Counter Strike : Global Offensive Source Code
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  1. //============ Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============
  2. //
  3. // glmgr.cpp
  4. //
  5. //===============================================================================
  6. #include "togl/rendermechanism.h"
  7. #include "tier0/icommandline.h"
  8. #include "tier0/vprof.h"
  9. #include "glmtexinlines.h"
  10. #include "materialsystem/IShader.h"
  11. #include "appframework/ilaunchermgr.h"
  12. #include "convar.h"
  13. #include "glmgr_flush.inl"
  14. #ifdef OSX
  15. #include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
  16. #include "intelglmallocworkaround.h"
  17. #endif
  18. // memdbgon -must- be the last include file in a .cpp file.
  19. #include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
  20. // Whether the code should use gl_arb_debug_output. This causes error messages to be streamed, via callback, to the application.
  21. // It is much friendlier to the MTGL driver.
  22. // NOTE: This can be turned off after launch, but it cannot be turned on after launch--it implies a context-creation-time
  23. // behavior.
  24. ConVar gl_debug_output( "gl_debug_output", "1" );
  25. ConVar gl_swap_limit( "gl_swap_limit", "1", FCVAR_RELEASE );
  26. //===============================================================================
  27. // g_nTotalDrawsOrClears is reset to 0 in Present()
  28. uint g_nTotalDrawsOrClears, g_nTotalVBLockBytes, g_nTotalIBLockBytes;
  30. TelemetryGPUStats_t g_TelemetryGPUStats;
  31. #endif
  32. char g_nullFragmentProgramText [] =
  33. {
  34. "!!ARBfp1.0 \n"
  35. "PARAM black = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; \n" // opaque black
  36. "MOV result.color, black; \n"
  37. "END \n\n\n"
  38. "//GLSLfp\n"
  39. "void main()\n"
  40. "{\n"
  41. "gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );\n"
  42. "}\n"
  43. };
  44. // make dummy programs for doing texture preload via dummy draw
  45. char g_preloadTexVertexProgramText[] =
  46. {
  47. "//GLSLvp \n"
  48. "#version 120 \n"
  49. "varying vec4 otex; \n"
  50. "void main() \n"
  51. "{ \n"
  52. "vec4 pos = ftransform(); // vec4( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ); \n"
  53. "vec4 tex = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); \n"
  54. " \n"
  55. "gl_Position = pos; \n"
  56. "otex = tex; \n"
  57. "} \n"
  58. };
  59. char g_preload2DTexFragmentProgramText[] =
  60. {
  61. "//GLSLfp \n"
  62. "#version 120 \n"
  63. "varying vec4 otex; \n"
  64. "//SAMPLERMASK-8000 // may not be needed \n"
  65. "//HIGHWATER-30 // may not be needed \n"
  66. " \n"
  67. "uniform vec4 pc[31]; \n"
  68. "uniform sampler2D sampler15; \n"
  69. " \n"
  70. "void main() \n"
  71. "{ \n"
  72. "vec4 r0; \n"
  73. "r0 = texture2D( sampler15, otex.xy ); \n"
  74. "gl_FragColor = r0; //discard; \n"
  75. "} \n"
  76. };
  77. char g_preload3DTexFragmentProgramText[] =
  78. {
  79. "//GLSLfp \n"
  80. "#version 120 \n"
  81. "varying vec4 otex; \n"
  82. "//SAMPLERMASK-8000 // may not be needed \n"
  83. "//HIGHWATER-30 // may not be needed \n"
  84. " \n"
  85. "uniform vec4 pc[31]; \n"
  86. "uniform sampler3D sampler15; \n"
  87. " \n"
  88. "void main() \n"
  89. "{ \n"
  90. "vec4 r0; \n"
  91. "r0 = texture3D( sampler15, ); \n"
  92. "gl_FragColor = r0; //discard; \n"
  93. "} \n"
  94. };
  95. char g_preloadCubeTexFragmentProgramText[] =
  96. {
  97. "//GLSLfp \n"
  98. "#version 120 \n"
  99. "varying vec4 otex; \n"
  100. "//SAMPLERMASK-8000 // may not be needed \n"
  101. "//HIGHWATER-30 // may not be needed \n"
  102. " \n"
  103. "uniform vec4 pc[31]; \n"
  104. "uniform samplerCube sampler15; \n"
  105. " \n"
  106. "void main() \n"
  107. "{ \n"
  108. "vec4 r0; \n"
  109. "r0 = textureCube( sampler15, ); \n"
  110. "gl_FragColor = r0; //discard; \n"
  111. "} \n"
  112. };
  113. const char* glSourceToString(GLenum source)
  114. {
  115. switch (source)
  116. {
  117. case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_ARB: return "API";
  122. case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER_ARB: return "OTHER";
  123. default: break;
  124. }
  125. return "UNKNOWN";
  126. }
  127. const char* glTypeToString(GLenum type)
  128. {
  129. switch (type)
  130. {
  131. case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_ARB: return "ERROR";
  136. case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_ARB: return "OTHER";
  137. default: break;
  138. }
  139. return "UNKNOWN";
  140. }
  141. const char* glSeverityToString(GLenum severity)
  142. {
  143. switch (severity)
  144. {
  145. case GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_ARB: return "HIGH";
  147. case GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_ARB: return "LOW";
  148. default: break;
  149. }
  150. return "UNKNOWN";
  151. }
  152. bool g_bDebugOutputBreakpoints = true;
  153. void APIENTRY GL_Debug_Output_Callback(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLchar* message, GLvoid* userParam)
  154. {
  155. const char *sSource = glSourceToString(source),
  156. *sType = glTypeToString(type),
  157. *sSeverity = glSeverityToString(severity);
  158. // According to NVidia, this error is a bug in the driver and not really an error (it's a warning in newer drivers): "Texture X is base level inconsistent. Check texture size"
  159. if ( ( type == GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_ARB ) && strstr( message, "base level inconsistent" ) )
  160. {
  161. return;
  162. }
  163. if ( gl_debug_output.GetBool() || type == GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_ARB )
  164. {
  165. Msg("GL: [%s][%s][%s][%d]: %s\n", sSource, sType, sSeverity, id, message);
  166. }
  167. #ifdef WIN32
  168. OutputDebugStringA( message );
  169. #endif
  170. if ( ( type == GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_ARB ) && ( g_bDebugOutputBreakpoints ) )
  171. {
  172. DebuggerBreak();
  173. }
  174. }
  175. void GLMDebugPrintf( const char *pMsg, ... )
  176. {
  177. va_list args;
  178. va_start( args, pMsg );
  179. char buf[1024];
  180. V_vsnprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), pMsg, args );
  181. va_end( args );
  182. Plat_DebugString( buf );
  183. }
  184. void CheckGLFBOStatusTMP( const char *comment )
  185. {
  186. return;
  187. char errbuf[1024];
  188. if (!comment)
  189. {
  190. comment = "";
  191. }
  192. GLenum errorcode2 = 0;
  193. GLenum errorcode3 = 0;
  194. const char *decodedStr2 = "";
  195. const char *decodedStr3 = "";
  196. // dig up the more detailed FBO status
  197. errorcode2 = gGL->glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  198. decodedStr2 = GLMDecode( eGL_ERROR, errorcode2 );
  199. errorcode3 = gGL->glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  200. decodedStr3 = GLMDecode( eGL_ERROR, errorcode3 );
  201. sprintf( errbuf, "\n%s - GL FBO Status %08x/%08x = '%s / %s'\n", comment, errorcode2, errorcode3, decodedStr2, decodedStr3 );
  202. printf("%s", errbuf );
  203. }
  204. void CheckGLErrorTMP( const char *comment )
  205. {
  206. return;
  207. char errbuf[1024];
  208. //borrowed from GLMCheckError.. slightly different
  209. if (!comment)
  210. {
  211. comment = "";
  212. }
  213. GLenum errorcode = (GLenum)gGL->glGetError();
  214. GLenum errorcode2 = 0;
  215. GLenum errorcode3 = 0;
  216. if ( errorcode != GL_NO_ERROR )
  217. {
  218. const char *decodedStr = GLMDecode( eGL_ERROR, errorcode );
  219. const char *decodedStr2 = "";
  220. const char *decodedStr3 = "";
  222. {
  223. // dig up the more detailed FBO status
  224. errorcode2 = gGL->glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  225. decodedStr2 = GLMDecode( eGL_ERROR, errorcode2 );
  226. errorcode3 = gGL->glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  227. decodedStr3 = GLMDecode( eGL_ERROR, errorcode3 );
  228. sprintf( errbuf, "\n%s - GL Error %08x/%08x/%08x = '%s / %s / %s'\n", comment, errorcode, errorcode2, errorcode3, decodedStr, decodedStr2, decodedStr3 );
  229. }
  230. else
  231. {
  232. sprintf( errbuf, "\n%s - GL Error %08x = '%s'\n", comment, errorcode, decodedStr );
  233. }
  234. printf("%s", errbuf );
  235. // DebuggerBreak();
  236. }
  237. }
  238. //===============================================================================
  239. // functions that are dependant on g_pLauncherMgr
  240. inline bool MakeContextCurrent( PseudoGLContextPtr hContext )
  241. {
  242. return g_pLauncherMgr->MakeContextCurrent( hContext );
  243. }
  244. inline PseudoGLContextPtr GetMainContext()
  245. {
  246. return g_pLauncherMgr->GetMainContext();
  247. }
  248. inline PseudoGLContextPtr GetGLContextForWindow( void* windowref )
  249. {
  250. return g_pLauncherMgr->GetGLContextForWindow( windowref );
  251. }
  252. inline void IncrementWindowRefCount()
  253. {
  254. // g_pLauncherMgr->IncWindowRefCount();
  255. }
  256. inline void DecrementWindowRefCount()
  257. {
  258. // g_pLauncherMgr->DecWindowRefCount();
  259. }
  260. inline void ShowPixels( CShowPixelsParams *params )
  261. {
  262. g_pLauncherMgr->ShowPixels(params);
  263. }
  264. inline void DisplayedSize( uint &width, uint &height )
  265. {
  266. g_pLauncherMgr->DisplayedSize( width, height );
  267. }
  268. inline void GetDesiredPixelFormatAttribsAndRendererInfo( uint **ptrOut, uint *countOut, GLMRendererInfoFields *rendInfoOut )
  269. {
  270. g_pLauncherMgr->GetDesiredPixelFormatAttribsAndRendererInfo( ptrOut, countOut, rendInfoOut );
  271. }
  272. #ifdef OSX
  273. inline PseudoNSGLContextPtr GetNSGLContextForWindow( void* windowref )
  274. {
  275. return g_pLauncherMgr->GetGLContextForWindow( windowref );
  276. }
  277. #endif
  278. inline void GetStackCrawl( CStackCrawlParams *params )
  279. {
  280. g_pLauncherMgr->GetStackCrawl(params);
  281. }
  282. #if GLMDEBUG
  283. inline void PumpWindowsMessageLoop()
  284. {
  285. g_pLauncherMgr->PumpWindowsMessageLoop();
  286. }
  287. inline int GetEvents( CCocoaEvent *pEvents, int nMaxEventsToReturn, bool debugEvents = false )
  288. {
  289. return g_pLauncherMgr->GetEvents( pEvents, nMaxEventsToReturn, debugEvents );
  290. }
  291. #endif
  292. //===============================================================================
  293. // helper routines for debug
  294. static bool hasnonzeros( float *values, int count )
  295. {
  296. for( int i=0; i<count; i++)
  297. {
  298. if (values[i] != 0.0)
  299. {
  300. return true;
  301. }
  302. }
  303. return false;
  304. }
  305. static void printmat( char *label, int baseSlotNumber, int slots, float *m00 )
  306. {
  307. // print label..
  308. // fetch 4 from row, print as a row
  309. // fetch 4 from column, print as a row
  310. float row[4];
  311. float col[4];
  312. if (hasnonzeros( m00, slots*4) )
  313. {
  314. GLMPRINTF(("-D- %s", label ));
  315. for( int islot=0; islot<4; islot++ ) // we always run this loop til 4, but we special case the printing if there are only 3 submitted
  316. {
  317. // extract row and column floats
  318. for( int slotcol=0; slotcol<4; slotcol++)
  319. {
  320. //copy
  321. row[slotcol] = m00[(islot*4)+slotcol];
  322. // transpose
  323. col[slotcol] = m00[(slotcol*4)+islot];
  324. }
  325. if (slots==4)
  326. {
  327. GLMPRINTF(( "-D- %03d: [ %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f ] T=> [ %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f ]",
  328. baseSlotNumber+islot,
  329. row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],
  330. col[0],col[1],col[2],col[3]
  331. ));
  332. }
  333. else
  334. {
  335. if (islot<3)
  336. {
  337. GLMPRINTF(( "-D- %03d: [ %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f ] T=> [ %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f ]",
  338. baseSlotNumber+islot,
  339. row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],
  340. col[0],col[1],col[2]
  341. ));
  342. }
  343. else
  344. {
  345. GLMPRINTF(( "-D- %03d: T=> [ %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f ]",
  346. baseSlotNumber+islot,
  347. col[0],col[1],col[2]
  348. ));
  349. }
  350. }
  351. }
  352. GLMPRINTSTR(("-D-"));
  353. }
  354. else
  355. {
  356. GLMPRINTF(("-D- %s - (all 0.0)", label ));
  357. }
  358. }
  359. static void transform_dp4( float *in4, float *m00, int slots, float *out4 )
  360. {
  361. // m00 points to a column.
  362. // each DP is one column of the matrix ( m00[4*n]
  363. // if we are passed a three slot matrix, this is three columns, the source W plays into all three columns, but we must set the final output W to 1 ?
