//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Point entity used to create templates out of other entities or groups of entities
#include "cbase.h"
#include "entityinput.h"
#include "entityoutput.h"
#include "TemplateEntities.h"
#include "point_template.h"
#include "saverestore_utlvector.h"
#include "mapentities.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "mapentities_shared.h"
#include "spawn_helper_nut.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Level designers can suppress the uniquification of the spawned entity
// names with a spawnflag, provided they guarantee that only one instance
// of the entities will ever be spawned at a time.
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(point_template, CPointTemplate);
BEGIN_DATADESC( CPointTemplate ) // Keys
// Silence, Classcheck!
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[0], FIELD_STRING, "Template01"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[1], FIELD_STRING, "Template02"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[2], FIELD_STRING, "Template03"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[3], FIELD_STRING, "Template04"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[4], FIELD_STRING, "Template05"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[5], FIELD_STRING, "Template06"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[6], FIELD_STRING, "Template07"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[7], FIELD_STRING, "Template08"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[8], FIELD_STRING, "Template09"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[9], FIELD_STRING, "Template10"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[10], FIELD_STRING, "Template11"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[11], FIELD_STRING, "Template12"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[12], FIELD_STRING, "Template13"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[13], FIELD_STRING, "Template14"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[14], FIELD_STRING, "Template15"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[15], FIELD_STRING, "Template16"), DEFINE_UTLVECTOR( m_hTemplateEntities, FIELD_CLASSPTR ),
// Inputs
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "ForceSpawn", InputForceSpawn ),
// Outputs
DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_pOutputOnSpawned, "OnEntitySpawned" ),
// Purpose: A simple system to help precache point_template entities ... ywb
class CPointTemplatePrecacher : public CAutoGameSystem { public:
CPointTemplatePrecacher( char const *name ) : CAutoGameSystem( name ) { }
void AddToPrecache( CPointTemplate *ent ) { m_Ents.AddToTail( ent ); }
virtual void LevelInitPreEntity() { m_Ents.RemoveAll(); }
virtual void Shutdown() { m_Ents.RemoveAll(); }
void Precache() { int c = m_Ents.Count(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < c; ++i ) { CPointTemplate *ent = m_Ents[ i ].Get(); if ( ent ) { ent->PerformPrecache(); } }
m_Ents.RemoveAll(); } private:
CUtlVector< CHandle< CPointTemplate > > m_Ents; };
CPointTemplatePrecacher g_PointTemplatePrecacher( "CPointTemplatePrecacher" );
// Purpose:
void PrecachePointTemplates() { g_PointTemplatePrecacher.Precache(); }
// Purpose:
void CPointTemplate::Spawn( void ) { Precache(); ScriptInstallPreSpawnHook(); }
void CPointTemplate::Precache() { // We can't call precache right when we instance the template, we need to defer it until after all map entities have
// been loaded, so add this template to a list which is cleared after map entity parsing is completed.
g_PointTemplatePrecacher.AddToPrecache( this ); }
// Purpose: Level designers can suppress the uniquification of the spawned entity
// names with a spawnflag, provided they guarantee that only one instance
// of the entities will ever be spawned at a time.
bool CPointTemplate::AllowNameFixup() { return !HasSpawnFlags( SF_POINTTEMPLATE_PRESERVE_NAMES ); }
// Purpose: Called at the start of template initialization for this point_template.
// Find all the entities referenced by this point_template, which will
// then be turned into templates by the map-parsing code.
void CPointTemplate::StartBuildingTemplates( void ) { // Build our list of template entities
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_TEMPLATES; i++ ) { if ( m_iszTemplateEntityNames[i] != NULL_STRING ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; int iOldNum = m_hTemplateEntities.Count(); // Add all the entities with the matching targetname
while ( (pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByName( pEntity, STRING(m_iszTemplateEntityNames[i]) )) != NULL ) { m_hTemplateEntities.AddToTail( pEntity ); }
// Useful mapmaker warning
if ( iOldNum == m_hTemplateEntities.Count() ) { Warning( "Couldn't find any entities named %s, which point_template %s is specifying.\n", STRING(m_iszTemplateEntityNames[i]), STRING(GetEntityName()) ); } } } }
// Purpose: Called at the end of template initialization for this point_template.
// All of our referenced entities have now been destroyed.
void CPointTemplate::FinishBuildingTemplates( void ) { // Our template entities are now gone, deleted by the server post turning them into templates.
// Now tell the template system to hook up all the Entity I/O connections within our set of templates.
