//========= Copyright � 1996-2003, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "cs_item_inventory.h"
#include "item_creation.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
// #include "item_pickup_panel.h"
#include "cs_player.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
CCSInventoryManager g_CSInventoryManager; CInventoryManager *InventoryManager( void ) { return &g_CSInventoryManager; } CCSInventoryManager *CSInventoryManager( void ) { return &g_CSInventoryManager; }
// Purpose:
CCSInventoryManager::CCSInventoryManager( void ) { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
m_LocalBackpack.SetBag( BAG_BACKPACK );
for ( int i = CS_FIRST_NORMAL_CLASS; i < CS_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS; i++ ) { m_LoadoutInventories[i].SetBag( GetLoadoutBagForClass(i) ); } */
// Purpose:
void CCSInventoryManager::PostInit( void ) { BaseClass::PostInit(); GenerateBaseItems(); }
// Purpose: Generate & store the base item details for each class & loadout slot
void CCSInventoryManager::GenerateBaseItems( void ) { /*
for ( int slot = 0; slot < LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT; slot++ ) { baseitemcriteria_t pCriteria; pCriteria.iClass = 0; // FIXME[pmf]: set up CS class identifiers?
pCriteria.iSlot = slot; int iItemDef = ItemSystem()->GenerateBaseItem( &pCriteria ); if ( iItemDef != INVALID_ITEM_INDEX ) { / * IHasAttributes *pItemInterface = dynamic_cast<IHasAttributes *>(pItem); if ( pItemInterface ) { CScriptCreatedItem *pScriptItem = pItemInterface->GetAttributeManager()->GetItem(); Msg("============================================\n"); Msg("Inventory: Generating base item for %s, slot %s...\n", g_aPlayerClassNames_NonLocalized[iClass], g_szLoadoutStrings[slot] ); Msg("Generated: %s \"%s\"\n", g_szQualityStrings[pScriptItem->GetItemQuality()], pEnt->GetClassname() ); char tempstr[1024]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( pScriptItem->GetAttributeDescription(), tempstr, sizeof(tempstr) ); Msg("%s", tempstr ); Msg("\n============================================\n"); } * /
m_pBaseLoadoutItems[slot].Init( iItemDef, AE_USE_SCRIPT_VALUE, AE_USE_SCRIPT_VALUE, false ); } else { m_pBaseLoadoutItems[slot].Invalidate(); } } */ }
// Purpose:
void CCSInventoryManager::UpdateLocalInventory( void ) { BaseClass::UpdateLocalInventory();
if ( steamapicontext->SteamUser() ) { CSteamID steamID = steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID();
CSInventoryManager()->SteamRequestInventory( &m_LocalBackpack, steamID );
// Request our loadouts.
for ( int i = CS_FIRST_NORMAL_CLASS; i < CS_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS; i++ ) { CSInventoryManager()->SteamRequestInventory( &m_LoadoutInventories[i], steamID ); } */ } }
// Purpose:
bool CCSInventoryManager::EquipItemInLoadout( int iClass, int iSlot, globalindex_t iGlobalIndex ) { CSteamID localSteamID = steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID(); inventory_bags_t iLoadoutBag = GetLoadoutBagForClass( iClass ); CCSPlayerInventory *pInv = GetBagForPlayer( localSteamID, iLoadoutBag ); if ( pInv ) { uint32 iPosition = GetBackendPositionFor(iLoadoutBag,iSlot); if ( !iGlobalIndex ) { CCSPlayerInventoryLoadout *pLoadoutInv = assert_cast<CCSPlayerInventoryLoadout*>( pInv ); return pLoadoutInv->ClearLoadoutSlot( iPosition ); }
return pInv->MoveItemToPosition( iGlobalIndex, iPosition ); }
