyUserData, nAdditionalDecalFlags ); #endif
// Adds/removes shadows from static props
void CStaticPropMgr::AddShadowToStaticProp( unsigned short shadowHandle, IClientRenderable* pRenderable ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
Assert( dynamic_cast<CStaticProp*>(pRenderable) != 0 );
CStaticProp* pProp = static_cast<CStaticProp*>(pRenderable);
g_pShadowMgr->AddShadowToModel( shadowHandle, pProp->GetModelInstance() ); #endif
void CStaticPropMgr::RemoveAllShadowsFromStaticProp( IClientRenderable* pRenderable ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
Assert( dynamic_cast<CStaticProp*>(pRenderable) != 0 ); CStaticProp* pProp = static_cast<CStaticProp*>(pRenderable); if (pProp->GetModelInstance() != MODEL_INSTANCE_INVALID) { g_pShadowMgr->RemoveAllShadowsFromModel( pProp->GetModelInstance() ); } #endif
// disable rendering into cascade shadow maps
// TODO: flag could/should be set in vrad
void CStaticPropMgr::DisableCSMRenderingForStaticProp( int staticPropIndex ) { // Invalid static prop? Blow it off!
if ( staticPropIndex >= m_StaticProps.Count() ) { return; }
// Get the prop
CStaticProp& prop = m_StaticProps[staticPropIndex];
if ( !( prop.Flags() & STATIC_PROP_NO_PER_VERTEX_LIGHTING ) ) { prop.DisableCSMRendering(); } }
// Gets the lighting + material color of a static prop
void CStaticPropMgr::GetStaticPropMaterialColorAndLighting( trace_t* pTrace, int staticPropIndex, Vector& lighting, Vector& matColor ) { #ifndef DEDICATED
// Invalid static prop? Blow it off!
if (staticPropIndex >= m_StaticProps.Count()) { lighting.Init( 0, 0, 0 ); matColor.Init( 1, 1, 1 ); return; }
// Get the prop
CStaticProp& prop = m_StaticProps[staticPropIndex];
// Ask the model info about what we need to know
modelinfoclient->GetModelMaterialColorAndLighting( (model_t*)prop.GetModel(), prop.GetRenderOrigin(), prop.GetRenderAngles(), pTrace, lighting, matColor ); #endif
// Little debugger tool to report which prop we're looking at
void Cmd_PropCrosshair_f (void) { Vector endPoint; VectorMA( MainViewOrigin(), COORD_EXTENT * 1.74f, MainViewForward(), endPoint );
Ray_t ray; ray.Init( MainViewOrigin(), endPoint );
trace_t tr; CTraceFilterWorldAndPropsOnly traceFilter; g_pEngineTraceServer->TraceRay( ray, MASK_ALL, &traceFilter, &tr );
if ( tr.hitbox > 0 ) Msg( "hit prop %d\n", tr.hitbox - 1 ); else Msg( "didn't hit a prop\n" ); }
static ConCommand prop_crosshair( "prop_crosshair", Cmd_PropCrosshair_f, "Shows name for prop looking at", FCVAR_CHEAT );