//====== Copyright � 1996-2004, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier1/utlmemory.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "limits.h"
#ifndef SIZE_MAX
#define SIZE_MAX ((size_t) -1)
// Base class, containing simple memory management
class CUtlBinaryBlock { public: CUtlBinaryBlock( int growSize = 0, int initSize = 0 ); ~CUtlBinaryBlock() { #ifdef _DEBUG
m_nActualLength = 0x7BADF00D; #else
m_nActualLength = 0; #endif
// NOTE: nInitialLength indicates how much of the buffer starts full
CUtlBinaryBlock( void* pMemory, int nSizeInBytes, int nInitialLength ); CUtlBinaryBlock( const void* pMemory, int nSizeInBytes ); CUtlBinaryBlock( const CUtlBinaryBlock& src ); CUtlBinaryBlock &operator=( const CUtlBinaryBlock &src );
CUtlBinaryBlock( CUtlBinaryBlock&& src ); CUtlBinaryBlock &operator=( CUtlBinaryBlock&& src ); #endif
void Get( void *pValue, int nMaxLen ) const; void Set( const void *pValue, int nLen ); const void *Get( ) const; void *Get( );
unsigned char& operator[]( int i ); const unsigned char& operator[]( int i ) const;
int Length() const; void SetLength( int nLength ); // Undefined memory will result
bool IsEmpty() const; void Clear(); void Purge();
bool IsReadOnly() const;
// Test for equality
bool operator==( const CUtlBinaryBlock &src ) const;
private: CUtlMemory<unsigned char> m_Memory; int m_nActualLength; };
// class inlines
inline CUtlBinaryBlock::CUtlBinaryBlock( CUtlBinaryBlock&& src ) : m_Memory( Move(src.m_Memory) ) , m_nActualLength( src.m_nActualLength ) { src.m_nActualLength = 0; }
inline CUtlBinaryBlock& CUtlBinaryBlock::operator= ( CUtlBinaryBlock&& src ) { int length = src.m_nActualLength; src.m_nActualLength = 0;
m_Memory = Move( src.m_Memory ); m_nActualLength = length;
return *this; } #endif
inline const void *CUtlBinaryBlock::Get( ) const { return m_Memory.Base(); }
inline void *CUtlBinaryBlock::Get( ) { return m_Memory.Base(); }
inline int CUtlBinaryBlock::Length() const { return m_nActualLength; }
inline unsigned char& CUtlBinaryBlock::operator[]( int i ) { return m_Memory[i]; }
inline const unsigned char& CUtlBinaryBlock::operator[]( int i ) const { return m_Memory[i]; }
inline bool CUtlBinaryBlock::IsReadOnly() const { return m_Memory.IsReadOnly(); }
inline bool CUtlBinaryBlock::IsEmpty() const { return Length() == 0; }
inline void CUtlBinaryBlock::Clear() { SetLength( 0 ); }
inline void CUtlBinaryBlock::Purge() { SetLength( 0 ); m_Memory.Purge(); }
// Simple string class.
// NOTE: This is *not* optimal! Use in tools, but not runtime code
class CUtlString { public: CUtlString(); // = default;
CUtlString( const char *pString ); // initialize from c-style string
// Attaches the string to external memory. Useful for avoiding a copy
CUtlString( void* pMemory, int nSizeInBytes, int nInitialLength ); CUtlString( const void* pMemory, int nSizeInBytes );
// Copy/move constructor/assignment
// Moves are extremely efficient as the underlying memory is not copied, just the pointers.
CUtlString( const CUtlString& string ); // = default;
CUtlString &operator=( const CUtlString &src ); // = default;
CUtlString( CUtlString&& moveFrom ); // = default;
CUtlString &operator=( CUtlString&& moveFrom ); // = default;
// Also can assign from a regular C-style string
CUtlString &operator=( const char *src );
char *Access() { return Get(); } const char *Get( ) const; char *Get(); char* GetForModify();
void Clear() { Set( NULL ); }
// CUtlString can be used anywhere a c-style string would be required
// via this implicit conversion
operator const char*() const;
// for compatibility switching items from UtlSymbol
const char *String() const { return Get(); }
// Returns strlen
int Length() const; bool IsEmpty() const;
// GS - Added for chromehtml
bool IsValid() { return (Length() != 0); }
// Sets the length (used to serialize into the buffer )
// Note: If nLen != 0, then this adds an extra byte for a null-terminator.
void Set( const char *pValue ); void SetLength( int nLen ); void Purge();
void Swap(CUtlString &src);
// Case Change
void ToUpper(); void ToLower( ); void Append( const char *pchAddition ); void Append(const char *pchAddition, int nMaxChars); void Append(char chAddition) { char temp[2] = { chAddition, 0 }; Append(temp); }
// Strips the trailing slash
void StripTrailingSlash();
char operator[] ( int idx ) const; char& operator[] ( int idx );
// Test for equality
bool operator==( const CUtlString &src ) const; bool operator==( const char *src ) const; bool operator!=( const CUtlString &src ) const { return !operator==( src ); } bool operator!=( const char *src ) const { return !operator==( src ); }
// If these are not defined, CUtlString as rhs will auto-convert
// to const char* and do logical operations on the raw pointers. Ugh.