Templates_ReconnectIOForGroup( this ); }
// Purpose:
void CPointTemplate::AddTemplate( CBaseEntity *pEntity, const char *pszMapData, int nLen ) { // Add it to the template list
int iIndex = Templates_Add( pEntity, pszMapData, nLen ); if ( iIndex == -1 ) { Warning( "point_template %s failed to add template.\n", STRING(GetEntityName()) ); return; }
template_t newTemplate; newTemplate.iTemplateIndex = iIndex;
// Store the entity's origin & angles in a matrix in the template's local space
VMatrix matTemplateToWorld, matWorldToTemplate, matEntityToWorld, matEntityToTemplate; matTemplateToWorld.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles() ); matTemplateToWorld.InverseTR( matWorldToTemplate ); matEntityToWorld.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( pEntity->GetAbsOrigin(), pEntity->GetAbsAngles() ); MatrixMultiply( matWorldToTemplate, matEntityToWorld, matEntityToTemplate );
newTemplate.matEntityToTemplate = matEntityToTemplate; m_hTemplates.AddToTail( newTemplate ); }
// Purpose:
bool CPointTemplate::ShouldRemoveTemplateEntities( void ) { return ( !(m_spawnflags & SF_POINTTEMPLATE_DONTREMOVETEMPLATEENTITIES) ); }
// Purpose:
int CPointTemplate::GetNumTemplates( void ) { return m_hTemplates.Count(); }
// Purpose:
int CPointTemplate::GetTemplateIndexForTemplate( int iTemplate ) { Assert( iTemplate < m_hTemplates.Count() ); return m_hTemplates[iTemplate].iTemplateIndex; }
// Purpose:
int CPointTemplate::GetNumTemplateEntities( void ) { return m_hTemplateEntities.Count(); }
// Purpose:
CBaseEntity *CPointTemplate::GetTemplateEntity( int iTemplateNumber ) { Assert( iTemplateNumber < m_hTemplateEntities.Count() );
return m_hTemplateEntities[iTemplateNumber]; }
// Purpose:
void CPointTemplate::PerformPrecache() { // Go through all our templated map data and precache all the entities in it
int iTemplates = m_hTemplates.Count(); if ( !iTemplates ) { Msg("Precache called on a point_template that has no templates: %s\n", STRING(GetEntityName()) ); return; }
// Tell the template system we're about to start a new template
//HierarchicalSpawn_t *pSpawnList = (HierarchicalSpawn_t*)stackalloc( iTemplates * sizeof(HierarchicalSpawn_t) );
int i; for ( i = 0; i < iTemplates; i++ ) { //CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
char *pMapData; int iTemplateIndex = m_hTemplates[i].iTemplateIndex;
// Some templates have Entity I/O connecting the entities within the template.
// Unique versions of these templates need to be created whenever they're instanced.
int nStringSize; if ( AllowNameFixup() && Templates_IndexRequiresEntityIOFixup( iTemplateIndex ) ) { // This template requires instancing.
// Create a new mapdata block and ask the template system to fill it in with
// a unique version (with fixed Entity I/O connections).
pMapData = Templates_GetEntityIOFixedMapData( iTemplateIndex ); } else { // Use the unmodified mapdata
pMapData = (char*)STRING( Templates_FindByIndex( iTemplateIndex ) ); }
nStringSize = Templates_GetStringSize( iTemplateIndex );
// Create the entity from the mapdata
MapEntity_PrecacheEntity( pMapData, nStringSize ); } }
// Purpose: Spawn the entities I contain
// Input : &vecOrigin -
// &vecAngles -
// pEntities -
// pEntityMaker - The Entity Maker entity that invoked this call.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CPointTemplate::CreateInstance( const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &vecAngles, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity*> *pEntities, CBaseEntity *pEntityMaker, bool bCreateTime ) { // Go through all our templated map data and spawn all the entities in it
int iTemplates = m_hTemplates.Count(); if ( !iTemplates ) { Msg("CreateInstance called on a point_template that has no templates: %s\n", STRING(GetEntityName()) ); return false; }
// Tell the template system we're about to start a new template
HierarchicalSpawn_t *pSpawnList = (HierarchicalSpawn_t*)stackalloc( iTemplates * sizeof(HierarchicalSpawn_t) );
int i; for ( i = 0; i < iTemplates; i++ ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; char *pMapData; int iTemplateIndex = m_hTemplates[i].iTemplateIndex;
// Some templates have Entity I/O connecting the entities within the template.
// Unique versions of these templates need to be created whenever they're instanced.
if ( AllowNameFixup() && ( Templates_IndexRequiresEntityIOFixup( iTemplateIndex ) || m_ScriptScope.IsInitialized() ) ) { // This template requires instancing.
