//========= Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifndef _X360
#include "platform.h"
// HACK: Need ShellExecute for PSD updates
#include <windows.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#pragma comment ( lib, "shell32" )
#include "shaderapi/ishaderapi.h"
#include "materialsystem_global.h"
#include "itextureinternal.h"
#include "utlsymbol.h"
#include "time.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "bitmap/imageformat.h"
#include "bitmap/tgaloader.h"
#include "bitmap/tgawriter.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "direct.h"
#include "colorspace.h"
#include "string.h"
#ifndef _PS3
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "utlmemory.h"
#include "IHardwareConfigInternal.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "vtf/vtf.h"
#include "materialsystem/materialsystem_config.h"
#include "mempool.h"
#include "texturemanager.h"
#include "utlbuffer.h"
#include "pixelwriter.h"
#include "tier1/callqueue.h"
#include "tier1/UtlStringMap.h"
#include "filesystem/IQueuedLoader.h"
#include "tier2/fileutils.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "tier2/p4helpers.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "p4lib/ip4.h"
#include "ctype.h"
#include "ifilelist.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#ifndef _PS3
#include "cmaterialsystem.h"
// NOTE: This must be the last file included!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// this allows the command line to force the "all mips" flag to on for all textures
bool g_bForceTextureAllMips = false;
ConVar mat_spewalloc( "mat_spewalloc", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
ConVar mat_exclude_async_update( "mat_exclude_async_update", "1" );
extern CMaterialSystem g_MaterialSystem;
// Internal texture flags
enum InternalTextureFlags { TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_ERROR = 0x00000001, TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_ALLOCATED = 0x00000002, TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_PRELOADED = 0x00000004, // CONSOLE: textures that went through the preload process
TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_QUEUEDLOAD = 0x00000008, // CONSOLE: load using the queued loader
TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_EXCLUDED = 0x00000020, // actual exclusion state
TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDEXCLUDE = 0x00000040, // desired exclusion state
TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_TEMPRENDERTARGET = 0x00000080, // 360: should only allocate texture bits upon first resolve, destroy at level end
TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_CACHEABLE = 0x00000100, // 360: candidate for cacheing
TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_REDUCED = 0x00000200, // CONSOLE: true dimensions forced smaller (i.e. exclusion)
TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_TEMPEXCLUDED = 0x00000400, // actual temporary exclusion state
TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDTEMPEXCLUDE = 0x00000800, // desired temporary exclusion state
TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_TEMPEXCLUDE_UPDATE = 0x00001000, // private state bit used by temp exclusions
TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_FORCED_TO_EXCLUDE = 0x00002000, // private state bit used to track/undo an artifical exclusion
TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_ASYNC_DONE = 0x00004000, // async download for texture is done
// Use Warning to show texture flags.
static void PrintFlags( unsigned int flags ) { if ( flags & TEXTUREFLAGS_NOMIP ) { Warning( "TEXTUREFLAGS_NOMIP|" ); } if ( flags & TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD ) { Warning( "TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD|" ); } if ( flags & TEXTUREFLAGS_POINTSAMPLE ) { Warning( "TEXTUREFLAGS_POINTSAMPLE|" ); } if ( flags & TEXTUREFLAGS_TRILINEAR ) { Warning( "TEXTUREFLAGS_TRILINEAR|" ); } if ( flags & TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPS ) { Warning( "TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPS|" ); } if ( flags & TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPT ) { Warning( "TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPT|" ); } if ( flags & TEXTUREFLAGS_HINT_DXT5 ) { Warning( "TEXTUREFLAGS_HINT_DXT5|" ); } if ( flags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ANISOTROPIC ) { Warning( "TEXTUREFLAGS_ANISOTROPIC|" ); } if ( flags & TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL ) { Warning( "TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL|" ); } if ( flags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ALL_MIPS ) { Warning( "TEXTUREFLAGS_ALL_MIPS|" ); } if ( flags & TEXTUREFLAGS_MOST_MIPS ) { Warning( "TEXTUREFLAGS_MOST_MIPS|" ); } if ( flags & TEXTUREFLAGS_SINGLECOPY ) { Warning( "TEXTUREFLAGS_SINGLECOPY|" ); } }
namespace TextureLodOverride { struct OverrideInfo { OverrideInfo() : x( 0 ), y( 0 ) {} OverrideInfo( int8 x_, int8 y_ ) : x( x_ ), y( y_ ) {} int8 x, y; };
// Override map
typedef CUtlStringMap< OverrideInfo > OverrideMap_t; OverrideMap_t s_OverrideMap;
// Retrieves the override info adjustments
OverrideInfo Get( char const *szName ) { UtlSymId_t idx = s_OverrideMap.Find( szName ); if ( idx != s_OverrideMap.InvalidIndex() ) return s_OverrideMap[ idx ]; else return OverrideInfo(); }
// Combines the existing override info adjustments with the given one
void Add( char const *szName, OverrideInfo oi ) { OverrideInfo oiex = Get( szName ); oiex.x += oi.x; oiex.y += oi.y; s_OverrideMap[ szName ] = oiex; }
}; // end namespace TextureLodOverride
namespace TextureLodExclude { typedef CUtlStringMap< int > ExcludeMap_t; ExcludeMap_t s_ExcludeMap;
int Get( char const *szName ) { UtlSymId_t idx = s_ExcludeMap.Find( szName ); if ( idx != s_ExcludeMap.InvalidIndex() ) { return s_ExcludeMap[ idx ]; } else { return -1; } }
void Add( char const *szName, int iOverride ) { UtlSymId_t idx = s_ExcludeMap.Find( szName ); if ( idx != s_ExcludeMap.InvalidIndex() ) { int &x = s_ExcludeMap[ idx ]; x = iOverride; } else { s_ExcludeMap[ szName ] = iOverride; } } }; // end namespace TextureLodExclude
// Base texture class
class CTexture : public ITextureInternal { public: CTexture(); virtual ~CTexture();
virtual const char *GetName( void ) const; const char *GetTextureGroupName( void ) const;
// Stats about the texture itself
virtual ImageFormat GetImageFormat() const; virtual int GetMappingWidth() const; virtual int GetMappingHeight() const; virtual int GetActualWidth() const; virtual int GetActualHeight() const; virtual int GetNumAnimationFrames() const; virtual bool IsTranslucent() const; virtual void GetReflectivity( Vector& reflectivity );
// Reference counting
virtual void IncrementReferenceCount( ); virtual void DecrementReferenceCount( ); virtual int GetReferenceCount() const;
// Used to modify the texture bits (procedural textures only)
virtual void SetTextureRegenerator( ITextureRegenerator *pTextureRegen, bool releaseExisting = true );
// Little helper polling methods
virtual bool IsNormalMap( ) const; virtual bool IsCubeMap( void ) const; virtual bool IsRenderTarget( ) const; virtual bool IsTempRenderTarget( void ) const; virtual bool IsProcedural() const; virtual bool IsMipmapped() const; virtual bool IsError() const; virtual bool IsDefaultPool() const;
// For volume textures
virtual bool IsVolumeTexture() const; virtual int GetMappingDepth() const; virtual int GetActualDepth() const;
// Various ways of initializing the texture
void InitFileTexture( const char *pTextureFile, const char *pTextureGroupName ); void InitProceduralTexture( const char *pTextureName, const char *pTextureGroupName, int w, int h, int d, ImageFormat fmt, int nFlags );
// Releases the texture's hw memory
void Release();
virtual void OnRestore();
// Sets the filtering modes on the texture we're modifying
void SetFilteringAndClampingMode(); void Download( Rect_t *pRect = NULL, int nAdditionalCreationFlags = 0 );
// Loads up information about the texture
virtual void Precache();
// FIXME: Bogus methods... can we please delete these?
virtual void GetLowResColorSample( float s, float t, float *color ) const;
// Gets texture resource data of the specified type.
// Params:
// eDataType type of resource to retrieve.
// pnumBytes on return is the number of bytes available in the read-only data buffer or is undefined
// Returns:
// pointer to the resource data, or NULL. Note that the data from this pointer can disappear when
// the texture goes away - you want to copy this data!
virtual void *GetResourceData( uint32 eDataType, size_t *pNumBytes ) const;
virtual int GetApproximateVidMemBytes( void ) const;
// Stretch blit the framebuffer into this texture.
virtual void CopyFrameBufferToMe( int nRenderTargetID = 0, Rect_t *pSrcRect = NULL, Rect_t *pDstRect = NULL ); virtual void CopyMeToFrameBuffer( int nRenderTargetID = 0, Rect_t *pSrcRect = NULL, Rect_t *pDstRect = NULL );
virtual ITexture *GetEmbeddedTexture( int nIndex );
// Get the shaderapi texture handle associated w/ a particular frame
virtual ShaderAPITextureHandle_t GetTextureHandle( int nFrame, int nChannel = 0 );
// Sets the texture as the render target
virtual void Bind( Sampler_t sampler, TextureBindFlags_t nBindFlags ); virtual void Bind( Sampler_t sampler1, TextureBindFlags_t nBindFlags, int nFrame, Sampler_t sampler2 = SHADER_SAMPLER_INVALID ); virtual void BindVertexTexture( VertexTextureSampler_t stage, int nFrame );
// Set this texture as a render target
bool SetRenderTarget( int nRenderTargetID );
// Set this texture as a render target (optionally set depth texture as depth buffer as well)
bool SetRenderTarget( int nRenderTargetID, ITexture *pDepthTexture);
virtual void MarkAsPreloaded( bool bSet ); virtual bool IsPreloaded() const;
virtual void MarkAsExcluded( bool bSet, int nDimensionsLimit, bool bMarkAsTrumpedExclude ); virtual bool UpdateExcludedState();
// Retrieve the vtf flags mask
virtual unsigned int GetFlags( void ) const;
virtual void ForceLODOverride( int iNumLodsOverrideUpOrDown ); virtual void ForceExcludeOverride( int iExcludeOverride );
//this isn't a MultiRenderTarget texture, do nothing
virtual void AddDownsizedSubTarget( const char *pName, int iDownsizePow2, MaterialRenderTargetDepth_t depth ) {} virtual void SetActiveSubTarget( const char *pName ) {}
void GetFilename( char *pOut, int maxLen ) const; virtual void ReloadFilesInList( IFileList *pFilesToReload );
#ifdef _PS3
virtual void Ps3gcmRawBufferAlias( char const *pRTName ); #endif
virtual bool MarkAsTempExcluded( bool bSet, int nExcludedDimensionLimit );
virtual bool IsTempExcluded() const; virtual bool CanBeTempExcluded() const;
virtual bool FinishAsyncDownload( AsyncTextureContext_t *pContext, void *pData, int nNumReadBytes, bool bAbort, float flMaxTimeMs );
virtual bool IsForceExcluded() const; virtual bool ClearForceExclusion();
virtual bool IsAsyncDone() const;
protected: bool IsDepthTextureFormat( ImageFormat fmt ); void ReconstructTexture( void *pSourceData = NULL, int nSourceDataSize = 0 ); void ReconstructPartialTexture( const Rect_t *pRect ); bool HasBeenAllocated() const; void WriteDataToShaderAPITexture( int nFrameCount, int nFaceCount, int nFirstFace, int nMipCount, IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture, ImageFormat fmt );
// Initializes/shuts down the texture
void Init( int w, int h, int d, ImageFormat fmt, int iFlags, int iFrameCount ); void Shutdown();
// Sets the texture name
void SetName( const char* pName );
// Assigns/releases texture IDs for our animation frames
void AllocateTextureHandles(); void ReleaseTextureHandles();
// Calculates info about whether we can make the texture smaller and by how much
// Returns the number of skipped mip levels
int ComputeActualSize( bool bIgnorePicmip = false, IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = NULL );
// Computes the actual format of the texture given a desired src format
ImageFormat ComputeActualFormat( ImageFormat srcFormat );
// Compute the actual mip count based on the actual size
int ComputeActualMipCount( ) const;
// Creates/releases the shader api texture
virtual bool AllocateShaderAPITextures(); virtual void FreeShaderAPITextures();
// Download bits
void DownloadTexture( Rect_t *pRect, void *pSourceData = NULL, int nSourceDataSize = 0 ); bool DownloadAsyncTexture( AsyncTextureContext_t *pContext, void *pSourceData, int nSourceDataSize, float flMaxTimeMs ); void ReconstructTextureBits( Rect_t *pRect );
// Gets us modifying a particular frame of our texture
void Modify( int iFrame );
// Sets the texture clamping state on the currently modified frame
void SetWrapState( );
// Sets the texture filtering state on the currently modified frame
void SetFilterState();
// Loads the texture bits from a file. Optionally provides absolute path
IVTFTexture *LoadTexttureBitsFromFileOrData( void *pSourceData, int nSourceDataSize, char **pResolvedFilename ); IVTFTexture *LoadTextureBitsFromFile( char *pCacheFileName, char **pResolvedFilename ); IVTFTexture *LoadTextureBitsFromData( char *pCacheFileName, void *pSourceData, int nSourceDataSize ); IVTFTexture *HandleFileLoadFailedTexture( IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture );
// Generates the procedural bits
IVTFTexture *ReconstructProceduralBits( ); IVTFTexture *ReconstructPartialProceduralBits( const Rect_t *pRect, Rect_t *pActualRect );
// Sets up debugging texture bits, if appropriate
bool SetupDebuggingTextures( IVTFTexture *pTexture );
// Generate a texture that shows the various mip levels
void GenerateShowMipLevelsTextures( IVTFTexture *pTexture );
// Generate a RGBA 128 128 128 255 gray texture
void GenerateGrayTexture( IVTFTexture *pTexture );
void Cleanup( void );
// Converts a source image read from disk into its actual format
bool ConvertToActualFormat( IVTFTexture *pTexture );
// Builds the low-res image from the texture
void LoadLowResTexture( IVTFTexture *pTexture ); void CopyLowResImageToTexture( IVTFTexture *pTexture ); void GetDownloadFaceCount( int &nFirstFace, int &nFaceCount ); void ComputeMipLevelSubRect( const Rect_t* pSrcRect, int nMipLevel, Rect_t *pSubRect );
IVTFTexture *GetScratchVTFTexture(); IVTFTexture *GetScratchVTFAsyncTexture();
int GetOptimalReadBuffer( FileHandle_t hFile, int nFileSize, CUtlBuffer &optimalBuffer ); void FreeOptimalReadBuffer( int nMaxSize );
void ApplyRenderTargetSizeMode( int &width, int &height, ImageFormat fmt );
virtual bool IsMultiRenderTarget( void ) { return false; }
void LoadResourceData( IVTFTexture *pTexture ); void FreeResourceData();
protected: #ifdef _DEBUG
char *m_pDebugName; #endif
// Reflectivity vector
Vector m_vecReflectivity;
CUtlSymbol m_Name;
CUtlSymbol m_ExcludedResolvedFileName; CUtlSymbol m_ResolvedFileName; FSAsyncControl_t m_hAsyncControl;
// What texture group this texture is in (winds up setting counters based on the group name,
// then the budget panel views the counters).
CUtlSymbol m_TextureGroupName;
unsigned int m_nFlags; unsigned int m_nInternalFlags;
CInterlockedInt m_nRefCount;
// This is the *desired* image format, which may or may not represent reality
ImageFormat m_ImageFormat;
// mappingWidth/Height and actualWidth/Height only differ
// if g_config.skipMipLevels != 0, or if the card has a hard limit
// on the maximum texture size
// This is the iWidth/iHeight for the data that m_pImageData points to.
unsigned short m_nMappingWidth; unsigned short m_nMappingHeight; unsigned short m_nMappingDepth;
// This is the iWidth/iHeight for whatever is downloaded to the card.
unsigned short m_nActualWidth; // needed for procedural
unsigned short m_nActualHeight; // needed for procedural
unsigned short m_nActualDepth;
unsigned short m_nActualMipCount; // Mip count when it's actually used
unsigned short m_nFrameCount;
unsigned short m_nOriginalRTWidth; // The values they initially specified. We generated a different width
unsigned short m_nOriginalRTHeight; // and height based on screen size and the flags they specify.
unsigned char m_LowResImageWidth; unsigned char m_LowResImageHeight;
short m_nDesiredDimensionLimit; // part of texture exclusion
short m_nDesiredTempDimensionLimit; short m_nActualDimensionLimit; // value not necessarily accurate, but mismatch denotes dirty state
unsigned short m_nMipSkipCount;
// The set of texture ids for each animation frame
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t *m_pTextureHandles;
// a temporary copy of the texture handles used to support the temporary exclude feature
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t *m_pTempTextureHandles;
// lowresimage info - used for getting color data from a texture
// without having a huge system mem overhead.
// FIXME: We should keep this in compressed form. .is currently decompressed at load time.
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
unsigned char *m_pLowResImage; #else
unsigned char m_LowResImageSample[4]; #endif
ITextureRegenerator *m_pTextureRegenerator;
// Used to help decide whether or not to recreate the render target if AA changes.