inline friend bool operator==( const char *lhs, const CUtlString &rhs ) { return rhs.operator==( lhs ); } inline friend bool operator!=( const char *lhs, const CUtlString &rhs ) { return rhs.operator!=( lhs ); }
CUtlString &operator+=( const CUtlString &rhs ); CUtlString &operator+=( const char *rhs ); CUtlString &operator+=( char c ); CUtlString &operator+=( int rhs ); CUtlString &operator+=( double rhs ); CUtlString operator+( const char *pOther )const; CUtlString operator+( int rhs )const;
bool MatchesPattern( const CUtlString &Pattern, int nFlags = 0 ); // case SENSITIVE, use * for wildcard in pattern string
#if ! defined(SWIG)
// Don't let SWIG see the PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING attribute or it will complain.
int Format( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *pFormat, ... ) FMTFUNCTION( 2, 3 ); int FormatV( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *pFormat, va_list marker ); #else
int Format( const char *pFormat, ... ); int FormatV( const char *pFormat, va_list marker ); #endif
void SetDirect( const char *pValue, int nChars );
// Defining AltArgumentType_t hints that associative container classes should
// also implement Find/Insert/Remove functions that take const char* params.
typedef const char *AltArgumentType_t;
// Take a piece out of the string.
// If you only specify nStart, it'll go from nStart to the end.
// You can use negative numbers and it'll wrap around to the start.
CUtlString Slice( int32 nStart=0, int32 nEnd=INT_MAX );
// Grab a substring starting from the left or the right side.
CUtlString Left( int32 nChars ); CUtlString Right( int32 nChars );
CUtlString Remove(char const *pTextToRemove, bool bCaseSensitive) const;
// Replace all instances of one character with another.
CUtlString Replace( char cFrom, char cTo );
/// Replace one string with the other (single pass). Passing a NULL to pchTo is same as calling Remove
CUtlString Replace( char const *pchFrom, const char *pchTo, bool bCaseSensitive = false ) const;
/// helper func for caseless replace
CUtlString ReplaceCaseless( char const *pchFrom, const char *pchTo ) const { return Replace( pchFrom, pchTo, false ); }
void RemoveDotSlashes(char separator = CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR);
// Trim whitespace
void TrimLeft( const char *szTargets = "\t\r\n " ); void TrimRight( const char *szTargets = "\t\r\n " ); void Trim( const char *szTargets = "\t\r\n " );
// Calls right through to V_MakeAbsolutePath.
CUtlString AbsPath( const char *pStartingDir=NULL ) const;
CUtlString AbsPath(const char *pStartingDir, bool bLowercaseName) const { CUtlString result = AbsPath(pStartingDir); if (bLowercaseName) { result.ToLower(); } return result; }
// Gets the filename (everything except the path.. c:\a\b\c\somefile.txt -> somefile.txt).
CUtlString UnqualifiedFilename() const; // Strips off one directory. Uses V_StripLastDir but strips the last slash also!
CUtlString DirName();
// Get a string with the extension removed (with V_StripExtension).
CUtlString StripExtension() const;
// Get a string with the filename removed (uses V_UnqualifiedFileName and also strips the last slash)
CUtlString StripFilename() const;
// Get a string with the base filename (with V_FileBase).
CUtlString GetBaseFilename() const;
// Get a string with the file extension (with V_FileBase).
CUtlString GetExtension() const;
// Works like V_ComposeFileName.
static CUtlString PathJoin( const char *pStr1, const char *pStr2 );
// These can be used for utlvector sorts.
static int __cdecl SortCaseInsensitive( const CUtlString *pString1, const CUtlString *pString2 ); static int __cdecl SortCaseSensitive( const CUtlString *pString1, const CUtlString *pString2 );
// From Src2
void FixSlashes( char cSeparator = CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR ) { for ( int nLength = Length() - 1; nLength >= 0; nLength-- ) { char *pname = (char*)&m_Storage[ nLength ]; if ( *pname == INCORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR || *pname == CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR ) { *pname = cSeparator; } } }
bool IsEqual_CaseSensitive( const char *src ) const { if ( !src ) { return ( Length() == 0 ); } return ( V_strcmp( Get(), src ) == 0 ); }
bool IsEqual_CaseInsensitive(const char *src) const { if (!src) { return (Length() == 0); } return (V_stricmp(Get(), src) == 0); }
private: CUtlBinaryBlock m_Storage; };
// Inline methods
inline CUtlString::CUtlString( CUtlString&& moveFrom ) : m_Storage( Move( moveFrom.m_Storage ) ) { }
inline CUtlString& CUtlString::operator=( CUtlString&& moveFrom ) { m_Storage = Move( moveFrom.m_Storage ); return *this; } #endif
inline bool CUtlString::IsEmpty() const { return Length() == 0; }
inline int __cdecl CUtlString::SortCaseInsensitive( const CUtlString *pString1, const CUtlString *pString2 ) { return V_stricmp( pString1->String(), pString2->String() ); }
inline int __cdecl CUtlString::SortCaseSensitive( const CUtlString *pString1, const CUtlString *pString2 ) { return V_strcmp( pString1->String(), pString2->String() ); }
inline char CUtlString::operator [] ( int index ) const { return Get()[index]; }
inline char& CUtlString::operator[] ( int index ) { return Access()[index]; }
inline CUtlString::operator const char *( ) const { return Get(); }
// Purpose: Implementation of low-level string functionality for character types.
