//============ Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============
#include "movieobjects/dmeusersettings.h"
#include "datamodel/dmelementfactoryhelper.h"
#include "datamodel/dmattributevar.h"
#if !defined( _X360 )
#include <windows.h>
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeUserSettings, CDmeUserSettings);
static CUtlMap< const char *, CDmAttribute * >s_RegistryPathToAttribute( DefLessFunc( const char * ) );
CUtlVector< IDmeUserSettingsChangedListener * > CDmeUserSettings::s_UserSettingsChangedListeners;
CDmeUserSettings *CDmeUserSettings::SharedUserSettings() { static CDmeUserSettings *s_UserSettings; if( !s_UserSettings ) { s_UserSettings = CreateElement< CDmeUserSettings >( "userSettings", DMFILEID_INVALID ); } return s_UserSettings; }
void CDmeUserSettings::OnConstruction() {
void CDmeUserSettings::OnDestruction() { }
void CDmeUserSettings::AddUserSettingsChangedListener( IDmeUserSettingsChangedListener *pListener ) { s_UserSettingsChangedListeners.AddToTail( pListener ); }
void CDmeUserSettings::OnAttributeChanged( CDmAttribute *pAttribute ) { BaseClass::OnAttributeChanged( pAttribute ); const char *pRegistryPath = FindRegistryPathForAttribute( pAttribute ); if( pRegistryPath ) { SetRegistryFromAttribute( pAttribute, pRegistryPath );
KeyValues *pMessage = new KeyValues( "OnUserSettingsChanged", NameKey, pAttribute->GetName() ); pMessage->SetPtr( AttributeKey, pAttribute ); pMessage->SetString( RegistryPathKey, pRegistryPath );
int nListenerCount = s_UserSettingsChangedListeners.Count(); for( int i=nListenerCount - 1; i>=0 ; i-- ) { s_UserSettingsChangedListeners[ i ]->OnUserSettingsChanged( pMessage ); } }
void CDmeUserSettings::SetAttributeForRegistryPathInDatabase( CDmAttribute *pAttribute, const char *pRegistryPath ) { s_RegistryPathToAttribute.InsertOrReplace( pRegistryPath, pAttribute ); }
CDmAttribute *CDmeUserSettings::FindAttributeForRegistryPath( const char *pRegistryPath ) { int nIndex = s_RegistryPathToAttribute.Find( pRegistryPath ); if( s_RegistryPathToAttribute.IsValidIndex( nIndex ) ) { return s_RegistryPathToAttribute.Element( nIndex ); } else { return NULL; } }
const char *CDmeUserSettings::FindRegistryPathForAttribute( CDmAttribute *pAttribute ) { const char *pReturnValue = NULL; for ( int i = s_RegistryPathToAttribute.FirstInorder(); i != s_RegistryPathToAttribute.InvalidIndex(); i = s_RegistryPathToAttribute.NextInorder( i ) ) { CDmAttribute *pCurrentAttribute = s_RegistryPathToAttribute[i]; if( pCurrentAttribute == pAttribute ) { pReturnValue = s_RegistryPathToAttribute.Key( i ); break; } } return pReturnValue; }
void CDmeUserSettings::GetAttributeNameFromRegistryPath( const char *pRegistryPath, char *pAttributeName, int nAttributeNameLength ) { CUtlVector<char*, CUtlMemory<char*, int> > attributeStrings; V_SplitString( pRegistryPath, "\\", attributeStrings ); Q_snprintf( pAttributeName, nAttributeNameLength, "%s", attributeStrings.Tail()); attributeStrings.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); }
CDmeUserSettings *CDmeUserSettings::GetUserSettingsForRegistryPath( const char *pRegistryPath ) { CDmeUserSettings *pReturnSettings = this; CDmeUserSettings *pCurrentSettings = this; CUtlVector<char*, CUtlMemory<char*, int> > attributeStrings; V_SplitString( pRegistryPath, "\\", attributeStrings );