  364. for( int n=0; n<slots; n++)
  365. {
  366. float col4[4];
  367. col4[0] = m00[(4*n)+0];
  368. col4[1] = m00[(4*n)+1];
  369. col4[2] = m00[(4*n)+2];
  370. col4[3] = m00[(4*n)+3];
  371. out4[n] = 0.0;
  372. for( int inner = 0; inner < 4; inner++ )
  373. {
  374. out4[n] += in4[inner] * col4[inner];
  375. }
  376. }
  377. if (slots==3)
  378. {
  379. out4[3] = 1.0;
  380. }
  381. }
  382. //===============================================================================
  383. //===============================================================================
  384. // GLMgr static methods
  385. GLMgr *g_glmgr = NULL;
  386. void GLMgr::NewGLMgr( void )
  387. {
  388. if (!g_glmgr)
  389. {
  390. #if GLMDEBUG
  391. // check debug mode early in program lifetime
  392. GLMDebugInitialize( true );
  393. #endif
  394. g_glmgr = new GLMgr;
  395. }
  396. }
  397. GLMgr *GLMgr::aGLMgr( void )
  398. {
  399. assert( g_glmgr != NULL);
  400. return g_glmgr;
  401. }
  402. void GLMgr::DelGLMgr( void )
  403. {
  404. if (g_glmgr)
  405. {
  406. delete g_glmgr;
  407. g_glmgr = NULL;
  408. }
  409. }
  410. // GLMgr class methods
  411. GLMgr::GLMgr()
  412. {
  413. }
  414. GLMgr::~GLMgr()
  415. {
  416. }
  417. //===============================================================================
  418. GLMContext *GLMgr::NewContext( IDirect3DDevice9 *pDevice, GLMDisplayParams *params )
  419. {
  420. // this now becomes really simple. We just pass through the params.
  421. return new GLMContext( pDevice, params );
  422. }
  423. void GLMgr::DelContext( GLMContext *context )
  424. {
  425. delete context;
  426. }
  427. void GLMgr::SetCurrentContext( GLMContext *context )
  428. {
  429. // !!! FIXME: why isn't this abstracted in appframework?
  430. #if defined( USE_SDL )
  431. context->m_nCurOwnerThreadId = ThreadGetCurrentId();
  432. if ( !MakeContextCurrent( context->m_ctx ) )
  433. {
  434. // give up
  435. GLMStop();
  436. }
  437. // Why is there an Assert( 0 ) here? Seems like it's for once we're in game, but we should
  438. // hit this on startup so wat?
  439. Assert( 0 );
  440. #elif defined( OSX )
  441. context->m_nCurOwnerThreadId = ThreadGetCurrentId();
  442. CGLError cgl_err;
  443. cgl_err = CGLSetCurrentContext( context->m_ctx );
  444. if (cgl_err)
  445. {
  446. // give up
  447. GLMStop();
  448. }
  449. #endif
  450. }
  451. GLMContext *GLMgr::GetCurrentContext( void )
  452. {
  453. // !!! FIXME: why isn't this abstracted in appframework?
  454. #if defined( USE_SDL )
  455. PseudoGLContextPtr context = GetMainContext();
  456. return (GLMContext*) context;
  457. #elif defined( OSX )
  458. CGLContextObj ctx = CGLGetCurrentContext();
  459. // Docs say this is always a pointer-sized parameter, even though the API takes an int*
  460. intp glm_context_link = 0;
  461. CGLGetParameter( ctx, kCGLCPClientStorage, (int*) &glm_context_link );
  462. if ( glm_context_link )
  463. {
  464. return (GLMContext*) glm_context_link;
  465. }
  466. else
  467. {
  468. return NULL;
  469. }
  470. #else
  471. Assert( 0 );
  472. return NULL;
  473. #endif
  474. }
  475. // #define CHECK_THREAD_USAGE 1
  476. //===============================================================================
  477. // GLMContext public methods
  478. void GLMContext::MakeCurrent( bool bRenderThread )
  479. {
  480. TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, 0, "GLMContext::MakeCurrent" );
  481. Assert( m_nCurOwnerThreadId == 0 || m_nCurOwnerThreadId == ThreadGetCurrentId() );
  482. // !!! FIXME: why isn't this abstracted in appframework?
  483. // GLM_FUNC;
  484. #if defined( USE_SDL )
  485. #ifndef CHECK_THREAD_USAGE
  486. if ( bRenderThread )
  487. {
  488. // Msg( "******************************************** %08x Acquiring Context\n", ThreadGetCurrentId() );
  489. m_nCurOwnerThreadId = ThreadGetCurrentId();
  490. bool bSuccess = MakeContextCurrent( m_ctx );
  491. if ( !bSuccess )
  492. {
  493. Assert( 0 );
  494. }
  495. }
  496. #else
  497. uint32 dwThreadId = ThreadGetCurrentId();
  498. if ( bRenderThread || dwThreadId == m_dwRenderThreadId )
  499. {
  500. m_nCurOwnerThreadId = ThreadGetCurrentId();
  501. m_dwRenderThreadId = dwThreadId;
  502. MakeContextCurrent( m_ctx );
  503. m_bIsThreading = true;
  504. }
  505. else if ( !m_bIsThreading )
  506. {
  507. m_nCurOwnerThreadId = ThreadGetCurrentId();
  508. MakeContextCurrent( m_ctx );
  509. }
  510. else
  511. {
  512. Assert( 0 );
  513. }
  514. #endif
  515. #elif defined( OSX )
  516. m_nCurOwnerThreadId = ThreadGetCurrentId();
  517. CGLSetCurrentContext( m_ctx );
  518. #else
  519. Assert( 0 );
  520. #endif
  521. }
  522. void GLMContext::ReleaseCurrent( bool bRenderThread )
  523. {
  524. TM_ZONE( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, 0, "GLMContext::ReleaseCurrent" );
  525. Assert( m_nCurOwnerThreadId == ThreadGetCurrentId() );
  526. #if defined( USE_SDL )
  527. #ifndef CHECK_THREAD_USAGE
  528. if ( bRenderThread )
  529. {
  530. // Msg( "******************************************** %08x Releasing Context\n", ThreadGetCurrentId() );
  531. m_nCurOwnerThreadId = 0;
  532. m_nThreadOwnershipReleaseCounter++;
  533. MakeContextCurrent( NULL );
  534. }
  535. #else
  536. m_nCurOwnerThreadId = 0;
  537. m_nThreadOwnershipReleaseCounter++;
  538. MakeContextCurrent( NULL );
  539. if ( bRenderThread )
  540. {
  541. m_bIsThreading = false;
  542. }
  543. #endif
  544. #elif defined( OSX )
  545. m_nCurOwnerThreadId = 0;
  546. CGLSetCurrentContext( NULL );
  547. #else
  548. Assert( 0 );
  549. #endif
  550. }
  551. // This function forces all GL state to be re-sent to the context. Some state will only be set on the next batch flush.
  552. void GLMContext::ForceFlushStates()
  553. {
  554. // Flush various render states
  555. m_AlphaTestEnable.Flush();
  556. m_AlphaTestFunc.Flush();
  557. m_DepthBias.Flush();
  558. m_ScissorEnable.Flush();
  559. m_ScissorBox.Flush();
  560. m_ViewportBox.Flush();
  561. m_ViewportDepthRange.Flush();
  562. m_ColorMaskSingle.Flush();
  563. m_BlendEnable.Flush();
  564. m_BlendFactor.Flush();
  565. m_BlendEnableSRGB.Flush();
  566. m_DepthTestEnable.Flush();
  567. m_DepthFunc.Flush();
  568. m_DepthMask.Flush();
  569. m_StencilTestEnable.Flush();
  570. m_StencilFunc.Flush();
  571. m_StencilOp.Flush();
  572. m_StencilWriteMask.Flush();
  573. m_ClearColor.Flush();
  574. m_ClearDepth.Flush();
  575. m_ClearStencil.Flush();
  576. m_ClipPlaneEnable.Flush(); // always push clip state
  577. m_ClipPlaneEquation.Flush();
  578. m_CullFaceEnable.Flush();
  579. m_CullFrontFace.Flush();
  580. m_PolygonMode.Flush();
  581. m_AlphaToCoverageEnable.Flush();
  582. m_ColorMaskMultiple.Flush();
  583. m_BlendEquation.Flush();
  584. m_BlendColor.Flush();
  585. // Reset various things so they get reset on the next batch flush
  586. m_activeTexture = -1;
  587. for ( int i = 0; i < GLM_SAMPLER_COUNT; i++ )
  588. {
  589. SetSamplerTex( i, m_samplers[i].m_pBoundTex );
  590. SetSamplerDirty( i );
  591. }
  592. // Attributes/vertex attribs
  593. ClearCurAttribs();
  594. m_lastKnownVertexAttribMask = 0;
  595. m_nNumSetVertexAttributes = 16;
  596. memset( &m_boundVertexAttribs[0], 0xFF, sizeof( m_boundVertexAttribs ) );
  597. for( int index=0; index < kGLMVertexAttributeIndexMax; index++ )
  598. gGL->glDisableVertexAttribArray( index );
  599. // Program
  600. NullProgram();
  601. // FBO
  602. BindFBOToCtx( m_boundReadFBO, GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  603. BindFBOToCtx( m_boundDrawFBO, GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  604. // Current VB/IB/pinned memory buffers
  605. gGL->glBindBufferARB( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, m_nBoundGLBuffer[ kGLMIndexBuffer] );
  606. gGL->glBindBufferARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, m_nBoundGLBuffer[ kGLMVertexBuffer] );
  607. #ifndef OSX
  608. if ( gGL->m_bHave_GL_AMD_pinned_memory )
  609. {
  610. gGL->glBindBufferARB( GL_EXTERNAL_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_AMD, m_PinnedMemoryBuffers[m_nCurPinnedMemoryBuffer].GetHandle() );
  611. }
  612. #endif
  613. }
  614. const GLMRendererInfoFields& GLMContext::Caps( void )
  615. {
  616. return m_caps;
  617. }
  618. void GLMContext::DumpCaps( void )
  619. {
  620. /*
  621. #define dumpfield( fff ) printf( "\n "#fff" : %d", (int) m_caps.fff )
  622. #define dumpfield_hex( fff ) printf( "\n "#fff" : 0x%08x", (int) m_caps.fff )
  623. #define dumpfield_str( fff ) printf( "\n "#fff" : %s", m_caps.fff )
  624. */
  625. #define dumpfield( fff ) printf( "\n %-30s : %d", #fff, (int) m_caps.fff )
  626. #define dumpfield_hex( fff ) printf( "\n %-30s : 0x%08x", #fff, (int) m_caps.fff )
  627. #define dumpfield_str( fff ) printf( "\n %-30s : %s", #fff, m_caps.fff )
  628. printf("\n-------------------------------- context caps for context %p", this);
  629. dumpfield( m_fullscreen );
  630. dumpfield( m_accelerated );
  631. dumpfield( m_windowed );
  632. dumpfield_hex( m_rendererID );
  633. dumpfield( m_displayMask );
  634. dumpfield( m_bufferModes );
  635. dumpfield( m_colorModes );
  636. dumpfield( m_accumModes );
  637. dumpfield( m_depthModes );
  638. dumpfield( m_stencilModes );
  639. dumpfield( m_maxAuxBuffers );
  640. dumpfield( m_maxSampleBuffers );
  641. dumpfield( m_maxSamples );
  642. dumpfield( m_sampleModes );
  643. dumpfield( m_sampleAlpha );
  644. dumpfield_hex( m_vidMemory );
  645. dumpfield_hex( m_texMemory );
  646. dumpfield_hex( m_pciVendorID );
  647. dumpfield_hex( m_pciDeviceID );
  648. dumpfield_str( m_pciModelString );
  649. dumpfield_str( m_driverInfoString );
  650. printf( "\n m_osComboVersion: 0x%08x (%d.%d.%d)", m_caps.m_osComboVersion, (m_caps.m_osComboVersion>>16)&0xFF, (m_caps.m_osComboVersion>>8)&0xFF, (m_caps.m_osComboVersion)&0xFF );
  651. dumpfield( m_ati );
  652. if (m_caps.m_ati)
  653. {
  654. dumpfield( m_atiR5xx );
  655. dumpfield( m_atiR6xx );
  656. dumpfield( m_atiR7xx );
  657. dumpfield( m_atiR8xx );
  658. dumpfield( m_atiNewer );
  659. }
  660. dumpfield( m_intel );
  661. if (m_caps.m_intel)
  662. {
  663. dumpfield( m_intel95x );
  664. dumpfield( m_intel3100 );
  665. dumpfield( m_intelHD4000 );
  666. }
  667. dumpfield( m_nv );
  668. if (m_caps.m_nv)
  669. {
  670. //dumpfield( m_nvG7x );
  671. dumpfield( m_nvG8x );
  672. dumpfield( m_nvNewer );
  673. }
  674. dumpfield( m_hasGammaWrites );
  675. dumpfield( m_hasMixedAttachmentSizes );
  676. dumpfield( m_hasBGRA );
  677. dumpfield( m_hasNewFullscreenMode );
  678. dumpfield( m_hasNativeClipVertexMode );
  679. dumpfield( m_maxAniso );
  680. dumpfield( m_hasBindableUniforms );
  681. dumpfield( m_maxVertexBindableUniforms );
  682. dumpfield( m_maxFragmentBindableUniforms );
  683. dumpfield( m_maxBindableUniformSize );
  684. dumpfield( m_hasUniformBuffers );
  685. dumpfield( m_hasPerfPackage1 );
  686. dumpfield( m_cantBlitReliably );
  687. dumpfield( m_cantAttachSRGB );
  688. dumpfield( m_cantResolveFlipped );
  689. dumpfield( m_cantResolveScaled );
  690. dumpfield( m_costlyGammaFlips );
  691. dumpfield( m_badDriver1064NV );
  692. dumpfield( m_badDriver108Intel );
  693. printf("\n--------------------------------");
  694. #undef dumpfield
  695. #undef dumpfield_hex
  696. #undef dumpfield_str
  697. }
  698. CGLMTex *GLMContext::NewTex( GLMTexLayoutKey *key, uint levels, const char *debugLabel )
  699. {
  700. // get a layout based on the key
  701. GLMTexLayout *layout = m_texLayoutTable->NewLayoutRef( key );
  702. CGLMTex *tex = new CGLMTex( this, layout, levels, debugLabel );
  703. return tex;
  704. }
  705. void GLMContext::DelTex( CGLMTex * tex )
  706. {
  707. //Queue the texture for deletion in ProcessTextureDeletes
  708. //when we are sure we will hold the context.