template < typename T > class StringFuncs { public: static T *Duplicate( const T *pValue ); static void Copy( T *out_pOut, const T *pIn, int iLength ); static int Compare( const T *pLhs, const T *pRhs ); static int Length( const T *pValue ); static const T *FindChar( const T *pStr, const T cSearch ); static const T *EmptyString(); };
template < > class StringFuncs<char> { public: static char *Duplicate( const char *pValue ) { return strdup( pValue ); } static void Copy( char *out_pOut, const char *pIn, int iLength ) { strncpy( out_pOut, pIn, iLength ); } static int Compare( const char *pLhs, const char *pRhs ) { return strcmp( pLhs, pRhs ); } static int Length( const char *pValue ) { return (int)strlen( pValue ); } static const char *FindChar( const char *pStr, const char cSearch ) { return strchr( pStr, cSearch ); } static const char *EmptyString() { return ""; } };
template < > class StringFuncs<wchar_t> { public: static wchar_t *Duplicate( const wchar_t *pValue ) { return wcsdup( pValue ); } static void Copy( wchar_t *out_pOut, const wchar_t *pIn, int iLength ) { wcsncpy( out_pOut, pIn, iLength ); } static int Compare( const wchar_t *pLhs, const wchar_t *pRhs ) { return wcscmp( pLhs, pRhs ); } static int Length( const wchar_t *pValue ) { return (int) wcslen( pValue ); } static const wchar_t *FindChar( const wchar_t *pStr, const wchar_t cSearch ) { return wcschr( pStr, cSearch ); } static const wchar_t *EmptyString() { return L""; } };
// Dirt-basic auto-release string class. Not intended for manipulation,
// can be stored in a container or forwarded as a functor parameter.
// Note the benefit over CUtlString: sizeof(CUtlConstString) == sizeof(char*).
// Also note: null char* pointers are treated identically to empty strings.
template < typename T = char > class CUtlConstStringBase { public: CUtlConstStringBase() : m_pString( NULL ) {} CUtlConstStringBase( const T *pString ) : m_pString( NULL ) { Set( pString ); } CUtlConstStringBase( const CUtlConstStringBase& src ) : m_pString( NULL ) { Set( src.m_pString ); } ~CUtlConstStringBase() { Set( NULL ); }
void Set( const T *pValue ); void Clear() { Set( NULL ); }
const T *Get() const { return m_pString ? m_pString : StringFuncs<T>::EmptyString(); } operator const T*() const { return m_pString ? m_pString : StringFuncs<T>::EmptyString(); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return m_pString == NULL; } // Note: empty strings are never stored by Set
int Compare( const T *rhs ) const;
// Logical ops
bool operator<( const T *rhs ) const { return Compare( rhs ) < 0; } bool operator==( const T *rhs ) const { return Compare( rhs ) == 0; } bool operator!=( const T *rhs ) const { return Compare( rhs ) != 0; } bool operator<( const CUtlConstStringBase &rhs ) const { return Compare( rhs.m_pString ) < 0; } bool operator==( const CUtlConstStringBase &rhs ) const { return Compare( rhs.m_pString ) == 0; } bool operator!=( const CUtlConstStringBase &rhs ) const { return Compare( rhs.m_pString ) != 0; }
// If these are not defined, CUtlConstString as rhs will auto-convert
// to const char* and do logical operations on the raw pointers. Ugh.
inline friend bool operator<( const T *lhs, const CUtlConstStringBase &rhs ) { return rhs.Compare( lhs ) > 0; } inline friend bool operator==( const T *lhs, const CUtlConstStringBase &rhs ) { return rhs.Compare( lhs ) == 0; } inline friend bool operator!=( const T *lhs, const CUtlConstStringBase &rhs ) { return rhs.Compare( lhs ) != 0; }
CUtlConstStringBase &operator=( const T *src ) { Set( src ); return *this; } CUtlConstStringBase &operator=( const CUtlConstStringBase &src ) { Set( src.m_pString ); return *this; }
// Defining AltArgumentType_t is a hint to containers that they should
// implement Find/Insert/Remove functions that take const char* params.
