//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "ai_speech.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "eventqueue.h"
#include "ai_basenpc.h"
#include "basemultiplayerplayer.h"
#include "ai_baseactor.h"
//#include "flex_expresser.h"
#include "scenefilecache/ISceneFileCache.h"
#include "engine/IEngineSound.h"
#include "keyvalues.h"
#include "ai_criteria.h"
#include "isaverestore.h"
#include "sceneentity.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
static const char *GetResponseName( CBaseEntity *pEnt ) { Assert( pEnt ); if ( pEnt == NULL ) return ""; return STRING( pEnt->GetEntityName() ); }
// This is a tiny helper function for below -- what I'd use a lambda for, usually
static void DispatchComeback( CAI_ExpresserWithFollowup *pExpress, CBaseEntity *pSpeaker, CBaseEntity *pRespondent, AI_ResponseFollowup &followup ) { AssertMsg(pSpeaker != NULL, "Response expressor somehow got called with a NULL Outer.\n"); if ( !pRespondent ) { return; }
float delay = followup.followup_delay; if (pSpeaker == pRespondent && delay < 0) { Warning("Response rule with a 'self' target specified negative delay, which isn't legal because that would make someone talk over himself."); delay = 0; }
// Msg( "%s: Dispatch comeback about %s to %s\n", pSpeaker->GetBotString(), g_pConceptManager->GetTopicName( handle ), pRespondent->GetBotString() );
// build an input event that we will use to force the bot to talk through the IO system
variant_t value; // Don't send along null contexts
if (followup.followup_contexts && followup.followup_contexts[0] != '\0') { value.SetString( MAKE_STRING( followup.followup_contexts ) ); g_EventQueue.AddEvent( pRespondent, "AddContext", value, delay - 0.01, pSpeaker, pSpeaker ); }
value.SetString(MAKE_STRING(followup.followup_concept)); g_EventQueue.AddEvent( pRespondent, "SpeakResponseConcept", value, delay , pSpeaker, pSpeaker ); */
AI_CriteriaSet criteria;
// add in the FROM context so dispatchee knows was from me
const char * RESTRICT pszSpeakerName = GetResponseName( pSpeaker ); criteria.AppendCriteria( "From", pszSpeakerName ); // if a SUBJECT criteria is missing, put it back in.
if ( criteria.FindCriterionIndex( "Subject" ) == -1 ) { criteria.AppendCriteria( "Subject", pszSpeakerName ); }
// add in any provided contexts from the parameters onto the ones stored in the followup
criteria.Merge( followup.followup_contexts );
// This is kludgy and needs to be fixed in class hierarchy, but for now, try to guess at the most likely
// kinds of targets and dispatch to them.
if (CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = dynamic_cast<CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *>(pRespondent)) { pPlayer->Speak( followup.followup_concept, &criteria ); }
else if (CAI_BaseActor *pActor = dynamic_cast<CAI_BaseActor *>(pRespondent)) { pActor->Speak( followup.followup_concept, &criteria ); } }
#if 0
// Purpose: Placeholder for rules based response system
// Input : concept -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CAI_ExpresserWithFollowup::Speak( AIConcept_t &concept, const char *modifiers /*= NULL*/, char *pszOutResponseChosen /* = NULL*/, size_t bufsize /* = 0 */, IRecipientFilter *filter /* = NULL */ ) { AI_Response *result = SpeakFindResponse( concept, modifiers ); if ( !result ) { return false; }
CNPC_CompanionBot *pBot = dynamic_cast<CNPC_CompanionBot *>(GetOuter()); if ( pBot ) { pBot->SetConversationTopic( g_pConceptManager->GetTopic( handle ) ); pBot->SetLastSpeaker( g_pConceptManager->GetSpeaker( handle ) ); // Msg( "%s: Conversing about %s\n", pBot->GetBotString(), g_pConceptManager->GetTopicName( handle ) );
SpeechMsg( GetOuter(), "%s (%x) spoke %s (%f)\n", STRING(GetOuter()->GetEntityName()), GetOuter(), g_pConceptManager->GetConcept( handle ), gpGlobals->curtime );
bool spoke = SpeakDispatchResponse( handle, result, filter ); if ( pszOutResponseChosen ) { result->GetResponse( pszOutResponseChosen, bufsize ); }
return spoke; } #endif
// Work out the character from the "subject" context.
// Right now, this is a simple find by entity name search.
