//===== Copyright � Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose: Resource Stream is conceptually memory file where you write the data
// that you want to live both on disk and in memory. The constraint then is
// that the data must be movable in memory, since you don't know in advance,
// when you're creating the data, what will be its start address once it gets
// loaded. To accomplish this, we use CResourcePointer and CResourceArray
// in places of pointers and dynamic arrays. They store offsets rather than
// absolute addresses of the referenced objects, thus they are moveable.
// On Intel, the available addressing modes make the access to CResourcePointer
// as fast as pointer dereferencing in most cases. On architectures with
// rigid addressing, adding the base address is still virtually free.
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "resourcefile/schema.h"
#pragma once
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "tier0/basetypes.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
class CResourceStream;
inline byte *ResolveOffset( const int32 *pOffset ) { int offset = *pOffset; return offset ? ( ( byte* )pOffset ) + offset : NULL; }
inline byte *ResolveOffsetFast( const int32 *pOffset ) { int offset = *pOffset; AssertDbg( offset != 0 ); return ( ( byte* )pOffset ) + offset; }
template <typename T> class CLockedResource { private: T *m_pData; // data; may be const
uint m_nCount; // number of allocated data elements
//uint m_nStride; // normally sizeof(T), but may be not
//uint m_nClassCRC;
public: CLockedResource(): m_pData( NULL ), m_nCount( 0 ) {} CLockedResource( T *pData, uint nCount ): m_pData( pData ), m_nCount( nCount ) {}
// emulates pointer arithmetics
CLockedResource<T> operator + ( int nOffset ) { Assert( m_nCount <= (uint)nOffset); return CLockedResource<T>( m_pData + nOffset, m_nCount - (uint)nOffset ); }
operator const T* ()const { return m_pData; } operator T* () { return m_pData; }
T* operator ->() { return m_pData; } const T* operator ->() const { return m_pData; }
uint Count()const {return m_nCount;} };
template <typename T> class CUnlockedResource { private: CResourceStream *m_pStream; // data; may be const
uint32 m_nOffset; uint32 m_nCount; // number of allocated data elements
//uint m_nStride; // normally sizeof(T), but may be not
//uint m_nClassCRC;
public: CUnlockedResource( ): m_pStream( NULL ), m_nOffset( 0 ), m_nCount( 0 ) {} CUnlockedResource( CResourceStream *pStream, T *pData, uint nCount ); bool IsValid( )const { return m_pStream != NULL; } void Reset( ) { m_pStream = NULL; }
// emulates pointer arithmetics
CUnlockedResource<T> operator + ( int nOffset ) { Assert( m_nCount <= ( uint ) nOffset ); return CUnlockedResource<T>( m_pStream, GetPtr() + nOffset, m_nCount - ( uint ) nOffset ); }
operator const T* ( )const { return GetPtr(); } operator T* ( ) { return GetPtr(); }
T* operator ->( ) { return GetPtr(); } const T* operator ->( ) const { return GetPtr(); }
uint Count( )const { return m_nCount; } T* GetPtr( ); const T* GetPtr( )const; };
// AT RUN-TIME ONLY the offset converts automatically into pointers to the appropritate type
// at tool-time, you should use LinkSource_t and LinkTarget_t
class CResourcePointerBase { protected: int32 m_nOffset; public: CResourcePointerBase() : m_nOffset( 0 ) {}
bool operator == ( int zero )const { AssertDbg( zero == 0 ); return m_nOffset == zero; }
bool IsNull()const { return m_nOffset == 0; }
int32 NotNull()const { return m_nOffset; }
int32 GetOffset() const { return m_nOffset; }
