//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Base VoteController. Handles holding and voting on issues.
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "vote_controller.h"
#include "shareddefs.h"
#include "eiface.h"
#include "team.h"
#include "gameinterface.h"
#include "cs_gamerules.h"
#include "usermessages.h"
#ifdef TF_DLL
#include "tf/tf_gamerules.h"
#include "EventLog.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Datatable
IMPLEMENT_SERVERCLASS_ST( CVoteController, DT_VoteController ) SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_iActiveIssueIndex ) ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_iOnlyTeamToVote ) ), SendPropArray3( SENDINFO_ARRAY3( m_nVoteOptionCount ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO_ARRAY( m_nVoteOptionCount ), 8, SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_nPotentialVotes ) ), SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bIsYesNoVote ) ) END_SEND_TABLE()
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( vote_controller, CVoteController );
CVoteController *g_voteControllerGlobal = NULL; CVoteController *g_voteControllerCT = NULL; CVoteController *g_voteControllerT = NULL;
ConVar sv_vote_timer_duration("sv_vote_timer_duration", "15", FCVAR_RELEASE, "How long to allow voting on an issue"); ConVar sv_vote_command_delay("sv_vote_command_delay", "2", FCVAR_RELEASE, "How long after a vote passes until the action happens", false, 0, true, 4.5); ConVar sv_allow_votes("sv_allow_votes", "1", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Allow voting?"); ConVar sv_vote_failure_timer("sv_vote_failure_timer", "300", FCVAR_RELEASE, "A vote that fails cannot be re-submitted for this long"); ConVar sv_vote_creation_timer("sv_vote_creation_timer", "120", FCVAR_RELEASE, "How often someone can individually call a vote."); // default value of the sv_vote_quorum_ratio is 0.501 so on a 32 player server, you will still need 1 more than half, otherwise at 0.6, you would need 20 people to vote yes instead of 17
ConVar sv_vote_quorum_ratio( "sv_vote_quorum_ratio", "0.501", FCVAR_RELEASE, "The minimum ratio of players needed to vote on an issue to resolve it.", true, 0.01, true, 1.0 ); ConVar sv_vote_allow_spectators( "sv_vote_allow_spectators", "0", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Allow spectators to initiate votes?" ); ConVar sv_vote_count_spectator_votes( "sv_vote_count_spectator_votes", "0", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Allow spectators to vote on issues?" ); ConVar sv_vote_allow_in_warmup( "sv_vote_allow_in_warmup", "0", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Allow voting during warmup?" ); ConVar sv_vote_disallow_kick_on_match_point( "sv_vote_disallow_kick_on_match_point", "0", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Disallow vote kicking on the match point round." );
// Purpose:
void CommandListIssues( void ) { CBasePlayer *commandIssuer = UTIL_GetCommandClient() ;
if ( !commandIssuer ) return;
// list team-specific issues
if ( commandIssuer->GetTeamVoteController() ) { commandIssuer->GetTeamVoteController()->ListIssues( commandIssuer ); }
// and always list global issues
if ( g_voteControllerGlobal ) { g_voteControllerGlobal->ListIssues( commandIssuer ); }
// Purpose:
ConCommand ListIssues("listissues", CommandListIssues, "List all the issues that can be voted on.", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS );
// Purpose: This should eventually ask the player what team they are voting on
// to take into account different idle / spectator rules.
int GetVoterTeam( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( !pEntity ) return TEAM_UNASSIGNED;
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pEntity ); if ( !pPlayer ) return TEAM_UNASSIGNED;
int iTeam = pPlayer->GetAssociatedTeamNumber( );
return iTeam;
// Purpose:
CON_COMMAND_F( callvote, "Start a vote on an issue.", FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS ) { if ( !g_voteControllerGlobal || !g_voteControllerCT || !g_voteControllerT ) { DevMsg( "Vote Controllers Not Found!\n" ); return; }
CBasePlayer *pVoteCaller = UTIL_GetCommandClient(); int iEntindex = 99; if ( pVoteCaller ) iEntindex = pVoteCaller->entindex();
if ( !sv_vote_allow_spectators.GetBool() && pVoteCaller && pVoteCaller->IsSpectator() ) { g_voteControllerGlobal->SendVoteFailedMessage( VOTE_FAILED_SPECTATOR, pVoteCaller ); return;
// Parameters
char szEmptyDetails[ MAX_VOTE_DETAILS_LENGTH ]; szEmptyDetails[ 0 ] = '\0'; const char *arg2 = args[ 1 ]; const char *arg3 = args.ArgC() >= 3 ? args[ 2 ] : szEmptyDetails;
CVoteController *pVoteController; if ( pVoteCaller ) { pVoteController = pVoteCaller->GetTeamVoteController(); } else { pVoteController = g_voteControllerGlobal; }