  709. m_DeleteTextureQueue.PushItem(tex);
  710. }
  711. void GLMContext::ProcessTextureDeletes()
  712. {
  714. CScopedGLMPIXEvent glmEvent( "GLMContext::ProcessTextureDeletes" );
  715. #endif
  716. CGLMTex* tex = nullptr;
  717. while ( m_DeleteTextureQueue.PopItem( &tex ) )
  718. {
  719. for( int i = 0; i < GLM_SAMPLER_COUNT; i++)
  720. {
  721. if ( m_samplers[i].m_pBoundTex == tex )
  722. {
  723. BindTexToTMU( NULL, i );
  724. }
  725. }
  726. if ( tex->m_rtAttachCount != 0 )
  727. {
  728. // RG - huh? wtf? TODO: fix this code which seems to be purposely leaking
  729. // leak it and complain - we may have to implement a deferred-delete system for tex like these
  730. GLMDebugPrintf("GLMContext::DelTex: Leaking tex %08x [ %s ] - was attached for drawing at time of delete",tex, tex->m_layout->m_layoutSummary );
  731. #if 0
  732. // can't actually do this yet as the draw calls will tank
  733. FOR_EACH_VEC( m_fboTable, i )
  734. {
  735. CGLMFBO *fbo = m_fboTable[i];
  736. fbo->TexScrub( tex );
  737. }
  738. tex->m_rtAttachCount = 0;
  739. #endif
  740. }
  741. else
  742. {
  743. delete tex;
  744. }
  745. }
  746. }
  747. // push and pop attrib when blit has mixed srgb source and dest?
  748. ConVar gl_radar7954721_workaround_mixed ( "gl_radar7954721_workaround_mixed", "1" );
  749. // push and pop attrib on any blit?
  750. ConVar gl_radar7954721_workaround_all ( "gl_radar7954721_workaround_all", "0" );
  751. // what attrib mask to use ?
  752. ConVar gl_radar7954721_workaround_maskval ( "gl_radar7954721_workaround_maskval", "0" );
  753. enum eBlitFormatClass
  754. {
  755. eColor,
  756. eDepth, // may not get used. not sure..
  757. eDepthStencil
  758. };
  760. void glScrubFBO ( GLenum target )
  761. {
  762. gGL->glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT ( target, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, 0);
  763. gGL->glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT ( target, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, 0);
  764. gGL->glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT ( target, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, 0);
  765. gGL->glFramebufferTexture2DEXT ( target, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0 );
  766. gGL->glFramebufferTexture2DEXT ( target, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0 );
  767. gGL->glFramebufferTexture2DEXT ( target, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0 );
  768. }
  769. void glAttachRBOtoFBO ( GLenum target, eBlitFormatClass formatClass, uint rboName )
  770. {
  771. switch( formatClass )
  772. {
  773. case eColor:
  774. gGL->glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT ( target, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, rboName);
  775. break;
  776. case eDepth:
  777. gGL->glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT ( target, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, rboName);
  778. break;
  779. case eDepthStencil:
  780. gGL->glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT ( target, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, rboName);
  781. gGL->glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT ( target, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, rboName);
  782. break;
  783. }
  784. }
  785. void glAttachTex2DtoFBO ( GLenum target, eBlitFormatClass formatClass, uint texName, uint texMip )
  786. {
  787. switch( formatClass )
  788. {
  789. case eColor:
  790. gGL->glFramebufferTexture2DEXT ( target, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, texName, texMip );
  791. break;
  792. case eDepth:
  793. gGL->glFramebufferTexture2DEXT ( target, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, texName, texMip );
  794. break;
  795. case eDepthStencil:
  796. gGL->glFramebufferTexture2DEXT ( target, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, texName, texMip );
  797. break;
  798. }
  799. }
  800. ConVar gl_can_resolve_flipped("gl_can_resolve_flipped", "0" );
  801. ConVar gl_cannot_resolve_flipped("gl_cannot_resolve_flipped", "0" );
  802. // these are only consulted if the m_cant_resolve_scaled cap bool is false.
  803. ConVar gl_minify_resolve_mode("gl_minify_resolve_mode", "1" ); // if scaled resolve available, for downscaled resolve blits only (i.e. internal blits)
  804. ConVar gl_magnify_resolve_mode("gl_magnify_resolve_mode", "2" ); // if scaled resolve available, for upscaled resolve blits only
  805. // 0 == old style, two steps
  806. // 1 == faster, one step blit aka XGL_SCALED_RESOLVE_FASTEST_EXT - if available.
  807. // 2 == faster, one step blit aka XGL_SCALED_RESOLVE_NICEST_EXT - if available.
  808. void GLMContext::SaveColorMaskAndSetToDefault()
  809. {
  810. // NVidia's driver doesn't ignore the colormask during blitframebuffer calls, so we need to save/restore it:
  811. // “The bug here is that our driver fails to ignore colormask for BlitFramebuffer calls. This was unclear in the original spec, but we resolved it in Khronos last year (”
  812. m_ColorMaskSingle.Read( &m_SavedColorMask, 0 );
  813. GLColorMaskSingle_t newColorMask;
  814. newColorMask.r = newColorMask.g = newColorMask.b = newColorMask.a = -1;
  815. m_ColorMaskSingle.Write( &newColorMask );
  816. }
  817. void GLMContext::RestoreSavedColorMask()
  818. {
  819. m_ColorMaskSingle.Write( &m_SavedColorMask );
  820. }
  821. void GLMContext::Blit2( CGLMTex *srcTex, GLMRect *srcRect, int srcFace, int srcMip, CGLMTex *dstTex, GLMRect *dstRect, int dstFace, int dstMip, uint filter )
  822. {
  824. CScopedGLMPIXEvent glmPIXEvent( "Blit2" );
  825. g_TelemetryGPUStats.m_nTotalBlit2++;
  826. #endif
  827. SaveColorMaskAndSetToDefault();
  828. Assert( srcFace == 0 );
  829. Assert( dstFace == 0 );
  830. //----------------------------------------------------------------- format assessment
  831. eBlitFormatClass formatClass = eColor;
  832. uint blitMask= 0;
  833. switch( srcTex->m_layout->m_format->m_glDataFormat )
  834. {
  835. case GL_RED: case GL_BGRA: case GL_RGB: case GL_RGBA: case GL_ALPHA: case GL_LUMINANCE: case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA:
  836. formatClass = eColor;
  837. blitMask = GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT;
  838. break;
  840. formatClass = eDepth;
  841. blitMask = GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
  842. break;
  844. // only support depth only blits for now
  845. formatClass = eDepth;
  846. blitMask = GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
  847. //formatClass = eDepthStencil;
  849. break;
  850. default:
  851. Assert(!"Unsupported format for blit" );
  852. GLMStop();
  853. break;
  854. }
  855. //----------------------------------------------------------------- blit assessment
  856. bool blitResolves = srcTex->m_rboName != 0;
  857. bool blitScales = ((srcRect->xmax - srcRect->xmin) != (dstRect->xmax - dstRect->xmin)) || ((srcRect->ymax - srcRect->ymin) != (dstRect->ymax - dstRect->ymin));
  858. bool blitToBack = (dstTex == NULL);
  859. bool blitFlips = blitToBack; // implicit y-flip upon blit to GL_BACK supplied
  860. //should we support blitFromBack ?
  861. bool srcGamma = srcTex && ((srcTex->m_layout->m_key.m_texFlags & kGLMTexSRGB) != 0);
  862. bool dstGamma = dstTex && ((dstTex->m_layout->m_key.m_texFlags & kGLMTexSRGB) != 0);
  863. bool doPushPop = (srcGamma != dstGamma) && gl_radar7954721_workaround_mixed.GetInt() && m_caps.m_nv; // workaround for cross gamma blit problems on NV
  864. // ^^ need to re-check this on some post-10.6.3 build on NV to see if it was fixed
  865. if (doPushPop)
  866. {
  867. gGL->glPushAttrib( 0 );
  868. }
  869. //----------------------------------------------------------------- figure out the plan
  870. bool blitTwoStep = false; // think positive
  871. // each subsequent segment here can only set blitTwoStep, not clear it.
  872. // the common case where these get hit is resolve out to presentation
  873. // there may be GL extensions or driver revisions which start doing these safely.
  874. // ideally many blits internally resolve without scaling and can thus go direct without using the scratch tex.
  875. if (blitResolves && (blitFlips||blitToBack)) // flips, blit to back, same thing (for now)
  876. {
  877. if( gl_cannot_resolve_flipped.GetInt() )
  878. {
  879. blitTwoStep = true;
  880. }
  881. else if (!gl_can_resolve_flipped.GetInt())
  882. {
  883. blitTwoStep = blitTwoStep || m_caps.m_cantResolveFlipped; // if neither convar renders an opinion, fall back to the caps to decide if we have to two-step.
  884. }
  885. }
  886. // only consider trying to use the scaling resolve filter,
  887. // if we are confident we are not headed for two step mode already.
  888. if (!blitTwoStep)
  889. {
  890. if (blitResolves && blitScales)
  891. {
  892. if (m_caps.m_cantResolveScaled)
  893. {
  894. // filter is unchanged, two step mode switches on
  895. blitTwoStep = true;
  896. }
  897. else
  898. {
  899. bool blitScalesDown = ((srcRect->xmax - srcRect->xmin) > (dstRect->xmax - dstRect->xmin)) || ((srcRect->ymax - srcRect->ymin) > (dstRect->ymax - dstRect->ymin));
  900. int mode = (blitScalesDown) ? gl_minify_resolve_mode.GetInt() : gl_magnify_resolve_mode.GetInt();
  901. // roughly speaking, resolve blits that minify represent setup for special effects ("copy framebuffer to me")
  902. // resolve blits that magnify are almost always on the final present in the case where remder size < display size
  903. switch( mode )
  904. {
  905. case 0:
  906. default:
  907. // filter is unchanged, two step mode
  908. blitTwoStep = true;
  909. break;
  910. case 1:
  911. // filter goes to fastest, one step mode
  912. blitTwoStep = false;
  914. break;
  915. case 2:
  916. // filter goes to nicest, one step mode
  917. blitTwoStep = false;
  919. break;
  920. }
  921. }
  922. }
  923. }
  924. //----------------------------------------------------------------- save old scissor state and disable scissor
  925. GLScissorEnable_t oldsciss,newsciss;
  926. m_ScissorEnable.Read( &oldsciss, 0 );
  927. if (oldsciss.enable)
  928. {
  929. // turn off scissor
  930. newsciss.enable = false;
  931. m_ScissorEnable.Write( &newsciss );
  932. }
  933. //----------------------------------------------------------------- fork in the road, depending on two-step or not
  934. if (blitTwoStep)
  935. {
  936. // a resolve that can't be done directly due to constraints on scaling or flipping.
  937. // bind scratch FBO0 to read, scrub it, attach RBO
  938. BindFBOToCtx ( m_scratchFBO[0], GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  940. glAttachRBOtoFBO ( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, formatClass, srcTex->m_rboName );
  941. // bind scratch FBO1 to write, scrub it, attach scratch tex
  942. BindFBOToCtx ( m_scratchFBO[1], GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  944. glAttachTex2DtoFBO ( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, formatClass, srcTex->m_texName, 0 );
  945. // set read and draw buffers appropriately
  946. gGL->glReadBuffer ( glAttachFromClass[formatClass] );
  947. gGL->glDrawBuffer ( glAttachFromClass[formatClass] );
  948. // blit#1 - to resolve to scratch
  949. // implicitly means no scaling, thus will be done with NEAREST sampling
  950. GLenum resolveFilter = GL_NEAREST;
  951. gGL->glBlitFramebufferEXT( 0, 0, srcTex->m_layout->m_key.m_xSize, srcTex->m_layout->m_key.m_ySize,
  952. 0, 0, srcTex->m_layout->m_key.m_xSize, srcTex->m_layout->m_key.m_ySize, // same source and dest rect, whole surface
  953. blitMask, resolveFilter );
  954. // FBO1 now holds the interesting content.
  955. // scrub FBO0, bind FBO1 to READ, fall through to next stage of blit where 1 goes onto 0 (or BACK)
  956. glScrubFBO ( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT ); // zap FBO0
  957. BindFBOToCtx ( m_scratchFBO[1], GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  958. srcTex->ForceRBONonDirty();
  959. }
  960. else
  961. {
  962. #if 1
  963. if ( ( blitMask == GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT ) && ( srcTex->m_pBlitSrcFBO != NULL ) && ( dstTex->m_pBlitDstFBO != NULL ) )
  964. {
  965. // ensure fbo completeness for both src and dst buffers
  966. // on OSX need to call glReadBuffer and glDrawBuffer with GL_NONE for both in order to satify fb completeness (don't need this on Linux)
  967. // correct bindings applied below
  968. BindFBOToCtx( srcTex->m_pBlitSrcFBO, GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  969. gGL->glDrawBuffer( GL_NONE );
  970. BindFBOToCtx( dstTex->m_pBlitDstFBO, GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  971. gGL->glReadBuffer( GL_NONE );
  972. }
  973. if (srcTex->m_pBlitSrcFBO == NULL)
  974. {
  975. srcTex->m_pBlitSrcFBO = NewFBO();
  976. BindFBOToCtx( srcTex->m_pBlitSrcFBO, GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  977. if (blitResolves)
  978. {
  979. glAttachRBOtoFBO( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, formatClass, srcTex->m_rboName );
  980. }
  981. else
  982. {
  983. glAttachTex2DtoFBO( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, formatClass, srcTex->m_texName, srcMip );
  984. }
  985. }
  986. else
  987. {
  988. BindFBOToCtx ( srcTex->m_pBlitSrcFBO, GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  989. }
  990. #else
  991. // arrange source surface on FBO1 for blit directly to dest (which could be FBO0 or BACK)
  992. BindFBOToCtx( m_scratchFBO[1], GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  994. GLMCheckError();
  995. if (blitResolves)
  996. {
  997. glAttachRBOtoFBO( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, formatClass, srcTex->m_rboName );
  998. }
  999. else
  1000. {
  1001. glAttachTex2DtoFBO( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, formatClass, srcTex->m_texName, srcMip );
  1002. }
  1003. #endif
  1004. if ( blitMask != GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT )
  1005. {
  1006. gGL->glReadBuffer( glAttachFromClass[formatClass] );
  1007. }
  1008. else
  1009. {
  1010. gGL->glReadBuffer( GL_NONE );
  1011. }
  1012. }
  1013. //----------------------------------------------------------------- zero or one blits may have happened above, whichever took place, FBO1 is now on read
  1014. bool yflip = false;
  1015. if (blitToBack)
  1016. {
  1017. // backbuffer is special - FBO0 is left out (either scrubbed already, or not used)
  1019. gGL->glDrawBuffer ( GL_BACK );
  1020. yflip = true;
  1021. }
  1022. else
  1023. {
  1024. // not going to GL_BACK - use FBO0. set up dest tex or RBO on it. i.e. it's OK to blit from MSAA to MSAA if needed, though unlikely.