if( attributeStrings.Count() > 1 ) { for( int i = 0; i < attributeStrings.Count() - 1; i++ ) { const char *currentName = attributeStrings[i]; pCurrentSettings = pReturnSettings->GetValueElement< CDmeUserSettings >(currentName ); if( !pCurrentSettings ) { pCurrentSettings = CreateElement< CDmeUserSettings >( currentName, pReturnSettings->GetFileId() ); pReturnSettings->SetValue( currentName, pCurrentSettings, true ); } pReturnSettings = pCurrentSettings; } } attributeStrings.PurgeAndDeleteElements();
return pReturnSettings; }
bool CDmeUserSettings::RegistryPathHasValue( const char *pRegistryPath ) { char pValueString[1024] = ""; bool bKeyIsAvailable = GetRegistryString( pRegistryPath, pValueString, sizeof( pValueString ) ); return bKeyIsAvailable; }
void CDmeUserSettings::SetAttributeFromRegistry( CDmAttribute *pAttribute, const char *pRegistryPath ) { char pValueString[1024]; GetRegistryString( pRegistryPath, pValueString, sizeof( pValueString ) ); pAttribute->SetValueFromString( pValueString ); }
void CDmeUserSettings::SetRegistryFromAttribute( CDmAttribute *pAttribute, const char *pRegistryPath ) { char pValueString[1024]; pAttribute->GetValueAsString( pValueString, sizeof( pValueString ) ); SetRegistryString( pRegistryPath, pValueString ); }
// [10/23/2009 Stefan] Replace the following methods by something in tierX when it is available
void CDmeUserSettings::CreateRegistryEntryAndValueKey( const char *pRegistryPath, char *pEntryKey, int nEntryKeyLength, char *pValueKey, int nValueKeyLength ) { char pFullPath[1024];
V_snprintf( pFullPath, sizeof(pFullPath), "Software\\Valve\\SourceFilmMaker\\%s", pRegistryPath );
int nFullPathLength = V_strlen( pFullPath ); int nSplitPosition = -1; for( int i = nFullPathLength - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if( pFullPath[i]=='\\') { nSplitPosition = i + 1; break; } } if( nSplitPosition >= 0 && nSplitPosition < nFullPathLength ) { V_StrRight( pFullPath, nFullPathLength - nSplitPosition, pValueKey, nValueKeyLength ); V_StrLeft( pFullPath, nSplitPosition, pEntryKey, nEntryKeyLength ); } else { V_snprintf( pEntryKey, nEntryKeyLength, "%s", pFullPath ); V_snprintf( pValueKey, nValueKeyLength, "" ); }
bool CDmeUserSettings::SetRegistryString(const char *pRegistryPath, const char *pStringValue) { #ifndef _X360
char pEntryKey[1024]; char pValueKey[1024]; CreateRegistryEntryAndValueKey( pRegistryPath, pEntryKey, sizeof( pEntryKey), pValueKey, sizeof( pValueKey ) );
if ( RegCreateKeyEx( hSlot, pEntryKey ,NULL, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, pStringValue ? KEY_WRITE : KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey , NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return false; }
if ( RegSetValueEx( hKey, pValueKey, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)pStringValue, strlen(pStringValue) + 1 ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return true; }
RegCloseKey(hKey); #endif
return false; }
bool CDmeUserSettings::GetRegistryString(const char *pRegistryPath, char *pStringValue, int nStringValueLen) { #ifndef _X360
pStringValue[0] = 0;
HKEY hKey; HKEY hSlot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; char pEntryKey[1024]; char pValueKey[1024]; CreateRegistryEntryAndValueKey( pRegistryPath, pEntryKey, sizeof( pEntryKey), pValueKey, sizeof( pValueKey ) );
if ( RegOpenKeyEx( hSlot, pEntryKey, NULL, KEY_READ, &hKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return false; }
unsigned long len = nStringValueLen; if ( RegQueryValueEx( hKey, pValueKey, NULL, NULL, (unsigned char *)pStringValue, &len ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return true; }
RegCloseKey(hKey); #endif
return false; }