// If we don't have any arguments, invoke VoteSetup UI
if( args.ArgC() < 2 ) { pVoteController->SetupVote( iEntindex );
return; }
if ( g_voteControllerGlobal->HasIssue( arg2 ) ) { g_voteControllerGlobal->CreateVote( iEntindex, arg2, arg3 ); } else if ( pVoteController->HasIssue( arg2 ) ) { pVoteController->CreateVote( iEntindex, arg2, arg3 ); } else { DevMsg( "Vote Issue Not Found!\n" ); return; } }
// Purpose:
CVoteController::~CVoteController() { if ( g_voteControllerGlobal == this ) { g_voteControllerGlobal = NULL; } else if ( g_voteControllerCT == this ) { g_voteControllerCT = NULL; } else if ( g_voteControllerT == this ) { g_voteControllerT = NULL; }
for( int issueIndex = 0; issueIndex < m_potentialIssues.Count(); ++issueIndex ) { delete m_potentialIssues[issueIndex]; } }
// Purpose:
void CVoteController::ResetData( void ) { m_iActiveIssueIndex = INVALID_ISSUE;
for ( int index = 0; index < m_nVoteOptionCount.Count(); index++ ) { m_nVoteOptionCount.Set( index, 0 ); }
m_nPotentialVotes = 0; m_acceptingVotesTimer.Invalidate(); m_executeCommandTimer.Invalidate(); m_iEntityHoldingVote = -1; m_iOnlyTeamToVote = TEAM_INVALID; m_bIsYesNoVote = true;
for( int voteIndex = 0; voteIndex < MAX_PLAYERS; ++voteIndex ) { m_nVotesCast[voteIndex] = VOTE_UNCAST; } m_arrVotedUsers.RemoveAll(); }
// Purpose:
void CVoteController::Spawn( void ) { ResetData();
SetThink( &CVoteController::VoteControllerThink ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );
// Purpose:
int CVoteController::UpdateTransmitState( void ) { // ALWAYS transmit to all clients.
return SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ); }
// Purpose:
bool CVoteController::CanTeamCastVote( int iTeam ) const { if ( m_iOnlyTeamToVote == TEAM_INVALID ) return true;
return iTeam == m_iOnlyTeamToVote; }
// Purpose: Handles menu-driven setup of Voting
bool CVoteController::SetupVote( int iEntIndex ) { CBasePlayer *pVoteCaller = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iEntIndex ); if( !pVoteCaller ) return false;
bool bAllowVotes = sv_allow_votes.GetBool(); if ( bAllowVotes && m_potentialIssues.Count() ) { CSingleUserRecipientFilter filter( pVoteCaller ); filter.MakeReliable(); CCSUsrMsg_VoteSetup msg; for( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_potentialIssues.Count(); ++iIndex ) { CBaseIssue *pCurrentIssue = m_potentialIssues[iIndex]; if ( pCurrentIssue ) { if ( pCurrentIssue->IsEnabled() ) { msg.add_potential_issues( pCurrentIssue->GetTypeString() ); } else { char szDisabledIssueStr[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH + 12]; V_strcpy( szDisabledIssueStr, pCurrentIssue->GetTypeString() ); V_strcat( szDisabledIssueStr, " (Disabled on Server)", sizeof(szDisabledIssueStr) );
msg.add_potential_issues( szDisabledIssueStr ); } } }
SendUserMessage( filter, CS_UM_VoteSetup, msg ); }
return true; }
// Purpose: Handles console-driven setup of Voting
bool CVoteController::CreateVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetailString ) { // Terrible Hack: Dedicated servers pass 99 as the EntIndex
bool bDedicatedServer = ( iEntIndex == 99 ) ? true : false;
CBasePlayer *pVoteCaller = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iEntIndex );
if ( !pVoteCaller && !bDedicatedServer ) return false;
if( !sv_allow_votes.GetBool() ) { SendVoteFailedMessage( VOTE_FAILED_DISABLED, pVoteCaller );
return false; }
// Already running a vote?
if ( IsAVoteInProgress() ) { // send a message to the user to who tried to vote that their vote failed and why
ClientPrint( pVoteCaller, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#SFUI_vote_failed_vote_in_progress" ); return false; } // Find the issue the user is asking for
for( int issueIndex = 0; issueIndex < m_potentialIssues.Count(); ++issueIndex ) { CBaseIssue *pCurrentIssue = m_potentialIssues[issueIndex]; if ( !pCurrentIssue ) return false; if( FStrEq( pszTypeString, pCurrentIssue->GetTypeString() ) ) { vote_create_failed_t nErrorCode = VOTE_FAILED_GENERIC; int nTime = 0;
if( pCurrentIssue->CanCallVote( iEntIndex, pszTypeString, pszDetailString, nErrorCode, nTime ) ) { // Prevent spamming commands
#ifndef _DEBUG
if ( pVoteCaller && !pCurrentIssue->ShouldIgnoreCreationTimer() ) { int nTimeLeft = sv_vote_creation_timer.GetFloat() - pVoteCaller->GetLastHeldVoteTimer().GetElapsedTime(); if( pVoteCaller->GetLastHeldVoteTimer().HasStarted() && nTimeLeft > 1 ) { SendVoteFailedMessage( VOTE_FAILED_RATE_EXCEEDED, pVoteCaller, nTimeLeft ); return false; } } #endif
// if this is not an instant voting issue ( i.e. tournament pause match )
if (pCurrentIssue->GetVotesRequiredToPass() > 1 ) { // can't call it if there's a global vote in progress.