// But you can define arbitrary subject names, like L4D does
// for "biker", "manager", etc.
static CBaseEntity *AscertainSpeechSubjectFromContext( AI_Response *response, AI_CriteriaSet &criteria, const char *pContextName ) { const char *subject = criteria.GetValue( criteria.FindCriterionIndex( pContextName ) ); if (subject) { #if defined( TERROR )
// try looking up "namvet", etc. if not one of those, then look up by name.
CBaseEntity *pSurvivor = TerrorGetPlayerPointerFromCharacterName(subject); return pSurvivor ? pSurvivor : gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, subject ); #else
return gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, subject ); #endif
} else { return NULL; } }
// TODO: Currently uses awful stricmp. Use symbols! Once I know which ones we want, that is.
static CResponseQueue::CFollowupTargetSpec_t ResolveFollowupTargetToEntity( AIConcept_t &concept, AI_CriteriaSet &criteria, const char * RESTRICT szTarget, AI_Response * RESTRICT response = NULL ) {
#if defined(TERROR)
SurvivorCharacterType surv; #endif
if ( Q_stricmp(szTarget, "self") == 0 ) { return CResponseQueue::CFollowupTargetSpec_t( kDRT_SPECIFIC, concept.GetSpeaker() ); } else if ( Q_stricmp(szTarget, "subject") == 0 ) { return CResponseQueue::CFollowupTargetSpec_t( AscertainSpeechSubjectFromContext( response, criteria, "Subject" ) ); } else if ( Q_stricmp(szTarget, "from") == 0 ) { return CResponseQueue::CFollowupTargetSpec_t( AscertainSpeechSubjectFromContext( response, criteria, "From" ) ); } else if ( Q_stricmp(szTarget, "any") == 0 ) { return CResponseQueue::CFollowupTargetSpec_t( kDRT_ANY, concept.GetSpeaker() ); } else if ( Q_stricmp(szTarget, "all") == 0 ) { return CResponseQueue::CFollowupTargetSpec_t( kDRT_ALL ); } #if defined(TERROR)
else if ( ( surv = GetCharacterFromName( szTarget ) ) < NUM_SURVIVOR_CHARACTERS ) { return CResponseQueue::CFollowupTargetSpec_t( CTerrorPlayer::GetPlayerByCharacter( surv ) ); } #endif
// last resort, try a named lookup
else if ( CBaseEntity *pSpecific = gEntList.FindEntityByName(NULL, szTarget) ) // it could be anything
{ return CResponseQueue::CFollowupTargetSpec_t( pSpecific ); }
Warning("Couldn't resolve response target %s\n", szTarget ); return CResponseQueue::CFollowupTargetSpec_t(); // couldn't resolve.
// TODO: Currently uses awful stricmp. Use symbols! Once I know which ones we want, that is.
static CResponseQueue::CFollowupTargetSpec_t ResolveFollowupTargetToEntity( AIConcept_t &concept, AI_CriteriaSet &criteria, AI_Response * RESTRICT response, AI_ResponseFollowup * RESTRICT followup ) { const char * RESTRICT szTarget = followup->followup_target; const CResponseQueue::CFollowupTargetSpec_t INVALID; // default: invalid result
if ( szTarget == NULL ) return INVALID; else return ResolveFollowupTargetToEntity( concept, criteria, szTarget, response ); }
ConVar chet_debug_idle( "chet_debug_idle", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "If set one, many debug prints to help track down the TLK_IDLE issue. Set two for super verbose info" ); // extern ConVar chet_debug_idle;
bool CAI_ExpresserWithFollowup::Speak( AIConcept_t &concept, const char *modifiers /*= NULL*/, char *pszOutResponseChosen /* = NULL*/, size_t bufsize /* = 0 */, IRecipientFilter *filter /* = NULL */ ) { VPROF("CAI_Expresser::Speak"); if ( IsSpeechGloballySuppressed() ) { return false; }
concept.SetSpeaker( GetOuter() ); AI_CriteriaSet criteria; GatherCriteria(&criteria, concept, modifiers); GetOuter()->ModifyOrAppendDerivedCriteria(criteria); AI_Response result; if ( !FindResponse( result, concept, &criteria ) ) { if (chet_debug_idle.GetBool()) { #ifdef TERROR
const char *name; if ( CTerrorPlayer *pPlayer = ToTerrorPlayer(GetOuter()) ) { name = SurvivorCharacterName(pPlayer->GetCharacter()); } else { name = GetOuter()->GetDebugName(); } #else
const char *name = GetOuter()->GetDebugName(); #endif
Msg( "TLK_IDLE: %s did not FindResponse\n", name ); } return false; } else { if (chet_debug_idle.GetBool()) {
#ifdef TERROR
const char *name; if ( CTerrorPlayer *pPlayer = ToTerrorPlayer(GetOuter()) ) { name = SurvivorCharacterName(pPlayer->GetCharacter()); } else { name = GetOuter()->GetDebugName(); } #else