  1025. Assert( dstTex != NULL );
  1026. #if 1
  1027. if (dstTex->m_pBlitDstFBO == NULL)
  1028. {
  1029. dstTex->m_pBlitDstFBO = NewFBO();
  1030. BindFBOToCtx( dstTex->m_pBlitDstFBO, GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1031. if (dstTex->m_rboName)
  1032. {
  1033. glAttachRBOtoFBO( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, formatClass, dstTex->m_rboName );
  1034. }
  1035. else
  1036. {
  1037. glAttachTex2DtoFBO( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, formatClass, dstTex->m_texName, dstMip );
  1038. }
  1039. }
  1040. else
  1041. {
  1042. BindFBOToCtx( dstTex->m_pBlitDstFBO, GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1043. if ( blitMask == GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT )
  1044. {
  1045. gGL->glDrawBuffer( GL_NONE );
  1046. }
  1047. }
  1048. #else
  1049. BindFBOToCtx( m_scratchFBO[0], GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT ); GLMCheckError();
  1051. if (dstTex->m_rboName)
  1052. {
  1053. glAttachRBOtoFBO( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, formatClass, dstTex->m_rboName );
  1054. }
  1055. else
  1056. {
  1057. glAttachTex2DtoFBO( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, formatClass, dstTex->m_texName, dstMip );
  1058. }
  1059. gGL->glDrawBuffer ( glAttachFromClass[formatClass] ); GLMCheckError();
  1060. #endif
  1061. }
  1062. // final blit
  1063. // i think in general, if we are blitting same size, gl_nearest is the right filter to pass.
  1064. // this re-steering won't kick in if there is scaling or a special scaled resolve going on.
  1065. if (!blitScales)
  1066. {
  1067. // steer it
  1068. filter = GL_NEAREST;
  1069. }
  1070. // this is blit #1 or #2 depending on what took place above.
  1071. if (yflip)
  1072. {
  1073. gGL->glBlitFramebufferEXT( srcRect->xmin, srcRect->ymin, srcRect->xmax, srcRect->ymax,
  1074. dstRect->xmin, dstRect->ymax, dstRect->xmax, dstRect->ymin, // note dest Y's are flipped
  1075. blitMask, filter );
  1076. }
  1077. else
  1078. {
  1079. gGL->glBlitFramebufferEXT( srcRect->xmin, srcRect->ymin, srcRect->xmax, srcRect->ymax,
  1080. dstRect->xmin, dstRect->ymin, dstRect->xmax, dstRect->ymax,
  1081. blitMask, filter );
  1082. }
  1083. //----------------------------------------------------------------- scrub READ and maybe DRAW FBO, and unbind
  1084. // glScrubFBO ( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1086. if (!blitToBack)
  1087. {
  1088. // glScrubFBO ( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1090. }
  1091. //----------------------------------------------------------------- restore GLM's drawing FBO
  1092. // restore GLM drawing FBO
  1093. BindFBOToCtx( m_drawingFBO, GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1094. if (doPushPop)
  1095. {
  1096. gGL->glPopAttrib( );
  1097. }
  1098. //----------------------------------------------------------------- restore old scissor state
  1099. if (oldsciss.enable)
  1100. {
  1101. m_ScissorEnable.Write( &oldsciss );
  1102. }
  1103. RestoreSavedColorMask();
  1104. }
  1105. void GLMContext::BlitTex( CGLMTex *srcTex, GLMRect *srcRect, int srcFace, int srcMip, CGLMTex *dstTex, GLMRect *dstRect, int dstFace, int dstMip, GLenum filter, bool useBlitFB )
  1106. {
  1107. // This path doesn't work anymore (or did it ever work in the L4D2 Linux branch?)
  1109. return;
  1110. SaveColorMaskAndSetToDefault();
  1111. switch( srcTex->m_layout->m_format->m_glDataFormat )
  1112. {
  1113. case GL_BGRA:
  1114. case GL_RGB:
  1115. case GL_RGBA:
  1116. case GL_ALPHA:
  1117. case GL_LUMINANCE:
  1118. case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA:
  1119. #if 0
  1120. if (GLMKnob("caps-key",NULL) > 0.0)
  1121. {
  1122. useBlitFB = false;
  1123. }
  1124. #endif
  1125. if ( m_caps.m_cantBlitReliably ) // this is referring to a problem with the x3100..
  1126. {
  1127. useBlitFB = false;
  1128. }
  1129. break;
  1130. }
  1131. if (0)
  1132. {
  1133. GLMPRINTF(("-D- Blit from %d %d %d %d to %d %d %d %d",
  1134. srcRect->xmin, srcRect->ymin, srcRect->xmax, srcRect->ymax,
  1135. dstRect->xmin, dstRect->ymin, dstRect->xmax, dstRect->ymax
  1136. ));
  1137. GLMPRINTF(( "-D- src tex layout is %s", srcTex->m_layout->m_layoutSummary ));
  1138. GLMPRINTF(( "-D- dst tex layout is %s", dstTex->m_layout->m_layoutSummary ));
  1139. }
  1140. int pushed = 0;
  1141. uint pushmask = gl_radar7954721_workaround_maskval.GetInt();
  1143. //| GL_CURRENT_BIT
  1144. //| GL_ENABLE_BIT
  1145. //| GL_FOG_BIT
  1146. //| GL_PIXEL_MODE_BIT
  1147. //| GL_SCISSOR_BIT
  1149. //| GL_TEXTURE_BIT
  1151. //;
  1152. if (gl_radar7954721_workaround_all.GetInt()!=0)
  1153. {
  1154. gGL->glPushAttrib( pushmask );
  1155. pushed++;
  1156. }
  1157. else
  1158. {
  1159. bool srcGamma = (srcTex->m_layout->m_key.m_texFlags & kGLMTexSRGB) != 0;
  1160. bool dstGamma = (dstTex->m_layout->m_key.m_texFlags & kGLMTexSRGB) != 0;
  1161. if (srcGamma != dstGamma)
  1162. {
  1163. if (gl_radar7954721_workaround_mixed.GetInt())
  1164. {
  1165. gGL->glPushAttrib( pushmask );
  1166. pushed++;
  1167. }
  1168. }
  1169. }
  1170. if (useBlitFB)
  1171. {
  1172. // state we need to save
  1173. // current setting of scissor
  1174. // current setting of the drawing fbo (no explicit save, it's in the context)
  1175. GLScissorEnable_t oldsciss,newsciss;
  1176. m_ScissorEnable.Read( &oldsciss, 0 );
  1177. // remember to restore m_drawingFBO at end of effort
  1178. // setup
  1179. // turn off scissor
  1180. newsciss.enable = false;
  1181. m_ScissorEnable.Write( &newsciss );
  1182. // select which attachment enum we're going to use for the blit
  1183. // default to color0, unless it's a depth or stencil flava
  1184. Assert( srcTex->m_layout->m_format->m_glDataFormat == dstTex->m_layout->m_format->m_glDataFormat );
  1185. EGLMFBOAttachment attachIndex = (EGLMFBOAttachment)0;
  1186. GLenum attachIndexGL = 0;
  1187. GLuint blitMask = 0;
  1188. switch( srcTex->m_layout->m_format->m_glDataFormat )
  1189. {
  1190. case GL_BGRA:
  1191. case GL_RGB:
  1192. case GL_RGBA:
  1193. case GL_ALPHA:
  1194. case GL_LUMINANCE:
  1195. case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA:
  1196. attachIndex = kAttColor0;
  1197. attachIndexGL = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT;
  1198. blitMask = GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT;
  1199. break;
  1200. case GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT:
  1201. attachIndex = kAttDepth;
  1202. attachIndexGL = GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT;
  1203. blitMask = GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
  1204. break;
  1205. case GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT:
  1206. attachIndex = kAttDepthStencil;
  1209. break;
  1210. default:
  1211. Assert(0);
  1212. break;
  1213. }
  1214. // set the read fb, attach read tex at appropriate attach point, set read buffer
  1215. BindFBOToCtx( m_blitReadFBO, GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1216. GLMFBOTexAttachParams attparams;
  1217. attparams.m_tex = srcTex;
  1218. attparams.m_face = srcFace;
  1219. attparams.m_mip = srcMip;
  1220. attparams.m_zslice = 0;
  1221. m_blitReadFBO->TexAttach( &attparams, attachIndex, GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1222. gGL->glReadBuffer( attachIndexGL );
  1223. // set the write fb and buffer, and attach write tex
  1224. BindFBOToCtx( m_blitDrawFBO, GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1225. attparams.m_tex = dstTex;
  1226. attparams.m_face = dstFace;
  1227. attparams.m_mip = dstMip;
  1228. attparams.m_zslice = 0;
  1229. m_blitDrawFBO->TexAttach( &attparams, attachIndex, GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1230. gGL->glDrawBuffer( attachIndexGL );
  1231. // do the blit
  1232. gGL->glBlitFramebufferEXT( srcRect->xmin, srcRect->ymin, srcRect->xmax, srcRect->ymax,
  1233. dstRect->xmin, dstRect->ymin, dstRect->xmax, dstRect->ymax,
  1234. blitMask, filter );
  1235. // cleanup
  1236. // unset the read fb and buffer, detach read tex
  1237. // unset the write fb and buffer, detach write tex
  1238. m_blitReadFBO->TexDetach( attachIndex, GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1239. m_blitDrawFBO->TexDetach( attachIndex, GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1240. // put the original FB back in place (both read and draw)
  1241. // this bind will hit both read and draw bindings
  1242. BindFBOToCtx( m_drawingFBO, GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1243. // set the read and write buffers back to... what ? does it matter for anything but copies ? don't worry about it
  1244. // restore the scissor state
  1245. m_ScissorEnable.Write( &oldsciss );
  1246. }
  1247. else
  1248. {
  1249. // textured quad style
  1250. // we must attach the dest tex as the color buffer on the blit draw FBO
  1251. // so that means we need to re-set the drawing FBO on exit
  1252. EGLMFBOAttachment attachIndex = (EGLMFBOAttachment)0;
  1253. GLenum attachIndexGL = 0;
  1254. switch( srcTex->m_layout->m_format->m_glDataFormat )
  1255. {
  1256. case GL_BGRA:
  1257. case GL_RGB:
  1258. case GL_RGBA:
  1259. case GL_ALPHA:
  1260. case GL_LUMINANCE:
  1261. case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA:
  1262. attachIndex = kAttColor0;
  1263. attachIndexGL = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT;
  1264. break;
  1265. default:
  1266. Assert(!"Can't blit that format");
  1267. break;
  1268. }
  1269. BindFBOToCtx( m_blitDrawFBO, GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1270. GLMFBOTexAttachParams attparams;
  1271. attparams.m_tex = dstTex;
  1272. attparams.m_face = dstFace;
  1273. attparams.m_mip = dstMip;
  1274. attparams.m_zslice = 0;
  1275. m_blitDrawFBO->TexAttach( &attparams, attachIndex, GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1276. gGL->glDrawBuffer( attachIndexGL );
  1277. // attempt to just set states directly the way we want them, then use the latched states to repair them afterward.
  1278. NullProgram(); // out of program mode
  1279. gGL->glDisable ( GL_ALPHA_TEST );
  1280. gGL->glDisable ( GL_CULL_FACE );
  1281. gGL->glDisable ( GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL );
  1282. gGL->glDisable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST );
  1283. gGL->glDisable ( GL_CLIP_PLANE0 );
  1284. gGL->glDisable ( GL_CLIP_PLANE1 );
  1285. gGL->glColorMask( GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE );
  1286. gGL->glDisable ( GL_BLEND );
  1287. gGL->glDepthMask ( GL_FALSE );
  1288. gGL->glDisable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
  1289. gGL->glDisable ( GL_STENCIL_TEST );
  1290. gGL->glStencilMask ( GL_FALSE );
  1291. // now do the unlit textured quad...
