//===== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// $Header: $
// $NoKeywords: $
// A growable array class that keeps all elements in order using binary search
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "utlvector.h"
// class CUtlSortVector:
// description:
// This in an sorted order-preserving vector. Items may be inserted or removed
// at any point in the vector. When an item is inserted, all elements are
// moved down by one element using memmove. When an item is removed, all
// elements are shifted back down. Items are searched for in the vector
// using a binary search technique. Clients must pass in a Less() function
// into the constructor of the vector to determine the sort order.
#ifndef _WIN32
// gcc has no qsort_s, so i need to use a static var to hold the sort context. this makes cutlsortvector _not_ thread sfae under linux
extern void *g_pUtlSortVectorQSortContext; #endif
template <class T> class CUtlSortVectorDefaultLess { public: bool Less( const T& lhs, const T& rhs, void * ) { return lhs < rhs; } };
template <class T, class LessFunc = CUtlSortVectorDefaultLess<T>, class BaseVector = CUtlVector<T> > class CUtlSortVector : public BaseVector { typedef BaseVector BaseClass; public: /// constructor
CUtlSortVector( int nGrowSize = 0, int initSize = 0 ); CUtlSortVector( T* pMemory, int numElements ); /// inserts (copy constructs) an element in sorted order into the list
int Insert( const T& src ); /// inserts (copy constructs) an element in sorted order into the list if it isn't already in the list
int InsertIfNotFound( const T& src );
/// Finds an element within the list using a binary search. These are templatized based upon the key
/// in which case the less function must handle the Less function for key, T and T, key
template< typename TKey > int Find( const TKey& search ) const; template< typename TKey > int FindLessOrEqual( const TKey& search ) const; template< typename TKey > int FindLess( const TKey& search ) const; template <typename K> int FindAs( const K& key ) const;
/// Removes a particular element
void Remove( const T& search ); void Remove( int i ); /// Allows methods to set a context to be used with the less function..
void SetLessContext( void *pCtx );
/// A version of insertion that will produce an un-ordered list.
/// Note that you can only use this index until sorting is redone with RedoSort!!!
int InsertNoSort( const T& src ); void RedoSort( bool bForceSort = false );
/// Use this to insert at a specific insertion point; using FindLessOrEqual
/// is required for use this this. This will test that what you've inserted
/// produces a correctly ordered list.
int InsertAfter( int nElemIndex, const T &src );
/// finds a particular element using a linear search. Useful when used
/// in between calls to InsertNoSort and RedoSort
template< typename TKey > int FindUnsorted( const TKey &src ) const;
protected: // No copy constructor
CUtlSortVector( const CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc> & );
// never call these; illegal for this class
int AddToHead(); int AddToTail(); int InsertBefore( int elem ); int InsertAfter( int elem ); int AddToHead( const T& src ); int AddToTail( const T& src ); int InsertBefore( int elem, const T& src ); int AddMultipleToHead( int num ); int AddMultipleToTail( int num, const T *pToCopy=NULL ); int InsertMultipleBefore( int elem, int num, const T *pToCopy=NULL ); int InsertMultipleAfter( int elem, int num ); int AddVectorToTail( CUtlVector<T> const &src );
struct QSortContext_t { void *m_pLessContext; LessFunc *m_pLessFunc; };
#ifdef _WIN32
static int CompareHelper( void *context, const T *lhs, const T *rhs ) { QSortContext_t *ctx = reinterpret_cast< QSortContext_t * >( context ); if ( ctx->m_pLessFunc->Less( *lhs, *rhs, ctx->m_pLessContext ) ) return -1; if ( ctx->m_pLessFunc->Less( *rhs, *lhs, ctx->m_pLessContext ) ) return 1; return 0; } #else
static int CompareHelper( const T *lhs, const T *rhs ) { QSortContext_t *ctx = reinterpret_cast< QSortContext_t * >( g_pUtlSortVectorQSortContext ); if ( ctx->m_pLessFunc->Less( *lhs, *rhs, ctx->m_pLessContext ) ) return -1; if ( ctx->m_pLessFunc->Less( *rhs, *lhs, ctx->m_pLessContext ) ) return 1; return 0; } #endif
void *m_pLessContext; bool m_bNeedsSort;
private: template< typename TKey > int FindLessOrEqual( const TKey& search, bool *pFound ) const;
void QuickSort( LessFunc& less, int X, int I ); };
// constructor
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::CUtlSortVector( int nGrowSize, int initSize ) : m_pLessContext(NULL), BaseVector( nGrowSize, initSize ), m_bNeedsSort( false ) { }
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::CUtlSortVector( T* pMemory, int numElements ) : m_pLessContext(NULL), BaseVector( pMemory, numElements ), m_bNeedsSort( false ) { }
// Allows methods to set a context to be used with the less function..