RenderTargetType_t m_nOriginalRenderTargetType; RenderTargetSizeMode_t m_RenderTargetSizeMode;
// Fixed-size allocator
public: void InitRenderTarget( const char *pRTName, int w, int h, RenderTargetSizeMode_t sizeMode, ImageFormat fmt, RenderTargetType_t type, unsigned int textureFlags, unsigned int renderTargetFlags ); virtual void DeleteIfUnreferenced();
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
virtual bool ClearTexture( int r, int g, int b, int a ); #endif
#if defined( _X360 )
virtual bool CreateRenderTargetSurface( int width, int height, ImageFormat format, bool bSameAsTexture, RTMultiSampleCount360_t multiSampleCount = RT_MULTISAMPLE_NONE ); #endif
void FixupTexture( const void *pData, int nSize, LoaderError_t loaderError );
void SwapContents( ITexture *pOther );
protected: // private data, generally from VTF resource extensions
struct DataChunk { void Allocate( unsigned int numBytes ) { m_pvData = new unsigned char[ numBytes ]; m_numBytes = numBytes; } void Deallocate() const { delete [] m_pvData; } unsigned int m_eType; unsigned int m_numBytes; unsigned char *m_pvData; }; CUtlVector< DataChunk > m_arrDataChunks;
private: bool ScheduleExcludeAsyncDownload(); bool ScheduleAsyncDownload(); };
//a render target that is actually multiple textures that can be swapped out depending on the situation. Mostly to support recursive water in portal
class CTexture_MultipleRenderTarget : public CTexture { public: typedef CTexture BaseClass;
CTexture_MultipleRenderTarget() : m_nActiveTarget( -1 ), m_nQueuedActiveTarget( -1 ) {
virtual void Bind( Sampler_t sampler, TextureBindFlags_t nBindFlags ) { Assert( materials->GetRenderContext()->GetCallQueue() == NULL ); Assert( m_nActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count() );
if( m_nActiveTarget < 0 ) return BaseClass::Bind( sampler, nBindFlags ); if( m_nActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count() ) { g_pShaderAPI->BindTexture( sampler, nBindFlags, m_Targets[m_nActiveTarget].handle ); } else { g_pShaderAPI->BindTexture( sampler, nBindFlags, INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE ); } }
virtual void Bind( Sampler_t sampler1, TextureBindFlags_t nBindFlags, int nFrame, Sampler_t sampler2 = SHADER_SAMPLER_INVALID ) { Assert( materials->GetRenderContext()->GetCallQueue() == NULL ); Assert( m_nActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count() ); if( m_nActiveTarget < 0 ) return BaseClass::Bind( sampler1, nBindFlags, nFrame, sampler2 );
if ( g_pShaderDevice->IsUsingGraphics() ) { if( m_nActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count() ) { g_pShaderAPI->BindTexture( sampler1, nBindFlags, m_Targets[m_nActiveTarget].handle ); } else { g_pShaderAPI->BindTexture( sampler1, nBindFlags, INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE ); } } }
virtual ShaderAPITextureHandle_t GetTextureHandle( int nFrame, int nTextureChannel =0 ) { Assert( materials->GetRenderContext()->GetCallQueue() == NULL ); Assert( m_nActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count() );
if( m_nActiveTarget < 0 ) return BaseClass::GetTextureHandle( nFrame, nTextureChannel );
if( m_nActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count() ) { return m_Targets[m_nActiveTarget].handle; } else { return INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE; } }
virtual void AddDownsizedSubTarget( const char *szName, int iDownsizePow2, MaterialRenderTargetDepth_t depth ) { // normalize and convert to a symbol
char szCleanName[MAX_PATH]; SubTarget_t temp; temp.name = NormalizeTextureName( szName, szCleanName, sizeof( szCleanName ) ); temp.iDownSizePow2 = iDownsizePow2; temp.handle = INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE; temp.depthHandle = INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE; temp.bHasSeparateDepth = (depth == MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_SEPARATE) || (depth == MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_ONLY);
if( IsX360() ) { if( HasBeenAllocated() ) { //need to initialize these handles now
extern int GetCreationFlags( int iTextureFlags, int iInternalTextureFlags, ImageFormat fmt ); //defined about 1000 lines down where it makes more logical sense to be
int nCreateFlags = GetCreationFlags( m_nFlags, m_nInternalFlags, m_ImageFormat );
// For depth only render target: adjust texture width/height
// Currently we just leave it the same size, will update with further testing
int nShaderApiCreateTextureDepth = ( ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET ) && ( m_nOriginalRenderTargetType == RENDER_TARGET_ONLY_DEPTH ) ) ? 1 : m_nActualDepth;
// Create all animated texture frames in a single call
g_pShaderAPI->CreateTextures( &temp.handle, 1, m_nActualWidth / iDownsizePow2, m_nActualHeight / iDownsizePow2, nShaderApiCreateTextureDepth, m_ImageFormat, m_nActualMipCount, 1, nCreateFlags, GetName(), GetTextureGroupName() );
// Create the depth render target buffer
if ( temp.bHasSeparateDepth ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT();
char debugName[128]; sprintf( debugName, "%s_ZBuffer", GetName() );
temp.depthHandle = g_pShaderAPI->CreateDepthTexture( m_ImageFormat, m_nActualWidth / iDownsizePow2, m_nActualHeight / iDownsizePow2, debugName, ( m_nOriginalRenderTargetType == RENDER_TARGET_ONLY_DEPTH ) ); }
#if defined( PLATFORM_X360 )
//if ( !( renderTargetFlags & CREATERENDERTARGETFLAGS_NOEDRAM ) )
{ // RT surface is expected at end of array
temp.surfaceHandle = g_pShaderAPI->CreateRenderTargetSurface( m_nActualWidth / iDownsizePow2, m_nActualHeight / iDownsizePow2, m_ImageFormat, RT_MULTISAMPLE_NONE, GetName(), TEXTURE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET_SURFACE ); } #endif
} } else { Assert( HasBeenAllocated() ); }
m_Targets.AddToTail( temp ); }
virtual void SetActiveSubTarget( const char *szName ) { ICallQueue *pCallQueue = materials->GetRenderContext()->GetCallQueue(); if ( pCallQueue ) { m_nQueuedActiveTarget = -1; if( szName == NULL ) { return; }
char szCleanName[MAX_PATH]; NormalizeTextureName( szName, szCleanName, sizeof( szCleanName ) );
for( int i = 0; i != m_Targets.Count(); ++i ) { if( m_Targets[i].name == szCleanName ) { m_nQueuedActiveTarget = i; break; } }
pCallQueue->QueueCall( this, &CTexture_MultipleRenderTarget::SetActiveSubTarget, szName ); return; } else { m_nActiveTarget = -1; if( szName == NULL ) { return; }
char szCleanName[MAX_PATH]; NormalizeTextureName( szName, szCleanName, sizeof( szCleanName ) ); for( int i = 0; i != m_Targets.Count(); ++i ) { if( m_Targets[i].name == szCleanName ) { m_nActiveTarget = i; break; } } } }
virtual int GetActualWidth() const { int iDownSize = 1; ICallQueue *pCallQueue = materials->GetRenderContext()->GetCallQueue(); if ( pCallQueue ) { Assert( m_nQueuedActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count() ); if( (m_nQueuedActiveTarget >= 0) && (m_nQueuedActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count()) ) { iDownSize = m_Targets[m_nQueuedActiveTarget].iDownSizePow2; } } else { Assert( m_nActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count() ); if( (m_nActiveTarget >= 0) && (m_nActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count()) ) { iDownSize = m_Targets[m_nActiveTarget].iDownSizePow2; } }
return BaseClass::GetActualWidth() / iDownSize; }
virtual int GetActualHeight() const { int iDownSize = 1;
ICallQueue *pCallQueue = materials->GetRenderContext()->GetCallQueue(); if ( pCallQueue ) { Assert( m_nQueuedActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count() ); if( (m_nQueuedActiveTarget >= 0) && (m_nQueuedActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count()) ) { iDownSize = m_Targets[m_nQueuedActiveTarget].iDownSizePow2; } } else { Assert( m_nActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count() ); if( (m_nActiveTarget >= 0) && (m_nActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count()) ) { iDownSize = m_Targets[m_nActiveTarget].iDownSizePow2; } }
return BaseClass::GetActualHeight() / iDownSize; }
virtual bool AllocateShaderAPITextures() { Assert( materials->GetRenderContext()->GetCallQueue() == NULL ); Assert( !HasBeenAllocated() );
if ( !BaseClass::AllocateShaderAPITextures() ) return false;
if( m_Targets.Count() == 0 ) return true;
extern int GetCreationFlags( int iTextureFlags, int iInternalTextureFlags, ImageFormat fmt ); //defined about 1000 lines down where it makes more logical sense to be
int nCreateFlags = GetCreationFlags( m_nFlags, m_nInternalFlags, m_ImageFormat );
// For depth only render target: adjust texture width/height
// Currently we just leave it the same size, will update with further testing
int nShaderApiCreateTextureDepth = ( ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET ) && ( m_nOriginalRenderTargetType == RENDER_TARGET_ONLY_DEPTH ) ) ? 1 : m_nActualDepth;
for( int i = 0; i != m_Targets.Count(); ++i ) { // Create all animated texture frames in a single call
g_pShaderAPI->CreateTextures( &m_Targets[i].handle, 1, m_nActualWidth / m_Targets[i].iDownSizePow2, m_nActualHeight / m_Targets[i].iDownSizePow2, nShaderApiCreateTextureDepth, m_ImageFormat, m_nActualMipCount, 1, nCreateFlags, GetName(), GetTextureGroupName() );
// Create the depth render target buffer
if ( m_Targets[i].bHasSeparateDepth ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT();
char debugName[128]; sprintf( debugName, "%s_ZBuffer", GetName() );
m_Targets[i].depthHandle = g_pShaderAPI->CreateDepthTexture( m_ImageFormat, m_nActualWidth / m_Targets[i].iDownSizePow2, m_nActualHeight / m_Targets[i].iDownSizePow2, debugName, ( m_nOriginalRenderTargetType == RENDER_TARGET_ONLY_DEPTH ) ); }
#if defined( PLATFORM_X360 )
//if ( !( renderTargetFlags & CREATERENDERTARGETFLAGS_NOEDRAM ) )
{ // RT surface is expected at end of array
m_Targets[i].surfaceHandle = g_pShaderAPI->CreateRenderTargetSurface( m_nActualWidth / m_Targets[i].iDownSizePow2, m_nActualHeight / m_Targets[i].iDownSizePow2, m_ImageFormat, RT_MULTISAMPLE_NONE, GetName(), TEXTURE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET_SURFACE ); } #endif
return true; }
virtual void FreeShaderAPITextures() { Assert( materials->GetRenderContext()->GetCallQueue() == NULL ); for( int i = 0; i != m_Targets.Count(); ++i ) { if ( g_pShaderAPI->IsTexture( m_Targets[i].handle ) ) { g_pShaderAPI->DeleteTexture( m_Targets[i].handle ); m_Targets[i].handle = INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE; }
if ( g_pShaderAPI->IsTexture( m_Targets[i].depthHandle ) ) { g_pShaderAPI->DeleteTexture( m_Targets[i].depthHandle ); m_Targets[i].depthHandle = INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE; }
#if defined( PLATFORM_X360 )
if ( g_pShaderAPI->IsTexture( m_Targets[i].surfaceHandle ) ) { g_pShaderAPI->DeleteTexture( m_Targets[i].surfaceHandle ); m_Targets[i].surfaceHandle = INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE; } #endif
BaseClass::FreeShaderAPITextures(); }
// Set this texture as a render target
virtual bool SetRenderTarget( int nRenderTargetID ) { Assert( materials->GetRenderContext()->GetCallQueue() == NULL ); return SetRenderTarget( nRenderTargetID, NULL ); }
// Set this texture as a render target
// Optionally bind pDepthTexture as depth buffer
bool SetRenderTarget( int nRenderTargetID, ITexture *pDepthTexture ) { Assert( materials->GetRenderContext()->GetCallQueue() == NULL ); Assert( m_nActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count() ); if( (m_nActiveTarget < 0) || (m_nActiveTarget >= m_Targets.Count()) ) return BaseClass::SetRenderTarget( nRenderTargetID, pDepthTexture );
if ( ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET ) == 0 ) return false;
// Make sure we've actually allocated the texture handles
Assert( HasBeenAllocated() );
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle; #if !defined( PLATFORM_X360 )
{ textureHandle = m_Targets[m_nActiveTarget].handle; } #else
{ textureHandle = m_Targets[m_nActiveTarget].surfaceHandle; } #endif
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t depthTextureHandle = (unsigned int)SHADER_RENDERTARGET_DEPTHBUFFER;
if ( m_Targets[m_nActiveTarget].bHasSeparateDepth ) { depthTextureHandle = m_Targets[m_nActiveTarget].depthHandle; } else if ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_NODEPTHBUFFER ) { // GR - render target without depth buffer
depthTextureHandle = (unsigned int)SHADER_RENDERTARGET_NONE; }
if ( pDepthTexture) { depthTextureHandle = static_cast<ITextureInternal *>(pDepthTexture)->GetTextureHandle(0); }
g_pShaderAPI->SetRenderTargetEx( nRenderTargetID, textureHandle, depthTextureHandle ); return true; }
// Stretch blit the framebuffer into this texture.
virtual void CopyFrameBufferToMe( int nRenderTargetID = 0, Rect_t *pSrcRect = NULL, Rect_t *pDstRect = NULL ) { Assert( materials->GetRenderContext()->GetCallQueue() == NULL ); Assert( m_nActiveTarget < m_Targets.Count() ); if( (m_nActiveTarget < 0) || (m_nActiveTarget >= m_Targets.Count()) ) return BaseClass::CopyFrameBufferToMe( nRenderTargetID, pSrcRect, pDstRect );
Assert( m_pTextureHandles && m_nFrameCount >= 1 );
if ( IsX360() && ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_TEMPRENDERTARGET ) && !HasBeenAllocated() ) { //need to create the texture bits now
//to avoid creating the texture bits previously, we simply skipped this step
if ( !AllocateShaderAPITextures() ) return; }
if ( m_pTextureHandles && m_nFrameCount >= 1 ) { g_pShaderAPI->CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( m_Targets[m_nActiveTarget].handle, nRenderTargetID, pSrcRect, pDstRect ); } }
virtual bool IsMultiRenderTarget( void ) { return true; }
struct SubTarget_t { CUtlSymbol name; int iDownSizePow2; ShaderAPITextureHandle_t handle; ShaderAPITextureHandle_t depthHandle; #if defined( PLATFORM_X360 )
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t surfaceHandle; #endif
bool bHasSeparateDepth; };
CUtlVector< SubTarget_t > m_Targets; int m_nActiveTarget; int m_nQueuedActiveTarget; };
// CReferenceToHandleTexture is a special implementation of ITexture
// to be used solely for binding the texture handle when rendering.
// It is used when a D3D texture handle is available, but should be used
// at a higher level of abstraction requiring an ITexture or ITextureInternal.
class CReferenceToHandleTexture : public ITextureInternal { public: CReferenceToHandleTexture(); virtual ~CReferenceToHandleTexture();
virtual const char *GetName( void ) const { return m_Name.String(); } const char *GetTextureGroupName( void ) const { return m_TextureGroupName.String(); }
// Stats about the texture itself
virtual ImageFormat GetImageFormat() const { return IMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; } virtual int GetMappingWidth() const { return 1; } virtual int GetMappingHeight() const { return 1; } virtual int GetActualWidth() const { return m_nActualWidth; } virtual int GetActualHeight() const { return m_nActualHeight; } virtual int GetNumAnimationFrames() const { return 1; } virtual bool IsTranslucent() const { return false; } virtual void GetReflectivity( Vector& reflectivity ) { reflectivity.Zero(); }
// Reference counting
virtual void IncrementReferenceCount( ) { ++ m_nRefCount; } virtual void DecrementReferenceCount( ) { -- m_nRefCount; } virtual int GetReferenceCount( ) const { return m_nRefCount; }
// Used to modify the texture bits (procedural textures only)
virtual void SetTextureRegenerator( ITextureRegenerator *pTextureRegen, bool releaseExisting = true ) { NULL; }
// Little helper polling methods
virtual bool IsNormalMap( ) const { return false; } virtual bool IsCubeMap( void ) const { return false; } virtual bool IsRenderTarget( ) const { return false; } virtual bool IsTempRenderTarget( void ) const { return false; } virtual bool IsProcedural() const { return true; } virtual bool IsMipmapped() const { return false; } virtual bool IsError() const { return false; } virtual bool IsDefaultPool() const { return false; }
// For volume textures
virtual bool IsVolumeTexture() const { return false; } virtual int GetMappingDepth() const { return 1; } virtual int GetActualDepth() const { return 1; }
// Releases the texture's hw memory
void Release() { NULL; }
virtual void OnRestore() { NULL; }
// Sets the filtering modes on the texture we're modifying
void SetFilteringAndClampingMode() { NULL; } void Download( Rect_t *pRect = NULL, int nAdditionalCreationFlags = 0 ) { NULL; }
// Loads up information about the texture
virtual void Precache() { NULL; }
// FIXME: Bogus methods... can we please delete these?
virtual void GetLowResColorSample( float s, float t, float *color ) const { NULL; }
// Gets texture resource data of the specified type.
// Params:
// eDataType type of resource to retrieve.
// pnumBytes on return is the number of bytes available in the read-only data buffer or is undefined
// Returns:
// pointer to the resource data, or NULL. Note that the data from this pointer can disappear when
// the texture goes away - you want to copy this data!
virtual void *GetResourceData( uint32 eDataType, size_t *pNumBytes ) const { return NULL; }
virtual int GetApproximateVidMemBytes( void ) const { return 32; }
// Stretch blit the framebuffer into this texture.
virtual void CopyFrameBufferToMe( int nRenderTargetID = 0, Rect_t *pSrcRect = NULL, Rect_t *pDstRect = NULL ) { NULL; } virtual void CopyMeToFrameBuffer( int nRenderTargetID = 0, Rect_t *pSrcRect = NULL, Rect_t *pDstRect = NULL ) { NULL; }
virtual ITexture *GetEmbeddedTexture( int nIndex ) { return ( nIndex == 0 ) ? this : NULL; }
// Get the shaderapi texture handle associated w/ a particular frame
virtual ShaderAPITextureHandle_t GetTextureHandle( int nFrame, int nTextureChannel = 0 ) { return m_hTexture; }
// Bind the texture
virtual void Bind( Sampler_t sampler, TextureBindFlags_t nBindFlags ); virtual void Bind( Sampler_t sampler1, TextureBindFlags_t nBindFlags, int nFrame, Sampler_t sampler2 = SHADER_SAMPLER_INVALID ); virtual void BindVertexTexture( VertexTextureSampler_t stage, int nFrame );
// Set this texture as a render target
bool SetRenderTarget( int nRenderTargetID ) { return SetRenderTarget( nRenderTargetID, NULL ); }
// Set this texture as a render target (optionally set depth texture as depth buffer as well)
bool SetRenderTarget( int nRenderTargetID, ITexture *pDepthTexture) { return false; }
virtual void MarkAsPreloaded( bool bSet ) { NULL; } virtual bool IsPreloaded() const { return true; }
virtual void MarkAsExcluded( bool bSet, int nDimensionsLimit, bool bMarkAsTrumpedExclude ) { NULL; } virtual bool UpdateExcludedState() { return true; }
// Retrieve the vtf flags mask
virtual unsigned int GetFlags( void ) const { return 0; }
virtual void ForceLODOverride( int iNumLodsOverrideUpOrDown ) { NULL; } virtual void ForceExcludeOverride( int iExcludeOverride ) { NULL; };
virtual void ReloadFilesInList( IFileList *pFilesToReload ) {}
#ifdef _PS3
virtual void Ps3gcmRawBufferAlias( char const *pRTName ) {} #endif
virtual void AddDownsizedSubTarget( const char *szName, int iDownsizePow2, MaterialRenderTargetDepth_t depth ) { NULL; } virtual void SetActiveSubTarget( const char *szName ) { NULL; } virtual bool IsMultiRenderTarget( void ) { return false; }
virtual bool MarkAsTempExcluded( bool bSet, int nExcludedDimensionLimit ) { return false; }
virtual bool IsTempExcluded() const { return false; } virtual bool CanBeTempExcluded() const { return false; }
virtual bool FinishAsyncDownload( AsyncTextureContext_t *pContext, void *pData, int nNumReadBytes, bool bAbort, float flMaxTimeMs ) { return true; }
virtual bool IsForceExcluded() const { return false; } virtual bool ClearForceExclusion() { return false; }
virtual bool IsAsyncDone() const { return true; }
protected: #ifdef _DEBUG
char *m_pDebugName; #endif
CUtlSymbol m_Name;
// What texture group this texture is in (winds up setting counters based on the group name,
// then the budget panel views the counters).
CUtlSymbol m_TextureGroupName;
// The set of texture ids for each animation frame
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t m_hTexture;
// Refcount
int m_nRefCount;
int m_nActualWidth; int m_nActualHeight; int m_nActualDepth;
public: virtual void DeleteIfUnreferenced();
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
virtual bool ClearTexture( int r, int g, int b, int a ) { return false; } #endif
#if defined( _X360 )
virtual bool CreateRenderTargetSurface( int width, int height, ImageFormat format, bool bSameAsTexture, RTMultiSampleCount360_t multiSampleCount = RT_MULTISAMPLE_NONE ) { return false; } #endif
void FixupTexture( const void *pData, int nSize, LoaderError_t loaderError ) { NULL; }
void SwapContents( ITexture *pOther ) { NULL; }
public: void SetName( char const *szName ); void InitFromHandle( const char *pTextureName, const char *pTextureGroupName, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t hTexture ); };
CReferenceToHandleTexture::CReferenceToHandleTexture() : m_hTexture( INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE ), #ifdef _DEBUG
m_pDebugName( NULL ), #endif
m_nRefCount( 0 ), m_nActualWidth( 0 ), m_nActualHeight( 0 ), m_nActualDepth( 1 ) { NULL; }
CReferenceToHandleTexture::~CReferenceToHandleTexture() { #ifdef _DEBUG
if ( m_nRefCount != 0 ) { Warning( "Reference Count(%d) != 0 in ~CReferenceToHandleTexture for texture \"%s\"\n", m_nRefCount, m_Name.String() ); } if ( m_pDebugName ) { delete [] m_pDebugName; } #endif
void CReferenceToHandleTexture::SetName( char const *szName ) { // normalize and convert to a symbol
char szCleanName[MAX_PATH]; m_Name = NormalizeTextureName( szName, szCleanName, sizeof( szCleanName ) );
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( m_pDebugName ) { delete [] m_pDebugName; } int nLen = V_strlen( szCleanName ) + 1; m_pDebugName = new char[nLen]; V_memcpy( m_pDebugName, szCleanName, nLen ); #endif
void CReferenceToHandleTexture::InitFromHandle( const char *pTextureName, const char *pTextureGroupName, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t hTexture ) { SetName( pTextureName ); m_TextureGroupName = pTextureGroupName; m_hTexture = hTexture; g_pShaderAPI->GetTextureDimensions( hTexture, m_nActualWidth, m_nActualHeight, m_nActualDepth ); }
void CReferenceToHandleTexture::Bind( Sampler_t sampler, TextureBindFlags_t nBindFlags ) { if ( g_pShaderDevice->IsUsingGraphics() ) { g_pShaderAPI->BindTexture( sampler, nBindFlags, m_hTexture ); } }
void CReferenceToHandleTexture::Bind( Sampler_t sampler1, TextureBindFlags_t nBindFlags, int nFrame, Sampler_t sampler2 /* = -1 */ ) { if ( g_pShaderDevice->IsUsingGraphics() ) { g_pShaderAPI->BindTexture( sampler1, nBindFlags, m_hTexture ); } }
void CReferenceToHandleTexture::BindVertexTexture( VertexTextureSampler_t sampler, int nFrame ) { if ( g_pShaderDevice->IsUsingGraphics() ) { g_pShaderAPI->BindVertexTexture( sampler, m_hTexture ); } }
void CReferenceToHandleTexture::DeleteIfUnreferenced() { if ( m_nRefCount > 0 ) return;
TextureManager()->RemoveTexture( this ); }
// Fixed-size allocator
//DEFINE_FIXEDSIZE_ALLOCATOR( CTexture, 1024, true );
// Static instance of VTF texture
static IVTFTexture *s_pVTFTexture = NULL; static IVTFTexture *s_pVTFAsyncTexture = NULL;
static void *s_pOptimalReadBuffer = NULL; static int s_nOptimalReadBufferSize = 0;
// Class factory methods
ITextureInternal *ITextureInternal::CreateFileTexture( const char *pFileName, const char *pTextureGroupName ) { CTexture *pTex = new CTexture; pTex->InitFileTexture( pFileName, pTextureGroupName ); return pTex; }
ITextureInternal *ITextureInternal::CreateReferenceTextureFromHandle( const char *pTextureName, const char *pTextureGroupName, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t hTexture ) { CReferenceToHandleTexture *pTex = new CReferenceToHandleTexture; pTex->InitFromHandle( pTextureName, pTextureGroupName, hTexture ); return pTex; }
ITextureInternal *ITextureInternal::CreateProceduralTexture( const char *pTextureName, const char *pTextureGroupName, int w, int h, int d, ImageFormat fmt, int nFlags ) { CTexture *pTex = new CTexture; pTex->InitProceduralTexture( pTextureName, pTextureGroupName, w, h, d, fmt, nFlags ); pTex->IncrementReferenceCount(); return pTex; }
// GR - named RT
ITextureInternal *ITextureInternal::CreateRenderTarget( const char *pRTName, int w, int h, RenderTargetSizeMode_t sizeMode, ImageFormat fmt, RenderTargetType_t type, unsigned int textureFlags, unsigned int renderTargetFlags, bool bMultipleTargets ) { CTexture *pTex = bMultipleTargets ? new CTexture_MultipleRenderTarget : new CTexture; pTex->InitRenderTarget( pRTName, w, h, sizeMode, fmt, type, textureFlags, renderTargetFlags );
return pTex; }
// Rebuild and exisiting render target in place.
void ITextureInternal::ChangeRenderTarget( ITextureInternal *pTex, int w, int h, RenderTargetSizeMode_t sizeMode, ImageFormat fmt, RenderTargetType_t type, unsigned int textureFlags, unsigned int renderTargetFlags ) { pTex->Release(); dynamic_cast< CTexture * >(pTex)->InitRenderTarget( pTex->GetName(), w, h, sizeMode, fmt, type, textureFlags, renderTargetFlags ); }
void ITextureInternal::Destroy( ITextureInternal *pTex ) { delete pTex; }
// Constructor, destructor
CTexture::CTexture() : m_ImageFormat( IMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN ) { m_nActualMipCount = 0; m_nMappingWidth = 0; m_nMappingHeight = 0; m_nMappingDepth = 1; m_nActualWidth = 0; m_nActualHeight = 0; m_nActualDepth = 1; m_nRefCount = 0; m_nFlags = 0; m_nInternalFlags = 0; m_pTextureHandles = NULL; m_pTempTextureHandles = NULL; m_nFrameCount = 0; VectorClear( m_vecReflectivity ); m_pTextureRegenerator = NULL; m_nOriginalRenderTargetType = NO_RENDER_TARGET; m_RenderTargetSizeMode = RT_SIZE_NO_CHANGE; m_nOriginalRTWidth = m_nOriginalRTHeight = 1;
m_LowResImageWidth = 0; m_LowResImageHeight = 0; #if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
m_pLowResImage = NULL; #else
*(unsigned int *)m_LowResImageSample = 0; #endif
m_nDesiredDimensionLimit = 0; m_nDesiredTempDimensionLimit = 0; m_nActualDimensionLimit = 0; m_hAsyncControl = NULL;
m_nMipSkipCount = 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
m_pDebugName = NULL; #endif
CTexture::~CTexture() { #ifdef _DEBUG
if ( m_nRefCount != 0 ) { Warning( "Reference Count(%d) != 0 in ~CTexture for texture \"%s\"\n", (int)m_nRefCount, m_Name.String() ); } if ( m_pDebugName ) { delete [] m_pDebugName; } #endif
// Deliberately stomp our VTable so that we can detect cases where code tries to access freed materials.
int *p = (int *)this; *p = 0xdeadbeef; }
// Initializes the texture
void CTexture::Init( int w, int h, int d, ImageFormat fmt, int iFlags, int iFrameCount ) { Assert( iFrameCount > 0 );
// This is necessary to prevent blowing away the allocated state,
// which is necessary for the ReleaseTextureHandles call below to work.