const char *name = GetOuter()->GetDebugName(); #endif
Msg( "TLK_IDLE: %s SUCCESSFUL FindResponse\n", name ); } }
SpeechMsg( GetOuter(), "%s (%x) spoke %s (%f)", STRING(GetOuter()->GetEntityName()), GetOuter(), (const char*)concept, gpGlobals->curtime ); // Msg( "%s:%s to %s:%s\n", GetOuter()->GetDebugName(), concept.GetStringConcept(), criteria.GetValue(criteria.FindCriterionIndex("Subject")), pTarget ? pTarget->GetDebugName() : "none" );
bool spoke = SpeakDispatchResponse( concept, &result, &criteria, filter ); if ( pszOutResponseChosen ) { result.GetResponse( pszOutResponseChosen, bufsize ); }
return spoke; }
extern ISceneFileCache *scenefilecache; static float GetSpeechDurationForResponse( const AI_Response * RESTRICT response ) { char sceneName[256]; response->GetResponse( sceneName, sizeof(sceneName) ); // look up the scene in the scene cache
SceneCachedData_t scenedata; bool bHasData = scenefilecache->GetSceneCachedData( sceneName, &scenedata ); AssertMsg1( bHasData, "Couldn't find %s in scene cache.", sceneName ); if ( bHasData ) { return scenedata.m_fLastSpeakSecs; } else { return -1; } }
// Purpose: Dispatches the result
// Input : *response -
bool CAI_ExpresserWithFollowup::SpeakDispatchResponse( AIConcept_t &concept, AI_Response *response, AI_CriteriaSet *criteria, IRecipientFilter *filter ) { // This gives the chance for the other bot to respond.
if ( !concept.GetSpeaker().IsValid() ) { concept.SetSpeaker( GetOuter() ); }
bool bInterrupted = IsSpeaking(); bool bSuc = CAI_Expresser::SpeakDispatchResponse( concept, response, criteria, filter ); if (!bSuc) { return false; }
if ( bInterrupted ) { g_ResponseQueueManager.GetQueue()->RemoveSpeechQueuedFor( GetOuter() ); }
// Record my followup details so that I may defer its use til end of the speech
AI_ResponseFollowup * RESTRICT followup = response->GetParams()->m_pFollowup; if ( followup ) { if ( followup->followup_entityiotarget && followup->followup_entityioinput ) if ( criteria ) { CBaseEntity * RESTRICT pTarget = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, followup->followup_entityiotarget ); if ( pTarget ) { g_EventQueue.AddEvent( pTarget, followup->followup_entityioinput, variant_t(), followup->followup_entityiodelay, GetOuter(), GetOuter() ); } } if ( followup->IsValid() ) { // 11th hour change: rather than trigger followups from the end of a VCD,
// instead fire it from the end of the last speech event in the VCD, because
// there's a multisecond facial relax delay built into the scene.
// The speech length is stored in the cache, so we can post the followup now.
if ( response->GetType() == ResponseRules::RESPONSE_SCENE && followup->followup_delay >= 0 ) { float fTimeToLastSpeech = GetSpeechDurationForResponse( response ); // failsafe
if ( fTimeToLastSpeech > 0 ) { DispatchFollowupThroughQueue( followup->followup_concept, followup->followup_contexts, ResolveFollowupTargetToEntity( concept, *criteria, response, followup ), fTimeToLastSpeech + followup->followup_delay, GetOuter() ); } else // error
{ // old way, copied from "else" below
m_pPostponedFollowup = followup; if ( criteria ) m_followupTarget = ResolveFollowupTargetToEntity( concept, *criteria, response, m_pPostponedFollowup ); else { AI_CriteriaSet tmpCriteria; m_followupTarget = ResolveFollowupTargetToEntity( concept, tmpCriteria, response, m_pPostponedFollowup ); } } } else if ( followup->followup_delay < 0 ) { // a negative delay has a special meaning. Usually the comeback dispatches after
// the currently said line is finished; the delay is added to that, to provide a
// pause between when character A finishes speaking and B begins.
// A negative delay (-n) actually means "dispatch the comeback n seconds
// after I start talking".
// In this case we do not need to postpone the followup; we just throw it directly
// into the queue.
DispatchFollowupThroughQueue( followup->followup_concept, followup->followup_contexts, ResolveFollowupTargetToEntity( concept, *criteria, response, followup ), -followup->followup_delay, GetOuter() ); } else if ( response->GetType() == ResponseRules::RESPONSE_PRINT ) { // zero-duration responses dispatch immediately via the queue (must be the queue bec.
