//===== Copyright � 1996-2008, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
#include "basefilesystem.h"
#include "filesystem/ixboxinstaller.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "characterset.h"
#include "xbox/xbox_launch.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Uncomment to allow system to operate (Image must be built with expected segmented zips)
#if defined( _X360 )
#if !defined( _CERT )
ConVar xbox_install_fake_readerror( "xbox_install_fake_readerror", "0", 0 ); ConVar xbox_install_fake_writeerror( "xbox_install_fake_writeerror", "0", 0 ); #endif
// artifical condition to disallow a qualified installation
// this allows an install to be re-enabled
ConVar xbox_install_allowed( "xbox_install_allowed", "1", 0 );
struct installEntry_t { const char *pSource; const char *pTarget; }; installEntry_t g_InstallScript[] = { {"D:\\csgo\\zip0.360.zip", "csgo\\zip0.360.zip"}, // no localiztion install
#if 0
{"D:\\csgo_%\\zip0.360.zip", "csgo_%\\zip0.360.zip"}, #endif
// put down last as final complete marker
{"D:\\version.xtx", "version.txt"}, };
bool ReadFileTest( const char *pFilename, DWORD nMaxReadSize, DWORD nRandomOffset ) { OVERLAPPED Overlapped = { 0 }; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; void *pBuffer = NULL; bool bSuccess = false; char fixedFilename[MAX_PATH];
V_strncpy( fixedFilename, pFilename, sizeof( fixedFilename ) ); V_FixSlashes( fixedFilename ); pFilename = fixedFilename;
// validate the source file
goto cleanUp; }
DWORD nFileSize = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL ); if ( nFileSize == (DWORD)-1 ) { // failure
goto cleanUp; }
DWORD nBufferSize = AlignValue( nFileSize, SOURCE_SECTOR_SIZE ); nBufferSize = min( nBufferSize, nMaxReadSize ); pBuffer = malloc( nBufferSize ); if ( !pBuffer ) { // failure
goto cleanUp; }
if ( nRandomOffset + nBufferSize > nFileSize ) { nRandomOffset = 0; } Overlapped.Offset = nRandomOffset;
float startTime = Plat_FloatTime();
// read file
BOOL bResult = ReadFile( hFile, pBuffer, nBufferSize, NULL, &Overlapped ); DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); if ( !bResult && dwError != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { if ( dwError != ERROR_HANDLE_EOF ) { goto cleanUp; } }
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; bResult = GetOverlappedResult( hFile, &Overlapped, &dwBytesRead, TRUE ); dwError = GetLastError(); if ( dwBytesRead != nBufferSize ) { goto cleanUp; }
float elapsed, totalSizeMB; elapsed = Plat_FloatTime() - startTime; totalSizeMB = (float)nBufferSize/(1024.0f*1024.0f); Msg( "Read: %s, %.2f MB in %.2f secs, %.2f MB/sec\n", pFilename, totalSizeMB, elapsed, totalSizeMB/elapsed );
bSuccess = true;
cleanUp: if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle( hFile ); }
if ( pBuffer ) { free( pBuffer ); }
return bSuccess; }
struct FileDetails_t { FileDetails_t() { m_nRealFileSize = 0; m_bFileIsValid = false; }
CUtlString m_SourceName; CUtlString m_TargetName;
// this is the size we want the target file to be at completion
DWORD m_nRealFileSize; // this is the reserved size of the target file
bool m_bFileIsValid; };
struct InstallData_t { void Reset() { m_Files.Purge(); m_nTotalSize = 0; m_nVersion = 0; m_bValid = false; m_bCompleted = false; m_bFailed = false; }
CUtlVector< FileDetails_t > m_Files; DWORD m_nTotalSize; DWORD m_nVersion; bool m_bValid; bool m_bCompleted; bool m_bFailed; };
// copying onto HDD
#define INSTALL_BUFFER_SIZE (512*1024)
struct CopyFile_t { // source file
HANDLE m_hSrcFile; DWORD m_srcFileSize; int m_readBufferSize;
// target file
HANDLE m_hDstFile; DWORD m_dstCurrentFileSize;
CopyStats_t *m_pCopyStats; };
struct Buffer_t { unsigned char *pData; DWORD dwSize; Buffer_t* pNext; int id; };
class CXboxInstaller : public CTier2AppSystem< IXboxInstaller > { typedef CTier2AppSystem< IXboxInstaller > BaseClass;
public: CXboxInstaller(); virtual ~CXboxInstaller();
// Inherited from IAppSystem
virtual InitReturnVal_t Init(); virtual void Shutdown();
virtual bool Setup( bool bForceInstall ); virtual void ResetSetup();
virtual bool Start(); virtual void Stop(); virtual bool IsStopped( bool bForceStop );
virtual DWORD GetTotalSize(); virtual DWORD GetVersion(); virtual const CopyStats_t *GetCopyStats(); virtual bool IsInstallEnabled(); virtual bool IsFullyInstalled();
virtual bool ShouldRestart(); virtual bool ForceCachePaths(); virtual void SpewStatus();
DWORD ReadFileThread( CopyFile_t *pCopyFile ); DWORD WriteFileThread( CopyFile_t *pCopyFile ); DWORD InstallThreadFunc();