const byte* GetUncheckedRawPtr() const { // assumes non-null; returns garbage if this is a null pointer
return ResolveOffsetFast( &m_nOffset ); }
byte* GetUncheckedRawPtr() { // assumes non-null; returns garbage if this is a null pointer
return ResolveOffsetFast( &m_nOffset ); }
const byte* GetRawPtr() const { return ResolveOffset( &m_nOffset ); }
byte* GetRawPtr() { return ResolveOffset( &m_nOffset ); }
void SetRawPtr( const void* p ) { if ( p == NULL ) { m_nOffset = 0; } else { intp nOffset = ( intp )p - ( intp )&m_nOffset; m_nOffset = ( int32 )nOffset; AssertDbg( m_nOffset == nOffset ); } }
void SetNull() { m_nOffset = 0; } };
template <typename T> class CResourcePointer: public CResourcePointerBase { public: FORCEINLINE const T* GetUncheckedPtr() const { // assumes non-null; returns garbage if this is a null pointer
AssertDbg( m_nOffset != 0 ); byte *ptr = ResolveOffsetFast( &m_nOffset ); return ( const T* )ptr; }
FORCEINLINE const T* GetPtr() const { byte *ptr = ResolveOffset( &m_nOffset ); return ( const T* )ptr; }
FORCEINLINE operator const T*() const { return GetPtr(); }
FORCEINLINE const T* operator->() const { return GetPtr(); }
void operator = ( const T* pT ) { SetRawPtr( pT ); }
void SetPtr( const T* pT ) { SetRawPtr( pT ); }
// FIXME: Should these be in a 'CResourceWritablePointer' subclass?
// There are plenty of cases where we know that a CResourcePointer should be read-only
public: FORCEINLINE T* GetUncheckedPtr() { // assumes non-null; returns garbage if this is a null pointer
Assert( m_nOffset != 0 ); byte *ptr = ResolveOffsetFast( &m_nOffset ); return ( T* )ptr; }
FORCEINLINE T* GetPtr() { byte *ptr = ResolveOffset( &m_nOffset ); return ( T* )ptr; }
FORCEINLINE operator T*() { return GetPtr(); }
FORCEINLINE T* operator->() { return GetPtr(); }
public: void Unsafe_OutOfBoundsAllocate() { SetPtr( new T() ); }
void Unsafe_OutOfBoundsFree() { delete GetPtr(); } void SwapBytes() { m_nOffset = DWordSwapC( m_nOffset ); } };
// never construct this - only the Resource stream may construct or load data that contains ResourceArray or ResourcePointer; use LockedResource or naked pointer or CUtlBuffer or something like that instead
class CResourceArrayBase { public: CResourceArrayBase() { m_nOffset = 0; m_nCount = 0; }
bool operator == ( int zero )const { AssertDbg( zero == 0 ); return m_nOffset == zero; }
bool IsNull()const { return m_nOffset == 0; }
int32 NotNull()const { return m_nOffset; }
const byte* GetRawPtr() const { // validate
return ResolveOffset( &m_nOffset ); }
byte* GetRawPtr() { // validate
return ResolveOffset( &m_nOffset ); }
int Count() const { return m_nCount; }
void WriteDirect( int nCount, void *pData ) { if ( pData == NULL ) { AssertDbg( nCount == 0 ); m_nOffset = 0; m_nCount = 0; } else { m_nOffset = ((intp)pData) - (intp)&m_nOffset; m_nCount = nCount; } }
void SwapMemberBytes() { m_nCount = DWordSwapC( m_nCount ); m_nOffset = DWordSwapC( m_nOffset ); }
private: CResourceArrayBase(const CResourceArrayBase&rThat ){} // private: we don't want to recompute offsets every time we copy a structure
protected: int32 m_nOffset; uint32 m_nCount; };
template < typename T > class CResourceArray: public CResourceArrayBase { public: CResourceArray(): CResourceArrayBase() {}
private: CResourceArray( const CResourceArray<T>&rThat ){} // private: we don't want to recompute offsets every time we copy a structure
public: const T& operator []( int nIndex ) const { AssertDbg( (uint)nIndex < m_nCount ); return this->GetPtr()[nIndex]; }
