//============ Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============
// cglmprogram.h
// GLMgr programs (ARBVP/ARBfp)
#include <sys/stat.h>
#pragma once
// good ARB program references
// http://petewarden.com/notes/archives/2005/05/fragment_progra_2.html
// http://petewarden.com/notes/archives/2005/06/fragment_progra_3.html
// ext links
// http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/ARB/vertex_program.txt
// http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/ARB/fragment_program.txt
// http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/EXT/gpu_program_parameters.txt
// tokens not in the SDK headers
// forward declarations
class GLMContext; class CGLMShaderPair; class CGLMShaderPairCache;
// CGLMProgram can contain two flavors of the same program, one in assembler, one in GLSL.
// these flavors are pretty different in terms of the API's that are used to activate them -
// for example, assembler programs can just get bound to the context, whereas GLSL programs
// have to be linked. To some extent we try to hide that detail inside GLM.
// for now, make CGLMProgram a container, it does not set policy or hold a preference as to which
// flavor you want to use. GLMContext has to handle that.
enum EGLMProgramType { kGLMVertexProgram, kGLMFragmentProgram, kGLMNumProgramTypes };
enum EGLMProgramLang { kGLMARB, kGLMGLSL, kGLMNumProgramLangs };
struct GLMShaderDesc { union { GLuint arb; // ARB program object name
GLhandleARB glsl; // GLSL shader object handle (void*)
} m_object;
// these can change if shader text is edited
bool m_textPresent; // is this flavor(lang) of text present in the buffer?
int m_textOffset; // where is it
int m_textLength; // how big
bool m_compiled; // has this text been through a compile attempt
bool m_valid; // and if so, was the compile successful
int m_slowMark; // has it been flagged during a non native draw batch before. increment every time it's slow.
int m_highWater; // vount of vec4's in the major uniform array ("vc" on vs, "pc" on ps)
// written by dxabstract.... gross!
GLenum GLMProgTypeToARBEnum( EGLMProgramType type ); // map vert/frag to ARB asm bind target
GLenum GLMProgTypeToGLSLEnum( EGLMProgramType type ); // map vert/frag to ARB asm bind target
class CGLMProgram { public: friend class CGLMShaderPairCache; friend class CGLMShaderPair; friend class GLMContext; // only GLMContext can make CGLMProgram objects
friend class GLMTester; friend class IDirect3D9; friend class IDirect3DDevice9; //===============================
// constructor is very light, it just makes one empty program object per flavor.
CGLMProgram( GLMContext *ctx, EGLMProgramType type ); ~CGLMProgram( );
void SetProgramText ( char *text ); // import text to GLM object - invalidate any prev compiled program
bool CompileActiveSources ( void ); // compile only the flavors that were provided.
bool Compile ( EGLMProgramLang lang ); bool CheckValidity ( EGLMProgramLang lang );
void LogSlow ( EGLMProgramLang lang ); // detailed spew when called for first time; one liner or perhaps silence after that
void GetLabelIndexCombo ( char *labelOut, int labelOutMaxChars, int *indexOut, int *comboOut ); void GetComboIndexNameString ( char *stringOut, int stringOutMaxChars ); // mmmmmmmm-nnnnnnnn-filename
bool PollForChanges( void ); // check mirror for changes.
void ReloadStringFromEditable( void ); // populate m_string from editable item (react to change)
bool SyncWithEditable( void ); #endif
// common stuff
GLMContext *m_ctx; // link back to parent context
EGLMProgramType m_type; // vertex or pixel
uint m_serial; // serial number for hashing
char *m_text; // copy of text passed into constructor. Can change if editable shaders is enabled.
// note - it can contain multiple flavors, so use CGLMTextSectioner to scan it and locate them
CGLMEditableTextItem *m_editable; // editable text item for debugging
GLMShaderDesc m_descs[ kGLMNumProgramLangs ];
uint m_samplerMask; // (1<<n) mask of sampler active locs, if this is a fragment shader (dxabstract sets this field)
struct GLMShaderPairInfo { int m_status; // -1 means req'd index was out of bounds (loop stop..) 0 means not present. 1 means present/active.
char m_vsName[ 128 ]; int m_vsStaticIndex; int m_vsDynamicIndex; char m_psName[ 128 ]; int m_psStaticIndex; int m_psDynamicIndex; };
class CGLMShaderPair // a container for a linked GLSL shader pair, and metadata obtained post-link
friend class CGLMProgram; friend class GLMContext; friend class CGLMShaderPairCache; //===============================
// constructor just sets up a GLSL program object and leaves it empty.