  1292. gGL->glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 );
  1293. gGL->glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, srcTex->m_texName );
  1294. gGL->glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
  1295. // immediate mode is fine
  1296. float topv = 1.0;
  1297. float botv = 0.0;
  1298. gGL->glBegin(GL_QUADS);
  1299. gGL->glTexCoord2f ( 0.0, botv );
  1300. gGL->glVertex3f ( -1.0, -1.0, 0.0 );
  1301. gGL->glTexCoord2f ( 1.0, botv );
  1302. gGL->glVertex3f ( 1.0, -1.0, 0.0 );
  1303. gGL->glTexCoord2f ( 1.0, topv );
  1304. gGL->glVertex3f ( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
  1305. gGL->glTexCoord2f ( 0.0, topv );
  1306. gGL->glVertex3f ( -1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
  1307. gGL->glEnd();
  1308. gGL->glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
  1309. gGL->glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
  1310. BindTexToTMU( m_samplers[0].m_pBoundTex, 0 );
  1311. // leave active program empty - flush draw states will fix
  1312. // then restore states using the scoreboard
  1313. m_AlphaTestEnable.Flush();
  1314. m_AlphaToCoverageEnable.Flush();
  1315. m_CullFaceEnable.Flush();
  1316. m_DepthBias.Flush();
  1317. m_ScissorEnable.Flush();
  1318. m_ClipPlaneEnable.FlushIndex( 0 );
  1319. m_ClipPlaneEnable.FlushIndex( 1 );
  1320. m_ColorMaskSingle.Flush();
  1321. m_BlendEnable.Flush();
  1322. m_DepthMask.Flush();
  1323. m_DepthTestEnable.Flush();
  1324. m_StencilWriteMask.Flush();
  1325. m_StencilTestEnable.Flush();
  1326. // unset the write fb and buffer, detach write tex
  1327. m_blitDrawFBO->TexDetach( attachIndex, GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1328. // put the original FB back in place (both read and draw)
  1329. BindFBOToCtx( m_drawingFBO, GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1330. }
  1331. while(pushed)
  1332. {
  1333. gGL->glPopAttrib();
  1334. pushed--;
  1335. }
  1336. RestoreSavedColorMask();
  1337. }
  1338. void GLMContext::ResolveTex( CGLMTex *tex, bool forceDirty )
  1339. {
  1341. CScopedGLMPIXEvent glmPIXEvent( "ResolveTex" );
  1342. g_TelemetryGPUStats.m_nTotalResolveTex++;
  1343. #endif
  1344. // only run resolve if it's (a) possible and (b) dirty or force-dirtied
  1345. if ( ( tex->m_rboName ) && ( tex->IsRBODirty() || forceDirty ) )
  1346. {
  1347. // state we need to save
  1348. // current setting of scissor
  1349. // current setting of the drawing fbo (no explicit save, it's in the context)
  1350. GLScissorEnable_t oldsciss,newsciss;
  1351. m_ScissorEnable.Read( &oldsciss, 0 );
  1352. // remember to restore m_drawingFBO at end of effort
  1353. // setup
  1354. // turn off scissor
  1355. newsciss.enable = false;
  1356. m_ScissorEnable.Write( &newsciss );
  1357. // select which attachment enum we're going to use for the blit
  1358. // default to color0, unless it's a depth or stencil flava
  1359. // for resolve, only handle a modest subset of the possible formats
  1360. EGLMFBOAttachment attachIndex = (EGLMFBOAttachment)0;
  1361. GLenum attachIndexGL = 0;
  1362. GLuint blitMask = 0;
  1363. switch( tex->m_layout->m_format->m_glDataFormat )
  1364. {
  1365. case GL_BGRA:
  1366. case GL_RGB:
  1367. case GL_RGBA:
  1368. // case GL_ALPHA:
  1369. // case GL_LUMINANCE:
  1370. // case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA:
  1371. attachIndex = kAttColor0;
  1372. attachIndexGL = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT;
  1373. blitMask = GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT;
  1374. break;
  1375. // case GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT:
  1376. // attachIndex = kAttDepth;
  1377. // attachIndexGL = GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT;
  1378. // blitMask = GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
  1379. // break;
  1380. case GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT:
  1381. attachIndex = kAttDepthStencil;
  1384. break;
  1385. default:
  1386. Assert(!"Unsupported format for MSAA resolve" );
  1387. break;
  1388. }
  1389. // set the read fb, attach read RBO at appropriate attach point, set read buffer
  1390. BindFBOToCtx( m_blitReadFBO, GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1391. // going to avoid the TexAttach / TexDetach calls due to potential confusion, implement it directly here
  1392. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1393. // put tex->m_rboName on the read FB's attachment
  1395. {
  1396. // you have to attach it both places...
  1397. //
  1398. // bind the RBO to the GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT target - is this extraneous ?
  1399. //glBindRenderbufferEXT( GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, tex->m_rboName );
  1400. // attach the GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT target to the depth and stencil attach points
  1401. gGL->glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, tex->m_rboName);
  1403. // no need to leave the RBO hanging on
  1404. //glBindRenderbufferEXT( GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, 0 );
  1405. }
  1406. else
  1407. {
  1408. //glBindRenderbufferEXT( GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, tex->m_rboName );
  1409. gGL->glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, attachIndexGL, GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, tex->m_rboName);
  1410. //glBindRenderbufferEXT( GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, 0 );
  1411. }
  1412. gGL->glReadBuffer( attachIndexGL );
  1413. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1414. // put tex->m_texName on the draw FBO attachment
  1415. // set the write fb and buffer, and attach write tex
  1416. BindFBOToCtx( m_blitDrawFBO, GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1417. // regular path - attaching a texture2d
  1419. {
  1420. gGL->glFramebufferTexture2DEXT( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->m_texName, 0 );
  1421. gGL->glFramebufferTexture2DEXT( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->m_texName, 0 );
  1422. }
  1423. else
  1424. {
  1425. gGL->glFramebufferTexture2DEXT( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, attachIndexGL, GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->m_texName, 0 );
  1426. }
  1427. gGL->glDrawBuffer( attachIndexGL );
  1428. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1429. // blit
  1430. gGL->glBlitFramebufferEXT( 0, 0, tex->m_layout->m_key.m_xSize, tex->m_layout->m_key.m_ySize,
  1431. 0, 0, tex->m_layout->m_key.m_xSize, tex->m_layout->m_key.m_ySize,
  1432. blitMask, GL_NEAREST );
  1433. // or should it be GL_LINEAR? does it matter ?
  1434. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1435. // cleanup
  1436. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1437. // unset the read fb and buffer, detach read RBO
  1438. //glBindRenderbufferEXT( GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, 0 );
  1440. {
  1441. // detach the GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT target from the depth and stencil attach points
  1444. }
  1445. else
  1446. {
  1447. gGL->glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, attachIndexGL, GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, 0);
  1448. }
  1449. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1450. // unset the write fb and buffer, detach write tex
  1452. {
  1455. }
  1456. else
  1457. {
  1458. gGL->glFramebufferTexture2DEXT( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, attachIndexGL, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0 );
  1459. }
  1460. // put the original FB back in place (both read and draw)
  1461. // this bind will hit both read and draw bindings
  1462. BindFBOToCtx( m_drawingFBO, GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  1463. // set the read and write buffers back to... what ? does it matter for anything but copies ? don't worry about it
  1464. // restore the scissor state
  1465. m_ScissorEnable.Write( &oldsciss );
  1466. // mark the RBO clean on the resolved tex
  1467. tex->ForceRBONonDirty();
  1468. }
  1469. }
  1470. void GLMContext::PreloadTex( CGLMTex *tex, bool force )
  1471. {
  1472. // if conditions allow (i.e. a drawing surface is active)
  1473. // bind the texture on TMU 15
  1474. // set up a dummy program to sample it but not write (use 'discard')
  1475. // draw a teeny little triangle that won't generate a lot of fragments
  1476. if (!m_pairCache)
  1477. return;
  1478. if (!m_drawingFBO)
  1479. return;
  1480. if (tex->m_texPreloaded && !force) // only do one preload unless forced to re-do
  1481. {
  1482. //printf("\nnot-preloading %s", tex->m_debugLabel ? tex->m_debugLabel : "(unknown)");
  1483. return;
  1484. }
  1485. //printf("\npreloading %s", tex->m_debugLabel ? tex->m_debugLabel : "(unknown)");
  1486. CGLMProgram *vp = m_preloadTexVertexProgram;
  1487. CGLMProgram *fp = NULL;
  1488. switch(tex->m_layout->m_key.m_texGLTarget)
  1489. {
  1490. case GL_TEXTURE_2D: fp = m_preload2DTexFragmentProgram;
  1491. break;
  1492. case GL_TEXTURE_3D: fp = m_preload3DTexFragmentProgram;
  1493. break;
  1494. case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP: fp = m_preloadCubeTexFragmentProgram;
  1495. break;
  1496. }
  1497. if (!fp)
  1498. return;
  1499. CGLMShaderPair *preloadPair = m_pairCache->SelectShaderPair( vp, fp, 0 );
  1500. if (!preloadPair)
  1501. return;
  1502. if ( !preloadPair->m_valid )
  1503. {
  1504. if ( !preloadPair->ValidateProgramPair() )
  1505. {
  1506. return;
  1507. }
  1508. }
  1509. gGL->glUseProgram( (GLuint)preloadPair->m_program );
  1510. m_pBoundPair = preloadPair;
  1511. m_bDirtyPrograms = true;
  1512. // almost ready to draw...
  1513. //int tmuForPreload = 15;
  1514. // shut down all the generic attribute arrays on the detention level - next real draw will activate them again
  1515. m_lastKnownVertexAttribMask = 0;
  1516. m_nNumSetVertexAttributes = 16;
  1517. memset( &m_boundVertexAttribs[0], 0xFF, sizeof( m_boundVertexAttribs ) );
  1518. // Force the next flush to reset the attributes.
  1519. ClearCurAttribs();
  1520. for( int index=0; index < kGLMVertexAttributeIndexMax; index++ )
  1521. {
  1522. gGL->glDisableVertexAttribArray( index );
  1523. }
  1524. // bind texture and sampling params
  1525. CGLMTex *pPrevTex = m_samplers[15].m_pBoundTex;
  1526. #ifndef OSX // 10.6
  1527. if ( m_bUseSamplerObjects )
  1528. {
  1529. gGL->glBindSampler( 15, 0 );
  1530. }
  1531. #endif
  1532. BindTexToTMU( tex, 15 );
  1533. // unbind vertex/index buffers
  1534. BindBufferToCtx( kGLMVertexBuffer, NULL );
  1535. BindBufferToCtx( kGLMIndexBuffer, NULL );
  1536. // draw
  1537. static float posns[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
  1538. 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
  1539. 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  1540. static int indices[] = { 0, 1, 2 };
  1541. gGL->glEnableVertexAttribArray( 0 );
  1542. gGL->glVertexAttribPointer( 0, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, posns );
  1543. gGL->glDrawRangeElements( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3, 3, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, indices);
  1544. gGL->glDisableVertexAttribArray( 0 );
  1545. SetSamplerDirty( 15 );
  1546. BindTexToTMU( pPrevTex, 15 );
  1547. tex->m_texPreloaded = true;
  1548. }
  1549. CGLMFBO *GLMContext::NewFBO( void )
  1550. {
  1551. GLM_FUNC;
  1552. CGLMFBO *fbo = new CGLMFBO( this );
  1553. m_fboTable.AddToTail( fbo );
  1554. return fbo;
  1555. }
  1556. void GLMContext::DelFBO( CGLMFBO *fbo )
  1557. {
  1558. GLM_FUNC;
  1559. if (m_drawingFBO == fbo)
  1560. {
  1561. m_drawingFBO = NULL; //poof!