if ( g_voteControllerGlobal && g_voteControllerGlobal->IsAVoteInProgress() ) { // send a message to the user to who tried to vote that their vote failed and why
ClientPrint( pVoteCaller, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#SFUI_vote_failed_vote_in_progress" ); return false; }
// can't call it if this is a global vote and the other team is mid-vote.
CVoteController * pOtherTeamVoteController = g_voteControllerGlobal;
if ( pVoteCaller ) { switch ( pVoteCaller->GetAssociatedTeamNumber() ) { case TEAM_CT: pOtherTeamVoteController = g_voteControllerT; break;
case TEAM_TERRORIST: pOtherTeamVoteController = g_voteControllerCT; break;
default: break; } }
if ( ( this == g_voteControllerGlobal ) && ( pOtherTeamVoteController && pOtherTeamVoteController->IsAVoteInProgress() ) ) { // send a message to the user to who tried to vote that their vote failed and why
ClientPrint( pVoteCaller, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "#SFUI_vote_failed_vote_in_progress" ); return false; } }
// Establish a bunch of data on this particular issue
m_iEntityHoldingVote = iEntIndex; pCurrentIssue->SetIssueDetails( pszDetailString ); m_bIsYesNoVote = pCurrentIssue->IsYesNoVote(); m_iActiveIssueIndex = issueIndex; m_iOnlyTeamToVote = TEAM_INVALID; if ( !bDedicatedServer && pCurrentIssue->IsAllyRestrictedVote() ) m_iOnlyTeamToVote = GetVoterTeam( pVoteCaller ); // Now get our choices
m_VoteOptions.RemoveAll(); pCurrentIssue->GetVoteOptions( m_VoteOptions ); int nNumVoteOptions = m_VoteOptions.Count(); if ( nNumVoteOptions >= 2 ) { IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "vote_options" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "count", nNumVoteOptions ); for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < nNumVoteOptions; iIndex++ ) { char szNumber[2]; Q_snprintf( szNumber, sizeof( szNumber ), "%i", iIndex + 1 );
char szOptionName[8] = "option"; Q_strncat( szOptionName, szNumber, sizeof( szOptionName ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
event->SetString( szOptionName, m_VoteOptions[iIndex] ); } gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } } else { Assert( nNumVoteOptions >= 2 ); }
// Get the data out to the client
for( int playerIndex = 1; playerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS; ++playerIndex ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( playerIndex );
if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { CSingleUserRecipientFilter filter( pPlayer ); filter.MakeReliable(); CCSUsrMsg_VoteStart msg; msg.set_team( m_iOnlyTeamToVote ); // move into the filter
msg.set_ent_idx( m_iEntityHoldingVote ); msg.set_vote_type( pCurrentIssue->GetVoteIssue() ); msg.set_disp_str( pCurrentIssue->GetDisplayString() ); msg.set_details_str( pCurrentIssue->GetDetailsString() ); msg.set_other_team_str( pCurrentIssue->GetOtherTeamDisplayString() ); msg.set_is_yes_no_vote( m_bIsYesNoVote ); SendUserMessage( filter, CS_UM_VoteStart, msg ); } }
UTIL_LogPrintf( "Vote started \"%s %s\" from #%u %s\n", pCurrentIssue->GetTypeString(), pCurrentIssue->GetDetailsString(), m_iEntityHoldingVote, pVoteCaller ? GameLogSystem()->FormatPlayer( pVoteCaller ) : "n/a" );
m_nPotentialVotes = pCurrentIssue->CountPotentialVoters(); // FIX TO MAKE REMATCH ONLY
float flVoteDuration = CSGameRules()->IsQueuedMatchmaking() ? 45.0f : sv_vote_timer_duration.GetFloat(); m_acceptingVotesTimer.Start( flVoteDuration ); pCurrentIssue->OnVoteStarted();
// Force the vote holder to agree with a Yes/No vote
