//====== Copyright � 1996-2009, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======//
// this class facilitates an array of pointers that get added and removed frequently;
// it's intrusive: the class that is pointed to must contain and maintain an index
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
template < class CLASS > struct DefaultIncrementalVectorAccessor_t { static int GetIndex( const CLASS * p ) { return p->m_nIncrementalVectorIndex; } static void SetIndex( CLASS * p, int nIndex ) { p->m_nIncrementalVectorIndex = nIndex; } };
template <class T, class Accessor = DefaultIncrementalVectorAccessor_t< T > , class Allocator = CUtlMemory< T* > > class CUtlIncrementalVector { public: T** Base(){ return m_data.Base(); } T*const* Base()const{ return m_data.Base(); } typedef T* ElemType_t; typedef T** iterator; typedef T*const* const_iterator; enum { IsUtlVector = true }; // Used to match this at compiletime
iterator begin() { return Base(); } const_iterator begin() const { return Base(); } iterator end() { return Base() + Count(); } const_iterator end() const { return Base() + Count(); }
void SetCountAndCreateOrDelete( int nNewCount ) { int nOldCount = Count(); for( int i = nNewCount; i < nOldCount; ++i ) { delete m_data[i]; } m_data.SetCount( nNewCount ); for( int i = nOldCount; i < nNewCount; ++i ) { m_data[i] = new T; Accessor::SetIndex( m_data[i], i ); } Validate(); }
int Count() const { return m_data.Count(); }
T* operator[]( int i ) { Assert( !m_data[i] || Accessor::GetIndex( m_data[i] ) == i ); return m_data[i]; }
const T* operator[]( int i )const { Assert( !m_data[i] || Accessor::GetIndex( m_data[i] ) == i ); return m_data[i]; }
void SetElementToNull( int i ) { m_data[ i ] = NULL; }
T* AddToTail( T* p ) { Validate(); Accessor::SetIndex( p, m_data.Count() ); m_data.AddToTail( p ); Validate(); return p; }
void MoveToHead( T *pMid ) { Validate(); int nMidIndex = Accessor::GetIndex( pMid ); Accessor::SetIndex( pMid, 0 ); T *pHead = m_data[0]; Accessor::SetIndex( pHead, nMidIndex ); m_data[0] = pMid; m_data[nMidIndex] = pHead; Validate(); }
void SwapItems( int i1, int i2 ) { Validate(); T *p1 = m_data[i1]; T *p2 = m_data[i2];
Accessor::SetIndex( p1, i2 ); Accessor::SetIndex( p2, i1 ); m_data[i1] = p2; m_data[i2] = p1; Validate(); }
void InsertNewMultipleBefore( int nIndex, int nCount ) { if( nCount ) { for( int i = nIndex; i < m_data.Count(); ++i ) { T *pElement = m_data[i]; Accessor::SetIndex( pElement, Accessor::GetIndex( pElement ) + nCount ); } m_data.InsertMultipleBefore( nIndex, nCount ); for( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { T *p = new T; Accessor::SetIndex( p, nIndex + i ); m_data[ nIndex + i ] = p; } } } void RemoveAndDeleteMultiple( int nIndex, int nCount ) { if( nCount ) { for( int i = nIndex, nEnd = MIN( nIndex + nCount, m_data.Count() ); i < nEnd; ++i ) { delete m_data[i]; } m_data.RemoveMultiple( nIndex, nCount ); for ( int i = nIndex; i < m_data.Count(); ++i ) { Accessor::SetIndex( m_data[ i ], i ); } } }
void RemoveMultiple( int nIndex, int nCount ) { if ( nCount ) { m_data.RemoveMultiple( nIndex, nCount ); for ( int i = nIndex; i < Count(); ++i ) { Accessor::SetIndex( m_data[ i ], i ); } } } void RemoveMultipleFromHead( int num ) { if ( num ) { m_data.RemoveMultipleFromHead( num ); for ( int i = 0; i < Count(); ++i ) { Accessor::SetIndex( m_data[ i ], i ); } } }
void RemoveAndDelete( int nIndex ) ///< preserves order, shifts elements
{ if( nIndex < Count() ) { delete m_data[nIndex]; for( int i = nIndex + 1; i < Count(); ++i ) { Accessor::SetIndex( m_data[ i ], i - 1 ); m_data[ i - 1 ] = m_data[ i ]; } m_data.RemoveMultipleFromTail( 1 ); } }
void FastRemove( int elem ) // doesn't preserve order
{ Validate(); //T* pDeletable = m_data[elem];
T* pLast = m_data.Tail(); // Optimization Warning: pLast and pDelete pointers are aliased
m_data[elem] = pLast; m_data.RemoveMultipleFromTail( 1 ); Accessor::SetIndex( pLast, elem ); // Accessor::SetIndex( pDeletable, -1 ); // this is not really necessary, except for debugging; there's also a danger that client deleted the object before calling FastRemove
Validate(); } T* FindAndFastRemove( T* p ) // removes first occurrence of src, doesn't preserve order
{ int nIndex = Accessor::GetIndex( p ); Assert( m_data[nIndex] == p ); FastRemove( nIndex ); return p; }
int Find( const T* p )const { int nIndex = Accessor::GetIndex( p ); if ( uint( nIndex ) < uint( Count() ) && m_data[ nIndex ] == p ) return nIndex; else return -1; }
bool Has( const T *p )const { int nIndex = Accessor::GetIndex( p ); return uint( nIndex ) < uint( Count() ) && m_data[ nIndex ] == p; }
void FastRemoveAndDelete( T* p ) { int nIndex = Accessor::GetIndex( p ); FastRemove( nIndex ); delete p; }
void PurgeAndDeleteElements() { Validate(); m_data.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); } inline void Validate() { #if defined( DBGFLAG_ASSERT ) && defined( _DEBUG )
for( int i =0 ;i < Count(); ++i ) { Assert( !m_data[i] || Accessor::GetIndex( m_data[i] ) == i ); } #endif
void Purge() { m_data.Purge(); }
bool IsEmpty()const { return m_data.IsEmpty(); }
T *Tail() { return m_data.Tail(); }
void EnsureCapacity( int nCap ) { m_data.EnsureCapacity( nCap ); }
void Sort( int (__cdecl *pfnCompare)(const ElemType_t *, const ElemType_t *) ) { m_data.Sort( pfnCompare ); for( int i = 0; i < m_data.Count(); ++i ) { Accessor::SetIndex( m_data[i], i ); } } protected: CUtlVector< T*, Allocator > m_data; };
struct CLASS##_##NAME##_IncrementalVectorAccessor_t \ { \ static int GetIndex( const CLASS * p ) { return p->MEMBER; } \ static void SetIndex( const CLASS * p, int nIndex ) { p->MEMBER = nIndex; } \ }; \ typedef CUtlIncrementalVector < CLASS, CLASS##_##NAME##_IncrementalVectorAccessor_t >