return false; } */
// Purpose: Fills out pList with all inventory items that could fit into the specified loadout slot for a given class
int CCSInventoryManager::GetAllUsableItemsForSlot( int iClass, int iSlot, CUtlVector<CScriptCreatedItem*> *pList ) { // Assert( iClass >= CS_FIRST_NORMAL_CLASS && iClass < CS_CLASS_COUNT );
Assert( iSlot >= -1 && iSlot < LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT );
int iCount = m_LocalInventory.GetItemCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; i++ ) { CScriptCreatedItem *pItem = m_LocalInventory.GetItem(i); CPersistentItemDefinition *pItemData = pItem->GetStaticData();
if ( !pItemData->CanBeUsedByClass(iClass) ) continue;
// Passing in iSlot of -1 finds all items usable by the class
if ( iSlot >= 0 && pItem->GetLoadoutSlot(iClass) != iSlot ) continue;
pList->AddToTail( m_LocalInventory.GetItem(i) ); }
return pList->Count(); } #endif // CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose:
CScriptCreatedItem *CCSInventoryManager::GetItemInLoadoutForClass( int iClass, int iSlot, CSteamID *pID ) { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
if ( !steamapicontext || !steamapicontext->SteamUser() ) return NULL;
CSteamID localSteamID = steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID(); pID = &localSteamID; #endif
inventory_bags_t iLoadoutBag = GetLoadoutBagForClass( iClass ); CCSPlayerInventory *pInv = GetBagForPlayer( *pID, iLoadoutBag ); if ( !pInv ) return NULL;
CCSPlayerInventoryLoadout *pLoadoutInv = assert_cast<CCSPlayerInventoryLoadout*>( pInv ); return pLoadoutInv->GetItemInLoadout( iSlot ); } */
// Purpose:
CCSPlayerInventory *CCSInventoryManager::GetBagForPlayer( CSteamID &playerID, inventory_bags_t iBag ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_pInventories.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_pInventories[i].pInventory->GetOwner() != playerID ) continue;
CCSPlayerInventory *pCSInv = assert_cast<CCSPlayerInventory*>( m_pInventories[i].pInventory ); if ( pCSInv->GetBag() == iBag ) return pCSInv; }
return NULL; }
// Purpose:
bool CCSInventoryManager::ShowItemsPickedUp( void ) { // Go through the root inventory and find any items that are in the "found" position
CUtlVector<CScriptCreatedItem*> aItemsFound; int iCount = m_LocalInventory.GetItemCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; i++ ) { if ( m_LocalInventory.GetItem(i)->GetInventoryPosition() == BACKEND_POSITION_FOR_NEW_ITEM ) { aItemsFound.AddToTail( m_LocalInventory.GetItem(i) );
m_LocalInventory.MoveItemToBackpack( m_LocalInventory.GetItem(i)->GetGlobalIndex() ); } }
if ( !aItemsFound.Count() ) return CheckForRoomAndForceDiscard();
// We're not forcing the player to make room yet. Just show the pickup panel.
CItemPickupPanel *pItemPanel = OpenItemPickupPanel(); for ( int i = 0; i < aItemsFound.Count(); i++ ) { pItemPanel->AddItem( aItemsFound[i] ); } */ aItemsFound.Purge(); return true; }
// Purpose:
bool CCSInventoryManager::CheckForRoomAndForceDiscard( void ) { // Do we have room for the new item?
int iCount = m_LocalInventory.GetItemCount(); if ( iCount <= MAX_BACKPACK_SLOTS ) return false;
CScriptCreatedItem *pItem = m_LocalInventory.GetItem(MAX_BACKPACK_SLOTS); if ( !pItem ) return false;
// We're forcing the player to make room for items he's found. Bring up that panel with the first item over the limit.