if ( m_bIsYesNoVote && !bDedicatedServer ) { TryCastVote( iEntIndex, "Option1" ); }
if ( !bDedicatedServer ) { pVoteCaller->GetLastHeldVoteTimer().Start(); }
return true; } else { if ( !bDedicatedServer ) { SendVoteFailedMessage( pCurrentIssue->MakeVoteFailErrorCodeForClients( nErrorCode ), pVoteCaller, nTime ); } } } }
return false; }
// Purpose: Sent to everyone, unless we pass a player pointer
void CVoteController::SendVoteFailedMessage( vote_create_failed_t nReason, CBasePlayer *pVoteCaller, int nTime ) { // driller: need to merge all failure case stuff into a single path
if ( pVoteCaller ) { CSingleUserRecipientFilter user( pVoteCaller ); user.MakeReliable();
CCSUsrMsg_CallVoteFailed msg; msg.set_reason( nReason ); msg.set_time( nTime ); SendUserMessage( user, CS_UM_CallVoteFailed, msg ); } else { UTIL_LogPrintf("Vote failed \"%s %s\" \n", m_potentialIssues[m_iActiveIssueIndex]->GetTypeString(), m_potentialIssues[m_iActiveIssueIndex]->GetDetailsString() );
CBroadcastRecipientFilter filter; filter.MakeReliable();
CCSUsrMsg_VoteFailed msg; msg.set_team( m_iOnlyTeamToVote ); msg.set_reason( nReason ); SendUserMessage( filter, CS_UM_VoteFailed, msg ); } }
// Purpose: Player generated a vote command. i.e. /vote option1
CVoteController::TryCastVoteResult CVoteController::TryCastVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszVoteString ) { if( !sv_allow_votes.GetBool() ) return CAST_FAIL_SERVER_DISABLE;
if( m_iActiveIssueIndex == INVALID_ISSUE ) return CAST_FAIL_NO_ACTIVE_ISSUE;
if( m_executeCommandTimer.HasStarted() ) return CAST_FAIL_VOTE_CLOSED;
CBaseEntity *pVoter = UTIL_EntityByIndex( iEntIndex ); if ( !IsValidVoter( ToBasePlayer( pVoter ) ) ) return CAST_FAIL_TEAM_RESTRICTED;
if( m_potentialIssues[m_iActiveIssueIndex] && m_potentialIssues[m_iActiveIssueIndex]->IsAllyRestrictedVote() ) { CBaseEntity *pVoteHolder = UTIL_EntityByIndex( m_iEntityHoldingVote );
if( ( pVoteHolder == NULL ) || ( pVoter == NULL ) || ( GetVoterTeam( pVoteHolder ) != GetVoterTeam( pVoter ) ) ) { return CAST_FAIL_TEAM_RESTRICTED; } }
// Look for a previous vote
int nOldVote = VOTE_UNCAST; if ( iEntIndex < MAX_PLAYERS ) { nOldVote = m_nVotesCast[iEntIndex]; } #ifndef DEBUG
if( nOldVote != VOTE_UNCAST ) { return CAST_FAIL_NO_CHANGES; } #endif // !DEBUG
// Which option are they voting for?
int nCurrentVote = VOTE_UNCAST; if ( !StringHasPrefix( pszVoteString, "Option" ) ) return CAST_FAIL_SYSTEM_ERROR;
nCurrentVote = (CastVote)( atoi( pszVoteString + V_strlen( "Option" ) ) - 1 );
if ( nCurrentVote < VOTE_OPTION1 || nCurrentVote > VOTE_OPTION5 ) return CAST_FAIL_SYSTEM_ERROR; // They're changing their vote
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( nOldVote != VOTE_UNCAST ) { if( nOldVote == nCurrentVote ) { return CAST_FAIL_DUPLICATE; } VoteChoice_Decrement( nOldVote ); } #endif // DEBUG
// With a Yes/No vote, slam anything past "No" to No
if ( m_potentialIssues[m_iActiveIssueIndex]->IsYesNoVote() ) { if ( nCurrentVote > VOTE_OPTION2 ) nCurrentVote = VOTE_OPTION2; }
#ifndef DEBUG
if ( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayerVoter = ToBasePlayer( pVoter ) ) { if ( uint64 uiSteamID = pBasePlayerVoter->GetSteamIDAsUInt64() ) { if ( m_arrVotedUsers.Find( uiSteamID ) == m_arrVotedUsers.InvalidIndex() ) { m_arrVotedUsers.AddToTail( uiSteamID ); // remember that this user already voted
} else { return CAST_FAIL_NO_CHANGES; } } } #endif
// Register and track this vote
VoteChoice_Increment( nCurrentVote ); m_nVotesCast[iEntIndex] = nCurrentVote;
// Tell the client-side UI
IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "vote_cast" ); if ( event ) { event->SetInt( "vote_option", nCurrentVote ); event->SetInt( "team", m_iOnlyTeamToVote ); event->SetInt( "entityid", iEntIndex ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); }
UTIL_LogPrintf( "Vote cast \"%s %s\" from #%u %s option%d\n", m_potentialIssues[m_iActiveIssueIndex]->GetTypeString(), m_potentialIssues[m_iActiveIssueIndex]->GetDetailsString(), iEntIndex, pVoter ? GameLogSystem()->FormatPlayer( pVoter ) : "n/a", nCurrentVote );
return CAST_OK; }
// Purpose: Increments the vote count for a particular vote option
// i.e. nVoteChoice = 0 might mean a Yes vote
void CVoteController::VoteChoice_Increment( int nVoteChoice ) { if ( nVoteChoice < VOTE_OPTION1 || nVoteChoice > VOTE_OPTION5 ) return;
int nValue = m_nVoteOptionCount.Get( nVoteChoice ); m_nVoteOptionCount.Set( nVoteChoice, ++nValue ); }
// Purpose:
void CVoteController::VoteChoice_Decrement( int nVoteChoice ) { if ( nVoteChoice < VOTE_OPTION1 || nVoteChoice > VOTE_OPTION5 ) return;
int nValue = m_nVoteOptionCount.Get( nVoteChoice ); m_nVoteOptionCount.Set( nVoteChoice, --nValue ); }
// Purpose:
void CVoteController::VoteControllerThink( void ) { if ( !m_potentialIssues.IsValidIndex( m_iActiveIssueIndex ) ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5f );
return; }
CBaseIssue *pActiveIssue = m_potentialIssues[m_iActiveIssueIndex];
int nWinningVoteOption = GetWinningVoteOption(); if ( !pActiveIssue->IsYesNoVote() || nWinningVoteOption >= m_VoteOptions.Count() ) { Assert( nWinningVoteOption >= 0 && nWinningVoteOption < m_VoteOptions.Count() ); Msg( "Trying to resolve a vote that is not a YES/NO vote, YES/NO votes aren't currently supported! \n"); return; }
bool bVoteHasFinished = false; bool bVoteShouldBailOnNos = (pActiveIssue->GetVoteIssue() == VOTEISSUE_REMATCH);
// Vote time is up - process the result
if( m_acceptingVotesTimer.HasStarted() ) { int nNumVotesYES = m_nVoteOptionCount[VOTE_OPTION1]; int nNumVotesNO = m_nVoteOptionCount[VOTE_OPTION2];
//int nVoteTally = nNumVotesYES + nNumVotesNO;
bool bVotePassed = false; int nVotesToSucceed = pActiveIssue->GetVotesRequiredToPass();
// Have we exceeded the required ratio of Voted-vs-Abstained?
if ( nNumVotesYES >= nVotesToSucceed ) { // bail early, we succeeded
bVotePassed = true; bVoteHasFinished = true; } else if ( bVoteShouldBailOnNos && (m_nPotentialVotes - nNumVotesNO) < nVotesToSucceed ) { // failed because too many no votes
SendVoteFailedMessage( pActiveIssue->MakeVoteFailErrorCodeForClients( VOTE_FAILED_YES_MUST_EXCEED_NO ) ); bVotePassed = false; bVoteHasFinished = true; } else if ( m_acceptingVotesTimer.IsElapsed() ) { // timed out, not enough people voted yes
SendVoteFailedMessage( pActiveIssue->MakeVoteFailErrorCodeForClients( VOTE_FAILED_QUORUM_FAILURE ) ); bVotePassed = false; bVoteHasFinished = true; }
if ( bVoteHasFinished ) { // for record-keeping
if ( pActiveIssue->IsYesNoVote() ) { pActiveIssue->SetYesNoVoteCount( m_nVoteOptionCount[VOTE_OPTION1], m_nVoteOptionCount[VOTE_OPTION2], m_nPotentialVotes ); }
if ( bVotePassed ) { m_executeCommandTimer.Start( pActiveIssue->GetCommandDelay() ); m_resetVoteTimer.Start( 5.0 );
CBaseEntity *pVoteHolder = UTIL_EntityByIndex( m_iEntityHoldingVote ); CBasePlayer *pVoteHolderPlayer = ( pVoteHolder && pVoteHolder->IsPlayer() ) ? (CBasePlayer *)( pVoteHolder ) : NULL; if( pVoteHolderPlayer ) { pVoteHolderPlayer->GetLastHeldVoteTimer().Invalidate(); // You can go ahead and make a new vote since yours passed.