private: bool BuildInstallScript( bool bForceFullInstall ); bool IsTargetFileValid( const char *pFilename, DWORD dwSrcFileSize ); bool DoesFileExist( const char *pFilename, DWORD *pSize ); bool CopyFileOverlapped( FileDetails_t *pFileDetails, CopyStats_t *pCopyStats ); bool CreateFilePath( const char *inPath ); bool FixupNamespaceFilename( const char *pLanguage, const char *pFilename, char *pOutFilename, int outFilenameSize ); Buffer_t *LockBufferForRead(); Buffer_t *LockBufferForWrite(); void AddBufferForRead( Buffer_t *pBuffer ); void AddBufferForWrite( Buffer_t *pBuffer ); bool PrepareCachePartitionForInstall();
CRITICAL_SECTION m_CriticalSection;
HANDLE m_hReadEvent; HANDLE m_hWriteEvent; HANDLE m_hInstallThread;
Buffer_t *m_pReadBuffers; Buffer_t *m_pWriteBuffers; DWORD *m_pNumReadBuffers; DWORD *m_pNumWriteBuffers;
InstallData_t m_InstallData; CopyStats_t m_CopyStats;
unsigned char *m_pCopyBuffers[INSTALL_NUM_BUFFERS];
bool m_bHasHDD; bool m_bInit; bool m_bAppSystemInit; bool m_bForcedCachePaths;
// used to stop the process under NON-ERROR conditions
CInterlockedInt m_bStopping; // stops the process, read errors are fatal
CInterlockedInt m_bReadError; // stops the process, write errors just permanently halt the install
CInterlockedInt m_bWriteError; };
static CXboxInstaller g_XboxInstaller; EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR( CXboxInstaller, IXboxInstaller, XBOXINSTALLER_INTERFACE_VERSION, g_XboxInstaller );
CON_COMMAND( xbox_install_testcache, "" ) { if ( !g_XboxInstaller.IsFullyInstalled() ) { return; }
DWORD nRandomOffset = 0; DWORD nInitialSize = 16*1024; for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { Msg( "\nRead Test at %.2f MB\n", (float)nInitialSize/(1024.0f*1024.0f) );
nRandomOffset += 4*1024*1024; ReadFileTest( CFmtStr( "%s/csgo/zip0.360.zip", CACHE_PATH_CSTIKRE15 ), nInitialSize, nRandomOffset ); ReadFileTest( "d:/csgo/zip0.360.zip", nInitialSize, nRandomOffset );
nInitialSize <<= 1; } }
// for thrash testing only
CON_COMMAND( xbox_install_teststop, "" ) { g_XboxInstaller.Stop(); }
// for thrash testing only
CON_COMMAND( xbox_install_teststart, "" ) { g_XboxInstaller.Start(); }
// Isolated all mounting/unmounting here.
static bool MountCachePartition( bool bFormat ) { #if defined( _DEMO ) || !defined( SUPPORTS_INSTALL_TO_XBOX_HDD )
// under demo conditions cannot allow any HDD access
return false; #endif
static bool s_bMounted = false; if ( s_bMounted ) { if ( bFormat ) { // must unmount before format
XUnmountUtilityDrive(); s_bMounted = false; } else { // already mounted
return true; } }
COM_TimestampedLog( "XMountUtilityDrive( %s )", ( bFormat ? "format" : "" ) );
// small cluster size not useful, as we are block installing large files
DWORD dwResult = XMountUtilityDrive( bFormat, 64*1024, 256*1024 ); if ( dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { s_bMounted = true; }
COM_TimestampedLog( "XMountUtilityDrive() - Finish" );
return s_bMounted; }
// This is here as a back door, it has to solve the query during the filesystem's
// init method, without using the filesystem.
bool IsAlreadyInstalledToXboxHDDCache() { #if defined( _DEMO ) || !defined( SUPPORTS_INSTALL_TO_XBOX_HDD )
// under demo conditions cannot allow any HDD access
return false; #endif
// TCR best practices allows a backdoor (LS+RS) to reforce HDD cache installers.
// Tech support may tell users with flaky HDD to do this.
// Our inputsystem wrapper is not available yet due to init chain, so go directly to hardware.
bool bForceInstall = false; DWORD dwResult; for ( DWORD i=0; i < XUSER_MAX_COUNT; i++ ) { XINPUT_STATE state; ZeroMemory( &state, sizeof( XINPUT_STATE ) );
dwResult = XInputGetState( i, &state ); if ( dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) continue;
// it must be (LS+RS) exactlty only on any controller, and not a mashing of buttons
if ( state.Gamepad.wButtons == ( XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER|XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER ) && state.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger == 0 && state.Gamepad.bRightTrigger == 0 ) { bForceInstall = true; } else if ( state.Gamepad.wButtons || state.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger || state.Gamepad.bRightTrigger ) { // other buttons are being held, sorry
bForceInstall = false; break; } }
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-forceinstall" ) != 0 ) { bForceInstall = true; }
if ( !xbox_install_allowed.GetBool() ) { // ignore any prior install by clearing any existing install
bForceInstall = true; }
if ( g_XboxInstaller.Setup( bForceInstall ) ) { return g_XboxInstaller.IsFullyInstalled(); }
return false; }
// Constructor
CXboxInstaller::CXboxInstaller() { }
// Destructor
CXboxInstaller::~CXboxInstaller() { }
// Initialization
InitReturnVal_t CXboxInstaller::Init() { InitReturnVal_t nRetVal = BaseClass::Init(); if ( nRetVal != INIT_OK ) { return nRetVal; }
// This subverts normal startup procedures and performs a few operations
// for the filesystem's init() before it gets inited.