T& operator []( int nIndex ) { AssertDbg( (uint)nIndex < m_nCount ); return this->GetPtr()[nIndex]; }
const T& Element( int nIndex ) const { AssertDbg( (uint)nIndex < m_nCount ); return this->GetPtr()[nIndex]; }
T& Element( int nIndex ) { AssertDbg( (uint)nIndex < m_nCount ); return this->GetPtr()[nIndex]; }
CResourceArray<T>& operator = ( const CLockedResource<T> & lockedResource ) { m_nOffset = ( lockedResource.Count() ) ? ( ((intp)(const T*)lockedResource) - (intp)&m_nOffset ) : 0; m_nCount = lockedResource.Count(); return *this; }
CResourceArray<T>& operator = ( const CResourceArray<T> & that ) { m_nOffset = ( that.Count() ) ? ( ((intp)(const T*)that.GetPtr()) - (intp)&m_nOffset ) : 0; m_nCount = that.Count(); return *this; }
const T* GetPtr() const { return ( const T* )GetRawPtr(); }
T* GetPtr() { return ( T* )GetRawPtr(); }
const T* Base() const { return ( const T* )GetRawPtr(); }
T* Base() { return ( T* )GetRawPtr(); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return m_nCount == 0; }
operator CLockedResource<T> () {return CLockedResource<T>( GetPtr(), Count() ) ; }
// Temporary functions
void Unsafe_OutOfBoundsAllocate( int nCount ) { const T* pAlloc = new T[nCount]; m_nOffset = ((intp)(const T*)pAlloc) - (intp)&m_nOffset; m_nCount = nCount; }
void Unsafe_OutOfBoundsPurgeAndFreeRPs() { for ( uint32 i = 0; i < m_nCount; ++i ) { Element(i).Unsafe_OutOfBoundsFree(); }
delete[] GetPtr(); }
// Remove all the NULL pointers from this resource array and shorten it (without changing any allocations)
// (assumes that the elements of the array can be equality-tested with NULL)
inline void CoalescePointerArrayInPlace() { int nValidElements = 0; int nArrayLen = Count(); T* pBase = GetPtr();
for ( int i = 0; i < nArrayLen; ++i ) { if ( pBase[i] == 0 ) continue;
if ( nValidElements != i ) { pBase[nValidElements].SetRawPtr( pBase[i].GetRawPtr() ); }
nValidElements++; }
m_nCount = nValidElements; }
// Enable support for range-based loops in C++ 11
inline T* begin() { return GetPtr(); }
inline const T* begin() const { return GetPtr( ); }
inline T* end() { return GetPtr() + m_nCount; }
inline const T* end() const { return GetPtr( ) + m_nCount; } };
// this class may be useful at runtime to use fast serialize interface (without data linking)
class CResourceStream { public: // Constructor, destructor
CResourceStream( ); virtual ~CResourceStream( ) {} // make sure to implement proper cleanup in derived classes
// Methods used to allocate space in the stream
// just use Allocate<uint8>(100) to simply allocate 100 bytes of crap
void *AllocateBytes( uint nCount ); template <typename T> CLockedResource<T> Allocate( uint count = 1 ); template <typename T> CUnlockedResource<T> AllocateUnaligned( uint count = 1 );
// Methods that write data into the stream
template <typename T> CLockedResource<T> Write( const T &x ); template <typename T> CUnlockedResource<T> WriteUnaligned( const T &x ); CLockedResource<float> WriteFloat( float x ); CLockedResource<uint64> WriteU64( uint64 x ); CLockedResource<uint32> WriteU32( uint32 x ); CLockedResource<uint16> WriteU16( uint16 x ); CLockedResource<uint8> WriteByte( byte x ); CLockedResource<char> WriteString( const char *pString ); CLockedResource<char> WriteStringMaxLen( const char *pString, int nMaxLen ); // will never read beyond pString[nMaxLen-1] and will force-null-terminate if necessary
// Methods to force alignment of the next data written into the stream
void Align( uint nAlignment, int nOffset = 0 ); void AlignPointer();
// How much data have we written into the stream?