// free and release previous data
// cannot change to new intialization parameters yet
FreeShaderAPITextures(); ReleaseTextureHandles();
// update to new initialization parameters
// these are the *desired* new values
m_nMappingWidth = w; m_nMappingHeight = h; m_nMappingDepth = d; m_ImageFormat = fmt; m_nFrameCount = iFrameCount; // We don't know the actual width and height until we get it ready to render
m_nActualWidth = m_nActualHeight = 0; m_nActualDepth = 1; m_nActualMipCount = 0; m_nFlags = iFlags; m_nMipSkipCount = 0;
AllocateTextureHandles(); }
// Shuts down the texture
void CTexture::Shutdown() { // Clean up the low-res texture
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
delete[] m_pLowResImage; m_pLowResImage = 0; #endif
// Frees the texture regen class
if ( m_pTextureRegenerator ) { m_pTextureRegenerator->Release(); m_pTextureRegenerator = NULL; }
// This deletes the textures
FreeShaderAPITextures(); ReleaseTextureHandles(); }
void CTexture::Release() { FreeShaderAPITextures(); }
IVTFTexture *CTexture::GetScratchVTFTexture() { if ( !s_pVTFTexture ) { s_pVTFTexture = CreateVTFTexture(); } return s_pVTFTexture; }
IVTFTexture *CTexture::GetScratchVTFAsyncTexture() { if (!s_pVTFAsyncTexture) { s_pVTFAsyncTexture = CreateVTFTexture(); } return s_pVTFAsyncTexture; }
// Get an optimal read buffer, persists and avoids excessive allocations
int CTexture::GetOptimalReadBuffer( FileHandle_t hFile, int nSize, CUtlBuffer &optimalBuffer ) { // get an optimal read buffer, only resize if necessary
int minSize = IsGameConsole() ? 0 : 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 360 has no min, PC uses 2MB min to avoid fragmentation
nSize = MAX(nSize, minSize); int nBytesOptimalRead = g_pFullFileSystem->GetOptimalReadSize( hFile, nSize ); if ( nBytesOptimalRead > s_nOptimalReadBufferSize ) { FreeOptimalReadBuffer( 0 );
s_nOptimalReadBufferSize = nBytesOptimalRead; s_pOptimalReadBuffer = g_pFullFileSystem->AllocOptimalReadBuffer( hFile, nSize ); if ( mat_spewalloc.GetBool() ) { Msg( "Allocated optimal read buffer of %d bytes @ 0x%p\n", s_nOptimalReadBufferSize, s_pOptimalReadBuffer ); } }
// set external buffer and reset to empty
optimalBuffer.SetExternalBuffer( s_pOptimalReadBuffer, s_nOptimalReadBufferSize, 0, CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY );
// return the optimal read size
return nBytesOptimalRead; }
// Free the optimal read buffer if it grows too large
void CTexture::FreeOptimalReadBuffer( int nMaxSize ) { if ( s_pOptimalReadBuffer && s_nOptimalReadBufferSize >= nMaxSize ) { if ( mat_spewalloc.GetBool() ) { Msg( "Freeing optimal read buffer of %d bytes @ 0x%p\n", s_nOptimalReadBufferSize, s_pOptimalReadBuffer ); } g_pFullFileSystem->FreeOptimalReadBuffer( s_pOptimalReadBuffer ); s_pOptimalReadBuffer = NULL; s_nOptimalReadBufferSize = 0; } } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Various initialization methods
void CTexture::ApplyRenderTargetSizeMode( int &width, int &height, ImageFormat fmt ) { width = m_nOriginalRTWidth; height = m_nOriginalRTHeight;
switch ( m_RenderTargetSizeMode ) { case RT_SIZE_FULL_FRAME_BUFFER: { MaterialSystem()->GetBackBufferDimensions( width, height ); } break;
case RT_SIZE_FULL_FRAME_BUFFER_ROUNDED_UP: { MaterialSystem()->GetBackBufferDimensions( width, height ); } break;
case RT_SIZE_PICMIP: { int fbWidth, fbHeight; MaterialSystem()->GetBackBufferDimensions( fbWidth, fbHeight ); int picmip = g_config.skipMipLevels; while( picmip > 0 ) { width >>= 1; height >>= 1; picmip--; }
while( width > fbWidth ) { width >>= 1; } while( height > fbHeight ) { height >>= 1; } } break;
case RT_SIZE_DEFAULT: { // Assume that the input is pow2.
Assert( ( width & ( width - 1 ) ) == 0 ); Assert( ( height & ( height - 1 ) ) == 0 ); int fbWidth, fbHeight; MaterialSystem()->GetBackBufferDimensions( fbWidth, fbHeight ); while( width > fbWidth ) { width >>= 1; } while( height > fbHeight ) { height >>= 1; } } break;
case RT_SIZE_HDR: { MaterialSystem()->GetBackBufferDimensions( width, height ); width = width / 4; height = height / 4; } break;
case RT_SIZE_OFFSCREEN: { int fbWidth, fbHeight; MaterialSystem()->GetBackBufferDimensions( fbWidth, fbHeight );
// On 360, don't do this resizing for formats related to the shadow depth texture
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
if ( !( (fmt == IMAGE_FORMAT_D16) || (fmt == IMAGE_FORMAT_D24S8) || (fmt == IMAGE_FORMAT_D24FS8) || (fmt == IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR565) || (fmt == IMAGE_FORMAT_D24X8_SHADOW) || (fmt == IMAGE_FORMAT_D16_SHADOW) ) ) #endif
{ // Shrink the buffer if it's bigger than back buffer. Otherwise, don't mess with it.
while( (width > fbWidth) || (height > fbHeight) ) { width >>= 1; height >>= 1; } }
} break;
default: { Assert( m_RenderTargetSizeMode == RT_SIZE_NO_CHANGE ); // Cannot use RT_SIZE_NO_CHANGE if they are sharing the depth buffer.
Assert( m_nOriginalRenderTargetType != RENDER_TARGET ); } break; } }
// Creates named render target texture
void CTexture::InitRenderTarget( const char *pRTName, int w, int h, RenderTargetSizeMode_t sizeMode, ImageFormat fmt, RenderTargetType_t type, unsigned int textureFlags, unsigned int renderTargetFlags ) { if ( pRTName ) { SetName( pRTName ); } else { static int id = 0; char pName[128]; Q_snprintf( pName, sizeof( pName ), "__render_target_%d", id ); ++id; SetName( pName ); }
if ( renderTargetFlags & CREATERENDERTARGETFLAGS_HDR ) { if ( HardwareConfig()->GetHDRType() == HDR_TYPE_FLOAT ) { // slam the format
fmt = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F; } }
int nFrameCount = 1;
if ( type == RENDER_TARGET_NO_DEPTH ) { nFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGS_NODEPTHBUFFER; } else if ( type == RENDER_TARGET_WITH_DEPTH || type == RENDER_TARGET_ONLY_DEPTH || g_pShaderAPI->DoRenderTargetsNeedSeparateDepthBuffer() ) { nFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET; ++nFrameCount; }
if ( IsX360() ) { // 360 RT needs its coupled surface, expected at [nFrameCount-1]
++nFrameCount; }
m_nOriginalRenderTargetType = type; m_RenderTargetSizeMode = sizeMode; m_nOriginalRTWidth = w; m_nOriginalRTHeight = h;
if ( ImageLoader::ImageFormatInfo(fmt).m_nNumAlphaBits > 1 ) { nFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGS_EIGHTBITALPHA; } else if ( ImageLoader::ImageFormatInfo(fmt).m_nNumAlphaBits == 1 ) { nFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGS_ONEBITALPHA; }
#ifdef _X360
ApplyRenderTargetSizeMode( w, h, fmt );
Init( w, h, 1, fmt, nFlags, nFrameCount ); m_TextureGroupName = TEXTURE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET; }
void CTexture::OnRestore() { // May have to change whether or not we have a depth buffer.
// Are we a render target?
if ( IsPC() && ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET ) ) { // Did they not ask for a depth buffer?
if ( m_nOriginalRenderTargetType == RENDER_TARGET ) { // But, did we force them to have one, or should we force them to have one this time around?
bool bShouldForce = g_pShaderAPI->DoRenderTargetsNeedSeparateDepthBuffer(); bool bDidForce = ((m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET) != 0); if ( bShouldForce != bDidForce ) { int nFlags = m_nFlags; int iFrameCount = m_nFrameCount; if ( bShouldForce ) { Assert( !( nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET ) ); iFrameCount = 2; nFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET; } else { Assert( ( nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET ) ); iFrameCount = 1; nFlags &= ~TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET; }
Shutdown(); int newWidth, newHeight; ApplyRenderTargetSizeMode( newWidth, newHeight, m_ImageFormat ); Init( newWidth, newHeight, 1, m_ImageFormat, nFlags, iFrameCount ); return; } }
// If we didn't recreate it up above, then we may need to resize it anyway if the framebuffer
// got smaller than we are.
int newWidth, newHeight; ApplyRenderTargetSizeMode( newWidth, newHeight, m_ImageFormat ); if ( newWidth != m_nMappingWidth || newHeight != m_nMappingHeight ) { Shutdown(); Init( newWidth, newHeight, 1, m_ImageFormat, m_nFlags, m_nFrameCount ); return; } } }
// Creates a procedural texture
void CTexture::InitProceduralTexture( const char *pTextureName, const char *pTextureGroupName, int w, int h, int d, ImageFormat fmt, int nFlags ) { // Compressed textures aren't allowed for procedural textures, except the runtime ones
Assert( !ImageLoader::IsCompressed( fmt ) || ImageLoader::IsRuntimeCompressed( fmt ) );
// We shouldn't be asking for render targets here
SetName( pTextureName );
// Eliminate flags that are inappropriate...
// Insert required flags
nFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL; int nAlphaBits = ImageLoader::ImageFormatInfo(fmt).m_nNumAlphaBits; if (nAlphaBits > 1) { nFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGS_EIGHTBITALPHA; } else if (nAlphaBits == 1) { nFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGS_ONEBITALPHA; } // Procedural textures are always one frame only
Init( w, h, d, fmt, nFlags, 1 );
m_TextureGroupName = pTextureGroupName; }
// Creates a file texture
void CTexture::InitFileTexture( const char *pTextureFile, const char *pTextureGroupName ) { // For files, we only really know about the file name
// At any time, the file contents could change, and we could have
// a different size, number of frames, etc.
SetName( pTextureFile ); m_TextureGroupName = pTextureGroupName; }
// Assigns/releases texture IDs for our animation frames
void CTexture::AllocateTextureHandles() { Assert( !m_pTextureHandles );
if ( m_nFrameCount <= 0 ) { AssertMsg( false, "CTexture::AllocateTextureHandles attempted to allocate 0 frames of texture handles!" ); Warning( "CTexture::AllocateTextureHandles \"%s\" attempted to allocate 0 frames of texture handles!", GetName() ); m_nFrameCount = 1; }
m_pTextureHandles = new ShaderAPITextureHandle_t[m_nFrameCount];
if ( m_pTextureHandles == NULL ) { MemOutOfMemory( sizeof(ShaderAPITextureHandle_t) * m_nFrameCount ); } else { for( int i = 0; i != m_nFrameCount; ++i ) { m_pTextureHandles[i] = INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE; } } }
void CTexture::ReleaseTextureHandles() { if ( m_pTextureHandles ) { delete[] m_pTextureHandles; m_pTextureHandles = NULL; } }
int GetCreationFlags( int iTextureFlags, int iInternalTextureFlags, ImageFormat fmt ) { int nCreateFlags = 0; if ( iTextureFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP ) { nCreateFlags |= TEXTURE_CREATE_CUBEMAP; }
bool bIsFloat = ( fmt == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F ) || ( fmt == IMAGE_FORMAT_R32F ) || ( fmt == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB323232F ) || ( fmt == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA32323232F ); // Don't do sRGB on floating point textures
if ( ( iTextureFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_SRGB ) && !bIsFloat ) { nCreateFlags |= TEXTURE_CREATE_SRGB; // for Posix/GL only
} if ( iTextureFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ANISOTROPIC ) { nCreateFlags |= TEXTURE_CREATE_ANISOTROPIC; // for Posix/GL only
if ( iTextureFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET ) { nCreateFlags |= TEXTURE_CREATE_RENDERTARGET; } else { // If it's not a render target, use the texture manager in dx
if ( iTextureFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_DEFAULT_POOL ) { // Needs to be created in default pool, and be marked as dynamic.
if ( IsGameConsole() ) { if ( iInternalTextureFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_QUEUEDLOAD ) { // queued load, no d3d bits until data arrival
nCreateFlags |= TEXTURE_CREATE_NOD3DMEMORY; } if ( iInternalTextureFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_REDUCED ) { // propagate this information
nCreateFlags |= TEXTURE_CREATE_REDUCED; } if ( iInternalTextureFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_ERROR ) { // propagate this information
if ( IsPS3() ) { if ( iTextureFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL ) { nCreateFlags |= TEXTURE_CREATE_DYNAMIC; } }
return nCreateFlags; }
// Creates the texture
bool CTexture::AllocateShaderAPITextures() { Assert( !HasBeenAllocated() );
if ( !g_pShaderAPI->CanDownloadTextures() ) return false;
int nCreateFlags = GetCreationFlags( m_nFlags, m_nInternalFlags, m_ImageFormat );
int nCount = m_nFrameCount; if ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET ) { // This here is simply so we can use a different call to
// create the depth texture below
// nCount must be 2 on pc/ps3, must be 3 on 360
if ( ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET ) && ( ( ( IsPC() || IsPS3() ) && (nCount == 2)) || (IsX360() && (nCount == 3)) ) ) { --nCount; } }
int nCopies = 1; if ( IsProcedural() ) { // This is sort of hacky... should we store the # of copies in the VTF?
if ( !( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_SINGLECOPY ) ) { // FIXME: That 6 there is heuristically what I came up with what I
// need to get eyes not to stall on map alyx3. We need a better way
// of determining how many copies of the texture we should store.
nCopies = 6; } }
if ( IsGameConsole() ) { if ( IsX360() && ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET ) ) { // 360 render targets allocates one additional handle for optional EDRAM surface
--nCount; m_pTextureHandles[m_nFrameCount - 1] = INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE; }
if ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_QUEUEDLOAD ) { // Artificially increment reference count (per frame) to ensure
// a queued texture stays resident until it's wholly finalized.
m_nRefCount += nCount; } } // For depth only render target: adjust texture width/height
// Currently we just leave it the same size, will update with further testing
int nShaderApiCreateTextureDepth = ( ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET ) && ( m_nOriginalRenderTargetType == RENDER_TARGET_ONLY_DEPTH ) ) ? 1 : m_nActualDepth;
if ( m_pTempTextureHandles ) { // send the prior handles (should be available) for expected reuse
nCreateFlags |= TEXTURE_CREATE_REUSEHANDLES; for ( int i = 0; i < m_nFrameCount; i++ ) { m_pTextureHandles[i] = m_pTempTextureHandles[i]; } }
// Create all animated texture frames in a single call
g_pShaderAPI->CreateTextures( m_pTextureHandles, nCount, m_nActualWidth, m_nActualHeight, nShaderApiCreateTextureDepth, m_ImageFormat, m_nActualMipCount, nCopies, nCreateFlags, GetName(), GetTextureGroupName() );
// Create the depth render target buffer
if ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); Assert( nCount == 1 );
char debugName[128]; sprintf( debugName, "%s_ZBuffer", GetName() );
bool bAliasColorAndDepthSurfaces360 = false; #ifdef _X360
bAliasColorAndDepthSurfaces360 = ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ALIAS_COLOR_AND_DEPTH_SURFACES ) != 0; #endif
m_pTextureHandles[1] = g_pShaderAPI->CreateDepthTexture( m_ImageFormat, m_nActualWidth, m_nActualHeight, debugName, ( m_nOriginalRenderTargetType == RENDER_TARGET_ONLY_DEPTH ), bAliasColorAndDepthSurfaces360 ); }
m_nInternalFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_ALLOCATED; return true; }
// Releases the texture's hardware memory
void CTexture::FreeShaderAPITextures() { if ( m_pTextureHandles && HasBeenAllocated() ) { // Release the frames
for ( int i = m_nFrameCount; --i >= 0; ) { if ( g_pShaderAPI->IsTexture( m_pTextureHandles[i] ) ) { #ifdef WIN32
Assert( _heapchk() == _HEAPOK ); #endif
g_pShaderAPI->DeleteTexture( m_pTextureHandles[i] ); m_pTextureHandles[i] = INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE; } } } m_nInternalFlags &= ~TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_ALLOCATED; }
// Computes the actual format of the texture
ImageFormat CTexture::ComputeActualFormat( ImageFormat srcFormat ) { ImageFormat dstFormat; bool bIsCompressed = ImageLoader::IsCompressed( srcFormat ); if ( g_config.bCompressedTextures && bIsCompressed ) { // for the runtime compressed formats the srcFormat won't equal the dstFormat, and we need to return srcFormat here
if ( ImageLoader::IsRuntimeCompressed( srcFormat ) ) { return srcFormat; }
// don't do anything since we are already in a compressed format.
dstFormat = g_pShaderAPI->GetNearestSupportedFormat( srcFormat ); Assert( dstFormat == srcFormat ); return dstFormat; }
if ( IsGameConsole() && ( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_A8 ) ) { // these are the right alpha formats for xbox
return IMAGE_FORMAT_A8; }
#if defined( _X360 )
if ( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_LINEAR_I8 ) { return IMAGE_FORMAT_LINEAR_I8; } #endif
// NOTE: Below this piece of code is only called when compressed textures are
// turned off, or if the source texture is not compressed.
if ( ( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_UVWQ8888 ) || ( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_UV88 ) || ( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_UVLX8888 ) ) { // Danger, this is going to blow up on the Mac. You better know what you're
// doing with these exotic formats...which were introduced in 1999
Assert( 0 ); } #endif
// to decide how many bits of alpha we need; vtex checks the alpha channel
// for all white, etc.
if( (srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_UVWQ8888) || ( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_UV88 ) || ( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_UVLX8888 ) || ( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616 ) || ( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F ) || ( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA32323232F ) || ( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_R32F ) ) { #ifdef DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION
dstFormat = g_pShaderAPI->GetNearestSupportedFormat( srcFormat, false ); // Stupid HACK!
dstFormat = g_pShaderAPI->GetNearestSupportedFormat( srcFormat, true ); // Stupid HACK!
} else if ( m_nFlags & ( TEXTUREFLAGS_EIGHTBITALPHA | TEXTUREFLAGS_ONEBITALPHA ) ) { dstFormat = g_pShaderAPI->GetNearestSupportedFormat( IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888 ); } else if ( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_I8 ) { dstFormat = g_pShaderAPI->GetNearestSupportedFormat( IMAGE_FORMAT_I8 ); } else { dstFormat = g_pShaderAPI->GetNearestSupportedFormat( IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR888 ); } return dstFormat; }
// Compute the actual mip count based on the actual size
int CTexture::ComputeActualMipCount() const { bool bForceTextureAllMips = g_bForceTextureAllMips; // Init with global set from -forceallmips on the command line
// If the current hardware doesn't support mipped cubemaps, return 1
if ( ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP ) && ( !HardwareConfig()->SupportsMipmappedCubemaps() ) ) { return 1; }
// "nomip 1" - If the artists requested no mips in the .txt file of their source art, return 1
if ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_NOMIP ) { return 1; }
// "allmips 1" - If the artists requested all mips in the .txt file of their source art, load all mips on all platforms
if ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ALL_MIPS ) { bForceTextureAllMips = true; }
// "mostmips 1" - If the artists requested most mips in the .txt file of their source art, don't load the bottom mips, ever
bool bMostMips = false; if ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_MOST_MIPS ) { bMostMips = true; }
// OpenGL - Don't ever drop mips
if ( IsOpenGL() ) { bForceTextureAllMips = true; bMostMips = false; }
// If on the PC and running a newer OS than WinXP, then don't drop mips.
// XP can crash if we run out of paged pool memory since each mip consumes ~1kb of paged pool memory.