UTIL_LogPrintf("Vote succeeded \"%s %s\" from #%u %s\n", pActiveIssue->GetTypeString(), pActiveIssue->GetDetailsString(), m_iEntityHoldingVote, pVoteHolderPlayer ? GameLogSystem()->FormatPlayer( pVoteHolderPlayer ) : "n/a" );
CBroadcastRecipientFilter filter; filter.MakeReliable();
CCSUsrMsg_VotePass msg; msg.set_team( m_iOnlyTeamToVote ); msg.set_vote_type( pActiveIssue->GetVoteIssue() ); msg.set_disp_str( pActiveIssue->GetVotePassedString() ); msg.set_details_str( pActiveIssue->GetDetailsString() ); SendUserMessage( filter, CS_UM_VotePass, msg ); } else { pActiveIssue->OnVoteFailed(); m_resetVoteTimer.Start( 5.0 ); } } }
// Vote passed - execute the command
if( m_executeCommandTimer.HasStarted() && m_executeCommandTimer.IsElapsed() ) {
m_executeCommandTimer.Invalidate(); m_potentialIssues[m_iActiveIssueIndex]->ExecuteCommand(); }
if ( m_resetVoteTimer.HasStarted() && m_resetVoteTimer.IsElapsed() ) { ResetData(); m_resetVoteTimer.Invalidate(); }
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); }
// Purpose: End the vote early if everyone's voted
void CVoteController::CheckForEarlyVoteClose( void ) { int nVoteTally = 0; for ( int index = 0; index < MAX_VOTE_OPTIONS; index++ ) { nVoteTally += m_nVoteOptionCount.Get( index ); }
if( nVoteTally >= m_nPotentialVotes ) { m_acceptingVotesTimer.Start( 0 ); // Run the timer out right now
} }
#ifdef DEBUG // Don't want to do this check for debug builds (so we can test with bots)
ConVar sv_vote_ignore_bots( "sv_vote_ignore_bots", "0" ); #define SV_VOTE_IGNORE_BOTS sv_vote_ignore_bots.GetBool()
#define SV_VOTE_IGNORE_BOTS true
// Purpose:
bool CVoteController::IsValidVoter( CBasePlayer *pWhom ) { if ( pWhom == NULL ) return false;
if ( !pWhom->IsConnected() ) return false;
if ( !sv_vote_allow_spectators.GetBool() || !sv_vote_count_spectator_votes.GetBool() ) { if ( pWhom->GetTeamNumber() != TEAM_TERRORIST && pWhom->GetTeamNumber() != TEAM_CT ) return false; }
if ( SV_VOTE_IGNORE_BOTS ) // Don't want to do this check for debug builds (so we can test with bots)
{ if ( pWhom->IsBot() ) return false;
if ( pWhom->IsFakeClient() ) return false; }
if ( pWhom->IsHLTV() ) return false;
if ( pWhom->IsReplay() ) return false;
return true; }
// Purpose:
void CVoteController::RegisterIssue( CBaseIssue *pszNewIssue ) { m_potentialIssues.AddToTail( pszNewIssue ); }
// Purpose:
void CVoteController::ListIssues( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) { if( !sv_allow_votes.GetBool() ) return;
ClientPrint( pForWhom, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "---Vote commands---\n" );
for( int issueIndex = 0; issueIndex < m_potentialIssues.Count(); ++issueIndex ) { CBaseIssue *pCurrentIssue = m_potentialIssues[issueIndex]; pCurrentIssue->ListIssueDetails( pForWhom ); } ClientPrint( pForWhom, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "--- End Vote commands---\n" ); }
// Purpose:
int CVoteController::GetWinningVoteOption( void ) { if ( m_potentialIssues[m_iActiveIssueIndex]->IsYesNoVote() ) { return ( m_nVoteOptionCount[VOTE_OPTION1] > m_nVoteOptionCount[VOTE_OPTION2] ) ? VOTE_OPTION1 : VOTE_OPTION2; } else { CUtlVector <int> pVoteCounts;
// Which option had the most votes?
// driller: Need to handle ties
int nHighest = m_nVoteOptionCount[0]; for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_nVoteOptionCount.Count(); iIndex ++ ) { nHighest = ( ( nHighest < m_nVoteOptionCount[iIndex] ) ? m_nVoteOptionCount[iIndex] : nHighest ); pVoteCounts.AddToTail( m_nVoteOptionCount[iIndex] ); } m_nHighestCountIndex = -1; for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_nVoteOptionCount.Count(); iIndex++ ) { if ( m_nVoteOptionCount[iIndex] == nHighest ) { m_nHighestCountIndex = iIndex; // henryg: break on first match, not last. this avoids a crash
// if we are all tied at zero and we pick something beyond the
// last vote option. this code really ought to ignore attempts
// to tally votes for options beyond the last valid one!