  1562. }
  1563. if (m_boundReadFBO == fbo )
  1564. {
  1566. m_boundReadFBO = NULL;
  1567. }
  1568. if (m_boundDrawFBO == fbo )
  1569. {
  1571. m_boundDrawFBO = NULL;
  1572. }
  1573. int idx = m_fboTable.Find( fbo );
  1574. Assert( idx >= 0 );
  1575. if ( idx >= 0 )
  1576. {
  1577. m_fboTable.FastRemove( idx );
  1578. }
  1579. delete fbo;
  1580. }
  1581. //===============================================================================
  1582. CGLMProgram *GLMContext::NewProgram( EGLMProgramType type, char *progString, const char *pShaderName )
  1583. {
  1584. //hushed GLM_FUNC;
  1585. CGLMProgram *prog = new CGLMProgram( this, type );
  1586. prog->SetProgramText( progString );
  1587. prog->SetShaderName( pShaderName );
  1588. prog->CompileActiveSources();
  1589. return prog;
  1590. }
  1591. void GLMContext::DelProgram( CGLMProgram *pProg )
  1592. {
  1593. GLM_FUNC;
  1594. if ( m_drawingProgram[ pProg->m_type ] == pProg )
  1595. {
  1596. SetProgram( pProg->m_type, ( pProg->m_type == kGLMFragmentProgram ) ? m_pNullFragmentProgram : NULL );
  1597. }
  1598. // make sure to eliminate any cached pairs using this shader
  1599. bool purgeResult = m_pairCache->PurgePairsWithShader( pProg );
  1600. (void)purgeResult;
  1601. Assert( !purgeResult ); // very unlikely to trigger
  1602. NullProgram();
  1603. delete pProg;
  1604. }
  1605. void GLMContext::NullProgram( void )
  1606. {
  1607. gGL->glUseProgram( 0 );
  1608. m_pBoundPair = NULL;
  1609. m_bDirtyPrograms = true;
  1610. }
  1611. void GLMContext::SetDrawingLang( EGLMProgramLang lang, bool immediate )
  1612. {
  1613. if ( !m_caps.m_hasDualShaders ) return; // ignore attempts to change language when -glmdualshaders is not engaged
  1614. m_drawingLangAtFrameStart = lang;
  1615. if (immediate)
  1616. {
  1617. NullProgram();
  1618. m_drawingLang = m_drawingLangAtFrameStart;
  1619. }
  1620. }
  1621. void GLMContext::LinkShaderPair( CGLMProgram *vp, CGLMProgram *fp )
  1622. {
  1623. if ( (m_pairCache) && (m_drawingLang==kGLMGLSL) && (vp) && (fp) )
  1624. {
  1625. CGLMShaderPair *pair = m_pairCache->SelectShaderPair( vp, fp, 0 );
  1626. (void)pair;
  1627. Assert( pair != NULL );
  1628. NullProgram(); // clear out any binds that were done - next draw will set it right
  1629. }
  1630. }
  1631. void GLMContext::ValidateShaderPair( CGLMProgram *vp, CGLMProgram *fp )
  1632. {
  1633. if ((m_pairCache) && (m_drawingLang == kGLMGLSL) && (vp) && (fp))
  1634. {
  1635. CGLMShaderPair *pair = m_pairCache->SelectShaderPair( vp, fp, 0 );
  1636. Assert( pair != NULL );
  1637. pair->ValidateProgramPair();
  1638. NullProgram(); // clear out any binds that were done - next draw will set it right
  1639. }
  1640. }
  1641. void GLMContext::ClearShaderPairCache( void )
  1642. {
  1643. if (m_pairCache)
  1644. {
  1645. NullProgram();
  1646. m_pairCache->Purge(); // bye bye all linked pairs
  1647. NullProgram();
  1648. }
  1649. }
  1650. void GLMContext::QueryShaderPair( int index, GLMShaderPairInfo *infoOut )
  1651. {
  1652. if (m_pairCache)
  1653. {
  1654. m_pairCache->QueryShaderPair( index, infoOut );
  1655. }
  1656. else
  1657. {
  1658. memset( infoOut, 0, sizeof( *infoOut ) );
  1659. infoOut->m_status = -1;
  1660. }
  1661. }
  1662. CGLMBuffer *GLMContext::NewBuffer( EGLMBufferType type, uint size, uint options )
  1663. {
  1664. //hushed GLM_FUNC;
  1665. CGLMBuffer *prog = new CGLMBuffer( this, type, size, options );
  1666. return prog;
  1667. }
  1668. void GLMContext::DelBuffer( CGLMBuffer *buff )
  1669. {
  1670. GLM_FUNC;
  1671. for( int index = 0; index < kGLMVertexAttributeIndexMax; index++ )
  1672. {
  1673. if ( m_drawVertexSetup.m_attrs[index].m_pBuffer == buff )
  1674. {
  1675. // just clear the enable mask - this will force all the attrs to get re-sent on next sync
  1676. m_drawVertexSetup.m_attrMask = 0;
  1677. }
  1678. }
  1679. BindGLBufferToCtx( buff->m_buffGLTarget, NULL, false );
  1680. delete buff;
  1681. }
  1682. GLMVertexSetup g_blank_setup;
  1683. void GLMContext::Clear( bool color, unsigned long colorValue, bool depth, float depthValue, bool stencil, unsigned int stencilValue, GLScissorBox_t *box )
  1684. {
  1685. GLM_FUNC;
  1686. ++m_nBatchCounter;
  1687. #if GLMDEBUG
  1688. GLMDebugHookInfo info;
  1689. memset( &info, 0, sizeof(info) );
  1690. info.m_caller = eClear;
  1691. do
  1692. {
  1693. #endif
  1694. uint mask = 0;
  1695. GLClearColor_t clearcol;
  1696. GLClearDepth_t cleardep = { depthValue };
  1697. GLClearStencil_t clearsten = { stencilValue };
  1698. // depth write mask must be saved&restored
  1699. GLDepthMask_t olddepthmask;
  1700. GLDepthMask_t newdepthmask = { true };
  1701. // stencil write mask must be saved and restored
  1702. GLStencilWriteMask_t oldstenmask;
  1703. GLStencilWriteMask_t newstenmask = { 0xFFFFFFFF };
  1704. GLColorMaskSingle_t oldcolormask;
  1705. GLColorMaskSingle_t newcolormask = { -1,-1,-1,-1 }; // D3D clears do not honor color mask, so force it
  1706. if (color)
  1707. {
  1708. // #define D3DCOLOR_ARGB(a,r,g,b) ((D3DCOLOR)((((a)&0xff)<<24)|(((r)&0xff)<<16)|(((g)&0xff)<<8)|((b)&0xff)))
  1709. clearcol.r = ((colorValue >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; //R
  1710. clearcol.g = ((colorValue >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; //G
  1711. clearcol.b = ((colorValue ) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; //B
  1712. clearcol.a = ((colorValue >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; //A
  1713. m_ClearColor.Write( &clearcol ); // no check, no wait
  1714. mask |= GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT;
  1715. // save and set color mask
  1716. m_ColorMaskSingle.Read( &oldcolormask, 0 );
  1717. m_ColorMaskSingle.Write( &newcolormask );
  1718. }
  1719. if (depth)
  1720. {
  1721. // get old depth write mask
  1722. m_DepthMask.Read( &olddepthmask, 0 );
  1723. m_DepthMask.Write( &newdepthmask );
  1724. m_ClearDepth.Write( &cleardep ); // no check, no wait
  1725. mask |= GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
  1726. }
  1727. if (stencil)
  1728. {
  1729. m_ClearStencil.Write( &clearsten ); // no check, no wait
  1730. mask |= GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT;
  1731. // save and set sten mask
  1732. m_StencilWriteMask.Read( &oldstenmask, 0 );
  1733. m_StencilWriteMask.Write( &newstenmask );
  1734. }
  1735. bool subrect = (box != NULL);
  1736. GLScissorEnable_t scissorEnableSave;
  1737. GLScissorEnable_t scissorEnableNew = { true };
  1738. GLScissorBox_t scissorBoxSave;
  1739. GLScissorBox_t scissorBoxNew;
  1740. if (subrect)
  1741. {
  1742. // save current scissorbox and enable
  1743. m_ScissorEnable.Read( &scissorEnableSave, 0 );
  1744. m_ScissorBox.Read( &scissorBoxSave, 0 );
  1745. if(0)
  1746. {
  1747. // calc new scissorbox as intersection against *box
  1748. // max of the mins
  1749. scissorBoxNew.x = MAX(scissorBoxSave.x, box->x);
  1750. scissorBoxNew.y = MAX(scissorBoxSave.y, box->y);
  1751. // min of the maxes
  1752. scissorBoxNew.width = ( MIN(scissorBoxSave.x+scissorBoxSave.width, box->x+box->width)) - scissorBoxNew.x;
  1753. // height is just min of the max y's, minus the new base Y
  1754. scissorBoxNew.height = ( MIN(scissorBoxSave.y+scissorBoxSave.height, box->y+box->height)) - scissorBoxNew.y;
  1755. }
  1756. else
  1757. {
  1758. // ignore old scissor box completely.
  1759. scissorBoxNew = *box;
  1760. }
  1761. // set new box and enable
  1762. m_ScissorEnable.Write( &scissorEnableNew );
  1763. m_ScissorBox.Write( &scissorBoxNew );
  1764. }
  1765. gGL->glClear( mask );
  1766. if (subrect)
  1767. {
  1768. // put old scissor box and enable back
  1769. m_ScissorEnable.Write( &scissorEnableSave );
  1770. m_ScissorBox.Write( &scissorBoxSave );
  1771. }
  1772. if (depth)
  1773. {
  1774. // put old depth write mask
  1775. m_DepthMask.Write( &olddepthmask );
  1776. }
  1777. if (color)
  1778. {
  1779. // put old color write mask
  1780. m_ColorMaskSingle.Write( &oldcolormask );
  1781. }
  1782. if (stencil)
  1783. {
  1784. // put old sten mask
  1785. m_StencilWriteMask.Write( &oldstenmask );
  1786. }
  1787. #if GLMDEBUG
  1788. DebugHook( &info );
  1789. } while (info.m_loop);
  1790. #endif
  1791. }
  1792. #ifdef _OSX
  1793. void GLMContext::UpdateSwapchainVariables( bool bForce )
  1794. {
  1795. static ConVarRef r_frameratesmoothing( "r_frameratesmoothing" );
  1796. const bool cbUpdateFramerateSmoothing = bForce || r_frameratesmoothing.GetBool() != m_bFramerateSmoothing;
  1797. const bool cbUpdateSwapLimit = bForce || gl_swap_limit.GetBool() != m_bSwapLimit;
  1798. // Bail if no work to do.
  1799. if ( !cbUpdateFramerateSmoothing && !cbUpdateSwapLimit )
  1800. return;
  1801. #ifdef USE_SDL
  1802. CGLContextObj context = GetCGLContextFromNSGL( m_ctx );
  1803. #else
  1804. auto context = m_ctx;
  1805. #endif
  1806. if ( cbUpdateFramerateSmoothing )
  1807. {
  1808. bool new_mtgl = m_caps.m_hasPerfPackage1; // i.e. 10.6.4 plus new driver
  1809. if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-glmenablemtgl2" ) )
  1810. {
  1811. new_mtgl = true;
  1812. }
  1813. if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-glmdisablemtgl2" ) )
  1814. {
  1815. new_mtgl = false;
  1816. }
  1817. // Enable if we can and we haven't been told not to.
  1818. bool mtgl_on = m_displayParams.m_mtgl && !r_frameratesmoothing.GetBool();
  1819. if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-glmenablemtgl" ) )
  1820. {
  1821. mtgl_on = true;
  1822. }
  1823. if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-glmdisablemtgl" ) )
  1824. {
  1825. mtgl_on = false;
  1826. }
  1827. CGLError result = ( CGLError ) 0;
  1828. bool ready = false;
  1829. if ( new_mtgl )
  1830. {
  1831. // afterburner
  1832. CGLContextEnable kCGLCPGCDMPEngine = ( ( CGLContextEnable ) 1314 );
  1833. result = mtgl_on ? CGLEnable( context, kCGLCPGCDMPEngine )
  1834. : CGLDisable( context, kCGLCPGCDMPEngine );
  1835. if ( !result )
  1836. {
  1837. ready = true; // succeeded - no need to try non-MTGL
  1838. printf( "\nMTGL2 %s.\n", mtgl_on ? "enabled" : "disabled" );
  1839. }
  1840. else
  1841. {
  1842. printf( "\nMTGL2 *not* enabled, falling back.\n" );
  1843. }
  1844. }
  1845. if ( !ready )
  1846. {
  1847. // try old MTGL
  1848. result = mtgl_on ? CGLEnable( context, kCGLCEMPEngine )
  1849. : CGLDisable( context, kCGLCEMPEngine );
  1850. if ( !result )
  1851. {
  1852. printf( "\nMTGL %s.\n", mtgl_on ? "enabled" : "disabled" );
  1853. ready = true;
  1854. }
  1855. }
  1856. // Make sure we can detect edges on this properly.
  1857. m_bFramerateSmoothing = r_frameratesmoothing.GetBool();
  1858. }
  1859. if ( cbUpdateSwapLimit )
  1860. {
  1861. if ( gl_swap_limit.GetBool() )
  1862. {
  1863. // Limit the number of frames in flight to 1.
  1864. CGLEnable( context, kCGLCESwapLimit );
  1865. printf( "Swap Limit Enabled\n" );
  1866. }
  1867. else
  1868. {
  1869. CGLDisable( context, kCGLCESwapLimit );
  1870. printf( "Swap Limit Disabled\n" );
  1871. }
  1872. // Make sure we can detect edges on this properly.
  1873. m_bSwapLimit = gl_swap_limit.GetBool();
  1874. }
  1875. }
  1876. #endif
  1877. // stolen from glmgrbasics.cpp
  1878. extern "C" uint GetCurrentKeyModifiers( void );
  1879. enum ECarbonModKeyIndex
  1880. {
  1881. EcmdKeyBit = 8, /* command key down?*/
  1882. EshiftKeyBit = 9, /* shift key down?*/
  1883. EalphaLockBit = 10, /* alpha lock down?*/
  1884. EoptionKeyBit = 11, /* option key down?*/
  1885. EcontrolKeyBit = 12 /* control key down?*/
  1886. };
  1887. enum ECarbonModKeyMask
  1888. {
  1889. EcmdKey = 1 << EcmdKeyBit,
  1890. EshiftKey = 1 << EshiftKeyBit,
  1891. EalphaLock = 1 << EalphaLockBit,
  1892. EoptionKey = 1 << EoptionKeyBit,
  1893. EcontrolKey = 1 << EcontrolKeyBit
  1894. };
  1895. static ConVar gl_flushpaircache ("gl_flushpaircache", "0");
  1896. static ConVar gl_paircachestats ("gl_paircachestats", "0");
  1897. static ConVar gl_mtglflush_at_tof ("gl_mtglflush_at_tof", "0");
  1898. static ConVar gl_texlayoutstats ("gl_texlayoutstats", "0" );
  1899. void GLMContext::BeginFrame( void )
  1900. {
  1901. GLM_FUNC;
  1902. m_debugFrameIndex++;
  1903. // check for lang change at TOF
  1904. if (m_caps.m_hasDualShaders)
  1905. {
  1906. if (m_drawingLang != m_drawingLangAtFrameStart)
  1907. {
  1908. // language change. unbind everything..