typedef const T *AltArgumentType_t;
protected: const T *m_pString; };
template < typename T > void CUtlConstStringBase<T>::Set( const T *pValue ) { if ( pValue != m_pString ) { free( ( void* ) m_pString ); m_pString = pValue && pValue[0] ? StringFuncs<T>::Duplicate( pValue ) : NULL; } }
template < typename T > int CUtlConstStringBase<T>::Compare( const T *rhs ) const { if ( m_pString ) { if ( rhs ) return StringFuncs<T>::Compare( m_pString, rhs ); else return 1; } else { if ( rhs ) return -1; else return 0; } }
inline CUtlString CUtlString::operator+( const char *pOther )const { CUtlString s = *this; s += pOther; return s; }
typedef CUtlConstStringBase<char> CUtlConstString; typedef CUtlConstStringBase<wchar_t> CUtlConstWideString;
// Purpose: General purpose string class good for when it
// is rarely expected to be empty, and/or will undergo
// many modifications/appends.
class CUtlStringBuilder { public: CUtlStringBuilder(); CUtlStringBuilder(const char *pchString); CUtlStringBuilder(CUtlStringBuilder const &string); explicit CUtlStringBuilder(size_t nPreallocateBytes); //CUtlStringBuilder( const CUtlStringResult &strMoveSource );
//explicit CUtlStringBuilder( IFillStringFunctor& func );
// operator=
CUtlStringBuilder &operator=(const CUtlStringBuilder &src); CUtlStringBuilder &operator=(const char *pchString); //CUtlStringBuilder &operator=( const CUtlStringResult &strMoveSource );
// operator==
bool operator==(CUtlStringBuilder const &src) const; bool operator==(const char *pchString) const;
// operator!=
bool operator!=(CUtlStringBuilder const &src) const; bool operator!=(const char *pchString) const;
// operator </>, performs case sensitive comparison
bool operator<(const CUtlStringBuilder &val) const; bool operator<(const char *pchString) const; bool operator>(const CUtlStringBuilder &val) const; bool operator>(const char *pchString) const;
// operator+=
CUtlStringBuilder &operator+=(const char *rhs);
// is valid?
bool IsValid() const;
// gets the string
// never returns NULL, use IsValid() to see if it's never been set
const char *String() const; const char *Get() const { return String(); } operator const char *() const { return String(); }
// returns the string directly (could be NULL)
// useful for doing inline operations on the string
char *Access() { // aggressive warning that there has been a bad error;
// probably should not be retrieving the string by pointer.
if (!IsValid() || (Capacity() == 0)) return NULL;
return m_data.Access(); }
// return false if capacity can't be set. If false is returned,
// the error state is set.
bool EnsureCapacity(size_t nLength);
// append in-place, causing a re-allocation
void Append(const char *pchAddition); void Append(const char *pchAddition, size_t cbLen); void Append(const CUtlStringBuilder &str) { Append(str.String(), str.Length()); } //void Append( IFillStringFunctor& func );
void AppendChar(char ch) { Append(&ch, 1); } void AppendRepeat(char ch, int cCount);
// sets the string
void SetValue(const char *pchString); void Set(const char *pchString); void Clear() { m_data.Clear(); } void SetPtr(char *pchString); void SetPtr(char *pchString, size_t nLength); void Swap(CUtlStringBuilder &src);
// If you want to take ownership of the ptr, you can use this. So for instance if you had
// a CUtlString you wanted to move it to a CUtlStringConst without making a copy, you
// could do: CUtlStringConst strConst( strUtl.Detach() );
// Also used for fast temporaries when a string that does not need to be retained is being
// returned from a func. ie: return (str.Detach());
// All strings in this file can take a CUtlStringResult as a constructor parm and will take ownership directly.
//CUtlStringResult Detach();
// Set directly and don't look for a null terminator in pValue.
// nChars is the string length. "abcd" nChars==3 would copy and null
// terminate "abc" in the string object.
void SetDirect(const char *pchString, size_t nChars);
// Get the length of the string in characters.
size_t Length() const; bool IsEmpty() const; size_t Capacity() const { return m_data.Capacity(); } // how much room is there to scribble
#if !defined(SWIG)
// Format like sprintf.
size_t Format(PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *pFormat, ...) FMTFUNCTION(2, 3); // format, then append what we crated in the format
size_t AppendFormat(PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *pFormat, ...) FMTFUNCTION(2, 3); #else
size_t Format(const char *pFormat, ...); size_t AppendFormat(const char *pFormat, ...); #endif
// replace a single character with another, returns hit count
size_t Replace(char chTarget, char chReplacement);
// replace a string with another string, returns hit count
// replacement string might be NULL or "" to remove target substring
size_t Replace(const char *pstrTarget, const char *pstrReplacement); // ASCII-only case-insensitivity.
size_t ReplaceFastCaseless(const char *pstrTarget, const char *pstrReplacement);
// replace a sequence of characters at a given point with a new string
// replacement string might be NULL or "" to remove target substring
bool ReplaceAt(size_t nIndex, size_t nOldChars, const char *pNewStr, size_t nNewChars = SIZE_MAX);
ptrdiff_t IndexOf(const char *pstrTarget) const;
// remove whitespace from the string; anything that is isspace()
size_t RemoveWhitespace();
// trim whitepace from the beginning and end of the string
size_t TrimWhitespace();
// Allows setting the size to anything under the current
// capacity. Typically should not be used unless there was a specific
// reason to scribble on the string. Will not touch the string contents,
// but will append a NULL. Returns true if the length was changed.
bool SetLength(size_t nLen);
// Take responsibility for the string. May cause a heap alloc.
char *TakeOwnership(size_t *pnLen, size_t *pnCapacity);
// For operations that are long and/or complex - if something fails
// along the way, the error will be set and can be queried at the end.