uint32 Tell() const; uint32 Tell( const void * pPast )const; const void *TellPtr() const; void Rollback( uint32 nPreviousTell ); void Rollback( const void *pPreviousTell ); void* Compile( ); template <class Memory> void* CompileToMemory( Memory &memory ); uint GetTotalSize() const; void Barrier() {} // no pointers crossing barriers allowed! all pointers are invalidated
void PrintStats(); void ClearStats();
// This is the max alignment ever used within the stream
uint GetStreamAlignment() const; void* GetDataPtr( uint Offset = 0 ); template <typename T> T* GetDataPtrTypeAligned( uint Offset );
void Clear();
protected: void EnsureAvailable( uint nAddCapacity ) { Assert( nAddCapacity < 0x40000000 ); // we don't support >1Gb of data yet
uint nNewCommit = m_nUsed + nAddCapacity; if ( nNewCommit > m_nCommitted ) { Commit( nNewCommit ); // Commit is only called when necessary, as it may be expensive
} } // the only logic entry the derived class needs to reimplement, besides constructor+destructor pair.
// depending on how expensive it is to call this function, it may commit (allocate) large chunks of extra memory, that's totally ok
virtual void Commit( uint nNewCommit ) = 0;
template <typename T> friend class CUnlockedResource;
protected: uint8 *m_pData; // the reserved virtual address space address; or just the start of allocated block of memory if virtual memory is not being used
uint m_nCommitted; // how much memory was already committed (or allocated, in case no virtual memory is being used)
uint m_nUsed; // this is the amount of currently used/allocated data, in bytes; may be unaligned
uint m_nAlignBits; // the ( max alignment - 1 ) of the current block of data
uint m_nMaxAlignment; };
class CResourceStreamVM: public CResourceStream { public: // Constructor, destructor
CResourceStreamVM( uint nReserveSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024 ); virtual ~CResourceStreamVM( ) OVERRIDE; void CloneStream( CResourceStreamVM& copyFromStream ); protected: virtual void Commit( uint nNewCommit ) OVERRIDE; void ReserveVirtualMemory( uint nAddressSize ); void ReleaseVirtualMemory( ); enum { COMMIT_STEP = 64 * 1024 }; protected: uint m_nReserved; // the reserved virtual address space for the block of data
// use this class to create resources efficiently in runtime using your own allocator
// supply a fixed buffer; it belongs to the caller
class CResourceStreamFixed: public CResourceStream { private: bool m_bOwnMemory; public: CResourceStreamFixed( uint nPreallocateDataSize );// NOTE: the preallocated data is Zeroed in this constructor
CResourceStreamFixed( void *pPreallocatedData, uint nPreallocatedDataSize ); // NOTE: the preallocated data is Zeroed in this constructor
virtual ~CResourceStreamFixed() OVERRIDE;
int GetSlack(); // remaining bytes
virtual void Commit( uint nNewCommit ); };
class CResourceStreamGrowable: public CResourceStream { public: CResourceStreamGrowable( uint nReserveDataSize ); ~CResourceStreamGrowable( );
virtual void Commit( uint nNewCommit ); uint8 *Detach( ) { uint8 *pData = m_pData; m_pData = 0; m_nCommitted = 0; m_nUsed = 0; m_pData = NULL; return pData; } };
class CLockedResourceAutoAggregator { protected: CResourceStreamVM *m_pStream; const void * m_pTellStart; uint m_nTellStart; public: CLockedResourceAutoAggregator( CResourceStreamVM *pStream, const void * pTellStart ) { m_pStream = pStream; m_pTellStart = pTellStart; m_nTellStart = pStream->Tell( pTellStart ); }