CGLMShaderPair( GLMContext *ctx ); ~CGLMShaderPair( );
bool SetProgramPair ( CGLMProgram *vp, CGLMProgram *fp ); // true result means successful link and query
bool RefreshProgramPair ( void ); // re-link and re-query the uniforms
// common stuff
GLMContext *m_ctx; // link back to parent context
CGLMProgram *m_vertexProg; CGLMProgram *m_fragmentProg;
GLhandleARB m_program; // linked program object
// need meta data for attribs / samplers / params
// actually we only need it for samplers and params.
// attributes are hardwired.
// vertex stage uniforms
GLint m_locVertexParams; // "vc" per dx9asmtogl2 convention
GLint m_locVertexInteger0; // "i0"
GLint m_locVertexBool0; // "b0"
GLint m_locVertexBool1; // "b1"
GLint m_locVertexBool2; // "b2"
GLint m_locVertexBool3; // "b3"
// fragment stage uniforms
GLint m_locFragmentParams; // "pc" per dx9asmtogl2 convention
GLint m_locFragmentFakeSRGBEnable; // "flSRGBWrite" - set to 1.0 to effect sRGB encoding on output
float m_fakeSRGBEnableValue; // shadow to avoid redundant sets of the m_locFragmentFakeSRGBEnable uniform
// init it to -1.0 at link or relink, so it will trip on any legit incoming value (0.0 or 1.0)
GLint m_locSamplers[ 16 ]; // "sampler0 ... sampler1..."
// other stuff
bool m_valid; // true on successful link
bool m_samplersFixed; // set on first draw (can't write the uniforms until the program is in use, and we don't want to mess with cur program inside cglmprogram)
uint m_revision; // if this pair is relinked, bump this number.
// N-row, M-way associative cache with LRU per row.
// still needs some metric dump ability and some parameter tuning.
// extra credit would be to make an auto-tuner.
struct CGLMPairCacheEntry { long long m_lastMark; // a mark of zero means an empty entry
CGLMProgram *m_vertexProg; CGLMProgram *m_fragmentProg; uint m_extraKeyBits; CGLMShaderPair *m_pair; };
class CGLMShaderPairCache // cache for linked GLSL shader pairs
protected: friend class CGLMShaderPair; friend class CGLMProgram; friend class GLMContext; //===============================
CGLMShaderPairCache( GLMContext *ctx ); ~CGLMShaderPairCache( );
CGLMShaderPair *SelectShaderPair ( CGLMProgram *vp, CGLMProgram *fp, uint extraKeyBits ); void QueryShaderPair ( int index, GLMShaderPairInfo *infoOut ); // shoot down linked pairs that use the program in the arg
// return true if any had to be skipped due to conflict with currently bound pair
bool PurgePairsWithShader( CGLMProgram *prog ); // purge everything (when would GLM know how to do this ? at context destroy time, but any other times?)
// return true if any had to be skipped due to conflict with currently bound pair
bool Purge ( void ); // stats
void DumpStats ( void ); //===============================
uint HashRowIndex ( CGLMProgram *vp, CGLMProgram *fp, uint extraKeyBits ); CGLMPairCacheEntry* HashRowPtr ( uint hashRowIndex ); void HashRowProbe ( CGLMPairCacheEntry *row, CGLMProgram *vp, CGLMProgram *fp, uint extraKeyBits, int *hitwayOut, int *emptywayOut, int *oldestwayOut ); //===============================
// common stuff
GLMContext *m_ctx; // link back to parent context
long long m_mark;
uint m_rowsLg2; uint m_rows; uint m_waysLg2; uint m_ways; uint m_entryCount; CGLMPairCacheEntry *m_entries; // array[ m_rows ][ m_ways ]
uint *m_evictions; // array[ m_rows ];
uint *m_hits; // array[ m_rows ];