// The string is undefined in the error state, but will likely hold the
// last value before the error occurred. The string is cleared
// if ClearError() is called. The error can be set be the user, and it
// will also be set if a dynamic allocation fails in string operations
// where it needs to grow the capacity.
void SetError() { m_data.SetError(true); } void ClearError() { m_data.ClearError(); } bool HasError() const { return m_data.HasError(); }
void Validate(CValidator &validator, const char *pchName); // validate our internal structures
size_t VFormat(const char *pFormat, va_list args); size_t VAppendFormat(const char *pFormat, va_list args); void Truncate(size_t nChars);
// Access() With no assertion check - should only be used for tests
char *AccessNoAssert() { if (!IsValid()) return NULL; return m_data.Access(); }
// SetError() With no assertion check - should only be used for tests
void SetErrorNoAssert() { m_data.SetError(false); }
size_t ReplaceCaseless(const char *pstrTarget, const char *pstrReplacement) { return ReplaceFastCaseless(pstrTarget, pstrReplacement); }
private: size_t ReplaceInternal(const char *pstrTarget, const char *pstrReplacement, const char *pfnCompare(const char*, const char*)); operator bool() const { return IsValid(); }
// nChars is the number of characters you want, NOT including the null
char *PrepareBuffer(size_t nChars, bool bCopyOld = false, size_t nMinCapacity = 0) { char *pszString = NULL; size_t nCapacity = m_data.Capacity(); if ((nChars <= nCapacity) && (nMinCapacity <= nCapacity)) { // early out leaving it all alone, just update the length,
// even if it shortens an existing heap string to a width
// that would fit in the stack buffer.
pszString = m_data.SetLength(nChars);
// SetLength will have added the null. Pointer might
// be NULL if there is an error state and no buffer
Assert(!pszString || pszString[nChars] == '\0');
return pszString; }
if (HasError()) return NULL;
// Need to actually adjust the capacity
return InternalPrepareBuffer(nChars, bCopyOld, Max(nChars, nMinCapacity)); }
char *InternalPrepareBuffer(size_t nChars, bool bCopyOld, size_t nMinCapacity);
template <typename T> void Swap(T &p1, T &p2) { T t = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = t; }
// correct for 32 or 64 bit
static const uint8 MAX_STACK_STRLEN = (sizeof(void*) == 4 ? 15 : 19); enum { // Note: If it's ever desired to have the embedded string be larger than
// 63 (0x40-1), just make the sentinal 0xFF, and the error something (0xFF also
// is fine). Then shrink the scrap size by 1 and add a uint8 for the error state.
// The error byte is only valid if the heap is on (already have that restriction).
// and then embedded strings can get back to being up to 254. It's not done this
// way now just to make the tests for IsHeap()/HasError() faster since they
// are often both tested together the compiler can do nice bit test optimizations.
STRING_TYPE_SENTINEL = 0x80, STRING_TYPE_ERROR = 0x40 }; // if Data.Stack.BytesLeft() or Data.Heap.sentinel == this value, data is in heap
union Data { struct _Heap { // 16 on 32 bit, sentinel == 0xff if Heap is the active union item
private: char *m_pchString; uint32 m_nLength; uint32 m_nCapacity; // without trailing null; ie: m_pchString[m_nCapacity] = '\0' is not out of bounds
uint8 scrap[3]; uint8 sentinel; public: friend union Data; friend char *CUtlStringBuilder::InternalPrepareBuffer(size_t, bool, size_t); } Heap;
struct _Stack { private: // last byte is doing a hack double duty. It holds how many bytes
// are left in the string; so when the string is 'full' it will be
// '0' and thus suffice as the terminating null. This is why
// we hold remaining chars instead of 'string length'
char m_szString[MAX_STACK_STRLEN + 1]; public: uint8 BytesLeft() const { return (uint8)(m_szString[MAX_STACK_STRLEN]); } void SetBytesLeft(char n) { m_szString[MAX_STACK_STRLEN] = n; }
friend char *CUtlStringBuilder::InternalPrepareBuffer(size_t, bool, size_t); friend union Data; } Stack;
// set to a clear state without looking at the current state
void Construct() { Stack.m_szString[0] = '\0'; Stack.SetBytesLeft(MAX_STACK_STRLEN); }
// If we have heap allocated data, free it
void FreeHeap() { if (IsHeap() && Heap.m_pchString) MemAlloc_Free(Heap.m_pchString); }
// Back to a clean state, but retain the error state.