CItemDiscardPanel *pDiscardPanel = OpenItemDiscardPanel(); pDiscardPanel->SetItem( pItem ); */ return true; }
// Purpose: Returns the item data for the base item in the loadout slot for a given class
CScriptCreatedItem *CCSInventoryManager::GetBaseItemForClass( int iSlot ) { Assert( iSlot >= 0 && iSlot < LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT ); return &m_pBaseLoadoutItems[iSlot]; }
// Purpose:
CCSPlayerInventory::CCSPlayerInventory() { m_iBag = BAG_ALL_ITEMS; }
// Purpose:
bool CCSPlayerInventory::MoveItemToPosition( globalindex_t iGlobalIndex, int iPosition ) { CCSPlayerInventory *pRootInv = CSInventoryManager()->GetBagForPlayer( m_OwnerID, BAG_ALL_ITEMS ); if ( !pRootInv ) return false;
// Find the item in our root inventory (we don't know where it's moving from)
CScriptCreatedItem *pMovingItem = pRootInv->GetInventoryItemByGlobalIndex( iGlobalIndex ); if ( !pMovingItem ) return false;
// Is the item allowed to be in the new position?
if ( !IsItemAllowedInPosition( pMovingItem, iPosition ) ) return false;
// Get the current item in the position
CScriptCreatedItem *pItemAlreadyInPosition = GetItemByPosition(iPosition); if ( pItemAlreadyInPosition ) { // See if that item is allowed to be where our new item is
int iSwapPosition = pMovingItem->GetInventoryPosition();
if ( !IsItemAllowedInPosition( pItemAlreadyInPosition, iSwapPosition ) ) { // Try to move the swapped item to the backpack, and abort if that fails
if ( !MoveItemToBackpack( pItemAlreadyInPosition->GetGlobalIndex() ) ) return false; } else { // Move the swapped item to our current position
SteamUserItems()->UpdateInventoryPos( pItemAlreadyInPosition->GetGlobalIndex(), iSwapPosition ); } }
SteamUserItems()->UpdateInventoryPos( iGlobalIndex, iPosition ); return true; }
// Purpose: Tries to move the specified item into the player's backpack. If this inventory isn't the
// backpack, it'll find the matching player's backpack and move it.
// FAILS if the backpack is full. Returns false in that case.
bool CCSPlayerInventory::MoveItemToBackpack( globalindex_t iGlobalIndex ) { if ( m_iBag != BAG_BACKPACK ) { // We're not the backpack inventory. Find it and tell it to move the item.
CCSPlayerInventory *pBackpackInv = CSInventoryManager()->GetBagForPlayer( m_OwnerID, BAG_BACKPACK ); if ( pBackpackInv ) return pBackpackInv->MoveItemToBackpack( iGlobalIndex ); } return false; }
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose:
void CCSPlayerInventory::InventoryReceived( EItemRequestResult eResult, int iItems ) { BaseClass::InventoryReceived( eResult, iItems );
if ( eResult == k_EItemRequestResultOK && m_iBag == BAG_ALL_ITEMS ) { // The base bag checks for duplicate positions
int iCount = m_aInventoryItems.Count(); for ( int i = iCount-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { uint32 iPosition = m_aInventoryItems[i].GetInventoryPosition();
// Waiting to be acknowledged?
if ( iPosition == BACKEND_POSITION_FOR_NEW_ITEM ) continue;
bool bInvalidSlot = false;
// Inside the backpack?
if ( i > 0 ) { // We're not in an invalid slot yet. But if we're in the same position as another item, we should be moved too.
if ( iPosition == m_aInventoryItems[i-1].GetInventoryPosition() ) { Warning("WARNING: Found item in a duplicate position. Moving to the backpack.\n" ); bInvalidSlot = true; } }
if ( bInvalidSlot ) { // The item is in an invalid slot. Move it back to the backpack.
if ( !MoveItemToBackpack( m_aInventoryItems[i].GetGlobalIndex() ) ) { // We failed to move it to the backpack, because the player has no room.
// Force them to "refind" the item, which will make them throw something out.