m_bAppSystemInit = true;
return INIT_OK; }
// Shutdown
void CXboxInstaller::Shutdown() { BaseClass::Shutdown(); }
// CreateFilePath
// Create full path to specified file.
bool CXboxInstaller::CreateFilePath( const char *inPath ) { char* ptr; char dirPath[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bSuccess;
// prime and skip to first seperator after the drive path
strcpy( dirPath, inPath ); ptr = strchr( dirPath, '\\' ); while ( ptr ) { ptr = strchr( ptr+1, '\\' ); if ( ptr ) { *ptr = '\0'; bSuccess = ::CreateDirectory( dirPath, NULL ); *ptr = '\\'; } }
// ensure read-only is cleared
SetFileAttributes( inPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL );
return true; }
// FixupNamespaceFilename
bool CXboxInstaller::FixupNamespaceFilename( const char *pLanguage, const char *pFilename, char *pOutFilename, int outFilenameSize ) { char newFilename[MAX_PATH];
bool bFixup = false; int dstLen = 0; int srcLen = strlen( pFilename ); for ( int i=0; i<srcLen+1; i++ ) { // replace every occurrence of % with language
if ( pFilename[i] == '%' ) { int len = strlen( pLanguage ); memcpy( newFilename + dstLen, pLanguage, len ); dstLen += len; bFixup = true; } else { newFilename[dstLen] = pFilename[i]; dstLen++; } }
V_strncpy( pOutFilename, newFilename, outFilenameSize ); return bFixup; }
// LockBufferForRead
Buffer_t *CXboxInstaller::LockBufferForRead() { EnterCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
if ( m_pReadBuffers ) { ResetEvent( m_hReadEvent ); } else { do { // prevent any possible block
if ( ( m_bStopping || m_bReadError || m_bWriteError ) ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection ); return NULL; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
// out of data, wait for it
WaitForSingleObject( m_hReadEvent, INFINITE );
EnterCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection ); } while ( !m_pReadBuffers ); }
Buffer_t *pBuffer = m_pReadBuffers; m_pReadBuffers = pBuffer->pNext;
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
return pBuffer; }
// LockBufferForWrite
Buffer_t *CXboxInstaller::LockBufferForWrite() { EnterCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
if ( m_pWriteBuffers ) { ResetEvent( m_hWriteEvent ); } else { do { // prevent any possible block
if ( ( m_bStopping || m_bReadError || m_bWriteError ) ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection ); return NULL; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
// out of data, wait for more
WaitForSingleObject( m_hWriteEvent, INFINITE );
EnterCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection ); } while ( !m_pWriteBuffers ); }
Buffer_t *pBuffer = m_pWriteBuffers; m_pWriteBuffers = pBuffer->pNext;
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
return pBuffer; }
// AddBufferForRead
void CXboxInstaller::AddBufferForRead( Buffer_t *pBuffer ) { EnterCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
// add to end of list
Buffer_t *pCurrent = m_pReadBuffers; while ( pCurrent && pCurrent->pNext ) { pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; } if ( pCurrent ) { pBuffer->pNext = pCurrent->pNext; pCurrent->pNext = pBuffer; } else { pBuffer->pNext = NULL; m_pReadBuffers = pBuffer; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
SetEvent( m_hReadEvent ); }
// AddBufferForWrite
void CXboxInstaller::AddBufferForWrite( Buffer_t *pBuffer ) { EnterCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
// add to end of list
Buffer_t* pCurrent = m_pWriteBuffers; while ( pCurrent && pCurrent->pNext ) { pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; } if ( pCurrent ) { pBuffer->pNext = pCurrent->pNext; pCurrent->pNext = pBuffer; } else { pBuffer->pNext = NULL; m_pWriteBuffers = pBuffer; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection );
SetEvent( m_hWriteEvent ); }
// ReadFileThread
DWORD CXboxInstaller::ReadFileThread( CopyFile_t *pCopyFile ) { OVERLAPPED overlappedRead = {0}; DWORD startTime; DWORD dwBytesRead; DWORD dwError; BOOL bResult; Buffer_t *pBuffer = NULL;
// start reading from resume point
overlappedRead.Offset = pCopyFile->m_dstCurrentFileSize;
// Copy from the buffer to the Hard Drive
while ( overlappedRead.Offset < pCopyFile->m_srcFileSize ) { pBuffer = LockBufferForRead(); if ( !pBuffer ) { break; } if ( m_bStopping || m_bReadError || m_bWriteError ) { // stopping or
// errors occuring, cease all reading
break; }
startTime = GetTickCount(); dwBytesRead = 0;
int numAttempts = 0; retry: // read file from DVD
bResult = ReadFile( pCopyFile->m_hSrcFile, pBuffer->pData, pCopyFile->m_readBufferSize, NULL, &overlappedRead ); dwError = GetLastError(); if ( !bResult && dwError != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { if ( dwError == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF ) { // nothing more to read