#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
{ OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi; ZeroMemory( &osvi, sizeof( OSVERSIONINFOEX ) ); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( OSVERSIONINFOEX ); if ( GetVersionEx( ( OSVERSIONINFO * )&osvi ) ) { if ( osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 6 ) // Major version 6 is Windows Vista and Win7
{ // Windows Vista or newer, so it's safe to load all mips
bForceTextureAllMips = true; } } } #endif
if ( IsX360() ) { bForceTextureAllMips = true; }
bool bIsFlashlightTextureOnGL = false; #ifdef DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION
// Hack to only recognize the border bit (for the purposes of truncating the mip chain) on "flashlight" textures on Mac
const char *pTexName = m_Name.String(); bIsFlashlightTextureOnGL = ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_BORDER ) && V_stristr( pTexName, "flashlight" ); #endif
// If we are not loading all mips, then count the number of mips we want to load
if ( ( !IsOpenGL() && !bForceTextureAllMips ) || bMostMips || bIsFlashlightTextureOnGL ) { // Stop loading mips when width or height is < 32
int nMaxMipSize = 32; // Default for windows XP
if ( IsPS3() ) { nMaxMipSize = 4; }
if ( bMostMips ) { // !!! This overrides all other settings !!!
nMaxMipSize = 32; }
int nNumMipLevels = 1; int h = m_nActualWidth; int w = m_nActualHeight; while ( MIN( w, h ) > nMaxMipSize ) { nNumMipLevels++; w >>= 1; h >>= 1; } return nNumMipLevels; } else { // Load all mips
return ImageLoader::GetNumMipMapLevels( m_nActualWidth, m_nActualHeight, m_nActualDepth ); } }
// Calculates info about whether we can make the texture smaller and by how much
int CTexture::ComputeActualSize( bool bIgnorePicmip, IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture ) { // Must skip mip levels if the texture is too large for our board to handle
m_nActualWidth = m_nMappingWidth; m_nActualHeight = m_nMappingHeight; m_nActualDepth = m_nMappingDepth;
int nClampX = m_nActualWidth; // no clamping (clamp to texture dimensions)
int nClampY = m_nActualHeight; int nClampZ = m_nActualDepth;
// PC:
// Fetch clamping dimensions from special LOD control settings block
// or runtime texture lod override.
if ( IsPC() ) { // Fetch LOD settings from the VTF if available
TextureLODControlSettings_t lcs; memset( &lcs, 0, sizeof( lcs ) ); TextureLODControlSettings_t const *pLODInfo = NULL; if ( pVTFTexture ) { pLODInfo = reinterpret_cast<TextureLODControlSettings_t const *> ( pVTFTexture->GetResourceData( VTF_RSRC_TEXTURE_LOD_SETTINGS, NULL ) ); if ( pLODInfo ) lcs = *pLODInfo; }
// Prepare the default LOD settings (that essentially result in no clamping)
TextureLODControlSettings_t default_lod_settings; memset( &default_lod_settings, 0, sizeof( default_lod_settings ) ); { for ( int w = m_nActualWidth; w > 1; w >>= 1 ) ++ default_lod_settings.m_ResolutionClampX; for ( int h = m_nActualHeight; h > 1; h >>= 1 ) ++ default_lod_settings.m_ResolutionClampY; }
// Check for LOD control override
{ TextureLodOverride::OverrideInfo oi = TextureLodOverride::Get( GetName() ); if ( oi.x && oi.y && !pLODInfo ) // If overriding texture that doesn't have lod info yet, then use default
lcs = default_lod_settings;
lcs.m_ResolutionClampX += oi.x; lcs.m_ResolutionClampY += oi.y; if ( int8( lcs.m_ResolutionClampX ) < 0 ) lcs.m_ResolutionClampX = 0; if ( int8( lcs.m_ResolutionClampY ) < 0 ) lcs.m_ResolutionClampY = 0; }
// Compute the requested mip0 dimensions
if ( lcs.m_ResolutionClampX && lcs.m_ResolutionClampY ) { nClampX = (1 << lcs.m_ResolutionClampX ); nClampY = (1 << lcs.m_ResolutionClampY ); }
// Check for exclude settings
{ int iExclude = TextureLodExclude::Get( GetName() ); if ( iExclude > 0 ) { // Mip request by exclude rules
nClampX = MIN( iExclude, nClampX ); nClampY = MIN( iExclude, nClampY ); } else if ( iExclude == 0 ) { // Texture should be excluded completely
// we cannot actually exclude it, we need
// to clamp it down to 4x4 for dxt to work.
// The texture will never be loaded when honoring
// the real exclude list rules.
nClampX = MIN( 4, nClampX ); nClampY = MIN( 4, nClampY ); } }
// In case clamp values exceed texture dimensions, then fix up
// the clamping values
nClampX = MIN( nClampX, m_nActualWidth ); nClampY = MIN( nClampY, m_nActualHeight ); }
// Honor dimension limit restrictions
int nDimensionLimit = 0; if ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDTEMPEXCLUDE ) { nDimensionLimit = m_nDesiredTempDimensionLimit; } else { nDimensionLimit = m_nDesiredDimensionLimit; } if ( nDimensionLimit < 0 ) { nDimensionLimit = 0; }
if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // limiting large textures
static int s_nMaxDimensionLimit = 0; if ( !s_nMaxDimensionLimit ) { bool bNo256 = ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-no256" ) != 0 ); bool bNo512 = ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-no512" ) != 0 ); bool bNo1024 = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-no1024" ) && !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-allow1024" ); if ( bNo256 ) { s_nMaxDimensionLimit = 128; } else if ( bNo512 ) { s_nMaxDimensionLimit = 256; } else if ( g_pFullFileSystem->IsDVDHosted() || bNo1024 ) { s_nMaxDimensionLimit = 512; } else { s_nMaxDimensionLimit = 1024; } } if ( nDimensionLimit > 0 ) { nDimensionLimit = MIN( nDimensionLimit, s_nMaxDimensionLimit ); } else if ( !( m_nFlags & (TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD|TEXTUREFLAGS_NOMIP|TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL|TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET|TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET) ) ) { nDimensionLimit = s_nMaxDimensionLimit; } } else if ( IsPlatformOSX() ) { // limiting large textures on OSX to 1024, override with -allow2048 on cl
static int s_nMaxDimensionLimit = 0;
if (!s_nMaxDimensionLimit) { bool bAllow2048 = !!CommandLine()->FindParm( "-allow2048" );
// Special case: If the top mipmap level is <= 128KB, and the width is really wide (2048), and its height is <= 64, and we know it's mipmapped, then allow one axis to be > 1024, otherwise just restrict to 1024.
// This purposely convoluted logic is useful on things like the confetti particle effect's texture (used in sp_a2_column_blocker), which is 2048x64, and is very noticeable when it's cut down to 1024x32.
if ( nDimensionLimit == 1024 ) { if ( ( ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( m_nActualWidth, m_nActualHeight, 1, m_ImageFormat, false ) <= 128 * 1024 ) && ( m_nActualWidth == 2048 ) && ( m_nActualHeight <= 64 ) && ( pVTFTexture ) && ( pVTFTexture->MipCount() > 1 ) ) { nDimensionLimit = 2048; } }
// Unless ignoring picmip, reflect the global picmip level in clamp dimensions
if ( !bIgnorePicmip ) { // If picmip requests texture degradation, then honor it
// for loddable textures only
if ( !( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD ) && ( g_config.skipMipLevels > 0 ) ) { for ( int iDegrade = 0; iDegrade < g_config.skipMipLevels; ++ iDegrade ) { // don't go lower than 4, or dxt textures won't work properly
if ( nClampX > 4 && nClampY > 4 ) { nClampX >>= 1; nClampY >>= 1; } } }
// If picmip requests quality upgrade, then always honor it
if ( g_config.skipMipLevels < 0 ) { for ( int iUpgrade = 0; iUpgrade < - g_config.skipMipLevels; ++ iUpgrade ) { if ( nClampX < m_nActualWidth && nClampY < m_nActualHeight ) { nClampX <<= 1; nClampY <<= 1; } else break; } } }
// honor dimension limit after picmip downgrade/upgrade
if ( nDimensionLimit > 0 ) { while ( nClampX > nDimensionLimit || nClampY > nDimensionLimit ) { nClampX >>= 1; nClampY >>= 1; } }
// Now use hardware settings to clamp our "clamping dimensions"
int iHwWidth = HardwareConfig()->MaxTextureWidth(); int iHwHeight = HardwareConfig()->MaxTextureHeight(); int iHwDepth = HardwareConfig()->MaxTextureDepth();
nClampX = MIN( nClampX, MAX( iHwWidth, 4 ) ); nClampY = MIN( nClampY, MAX( iHwHeight, 4 ) ); nClampZ = MIN( nClampZ, MAX( iHwDepth, 1 ) );
Assert( nClampZ >= 1 );
// In case clamp values exceed texture dimensions, then fix up
// the clamping values.
nClampX = MIN( nClampX, m_nActualWidth ); nClampY = MIN( nClampY, m_nActualHeight ); nClampZ = MIN( nClampZ, m_nActualDepth ); //
// Clamp to the determined dimensions
int numMipsSkipped = 0; // will compute now when clamping how many mips we drop
while ( ( m_nActualWidth > nClampX ) || ( m_nActualHeight > nClampY ) || ( m_nActualDepth > nClampZ ) ) { m_nActualWidth >>= 1; m_nActualHeight >>= 1; m_nActualDepth >>= 1; if ( m_nActualDepth < 1 ) m_nActualDepth = 1;
++ numMipsSkipped; }
Assert( m_nActualWidth > 0 && m_nActualHeight > 0 && m_nActualDepth > 0 );
// Now that we've got the actual size, we can figure out the mip count
m_nActualMipCount = ComputeActualMipCount();
// Returns the number we skipped
return numMipsSkipped; }
// Used to modify the texture bits (procedural textures only)
void CTexture::SetTextureRegenerator( ITextureRegenerator *pTextureRegen, bool releaseExisting ) { // NOTE: These can only be used by procedural textures
Assert( IsProcedural() );
if ( m_pTextureRegenerator && releaseExisting ) { m_pTextureRegenerator->Release(); } m_pTextureRegenerator = pTextureRegen; }
// Gets us modifying a particular frame of our texture
void CTexture::Modify( int iFrame ) { Assert( iFrame >= 0 && iFrame < m_nFrameCount ); Assert( HasBeenAllocated() );
g_pShaderAPI->ModifyTexture( m_pTextureHandles[iFrame] ); }
// Sets the texture clamping state on the currently modified frame
void CTexture::SetWrapState( ) { // Border clamp applies to all texture coordinates
// Clamp mode in S
// Clamp mode in T
// Clamp mode in U
// Sets the texture filtering state on the currently modified frame
void CTexture::SetFilterState() { // Turns off filtering when we're point sampling
// NOTE: config.bMipMapTextures and config.bFilterTextures is handled in ShaderAPIDX8
bool bEnableMipmapping = ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_NOMIP ) ? false : true; if( !bEnableMipmapping ) { g_pShaderAPI->TexMinFilter( SHADER_TEXFILTERMODE_LINEAR ); g_pShaderAPI->TexMagFilter( SHADER_TEXFILTERMODE_LINEAR ); return; }
// Determing the filtering mode
bool bIsAnisotropic = false; bool bIsTrilinear = false; if ( (g_config.m_nForceAnisotropicLevel > 1) && (HardwareConfig()->MaximumAnisotropicLevel() > 1) ) { bIsAnisotropic = true; } else { bIsAnisotropic = (( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ANISOTROPIC ) != 0) && (HardwareConfig()->MaximumAnisotropicLevel() > 1); bIsTrilinear = ( g_config.m_nForceAnisotropicLevel == 1 ) || ( ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_TRILINEAR ) != 0 ); }
if ( bIsAnisotropic ) { g_pShaderAPI->TexMinFilter( SHADER_TEXFILTERMODE_ANISOTROPIC ); g_pShaderAPI->TexMagFilter( SHADER_TEXFILTERMODE_ANISOTROPIC ); } else { if ( bIsTrilinear ) { g_pShaderAPI->TexMinFilter( SHADER_TEXFILTERMODE_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR ); g_pShaderAPI->TexMagFilter( SHADER_TEXFILTERMODE_LINEAR ); } else { g_pShaderAPI->TexMinFilter( SHADER_TEXFILTERMODE_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST ); g_pShaderAPI->TexMagFilter( SHADER_TEXFILTERMODE_LINEAR ); } } }
// Download bits main entry point!!
void CTexture::DownloadTexture( Rect_t *pRect, void *pSourceData, int nSourceDataSize ) { // No downloading necessary if there's no graphics
if ( !g_pShaderDevice->IsUsingGraphics() ) return;
// for expected stability, the ShaderAPITextureHandle_t must stay as-is
// store them off prior to their expected release, so they can be sent back down as a hint to the allocator for the expected re-allocation
// this allows the underlying d3d bits to be changed, but other system that have stored off the prior handles need not be aware
if ( m_nFrameCount > 0 ) { m_pTempTextureHandles = new ShaderAPITextureHandle_t[m_nFrameCount]; for ( int i = 0; i != m_nFrameCount; ++i ) { m_pTempTextureHandles[i] = m_pTextureHandles[i]; } } }
// We don't know the actual size of the texture at this stage...
if ( !pRect ) { ReconstructTexture( pSourceData, nSourceDataSize ); } else { ReconstructPartialTexture( pRect ); }
// Iterate over all the frames and set the appropriate wrapping + filtering state
// texture bits have been updated, update the exclusion state
// texture bits have been picmipped, update the picmip state
if ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDTEMPEXCLUDE ) { m_nInternalFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_TEMPEXCLUDED; m_nActualDimensionLimit = m_nDesiredTempDimensionLimit; } else { m_nInternalFlags &= ~TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_TEMPEXCLUDED; m_nActualDimensionLimit = m_nDesiredDimensionLimit; }
// any possible temp exclude update is finished
if ( m_pTempTextureHandles ) { // check for handle stability
// the handles MUST stay the same across a ReconstructTexture(), various threaded systems have already cached/queued off the handles
for ( int i = 0; i < m_nFrameCount; i++ ) { if ( m_pTextureHandles[i] != m_pTempTextureHandles[i] ) { // crash will be imminent, the handles have changed and they should not have
// shaderapi will crash on next texture access because stored handles reference the freed texture handles, not the valid allocated ones
Assert( 0 ); Warning( "ERROR! - Crash Expected. DownloadTexture(): Texture Handle Difference: %d expected:0x%8.8x actual:0x%8.8x\n", i, m_pTempTextureHandles[i], m_pTextureHandles[i] ); } }
delete[] m_pTempTextureHandles; m_pTempTextureHandles = NULL; } }
// Download bits main entry point for async textures (based on CTexture::DownloadTexture)
// Very controlled environment: no procedural textures, no render target, console not supported
// The download is done is 2 parts:
// * Generating the VTF
// * Using VTF to create the shader api texture (effectively the corresponding d3d resource)
// In order to reduce spikes on the main thread (cf CMaterialSystem::ServiceAsyncTextureLoads), the flMaxTimeMs
// limit has been introduced => you can safely exit after generating the VTF and resume it at a later date
// Note that async textures are sharing the same scratch VTF therefore, if the download of an async texture
// has been interuped, it is important not to start downloading a new async texture (that would effectively invalidate
// the VTF of the other texture) - Done in CMaterialSystem::ServiceAsyncTextureLoads)
// Returns true if the download has been completed (ie interrupted after generating the VTF), false otherwise
bool CTexture::DownloadAsyncTexture( AsyncTextureContext_t *pContext, void *pSourceData, int nSourceDataSize, float flMaxTimeMs ) { // No downloading necessary if there's no graphics
if (!g_pShaderDevice->IsUsingGraphics()) return true; Assert( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ASYNC_DOWNLOAD ); Assert( !IsGameConsole() ); Assert( !IsRenderTarget() ); Assert( !IsTempRenderTarget() ); Assert( !IsProcedural() );
if ( !pContext->m_pVTFTexture ) { double flStartTime = Plat_FloatTime();
int oldWidth = m_nActualWidth; int oldHeight = m_nActualHeight; int oldDepth = m_nActualDepth; int oldMipCount = m_nActualMipCount; int oldFrameCount = m_nFrameCount;
pContext->m_pVTFTexture = LoadTexttureBitsFromFileOrData( pSourceData, nSourceDataSize, NULL );
if (!HasBeenAllocated() || m_nActualWidth != oldWidth || m_nActualHeight != oldHeight || m_nActualDepth != oldDepth || m_nActualMipCount != oldMipCount || m_nFrameCount != oldFrameCount) { if (HasBeenAllocated()) { // This is necessary for the reload case, we may discover there
// are more frames of a texture animation, for example, which means
// we can't rely on having the same number of texture frames.
FreeShaderAPITextures(); }
// Create the shader api textures
if (!AllocateShaderAPITextures()) return true; }
// Safe point to interrupt teh texture download
float flElapsedMs = (Plat_FloatTime() - flStartTime) * 1000.0f; if (flElapsedMs > flMaxTimeMs) { // Running out of time - the shader api texture will be created later (most probably on the next frame)
return false; } }
// Blit down the texture faces, frames, and mips into the board memory
int nFirstFace, nFaceCount; GetDownloadFaceCount( nFirstFace, nFaceCount );
WriteDataToShaderAPITexture( m_nFrameCount, nFaceCount, nFirstFace, m_nActualMipCount, pContext->m_pVTFTexture, m_ImageFormat );
// Iterate over all the frames and set the appropriate wrapping + filtering state
pContext->m_pVTFTexture = NULL;
return true; }
void CTexture::Download( Rect_t *pRect, int nAdditionalCreationFlags /* = 0 */ ) { if ( nAdditionalCreationFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ASYNC_DOWNLOAD ) { m_nFlags |= nAdditionalCreationFlags; if ( ScheduleAsyncDownload() ) { return; } else { // failed to find file so remove async download flag
m_nFlags &= ~TEXTUREFLAGS_ASYNC_DOWNLOAD; // and intentionally fall through to normal Download() which will use the error texture
} }
if ( g_pShaderAPI->CanDownloadTextures() ) // Only download the bits if we can...
{ MaterialLock_t hLock = MaterialSystem()->Lock(); m_nFlags |= nAdditionalCreationFlags; // Path to let stdshaders drive settings like sRGB-ness at creation time
DownloadTexture( pRect ); MaterialSystem()->Unlock( hLock ); } }
#ifdef _PS3
void CTexture::Ps3gcmRawBufferAlias( char const *pRTName ) { ComputeActualSize( true ); m_nActualDimensionLimit = m_nDesiredDimensionLimit; m_nInternalFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_ALLOCATED; extern ShaderAPITextureHandle_t Ps3gcmGetArtificialTextureHandle( int iHandle ); if ( !Q_strcmp( pRTName, "^PS3^BACKBUFFER" ) ) m_pTextureHandles[0] = Ps3gcmGetArtificialTextureHandle( PS3GCM_ARTIFICIAL_TEXTURE_HANDLE_INDEX_BACKBUFFER ); else if ( !Q_strcmp( pRTName, "^PS3^DEPTHBUFFER" ) ) m_pTextureHandles[0] = Ps3gcmGetArtificialTextureHandle( PS3GCM_ARTIFICIAL_TEXTURE_HANDLE_INDEX_DEPTHBUFFER ); else Error( "<vitaliy> Unexpected raw buffer alias: %s!\n", pRTName ); } #endif
void CTexture::Bind( Sampler_t sampler, TextureBindFlags_t nBindFlags ) { Bind( sampler, nBindFlags, 0 ); }
// Binds a particular texture
void CTexture::Bind( Sampler_t sampler1, TextureBindFlags_t nBindFlags, int nFrame, Sampler_t sampler2 /* = -1 */ ) { if ( g_pShaderDevice->IsUsingGraphics() ) { if ( nFrame < 0 || nFrame >= m_nFrameCount ) { // FIXME: Use the well-known 'error' id instead of frame 0
nFrame = 0; // Assert(0);
// Make sure we've actually allocated the texture handle
if ( HasBeenAllocated() ) { g_pShaderAPI->BindTexture( sampler1, nBindFlags, m_pTextureHandles[nFrame] ); } else { Warning( "Trying to bind texture %s, but texture handles are not valid. Binding a white texture!", GetName() ); g_pShaderAPI->BindStandardTexture( sampler1, nBindFlags, TEXTURE_WHITE ); } } }
void CTexture::BindVertexTexture( VertexTextureSampler_t sampler, int nFrame ) { if ( g_pShaderDevice->IsUsingGraphics() ) { if ( nFrame < 0 || nFrame >= m_nFrameCount ) { // FIXME: Use the well-known 'error' id instead of frame 0
nFrame = 0; // Assert(0);
// Make sure we've actually allocated the texture
Assert( HasBeenAllocated() );
g_pShaderAPI->BindVertexTexture( sampler, m_pTextureHandles[nFrame] ); } }
// Set this texture as a render target
bool CTexture::SetRenderTarget( int nRenderTargetID ) { return SetRenderTarget( nRenderTargetID, NULL ); }
// Set this texture as a render target
// Optionally bind pDepthTexture as depth buffer
bool CTexture::SetRenderTarget( int nRenderTargetID, ITexture *pDepthTexture ) { if ( ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET ) == 0 ) return false;
// Make sure we've actually allocated the texture handles
Assert( HasBeenAllocated() );
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle; if ( !IsX360() ) { textureHandle = m_pTextureHandles[0]; } else { Assert( m_nFrameCount > 1 ); textureHandle = m_pTextureHandles[m_nFrameCount-1]; }
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t depthTextureHandle = (ShaderAPITextureHandle_t)SHADER_RENDERTARGET_DEPTHBUFFER;
if ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET ) { Assert( m_nFrameCount >= 2 ); depthTextureHandle = m_pTextureHandles[1]; } else if ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_NODEPTHBUFFER ) { // GR - render target without depth buffer
depthTextureHandle = (ShaderAPITextureHandle_t)SHADER_RENDERTARGET_NONE; }
if ( pDepthTexture) { depthTextureHandle = static_cast<ITextureInternal *>(pDepthTexture)->GetTextureHandle(0); }
g_pShaderAPI->SetRenderTargetEx( nRenderTargetID, textureHandle, depthTextureHandle ); return true; }
// Reference counting
void CTexture::IncrementReferenceCount( void ) { ++m_nRefCount; }
void CTexture::DecrementReferenceCount( void ) { --m_nRefCount;
/* FIXME: Probably have to remove this from the texture manager too..?