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> void CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::SetLessContext( void *pCtx ) { m_pLessContext = pCtx; }
// grows the vector
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> int CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::Insert( const T& src ) { AssertFatal( !m_bNeedsSort );
int pos = FindLessOrEqual( src ) + 1; this->GrowVector(); this->ShiftElementsRight(pos); CopyConstruct<T>( &this->Element(pos), src ); return pos; }
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> int CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::InsertNoSort( const T& src ) { m_bNeedsSort = true; int lastElement = BaseVector::m_Size; // Just stick the new element at the end of the vector, but don't do a sort
this->GrowVector(); this->ShiftElementsRight(lastElement); CopyConstruct( &this->Element(lastElement), src ); return lastElement; }
/// inserts (copy constructs) an element in sorted order into the list if it isn't already in the list
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> int CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::InsertIfNotFound( const T& src ) { AssertFatal( !m_bNeedsSort ); bool bFound; int pos = FindLessOrEqual( src, &bFound ); if ( bFound ) return pos;
++pos; BaseVector::InsertBefore( pos, src ); return pos; }
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> int CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::InsertAfter( int nIndex, const T &src ) { int nInsertedIndex = BaseClass::InsertAfter( nIndex, src );
#ifdef DEBUG
LessFunc less; if ( nInsertedIndex > 0 ) { Assert( less.Less( this->Element(nInsertedIndex-1), src, m_pLessContext ) ); } if ( nInsertedIndex < BaseClass::Count()-1 ) { Assert( less.Less( src, this->Element(nInsertedIndex+1), m_pLessContext ) ); } #endif
return nInsertedIndex; }
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> void CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::QuickSort( LessFunc& less, int nLower, int nUpper ) { #ifdef _WIN32
typedef int (__cdecl *QSortCompareFunc_t)(void *context, const void *, const void *); if ( this->Count() > 1 ) { QSortContext_t ctx; ctx.m_pLessContext = m_pLessContext; ctx.m_pLessFunc = &less;
qsort_s( Base(), Count(), sizeof(T), (QSortCompareFunc_t)&CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc>::CompareHelper, &ctx ); } #else
typedef int (__cdecl *QSortCompareFunc_t)( const void *, const void *); if ( this->Count() > 1 ) { QSortContext_t ctx; ctx.m_pLessContext = m_pLessContext; ctx.m_pLessFunc = &less; g_pUtlSortVectorQSortContext = &ctx;
qsort( this->Base(), this->Count(), sizeof(T), (QSortCompareFunc_t)&CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc>::CompareHelper ); } #endif
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> void CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::RedoSort( bool bForceSort /*= false */ ) { if ( !m_bNeedsSort && !bForceSort ) return;
m_bNeedsSort = false; LessFunc less; QuickSort( less, 0, this->Count() - 1 ); }
// finds a particular element
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> template < typename TKey > int CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::Find( const TKey& src ) const { AssertFatal( !m_bNeedsSort );
LessFunc less;
int start = 0, end = this->Count() - 1; while (start <= end) { int mid = (start + end) >> 1; if ( less.Less( this->Element(mid), src, m_pLessContext ) ) { start = mid + 1; } else if ( less.Less( src, this->Element(mid), m_pLessContext ) ) { end = mid - 1; } else { return mid; } } return -1; }
// finds a particular element using a linear search. Useful when used
// in between calls to InsertNoSort and RedoSort
template< class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector > template < typename TKey > int CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::FindUnsorted( const TKey &src ) const { LessFunc less; int nCount = this->Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if ( less.Less( this->Element( i ), src, m_pLessContext ) ) continue; if ( less.Less( src, this->Element( i ), m_pLessContext ) ) continue; return i; } return -1; }
// finds a particular element
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> template <typename K> int CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::FindAs( const K& key ) const { AssertFatal( !m_bNeedsSort );
LessFunc less;
int start = 0, end = this->Count() - 1; while (start <= end) { int mid = (start + end) >> 1; int nResult = less.Compare( this->Element(mid), key, m_pLessContext ); if ( nResult < 0 ) { start = mid + 1; } else if ( nResult > 0 ) { end = mid - 1; } else { return mid; } } return -1; }
// finds a particular element
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> template < typename TKey > int CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::FindLessOrEqual( const TKey& src, bool *pFound ) const { AssertFatal( !m_bNeedsSort );
LessFunc less; int start = 0, end = this->Count() - 1; while (start <= end) { int mid = (start + end) >> 1; if ( less.Less( this->Element(mid), src, m_pLessContext ) ) { start = mid + 1; } else if ( less.Less( src, this->Element(mid), m_pLessContext ) ) { end = mid - 1; } else { *pFound = true; return mid; } }
*pFound = false; return end; }
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> template < typename TKey > int CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::FindLessOrEqual( const TKey& src ) const { bool bFound; return FindLessOrEqual( src, &bFound ); }
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> template < typename TKey > int CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::FindLess( const TKey& src ) const { AssertFatal( !m_bNeedsSort );
LessFunc less; int start = 0, end = this->Count() - 1; while (start <= end) { int mid = (start + end) >> 1; if ( less.Less( this->Element(mid), src, m_pLessContext ) ) { start = mid + 1; } else { end = mid - 1; } } return end; }
// Removes a particular element
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> void CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::Remove( const T& search ) { AssertFatal( !m_bNeedsSort );
int pos = Find(search); if (pos != -1) { BaseVector::Remove(pos); } }
template <class T, class LessFunc, class BaseVector> void CUtlSortVector<T, LessFunc, BaseVector>::Remove( int i ) { BaseVector::Remove( i ); }