//===================== Copyright (c) Valve Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ======================
// Included by networkvar.h
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
// This is the normal case.. you've got a SendPropVector to match your CNetworkVector
#define CNetworkVector( name ) CNetworkVectorInternal( Vector, name, NetworkStateChanged, CNetworkVectorBase )
// This variant of a CNetworkVector should be used if you want to use SendPropFloat
// on each individual component of the vector.
#define CNetworkVectorXYZ( name ) CNetworkVectorInternal( Vector, name, NetworkStateChanged, CNetworkVectorXYZBase )
// This variant of a CNetworkVector should be used if you want to use SendPropVectorXY
// for the XY components and SendPropFloat for the Z component.
#define CNetworkVectorXY_SeparateZ( name ) CNetworkVectorInternal( Vector, name, NetworkStateChanged, CNetworkVectorXY_SeparateZBase )
// This is the normal case.. you've got a SendPropQAngle to match your CNetworkQAngle
#define CNetworkQAngle( name ) CNetworkVectorInternal( QAngle, name, NetworkStateChanged, CNetworkVectorBase )
// This variant of a CNetworkQAngle should be used if you want to use SendPropFloat
// on each individual component of the vector.
#define CNetworkQAngleXYZ( name ) CNetworkVectorInternal( QAngle, name, NetworkStateChanged, CNetworkVectorXYZBase )
// Use these variants if you want the networkvar to not trigger a change in the baseclass
// version but you might want it to trigger changes in derived classes that do network that variable.
#define CNetworkVectorForDerived( name ) \
virtual void NetworkStateChanged_##name() {} \ virtual void NetworkStateChanged_##name( void *pVar ) {} \ CNetworkVectorInternal( Vector, name, NetworkStateChanged_##name, CNetworkVectorBase ) #define CNetworkVectorXYZForDerived( name ) \
virtual void NetworkStateChanged_##name() {} \ virtual void NetworkStateChanged_##name( void *pVar ) {} \ CNetworkVectorInternal( Vector, name, NetworkStateChanged_##name, CNetworkVectorXYZBase )
#define CNetworkVectorInternal( type, name, stateChangedFn, baseClass ) \
NETWORK_VAR_START( type, name ) \ NETWORK_VAR_END( type, name, baseClass, stateChangedFn )
// Network vector wrapper.
// The common base is shared between all CNetworkVectors.
// It includes everything but the Set() and operator=() functions,
// because the behavior of each of those is different for each vector type.
template< class Type, class Changer > class CNetworkVectorCommonBase : public CNetworkVarBase< Type, Changer > { typedef CNetworkVarBase< Type, Changer > base; public:
FORCEINLINE void Init( float ix=0, float iy=0, float iz=0 ) { base::Set( Type( ix, iy, iz ) ); } FORCEINLINE float GetX() const { return this->m_Value.x; } FORCEINLINE float GetY() const { return this->m_Value.y; } FORCEINLINE float GetZ() const { return this->m_Value.z; } FORCEINLINE float operator[]( int i ) const { return this->m_Value[i]; }
FORCEINLINE bool operator==( const Type &val ) const { return this->m_Value == (Type)val; }
FORCEINLINE bool operator!=( const Type &val ) const { return this->m_Value != (Type)val; }
FORCEINLINE const Type operator+( const Type &val ) const { return this->m_Value + val; }
FORCEINLINE const Type operator-( const Type &val ) const { return this->m_Value - val; }
FORCEINLINE const Type operator*( const Type &val ) const { return this->m_Value * val; }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator*=( float val ) { return base::Set( this->m_Value * val ); }
FORCEINLINE const Type operator*( float val ) const { return this->m_Value * val; }
FORCEINLINE const Type operator/( const Type &val ) const { return this->m_Value / val; }
protected: FORCEINLINE void DetectChange( float &out, float in ) { if ( out != in ) { this->NetworkStateChanged(); out = in; } } };
// This is for a CNetworkVector that only generates one change offset.
// It should only ever be used with SendPropVector/QAngle.
// Single-component things like SendPropFloat should never refer to it because
// they require the network var to report an offset for each component.
template< class Type, class Changer > class CNetworkVectorBase : public CNetworkVectorCommonBase< Type, Changer > { typedef CNetworkVarBase< Type, Changer > base; public: static FORCEINLINE int GetNetworkVarFlags() { return NETWORKVAR_IS_A_VECTOR; }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator=( const Type &val ) { return base::Set( val ); }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator=( const CNetworkVectorBase<Type,Changer> &val ) { return base::Set( val.m_Value ); } FORCEINLINE void SetX( float val ) { this->DetectChange( this->m_Value.x, val ); } FORCEINLINE void SetY( float val ) { this->DetectChange( this->m_Value.y, val ); } FORCEINLINE void SetZ( float val ) { this->DetectChange( this->m_Value.z, val ); } FORCEINLINE void Set( int i, float val ) { this->DetectChange( this->m_Value[i], val ); }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator*=( float val ) { return base::Set( this->m_Value * val ); } };
// This variant of a CNetworkVector should be used if you want to use SendPropFloat
// on each individual component of the vector.