if (IsProcedural() && (m_nRefCount < 0)) delete this; */ }
int CTexture::GetReferenceCount() const { return m_nRefCount; }
// Various accessor methods
const char* CTexture::GetName( ) const { return m_Name.String(); }
const char* CTexture::GetTextureGroupName( ) const { return m_TextureGroupName.String(); }
void CTexture::SetName( const char* pName ) { // normalize and convert to a symbol
char szCleanName[MAX_PATH]; m_Name = NormalizeTextureName( pName, szCleanName, sizeof( szCleanName ) );
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( m_pDebugName ) { delete [] m_pDebugName; } int nLen = V_strlen( szCleanName ) + 1; m_pDebugName = new char[nLen]; V_memcpy( m_pDebugName, szCleanName, nLen ); #endif
ImageFormat CTexture::GetImageFormat() const { return m_ImageFormat; }
int CTexture::GetMappingWidth() const { return m_nMappingWidth; }
int CTexture::GetMappingHeight() const { return m_nMappingHeight; }
int CTexture::GetMappingDepth() const { return m_nMappingDepth; }
int CTexture::GetActualWidth() const { return m_nActualWidth; }
int CTexture::GetActualHeight() const { return m_nActualHeight; }
int CTexture::GetActualDepth() const { return m_nActualDepth; }
int CTexture::GetNumAnimationFrames() const { return m_nFrameCount; }
void CTexture::GetReflectivity( Vector& reflectivity ) { Precache(); VectorCopy( m_vecReflectivity, reflectivity ); }
// Little helper polling methods
bool CTexture::IsTranslucent() const { return ( m_nFlags & (TEXTUREFLAGS_ONEBITALPHA | TEXTUREFLAGS_EIGHTBITALPHA) ) != 0; }
bool CTexture::IsNormalMap( void ) const { return ( ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_NORMAL ) != 0 ); }
bool CTexture::IsCubeMap( void ) const { return ( ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP ) != 0 ); }
bool CTexture::IsRenderTarget( void ) const { return ( ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET ) != 0 ); }
bool CTexture::IsTempRenderTarget( void ) const { return ( ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_TEMPRENDERTARGET ) != 0 ); }
bool CTexture::IsProcedural() const { return ( (m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL) != 0 ); }
bool CTexture::IsMipmapped() const { return ( (m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_NOMIP) == 0 ); }
unsigned int CTexture::GetFlags() const { return m_nFlags; }
void CTexture::ForceLODOverride( int iNumLodsOverrideUpOrDown ) { if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // not supporting
Assert( 0 ); return; }
TextureLodOverride::OverrideInfo oi( iNumLodsOverrideUpOrDown, iNumLodsOverrideUpOrDown ); TextureLodOverride::Add( GetName(), oi ); Download( NULL ); }
void CTexture::ForceExcludeOverride( int iExcludeOverride ) { if ( IsGameConsole() ) { Assert( 0 ); return; }
TextureLodExclude::Add( GetName(), iExcludeOverride ); Download( NULL ); }
bool CTexture::IsError() const { return ( (m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_ERROR) != 0 ); }
bool CTexture::IsDefaultPool() const { return ( ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_DEFAULT_POOL ) != 0 ); }
bool CTexture::HasBeenAllocated() const { return ( (m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_ALLOCATED) != 0 ); }
bool CTexture::IsVolumeTexture() const { return (m_nMappingDepth > 1); }
// Sets the filtering + clamping modes on the texture
void CTexture::SetFilteringAndClampingMode() { if( !HasBeenAllocated() ) return;
int nCount = m_nFrameCount; if ( IsX360() && IsRenderTarget() ) { // 360 render targets have a reserved surface
nCount--; }
for ( int iFrame = 0; iFrame < nCount; ++iFrame ) { Modify( iFrame ); // Indicate we're changing state with respect to a particular frame
SetWrapState(); // Send the appropriate wrap/clamping modes to the shaderapi.
SetFilterState(); // Set the filtering mode for the texture after downloading it.
// NOTE: Apparently, the filter state cannot be set until after download
} }
// Loads up the non-fallback information about the texture
void CTexture::Precache() { int nHackExtraFlags = 0;
// We only have to do something in the case of a file texture
if ( IsRenderTarget() || IsProcedural() ) return;
if ( HasBeenAllocated() ) return;
// Blow off env_cubemap too...
if ( !Q_strnicmp( m_Name.String(), "env_cubemap", 12 )) return; if ( IsGameConsole() && m_nFlags ) { // 360 can be assured that precaching has already been done
return; }
IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = GetScratchVTFTexture();
// The texture name doubles as the relative file name
// It's assumed to have already been set by this point
// Compute the cache name
char pCacheFileName[MATERIAL_MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( pCacheFileName, sizeof( pCacheFileName ), "materials/%s" TEXTURE_FNAME_EXTENSION, m_Name.String() );
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
// generate native texture
pVTFTexture->UpdateOrCreate( pCacheFileName ); #endif
int nVersion = -1; if ( IsPC() ) nVersion = VTF_MAJOR_VERSION; else if ( IsX360() ) nVersion = VTF_X360_MAJOR_VERSION; else if ( IsPS3() ) nVersion = VTF_PS3_MAJOR_VERSION;
int nHeaderSize = VTFFileHeaderSize( nVersion ); unsigned char *pMem = (unsigned char *)stackalloc( nHeaderSize ); CUtlBuffer buf( pMem, nHeaderSize ); if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( pCacheFileName, NULL, buf, nHeaderSize ) ) { goto precacheFailed; }
// Unserialize the header only
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
if ( !pVTFTexture->Unserialize( buf, true ) ) #else
if ( !pVTFTexture->UnserializeFromBuffer( buf, true, true, true, 0 ) ) #endif
{ Warning( "Error reading material \"%s\"\n", pCacheFileName ); goto precacheFailed; }
// FIXME: Hack for L4D
if ( !Q_strnicmp( pCacheFileName, "materials/graffiti/", 19 ) ) { nHackExtraFlags = TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD; }
// NOTE: Don't set the image format in case graphics are active
VectorCopy( pVTFTexture->Reflectivity(), m_vecReflectivity ); m_nMappingWidth = pVTFTexture->Width(); m_nMappingHeight = pVTFTexture->Height(); m_nMappingDepth = pVTFTexture->Depth(); m_nFlags = pVTFTexture->Flags() | nHackExtraFlags; m_nFrameCount = pVTFTexture->FrameCount();
precacheFailed: m_vecReflectivity.Init( 0, 0, 0 ); m_nMappingWidth = 32; m_nMappingHeight = 32; m_nMappingDepth = 1; m_nFlags = TEXTUREFLAGS_NOMIP; m_nInternalFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_ERROR; m_nFrameCount = 1; }
// Loads the low-res image from the texture
void CTexture::LoadLowResTexture( IVTFTexture *pTexture ) { #if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
delete [] m_pLowResImage; m_pLowResImage = NULL; #endif
if ( pTexture->LowResWidth() == 0 || pTexture->LowResHeight() == 0 ) { m_LowResImageWidth = m_LowResImageHeight = 0; return; }
m_LowResImageWidth = pTexture->LowResWidth(); m_LowResImageHeight = pTexture->LowResHeight();
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
m_pLowResImage = new unsigned char[m_LowResImageWidth * m_LowResImageHeight * 3]; #ifdef _DEBUG
bool retVal = #endif
ImageLoader::ConvertImageFormat( pTexture->LowResImageData(), pTexture->LowResFormat(), m_pLowResImage, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888, m_LowResImageWidth, m_LowResImageHeight ); #ifdef _DEBUG
Assert( retVal ); #endif
*(unsigned int*)m_LowResImageSample = *(unsigned int*)pTexture->LowResImageSample(); #endif
void *CTexture::GetResourceData( uint32 eDataType, size_t *pnumBytes ) const { for ( DataChunk const *pDataChunk = m_arrDataChunks.Base(), *pDataChunkEnd = pDataChunk + m_arrDataChunks.Count(); pDataChunk < pDataChunkEnd; ++pDataChunk ) { if ( ( pDataChunk->m_eType & ~RSRCF_MASK ) == eDataType ) { if ( ( pDataChunk->m_eType & RSRCF_HAS_NO_DATA_CHUNK ) == 0 ) { if ( pnumBytes) *pnumBytes = pDataChunk->m_numBytes; return pDataChunk->m_pvData; } else { if ( pnumBytes ) *pnumBytes = sizeof( pDataChunk->m_numBytes );
return ( void *)( &pDataChunk->m_numBytes ); } } } if ( pnumBytes ) pnumBytes = 0; return NULL; }
void CTexture::FreeResourceData() { // Clean up the resources data
for ( DataChunk const *pDataChunk = m_arrDataChunks.Base(), *pDataChunkEnd = pDataChunk + m_arrDataChunks.Count(); pDataChunk < pDataChunkEnd; ++pDataChunk ) { pDataChunk->Deallocate(); } m_arrDataChunks.RemoveAll(); }
void CTexture::LoadResourceData( IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture ) { // purge any prior resource data
// Load the resources
if ( unsigned int uiRsrcCount = pVTFTexture->GetResourceTypes( NULL, 0 ) ) { uint32 *arrRsrcTypes = ( uint32 * )stackalloc( uiRsrcCount * sizeof( unsigned int ) ); pVTFTexture->GetResourceTypes( arrRsrcTypes, uiRsrcCount );
m_arrDataChunks.EnsureCapacity( uiRsrcCount ); for ( uint32 *arrRsrcTypesEnd = arrRsrcTypes + uiRsrcCount; arrRsrcTypes < arrRsrcTypesEnd; ++arrRsrcTypes ) { switch ( *arrRsrcTypes ) { case VTF_LEGACY_RSRC_LOW_RES_IMAGE: case VTF_LEGACY_RSRC_IMAGE: // These stock types use specific load routines
default: { DataChunk dc; dc.m_eType = *arrRsrcTypes; dc.m_eType &= ~RSRCF_MASK;
size_t numBytes; if ( void *pvData = pVTFTexture->GetResourceData( dc.m_eType, &numBytes ) ) { Assert( numBytes >= sizeof( uint32 ) ); if ( numBytes == sizeof( dc.m_numBytes ) ) { dc.m_eType |= RSRCF_HAS_NO_DATA_CHUNK; dc.m_pvData = NULL; memcpy( &dc.m_numBytes, pvData, numBytes ); } else { dc.Allocate( numBytes ); memcpy( dc.m_pvData, pvData, numBytes ); }
m_arrDataChunks.AddToTail( dc ); } } } } } }
#pragma pack(1)
struct DXTColBlock { unsigned short col0; unsigned short col1;
// no bit fields - use bytes
unsigned char row[4]; };
struct DXTAlphaBlock3BitLinear { unsigned char alpha0; unsigned char alpha1;
unsigned char stuff[6]; };
#pragma pack()
static void FillCompressedTextureWithSingleColor( int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, unsigned char *pImageData, int width, int height, int depth, ImageFormat imageFormat ) { Assert( ( width < 4 ) || !( width % 4 ) ); Assert( ( height < 4 ) || !( height % 4 ) ); Assert( ( depth < 4 ) || !( depth % 4 ) );
if ( width < 4 && width > 0 ) { width = 4; } if ( height < 4 && height > 0 ) { height = 4; } if ( depth < 4 && depth > 1 ) { depth = 4; } int numBlocks = ( width * height ) >> 4; numBlocks *= depth; DXTColBlock colorBlock; memset( &colorBlock, 0, sizeof( colorBlock ) ); ( ( BGR565_t * )&( colorBlock.col0 ) )->Set( red, green, blue ); ( ( BGR565_t * )&( colorBlock.col1 ) )->Set( red, green, blue );
switch( imageFormat ) { case IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1: case IMAGE_FORMAT_ATI1N: // Invalid block data, but correct memory footprint
{ int i; for( i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++ ) { memcpy( pImageData + i * 8, &colorBlock, sizeof( colorBlock ) ); } } break; case IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5: case IMAGE_FORMAT_ATI2N: { int i; for( i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++ ) { // memset( pImageData + i * 16, 0, 16 );
memcpy( pImageData + i * 16 + 8, &colorBlock, sizeof( colorBlock ) ); // memset( pImageData + i * 16 + 8, 0xffff, 8 ); // alpha block
} } break; default: Assert( 0 ); break; } }
// Generate a gray texture
void CTexture::GenerateGrayTexture( IVTFTexture *pTexture ) { if( pTexture->FaceCount() > 1 ) return;
if( pTexture->IsCubeMap() ) return;
switch( pTexture->Format() ) { // These are formats that we don't bother with
case IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F: case IMAGE_FORMAT_R32F: case IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB323232F: case IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA32323232F: case IMAGE_FORMAT_UV88: break; default: for (int iFrame = 0; iFrame < pTexture->FrameCount(); ++iFrame ) { for (int iFace = 0; iFace < pTexture->FaceCount(); ++iFace ) { for (int iMip = 0; iMip < pTexture->MipCount(); ++iMip ) { int green = 128; int red = 128; int blue = 128;
int nWidth, nHeight, nDepth; pTexture->ComputeMipLevelDimensions( iMip, &nWidth, &nHeight, &nDepth ); if( pTexture->Format() == IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1 || pTexture->Format() == IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5 || pTexture->Format() == IMAGE_FORMAT_ATI1N || pTexture->Format() == IMAGE_FORMAT_ATI2N ) { unsigned char *pImageData = pTexture->ImageData( iFrame, iFace, iMip, 0, 0, 0 ); FillCompressedTextureWithSingleColor( red, green, blue, 255, pImageData, nWidth, nHeight, nDepth, pTexture->Format() ); } else { for ( int z = 0; z < nDepth; ++z ) { CPixelWriter pixelWriter; pixelWriter.SetPixelMemory( pTexture->Format(), pTexture->ImageData( iFrame, iFace, iMip, 0, 0, z ), pTexture->RowSizeInBytes( iMip ) );
for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y) { pixelWriter.Seek( 0, y ); for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x) { pixelWriter.WritePixel( red, green, blue, 255 ); } } } } } } } break; } }
// Generate a texture that shows the various mip levels
void CTexture::GenerateShowMipLevelsTextures( IVTFTexture *pTexture ) { if( pTexture->FaceCount() > 1 ) return;
switch( pTexture->Format() ) { // These are formats that we don't bother with for generating mip level textures.
case IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F: case IMAGE_FORMAT_R32F: case IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB323232F: case IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA32323232F: case IMAGE_FORMAT_UV88: break; default: for (int iFrame = 0; iFrame < pTexture->FrameCount(); ++iFrame ) { for (int iFace = 0; iFace < pTexture->FaceCount(); ++iFace ) { for (int iMip = 0; iMip < pTexture->MipCount(); ++iMip ) { int green = ( ( iMip + 1 ) & 1 ) ? 255 : 0; int red = ( ( iMip + 1 ) & 2 ) ? 255 : 0; int blue = ( ( iMip + 1 ) & 4 ) ? 255 : 0;
int nWidth, nHeight, nDepth; pTexture->ComputeMipLevelDimensions( iMip, &nWidth, &nHeight, &nDepth ); if( pTexture->Format() == IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1 || pTexture->Format() == IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5 || pTexture->Format() == IMAGE_FORMAT_ATI1N || pTexture->Format() == IMAGE_FORMAT_ATI2N ) { unsigned char *pImageData = pTexture->ImageData( iFrame, iFace, iMip, 0, 0, 0 ); int alpha = 255; FillCompressedTextureWithSingleColor( red, green, blue, alpha, pImageData, nWidth, nHeight, nDepth, pTexture->Format() ); } else { for ( int z = 0; z < nDepth; ++z ) { CPixelWriter pixelWriter; pixelWriter.SetPixelMemory( pTexture->Format(), pTexture->ImageData( iFrame, iFace, iMip, 0, 0, z ), pTexture->RowSizeInBytes( iMip ) );
for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y) { pixelWriter.Seek( 0, y ); for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x) { pixelWriter.WritePixel( red, green, blue, 255 ); } } } } } } } break; } }
// Generate a texture that shows the various mip levels
Assert( pTexture->FrameCount() == 1 );
Init( pTexture->Width(), pTexture->Height(), 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR888, nFlags, 1 ); pTexture->Init( m_LowResImageWidth, m_LowResImageHeight, 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR888, nFlags, 1 );
// Don't bother computing the actual size; it's actually equal to the low-res size
// With only one mip level
m_nActualWidth = m_LowResImageWidth; m_nActualHeight = m_LowResImageHeight; m_nActualDepth = 1; m_nActualMipCount = 1;
// Copy the row-res image into the VTF Texture
CPixelWriter pixelWriter; pixelWriter.SetPixelMemory( pTexture->Format(), pTexture->ImageData( 0, 0, 0 ), pTexture->RowSizeInBytes( 0 ) );
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
unsigned char *pLowResImage = m_pLowResImage; #else
unsigned char *pLowResImage = m_LowResImageSample; #endif
for ( int y = 0; y < m_LowResImageHeight; ++y ) { pixelWriter.Seek( 0, y ); for ( int x = 0; x < m_LowResImageWidth; ++x ) { int red = pLowResImage[0]; int green = pLowResImage[1]; int blue = pLowResImage[2]; pLowResImage += 3;
pixelWriter.WritePixel( red, green, blue, 255 ); } } }
// Sets up debugging texture bits, if appropriate
bool CTexture::SetupDebuggingTextures( IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture ) { if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // not supporting
return false; }
if ( pVTFTexture->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_NODEBUGOVERRIDE ) return false;
if ( g_config.bDrawGray ) { GenerateGrayTexture( pVTFTexture ); return true; }
if ( g_config.nShowMipLevels ) { // mat_showmiplevels 1 means don't do normal maps
if ( ( g_config.nShowMipLevels == 1 ) && ( pVTFTexture->Flags() & ( TEXTUREFLAGS_NORMAL | TEXTUREFLAGS_SSBUMP ) ) ) return false;
// mat_showmiplevels 2 means don't do base textures
if ( ( g_config.nShowMipLevels == 2 ) && !( pVTFTexture->Flags() & ( TEXTUREFLAGS_NORMAL | TEXTUREFLAGS_SSBUMP ) ) ) return false;
// This mode shows the mip levels as different colors
GenerateShowMipLevelsTextures( pVTFTexture ); return true; } else if ( g_config.bShowLowResImage && pVTFTexture->FrameCount() == 1 && pVTFTexture->FaceCount() == 1 && ((pVTFTexture->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_NORMAL) == 0) && m_LowResImageWidth != 0 && m_LowResImageHeight != 0 ) { // This mode just uses the low res texture
CopyLowResImageToTexture( pVTFTexture ); return true; }
return false; }
// Converts the texture to the actual format
// Returns true if conversion applied, false otherwise
bool CTexture::ConvertToActualFormat( IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture ) { if ( !g_pShaderDevice->IsUsingGraphics() ) return false;
bool bConverted = false;
ImageFormat fmt = m_ImageFormat; ImageFormat dstFormat = ComputeActualFormat( pVTFTexture->Format() ); #ifdef PLATFORM_OSX
if ( IsVolumeTexture() && ImageLoader::IsCompressed( dstFormat ) ) { // OSX does not support compressed 3d textures
dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888; } #endif
if ( fmt != dstFormat ) { Assert( !IsGameConsole() ); pVTFTexture->ConvertImageFormat( dstFormat, false ); m_ImageFormat = dstFormat; bConverted = true; } #ifndef _PS3
// No reason to do this conversion on PS3
else if ( HardwareConfig()->GetHDRType() == HDR_TYPE_INTEGER && fmt == dstFormat && dstFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F ) { // This is to force at most the precision of int16 for fp16 texture when running the integer path.
pVTFTexture->ConvertImageFormat( IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616, false ); pVTFTexture->ConvertImageFormat( IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F, false ); bConverted = true; } #endif // !_PS3
return bConverted; }
void CTexture::GetFilename( char *pOut, int maxLen ) const { const char *pName = m_Name.String(); bool bIsUNCName = ( pName[0] == '/' && pName[1] == '/' && pName[2] != '/' );
if ( !bIsUNCName ) { Q_snprintf( pOut, maxLen, "materials/%s" TEXTURE_FNAME_EXTENSION, pName ); } else { Q_snprintf( pOut, maxLen, "%s" TEXTURE_FNAME_EXTENSION, pName ); } }
void CTexture::ReloadFilesInList( IFileList *pFilesToReload ) { if ( IsProcedural() || IsRenderTarget() ) return;
char filename[MAX_PATH]; GetFilename( filename, sizeof( filename ) ); if ( pFilesToReload->IsFileInList( filename ) ) { Download(); } }
// Loads the texture bits from a file or data.
IVTFTexture *CTexture::LoadTexttureBitsFromFileOrData( void *pSourceData, int nSourceDataSize, char **pResolvedFilename ) { char pCacheFileName[MATERIAL_MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; const char *pName; if (m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDEXCLUDE) { #if !defined( _CERT )
// excluded texture should not be visible, want these to be found during testing
// use the green checkerboard
pName = "dev/dev_exclude_error"; #else
// for shipping (in case it happens) better to use the version meant for momentary rendering
pName = "dev/dev_temp_exclude"; #endif
} else if ((m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDTEMPEXCLUDE) && m_nDesiredTempDimensionLimit <= 0) { pName = "dev/dev_temp_exclude"; } else { pName = m_Name.String(); }
bool bIsUNCName = (pName[0] == '/' && pName[1] == '/' && pName[2] != '/'); if (!bIsUNCName) { Q_snprintf( pCacheFileName, sizeof( pCacheFileName ), "materials/%s" TEXTURE_FNAME_EXTENSION, pName ); } else { Q_snprintf( pCacheFileName, sizeof( pCacheFileName ), "%s" TEXTURE_FNAME_EXTENSION, pName ); }
if (!pSourceData || !nSourceDataSize) { // Get the data from disk...
// NOTE: Reloading the texture bits can cause the texture size, frames, format, pretty much *anything* can change.
return LoadTextureBitsFromFile( pCacheFileName, pResolvedFilename ); } else { // use the data provided
return LoadTextureBitsFromData( pCacheFileName, pSourceData, nSourceDataSize ); } }
// Loads the texture bits from a file.