CLockedResource<uint8> GetAggregate() { return CLockedResource<uint8>( ( uint8* )m_pTellStart, m_pStream->Tell() - m_nTellStart ); } };
// Specialization for strings
class CResourceString: public CResourcePointer<char> { public: CResourceString& operator = ( const CLockedResource<char> & lockedCharResource ) { SetPtr( (const char*)lockedCharResource ); return *this; }
CResourceString& operator = ( const CResourcePointerBase & lockedCharResource ) { SetPtr( ( const char* )lockedCharResource.GetRawPtr() ); return *this; }
// empty strings can be serialized as a null pointer (instead of a pointer to '\0')
const char* GetPtr() const { if ( GetRawPtr() == NULL ) { return ""; } else { return ( const char* )GetRawPtr(); } }
char* GetPtr() { if ( GetRawPtr() == NULL ) { return ( char* )""; } else { return ( char* )GetRawPtr(); } }
operator const char* ()const { if ( GetRawPtr() == NULL ) { return ""; } else { return ( char* )GetRawPtr(); } }
void Unsafe_OutOfBoundsCopy( const char* pStr ) { int nLen = V_strlen(pStr); char* pAlloc = new char[nLen+1]; V_strcpy( pAlloc, pStr ); SetPtr( pAlloc ); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return IsNull() || !*GetUncheckedRawPtr(); }
private: // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Disable comparison operators for ResourceStrings, otherwise they'll
// be implicitly converted to char* (we don't want to actually implement
// these because it's ambiguous whether it's case-sensitive or not.
bool operator==( const CResourceString &rhs ) const; bool operator!=( const CResourceString &rhs ) const; // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Inline methods
template <typename T> inline CLockedResource<T> CResourceStream::Allocate( uint nCount ) { // TODO: insert reflection code here
uint nAlignment = VALIGNOF( T ); Align( nAlignment ); T *ptr = AllocateUnaligned< T >( nCount ); // Construct
for ( uint i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { Construct< T >( &ptr[ i ] ); }
return CLockedResource<T>( ptr, nCount ); }
template <typename T> inline CUnlockedResource<T> CResourceStream::AllocateUnaligned( uint nCount ) { // Allocate
return CUnlockedResource< T >( this, ( T* )AllocateBytes( nCount * sizeof( T ) ), nCount ); }
inline void CResourceStream::AlignPointer() { Align( sizeof( intp ) ); }
template <typename T> inline CUnlockedResource<T> CResourceStream::WriteUnaligned( const T &x ) { CUnlockedResource<T> pMemory = AllocateUnaligned<T>( ); V_memcpy( pMemory, &x, sizeof( T ) ); return pMemory; }
template <typename T> inline CLockedResource<T> CResourceStream::Write( const T &x ) { CLockedResource<T> memory = Allocate<T>(); *memory = x; return memory; }
inline CLockedResource<float> CResourceStream::WriteFloat( float x ) { return Write( x ); }
inline CLockedResource<uint64> CResourceStream::WriteU64( uint64 x ) { return Write( x ); }
inline CLockedResource<uint32> CResourceStream::WriteU32( uint32 x ) { return Write( x ); }
inline CLockedResource<uint16> CResourceStream::WriteU16( uint16 x ) { return Write( x ); }
inline CLockedResource<uint8> CResourceStream::WriteByte( byte x ) { return Write( x ); }
inline CLockedResource<char> CResourceStream::WriteString( const char *pString ) { int nLength = pString ? V_strlen( pString ) : 0;
if ( nLength == 0 ) { return CLockedResource<char>( NULL, 0 ); } else { CLockedResource<char> memory = Allocate<char>(nLength+1); memcpy( (char*)memory, pString, nLength+1 ); return memory; } }