void Clear() { if (HasError()) return;
FreeHeap(); Heap.m_pchString = NULL;
Construct(); }
bool IsHeap() const { return ((Heap.sentinel & STRING_TYPE_SENTINEL) != 0); }
char *Access() { return IsHeap() ? Heap.m_pchString : Stack.m_szString; } const char *String() const { return IsHeap() ? Heap.m_pchString : Stack.m_szString; }
size_t Length() const { return IsHeap() ? Heap.m_nLength : (MAX_STACK_STRLEN - Stack.BytesLeft()); } bool IsEmpty() const { if (IsHeap()) return Heap.m_nLength == 0; else return Stack.BytesLeft() == MAX_STACK_STRLEN; // empty if all the bytes are available
size_t Capacity() const { return IsHeap() ? Heap.m_nCapacity : MAX_STACK_STRLEN; }
// Internally the code often needs the char * after setting the length, so
// just return it from here for conveniences.
char *SetLength(size_t nChars);
// Give the string away and set to an empty state
char *TakeOwnership(size_t &nLen, size_t &nCapacity) { MoveToHeap();
if (HasError()) { nLen = 0; nCapacity = 0; return NULL; }
nLen = Heap.m_nLength; nCapacity = Heap.m_nCapacity; char *psz = Heap.m_pchString; Construct(); return psz; }
void SetPtr(char *pchString, size_t nLength);
// Set the string to an error state
void SetError(bool bEnableAssert);
// clear the error state and reset the string
void ClearError();
// If string is in the heap and the error bit is set in the sentinel
// the error state is true.
bool HasError() const { return IsHeap() && ((Heap.sentinel & STRING_TYPE_ERROR) != 0); }
// If it's stack based, get it to the heap and return if it is
// successfully on the heap (or already was)
bool MoveToHeap();
private: //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Needed facts for string class to work
void StaticAssertTests() { // If this fails when the heap sentinel and where the stack string stores its bytes left
// aren't aliases. This is needed so that regardless of how the 'sentinel' to mark
// that the string is on the heap is set, it is set as expected on both sides of the union.
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(offsetof(_Heap, sentinel) == (offsetof(_Stack, m_szString) + MAX_STACK_STRLEN));
// Lots of code assumes it can look at m_data.Stack.m_nBytesLeft for an empty string; which
// means that it will equal MAX_STACK_STRLEN. Therefor it must be a different value than
// the STRING_TYPE_SENTINEL which will be set if the string is in the heap.
// this is a no brainer, and I don't know anywhere in the world this isn't true,
// but this code does take this dependency.
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(0 == '\0'); } };
private: // data
Data m_data;
// Purpose: constructor
inline CUtlStringBuilder::CUtlStringBuilder() { m_data.Construct(); }
// Purpose: constructor
inline CUtlStringBuilder::CUtlStringBuilder(size_t nPreallocateBytes) { if (nPreallocateBytes <= MAX_STACK_STRLEN) { m_data.Construct(); } else { m_data.Construct(); PrepareBuffer(0, false, nPreallocateBytes); } }
// Purpose: constructor
inline CUtlStringBuilder::CUtlStringBuilder(const char *pchString) { m_data.Construct(); SetDirect(pchString, pchString ? strlen(pchString) : 0); }
// Purpose: constructor
inline CUtlStringBuilder::CUtlStringBuilder(CUtlStringBuilder const &string) { m_data.Construct(); SetDirect(string.String(), string.Length());
// attempt the copy before checking for error. On the off chance there
// is data there that can be set, it will help with debugging.
if (string.HasError()) m_data.SetError(false); }
// Purpose: destructor
inline CUtlStringBuilder::~CUtlStringBuilder() { m_data.FreeHeap(); }
// Purpose: Pre-Widen a string to an expected length
inline bool CUtlStringBuilder::EnsureCapacity(size_t nLength) { return PrepareBuffer(Length(), true, nLength) != NULL; }
// Purpose: ask if the string has anything in it
inline bool CUtlStringBuilder::IsEmpty() const { return m_data.IsEmpty(); }
// Purpose: assignment
inline CUtlStringBuilder &CUtlStringBuilder::operator=(const char *pchString) { SetDirect(pchString, pchString ? strlen(pchString) : 0); return *this; }
// Purpose: assignment
inline CUtlStringBuilder &CUtlStringBuilder::operator=(CUtlStringBuilder const &src) { if (&src != this) { SetDirect(src.String(), src.Length()); // error propagate
if (src.HasError()) m_data.SetError(false); }
return *this; }
// Purpose: comparison
inline bool CUtlStringBuilder::operator==(CUtlStringBuilder const &src) const { return !Q_strcmp(String(), src.String()); }
// Purpose: comparison
inline bool CUtlStringBuilder::operator==(const char *pchString) const { return !Q_strcmp(String(), pchString); }
// Purpose: comparison
inline bool CUtlStringBuilder::operator!=(CUtlStringBuilder const &src) const { return !(*this == src); }
// Purpose: comparison
inline bool CUtlStringBuilder::operator!=(const char *pchString) const { return !(*this == pchString); }
// Purpose: comparison
inline bool CUtlStringBuilder::operator<(CUtlStringBuilder const &val) const { return operator<(val.String()); }
// Purpose: comparison
inline bool CUtlStringBuilder::operator<(const char *pchString) const { return Q_strcmp(String(), pchString) < 0; }
// Purpose: comparison
inline bool CUtlStringBuilder::operator>(CUtlStringBuilder const &val) const { return Q_strcmp(String(), val.String()) > 0; }
// Purpose: comparison
inline bool CUtlStringBuilder::operator>(const char *pchString) const { return Q_strcmp(String(), pchString) > 0; }
// Return a string with this string and rhs joined together.