  1909. NullProgram();
  1910. m_drawingLang = m_drawingLangAtFrameStart;
  1911. }
  1912. }
  1913. // scrub some critical shock absorbers
  1914. for( int i=0; i< 16; i++)
  1915. {
  1916. gGL->glDisableVertexAttribArray( i ); // enable GLSL attribute- this is just client state - will be turned back off
  1917. }
  1918. m_lastKnownVertexAttribMask = 0;
  1919. m_nNumSetVertexAttributes = 0;
  1920. //FIXME should we also zap the m_lastKnownAttribs array ? (worst case it just sets them all again on first batch)
  1921. BindBufferToCtx( kGLMVertexBuffer, NULL, true );
  1922. BindBufferToCtx( kGLMIndexBuffer, NULL, true );
  1923. if (gl_flushpaircache.GetInt())
  1924. {
  1925. // do the flush and then set back to zero
  1926. ClearShaderPairCache();
  1927. printf("\n\n##### shader pair cache cleared\n\n");
  1928. gl_flushpaircache.SetValue( 0 );
  1929. }
  1930. if (gl_paircachestats.GetInt())
  1931. {
  1932. // do the flush and then set back to zero
  1933. m_pairCache->DumpStats();
  1934. gl_paircachestats.SetValue( 0 );
  1935. }
  1936. if (gl_texlayoutstats.GetInt())
  1937. {
  1938. m_texLayoutTable->DumpStats();
  1939. gl_texlayoutstats.SetValue( 0 );
  1940. }
  1941. if (gl_mtglflush_at_tof.GetInt())
  1942. {
  1943. gGL->glFlush(); // TOF flush - skip this if benchmarking, enable it if human playing (smoothness)
  1944. }
  1945. #if GLMDEBUG
  1946. // init debug hook information
  1947. GLMDebugHookInfo info;
  1948. memset( &info, 0, sizeof(info) );
  1949. info.m_caller = eBeginFrame;
  1950. do
  1951. {
  1952. DebugHook( &info );
  1953. } while (info.m_loop);
  1954. #endif
  1955. }
  1956. void GLMContext::EndFrame( void )
  1957. {
  1958. GLM_FUNC;
  1959. #if GLMDEBUG
  1960. // init debug hook information
  1961. GLMDebugHookInfo info;
  1962. memset( &info, 0, sizeof(info) );
  1963. info.m_caller = eEndFrame;
  1964. do
  1965. {
  1966. #endif
  1967. if (!m_oneCtxEnable) // if using dual contexts, this flush is needed
  1968. {
  1969. gGL->glFlush();
  1970. }
  1971. #if GLMDEBUG
  1972. DebugHook( &info );
  1973. } while (info.m_loop);
  1974. #endif
  1975. }
  1976. //===============================================================================
  1977. CGLMQuery *GLMContext::NewQuery( GLMQueryParams *params )
  1978. {
  1979. CGLMQuery *query = new CGLMQuery( this, params );
  1980. return query;
  1981. }
  1982. void GLMContext::DelQuery( CGLMQuery *query )
  1983. {
  1984. // may want to do some finish/
  1985. delete query;
  1986. }
  1987. static ConVar mat_vsync( "mat_vsync", "0", 0, "Force sync to vertical retrace", true, 0.0, true, 1.0 );
  1988. //===============================================================================
  1989. ConVar glm_nullrefresh_capslock( "glm_nullrefresh_capslock", "0" );
  1990. ConVar glm_literefresh_capslock( "glm_literefresh_capslock", "0" );
  1991. extern ConVar gl_blitmode;
  1992. void GLMContext::Present( CGLMTex *tex )
  1993. {
  1994. GLM_FUNC;
  1995. {
  1997. CScopedGLMPIXEvent glmPIXEvent( "GLMContext::Present" );
  1998. g_TelemetryGPUStats.m_nTotalPresent++;
  1999. #endif
  2000. ProcessTextureDeletes();
  2001. #ifdef HAVE_GL_ARB_SYNC
  2002. if ( gGL->m_bHave_GL_AMD_pinned_memory )
  2003. {
  2004. m_PinnedMemoryBuffers[m_nCurPinnedMemoryBuffer].InsertFence();
  2005. m_nCurPinnedMemoryBuffer = ( m_nCurPinnedMemoryBuffer + 1 ) % cNumPinnedMemoryBuffers;
  2006. m_PinnedMemoryBuffers[m_nCurPinnedMemoryBuffer].BlockUntilNotBusy();
  2007. gGL->glBindBufferARB( GL_EXTERNAL_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_AMD, m_PinnedMemoryBuffers[m_nCurPinnedMemoryBuffer].GetHandle() );
  2008. }
  2009. if ( gGL->m_bHave_GL_ARB_buffer_storage )
  2010. {
  2011. for (uint lpType = 0; lpType < kGLMNumBufferTypes; ++lpType)
  2012. {
  2013. m_persistentBuffer[m_nCurPersistentBuffer][lpType].InsertFence();
  2014. }
  2015. m_nCurPersistentBuffer = ( m_nCurPersistentBuffer + 1 ) % cNumPersistentBuffers;
  2016. for (uint lpType = 0; lpType < kGLMNumBufferTypes; ++lpType)
  2017. {
  2018. m_persistentBuffer[m_nCurPersistentBuffer][lpType].BlockUntilNotBusy();
  2019. }
  2020. }
  2021. #endif
  2022. bool newRefreshMode = false;
  2023. // two ways to go:
  2024. // old school, do the resolve, had the tex down to cocoamgr to actually blit.
  2025. // that way is required if you are not in one-context mode (10.5.8)
  2026. if ( m_oneCtxEnable && (gl_blitmode.GetInt() != 0) )
  2027. {
  2028. newRefreshMode = true;
  2029. }
  2030. // this is the path whether full screen or windowed... we always blit.
  2031. CShowPixelsParams showparams;
  2032. memset( &showparams, 0, sizeof(showparams) );
  2033. showparams.m_srcTexName = tex->m_texName;
  2034. showparams.m_width = tex->m_layout->m_key.m_xSize;
  2035. showparams.m_height = tex->m_layout->m_key.m_ySize;
  2036. showparams.m_vsyncEnable = m_displayParams.m_vsyncEnable = mat_vsync.GetBool();
  2037. showparams.m_fsEnable = m_displayParams.m_fsEnable;
  2038. showparams.m_useBlit = m_caps.m_hasFramebufferBlit;
  2039. // we call showpixels once with the "only sync view" arg set, so we know what the latest surface size is, before trying to do our own blit !
  2040. showparams.m_onlySyncView = true;
  2041. ShowPixels(&showparams); // doesn't actually show anything, just syncs window/fs state (would make a useful separate call)
  2042. showparams.m_onlySyncView = false;
  2043. bool refresh = true;
  2044. #ifdef OSX
  2045. if ( (glm_nullrefresh_capslock.GetInt()) && (GetCurrentKeyModifiers() & EalphaLock) )
  2046. {
  2047. refresh = false;
  2048. }
  2049. #endif
  2050. static int counter;
  2051. counter ++;
  2052. #ifdef OSX
  2053. if ( (glm_literefresh_capslock.GetInt()) && (GetCurrentKeyModifiers() & EalphaLock) && (counter & 127) )
  2054. {
  2055. // just show every 128th frame
  2056. refresh = false;
  2057. }
  2058. #endif
  2059. if (refresh)
  2060. {
  2061. if (newRefreshMode)
  2062. {
  2063. // blit to GL_BACK done here, not in CocoaMgr, this lets us do resolve directly if conditions are right
  2064. GLMRect srcRect, dstRect;
  2065. uint dstWidth,dstHeight;
  2066. DisplayedSize( dstWidth,dstHeight );
  2067. srcRect.xmin = 0;
  2068. srcRect.ymin = 0;
  2069. srcRect.xmax = showparams.m_width;
  2070. srcRect.ymax = showparams.m_height;
  2071. dstRect.xmin = 0;
  2072. dstRect.ymin = 0;
  2073. dstRect.xmax = dstWidth;
  2074. dstRect.ymax = dstHeight;
  2075. // do not ask for LINEAR if blit is unscaled
  2076. // NULL means targeting GL_BACK. Blit2 will break it down into two steps if needed, and will handle resolve, scale, flip.
  2077. bool blitScales = (showparams.m_width != static_cast<int>(dstWidth)) || (showparams.m_height != static_cast<int>(dstHeight));
  2078. Blit2( tex, &srcRect, 0,0,
  2079. NULL, &dstRect, 0,0,
  2080. blitScales ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST );
  2081. // we set showparams.m_noBlit, and just let CocoaMgr handle the swap (flushbuffer / page flip)
  2082. showparams.m_noBlit = true;
  2083. if (m_oneCtxEnable) // if using single context, we need to blast some state so GLM will recover after the FBO fiddlin'
  2084. {
  2086. }
  2087. }
  2088. else
  2089. {
  2090. ResolveTex( tex, true ); // dxabstract used to do this unconditionally.we still do if new refresh mode doesn't engage.
  2091. if (m_oneCtxEnable) // if using single context, we need to blast some state so GLM will recover after the FBO fiddlin'
  2092. {
  2094. }
  2095. else
  2096. {
  2097. gGL->glFlush(); // this call is needed for dual context mode to get pixels flushed
  2098. }
  2099. // showparams.m_noBlit is left set to 0. CocoaMgr does the blit.
  2100. }
  2101. ShowPixels(&showparams);
  2102. }
  2103. if (m_oneCtxEnable)
  2104. {
  2105. // put the original FB back in place (both read and draw)
  2106. // this bind will hit both read and draw bindings
  2107. BindFBOToCtx( m_drawingFBO, GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  2108. // put em back !!
  2109. m_ScissorEnable.Flush();
  2110. m_ScissorBox.Flush();
  2111. m_ViewportBox.Flush();
  2112. }
  2113. }
  2114. m_nCurFrame++;
  2116. tmMessage( TELEMETRY_LEVEL2, TMMF_ICON_EXCLAMATION, "VS Uniform Calls: %u, VS Uniforms: %u|VS Uniform Bone Calls: %u, VS Bone Uniforms: %u|PS Uniform Calls: %u, PS Uniforms: %u", m_nTotalVSUniformCalls, m_nTotalVSUniformsSet, m_nTotalVSUniformBoneCalls, m_nTotalVSUniformsBoneSet, m_nTotalPSUniformCalls, m_nTotalPSUniformsSet );
  2117. m_nTotalVSUniformCalls = 0, m_nTotalVSUniformBoneCalls = 0, m_nTotalVSUniformsSet = 0, m_nTotalVSUniformsBoneSet = 0, m_nTotalPSUniformCalls = 0, m_nTotalPSUniformsSet = 0;
  2118. #endif
  2119. #ifdef _OSX
  2120. // Give ourselves a chance to update the swapchain parameters on OSX.
  2121. UpdateSwapchainVariables( false );
  2122. #else
  2123. GLMGPUTimestampManagerTick();
  2124. #endif
  2125. }
  2126. //===============================================================================
  2127. // GLMContext protected methods
  2128. // a naive implementation of this would just clear-drawable on the context at entry,
  2129. // and then capture and set fullscreen if requested.
  2130. // however that would glitch thescreen every time the user changed resolution while staying in full screen.
  2131. // but in windowed mode there's really not much to do in here. Yeah, this routine centers around obtaining
  2132. // drawables for fullscreen mode, and/or dropping those drawables if we're going back to windowed.
  2133. // um, are we expected to re-make the standard surfaces (color, depthstencil) if the res changes? is that now this routine's job ?
  2134. // so, kick it off with an assessment of whather we were FS previously or not.
  2135. // if there was no prior display params latched, then it wasn't.
  2136. // changes in here take place immediately. If you want to defer display changes then that's going to be a different method.
  2137. // common assumption is that there will be two places that call this: context create and the implementation of the DX9 Reset method.
  2138. // in either case the client code is aware of what it signed up for.
  2139. bool GLMContext::SetDisplayParams( GLMDisplayParams *params )
  2140. {
  2141. m_displayParams = *params; // latch em
  2142. m_displayParamsValid = true;
  2143. return true;
  2144. }
  2145. // this decides whether the engine will try to use fast context mode on 10.6.3 or later.
  2146. // fast context mode means that a single GL context is used both for the window and the engine, saving on sync and flushes.
  2147. // it's only a suggestion; if the OS is below 10.6.2 it will be ignored.
  2148. ConVar gl_singlecontext ( "gl_singlecontext", "1" );
  2149. ConVar gl_can_query_fast("gl_can_query_fast", "0");
  2150. static uint gPersistentBufferSize[kGLMNumBufferTypes] =
  2151. {
  2152. 2 * 1024 * 1024, // kGLMVertexBuffer
  2153. 1 * 1024 * 1024, // kGLMIndexBuffer
  2154. 0, // kGLMUniformBuffer
  2155. 0, // kGLMPixelBuffer
  2156. };
  2157. GLMContext::GLMContext( IDirect3DDevice9 *pDevice, GLMDisplayParams *params )
  2158. {
  2159. // m_bUseSamplerObjects = true;
  2160. //
  2161. // // On most AMD drivers (like the current latest, 12.10 Windows), the PCF depth comparison mode doesn't work on sampler objects, so just punt them.
  2162. // if ( gGL->m_nDriverProvider == cGLDriverProviderAMD )
  2163. // {
  2164. // m_bUseSamplerObjects = false;
  2165. // }
  2166. // if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-gl_disablesamplerobjects" ) )
  2167. // {
  2168. // Disable sampler object usage for now since ScaleForm isn't aware of them
  2169. // and doesn't know how to push/pop their binding state. It seems we don't
  2170. // really use them in this codebase anyhow, except to preload textures.
  2171. m_bUseSamplerObjects = false;
  2172. if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-gl_enablesamplerobjects" ) )
  2173. {
  2174. m_bUseSamplerObjects = true;
  2175. }
  2176. // Try to get some more free memory by relying on driver host copies instead of ours.
  2177. // In some cases the driver will be able to discard their own host copy and rely on GPU
  2178. // memory, reducing memory usage.
  2179. // Sadly, we have to enable tex client storage for srgb decoding. This should only happen
  2180. // on Macs w/ OSX 10.6.
  2181. m_bTexClientStorage = !gGL->m_bHave_GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode;
  2182. if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-gl_texclientstorage" ) )
  2183. {
  2184. m_bTexClientStorage = true;
  2185. }
  2186. char buf[256];
  2187. V_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "GL sampler object usage: %s\n", m_bUseSamplerObjects ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED" );
  2188. Plat_DebugString( buf );
  2189. m_nCurOwnerThreadId = ThreadGetCurrentId();
  2190. m_nThreadOwnershipReleaseCounter = 0;
  2191. m_pDevice = pDevice;
  2192. m_nCurFrame = 0;
  2193. m_nBatchCounter = 0;
  2194. ClearCurAttribs();
  2195. #ifndef OSX
  2196. m_nCurPinnedMemoryBuffer = 0;
  2197. if ( gGL->m_bHave_GL_AMD_pinned_memory )
  2198. {
  2199. for ( uint t = 0; t < cNumPinnedMemoryBuffers; t++ )
  2200. {
  2201. m_PinnedMemoryBuffers[t].Init( GLMGR_PINNED_MEMORY_BUFFER_SIZE );
  2202. }
  2203. gGL->glBindBufferARB( GL_EXTERNAL_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_AMD, m_PinnedMemoryBuffers[m_nCurPinnedMemoryBuffer].GetHandle() );
  2204. }
  2205. #endif // OSX
  2206. m_nCurPersistentBuffer = 0;
  2207. if ( gGL->m_bHave_GL_ARB_buffer_storage )
  2208. {
  2209. for ( uint lpType = 0; lpType < kGLMNumBufferTypes; ++lpType )
  2210. {
  2211. for ( uint lpNum = 0; lpNum < cNumPersistentBuffers; ++lpNum )
  2212. {
  2213. m_persistentBuffer[lpNum][lpType].Init( (EGLMBufferType)lpType, gPersistentBufferSize[lpType] );
  2214. }
  2215. }
  2216. }
  2217. m_bUseBoneUniformBuffers = true;
  2218. if (CommandLine()->CheckParm("-disableboneuniformbuffers"))
  2219. {
  2220. m_bUseBoneUniformBuffers = false;
  2221. }
  2222. m_nMaxUsedVertexProgramConstantsHint = 256;
  2223. // flag our copy of display params as blank
  2224. m_displayParamsValid = false;
  2225. // peek at any CLI options
  2226. m_slowAssertEnable = CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmassertslow") != 0;
  2227. m_slowSpewEnable = CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmspewslow") != 0;
  2228. m_checkglErrorsAfterEveryBatch = CommandLine()->FindParm("-glcheckerrors") != 0;
  2229. m_slowCheckEnable = m_slowAssertEnable || m_slowSpewEnable || m_checkglErrorsAfterEveryBatch;
  2230. m_drawingLangAtFrameStart = m_drawingLang = kGLMGLSL; // default to GLSL
  2231. // this affects FlushDrawStates which will route program bindings, uniform delivery, sampler setup, and enables accordingly.