// the m_pPostponedFollowup will never trigger)
DispatchFollowupThroughQueue( followup->followup_concept, followup->followup_contexts, ResolveFollowupTargetToEntity( concept, *criteria, response, followup ), followup->followup_delay, GetOuter() ); } else { // this is kind of a quick patch to immediately deal with the issue of null criteria
// (arose while branching to main) without replumbing a bunch of stuff -- to be fixed
// 5.13.08 egr
m_pPostponedFollowup = followup; if ( criteria ) m_followupTarget = ResolveFollowupTargetToEntity( concept, *criteria, response, m_pPostponedFollowup ); else { AI_CriteriaSet tmpCriteria; m_followupTarget = ResolveFollowupTargetToEntity( concept, tmpCriteria, response, m_pPostponedFollowup ); } } } }
return bSuc; }
// This is a gimmick used when a negative delay is specified in a followup, which is a shorthand
// for "this many seconds after the beginning of the line" rather than "this may seconds after the end
// of the line", eg to create a THEN rule when two characters talk over each other.
// It's static to avoid accidental use of the postponed followup/target members.
void CAI_ExpresserWithFollowup::DispatchFollowupThroughQueue( const AIConcept_t &concept, const char * RESTRICT criteriaStr, const CResponseQueue::CFollowupTargetSpec_t &target, float delay, CBaseEntity * RESTRICT pOuter ) { AI_CriteriaSet criteria; // Don't add my own criteria! GatherCriteria( &criteria, followup.followup_concept, followup.followup_contexts );
#ifdef TERROR
CTerrorPlayer *ptplayer = ToTerrorPlayer(pOuter); AssertMsg(ptplayer || dynamic_cast<CFlexExpresser *>(pOuter) , "Non-CTerrorPlayer tried to dispatch a followup concept"); if (ptplayer) { const char * const RESTRICT survName = GetResponseName( ptplayer ); criteria.AppendCriteria( "Subject", survName ); criteria.AppendCriteria( "From", survName ); } else { criteria.AppendCriteria( "From", STRING( pOuter->GetEntityName() ) ); } #else
criteria.AppendCriteria( "From", STRING( pOuter->GetEntityName() ) ); #endif
criteria.Merge( criteriaStr ); g_ResponseQueueManager.GetQueue()->Add( concept, &criteria, gpGlobals->curtime + delay, target, pOuter ); }
// Purpose: Handles the new concept objects
void CAI_ExpresserWithFollowup::SpeakDispatchFollowup( AI_ResponseFollowup &followup ) { if ( !m_followupTarget.IsValid() ) return;
#ifdef TERROR
// If a specific entity target is given, use the old pathway for now
if ( m_followupTarget.m_iTargetType == kDRT_SPECIFIC && followup.followup_delay == 0 ) { CBaseEntity *pTarget = m_followupTarget.m_hHandle.Get(); if (!pTarget) { return; } DispatchComeback( this, GetOuter(), pTarget, followup ); } else #endif
{ DispatchFollowupThroughQueue( followup.followup_concept, followup.followup_contexts, m_followupTarget, followup.followup_delay, GetOuter() ); } // clear out the followup member just in case.
m_pPostponedFollowup = NULL; m_followupTarget.m_iTargetType = kDRT_MAX; }
void CAI_ExpresserWithFollowup::OnSpeechFinished() { if (m_pPostponedFollowup && m_pPostponedFollowup->IsValid()) { return SpeakDispatchFollowup(*m_pPostponedFollowup); } }
void CC_RR_ForceConcept_f( const CCommand &args ) { if ( args.ArgC() < 3 ) { Msg("USAGE: rr_forceconcept <target> <concept> \"criteria1:value1,criteria2:value2,...\"\n"); return; }
AI_CriteriaSet criteria; if ( args.ArgC() >= 3 ) { const char *criteriastring = args[3]; criteria.Merge( criteriastring ); }
AIConcept_t concept( args[2] ); QueueSpeak( concept, ResolveFollowupTargetToEntity( concept, criteria, args[1] ), criteria ); }
static ConCommand rr_forceconcept( "rr_forceconcept", CC_RR_ForceConcept_f, "fire a response concept directly at a given character.\n" "USAGE: rr_forceconcept <target> <concept> \"criteria1:value1,criteria2:value2,...\"\n" "criteria values are optional.\n" #ifdef TERROR
"target may also be 'any', 'all', etc." #endif