// chicken.h
// An interactive, shootable chicken
#ifndef CHICKEN_H
#define CHICKEN_H
#include "props.h"
#include "GameEventListener.h"
#include "nav_mesh.h"
#include "cs_nav_path.h"
#include "cs_nav_pathfind.h"
#include "improv_locomotor.h"
class CCSPlayer;
class CChicken : public CDynamicProp, public CGameEventListener, public CImprovLocomotor { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CChicken, CDynamicProp ); DECLARE_SERVERCLASS(); DECLARE_DATADESC();
CChicken(); virtual ~CChicken();
virtual void Precache( void ); virtual void Spawn( void ); virtual void ChickenTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther );
virtual int OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); virtual void Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event );
virtual bool IsAlive( void ) { return true; }
void ChickenThink( void );
bool IsZombie( void ) { return m_flWhenZombified > 0; } void Zombify( void ) { m_flWhenZombified = gpGlobals->curtime; }
bool IsFollowingSomeone( void ); bool IsFollowing( const CBaseEntity *entity ); bool IsOnGround( void ) const;
void Follow( CCSPlayer *leader ); // begin following "leader"
CCSPlayer *GetLeader( void ) const; // return our leader, or NULL
void FaceTowards( const Vector &target, float deltaT ); // rotate body to face towards "target"
int ObjectCaps( void ) { return ( BaseClass::ObjectCaps( ) | FCAP_IMPULSE_USE ); }
public: // begin CImprovLocomotor -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual const Vector &GetCentroid( void ) const; virtual const Vector &GetFeet( void ) const; // return position of "feet" - point below centroid of improv at feet level
virtual const Vector &GetEyes( void ) const; virtual float GetMoveAngle( void ) const; // return direction of movement
virtual CNavArea *GetLastKnownArea( void ) const; virtual bool GetSimpleGroundHeightWithFloor( const Vector &pos, float *height, Vector *normal = NULL ); // find "simple" ground height, treating current nav area as part of the floor
virtual void Crouch( void ); virtual void StandUp( void ); // "un-crouch"
virtual bool IsCrouching( void ) const;
virtual void Jump( void ); // initiate a jump
virtual bool IsJumping( void ) const;
bool CanJump( void ) const; void Jump( float flVelocity );
virtual void Run( void ); // set movement speed to running
virtual void Walk( void ); // set movement speed to walking
virtual bool IsRunning( void ) const;
virtual void StartLadder( const CNavLadder *ladder, NavTraverseType how, const Vector &approachPos, const Vector &departPos ); // invoked when a ladder is encountered while following a path
virtual bool TraverseLadder( const CNavLadder *ladder, NavTraverseType how, const Vector &approachPos, const Vector &departPos, float deltaT ); // traverse given ladder
virtual bool IsUsingLadder( void ) const;
virtual void TrackPath( const Vector &pathGoal, float deltaT ); // move along path by following "pathGoal"
virtual void OnMoveToSuccess( const Vector &goal ); // invoked when an improv reaches its MoveTo goal
virtual void OnMoveToFailure( const Vector &goal, MoveToFailureType reason ); // invoked when an improv fails to reach a MoveTo goal
// end CImprovLocomotor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected: virtual void ChickenUse( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); void SetChickenStartFollowingPlayer( CCSPlayer *pPlayer );
private: void Idle(); // void Walk();
void Flee( CBaseEntity *fleeFrom, float duration ); void Fly(); void Land();
void Update( void ); CountdownTimer m_updateTimer;
float AvoidObstacles( void ); Vector m_stuckAnchor; CountdownTimer m_stuckTimer;
void ResolveCollisions( const Vector &desiredPosition, float deltaT ); bool m_isOnGround;
Activity m_activity; CountdownTimer m_activityTimer; float m_turnRate; CHandle< CBaseEntity > m_fleeFrom; CountdownTimer m_moveRateThrottleTimer;
CountdownTimer m_startleTimer;
CountdownTimer m_vocalizeTimer;
float m_flWhenZombified;
CNetworkVar( bool, m_jumpedThisFrame ); CNetworkVar( EHANDLE, m_leader ); // the player we are following
void UpdateFollowing( float deltaT ); // do following behavior
int m_lastLeaderID;
CountdownTimer m_reuseTimer; // to throttle how often hostage can be used
bool m_hasBeenUsed;
CountdownTimer m_jumpTimer; // if zero, we can jump
float m_flLastJumpTime; bool m_bInJump;
bool m_isWaitingForLeader; // true if we are waiting for our rescuer to move
CCSNavPath m_path; // current path to follow
CountdownTimer m_repathTimer; // throttle pathfinder
CountdownTimer m_inhibitDoorTimer;
CNavPathFollower m_pathFollower; // path tracking mechanism
CountdownTimer m_inhibitObstacleAvoidanceTimer; // when active, turn off path following feelers
CNavArea *m_lastKnownArea; // last area we were in
Vector m_vecPathGoal;
float m_flActiveFollowStartTime; // when the current follow started
#endif // CHICKEN_H