IVTFTexture *CTexture::LoadTextureBitsFromFile( char *pCacheFileName, char **ppResolvedFilename ) { int nHeaderSize; int nFileSize;
IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ASYNC_DOWNLOAD ) ? GetScratchVTFAsyncTexture() : GetScratchVTFTexture();
bool bIsCombinedImage = ( pCacheFileName[ 0 ] == '!' ) && g_pMDLCache != NULL;
CUtlBuffer buf; FileHandle_t fileHandle = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE; int nBytesOptimalRead; // GCC needs this extra newline due to goto
int nBytesRead; // GCC needs this extra newline due to goto
if ( bIsCombinedImage ) { int nSize; void *pBuffer = g_pMDLCache->GetCombinedInternalAsset( COMBINED_ASSET_TEXTURE, pCacheFileName, &nSize );
// buf will not own the memory and thus will not try to dealloc it
buf.SetExternalBuffer( pBuffer, nSize, nSize ); } else { while ( fileHandle == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) // run until found a file or out of rules
{ #if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
// generate native texture
pVTFTexture->UpdateOrCreate( pCacheFileName ); #endif
fileHandle = g_pFullFileSystem->OpenEx( pCacheFileName, "rb", 0, MaterialSystem()->GetForcedTextureLoadPathID(), ppResolvedFilename ); if ( fileHandle == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { // try any fallbacks.
char *pHdrExt = Q_stristr( pCacheFileName, ".hdr" TEXTURE_FNAME_EXTENSION ); if ( pHdrExt ) { //DevWarning( "A custom HDR cubemap \"%s\": cannot be found on disk.\n"
// "This really should have a HDR version, trying a fall back to a non-HDR version.\n", pCacheFileName );
strcpy( pHdrExt, TEXTURE_FNAME_EXTENSION ); } else { // no more fallbacks
break; } } } if ( fileHandle == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { if ( !StringHasPrefix( m_Name.String(), "env_cubemap" ) ) { if ( IsOSX() ) { printf("\n ##### CTexture::LoadTextureBitsFromFile couldn't find %s",pCacheFileName ); } DevWarning( "\"%s\": can't be found on disk\n", pCacheFileName ); } return HandleFileLoadFailedTexture( pVTFTexture ); }
int nVersion = -1; if ( IsPC() ) nVersion = VTF_MAJOR_VERSION; else if ( IsX360() ) nVersion = VTF_X360_MAJOR_VERSION; else if ( IsPS3() ) nVersion = VTF_PS3_MAJOR_VERSION;
nHeaderSize = VTFFileHeaderSize( nVersion );
// restrict read to the header only!
// header provides info to avoid reading the entire file
nBytesOptimalRead = GetOptimalReadBuffer( fileHandle, nHeaderSize, buf ); nBytesRead = g_pFullFileSystem->ReadEx( buf.Base(), nBytesOptimalRead, Min( nHeaderSize, (int)g_pFullFileSystem->Size(fileHandle) ), fileHandle ); // only read as much as the file has
nBytesRead = nHeaderSize = ((VTFFileBaseHeader_t *)buf.Base())->headerSize; g_pFullFileSystem->Seek( fileHandle, nHeaderSize, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); buf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, nBytesRead ); }
// Unserialize the header only
// need the header first to determine remainder of data
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
if ( !pVTFTexture->Unserialize( buf, true ) ) #else
if ( !pVTFTexture->UnserializeFromBuffer( buf, true, true, true, 0 ) ) #endif
{ Warning( "Error reading texture header \"%s\"\n", pCacheFileName ); g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fileHandle ); return HandleFileLoadFailedTexture( pVTFTexture ); }
// FIXME: Hack for L4D
int nHackExtraFlags = 0; if ( !Q_strnicmp( pCacheFileName, "materials/graffiti/", 19 ) ) { nHackExtraFlags = TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD; } // OSX hackery
if ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_SRGB ) { nHackExtraFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGS_SRGB; }
// Set from stdshaders cpp code
// Seek the reading back to the front of the buffer
buf.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 );
// Initialize the texture class with vtf header data before operations
Init( #if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
pVTFTexture->Width(), pVTFTexture->Height(), pVTFTexture->Depth(), #else
// 360 texture might be pre-picmipped, setup as it's original dimensions
// so picmipping logic calculates correctly, and then fixup
pVTFTexture->MappingWidth(), pVTFTexture->MappingHeight(), pVTFTexture->MappingDepth(), #endif
pVTFTexture->Format(), pVTFTexture->Flags() | nHackExtraFlags, pVTFTexture->FrameCount() );
VectorCopy( pVTFTexture->Reflectivity(), m_vecReflectivity );
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
m_nInternalFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_QUEUEDLOAD; if ( !g_pQueuedLoader->IsMapLoading() || ( m_nFlags & ( TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL|TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET|TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET ) ) ) { // explicitly disabled or not appropriate for texture type
m_nInternalFlags &= ~TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_QUEUEDLOAD; } else { if ( pVTFTexture->FileSize( true, 0 ) >= pVTFTexture->FileSize( false, 0 ) ) { // texture is a dwarf, entirely in preload, loads normally
m_nInternalFlags &= ~TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_QUEUEDLOAD; } } #endif
// Compute the actual texture dimensions
int nMipSkipCount = ComputeActualSize( false, pVTFTexture );
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
bool bQueuedLoad = ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_QUEUEDLOAD ) != 0; nMipSkipCount -= pVTFTexture->MipSkipCount(); if ( nMipSkipCount < 0 || ( nMipSkipCount >= pVTFTexture->MipCount() ) ) { // the 360 texture was already pre-picmipped or can't be picmipped
// clamp to the available dimensions
m_nActualWidth = pVTFTexture->Width(); m_nActualHeight = pVTFTexture->Height(); m_nActualDepth = pVTFTexture->Depth(); m_nActualMipCount = ComputeActualMipCount(); nMipSkipCount = 0; } if ( IsX360() && g_config.skipMipLevels == 0 && m_nActualMipCount > 1 && m_nFrameCount == 1 && !( m_nFlags & ( TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL|TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET|TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET ) ) ) { // this file based texture is a good candidate for cacheing
m_nInternalFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_CACHEABLE; } if ( nMipSkipCount ) { // track which textures had their dimensions forcefully reduced
m_nInternalFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_REDUCED; } #endif
m_nMipSkipCount = nMipSkipCount;
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
// Determine how much of the file to read in
nFileSize = pVTFTexture->FileSize( nMipSkipCount ); #else
// A queued loading texture just gets the preload section
// and does NOT unserialize the texture bits here
nFileSize = pVTFTexture->FileSize( bQueuedLoad, nMipSkipCount ); #endif
// Read only the portion of the file that we care about
g_pFullFileSystem->Seek( fileHandle, 0, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); nBytesOptimalRead = GetOptimalReadBuffer( fileHandle, nFileSize, buf ); nBytesRead = g_pFullFileSystem->ReadEx( buf.Base(), nBytesOptimalRead, nFileSize, fileHandle ); g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fileHandle ); buf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, nBytesRead );
// NOTE: Skipping mip levels here will cause the size to be changed...
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
if ( !pVTFTexture->Unserialize( buf, false, nMipSkipCount ) ) #else
if ( !pVTFTexture->UnserializeFromBuffer( buf, true, false, bQueuedLoad, nMipSkipCount ) ) #endif
{ Warning( "Error reading material data \"%s\"\n", pCacheFileName ); return HandleFileLoadFailedTexture( pVTFTexture ); }
// Build the low-res texture
LoadLowResTexture( pVTFTexture );
// load resources
LoadResourceData( pVTFTexture );
// Try to set up debugging textures, if we're in a debugging mode
if ( !IsProcedural() && !IsGameConsole() ) { SetupDebuggingTextures( pVTFTexture ); }
if ( ConvertToActualFormat( pVTFTexture ) ) { if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // 360 vtf are baked in final formats, no format conversion can or should have occurred
// otherwise track offender and ensure files are baked correctly
Error( "\"%s\" not in native format\n", pCacheFileName ); } }
return pVTFTexture; }
// Loads the texture bits from provided data.
IVTFTexture *CTexture::LoadTextureBitsFromData( char *pCacheFileName, void *pSourceData, int nSourceDataSize ) { IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ASYNC_DOWNLOAD ) ? GetScratchVTFAsyncTexture() : GetScratchVTFTexture();
CUtlBuffer buf; buf.SetExternalBuffer( pSourceData, nSourceDataSize, nSourceDataSize, CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY );
int nVersion = -1; if ( IsPC() ) nVersion = VTF_MAJOR_VERSION; else if ( IsX360() ) nVersion = VTF_X360_MAJOR_VERSION; else if ( IsPS3() ) nVersion = VTF_PS3_MAJOR_VERSION;
int nHeaderSize = VTFFileHeaderSize( nVersion ); if ( nSourceDataSize < nHeaderSize ) { Warning( "Error reading texture header \"%s\"\n", pCacheFileName ); return HandleFileLoadFailedTexture( pVTFTexture ); }
// Unserialize the header only
// need the header first to determine remainder of data
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
if ( !pVTFTexture->Unserialize( buf, true ) ) #else
if ( !pVTFTexture->UnserializeFromBuffer( buf, true, true, true, 0 ) ) #endif
{ Warning( "Error reading texture header \"%s\"\n", pCacheFileName ); return HandleFileLoadFailedTexture( pVTFTexture ); }
// FIXME: Hack for L4D
int nHackExtraFlags = 0; if ( !Q_strnicmp( pCacheFileName, "materials/graffiti/", 19 ) ) { nHackExtraFlags = TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD; }
// OSX hackery
if ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_SRGB ) { nHackExtraFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGS_SRGB; }
// Set from stdshaders cpp code
// Seek the reading back to the front of the buffer
buf.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 );
// Initialize the texture class with vtf header data before operations
Init( #if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
pVTFTexture->Width(), pVTFTexture->Height(), pVTFTexture->Depth(), #else
// 360 texture might be pre-picmipped, setup as it's original dimensions
// so picmipping logic calculates correctly, and then fixup
pVTFTexture->MappingWidth(), pVTFTexture->MappingHeight(), pVTFTexture->MappingDepth(), #endif
pVTFTexture->Format(), pVTFTexture->Flags() | nHackExtraFlags, pVTFTexture->FrameCount() );
VectorCopy( pVTFTexture->Reflectivity(), m_vecReflectivity );
// Compute the actual texture dimensions
int nMipSkipCount = ComputeActualSize( false, pVTFTexture );
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
bool bQueuedLoad = ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_QUEUEDLOAD ) != 0; nMipSkipCount -= pVTFTexture->MipSkipCount(); if ( nMipSkipCount < 0 || ( nMipSkipCount >= pVTFTexture->MipCount() ) ) { // the 360 texture was already pre-picmipped or can't be picmipped
// clamp to the available dimensions
m_nActualWidth = pVTFTexture->Width(); m_nActualHeight = pVTFTexture->Height(); m_nActualDepth = pVTFTexture->Depth(); m_nActualMipCount = ComputeActualMipCount(); nMipSkipCount = 0; } if ( IsX360() && g_config.skipMipLevels == 0 && m_nActualMipCount > 1 && m_nFrameCount == 1 && !( m_nFlags & ( TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL|TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET|TEXTUREFLAGS_DEPTHRENDERTARGET ) ) ) { // this file based texture is a good candidate for cacheing
m_nInternalFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_CACHEABLE; } if ( nMipSkipCount ) { // track which textures had their dimensions forcefully reduced
m_nInternalFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_REDUCED; } #endif
m_nMipSkipCount = nMipSkipCount;
// NOTE: Skipping mip levels here will cause the size to be changed...
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
if ( !pVTFTexture->Unserialize( buf, false, nMipSkipCount ) ) #else
if ( !pVTFTexture->UnserializeFromBuffer( buf, true, false, bQueuedLoad, nMipSkipCount ) ) #endif
{ Warning( "Error reading texture data \"%s\"\n", pCacheFileName ); return HandleFileLoadFailedTexture( pVTFTexture ); }
// Build the low-res texture
LoadLowResTexture( pVTFTexture );
// Load the resources
LoadResourceData( pVTFTexture );
// Try to set up debugging textures, if we're in a debugging mode
if ( !IsProcedural() && !IsGameConsole() ) { SetupDebuggingTextures( pVTFTexture ); }
if ( ConvertToActualFormat( pVTFTexture ) ) { if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // 360 vtf are baked in final formats, no format conversion can or should have occurred
// otherwise track offender and ensure files are baked correctly
Error( "\"%s\" not in native format\n", pCacheFileName ); } }
return pVTFTexture; }
IVTFTexture *CTexture::HandleFileLoadFailedTexture( IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture ) { // create the error texture
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
// reset botched vtf, ensure checkerboard error texture is created now and maintains bgra8888 format
pVTFTexture->ReleaseImageMemory(); m_nInternalFlags &= ~TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_QUEUEDLOAD; m_nFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGS_EIGHTBITALPHA; #endif
// This will make a checkerboard texture to indicate failure
pVTFTexture->Init( 32, 32, 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888, m_nFlags, 1 ); Init( pVTFTexture->Width(), pVTFTexture->Height(), pVTFTexture->Depth(), pVTFTexture->Format(), pVTFTexture->Flags(), pVTFTexture->FrameCount() ); m_vecReflectivity.Init( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f );
// NOTE: For mat_picmip to work, we must use the same size (32x32)
// Which should work since every card can handle textures of that size
m_nActualWidth = pVTFTexture->Width(); m_nActualHeight = pVTFTexture->Height(); m_nActualMipCount = 1;
// generate the checkerboard
TextureManager()->GenerateErrorTexture( this, pVTFTexture ); ConvertToActualFormat( pVTFTexture );
// Deactivate procedural texture...
return pVTFTexture; }
// Computes subrect for a particular miplevel
void CTexture::ComputeMipLevelSubRect( const Rect_t* pSrcRect, int nMipLevel, Rect_t *pSubRect ) { if (nMipLevel == 0) { *pSubRect = *pSrcRect; return; }
float flInvShrink = 1.0f / (float)(1 << nMipLevel); pSubRect->x = pSrcRect->x * flInvShrink; pSubRect->y = pSrcRect->y * flInvShrink; pSubRect->width = (int)ceil( (pSrcRect->x + pSrcRect->width) * flInvShrink ) - pSubRect->x; pSubRect->height = (int)ceil( (pSrcRect->y + pSrcRect->height) * flInvShrink ) - pSubRect->y; }
// Computes the face count + first face
void CTexture::GetDownloadFaceCount( int &nFirstFace, int &nFaceCount ) { nFaceCount = 1; nFirstFace = 0; if ( IsCubeMap() ) { nFaceCount = CUBEMAP_FACE_COUNT; } }
// Fixup a queue loaded texture with the delayed hi-res data
void CTexture::FixupTexture( const void *pData, int nSize, LoaderError_t loaderError ) { if ( loaderError != LOADERERROR_NONE ) { // mark as invalid
nSize = 0; }
// Make sure we've actually allocated the texture handles
Assert( HasBeenAllocated() );
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
// hand off the hires data down to the shaderapi to upload directly
// Purposely bypassing downloading through material system, which is non-reentrant
// for that operation, to avoid mutexing.
// NOTE: Strange refcount work here to keep it threadsafe
int nRefCount = m_nRefCount; int nRefCountOld = nRefCount; g_pShaderAPI->PostQueuedTexture( pData, nSize, m_pTextureHandles, m_nFrameCount, m_nActualWidth, m_nActualHeight, m_nActualDepth, m_nActualMipCount, &nRefCount ); int nDelta = nRefCount - nRefCountOld; m_nRefCount += nDelta; #endif
} static void QueuedLoaderCallback( void *pContext, void *pContext2, const void *pData, int nSize, LoaderError_t loaderError ) { reinterpret_cast< CTexture * >( pContext )->FixupTexture( pData, nSize, loaderError ); }
// Generates the procedural bits
IVTFTexture *CTexture::ReconstructPartialProceduralBits( const Rect_t *pRect, Rect_t *pActualRect ) { // Figure out the actual size for this texture based on the current mode
// Figure out how many mip levels we're skipping...
int nSizeFactor = 1; int nWidth = GetActualWidth(); if ( nWidth != 0 ) { nSizeFactor = GetMappingWidth() / nWidth; } int nMipSkipCount = 0; while (nSizeFactor > 1) { nSizeFactor >>= 1; ++nMipSkipCount; }
// Determine a rectangle appropriate for the actual size...
// It must bound all partially-covered pixels..
ComputeMipLevelSubRect( pRect, nMipSkipCount, pActualRect );
if ( IsGameConsole() && !IsDebug() && !m_pTextureRegenerator ) { // no checkerboards in 360 release
return NULL; }
bool bUsePreallocatedScratchTexture = m_pTextureRegenerator && m_pTextureRegenerator->HasPreallocatedScratchTexture(); // Create the texture
IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = bUsePreallocatedScratchTexture ? m_pTextureRegenerator->GetPreallocatedScratchTexture() : GetScratchVTFTexture();
// Initialize the texture
pVTFTexture->Init( m_nActualWidth, m_nActualHeight, m_nActualDepth, ComputeActualFormat( m_ImageFormat ), m_nFlags, m_nFrameCount );
// Generate the bits from the installed procedural regenerator
if ( m_pTextureRegenerator ) { m_pTextureRegenerator->RegenerateTextureBits( this, pVTFTexture, pActualRect ); } else { // In this case, we don't have one, so just use a checkerboard...
TextureManager()->GenerateErrorTexture( this, pVTFTexture ); }
return pVTFTexture; }
// Regenerates the bits of a texture within a particular rectangle
void CTexture::ReconstructPartialTexture( const Rect_t *pRect ) { // FIXME: for now, only procedural textures can handle sub-rect specification.
Assert( IsProcedural() );
// Also, we need procedural textures that have only a single copy!!
// Otherwise this partial upload will not occur on all copies
Rect_t vtfRect; IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = ReconstructPartialProceduralBits( pRect, &vtfRect );
// FIXME: for now, depth textures do not work with this.
Assert( pVTFTexture->Depth() == 1 );
// Make sure we've allocated the API textures
if ( !HasBeenAllocated() ) { if ( !AllocateShaderAPITextures() ) return; }
if ( IsGameConsole() && !pVTFTexture ) { // 360 inhibited procedural generation
return; }
int nFaceCount, nFirstFace; GetDownloadFaceCount( nFirstFace, nFaceCount ); // Blit down portions of the various VTF frames into the board memory
int nStride; Rect_t mipRect; for ( int iFrame = 0; iFrame < m_nFrameCount; ++iFrame ) { Modify( iFrame );
for ( int iFace = 0; iFace < nFaceCount; ++iFace ) { for ( int iMip = 0; iMip < m_nActualMipCount; ++iMip ) { pVTFTexture->ComputeMipLevelSubRect( &vtfRect, iMip, &mipRect ); nStride = pVTFTexture->RowSizeInBytes( iMip ); unsigned char *pBits = pVTFTexture->ImageData( iFrame, iFace + nFirstFace, iMip, mipRect.x, mipRect.y, 0 ); g_pShaderAPI->TexSubImage2D( iMip, iFace, mipRect.x, mipRect.y, 0, mipRect.width, mipRect.height, pVTFTexture->Format(), nStride, #if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
pVTFTexture->IsPreTiled(), #else
false, #endif
pBits ); } } }
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
if ( IsProcedural() && m_pTextureRegenerator && m_pTextureRegenerator->HasPreallocatedScratchTexture() ) { // nothing to free; we used the pre-allocated scratch texture
} else { // hint the vtf system to release memory associated with its load
pVTFTexture->ReleaseImageMemory(); } #endif
// Generates the procedural bits
IVTFTexture *CTexture::ReconstructProceduralBits() { // Figure out the actual size for this texture based on the current mode
if ( IsGameConsole() && !IsDebug() && !m_pTextureRegenerator ) { // no checkerboards in 360 release
return NULL; }
bool bUsePreallocatedScratchTexture = m_pTextureRegenerator && m_pTextureRegenerator->HasPreallocatedScratchTexture();
// Create the texture
IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = bUsePreallocatedScratchTexture ? m_pTextureRegenerator->GetPreallocatedScratchTexture() : GetScratchVTFTexture();
// Initialize the texture
pVTFTexture->Init( m_nActualWidth, m_nActualHeight, m_nActualDepth, ComputeActualFormat( m_ImageFormat ), m_nFlags, m_nFrameCount );
// Generate the bits from the installed procedural regenerator
if ( m_pTextureRegenerator ) { Rect_t rect; rect.x = 0; rect.y = 0; rect.width = m_nActualWidth; rect.height = m_nActualHeight; m_pTextureRegenerator->RegenerateTextureBits( this, pVTFTexture, &rect ); } else if ( !ImageLoader::IsFloatFormat( m_ImageFormat ) && !ImageLoader::IsRuntimeCompressed( m_ImageFormat ) ) { // In this case, we don't have one, so just use a checkerboard...
TextureManager()->GenerateErrorTexture( this, pVTFTexture ); }
return pVTFTexture; }
void CTexture::WriteDataToShaderAPITexture( int nFrameCount, int nFaceCount, int nFirstFace, int nMipCount, IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture, ImageFormat fmt ) { for ( int iFrame = 0; iFrame < m_nFrameCount; ++iFrame ) { Modify( iFrame );
for ( int iFace = 0; iFace < nFaceCount; ++iFace ) { for ( int iMip = 0; iMip < nMipCount; ++iMip ) { unsigned char *pBits; int nWidth, nHeight, nDepth; pVTFTexture->ComputeMipLevelDimensions( iMip, &nWidth, &nHeight, &nDepth ); for ( int z = 0; z < nDepth; ++z ) { pBits = pVTFTexture->ImageData( iFrame, iFace + nFirstFace, iMip, 0, 0, z );
g_pShaderAPI->TexImage2D( iMip, iFace, fmt, z, nWidth, nHeight, pVTFTexture->Format(), false, pBits ); } } } } }
bool CTexture::IsDepthTextureFormat( ImageFormat fmt ) { return ( ( m_ImageFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_D16_SHADOW ) || ( m_ImageFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_D24X8_SHADOW ) || ( m_ImageFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_D24S8 ) ); }
// Sets or updates the texture bits
void CTexture::ReconstructTexture( void *pSourceData, int nSourceDataSize ) { int oldWidth = m_nActualWidth; int oldHeight = m_nActualHeight; int oldDepth = m_nActualDepth; int oldMipCount = m_nActualMipCount; int oldFrameCount = m_nFrameCount;
// FIXME: Should RenderTargets be a special case of Procedural?
char *pResolvedFilename = NULL; IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = NULL;
if ( IsProcedural() ) { // This will call the installed texture bit regeneration interface
pVTFTexture = ReconstructProceduralBits(); } else if ( IsRenderTarget() ) { // Compute the actual size + format based on the current mode
ComputeActualSize( true ); } else { pVTFTexture = LoadTexttureBitsFromFileOrData( pSourceData, nSourceDataSize, &pResolvedFilename ); }
if ( !HasBeenAllocated() || m_nActualWidth != oldWidth || m_nActualHeight != oldHeight || m_nActualDepth != oldDepth || m_nActualMipCount != oldMipCount || m_nFrameCount != oldFrameCount ) { if ( HasBeenAllocated() ) { // This is necessary for the reload case, we may discover there
// are more frames of a texture animation, for example, which means
// we can't rely on having the same number of texture frames.