inline CLockedResource<char> CResourceStream::WriteStringMaxLen( const char *pString, int nMaxLen ) { int nStrLen = 0; while ( pString && nStrLen < nMaxLen && pString[nStrLen] != '\0' ) { nStrLen++; }
if ( nStrLen == 0 ) { return CLockedResource<char>( NULL, 0 ); } else { CLockedResource<char> memory = Allocate<char>( nStrLen + 1 ); // +1 for null term
memcpy( (char*)memory, pString, nStrLen ); ((char*)memory)[nStrLen] = '\0'; return memory; } }
inline uint32 CResourceStream::Tell() const { return m_nUsed; }
inline void CResourceStream::Rollback( uint32 nPreviousTell ) { Assert( nPreviousTell <= m_nUsed ); m_nUsed = nPreviousTell; }
inline void CResourceStream::Rollback( const void *pPreviousTell ) { Assert( pPreviousTell > m_pData && pPreviousTell <= m_pData + m_nUsed ); m_nUsed = ( ( uint8* ) pPreviousTell ) - m_pData; }
inline uint32 CResourceStream::Tell( const void * pPast )const { // we do not reallocate the reserved memory , so the pointers do not invalidate and m_pData stays the same, and all absolute addresses stay the same in memory
uint nTell = uintp( pPast ) - uintp( m_pData ); AssertDbg( nTell <= m_nUsed ); return nTell; }
inline const void *CResourceStream::TellPtr() const { return m_pData + m_nUsed; }
inline void* CResourceStream::Compile( ) { return m_pData; }
template< class Memory > inline void* CResourceStream::CompileToMemory( Memory &memory ) { memory.Init( 0, GetTotalSize() ); V_memcpy( memory.Base(), Compile(), GetTotalSize() ); return memory.Base(); }
inline uint CResourceStream::GetTotalSize() const { return m_nUsed; }
inline uint CResourceStream::GetStreamAlignment() const { return m_nMaxAlignment; }
inline void* CResourceStream::GetDataPtr( uint nOffset ) { if ( nOffset > m_nUsed ) { return NULL; } else { return m_pData + nOffset; } }
inline void CResourceStream::Clear() { V_memset( m_pData, 0, m_nCommitted ); m_nUsed = 0; }
template <typename T> inline T* CResourceStream::GetDataPtrTypeAligned( uint Offset ) { uint nAlignment = VALIGNOF( T ); Offset += ( ( 0 - Offset ) & ( nAlignment - 1 ) ); return ( T* ) GetDataPtr( Offset ); }
template <typename T> inline const T* OffsetPointer( const T *p, intp nOffsetBytes ) { return p ? ( const T* )( intp( p ) + nOffsetBytes ) : NULL; }
template <typename T> inline T* ConstCastOffsetPointer( const T *p, intp nOffsetBytes ) { return p ? ( T* ) ( intp( p ) + nOffsetBytes ) : NULL; }
template < typename T > inline CLockedResource< T > CloneArray( CResourceStream *pStream, const T *pArray, uint nCount ) { if ( nCount > 0 && pArray ) { CLockedResource< T > pOut = pStream->Allocate< T >( nCount ); V_memcpy( pOut, pArray, nCount * sizeof( T ) ); return pOut; } else { return CLockedResource< T >( ); } }
inline int CResourceStreamFixed::GetSlack( ) { return m_nCommitted - m_nUsed; }
template < typename T > CUnlockedResource< T >::CUnlockedResource( CResourceStream *pStream, T *pData, uint nCount ): m_pStream( pStream ), m_nOffset( ( ( uint8* ) pData ) - pStream->m_pData ), m_nCount( nCount ) { AssertDbg( ( ( uint8* ) pData ) >= pStream->m_pData && ( ( uint8* ) ( pData + nCount ) <= pStream->m_pData + pStream->m_nUsed ) ); AssertDbg( m_nOffset <= pStream->m_nUsed && m_nOffset + nCount * sizeof( T ) <= pStream->m_nUsed ); }
template < typename T > inline T* CUnlockedResource< T >::GetPtr( ) { return ( T* )m_pStream->GetDataPtr( m_nOffset ); }
template < typename T > inline const T* CUnlockedResource< T >::GetPtr( )const { return ( const T * )m_pStream->GetDataPtr( m_nOffset ); }