break; } }
return m_nHighestCountIndex; }
return -1; }
bool CVoteController::HasIssue( const char *pszIssue ) { for ( int issueIndex = 0; issueIndex < m_potentialIssues.Count( ); ++issueIndex ) { CBaseIssue *pCurrentIssue = m_potentialIssues[ issueIndex ]; if ( !pCurrentIssue ) return false;
if ( FStrEq( pszIssue, pCurrentIssue->GetTypeString( ) ) ) return true; }
return false; }
void CVoteController::EndVoteImmediately( void ) { if ( !IsAVoteInProgress( ) ) return;
CBaseIssue *pActiveIssue = m_potentialIssues[ m_iActiveIssueIndex ];
// for record-keeping
if ( pActiveIssue->IsYesNoVote( ) ) { pActiveIssue->SetYesNoVoteCount( m_nVoteOptionCount[ VOTE_OPTION1 ], m_nVoteOptionCount[ VOTE_OPTION2 ], m_nPotentialVotes ); }
SendVoteFailedMessage( pActiveIssue->MakeVoteFailErrorCodeForClients( VOTE_FAILED_QUORUM_FAILURE ) ); pActiveIssue->OnVoteFailed( ); m_resetVoteTimer.Start( 5.0 );
m_acceptingVotesTimer.Invalidate( ); }
// Purpose: BaseIssue
CBaseIssue::CBaseIssue( const char *pszTypeString, CVoteController *pVoteController ) { V_strcpy_safe( m_szTypeString, pszTypeString );
m_iNumYesVotes = 0; m_iNumNoVotes = 0; m_iNumPotentialVotes = 0;
m_pVoteController = pVoteController;
ASSERT( pVoteController ); if ( pVoteController ) { pVoteController->RegisterIssue( this ); } }
// Purpose:
CBaseIssue::~CBaseIssue() { for ( int index = 0; index < m_FailedVotes.Count(); index++ ) { FailedVote *pFailedVote = m_FailedVotes[index]; delete pFailedVote; } }
// Purpose:
const char *CBaseIssue::GetTypeString( void ) { return m_szTypeString; }
// Purpose:
const char *CBaseIssue::GetDetailsString( void ) { return m_szDetailsString; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseIssue::SetIssueDetails( const char *pszDetails ) { V_strcpy_safe( m_szDetailsString, pszDetails ); }
// Purpose:
bool CBaseIssue::IsAllyRestrictedVote( void ) { return false; }
int CBaseIssue::GetVotesRequiredToPass( void ) { // TODO: to reduce risk of new bugs, this logic was preserved as-is from VoteControllerThink. But it can/should be cleaned up for legibility.
int nPotentialVoters = CountPotentialVoters(); // BUGBUG: disconnecting/reconnecting players during the vote can affect the final tally, so we will use the larger number here:
if ( m_pVoteController && ( m_pVoteController->GetPotentialVotes( ) > nPotentialVoters ) ) nPotentialVoters = m_pVoteController->GetPotentialVotes( );
int nVotesToSucceed = 0;
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsQueuedMatchmaking() && CSGameRules()->IsPlayingAnyCompetitiveStrictRuleset() && !IsAllyRestrictedVote() ) { // in queued matchmaking must have 100% voting to succeed (unless kick vote)
nVotesToSucceed = CSGameRules()->m_numQueuedMatchmakingAccounts; } // Unanimous votes require all attending humans (which might be less than 10 players)
else if ( IsUnanimousVoteToPass() ) { nVotesToSucceed = MAX( 1, nPotentialVoters ); } else { float flnVotesToSucceed = ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsPlayingAnyCompetitiveStrictRuleset() ) ? MAX( 1, nPotentialVoters - 1 ) : ( ( float )nPotentialVoters * sv_vote_quorum_ratio.GetFloat() ); nVotesToSucceed = ceil( flnVotesToSucceed ); }
return nVotesToSucceed; }
// Purpose:
const char *CBaseIssue::GetVotePassedString( void ) { return "Unknown vote passed."; }
float CBaseIssue::GetFailedVoteLockOutTime( void ) { return sv_vote_failure_timer.GetFloat(); }
// Purpose: Store failures to prevent vote spam
void CBaseIssue::OnVoteFailed( void ) { // Check for an existing match
for ( int index = 0; index < m_FailedVotes.Count(); index++ ) { FailedVote *pFailedVote = m_FailedVotes[index]; if ( Q_strncmp( pFailedVote->szFailedVoteParameter, GetDetailsString(), Q_ARRAYSIZE( pFailedVote->szFailedVoteParameter ) - 1 ) == 0 ) { pFailedVote->flLockoutTime = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFailedVoteLockOutTime();
return; } }
// Need to create a new one
FailedVote *pNewFailedVote = new FailedVote; int iIndex = m_FailedVotes.AddToTail( pNewFailedVote ); V_strcpy_safe( m_FailedVotes[iIndex]->szFailedVoteCommand, GetTypeString() ); V_strcpy_safe( m_FailedVotes[iIndex]->szFailedVoteParameter, GetDetailsString() ); m_FailedVotes[iIndex]->flLockoutTime = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFailedVoteLockOutTime(); }
// Purpose:
bool CBaseIssue::CanTeamCallVote( int iTeam ) const { return true; }
// Purpose:
bool CBaseIssue::CanCallVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszCommand, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ) { // Automated server vote - don't bother testing against it
if ( iEntIndex == 99 ) return true;
// Bogus player
if( iEntIndex == -1 ) return false;
#ifdef TF_DLL
if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsInWaitingForPlayers() && !TFGameRules()->IsInTournamentMode() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_WAITINGFORPLAYERS; return false; } #endif // TF_DLL
if ( !sv_vote_allow_in_warmup.GetBool() && CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsWarmupPeriod() && !IsEnabledDuringWarmup() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_WAITINGFORPLAYERS; return false; }
CBaseEntity *pVoteCaller = UTIL_EntityByIndex( iEntIndex ); if( pVoteCaller && !CanTeamCallVote( GetVoterTeam( pVoteCaller ) ) ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_TEAM_CANT_CALL; return false; }
if ( IsVoteCallExclusiveToSpectators( ) ) { CBasePlayer *pVoteCallerPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pVoteCaller );
if ( !pVoteCallerPlayer || !pVoteCallerPlayer->IsSpectator( ) ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_TEAM_CANT_CALL; return false; } }
// Only few votes are actually allowed in queue matchmaking mode
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsQueuedMatchmaking() && !IsEnabledInQueuedMatchmaking() ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
// Disable all voting after rematch vote is initiated at the end of the match
if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsQueuedMatchmaking() && ( CSGameRules()->m_eQueuedMatchmakingRematchState >= CSGameRules()->k_EQueuedMatchmakingRematchState_VoteToRematchInProgress ) ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
// don't let kick votes happen on match point or last round
if ( CSGameRules() && (CSGameRules()->IsQueuedMatchmaking() || sv_vote_disallow_kick_on_match_point.GetBool()) && CSGameRules()->IsLastRoundOfMatch() && CSGameRules()->IsMatchPoint() && FStrEq( VOTEISSUE_NAME_KICK, pszCommand ) ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED; return false; }
// Did this fail recently?
for( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_FailedVotes.Count(); iIndex++ ) { FailedVote *pCurrentFailure = m_FailedVotes[iIndex]; int nTimeRemaining = pCurrentFailure->flLockoutTime - gpGlobals->curtime; bool bFailed = false;
if ( nTimeRemaining > 1 ) { if ( Q_strlen( pCurrentFailure->szFailedVoteCommand ) > 0 && FStrEq( pCurrentFailure->szFailedVoteCommand, pszCommand ) ) { // If this issue requires a parameter, see if we're voting for the same one again (i.e. changelevel ctf_2fort)
if ( Q_strlen( pCurrentFailure->szFailedVoteParameter ) > 0 && FStrEq( pCurrentFailure->szFailedVoteParameter, pszDetails ) ) { bFailed = true; if ( FStrEq( VOTEISSUE_NAME_CHANGELEVEL, pszCommand ) ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_CHANGEMAP; } else if ( FStrEq( VOTEISSUE_NAME_KICK, pszCommand ) ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_KICK; } else { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENTLY; } } else { if ( FStrEq( VOTEISSUE_NAME_SWAPTEAMS, pszCommand ) ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_SWAPTEAMS; bFailed = true; } else if ( FStrEq( VOTEISSUE_NAME_SCRAMBLE, pszCommand ) ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_SCRAMBLETEAMS; bFailed = true; } else if ( FStrEq( VOTEISSUE_NAME_RESTARTGAME, pszCommand ) ) { nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_RESTART; bFailed = true; } } } // Otherwise we have a parameter-less vote, so just check the lockout timer (i.e. restartgame)
else { bFailed = true; nFailCode = VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENTLY; } }
if ( bFailed ) { nTime = nTimeRemaining; return false; } }
return true; }
// Purpose:
int CBaseIssue::CountPotentialVoters( void ) { int nTotalPlayers = 0;
for( int playerIndex = 1; playerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS; ++playerIndex ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( playerIndex ); if ( m_pVoteController && m_pVoteController->IsValidVoter( pPlayer ) ) { if ( m_pVoteController->CanTeamCastVote( GetVoterTeam( pPlayer ) ) ) { nTotalPlayers++; } } }
return nTotalPlayers; }
// Purpose:
int CBaseIssue::GetNumberVoteOptions( void ) { return 2; // The default issue is Yes/No (so 2), but it can be anywhere between 1 and MAX_VOTE_COUNT
// Purpose:
bool CBaseIssue::IsYesNoVote( void ) { return true; // Default
// Purpose:
void CBaseIssue::SetYesNoVoteCount( int iNumYesVotes, int iNumNoVotes, int iNumPotentialVotes ) { m_iNumYesVotes = iNumYesVotes; m_iNumNoVotes = iNumNoVotes; m_iNumPotentialVotes = iNumPotentialVotes; }
// Purpose:
void CBaseIssue::ListStandardNoArgCommand( CBasePlayer *forWhom, const char *issueString ) { char szBuffer[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH]; Q_snprintf( szBuffer, MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH, "callvote %s\n", issueString ); ClientPrint( forWhom, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, szBuffer ); }
// Purpose:
bool CBaseIssue::GetVoteOptions( CUtlVector <const char*> &vecNames ) { // The default vote issue is a Yes/No vote
vecNames.AddToHead( "Yes" ); vecNames.AddToTail( "No" );
return true; }
float CBaseIssue::GetCommandDelay( void ) { return sv_vote_command_delay.GetFloat(); }