break; }
numAttempts++; if ( numAttempts == 3 ) { // error
m_bReadError = true; break; } else { goto retry; } } else { // Wait for the operation to finish
GetOverlappedResult( pCopyFile->m_hSrcFile, &overlappedRead, &dwBytesRead, TRUE ); }
#if !defined( _CERT )
if ( xbox_install_fake_readerror.GetBool() ) { dwBytesRead = 0; } #endif
if ( !dwBytesRead ) { m_bReadError = true; break; }
overlappedRead.Offset += dwBytesRead; pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_BufferReadSize = dwBytesRead; pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_BufferReadTime = GetTickCount() - startTime; pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_TotalReadSize += pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_BufferReadSize; pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_TotalReadTime += pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_BufferReadTime;
pBuffer->dwSize = dwBytesRead; AddBufferForWrite( pBuffer ); }
if ( ( m_bStopping || m_bReadError || m_bWriteError ) && pBuffer ) { // the aborted buffer must be returned to the pool
// this unblocks the write thread who will detect the error
AddBufferForWrite( pBuffer ); }
return 0; }
static DWORD WINAPI ReadFileThread( LPVOID lParam ) { return g_XboxInstaller.ReadFileThread( (CopyFile_t*)lParam ); }
// WriteFileThread
DWORD CXboxInstaller::WriteFileThread( CopyFile_t *pCopyFile ) { OVERLAPPED overlappedWrite = {0}; DWORD startTime; DWORD dwBytesWrite; DWORD dwWriteSize; DWORD dwError; BOOL bResult; Buffer_t *pBuffer = NULL; unsigned char *pWriteBuffer;
// start writing from the resume point
overlappedWrite.Offset = pCopyFile->m_dstCurrentFileSize;
pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_BytesCopied += pCopyFile->m_dstCurrentFileSize; pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_WriteSize += pCopyFile->m_dstCurrentFileSize;
while ( overlappedWrite.Offset < pCopyFile->m_srcFileSize ) { // wait for wake-up event
pBuffer = LockBufferForWrite(); if ( !pBuffer ) { break; } if ( m_bStopping || m_bReadError || m_bWriteError ) { // stopping or
// errors occuring, cease all writing
break; }
dwWriteSize = pBuffer->dwSize; pWriteBuffer = pBuffer->pData;
if ( overlappedWrite.Offset + dwWriteSize >= pCopyFile->m_srcFileSize ) { // last buffer, ensure all data is written
dwWriteSize = ALIGN_VALUE( dwWriteSize, TARGET_SECTOR_SIZE ); }
startTime = GetTickCount(); dwBytesWrite = 0;
int numAttempts = 0; retry: // write file to HDD
bResult = WriteFile( pCopyFile->m_hDstFile, pWriteBuffer, (dwWriteSize/TARGET_SECTOR_SIZE) * TARGET_SECTOR_SIZE, NULL, &overlappedWrite ); dwError = GetLastError(); if ( !bResult && dwError != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { numAttempts++; if ( numAttempts == 3 ) { // error
m_bWriteError = true; break; } else { goto retry; } } else { // Wait for the operation to finish
bResult = GetOverlappedResult( pCopyFile->m_hDstFile, &overlappedWrite, &dwBytesWrite, TRUE ); dwError = GetLastError(); }
#if !defined( _CERT )
if ( xbox_install_fake_writeerror.GetBool() ) { dwBytesWrite = 0; } #endif
if ( !dwBytesWrite ) { m_bWriteError = true; break; }
// track expected size
overlappedWrite.Offset += dwBytesWrite; pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_BytesCopied += dwBytesWrite; pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_WriteSize += dwBytesWrite; pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_BufferWriteSize = dwBytesWrite; pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_BufferWriteTime = GetTickCount() - startTime; pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_TotalWriteSize += pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_BufferWriteSize; pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_TotalWriteTime += pCopyFile->m_pCopyStats->m_BufferWriteTime;
// done with buffer
AddBufferForRead( pBuffer ); }
if ( ( m_bStopping || m_bReadError || m_bWriteError ) && pBuffer ) { // the aborted buffer must be returned to the pool
// this unblocks the read thread who will detect the error
AddBufferForRead( pBuffer ); }
return 0; }
static DWORD WINAPI WriteFileThread( LPVOID lParam ) { return g_XboxInstaller.WriteFileThread( (CopyFile_t*)lParam ); }
// CopyFileOverlapped
bool CXboxInstaller::CopyFileOverlapped( FileDetails_t *pFileDetails, CopyStats_t *pCopyStats ) { CopyFile_t copyFile = {0}; Buffer_t buffers[INSTALL_NUM_BUFFERS] = {0}; HANDLE hReadThread = NULL; HANDLE hWriteThread = NULL; bool bSuccess = false; DWORD startCopyTime; DWORD dwResult;
const char *pSrcFilename = pFileDetails->m_SourceName.String(); const char *pDstFilename = pFileDetails->m_TargetName.String();
startCopyTime = GetTickCount();
m_pReadBuffers = NULL; m_pWriteBuffers = NULL;
pCopyStats->m_NumReadBuffers = 0; pCopyStats->m_NumWriteBuffers = 0;
