// Inferno.h
// An Inferno
// Author: Michael S. Booth, February 2005
// Copyright (c) 2005 Turtle Rock Studios, Inc. - All Rights Reserved
#ifndef _INFERNO_H_
#define _INFERNO_H_
#include "nav.h" // for extent class - should be moved somewhere more general
#include "GameEventListener.h"
// Forward declaration
class CBasePlayer;
* The server-side Inferno entity. * This entity manages the growth of the flames and damage-dealing. * Keep this in sync with C_Inferno on the client, which manages the fire rendering */
enum { INFERNO_TYPE_FIRE = 0, INFERNO_TYPE_INCGREN_FIRE, // incendiary grenade fire, used to play a different sound
class CInferno : public CBaseEntity, public CGameEventListener { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CInferno, CBaseEntity ); DECLARE_SERVERCLASS(); DECLARE_DATADESC();
CInferno(); virtual ~CInferno();
virtual void Precache( void );
virtual void Spawn( void );
void SetMaxFlames( int nMaxFlames ) { m_nMaxFlames = nMaxFlames; }
virtual int UpdateTransmitState( void ) { return FL_EDICT_ALWAYS; }
void StartBurning( const Vector &pos, const Vector &normal, const Vector &velocity, int initialDepth = 0 ); // start the Inferno burning
void InfernoThink( void );
bool BShouldExtinguishSmokeGrenadeBounce( CBaseEntity *entity, Vector &posDropSmoke ) const; bool IsTouching( const Vector &from, const Vector &to, Vector *where = NULL ) const; // return true if given ray intersects any fires, point of intersection in "where" if non-NULL
bool IsTouching( const CNavArea *area ) const; // return true if given area overlaps any fires
bool WasCreatedInSmoke( void ) const { return m_bWasCreatedInSmoke; }
virtual int GetDamageType() { return DMG_BURN; } virtual float GetDamagePerSecond();
// I've moved some functionality into these member functions in order to
// make the insect swarm easier to implement (sjb)
virtual const char *GetParticleEffectName(); virtual const char *GetImpactParticleEffectName(); virtual float GetFlameLifetime() const; virtual bool CanHarm( CBaseEntity *pEnt ) const { return true; } virtual float GetFlameSpreadDelay() { return 0.0f; }
int GetInfernoType() const { return m_nInfernoType; } void SetInfernoType( int type ) { m_nInfernoType = type; }
void SetSourceWeaponInfo( const CCSWeaponInfo* pWeaponInfo ) { m_pWeaponInfo = pWeaponInfo; } const CCSWeaponInfo* GetSourceWeaponInfo() const { return m_pWeaponInfo; }
protected: void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ); int ExtinguishFlamesAroundSmokeGrenade( Vector vecStart ); // returns count of fire patches extinguished
void ExtinguishIndividualFlameBySmokeGrenade( int iFire, Vector vecStart );
// Checks if all flames have expired and we should delete the inferno
bool CheckExpired();
// Marks covered areas as damaging so bots will avoid them
void MarkCoveredAreaAsDamaging();
private: enum { MAX_INFERNO_FIRES = 64 }; enum ECreateFireResult_t { k_ECreateFireResult_OK, k_ECreateFireResult_LimitExceeded, k_ECreateFireResult_AlreadyOnFire, k_ECreateFireResult_InSmoke, k_ECreateFireResult_AllSolid, }; CNetworkArray( int, m_fireXDelta, MAX_INFERNO_FIRES ); CNetworkArray( int, m_fireYDelta, MAX_INFERNO_FIRES ); CNetworkArray( int, m_fireZDelta, MAX_INFERNO_FIRES ); CNetworkArray( bool, m_bFireIsBurning, MAX_INFERNO_FIRES ); CNetworkArray( Vector, m_BurnNormal, MAX_INFERNO_FIRES ); CNetworkVar( int, m_fireCount ); // total number of flames spawned
CNetworkVar( int, m_nInfernoType );
bool m_bWasCreatedInSmoke;
struct FireInfo { Vector m_pos; // location of this fire
Vector m_center; // center of fire
Vector m_normal; // surface normal at this fire
bool m_burning; int m_treeDepth; int m_spawnCount; FireInfo *m_parent; // the fire that spawned us
CountdownTimer m_spawnLifetime; // how long we attempt to spawn new fires
CountdownTimer m_spawnTimer; // when we try to spawn a new fire
CountdownTimer m_lifetime; // lifetime of this fire
float m_flWaterHeight; // how much we were raised above water
bool IsFirePosInSmokeCloud( const Vector &pos ) const; void Spread( const Vector &spreadVelocity ); ECreateFireResult_t CreateFire( const Vector &pos, const Vector &normal, FireInfo *parent, int depth ); // create an actual fire entity at the given position
FireInfo *m_fire[ MAX_INFERNO_FIRES ]; // set of all active fires
Extent m_extent; void RecomputeExtent( void );
CountdownTimer m_damageTimer; CountdownTimer m_damageRampTimer; // damage starts at zero and ramps up
bool IsTouching( CBaseEntity *entity, float radius, bool checkLOS ) const; // return true if position is in contact with a fire within the Inferno
Vector m_splashVelocity; // the velocity of the flame-causing incendiary that hit
Vector m_startPos; // the ignition point of the entire inferno
IntervalTimer m_activeTimer; // How long this inferno has been active.
int m_fireSpawnOffset;
int m_nMaxFlames;
CountdownTimer m_BookkeepingTimer; // Only check spread / force expiry checks every 0.1s;
CountdownTimer m_NextSpreadTimer;
// the weapon info for the grenade type (if any) that spawned this inferno
const CCSWeaponInfo* m_pWeaponInfo; };
class CFireCrackerBlast : public CInferno { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CFireCrackerBlast, CInferno ); DECLARE_SERVERCLASS();
virtual void Spawn();
virtual const char *GetParticleEffectName(); virtual const char *GetImpactParticleEffectName(); };
#endif // _INFERNO_H_