inline CUtlStringBuilder& CUtlStringBuilder::operator+=(const char *rhs) { Append(rhs); return *this; }
// Purpose: returns true if the string is not null
inline bool CUtlStringBuilder::IsValid() const { return !HasError(); }
// Purpose: data accessor
inline const char *CUtlStringBuilder::String() const { const char *pszString = m_data.String(); if (pszString) return pszString;
// pszString can be NULL in the error state. For const char*
// never return NULL.
return ""; }
// Purpose: Sets the string to be the new value, taking a copy of it
inline void CUtlStringBuilder::SetValue(const char *pchString) { size_t nLen = (pchString ? strlen(pchString) : 0); SetDirect(pchString, nLen); }
// Purpose: Set directly and don't look for a null terminator in pValue.
inline void CUtlStringBuilder::SetDirect(const char *pchSource, size_t nChars) { if (HasError()) return;
if (m_data.IsHeap() && Get() == pchSource) return;
if (!pchSource || !nChars) { m_data.Clear(); return; }
char *pszString = PrepareBuffer(nChars);
if (pszString) { memcpy(pszString, pchSource, nChars); // PrepareBuffer already allocated space for the terminating null,
// and inserted it for us. Make sure we didn't clobber it.
// Also assign it anyways so we don't risk the caller having a buffer
// running into random bytes.
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Suppress a bogus noisy warning:
// warning C6385: Invalid data: accessing 'pszString', the readable size is 'nChars' bytes, but '1001' bytes might be read
ANALYZE_SUPPRESS(6385); Assert(pszString[nChars] == '\0'); pszString[nChars] = '\0'; #endif
} }
// Purpose: Sets the string to be the new value, taking a copy of it
inline void CUtlStringBuilder::Set(const char *pchString) { SetValue(pchString); }
// Purpose: Sets the string to be the new value, taking ownership of the pointer
inline void CUtlStringBuilder::SetPtr(char *pchString) { size_t nLength = pchString ? strlen(pchString) : 0; SetPtr(pchString, nLength); }
// Purpose: Sets the string to be the new value, taking ownership of the pointer
// This API will clear the error state if it was set.
inline void CUtlStringBuilder::SetPtr(char *pchString, size_t nLength) { m_data.Clear();
if (!pchString || !nLength) { if (pchString) MemAlloc_Free(pchString); // we don't hang onto empty strings.
return; }
m_data.SetPtr(pchString, nLength); }
// Purpose: return the conceptual 'strlen' of the string.
inline size_t CUtlStringBuilder::Length() const { return m_data.Length(); }
// Purpose: format something sprintf() style, and take it as the new value of this CUtlStringBuilder
inline size_t CUtlStringBuilder::Format(const char *pFormat, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, pFormat); size_t nLen = VFormat(pFormat, args); va_end(args); return nLen; }
int V_vscprintf(const char *format, va_list argptr);
// Purpose: Helper for Format() method
inline size_t CUtlStringBuilder::VFormat(const char *pFormat, va_list args) { if (HasError()) return 0;
int len = 0; #ifdef _WIN32
// how much space will we need?
len = V_vscprintf(pFormat, args); #else
// ISO spec defines the NULL/0 case as being valid and will return the
// needed length. Verified on PS3 as well. Ignore that bsd/linux/mac
// have vasprintf which will allocate a buffer. We'd rather have the
// self growing buffer management ourselves. Even the best implementations
// There does not seem to be a magic vasprintf that is significantly
// faster than 2 passes (some guess and get lucky).
// Scope ReuseArgs.