FreeShaderAPITextures(); }
// Create the shader api textures, except temp render targets on 360.
if ( !( IsX360() && IsTempRenderTarget() ) ) { if ( !AllocateShaderAPITextures() ) return; } }
// Render Targets just need to be cleared, they have no upload
if ( IsRenderTarget() ) { // Clear the render target to opaque black
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
// Only clear if we're not a depth-stencil texture
if ( !IsDepthTextureFormat( m_ImageFormat ) ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( MaterialSystem() ); ITexture *pThisTexture = GetEmbeddedTexture( 0 ); pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( pThisTexture ); // Push this texture on the stack
g_pShaderAPI->ClearColor4ub( 0, 0, 0, 0xFF ); // Set the clear color to opaque black
g_pShaderAPI->ClearBuffers( true, false, false, m_nActualWidth, m_nActualHeight ); // Clear the target
pRenderContext->PopRenderTargetAndViewport(); // Pop back to previous target
} #else
// 360 may not have RT surface during init time
// avoid complex conditionalizing, just cpu clear it, which always works
ClearTexture( 0, 0, 0, 0xFF ); #endif
// no upload
return; }
if ( IsGameConsole() && IsProcedural() && !pVTFTexture ) { // 360 explicitly inhibited this texture's procedural generation, so no upload needed
return; }
// Blit down the texture faces, frames, and mips into the board memory
int nFirstFace, nFaceCount; GetDownloadFaceCount( nFirstFace, nFaceCount ); if ( IsPC() ) { WriteDataToShaderAPITexture( m_nFrameCount, nFaceCount, nFirstFace, m_nActualMipCount, pVTFTexture, m_ImageFormat ); }
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
bool bDoUpload = true; if ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_QUEUEDLOAD ) { // the vtf didn't load any d3d bits, the hires bits will arrive before gameplay
bDoUpload = false; }
if ( bDoUpload ) { for ( int iFrame = 0; iFrame < m_nFrameCount; ++iFrame ) { Modify( iFrame ); for ( int iFace = 0; iFace < nFaceCount; ++iFace ) { for ( int iMip = 0; iMip < m_nActualMipCount; ++iMip ) { unsigned char *pBits; int nWidth, nHeight, nDepth; pVTFTexture->ComputeMipLevelDimensions( iMip, &nWidth, &nHeight, &nDepth ); #ifdef _PS3
// PS3 textures are pre-swizzled at tool time
pBits = pVTFTexture->ImageData( iFrame, iFace + nFirstFace, iMip, 0, 0, 0 ); g_pShaderAPI->TexImage2D( iMip, iFace, m_ImageFormat, nDepth > 1 ? nDepth : 0, nWidth, nHeight, pVTFTexture->Format(), false, pBits ); #else // _PS3
pBits = pVTFTexture->ImageData( iFrame, iFace + nFirstFace, iMip, 0, 0, 0 ); g_pShaderAPI->TexImage2D( iMip, iFace, m_ImageFormat, 0, nWidth, nHeight, pVTFTexture->Format(), pVTFTexture->IsPreTiled(), pBits ); #endif // !_PS3
} } } }
#ifdef _X360
if ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_CACHEABLE ) { // Make sure we've actually allocated the texture handles
Assert( HasBeenAllocated() );
// a cacheing texture needs to know how to get its bits back
g_pShaderAPI->SetCacheableTextureParams( m_pTextureHandles, m_nFrameCount, pResolvedFilename, m_nMipSkipCount ); } #endif // _X360
if ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_QUEUEDLOAD ) { // the empty hires version was setup
// the hires d3d bits will be delivered before gameplay (or render)
LoaderPriority_t priority = LOADERPRIORITY_BEFOREPLAY; // add the job
LoaderJob_t loaderJob; loaderJob.m_pFilename = pResolvedFilename; loaderJob.m_pCallback = QueuedLoaderCallback; loaderJob.m_pContext = (void *)this; loaderJob.m_Priority = priority; g_pQueuedLoader->AddJob( &loaderJob ); }
if ( IsProcedural() && m_pTextureRegenerator && m_pTextureRegenerator->HasPreallocatedScratchTexture() ) { // nothing to free; we used the pre-allocated scratch texture
} else { // hint the vtf system to release memory associated with its load
pVTFTexture->ReleaseImageMemory(); } #endif // _GAMECONSOLE
delete [] pResolvedFilename;
// the 360 does not persist a large buffer
// the pc can afford to persist a large buffer
FreeOptimalReadBuffer( IsGameConsole() ? 32*1024 : 6*1024*1024 ); }
// Get the shaderapi texture handle associated w/ a particular frame
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t CTexture::GetTextureHandle( int nFrame, int nTextureChannel ) { if ( nFrame < 0 ) { nFrame = 0; Warning( "CTexture::GetTextureHandle(): nFrame is < 0!\n" ); } if ( nFrame >= m_nFrameCount ) { // NOTE: This can happen during alt-tab. If you alt-tab while loading a level then the first local cubemap bind will do this, for example.
Assert( nFrame < m_nFrameCount ); return INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE; } Assert( nTextureChannel < 2 );
// Make sure we've actually allocated the texture handles
Assert( HasBeenAllocated() ); if ( m_pTextureHandles == NULL || !HasBeenAllocated() ) { return INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE; }
return m_pTextureHandles[nFrame]; }
void CTexture::GetLowResColorSample( float s, float t, float *color ) const { if ( m_LowResImageWidth <= 0 || m_LowResImageHeight <= 0 ) { // Warning( "Programming error: GetLowResColorSample \"%s\": %dx%d\n", m_pName, ( int )m_LowResImageWidth, ( int )m_LowResImageHeight );
return; }
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
// force s and t into [0,1)
if ( s < 0.0f ) { s = ( 1.0f - ( float )( int )s ) + s; } if ( t < 0.0f ) { t = ( 1.0f - ( float )( int )t ) + t; } s = s - ( float )( int )s; t = t - ( float )( int )t; s *= m_LowResImageWidth; t *= m_LowResImageHeight; int wholeS, wholeT; wholeS = ( int )s; wholeT = ( int )t; float fracS, fracT; fracS = s - ( float )( int )s; fracT = t - ( float )( int )t; // filter twice in the s dimension.
float sColor[2][3]; int wholeSPlusOne = ( wholeS + 1 ) % m_LowResImageWidth; int wholeTPlusOne = ( wholeT + 1 ) % m_LowResImageHeight; sColor[0][0] = ( 1.0f - fracS ) * ( m_pLowResImage[( wholeS + wholeT * m_LowResImageWidth ) * 3 + 0] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) ); sColor[0][1] = ( 1.0f - fracS ) * ( m_pLowResImage[( wholeS + wholeT * m_LowResImageWidth ) * 3 + 1] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) ); sColor[0][2] = ( 1.0f - fracS ) * ( m_pLowResImage[( wholeS + wholeT * m_LowResImageWidth ) * 3 + 2] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) ); sColor[0][0] += fracS * ( m_pLowResImage[( wholeSPlusOne + wholeT * m_LowResImageWidth ) * 3 + 0] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) ); sColor[0][1] += fracS * ( m_pLowResImage[( wholeSPlusOne + wholeT * m_LowResImageWidth ) * 3 + 1] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) ); sColor[0][2] += fracS * ( m_pLowResImage[( wholeSPlusOne + wholeT * m_LowResImageWidth ) * 3 + 2] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) );
sColor[1][0] = ( 1.0f - fracS ) * ( m_pLowResImage[( wholeS + wholeTPlusOne * m_LowResImageWidth ) * 3 + 0] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) ); sColor[1][1] = ( 1.0f - fracS ) * ( m_pLowResImage[( wholeS + wholeTPlusOne * m_LowResImageWidth ) * 3 + 1] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) ); sColor[1][2] = ( 1.0f - fracS ) * ( m_pLowResImage[( wholeS + wholeTPlusOne * m_LowResImageWidth ) * 3 + 2] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) ); sColor[1][0] += fracS * ( m_pLowResImage[( wholeSPlusOne + wholeTPlusOne * m_LowResImageWidth ) * 3 + 0] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) ); sColor[1][1] += fracS * ( m_pLowResImage[( wholeSPlusOne + wholeTPlusOne * m_LowResImageWidth ) * 3 + 1] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) ); sColor[1][2] += fracS * ( m_pLowResImage[( wholeSPlusOne + wholeTPlusOne * m_LowResImageWidth ) * 3 + 2] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) );
color[0] = sColor[0][0] * ( 1.0f - fracT ) + sColor[1][0] * fracT; color[1] = sColor[0][1] * ( 1.0f - fracT ) + sColor[1][1] * fracT; color[2] = sColor[0][2] * ( 1.0f - fracT ) + sColor[1][2] * fracT; #else
color[0] = (float)m_LowResImageSample[0] * 1.0f/255.0f; color[1] = (float)m_LowResImageSample[1] * 1.0f/255.0f; color[2] = (float)m_LowResImageSample[2] * 1.0f/255.0f; #endif
int CTexture::GetApproximateVidMemBytes( void ) const { ImageFormat format = GetImageFormat(); int width = GetActualWidth(); int height = GetActualHeight(); int depth = GetActualDepth(); int numFrames = GetNumAnimationFrames(); bool isMipmapped = IsMipmapped();
return numFrames * ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( width, height, depth, format, isMipmapped ); }
void CTexture::CopyFrameBufferToMe( int nRenderTargetID, Rect_t *pSrcRect, Rect_t *pDstRect ) { Assert( m_pTextureHandles && m_nFrameCount >= 1 );
if ( IsX360() && ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_TEMPRENDERTARGET ) && !HasBeenAllocated() ) { //need to create the texture bits now
//to avoid creating the texture bits previously, we simply skipped this step
if ( !AllocateShaderAPITextures() ) return; }
if ( m_pTextureHandles && m_nFrameCount >= 1 ) { g_pShaderAPI->CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( m_pTextureHandles[0], nRenderTargetID, pSrcRect, pDstRect ); } }
void CTexture::CopyMeToFrameBuffer( int nRenderTargetID, Rect_t *pSrcRect, Rect_t *pDstRect ) { Assert( m_pTextureHandles && m_nFrameCount >= 1 );
if ( IsX360() && ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_TEMPRENDERTARGET ) && !HasBeenAllocated() ) { //need to create the texture bits now
//to avoid creating the texture bits previously, we simply skipped this step
if ( !AllocateShaderAPITextures() ) return; }
if ( m_pTextureHandles && m_nFrameCount >= 1 ) { g_pShaderAPI->CopyTextureToRenderTargetEx( nRenderTargetID, m_pTextureHandles[0], pSrcRect, pDstRect ); } }
ITexture *CTexture::GetEmbeddedTexture( int nIndex ) { return ( nIndex == 0 ) ? this : NULL; }
// Helper method to initialize texture bits in desired state.
#if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
bool CTexture::ClearTexture( int r, int g, int b, int a ) { Assert( IsProcedural() || IsRenderTarget() ); if( !HasBeenAllocated() ) return false;
if ( m_ImageFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_D16 || m_ImageFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_D24S8 || m_ImageFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_D24FS8 || m_ImageFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_R32F ) { // not supporting non-rgba textures
return true; }
CPixelWriter writer; g_pShaderAPI->ModifyTexture( m_pTextureHandles[0] ); if ( !g_pShaderAPI->TexLock( 0, 0, 0, 0, m_nActualWidth, m_nActualHeight, writer ) ) return false;
writer.Seek( 0, 0 ); for ( int j = 0; j < m_nActualHeight; ++j ) { for ( int k = 0; k < m_nActualWidth; ++k ) { writer.WritePixel( r, g, b, a ); } } g_pShaderAPI->TexUnlock();
return true; } #endif
#if defined( _X360 )
bool CTexture::CreateRenderTargetSurface( int width, int height, ImageFormat format, bool bSameAsTexture, RTMultiSampleCount360_t multiSampleCount ) { Assert( IsRenderTarget() && m_nFrameCount > 1 );
if ( bSameAsTexture ) { // use RT texture configuration
width = m_nActualWidth; height = m_nActualHeight; format = m_ImageFormat; }
// RT surface is expected at end of array
m_pTextureHandles[m_nFrameCount-1] = g_pShaderAPI->CreateRenderTargetSurface( width, height, format, multiSampleCount, GetName(), TEXTURE_GROUP_RENDER_TARGET_SURFACE );
return ( m_pTextureHandles[m_nFrameCount-1] != INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE ); } #endif
void CTexture::DeleteIfUnreferenced() { if ( m_nRefCount > 0 ) return;
TextureManager()->RemoveTexture( this ); }
//Swap everything about a texture except the name. Created to support Portal mod's need for swapping out water render targets in recursive stencil views
void CTexture::SwapContents( ITexture *pOther ) { if( (pOther == NULL) || (pOther == this) ) return;
ICallQueue *pCallQueue = materials->GetRenderContext()->GetCallQueue(); if ( pCallQueue ) { pCallQueue->QueueCall( this, &CTexture::SwapContents, pOther ); return; }
AssertMsg( dynamic_cast<CTexture *>(pOther) != NULL, "Texture swapping broken" );
CTexture *pOtherAsCTexture = (CTexture *)pOther;
CTexture *pTemp = (CTexture *)stackalloc( sizeof( CTexture ) ); //swap everything
memcpy( (void *)pTemp, (void *)this, sizeof( CTexture ) ); memcpy( (void *)this, (void *)pOtherAsCTexture, sizeof( CTexture ) ); memcpy( (void *)pOtherAsCTexture, (void *)pTemp, sizeof( CTexture ) );
//we have the other's name, give it back
memcpy( &pOtherAsCTexture->m_Name, &m_Name, sizeof( m_Name ) );
//pTemp still has our name
memcpy( &m_Name, &pTemp->m_Name, sizeof( m_Name ) ); }
void CTexture::MarkAsPreloaded( bool bSet ) { if ( bSet ) { m_nInternalFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_PRELOADED; } else { m_nInternalFlags &= ~TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_PRELOADED; } }
bool CTexture::IsPreloaded() const { return ( ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_PRELOADED ) != 0 ); }
void CTexture::MarkAsExcluded( bool bSet, int nDimensionsLimit, bool bMarkAsTrumpedExclude ) { if ( bSet ) { // exclusion trumps picmipping
m_nInternalFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDEXCLUDE; // unique exclusion state to identify maximum exclusion
m_nDesiredDimensionLimit = -1; } else { // not excluding, but can optionally picmip
m_nInternalFlags &= ~TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDEXCLUDE; m_nDesiredDimensionLimit = nDimensionsLimit; }
if ( !bSet && nDimensionsLimit > 0 && bMarkAsTrumpedExclude ) { m_nInternalFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_FORCED_TO_EXCLUDE; } }
bool CTexture::IsTempExcluded() const { return ( ( m_nInternalFlags & ( TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDTEMPEXCLUDE | TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_TEMPEXCLUDED ) ) != 0 ); }
bool CTexture::CanBeTempExcluded() const { return ( m_nRefCount == 1 && m_nFrameCount == 1 && !IsError() && !IsRenderTarget() && !IsProcedural() && !IsCubeMap() ); }
bool CTexture::MarkAsTempExcluded( bool bSet, int nExcludedDimensionLimit ) { if ( !CanBeTempExcluded() ) { // not possible to temp exclude these
return false; }
if ( bSet ) { // temp exclusion can drive the texture to a smaller footprint
m_nInternalFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDTEMPEXCLUDE; // unique exclusion state to identify exclusion
m_nDesiredTempDimensionLimit = nExcludedDimensionLimit > 0 ? nExcludedDimensionLimit : -1; } else { // no longer temp excluding, default to expected normal exclusion limit
m_nInternalFlags &= ~TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDTEMPEXCLUDE; m_nDesiredTempDimensionLimit = m_nDesiredDimensionLimit; }
// temp excludes need to be tracked from normal excludes
return true; }
bool CTexture::UpdateExcludedState() { bool bRequiresDownload = false;
// temp excludes
bool bDesiredTempExclude = ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDTEMPEXCLUDE ) != 0; bool bActualTempExclude = ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_TEMPEXCLUDED ) != 0;
if ( bDesiredTempExclude || bActualTempExclude ) { if ( m_nActualDimensionLimit != m_nDesiredTempDimensionLimit ) { bRequiresDownload = true; } else { // temp excludes trump any normal exclude, and normal excludes are ignored until the temp state is cleared
return false; } } // normal excludes
if ( m_nActualDimensionLimit != m_nDesiredDimensionLimit ) { bRequiresDownload = true; }
if ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_QUEUEDLOAD ) { // already scheduled by the queued loader, the QL wins
// a fixup will occur later once the QL finishes
return false; }
if ( bRequiresDownload ) { if ( ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_TEMPEXCLUDE_UPDATE ) && g_MaterialSystem.IsLevelLoadingComplete() && mat_exclude_async_update.GetBool() ) { // temp excludes are async downloaded ONLY in the middle of gameplay, otherwise they do the normal sync download
// the async download path is !!!ONLY!!! wired for highly constrained temp exclusions, not for general purpose texture downloading
ScheduleExcludeAsyncDownload(); } else { // force the texture to re-download, causes the texture bits to match its desired exclusion state
Download(); } }
return bRequiresDownload; }
bool CTexture::IsForceExcluded() const { return ( ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_FORCED_TO_EXCLUDE ) != 0 ); }
bool CTexture::ClearForceExclusion() { if ( !IsForceExcluded() ) return false;
// clear the forced exclusion state
m_nInternalFlags &= ~TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_FORCED_TO_EXCLUDE; m_nDesiredDimensionLimit = 0;
return UpdateExcludedState(); }
bool CTexture::IsAsyncDone() const { // we only check for async completion on textures that were async downloaded
// this function gets called on textures that might be loaded normally sometimes, so it needs to handle that case
if ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ASYNC_DOWNLOAD ) { return ( ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_ASYNC_DONE ) != 0 ); }
return true; }
static void IOAsyncCallbackTexture( const FileAsyncRequest_t &asyncRequest, int numReadBytes, FSAsyncStatus_t asyncStatus ) { // interpret the async error
AsyncTextureLoadError_t loaderError; switch ( asyncStatus ) { case FSASYNC_OK: loaderError = ASYNCTEXTURE_LOADERROR_NONE; break; case FSASYNC_ERR_FILEOPEN: loaderError = ASYNCTEXTURE_LOADERROR_FILEOPEN; break; default: loaderError = ASYNCTEXTRUE_LOADERROR_READING; }
g_MaterialSystem.OnAsyncTextureDataComplete( (AsyncTextureContext_t *)asyncRequest.pContext, asyncRequest.pData, numReadBytes, loaderError ); }
bool CTexture::ScheduleAsyncDownload() { if ( !( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ASYNC_DOWNLOAD ) ) { // only textures flagged of Async Download can be Async downloaded
Assert( 0 ); return false; }
if ( m_hAsyncControl ) { // already scheduled
// this atomically marks when it can be rescheduled
return false; }
const char *pName; pName = m_Name.String();
char cacheFileName[MATERIAL_MAX_PATH]; // resolve the relative texture filename to its absolute path
bool bIsUNCName = ( pName[0] == '/' && pName[1] == '/' && pName[2] != '/' ); if ( !bIsUNCName ) { Q_snprintf( cacheFileName, sizeof( cacheFileName ), "materials/%s" TEXTURE_FNAME_EXTENSION, pName ); } else { Q_snprintf( cacheFileName, sizeof( cacheFileName ), "%s" TEXTURE_FNAME_EXTENSION, pName ); }
bool bExists = g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( cacheFileName, MaterialSystem()->GetForcedTextureLoadPathID() ); if ( !bExists ) { // unexpected failure, file should have existed and was pre-qualified
// this texture cannot be async downloaded
return false; }
pName = cacheFileName; m_ResolvedFileName = cacheFileName;
// send down a context that identifies the texture state
// a texture can only have one outstanding async download operation in flight
AsyncTextureContext_t *pContext = new AsyncTextureContext_t; pContext->m_pTexture = this; pContext->m_nInternalFlags = m_nInternalFlags; pContext->m_nDesiredTempDimensionLimit = m_nActualDimensionLimit; pContext->m_nActualDimensionLimit = m_nActualDimensionLimit; pContext->m_pVTFTexture = NULL;
// schedule the async using what should be the absolute path to the file
FileAsyncRequest_t asyncRequest; asyncRequest.pszFilename = pName; asyncRequest.priority = -1; asyncRequest.flags = FSASYNC_FLAGS_ALLOCNOFREE; asyncRequest.pContext = (void *)pContext; asyncRequest.pfnCallback = IOAsyncCallbackTexture; g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncRead( asyncRequest, &m_hAsyncControl );
return true; }
bool CTexture::ScheduleExcludeAsyncDownload() { if ( !( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_TEMPEXCLUDE_UPDATE ) ) { // NOOOOO!!!!! This cannot be used for any textures except highly constrained temp excludes that have been properly qualified.
// It cannot be re-purposed into pushing textures in.
