// ParticleBrowser.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ParticleBrowser.h"
#include "matsys_controls/particlepicker.h"
#include "matsys_controls/matsyscontrols.h"
#include "vgui_controls/TextEntry.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Splitter.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Button.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "vgui/KeyCode.h"
#include "texturesystem.h"
#include "HammerVGui.h"
static LPCTSTR pszIniSection = "Particle Browser";
// CParticleBrowser dialog
class CParticleBrowserPanel : public vgui::EditablePanel { public: CParticleBrowserPanel( CParticleBrowser *pBrowser, const char *panelName, vgui::HScheme hScheme ) : vgui::EditablePanel( NULL, panelName, hScheme ) { m_pBrowser = pBrowser; }
virtual void OnSizeChanged(int newWide, int newTall) { // call Panel and not EditablePanel OnSizeChanged.
Panel::OnSizeChanged(newWide, newTall); }
virtual void OnCommand( const char *pCommand ) { if ( Q_strcmp( pCommand, "OK" ) == 0 ) { m_pBrowser->EndDialog( IDOK ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( pCommand, "Cancel" ) == 0 ) { m_pBrowser->EndDialog( IDCANCEL ); } }
virtual void OnKeyCodeTyped(vgui::KeyCode code) { vgui::EditablePanel::OnKeyCodeTyped( code );
if ( code == KEY_ENTER ) { m_pBrowser->EndDialog( IDOK ); } else if ( code == KEY_ESCAPE ) { m_pBrowser->EndDialog( IDCANCEL ); } }
virtual void OnMessage(const KeyValues *params, vgui::VPANEL ifromPanel) { vgui::EditablePanel::OnMessage( params, ifromPanel ); if ( Q_strcmp( params->GetName(), "ParticleSystemSelectionChanged" ) == 0 ) { m_pBrowser->UpdateStatusLine(); } }
CParticleBrowser *m_pBrowser; };
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CParticleBrowser, CDialog) CParticleBrowser::CParticleBrowser(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CParticleBrowser::IDD, pParent) { m_pPicker = new CParticlePicker( NULL ); m_pStatusLine = new vgui::TextEntry( NULL, "StatusLine" );
m_pButtonOK = new vgui::Button( NULL, "OpenButton", "OK" ); m_pButtonCancel = new vgui::Button( NULL, "CancelButton", "Cancel" ); }
CParticleBrowser::~CParticleBrowser() { // CDialog isn't going to clean up its vgui children
delete m_pPicker; delete m_pStatusLine; delete m_pButtonOK; delete m_pButtonCancel; }
void CParticleBrowser::SetParticleSysName( const char *pParticleSysName ) { char pTempName[255]; strcpy( pTempName, pParticleSysName );
char * pSelectedParticleSys = strchr( pTempName, '/' ); if( pSelectedParticleSys) { pSelectedParticleSys += 1; Q_FixSlashes( pSelectedParticleSys, '\\' ); }
m_pPicker->SelectParticleSys( pParticleSysName ); m_pPicker->SetInitialSelection( pSelectedParticleSys ); m_pStatusLine->SetText( pParticleSysName ); }
void CParticleBrowser::GetParticleSysName( char *pParticleName, int length ) { m_pPicker->GetSelectedParticleSysName( pParticleName, length );
Q_FixSlashes( pParticleName, '/' ); }
void CParticleBrowser::UpdateStatusLine() { char szParticle[1024];
m_pPicker->GetSelectedParticleSysName( szParticle, sizeof(szParticle) );
m_pStatusLine->SetText( szParticle ); }
void CParticleBrowser::SaveLoadSettings( bool bSave ) { CString str; CRect rect; CWinApp *pApp = AfxGetApp();
if ( bSave ) { GetWindowRect(rect); str.Format("%d %d %d %d", rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom); pApp->WriteProfileString(pszIniSection, "Position", str); pApp->WriteProfileString(pszIniSection, "Filter", m_pPicker->GetFilter() ); } else { str = pApp->GetProfileString(pszIniSection, "Position");
if (!str.IsEmpty()) { sscanf(str, "%d %d %d %d", &rect.left, &rect.top, &rect.right, &rect.bottom); MoveWindow(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top, FALSE); Resize(); }
str = pApp->GetProfileString(pszIniSection, "Filter");
if (!str.IsEmpty()) { m_pPicker->SetFilter( str ); } } }
void CParticleBrowser::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); }
void CParticleBrowser::Resize() { // reposition controls
CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect);
m_VGuiWindow.MoveWindow( rect );
m_pPicker->SetBounds( 0,0, rect.Width(), rect.Height() - 32 ); m_pButtonCancel->SetPos( 8, rect.Height() - 30 ); m_pButtonOK->SetPos( 84, rect.Height() - 30 ); m_pStatusLine->SetBounds( 160, rect.Height() - 30, max( 100, rect.Width() - 166 ), 24 ); }
void CParticleBrowser::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { if (nType == SIZE_MINIMIZED || !IsWindow(m_VGuiWindow.m_hWnd) ) { CDialog::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); return; }
CDialog::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); }
BOOL CParticleBrowser::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) { return TRUE; }
BOOL CParticleBrowser::PreTranslateMessage( MSG* pMsg ) { // don't filter dialog message
return CWnd::PreTranslateMessage( pMsg ); }
BOOL CParticleBrowser::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog();
m_VGuiWindow.Create( NULL, _T("ParticleViewer"), WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD, CRect(0,0,100,100), this, IDD_PARTICLE_BROWSER );
vgui::EditablePanel *pMainPanel = new CParticleBrowserPanel( this, "ParticleBrowerPanel", HammerVGui()->GetHammerScheme() ); m_VGuiWindow.SetParentWindow( &m_VGuiWindow ); m_VGuiWindow.SetMainPanel( pMainPanel ); pMainPanel->MakePopup( false, false ); m_VGuiWindow.SetRepaintInterval( 75 ); m_pPicker->SetParent( pMainPanel ); m_pPicker->AddActionSignalTarget( pMainPanel );
m_pButtonOK->SetParent( pMainPanel ); m_pButtonOK->AddActionSignalTarget( pMainPanel ); m_pButtonOK->SetCommand( "OK" );
m_pButtonCancel->SetParent( pMainPanel ); m_pButtonCancel->AddActionSignalTarget( pMainPanel ); m_pButtonCancel->SetCommand( "Cancel" );
m_pStatusLine->SetParent( pMainPanel ); m_pStatusLine->SetEditable( false ); SaveLoadSettings( false ); // load
return TRUE; }
void CParticleBrowser::OnDestroy() { SaveLoadSettings( true ); // save
// model browser destoys our default cube map, reload it
CDialog::OnDestroy(); }
void CParticleBrowser::Show() { if (m_pPicker) { m_pPicker->SetVisible( true ); } if (m_pStatusLine) m_pStatusLine->SetVisible( true ); if (m_pButtonOK) m_pButtonOK->SetVisible( true ); if (m_pButtonCancel) m_pButtonCancel->SetVisible( true );
} void CParticleBrowser::Hide() { if (m_pPicker) m_pPicker->SetVisible( false );
if (m_pStatusLine) m_pStatusLine->SetVisible( false );
if (m_pButtonOK) m_pButtonOK->SetVisible( false );
if (m_pButtonCancel) m_pButtonCancel->SetVisible( false ); }