m_pNumReadBuffers = &pCopyStats->m_NumReadBuffers; m_pNumWriteBuffers = &pCopyStats->m_NumWriteBuffers;
strcpy( pCopyStats->m_srcFilename, pSrcFilename ); strcpy( pCopyStats->m_dstFilename, pDstFilename );
copyFile.m_hSrcFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; copyFile.m_hDstFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
copyFile.m_pCopyStats = pCopyStats;
if ( !m_hReadEvent ) { m_hReadEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); if ( !m_hReadEvent ) { goto cleanUp; } }
if ( !m_hWriteEvent ) { m_hWriteEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); if ( !m_hWriteEvent ) { goto cleanUp; } }
// expected startup state
ResetEvent( m_hReadEvent ); ResetEvent( m_hWriteEvent );
// validate the source file
goto cleanUp; }
// ensure the target file path exists
CreateFilePath( pDstFilename );
// validate the target file
copyFile.m_hDstFile = CreateFile( pDstFilename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED|FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, NULL ); if ( copyFile.m_hDstFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { // failure
goto cleanUp; }
pCopyStats->m_ReadSize = pFileDetails->m_nRealFileSize; pCopyStats->m_WriteSize = 0;
// setup for copy
copyFile.m_readBufferSize = INSTALL_BUFFER_SIZE; copyFile.m_srcFileSize = pFileDetails->m_nRealFileSize; // not supporting resume, always copy entire file
copyFile.m_dstCurrentFileSize = 0;
// setup read buffers
for ( int i = 0; i < INSTALL_NUM_BUFFERS; i++ ) { buffers[i].pData = m_pCopyBuffers[i]; buffers[i].dwSize = 0; buffers[i].pNext = NULL; AddBufferForRead( &buffers[i] ); }
// pre-size the target file in aligned buffers
DWORD dwAligned = ALIGN_VALUE( copyFile.m_srcFileSize, TARGET_SECTOR_SIZE ); dwResult = SetFilePointer( copyFile.m_hDstFile, dwAligned, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); if ( dwResult == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER ) { // failure
goto cleanUp; } SetEndOfFile( copyFile.m_hDstFile );
// start the read thread
hReadThread = CreateThread( 0, 0, &::ReadFileThread, ©File, CREATE_SUSPENDED, 0 ); if ( !hReadThread ) { // failure
goto cleanUp; } XSetThreadProcessor( hReadThread, INSTALL_READ_PROCESSOR ); ResumeThread( hReadThread );
// start the write thread
hWriteThread = CreateThread( 0, 0, &::WriteFileThread, ©File, CREATE_SUSPENDED, 0 ); if ( !hWriteThread ) { // failure
goto cleanUp; } XSetThreadProcessor( hWriteThread, INSTALL_WRITE_PROCESSOR ); ResumeThread( hWriteThread );
// wait for threads to finish
WaitForSingleObject( hWriteThread, INFINITE ); WaitForSingleObject( hReadThread, INFINITE );
CloseHandle( copyFile.m_hDstFile ); copyFile.m_hDstFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if ( m_bReadError || m_bWriteError ) { goto cleanUp; }
// only change the file to its true size if file copying has completed
if ( pCopyStats->m_WriteSize >= copyFile.m_srcFileSize ) { // file has completed copying, fixup to the correct final file size
// no need to change the file size if sector aligned
if ( copyFile.m_srcFileSize % TARGET_SECTOR_SIZE ) { // re-open file as non-buffered to adjust to correct file size
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( pDstFilename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { goto cleanUp; } SetFilePointer( hFile, copyFile.m_srcFileSize, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); SetEndOfFile( hFile ); CloseHandle( hFile ); }
pCopyStats->m_WriteSize = copyFile.m_srcFileSize;
// copy is complete
pFileDetails->m_bFileIsValid = true; }
// finished
bSuccess = true;
cleanUp: if ( copyFile.m_hSrcFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle( copyFile.m_hSrcFile ); }
if ( copyFile.m_hDstFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle( copyFile.m_hDstFile ); }
if ( hReadThread ) { CloseHandle( hReadThread ); }
if ( hWriteThread ) { CloseHandle( hWriteThread ); }
if ( !bSuccess ) { pCopyStats->m_CopyErrors++; }
pCopyStats->m_CopyTime = GetTickCount() - startCopyTime;
if ( m_bReadError ) { FSDirtyDiskReportFunc_t func = g_pFullFileSystem->GetDirtyDiskReportFunc(); if ( func ) { func(); } }
return bSuccess; }
// DoesFileExist
bool CXboxInstaller::DoesFileExist( const char *pFilename, DWORD *pSize ) { if ( pSize ) { *pSize = 0; }
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( pFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { // must be able to get file size
DWORD dwFileSize = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL ); CloseHandle( hFile ); if ( dwFileSize != (DWORD)-1 ) { // file exists and can get file size
if ( pSize ) { *pSize = dwFileSize; } return true; } }
// not present
return false; }
// IsTargetFileValid
// Optional non-zero expected source file size must match.