Assert( 0 ); return false; }
if ( m_hAsyncControl ) { // already scheduled
// this atomically marks when it can be rescheduled
// the data delivery will adhere to the current desired exclude state (that may change before the data arrives multiple times)
return false; }
// want to use the prior resolved absolute filename, this causes an i/o penalty hitch once the first time the filesystem search path resolves
// each additional operation avoids the SP penalty
const char *pName; bool bResolved = false; bool bExcluding = false; if ( ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDEXCLUDE ) || ( ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDTEMPEXCLUDE ) && m_nDesiredTempDimensionLimit <= 0 ) ) { bExcluding = true; if ( m_ExcludedResolvedFileName.IsValid() ) { pName = m_ExcludedResolvedFileName.String(); bResolved = true; } else { // The replacement texture for an excluded resource is solid black.
// The better thing would be to have unique 8x8 representations.
// Can cheap out on this because a temp excluded resource (weapon) is not supposed to be rendering
// for any more than a few frames before it's restored data appears.
pName = "dev/dev_temp_exclude"; } } else { if ( m_ResolvedFileName.IsValid() ) { pName = m_ResolvedFileName.String(); bResolved = true; } else { pName = m_Name.String(); } }
char fullPath[MAX_PATH]; char cacheFileName[MATERIAL_MAX_PATH]; if ( !bResolved ) { // resolve the relative texture filename to its absolute path
bool bIsUNCName = ( pName[0] == '/' && pName[1] == '/' && pName[2] != '/' ); if ( !bIsUNCName ) { Q_snprintf( cacheFileName, sizeof( cacheFileName ), "materials/%s" TEXTURE_FNAME_EXTENSION, pName ); } else { Q_snprintf( cacheFileName, sizeof( cacheFileName ), "%s" TEXTURE_FNAME_EXTENSION, pName ); }
// all 360 files are expected to be in zip, no need to search outside of zip
g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( cacheFileName, MaterialSystem()->GetForcedTextureLoadPathID(), fullPath, sizeof( fullPath ), ( IsX360() ? FILTER_CULLNONPACK : FILTER_NONE ) ); bool bExists = V_IsAbsolutePath( fullPath ); if ( !bExists ) { // unexpected failure, file should have existed and was pre-qualified
// this texture cannot be async downloaded
return false; }
pName = fullPath; if ( bExcluding ) { m_ExcludedResolvedFileName = fullPath; } else { m_ResolvedFileName = fullPath; } }
// send down a context that identifies the texture state
// the latent async delivery will need to match the state that may have changed
// a texture can only have one outstanding async download operation in flight
// although the texture state may thrash, the actual i/o will not
AsyncTextureContext_t *pContext = new AsyncTextureContext_t; pContext->m_pTexture = this; pContext->m_nInternalFlags = m_nInternalFlags; pContext->m_nDesiredTempDimensionLimit = m_nDesiredTempDimensionLimit; pContext->m_nActualDimensionLimit = m_nActualDimensionLimit; pContext->m_pVTFTexture = NULL;
// schedule the async using what should be the absolute path to the file
FileAsyncRequest_t asyncRequest; asyncRequest.pszFilename = pName; asyncRequest.priority = -1; asyncRequest.flags = FSASYNC_FLAGS_ALLOCNOFREE; asyncRequest.pContext = (void *)pContext; asyncRequest.pfnCallback = IOAsyncCallbackTexture; g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncRead( asyncRequest, &m_hAsyncControl );
return true; }
// Note for async texture:
// -----------------------
// The download is done is 2 parts:
// * Generating the VTF
// * Using VTF to create the shader api texture (effectively the corresponding d3d resource)
// In order to reduce spikes on the main thread (cf CMaterialSystem::ServiceAsyncTextureLoads), the flMaxTimeMs
// limit has been introduced => you can safely exit after generating the VTF and resume it at a later date
bool CTexture::FinishAsyncDownload( AsyncTextureContext_t *pContext, void *pData, int nNumReadBytes, bool bAbort, float flMaxTimeMs ) { // The temp exclusions/restores are expected/desgined to be serviced at the only safe interval at the end of the frame
// and end of any current QMS jobs before QMS queues and start on it's next frame. Texture downloading is not thead safe
// and does not need to be made so. Instead, while the texture access pattens are quiescent and stable, the download
// (expected to be few in number) is deferred to this safe interval.
Assert( ThreadInMainThread() );
// For non-exclude async downloads, never abort
if ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ASYNC_DOWNLOAD ) { bAbort = false; }
// aborting just discards the data
// whatever state the texture bits were in, they stay that way
bool bDownloadCompleted = true; if ( !bAbort && g_pShaderAPI->CanDownloadTextures() ) { // the delayed async nature of this download may have invalidated the original/expected state at the moment of queuing
// prevent an update of the texture to the wrong state
// the temp exclusion monitor is responsible for rescheduling
if ( ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ASYNC_DOWNLOAD ) || // general async download (non-exclude)
( ( ( pContext->m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDTEMPEXCLUDE ) == ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDTEMPEXCLUDE ) ) && ( pContext->m_nDesiredTempDimensionLimit == m_nDesiredTempDimensionLimit ) ) ) { // the download will put the texture in the expected state
MaterialLock_t hLock = MaterialSystem()->Lock(); if ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ASYNC_DOWNLOAD ) { bDownloadCompleted = DownloadAsyncTexture( pContext, pData, nNumReadBytes, flMaxTimeMs ); } else { DownloadTexture( NULL, pData, nNumReadBytes ); } MaterialSystem()->Unlock( hLock ); } else { // the texture wants to be in a different state than this download can achieve
bool bDesiredTempExclude = ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_SHOULDTEMPEXCLUDE ) != 0; bool bActualTempExclude = ( m_nInternalFlags & TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_TEMPEXCLUDED ) != 0; if ( bDesiredTempExclude == bActualTempExclude && m_nDesiredTempDimensionLimit == m_nActualDimensionLimit ) { // the current desired temp exclude state now matches the actual
// the discarded download does not need to happen
if ( bDownloadCompleted ) { // ownership of the data is expected to have been handed off
g_pFullFileSystem->FreeOptimalReadBuffer( pData ); g_pFullFileSystem->AsyncRelease( m_hAsyncControl ); // texture can be rescheduled
m_hAsyncControl = NULL;
delete pContext;
if (m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ASYNC_DOWNLOAD) { m_nInternalFlags |= TEXTUREFLAGSINTERNAL_ASYNC_DONE; // signal we're done
m_nFlags &= ~TEXTUREFLAGS_ASYNC_DOWNLOAD; // no longer want this flag
} }
return bDownloadCompleted; }
// Saving all the texture LOD modifications to content
static bool SetBufferValue( char *chTxtFileBuffer, char const *szLookupKey, char const *szNewValue ) { bool bResult = false; size_t lenTmp = strlen( szNewValue ); size_t nTxtFileBufferLen = strlen( chTxtFileBuffer ); for ( char *pch = chTxtFileBuffer; ( NULL != ( pch = strstr( pch, szLookupKey ) ) ); ++ pch ) { char *val = pch + strlen( szLookupKey ); if ( !V_isspace( *val ) ) continue; else ++ val; char *pValStart = val;
// Okay, here comes the value
while ( *val && V_isspace( *val ) ) ++ val; while ( *val && !V_isspace( *val ) ) ++ val;
char *pValEnd = val; // Okay, here ends the value
memmove( pValStart + lenTmp, pValEnd, chTxtFileBuffer + nTxtFileBufferLen + 1 - pValEnd ); memcpy( pValStart, szNewValue, lenTmp );
nTxtFileBufferLen += ( lenTmp - ( pValEnd - pValStart ) ); bResult = true; }
if ( !bResult ) { char *pchAdd = chTxtFileBuffer + nTxtFileBufferLen; strcpy( pchAdd + strlen( pchAdd ), "\n" ); strcpy( pchAdd + strlen( pchAdd ), szLookupKey ); strcpy( pchAdd + strlen( pchAdd ), " " ); strcpy( pchAdd + strlen( pchAdd ), szNewValue ); strcpy( pchAdd + strlen( pchAdd ), "\n" ); bResult = true; }
return bResult; }
// Replaces the first occurrence of "szFindData" with "szNewData"
// Returns the remaining buffer past the replaced data or NULL if
// no replacement occurred.
static char * BufferReplace( char *buf, char const *szFindData, char const *szNewData ) { size_t len = strlen( buf ), lFind = strlen( szFindData ), lNew = strlen( szNewData ); if ( char *pBegin = strstr( buf, szFindData ) ) { memmove( pBegin + lNew, pBegin + lFind, buf + len - ( pBegin + lFind ) ); memmove( pBegin, szNewData, lNew ); return pBegin + lNew; } return NULL; }
class CP4Requirement { public: CP4Requirement(); ~CP4Requirement();
protected: bool m_bLoadedModule; CSysModule *m_pP4Module; };
CP4Requirement::CP4Requirement() : m_bLoadedModule( false ), m_pP4Module( NULL ) { if ( p4 ) return;
// load the p4 lib
m_pP4Module = Sys_LoadModule( "p4lib" ); m_bLoadedModule = true; if ( m_pP4Module ) { CreateInterfaceFn factory = Sys_GetFactory( m_pP4Module ); if ( factory ) { p4 = ( IP4 * )factory( P4_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
if ( p4 ) { extern CreateInterfaceFn g_fnMatSystemConnectCreateInterface; p4->Connect( g_fnMatSystemConnectCreateInterface ); p4->Init(); } } }
if ( !p4 ) { Warning( "Can't load p4lib.dll\n" ); } }
CP4Requirement::~CP4Requirement() { if ( m_bLoadedModule && m_pP4Module ) { if ( p4 ) { p4->Shutdown(); p4->Disconnect(); }
Sys_UnloadModule( m_pP4Module ); m_pP4Module = NULL; p4 = NULL; } }
static ConVar mat_texture_list_content_path( "mat_texture_list_content_path", "", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "The content path to the materialsrc directory. If left unset, it'll assume your content directory is next to the currently running game dir." );
CON_COMMAND_F( mat_texture_list_txlod_sync, "'reset' - resets all run-time changes to LOD overrides, 'save' - saves all changes to material content files", FCVAR_DONTRECORD ) { using namespace TextureLodOverride;
if ( args.ArgC() != 2 ) goto usage;
char const *szCmd = args.Arg( 1 ); Msg( "mat_texture_list_txlod_sync %s...\n", szCmd );
if ( !stricmp( szCmd, "reset" ) ) { for ( int k = 0; k < s_OverrideMap.GetNumStrings(); ++ k ) { char const *szTx = s_OverrideMap.String( k ); s_OverrideMap[ k ] = OverrideInfo(); // Reset the override info
// Force the texture LOD override to get re-processed
if ( ITexture *pTx = materials->FindTexture( szTx, "" ) ) pTx->ForceLODOverride( 0 ); else Warning( " mat_texture_list_txlod_sync reset - texture '%s' no longer found.\n", szTx ); }
s_OverrideMap.Purge(); Msg("mat_texture_list_txlod_sync reset : completed.\n"); return; } else if ( !stricmp( szCmd, "save" ) ) { CP4Requirement p4req; if ( !p4 ) g_p4factory->SetDummyMode( true );
for ( int k = 0; k < s_OverrideMap.GetNumStrings(); ++ k ) { char const *szTx = s_OverrideMap.String( k ); OverrideInfo oi = s_OverrideMap[ k ]; ITexture *pTx = materials->FindTexture( szTx, "" ); if ( !oi.x || !oi.y ) continue;
if ( !pTx ) { Warning( " mat_texture_list_txlod_sync save - texture '%s' no longer found.\n", szTx ); continue; }
int iMaxWidth = pTx->GetActualWidth(), iMaxHeight = pTx->GetActualHeight(); // Save maxwidth and maxheight
char chMaxWidth[20], chMaxHeight[20]; sprintf( chMaxWidth, "%d", iMaxWidth ), sprintf( chMaxHeight, "%d", iMaxHeight );
// We have the texture and path to its content
char chResolveName[ MAX_PATH ] = {0}, chResolveNameArg[ MAX_PATH ] = {0}; Q_snprintf( chResolveNameArg, sizeof( chResolveNameArg ) - 1, "materials/%s" TEXTURE_FNAME_EXTENSION, szTx ); char *szTextureContentPath; if ( !mat_texture_list_content_path.GetString()[0] ) { szTextureContentPath = const_cast< char * >( g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( chResolveNameArg, "game", chResolveName, sizeof( chResolveName ) - 1 ) );
if ( !szTextureContentPath ) { Warning( " mat_texture_list_txlod_sync save - texture '%s' is not loaded from file system.\n", szTx ); continue; } if ( !BufferReplace( szTextureContentPath, "\\game\\", "\\content\\" ) || !BufferReplace( szTextureContentPath, "\\materials\\", "\\materialsrc\\" ) ) { Warning( " mat_texture_list_txlod_sync save - texture '%s' cannot be mapped to content directory.\n", szTx ); continue; } } else { V_strncpy( chResolveName, mat_texture_list_content_path.GetString(), MAX_PATH ); V_strncat( chResolveName, "/", MAX_PATH ); V_strncat( chResolveName, szTx, MAX_PATH ); V_strncat( chResolveName, TEXTURE_FNAME_EXTENSION, MAX_PATH );
szTextureContentPath = chResolveName; }
// Figure out what kind of source content is there:
// 1. look for TGA - if found, get the txt file (if txt file missing, create one)
// 2. otherwise look for PSD - affecting psdinfo
// 3. else error
char *pExtPut = szTextureContentPath + strlen( szTextureContentPath ) - strlen( TEXTURE_FNAME_EXTENSION ); // compensating the TEXTURE_FNAME_EXTENSION(.vtf) extension
// 1.tga
sprintf( pExtPut, ".tga" ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szTextureContentPath ) ) { // Have tga - pump in the txt file
sprintf( pExtPut, ".txt" ); CUtlBuffer bufTxtFileBuffer( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( szTextureContentPath, 0, bufTxtFileBuffer ); for ( int k = 0; k < 1024; ++ k ) bufTxtFileBuffer.PutChar( 0 );
// Now fix maxwidth/maxheight settings
SetBufferValue( ( char * ) bufTxtFileBuffer.Base(), "maxwidth", chMaxWidth ); SetBufferValue( ( char * ) bufTxtFileBuffer.Base(), "maxheight", chMaxHeight ); bufTxtFileBuffer.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, strlen( ( char * ) bufTxtFileBuffer.Base() ) );
// Check out or add the file
g_p4factory->SetOpenFileChangeList( "Texture LOD Autocheckout" ); CP4AutoEditFile autop4_edit( szTextureContentPath );
// Save the file contents
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( szTextureContentPath, 0, bufTxtFileBuffer ) ) { Msg(" '%s' : saved.\n", szTextureContentPath ); CP4AutoAddFile autop4_add( szTextureContentPath ); } else { Warning( " '%s' : failed to save - set \"maxwidth %d maxheight %d\" manually.\n", szTextureContentPath, iMaxWidth, iMaxHeight ); }
continue; }
// 2.psd
sprintf( pExtPut, ".psd" ); if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szTextureContentPath ) ) { char chCommand[MAX_PATH]; char szTxtFileName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; GetModSubdirectory( "tmp_lod_psdinfo.txt", szTxtFileName, sizeof( szTxtFileName ) ); sprintf( chCommand, "/C psdinfo \"%s\" > \"%s\"", szTextureContentPath, szTxtFileName); ShellExecute( NULL, NULL, "cmd.exe", chCommand, NULL, SW_HIDE ); Sleep( 200 );
CUtlBuffer bufTxtFileBuffer( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( szTxtFileName, 0, bufTxtFileBuffer ); for ( int k = 0; k < 1024; ++ k ) bufTxtFileBuffer.PutChar( 0 );
// Now fix maxwidth/maxheight settings
SetBufferValue( ( char * ) bufTxtFileBuffer.Base(), "maxwidth", chMaxWidth ); SetBufferValue( ( char * ) bufTxtFileBuffer.Base(), "maxheight", chMaxHeight ); bufTxtFileBuffer.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, strlen( ( char * ) bufTxtFileBuffer.Base() ) );
// Check out or add the file
// Save the file contents
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( szTxtFileName, 0, bufTxtFileBuffer ) ) { g_p4factory->SetOpenFileChangeList( "Texture LOD Autocheckout" ); CP4AutoEditFile autop4_edit( szTextureContentPath );
sprintf( chCommand, "/C psdinfo -write \"%s\" < \"%s\"", szTextureContentPath, szTxtFileName ); Sleep( 200 ); ShellExecute( NULL, NULL, "cmd.exe", chCommand, NULL, SW_HIDE ); Sleep( 200 );
Msg(" '%s' : saved.\n", szTextureContentPath ); CP4AutoAddFile autop4_add( szTextureContentPath ); } else { Warning( " '%s' : failed to save - set \"maxwidth %d maxheight %d\" manually.\n", szTextureContentPath, iMaxWidth, iMaxHeight ); }
continue; }
// 3. - error
sprintf( pExtPut, "" ); { Warning( " '%s' : doesn't specify a valid TGA or PSD file!\n", szTextureContentPath ); continue; } }
Msg("mat_texture_list_txlod_sync save : completed.\n"); return; } else goto usage;
usage: Warning( "Usage:\n" " mat_texture_list_txlod_sync reset - resets all run-time changes to LOD overrides;\n" " mat_texture_list_txlod_sync save - saves all changes to material content files.\n" ); }
ConVar mat_texture_list_exclude_editing( "mat_texture_list_exclude_editing", "0" );
CON_COMMAND_F( mat_texture_list_exclude, "'load' - loads the exclude list file, 'reset' - resets all loaded exclude information, 'save' - saves exclude list file", FCVAR_DONTRECORD ) { using namespace TextureLodOverride; using namespace TextureLodExclude;
if ( args.ArgC() < 2 ) goto usage;
char const *szCmd = args.Arg( 1 );
if ( !stricmp( szCmd, "load" ) ) { if ( args.ArgC() < 3 ) goto usage;
char const *szFile = args.Arg( 2 ); Msg( "mat_texture_list_exclude loading '%s'...\n", szFile );
// Read the file buffer
CUtlInplaceBuffer bufFile( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( szFile, NULL, bufFile ) ) { Warning( "Error: failed to load exclude file '%s'!\n", szFile ); return; }
// Process the file
while ( char *pszLine = bufFile.InplaceGetLinePtr() ) { // Skip empty lines
if ( !*pszLine || V_isspace( *pszLine ) || !V_isalnum( *pszLine ) ) continue;
// If the line starts with a digit, then it's LOD override
int nLodOverride = atoi( pszLine ); while ( V_isdigit( *pszLine ) ) ++ pszLine; while ( V_isspace( *pszLine ) ) ++ pszLine; // Skip malformed lines
if ( !V_isalpha( *pszLine ) ) continue;
// Record the exclude element
TextureLodExclude::Add( pszLine, nLodOverride ); }
for ( int k = 0; k < s_ExcludeMap.GetNumStrings(); ++ k ) { char const *szTx = s_ExcludeMap.String( k );
// Force the texture LOD override to get re-processed
if ( ITexture *pTx = materials->FindTexture( szTx, "" ) ) pTx->Download( NULL ); }
Msg( "mat_texture_list_exclude loaded '%s'.\n", szFile ); // Set the var to designate exclude mode
int iMode = mat_texture_list_exclude_editing.GetInt(); mat_texture_list_exclude_editing.SetValue( MAX( 0, iMode ) + 1 ); return; } else if ( !stricmp( szCmd, "reset" ) ) { Msg( "mat_texture_list_exclude reset...\n" );
CUtlStringMap< int > lstReload;
for ( int k = 0; k < s_OverrideMap.GetNumStrings(); ++ k ) { char const *szTx = s_OverrideMap.String( k ); lstReload[ szTx ] = 1; } s_OverrideMap.Purge();
for ( int k = 0; k < s_ExcludeMap.GetNumStrings(); ++ k ) { char const *szTx = s_ExcludeMap.String( k ); lstReload[ szTx ] = 1; } s_ExcludeMap.Purge();
for ( int k = 0; k < lstReload.GetNumStrings(); ++ k ) { char const *szTx = lstReload.String( k );
// Force the texture LOD override to get re-processed
if ( ITexture *pTx = materials->FindTexture( szTx, "" ) ) pTx->Download( NULL ); }
Msg( "mat_texture_list_exclude reset : completed.\n" );
mat_texture_list_exclude_editing.SetValue( 0 );
return; } else if ( !stricmp( szCmd, "save" ) ) { if ( args.ArgC() < 3 ) goto usage;
char const *szFile = args.Arg( 2 ); Msg( "mat_texture_list_exclude saving '%s'...\n", szFile );
// Read the file buffer
CUtlInplaceBuffer bufFile( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
// Write the buffer file (full excludes)
for ( int k = 0; k < s_ExcludeMap.GetNumStrings(); ++ k ) { char const *szTx = s_ExcludeMap.String( k ); int x = s_ExcludeMap[ k ];
if ( !( x == 0 ) ) continue; // first pass, skip mips
bufFile.Printf( "%s\n", szTx ); }
// empty line
bufFile.Printf( "\n" );
// Write the buffer file (mips)
for ( int k = 0; k < s_ExcludeMap.GetNumStrings(); ++ k ) { char const *szTx = s_ExcludeMap.String( k ); int x = s_ExcludeMap[ k ];
if ( !( x > 0 ) ) continue;
bufFile.Printf( "%d %s\n", x, szTx ); }
// Save out the buffer to file
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( szFile, NULL, bufFile ) ) { Warning( "Error: failed to save exclude file '%s'!\n", szFile ); return; }
Msg( "mat_texture_list_exclude saved '%s'.\n", szFile ); return; }
usage: Warning( "Usage:\n" " mat_texture_list_exclude load excludelistfile.lst - loads exclude list file;\n" " mat_texture_list_exclude reset - resets loaded exclude list information;\n" " mat_texture_list_exclude save excludelistfile.lst - saves exclude list file.\n" ); }
bool CTextureImpl_GetTextureInformation( char const *szTextureName, MaterialTextureInfo_t &info ) { #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC
info.iExcludeInformation = TextureLodExclude::Get( szTextureName ); return true;
return false;