SteamUserItems()->UpdateInventoryPos( m_aInventoryItems[i].GetGlobalIndex(), BACKEND_POSITION_FOR_NEW_ITEM ); } } } } #endif
// Purpose:
void CCSPlayerInventory::DumpInventoryToConsole( bool bRoot ) { if ( bRoot ) { Msg("========================================\n"); #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
Msg("(CLIENT) Inventory:\n"); #else
Msg("(SERVER) Inventory for account (%d):\n", m_OwnerID.GetAccountID() ); #endif
Msg("Bag ID : %d\n", m_iBag );
int iCount = m_aInventoryItems.Count(); Msg(" Num items: %d\n", iCount ); for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; i++ ) { char tempstr[1024]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( m_aInventoryItems[i].GetItemName(), tempstr, sizeof(tempstr) ); Msg(" %s (ID %I64d) at slot %d\n", tempstr, m_aInventoryItems[i].GetGlobalIndex(), ExtractBagSlotFromBackendPosition(m_aInventoryItems[i].GetInventoryPosition()) ); } }
// Purpose: Used to reject items on the backend for inclusion into this inventory.
// Mostly used for division of bags into different in-game inventories.
bool CCSPlayerInventory::ItemShouldBeIncluded( int iItemPosition ) { if ( m_iBag ) { int iItemBagPosition = ExtractBagFromBackendPosition( iItemPosition ); if ( iItemBagPosition != m_iBag ) return false; }
return BaseClass::ItemShouldBeIncluded( iItemPosition ); }
// Purpose:
#if 0
CCSPlayerInventoryLoadout::CCSPlayerInventoryLoadout( void ) { memset( m_LoadoutItems, LOADOUT_SLOT_USE_BASE_ITEM, LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT * sizeof(int) ); }
// Purpose: Returns the item in the specified loadout slot for a given class
CScriptCreatedItem *CCSPlayerInventoryLoadout::GetItemInLoadout( int iSlot ) { if ( iSlot < 0 || iSlot >= LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT ) return NULL;
// If we don't have an item in the loadout at that slot, we return the base item
if ( m_LoadoutItems[iSlot] != LOADOUT_SLOT_USE_BASE_ITEM ) { CScriptCreatedItem *pItem = GetInventoryItemByGlobalIndex( m_LoadoutItems[iSlot] );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
// To protect against users lying to the backend about the position of their items,
// we need to validate their position on the server when we retrieve them.
if ( IsItemAllowedInPosition( pItem, GetBackendPositionFor(GetBag(),iSlot) ) ) #endif
return pItem; }
return CSInventoryManager()->GetBaseItemForClass( iSlot ); }
// Purpose:
bool CCSPlayerInventoryLoadout::MoveItemToPosition( globalindex_t iGlobalIndex, int iPosition ) { if ( !BaseClass::MoveItemToPosition( iGlobalIndex, iPosition ) ) return false;
// TODO: Prediction
// Item has been moved, so update our loadout.
//int iSlot = ExtractBagSlotFromBackendPosition( iPosition );
//m_LoadoutItems[iSlot] = iGlobalIndex;
return true; }
// Purpose: Removes any item in a loadout slot. If the slot hase a base item,
// the player essentially returns to using that item.
bool CCSPlayerInventoryLoadout::ClearLoadoutSlot( int iPosition ) { CScriptCreatedItem *pItemInSlot = GetItemByPosition(iPosition); if ( !pItemInSlot ) return false;
if ( !MoveItemToBackpack( pItemInSlot->GetGlobalIndex() ) ) return false;
// TODO: Prediction
// It's been moved to the backpack, so clear out loadout entry
int iSlot = ExtractBagSlotFromBackendPosition( iPosition ); if ( iSlot >= 0 && iSlot < LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT ) { m_LoadoutItems[iSlot] = LOADOUT_SLOT_USE_BASE_ITEM; } */ return true; } #endif // CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose: Returns true if the specified item is allowed to be stored at the specified position
// DOES NOT check to make sure the position is clear. It's just a class / slot validity check.