// Passing in 0 for srcFileSize is the simpler existence check.
bool CXboxInstaller::IsTargetFileValid( const char *pFilename, DWORD dwSrcFileSize ) { DWORD dwTargetFileSize = 0;
// all valid target files are non-zero, CANNOT allow 0 sized files
// the target file size could possibly be larger if a copy was aborted
if ( !DoesFileExist( pFilename, &dwTargetFileSize ) || !dwTargetFileSize ) { return false; }
// valid means the target file's contents are finalized and can be trusted
// all the sizes must be in agreement
if ( dwSrcFileSize && dwSrcFileSize != dwTargetFileSize ) { return false; }
// valid (or if source size not supplied, then present)
return true; }
// Ensure the cache partition has enough space for the install. Possibly
// unmounts and reformats.
bool CXboxInstaller::PrepareCachePartitionForInstall() { #if defined( _DEMO ) || !defined( SUPPORTS_INSTALL_TO_XBOX_HDD )
// under demo conditions cannot allow any HDD access
return false; #endif
if ( m_InstallData.m_bValid ) { // already installed, nothing to do
return true; }
// Always reformat - the cache partition will fragment easily
// a reformat erases any existing data
// the full install will be needed
DWORD nBytesNeeded = m_InstallData.m_nTotalSize + 16*1024*1024;
// force a re-format
// expect ~2GB free, according to docs
if ( !MountCachePartition( true ) ) { // can't remount
return false; }
ULARGE_INTEGER FreeBytesAvailable = { 0 }; ULARGE_INTEGER TotalNumberOfBytes = { 0 }; ULARGE_INTEGER TotalNumberOfFreeBytes = { 0 };
// check the partition again
if ( !GetDiskFreeSpaceEx( "cache:\\", &FreeBytesAvailable, &TotalNumberOfBytes, &TotalNumberOfFreeBytes ) ) { return false; }
if ( nBytesNeeded > FreeBytesAvailable.LowPart ) { // huh? could not get enough free bytes after a re-format!
// very bad
return false; }
return true; }
// BuildInstallScript
// Parse filenames to be copied. Builds install script.
// Returns false if install is not possible (i.e. no HDD).
// Returns true with script. Script may be empty as install is valid.
bool CXboxInstaller::BuildInstallScript( bool bForceFullInstall ) { char srcFile[MAX_PATH]; char dstFile[MAX_PATH];
#if defined( _DEMO ) || !defined( SUPPORTS_INSTALL_TO_XBOX_HDD )
// under demo conditions cannot allow any HDD access
return false; #endif
if ( m_bAppSystemInit ) { if ( g_pFullFileSystem->IsInstalledToXboxHDDCache() ) { // nothing to do, already validated, cache is in use
return true; }
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->IsInstallAllowed() ) { // the filesystem has trumped, we cannot run
return false; } }
// clear out any prior results
// setup default state
// mount cache partition as-is
// need to do this to validate possible existing install (i.e. at powerup)
if ( !MountCachePartition( false ) ) { // no HDD
return false; }
// get the version, expected to be at root of disk
CUtlBuffer sourceVersionBuffer( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( "d:/version.xtx", NULL, sourceVersionBuffer ) ) { // missing critical install file
return false; } m_InstallData.m_nVersion = atoi( (const char *)sourceVersionBuffer.Base() );
// only interested in installing a localized audio component
// not all supported languages have a localized audio component
const char *pLanguageString = ""; if ( XBX_IsAudioLocalized() ) { pLanguageString = XBX_GetLanguageString(); // paranoid check
if ( !V_stricmp( pLanguageString, "english" ) ) { // bad, system is confused
pLanguageString = ""; } }
bool bForce = bForceFullInstall;
characterset_t breakSet; CharacterSetBuild( &breakSet, "" );
// scan install script
// ensure every expected file exists properly at the target, otherwise an install is necessary
for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_InstallScript ); i++ ) { V_strncpy( srcFile, g_InstallScript[i].pSource, sizeof( srcFile ) ); V_ComposeFileName( CACHE_PATH_CSTIKRE15, g_InstallScript[i].pTarget, dstFile, sizeof( dstFile ) );
// name may be optionally decorated
// replace with language token
bool bIsLocalizedFile = FixupNamespaceFilename( pLanguageString, srcFile, srcFile, sizeof( srcFile ) ); if ( bIsLocalizedFile ) { // this is a localized file
if ( !pLanguageString[0] ) { // ignore installing localized files when not configured for that language
continue; } FixupNamespaceFilename( pLanguageString, dstFile, dstFile, sizeof( dstFile ) ); }
// explicitly attempting to open file at source, same as overlapped copy to ensure i/o will succeed later
DWORD dwSrcSize; if ( !DoesFileExist( srcFile, &dwSrcSize ) ) { // can't validate source
return false; }
// target file may exist, but aborted
bool bIsValid = IsTargetFileValid( dstFile, dwSrcSize ); if ( !bIsValid ) { bForce = true; }
if ( !bForce ) { // the version must be present and match, otherwise full re-install