// Create a new mapdata block and ask the template system to fill it in with
// a unique version (with fixed Entity I/O connections).
pMapData = Templates_GetEntityIOFixedMapData( iTemplateIndex ); } else { // Use the unmodified mapdata
pMapData = (char*)STRING( Templates_FindByIndex( iTemplateIndex ) ); }
// Create the entity from the mapdata
MapEntity_ParseEntity( pEntity, pMapData, NULL ); if ( pEntity == NULL ) { Msg("Failed to initialize templated entity with mapdata: %s\n", pMapData ); return false; }
// Get a matrix that'll convert from world to the new local space
VMatrix matNewTemplateToWorld, matStoredLocalToWorld; matNewTemplateToWorld.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( vecOrigin, vecAngles ); MatrixMultiply( matNewTemplateToWorld, m_hTemplates[i].matEntityToTemplate, matStoredLocalToWorld );
// Get the world origin & angles from the stored local coordinates
Vector vecNewOrigin; QAngle vecNewAngles; vecNewOrigin = matStoredLocalToWorld.GetTranslation(); MatrixToAngles( matStoredLocalToWorld, vecNewAngles );
// Set its origin & angles
pEntity->SetAbsOrigin( vecNewOrigin ); pEntity->SetAbsAngles( vecNewAngles );
if( AllowNameFixup() ) { pEntity->MarkNeedsNamePurge(); }
if ( ScriptPreInstanceSpawn( &m_ScriptScope, pEntity, Templates_FindByIndex( iTemplateIndex ) ) ) { pSpawnList[i].m_pEntity = pEntity; } else { pSpawnList[i].m_pEntity = NULL; UTIL_RemoveImmediate( pEntity ); } pSpawnList[i].m_nDepth = 0; pSpawnList[i].m_pDeferredParent = NULL; }
SpawnHierarchicalList( iTemplates, pSpawnList, true );
// Set the time of creation for these entities.
if ( bCreateTime ) { #if defined(ENABLE_CREATE_TIME)
float flCreateTime = gpGlobals->curtime; for ( i = 0; i < iTemplates; ++i ) { if ( pSpawnList[i].m_pEntity ) { pSpawnList[i].m_pEntity->SetCreateTime( flCreateTime ); } } #endif
for ( i = 0; i < iTemplates; ++i ) { if ( pSpawnList[i].m_pEntity ) { pEntities->AddToTail( pSpawnList[i].m_pEntity ); } }
return true; }
void CPointTemplate::CreationComplete( const CUtlVector<CBaseEntity*> &entities ) { if ( !entities.Count() ) return;
ScriptPostSpawn( &m_ScriptScope, (CBaseEntity **)entities.Base(), entities.Count() ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : &inputdata -
void CPointTemplate::InputForceSpawn( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { // Spawn our template
CUtlVector<CBaseEntity*> hNewEntities; if ( !CreateInstance( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles(), &hNewEntities ) ) return; CreationComplete( hNewEntities );
// Fire our output
m_pOutputOnSpawned.FireOutput( this, this ); }
void ScriptInstallPreSpawnHook() { if ( g_pScriptVM && !g_pScriptVM->ValueExists( "__ExecutePreSpawn" ) ) { g_pScriptVM->Run( g_Script_spawn_helper ); } }
// Purpose: This function is called after a spawner creates its child entity
// but before the keyvalues are injected. This gives us an
// opportunity to change any keyvalues before the entity is
// configured and spawned. In this case, we see if there is a VScript
// that wants to change anything about this entity.
bool ScriptPreInstanceSpawn( CScriptScope *pScriptScope, CBaseEntity *pChild, string_t iszKeyValueData ) { if ( !pScriptScope->IsInitialized() ) { return true; }
if ( !pScriptScope->ValueExists( "PreSpawnInstance" ) ) { return true; }
ScriptVariant_t result; if ( pScriptScope->Call( "__ExecutePreSpawn", &result, ToHScript( pChild ) ) != SCRIPT_DONE ) return true;
if ( ( result.m_type == FIELD_BOOLEAN && !result.m_bool ) || ( result.m_type == FIELD_INTEGER && !result.m_int ) ) return false;
return true;
void ScriptPostSpawn( CScriptScope *pScriptScope, CBaseEntity **ppEntities, int nEntities ) { if ( !pScriptScope->IsInitialized() ) return;
HSCRIPT hPostSpawnFunc = pScriptScope->LookupFunction( "PostSpawn" );
if ( !hPostSpawnFunc ) return;
ScriptVariant_t varEntityMakerResultTable; if ( g_pScriptVM->GetValue( *pScriptScope, "__EntityMakerResult", &varEntityMakerResultTable ) ) { if ( varEntityMakerResultTable.m_type == FIELD_HSCRIPT ) { HSCRIPT hEntityMakerResultTable = varEntityMakerResultTable.m_hScript; char szEntName[256]; for ( int i = 0; i < nEntities; i++ ) { V_strncpy( szEntName, ppEntities[i]->GetEntityNameAsCStr(), ARRAYSIZE(szEntName) ); char *pAmpersand = V_strrchr( szEntName, '&' ); if ( pAmpersand ) *pAmpersand = 0; g_pScriptVM->SetValue( hEntityMakerResultTable, szEntName, ToHScript( ppEntities[i] ) ); } pScriptScope->Call( hPostSpawnFunc, NULL, hEntityMakerResultTable ); pScriptScope->Call( "__FinishSpawn" ); } g_pScriptVM->ReleaseValue( varEntityMakerResultTable ); } g_pScriptVM->ReleaseFunction( hPostSpawnFunc ); }