bool CCSPlayerInventoryLoadout::IsItemAllowedInPosition( CScriptCreatedItem *pItem, int iPosition ) { int iSlot = ExtractBagSlotFromBackendPosition( iPosition ); if ( pItem->GetStaticData()->m_vbClassUsability.IsBitSet( GetLoadoutClass() ) && pItem->GetLoadoutSlot() == iSlot ) return true;
return false; }
// Purpose:
void CCSPlayerInventoryLoadout::InventoryReceived( EItemRequestResult eResult, int iItems ) { if ( eResult == k_EItemRequestResultOK ) { memset( m_LoadoutItems, LOADOUT_SLOT_USE_BASE_ITEM, LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT * sizeof(int) ); }
if ( eResult == k_EItemRequestResultOK ) { // Now that we have all our items, validate our loadout positions.
int iCount = m_aInventoryItems.Count(); for ( int i = iCount-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { uint32 iPosition = m_aInventoryItems[i].GetInventoryPosition();
// Waiting to be acknowledged?
if ( iPosition == BACKEND_POSITION_FOR_NEW_ITEM ) continue;
Assert( ExtractBagFromBackendPosition( iPosition ) == m_iBag );
int iBagSlot = ExtractBagSlotFromBackendPosition( iPosition );
// Ensure it's in a valid loadout slot
bool bInvalidSlot = (iBagSlot >= LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT); if ( !bInvalidSlot ) { bInvalidSlot = !IsItemAllowedInPosition( &m_aInventoryItems[i], iBagSlot ); }
if ( bInvalidSlot ) { Warning("WARNING: Found item in an invalid loadout position. Moving to the backpack.\n" );
// The item is in an invalid slot. Move it back to the backpack.
if ( !MoveItemToBackpack( m_aInventoryItems[i].GetGlobalIndex() ) ) { // We failed to move it to the backpack, because the player has no room.
// Force them to "refind" the item, which will make them throw something out.
SteamUserItems()->UpdateInventoryPos( m_aInventoryItems[i].GetGlobalIndex(), BACKEND_POSITION_FOR_NEW_ITEM ); } } } } #endif
BaseClass::InventoryReceived( eResult, iItems ); }
// Purpose:
void CCSPlayerInventoryLoadout::ItemHasBeenUpdated( CScriptCreatedItem *pItem ) { // Now that we have all our items, set up out loadout pointers
uint32 iPosition = pItem->GetInventoryPosition(); int iSlot = ExtractBagSlotFromBackendPosition( iPosition );
if ( iSlot >= 0 && iSlot < LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT ) { Assert( GetInventoryItemByGlobalIndex(pItem->GetGlobalIndex()) );
// This may be an invalid slot for the item, but CCSPlayerInventory::InventoryReceived()
// will have detected that and sent off a request already to move it. The response
// to that will clear this loadout slot.