const char *pVersion = V_stristr( dstFile, "version" ); if ( pVersion ) { // compare contents of version file
CUtlBuffer targetVersionBuffer( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( dstFile, NULL, targetVersionBuffer ) ) { return false; }
if ( V_strcmp( (const char*)sourceVersionBuffer.Base(), (const char *)targetVersionBuffer.Base() ) ) { // differing contents, full re-install
bForce = true; } } }
int iIndex = m_InstallData.m_Files.AddToTail(); m_InstallData.m_Files[iIndex].m_SourceName = srcFile; m_InstallData.m_Files[iIndex].m_TargetName = dstFile; m_InstallData.m_Files[iIndex].m_nRealFileSize = dwSrcSize; m_InstallData.m_Files[iIndex].m_bFileIsValid = bIsValid;
m_InstallData.m_nTotalSize += AlignValue( dwSrcSize, TARGET_SECTOR_SIZE ); }
// cannot support indeterminate installs, either all of its valid, or it gets wiped
// base on above logic, any invalid file would have set force
bool bValid = true; if ( bForce ) { // force discard all
// any invalid file will trigger a reformat
for ( int i = 0; i < m_InstallData.m_Files.Count(); i++ ) { m_InstallData.m_Files[i].m_bFileIsValid = false; } bValid = false; }
m_InstallData.m_bValid = bValid; m_InstallData.m_bCompleted = bValid;
return true; }
// Copies all install files to the hard drive
DWORD CXboxInstaller::InstallThreadFunc() { bool bSuccess;
m_CopyStats.m_InstallStartTime = GetTickCount();
// allocate buffers
for ( int i=0; i < INSTALL_NUM_BUFFERS; i++ ) { m_pCopyBuffers[i] = new unsigned char[INSTALL_BUFFER_SIZE]; }
for ( int i = 0; i < m_InstallData.m_Files.Count(); ++i ) { if ( m_bStopping ) { break; }
if ( m_InstallData.m_Files[i].m_bFileIsValid ) { // this file is valid
m_CopyStats.m_BytesCopied += AlignValue( m_InstallData.m_Files[i].m_nRealFileSize, TARGET_SECTOR_SIZE ); continue; }
bSuccess = CopyFileOverlapped( &m_InstallData.m_Files[i], &m_CopyStats ); if ( !bSuccess ) { // quit
break; } }
// all files must be valid
bool bValid = true; for ( int i = 0; i < m_InstallData.m_Files.Count(); ++i ) { if ( !m_InstallData.m_Files[i].m_bFileIsValid ) { bValid = false; break; } }
if ( bValid ) { // Despite what the docs say, which do NOT have our best interest,
// this will cause fragmentation if it is called frequently.
// We only call it ONCE here at the end of the successful install operation.
// The resume pattern must re-format and restart.
XFlushUtilityDrive(); }
// release buffers
for ( int i=0; i < INSTALL_NUM_BUFFERS; i++ ) { delete [] m_pCopyBuffers[i]; }
m_CopyStats.m_InstallStopTime = GetTickCount();
// set when install operation is complete, regardless of error
m_InstallData.m_bValid = bValid; m_InstallData.m_bCompleted = true; m_InstallData.m_bFailed = (m_CopyStats.m_CopyErrors != 0);
return 0; }
DWORD WINAPI InstallThreadFunc( LPVOID lpParam ) { return g_XboxInstaller.InstallThreadFunc(); }
// Starts installation to disk.
bool CXboxInstaller::Start() { #if defined( _DEMO ) || !defined( SUPPORTS_INSTALL_TO_XBOX_HDD )
// under demo conditions cannot allow any HDD access
return false; #endif
if ( !m_bHasHDD || !m_InstallData.m_nTotalSize || m_InstallData.m_bValid || m_InstallData.m_bFailed ) { // nothing to do, cannot be started or
// either completed or failed
return false; }
if ( !xbox_install_allowed.GetBool() ) { // artifical condition to disallow a qualified installation
return false; }
if ( m_bStopping ) { // we must be completely stopped before restarting
// force the stop process to complete
// this will cause a hitch if the time between Stop() and Start() is very short
IsStopped( true ); } else if ( m_hInstallThread ) { // already started
return true; }
if ( !m_bInit ) { m_bInit = true; InitializeCriticalSection( &m_CriticalSection ); }
Msg( "Xbox Install: Starting...\n" );
// reset expected state
V_memset( &m_CopyStats, 0, sizeof( CopyStats_t ) ); m_InstallData.m_bCompleted = false;
if ( m_bStopping ) { // Cannot support resuming
// reset any prior results
for ( int i = 0; i < m_InstallData.m_Files.Count(); i++ ) { m_InstallData.m_Files[i].m_bFileIsValid = false; } // reformat prior to restart
// prevents ANY fragmentation
if ( !MountCachePartition( true ) ) { return false; } }
m_bStopping = false; m_bReadError = false; m_bWriteError = false;
// Start the install thread
m_hInstallThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, &::InstallThreadFunc, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, 0 ); if ( !m_hInstallThread ) { // failed, install operation is not running
m_InstallData.m_bCompleted = true; m_InstallData.m_bFailed = true; return false; } XSetThreadProcessor( m_hInstallThread, INSTALL_MANAGER_PROCESSOR ); ResumeThread( m_hInstallThread );
// started
return true; }
// Poll for install stoppage. Optionally synchronously force the stop.