template< class Type, class Changer > class CNetworkVectorXYZBase : public CNetworkVectorCommonBase< Type, Changer > { typedef CNetworkVectorCommonBase< Type, Changer > base; public: static FORCEINLINE int GetNetworkVarFlags() { return NETWORKVAR_IS_A_VECTOR | NETWORKVAR_VECTOR_XYZ_FLAG; }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator=( const Type &val ) { return Set( val ); }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator=( const CNetworkVectorBase<Type,Changer> &val ) { return Set( val.m_Value ); }
FORCEINLINE const Type& Set( const Type &val ) { SetX( val.x ); SetY( val.y ); SetZ( val.z );
return this->m_Value; } FORCEINLINE Type& GetForModify() { this->NetworkStateChanged( &((float*)this)[0] ); this->NetworkStateChanged( &((float*)this)[1] ); this->NetworkStateChanged( &((float*)this)[2] ); return this->m_Value; }
FORCEINLINE const Type& SetDirect( const Type &val ) { GetForModify() = val; return this->m_Value; }
FORCEINLINE void SetX( float val ) { DetectChange( 0, val ); } FORCEINLINE void SetY( float val ) { DetectChange( 1, val ); } FORCEINLINE void SetZ( float val ) { DetectChange( 2, val ); } FORCEINLINE void Set( int i, float val ) { DetectChange( i, val ); }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator+=( const Type &val ) { return Set( this->m_Value + val ); }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator-=( const Type &val ) { return Set( this->m_Value - val ); }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator*=( float val ) { return Set( this->m_Value * val ); }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator/=( float val ) { return Set( this->m_Value / val ); }
private: FORCEINLINE void DetectChange( int nComponent, float in ) { float *pVar = &((float*)this)[nComponent]; if ( *pVar != in ) { if ( pVar != &((float*)this)[0] ) { this->NetworkStateChanged( &((float*)this)[0] ); // Always mark the start of the vector as changed
} this->NetworkStateChanged( pVar ); *pVar = in; } } };
// This variant of a CNetworkVector should be used if you want to use SendPropVectorXY
// for the XY components and SendPropFloat for the Z component.
template< class Type, class Changer > class CNetworkVectorXY_SeparateZBase : public CNetworkVectorCommonBase< Type, Changer > { typedef CNetworkVectorCommonBase< Type, Changer > base; public: static FORCEINLINE int GetNetworkVarFlags() { return NETWORKVAR_IS_A_VECTOR | NETWORKVAR_VECTOR_XY_SEPARATEZ_FLAG; }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator=( const Type &val ) { return Set( val ); }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator=( const CNetworkVectorBase<Type,Changer> &val ) { return Set( val.m_Value ); }
FORCEINLINE const Type& Set( const Type &val ) { SetX( val.x ); SetY( val.y ); SetZ( val.z );
return this->m_Value; } FORCEINLINE Type& GetForModify() { this->NetworkStateChanged( &((float*)this)[0] ); // Mark the offset of our XY SendProp as changed.
this->NetworkStateChanged( &((float*)this)[2] ); // Mark the offset of our Z SendProp as changed.
return this->m_Value; }
FORCEINLINE const Type& SetDirect( const Type &val ) { GetForModify() = val; return this->m_Value; }
FORCEINLINE void SetX( float val ) { DetectChange( 0, val ); } FORCEINLINE void SetY( float val ) { DetectChange( 1, val ); } FORCEINLINE void SetZ( float val ) { DetectChange( 2, val ); } FORCEINLINE void Set( int i, float val ) { DetectChange( i, val ); }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator+=( const Type &val ) { return Set( this->m_Value + val ); }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator-=( const Type &val ) { return Set( this->m_Value - val ); }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator*=( float val ) { return Set( this->m_Value * val ); }
FORCEINLINE const Type& operator/=( float val ) { return Set( this->m_Value / val ); }
private: FORCEINLINE void DetectChange( int nComponent, float in ) { float *pVar = &((float*)this)[nComponent]; if ( *pVar != in ) { this->NetworkStateChanged( &((float*)this)[0] ); // Mark the offset of our XY SendProp as changed.
this->NetworkStateChanged( &((float*)this)[2] ); // Mark the offset of our Z SendProp as changed.
*pVar = in; } } };