{ CReuseVaList ReuseArgs(args); len = V_vsnprintf(NULL, 0, pFormat, ReuseArgs.m_ReuseList); } #endif
if (len > 0) { // get it
char *pszString = PrepareBuffer(len, true); if (pszString) len = V_vsnprintf(pszString, len + 1, pFormat, args); else len = 0; }
Assert(len > 0 || HasError()); return len; }
// format a string and append the result to the string we hold
inline size_t CUtlStringBuilder::AppendFormat(const char *pFormat, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, pFormat); size_t nLen = VAppendFormat(pFormat, args); va_end(args); return nLen; }
// Purpose: implementation helper for AppendFormat()
inline size_t CUtlStringBuilder::VAppendFormat(const char *pFormat, va_list args) { if (HasError()) return 0;
int len = 0; #ifdef _WIN32
// how much space will we need?
len = _vscprintf(pFormat, args); #else
// ISO spec defines the NULL/0 case as being valid and will return the
// needed length. Verified on PS3 as well. Ignore that bsd/linux/mac
// have vasprintf which will allocate a buffer. We'd rather have the
// self growing buffer management ourselves. Even the best implementations
// There does not seem to be a magic vasprintf that is significantly
// faster than 2 passes (some guess and get lucky).
// Scope ReuseArgs.
{ CReuseVaList ReuseArgs(args); len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, pFormat, ReuseArgs.m_ReuseList); } #endif
size_t nOldLen = Length();
if (len > 0) { // get it
char *pszString = PrepareBuffer(nOldLen + len, true); if (pszString) len = _vsnprintf(&pszString[nOldLen], len + 1, pFormat, args); else len = 0; }
Assert(len > 0 || HasError()); return nOldLen + len; }
// Purpose: concatenate the provided string to our current content
inline void CUtlStringBuilder::Append(const char *pchAddition) { if (pchAddition && pchAddition[0]) { size_t cchLen = strlen(pchAddition); Append(pchAddition, cchLen); } }
// Purpose: concatenate the provided string to our current content
// when the additional string length is known
inline void CUtlStringBuilder::Append(const char *pchAddition, size_t cbLen) { if (pchAddition && pchAddition[0] && cbLen) { if (IsEmpty()) { SetDirect(pchAddition, cbLen); } else { size_t cbOld = Length(); char *pstrNew = PrepareBuffer(cbOld + cbLen, true);
// make sure we use raw memcpy to get intrinsic
if (pstrNew) memcpy(pstrNew + cbOld, pchAddition, cbLen); } } }
// Purpose: append a repeated series of a single character
inline void CUtlStringBuilder::AppendRepeat(char ch, int cCount) { size_t cbOld = Length(); char *pstrNew = PrepareBuffer(cbOld + cCount, true); if (pstrNew) memset(pstrNew + cbOld, ch, cCount); }
// Purpose: Swaps string contents
inline void CUtlStringBuilder::Swap(CUtlStringBuilder &src) { // swapping m_data instead of '*this' prevents having to
// copy dynamic strings. Important that m_data doesn't know
// any lifetime rules about its members (ie: it should not have
// a destructor that frees the dynamic string pointer).
Swap(m_data, src.m_data); }
// Purpose: replace all occurrences of one character with another
inline size_t CUtlStringBuilder::Replace(char chTarget, char chReplacement) { size_t cReplacements = 0;
if (!IsEmpty() && !HasError()) { char *pszString = Access(); for (char *pstrWalker = pszString; *pstrWalker != 0; pstrWalker++) { if (*pstrWalker == chTarget) { *pstrWalker = chReplacement; cReplacements++; } } }
return cReplacements; }
// replace a sequence of characters at a given point with a new string
// replacement string might be NULL or "" to remove target substring
inline bool CUtlStringBuilder::ReplaceAt(size_t nIndex, size_t nOldChars, const char *pNewStr, size_t nNewChars) { Assert(nIndex < Length() && nIndex + nOldChars <= Length());
if (nNewChars == SIZE_MAX) { nNewChars = pNewStr ? V_strlen(pNewStr) : 0; }
size_t nOldLength = Length(); ptrdiff_t nDelta = nNewChars - nOldChars; if (nDelta < 0) { char *pBuf = Access(); memmove(pBuf + nIndex + nNewChars, pBuf + nIndex + nOldChars, nOldLength - nIndex - nOldChars); SetLength(nOldLength + nDelta); } else if (nDelta > 0) { char *pBuf = PrepareBuffer(nOldLength + nDelta, true); if (!pBuf) { return false; }
memmove(pBuf + nIndex + nNewChars, pBuf + nIndex + nOldChars, nOldLength - nIndex - nOldChars); }
if (nNewChars) { memcpy(Access() + nIndex, pNewStr, nNewChars); }
return true; }
// Purpose: Truncates the string to the specified number of characters
inline void CUtlStringBuilder::Truncate(size_t nChars) { if (IsEmpty() || HasError()) return;
size_t nLen = Length(); if (nLen <= nChars) return;
// we may be shortening enough to fit in the small buffer, but
// the external buffer is already allocated, so just keep using it.
m_data.SetLength(nChars); }
// Data and memory validation
inline void CUtlStringBuilder::Validate(CValidator &validator, const char *pchName) { #ifdef _WIN32
validator.Push(typeid(*this).raw_name(), this, pchName); #else
validator.Push(typeid(*this).name(), this, pchName); #endif
if (m_data.IsHeap()) validator.ClaimMemory(Access());
validator.Pop(); } #endif // DBGFLAG_VALIDATE
#endif // UTLSTRING_H