bool CXboxInstaller::IsStopped( bool bForceStop ) { #if defined( _DEMO ) || !defined( SUPPORTS_INSTALL_TO_XBOX_HDD )
// under demo conditions cannot allow any HDD access
// installer is not running and will never run
return true; #endif
if ( !m_bHasHDD || !m_hInstallThread ) { // not running or already stopped
return true; }
if ( bForceStop ) { // caller may not have invoked
// start the stopping procedure
Stop(); }
// poll or wait for the install thread to terminate
if ( m_hInstallThread ) { DWORD dwValue = WaitForSingleObject( m_hInstallThread, bForceStop ? INFINITE : 0 ); if ( dwValue != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { return false; } CloseHandle( m_hInstallThread ); m_hInstallThread = NULL; }
Msg( "Xbox Install: Stopped.\n" );
return true; }
// Signal to stop the install. Use IsStopped() to poll or synchronously stop.
void CXboxInstaller::Stop() { #if defined( _DEMO ) || !defined( SUPPORTS_INSTALL_TO_XBOX_HDD )
// under demo conditions cannot allow any HDD access
return; #endif
if ( !m_bHasHDD ) { return; }
if ( m_bStopping ) { // already stopping
return; }
if ( !m_hInstallThread || m_InstallData.m_bCompleted || m_InstallData.m_bFailed ) { // already stopped
return; }
Msg( "Xbox Install: Stopping...\n" ); m_bStopping = true; }
// Discards the setup.
void CXboxInstaller::ResetSetup() { V_memset( &m_CopyStats, 0, sizeof( CopyStats_t ) ); m_InstallData.Reset();
m_bHasHDD = false; }
// Setup for install.
bool CXboxInstaller::Setup( bool bForceInstall ) { if ( BuildInstallScript( bForceInstall ) ) { m_bHasHDD = PrepareCachePartitionForInstall(); }
return m_bHasHDD; }
bool CXboxInstaller::IsFullyInstalled() { return m_InstallData.m_bValid; }
DWORD CXboxInstaller::GetTotalSize() { return m_InstallData.m_nTotalSize; }
DWORD CXboxInstaller::GetVersion() { return m_InstallData.m_nVersion; }
const CopyStats_t *CXboxInstaller::GetCopyStats() { return &m_CopyStats; }
// Identifies that we may or can be installing.
// Cannot go TRUE unless the filesystem allows the install.
bool CXboxInstaller::IsInstallEnabled() { return m_bHasHDD; }
// Returns TRUE if the install has completed and a restart is desireable
// to achieve a remount.
bool CXboxInstaller::ShouldRestart() { // strong exact checking for paranoia reasons
if ( IsFullyInstalled() && !g_pFullFileSystem->IsInstalledToXboxHDDCache() && g_pFullFileSystem->IsDVDHosted() ) { // Install is valid and..
// the game did not startup with the install already intact and...
// the game is running with its primary paths set to the DVD and..
return true; }
return false; }
bool CXboxInstaller::ForceCachePaths() { bool bDidFixup = false;
// restarting is valid also indicates we can patch the search paths
// when the image is already installed, but the search paths haven't been patched, do it now
if ( !m_bForcedCachePaths && ( ShouldRestart() || g_pFullFileSystem->IsInstalledToXboxHDDCache() ) ) { // regardless of outcome, we only do it once
// if it didn't occur, too bad, we don't do it ever again
m_bForcedCachePaths = true; bDidFixup = g_pFullFileSystem->FixupSearchPathsAfterInstall(); }
return bDidFixup; }
void CXboxInstaller::SpewStatus() { Msg( "Install Status:\n" );
Msg( "Version: %d (%s) (Xbox)\n", GetVersion(), XBX_GetLanguageString() ); Msg( "DVD Hosted: %s\n", g_pFullFileSystem->IsDVDHosted() ? "Enabled" : "Disabled" );
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->IsInstalledToXboxHDDCache() ) { Msg( "Existing Image Found.\n" ); }
if ( !IsInstallEnabled() || !xbox_install_allowed.GetBool() ) { Msg( "Install Disabled.\n" ); }
if ( IsFullyInstalled() ) { Msg( "Fully Installed.\n" ); }
Msg( "Progress: %d/%d MB\n", GetCopyStats()->m_BytesCopied/(1024*1024), GetTotalSize()/(1024*1024) ); }