m_LoadoutItems[iSlot] = pItem->GetGlobalIndex(); } }
// Purpose:
void CCSPlayerInventoryLoadout::ItemIsBeingRemoved( CScriptCreatedItem *pItem ) { // Now that we have all our items, set up out loadout pointers
uint32 iPosition = pItem->GetInventoryPosition(); int iSlot = ExtractBagSlotFromBackendPosition( iPosition );
if ( iSlot >= 0 && iSlot < LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT ) { m_LoadoutItems[iSlot] = LOADOUT_SLOT_USE_BASE_ITEM; } }
// Purpose:
void CCSPlayerInventoryLoadout::DumpInventoryToConsole( bool bRoot ) { if ( bRoot ) { Msg("========================================\n"); #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
Msg("(CLIENT) Inventory:\n"); #else
Msg("(SERVER) Inventory for account (%d):\n", m_OwnerID.GetAccountID() ); #endif
Msg("Loadout for Class: %s (%d)\n", g_aPlayerClassNames_NonLocalized[GetLoadoutClass()], GetLoadoutClass() );
BaseClass::DumpInventoryToConsole( false );
if ( GetItemCount() > 0 ) { Msg(" LOADOUT:\n"); for ( int i = 0; i < LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT; i++ ) { Msg(" Slot %d: ", i );
if ( m_LoadoutItems[i] != LOADOUT_SLOT_USE_BASE_ITEM ) { CScriptCreatedItem *pItem = GetInventoryItemByGlobalIndex( m_LoadoutItems[i] ); char tempstr[1024]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( pItem->GetItemName(), tempstr, sizeof(tempstr) ); Msg("%s (ID %I64d)\n", tempstr, pItem->GetGlobalIndex() ); } else { Msg("\n"); } } } } #endif
#if 0
// Purpose:
CCSPlayerInventoryBackpack::CCSPlayerInventoryBackpack( void ) { SetBag( BAG_BACKPACK ); m_iPredictedEmptySlot = 1; }
// Purpose:
void CCSPlayerInventoryBackpack::ItemHasBeenUpdated( CScriptCreatedItem *pItem ) { BaseClass::ItemHasBeenUpdated( pItem );
// Now that we have all our items, set up out loadout pointers
uint32 iPosition = pItem->GetInventoryPosition(); int iSlot = ExtractBagSlotFromBackendPosition( iPosition );
if ( iSlot == m_iPredictedEmptySlot ) { CalculateNextEmptySlot(); } }
// Purpose:
void CCSPlayerInventoryBackpack::CalculateNextEmptySlot( void ) { // Move forward looking for the first slot that doesn't have an item in it.
// We start from our current slot and only move forward, so we don't run into the problem of
// choosing a slot that's probably got another item in the process of being moved into it.
do { m_iPredictedEmptySlot++;
if ( !GetItemByPosition( GetBackendPositionFor(BAG_BACKPACK, m_iPredictedEmptySlot)) ) break; } while ( m_iPredictedEmptySlot < 1000 ); }
// Purpose: Tries to move the specified item into the player's backpack.
// FAILS if the backpack is full. Returns false in that case.
bool CCSPlayerInventoryBackpack::MoveItemToBackpack( globalindex_t iGlobalIndex ) { Warning("Moved item %I64d to backpack slot: %d\n", iGlobalIndex, m_iPredictedEmptySlot );
Assert( GetItemByPosition(GetBackendPositionFor(BAG_BACKPACK, m_iPredictedEmptySlot)) == NULL );
// Move to our current predicted empty slot, and then try to find the next slot.
SteamUserItems()->UpdateInventoryPos( iGlobalIndex, GetBackendPositionFor(BAG_BACKPACK, m_iPredictedEmptySlot) ); CalculateNextEmptySlot(); return true; } #endif
// WTF: Declaring this inline caused a compiler bug.
CCSPlayerInventory *CCSInventoryManager::GetLocalCSInventory( void ) { return &m_LocalInventory; } #endif
#ifdef _DEBUG
#if defined(CLIENT_DLL)
CON_COMMAND_F( item_dumpinv, "Dumps the contents of a specified client inventory. Format: item_dumpinv <bag index>", FCVAR_CHEAT ) #else
CON_COMMAND_F( item_dumpinv_sv, "Dumps the contents of a specified server inventory. Format: item_dumpinv_sv <bag index>", FCVAR_CHEAT ) #endif
{ int iBag = ( args.ArgC() > 1 ) ? atoi(args[1]) : BAG_ALL_ITEMS; #if defined(CLIENT_DLL)
CSteamID steamID = steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID(); #else
CSteamID steamID; CCSPlayer *pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( UTIL_GetCommandClient() ); pPlayer->GetSteamID( &steamID ); #endif
CPlayerInventory *pInventory = CSInventoryManager()->GetBagForPlayer( steamID, (inventory_bags_t)iBag ); if ( !pInventory ) { Msg("No inventory for bag %d\n", iBag); return; }
pInventory->DumpInventoryToConsole( true ); } #endif