  2232. if ( CommandLine()->FindParm("-glslmode") )
  2233. {
  2234. m_drawingLangAtFrameStart = m_drawingLang = kGLMGLSL;
  2235. }
  2236. if ( CommandLine()->FindParm("-arbmode") && !CommandLine()->FindParm("-glslcontrolflow") )
  2237. {
  2238. m_drawingLangAtFrameStart = m_drawingLang = kGLMARB;
  2239. }
  2240. // proceed with rest of init
  2241. m_dwRenderThreadId = 0;
  2242. m_bIsThreading = false;
  2243. m_nsctx = NULL;
  2244. m_ctx = NULL;
  2245. #ifdef OSX
  2246. // call Cocoa manager, ask for the attrib list (also naming the specific renderer ID) and use that to make our context
  2247. CGLPixelFormatAttribute *selAttribs = NULL;
  2248. #elif defined(LINUX)
  2249. int *selAttribs = NULL;
  2250. #elif defined(_WIN32 )
  2251. int *selAttribs = NULL;
  2252. #else
  2253. #error
  2254. #endif
  2255. uint selWords = 0;
  2256. memset( &m_caps, 0, sizeof( m_caps ) );
  2257. GetDesiredPixelFormatAttribsAndRendererInfo( (uint**)&selAttribs, &selWords, &m_caps );
  2258. uint selBytes = selWords * sizeof( uint ); selBytes;
  2259. #if defined( USE_SDL )
  2260. m_ctx = (SDL_GLContext)GetGLContextForWindow( params ? (void*)params->m_focusWindow : NULL );
  2261. MakeCurrent( true );
  2262. m_oneCtxEnable = true;
  2263. #elif defined( OSX )
  2264. // call Cocoa manager, ask it about the window we're targeting, get the NSGLContext back, share against that
  2265. PseudoNSGLContextPtr shareNsCtx = GetNSGLContextForWindow( (void*)params->m_focusWindow );
  2266. // decide if we're going to try single context mode.
  2267. m_oneCtxEnable = (m_caps.m_osComboVersion >= 0x000A0603) && (gl_singlecontext.GetInt() );
  2268. bool success = false; //NewNSGLContext( (unsigned long*)selAttribs, shareNsCtx, &m_nsctx, &m_ctx );
  2269. if(m_oneCtxEnable)
  2270. {
  2271. // just steal the window's context
  2272. m_nsctx = shareNsCtx;
  2273. m_ctx = GetCGLContextFromNSGL( shareNsCtx );
  2274. success = (m_nsctx != NULL) && (m_ctx != NULL);
  2275. }
  2276. else
  2277. {
  2278. success = NewNSGLContext( (unsigned long*)selAttribs, shareNsCtx, &m_nsctx, &m_ctx );
  2279. }
  2280. if (success)
  2281. {
  2282. //write a cookie into the CGL context leading back to the GLM context object
  2283. intp glm_context_link = (intp) this;
  2284. CGLSetParameter( m_ctx, kCGLCPClientStorage, (int*) &glm_context_link );
  2285. // save off the pixel format attributes we used
  2286. memcpy(m_pixelFormatAttribs, selAttribs, selBytes );
  2287. }
  2288. else
  2289. {
  2290. DebuggerBreak(); //FIXME #PMB# bad news, maybe exit to shell if this happens
  2291. }
  2292. #else
  2293. #error
  2294. #endif
  2295. IncrementWindowRefCount();
  2296. // If we're using GL_ARB_debug_output, go ahead and setup the callback here.
  2297. if ( gGL->m_bHave_GL_ARB_debug_output && CommandLine()->FindParm( "-gl_debug" ) )
  2298. {
  2299. #if GLMDEBUG
  2300. // Turning this on is a perf loss, but it ensures that you can (at least) swap to the other
  2301. // threads to see what call is currently being made.
  2302. // Note that if the driver is in multithreaded mode, you can put it back into singlethreaded mode
  2303. // and get a real stack for the offending gl call.
  2305. #ifdef WIN32
  2306. // This happens early enough during init that DevMsg() does nothing.
  2307. OutputDebugStringA( "GLMContext::GLMContext: GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB enabled!\n" );
  2308. #else
  2309. printf( "GLMContext::GLMContext: GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB enabled!\n" );
  2310. #endif
  2311. #endif
  2312. // This should be there if we get in here--make sure.
  2313. Assert(gGL->glDebugMessageControlARB);
  2314. gGL->glDebugMessageControlARB(GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, 0, (const GLuint *)NULL, GL_TRUE);
  2315. // Gonna filter these out, they're "chatty".
  2317. gGL->glDebugMessageCallbackARB(GL_Debug_Output_Callback, (void*)NULL);
  2318. Plat_DebugString( "GLMContext::GLMContext: Debug output (gl_arb_debug_output) enabled!\n" );
  2319. }
  2320. if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmspewcaps"))
  2321. {
  2322. DumpCaps();
  2323. }
  2324. SetDisplayParams( params );
  2325. m_texLayoutTable = new CGLMTexLayoutTable;
  2326. #ifndef OSX
  2327. if ( m_bUseSamplerObjects )
  2328. {
  2329. memset( m_samplerObjectHash, 0, sizeof( m_samplerObjectHash ) );
  2330. m_nSamplerObjectHashNumEntries = 0;
  2331. for ( uint i = 0; i < cSamplerObjectHashSize; ++i )
  2332. {
  2333. gGL->glGenSamplers( 1, &m_samplerObjectHash[i].m_samplerObject );
  2334. }
  2335. }
  2336. #endif
  2337. memset( m_samplers, 0, sizeof( m_samplers ) );
  2338. for( int i=0; i< GLM_SAMPLER_COUNT; i++)
  2339. {
  2340. GLMTexSamplingParams &params = m_samplers[i].m_samp;
  2341. params.m_packed.m_addressU = D3DTADDRESS_WRAP;
  2342. params.m_packed.m_addressV = D3DTADDRESS_WRAP;
  2343. params.m_packed.m_addressW = D3DTADDRESS_WRAP;
  2344. params.m_packed.m_minFilter = D3DTEXF_POINT;
  2345. params.m_packed.m_magFilter = D3DTEXF_POINT;
  2346. params.m_packed.m_mipFilter = D3DTEXF_NONE;
  2347. params.m_packed.m_maxAniso = 1;
  2348. params.m_packed.m_isValid = true;
  2349. params.m_packed.m_compareMode = 0;
  2350. }
  2351. MarkAllSamplersDirty();
  2352. m_activeTexture = -1;
  2353. m_texLocks.EnsureCapacity( 16 ); // should be sufficient
  2354. // FIXME need a texture tracking table so we can reliably delete CGLMTex objects at context teardown
  2355. m_boundReadFBO = NULL;
  2356. m_boundDrawFBO = NULL;
  2357. m_drawingFBO = NULL;
  2358. memset( m_drawingProgram, 0, sizeof( m_drawingProgram ) );
  2359. m_bDirtyPrograms = true;
  2360. memset( m_programParamsF , 0, sizeof( m_programParamsF ) );
  2361. memset( m_programParamsB , 0, sizeof( m_programParamsB ) );
  2362. memset( m_programParamsI , 0, sizeof( m_programParamsI ) );
  2363. for (uint i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_programParamsF); i++)
  2364. {
  2365. m_programParamsF[i].m_firstDirtySlotNonBone = 256;
  2366. m_programParamsF[i].m_dirtySlotHighWaterNonBone = 0;
  2367. m_programParamsF[i].m_dirtySlotHighWaterBone = 0;
  2368. }
  2369. m_paramWriteMode = eParamWriteDirtySlotRange; // default to fastest mode
  2370. if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmwriteallslots")) m_paramWriteMode = eParamWriteAllSlots;
  2371. if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmwriteshaderslots")) m_paramWriteMode = eParamWriteShaderSlots;
  2372. if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmwriteshaderslotsoptional")) m_paramWriteMode = eParamWriteShaderSlotsOptional;
  2373. if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmwritedirtyslotrange")) m_paramWriteMode = eParamWriteDirtySlotRange;
  2374. m_attribWriteMode = eAttribWriteDirty;
  2375. if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmwriteallattribs")) m_attribWriteMode = eAttribWriteAll;
  2376. if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-glmwritedirtyattribs")) m_attribWriteMode = eAttribWriteDirty;
  2377. m_pairCache = new CGLMShaderPairCache( this );
  2378. m_pBoundPair = NULL;
  2379. m_fragDataMask = 0;
  2380. memset( m_nBoundGLBuffer, 0xFF, sizeof( m_nBoundGLBuffer ) );
  2381. memset( m_boundVertexAttribs, 0xFF, sizeof(m_boundVertexAttribs) );
  2382. m_lastKnownVertexAttribMask = 0;
  2383. m_nNumSetVertexAttributes = 16;
  2384. // make a null program for use when client asks for NULL FP
  2385. m_pNullFragmentProgram = NewProgram(kGLMFragmentProgram, g_nullFragmentProgramText, "null" );
  2386. SetProgram( kGLMFragmentProgram, m_pNullFragmentProgram );
  2387. // make dummy programs for doing texture preload via dummy draw
  2388. m_preloadTexVertexProgram = NewProgram(kGLMVertexProgram, g_preloadTexVertexProgramText, "preloadTex" );
  2389. m_preload2DTexFragmentProgram = NewProgram(kGLMFragmentProgram, g_preload2DTexFragmentProgramText, "preload2DTex" );
  2390. m_preload3DTexFragmentProgram = NewProgram(kGLMFragmentProgram, g_preload3DTexFragmentProgramText, "preload3DTex" );
  2391. m_preloadCubeTexFragmentProgram = NewProgram(kGLMFragmentProgram, g_preloadCubeTexFragmentProgramText, "preloadCube" );
  2392. //memset( &m_drawVertexSetup, 0, sizeof(m_drawVertexSetup) );
  2393. SetVertexAttributes( NULL ); // will set up all the entries in m_drawVertexSetup
  2394. m_debugFontTex = NULL;
  2395. // debug state
  2396. m_debugFrameIndex = -1;
  2397. #if GLMDEBUG
  2398. // #######################################################################################
  2399. // DebugHook state - we could set these to more interesting values in response to a CLI arg like "startpaused" or something if desired
  2400. //m_paused = false;
  2401. m_holdFrameBegin = -1;
  2402. m_holdFrameEnd = -1;
  2403. m_holdBatch = m_holdBatchFrame = -1;
  2404. m_debugDelayEnable = false;
  2405. m_debugDelay = 1<<19; // ~0.5 sec delay
  2406. m_autoClearColor = m_autoClearDepth = m_autoClearStencil = false;
  2407. m_autoClearColorValues[0] = 0.0; //red
  2408. m_autoClearColorValues[1] = 1.0; //green
  2409. m_autoClearColorValues[2] = 0.0; //blue
  2410. m_autoClearColorValues[3] = 1.0; //alpha
  2411. m_selKnobIndex = 0;
  2412. m_selKnobMinValue = -10.0f;
  2413. m_selKnobMaxValue = 10.0f;
  2414. m_selKnobIncrement = 1/256.0f;
  2415. // #######################################################################################
  2416. #endif
  2417. // make two scratch FBO's for blit purposes
  2418. m_blitReadFBO = NewFBO();
  2419. m_blitDrawFBO = NewFBO();
  2420. for( int i=0; i<kGLMScratchFBOCount; i++)
  2421. {
  2422. m_scratchFBO[i] = NewFBO();
  2423. }
  2424. #ifdef OSX
  2425. UpdateSwapchainVariables( true );
  2426. if ( m_caps.m_badDriver108Intel )
  2427. {
  2428. // this way we have something to look for in terminal spew if users report issues related to this in the future.
  2429. printf( "\nEnabling GLSL compiler `malloc' workaround.\n" );
  2430. if ( !IntelGLMallocWorkaround::Get()->Enable() )
  2431. {
  2432. Warning( "Unable to enable OSX 10.8 / Intel HD4000 workaround, there might be crashes.\n" );
  2433. }
  2434. }
  2435. #endif
  2436. // also, set the remote convar "gl_can_query_fast" to 1 if perf package present, else 0.
  2437. gl_can_query_fast.SetValue( m_caps.m_hasPerfPackage1?1:0 );
  2439. m_nTotalVSUniformCalls = 0;
  2440. m_nTotalVSUniformBoneCalls = 0;
  2441. m_nTotalVSUniformsSet = 0;
  2442. m_nTotalVSUniformsBoneSet = 0;
  2443. m_nTotalPSUniformCalls = 0;
  2444. m_nTotalPSUniformsSet = 0;
  2445. #endif
  2446. }
  2447. void GLMContext::Reset()
  2448. {
  2449. }
  2450. GLMContext::~GLMContext ()
  2451. {
  2452. #ifndef OSX
  2453. GLMGPUTimestampManagerDeinit();
  2454. for ( uint t = 0; t < cNumPinnedMemoryBuffers; t++ )
  2455. {
  2456. m_PinnedMemoryBuffers[t].Deinit();
  2457. }
  2458. if (gGL->m_bHave_GL_ARB_buffer_storage)
  2459. {
  2460. for (uint lpType = 0; lpType < kGLMNumBufferTypes; ++lpType)
  2461. {
  2462. for (uint lpNum = 0; lpNum < cNumPersistentBuffers; ++lpNum)
  2463. {
  2464. m_persistentBuffer[lpNum][lpType].Deinit();
  2465. }
  2466. }
  2467. }
  2468. if ( m_bUseSamplerObjects )
  2469. {
  2470. for( int i=0; i< GLM_SAMPLER_COUNT; i++)
  2471. {
  2472. gGL->glBindSampler( i, 0 );
  2473. }
  2474. for( int i=0; i< cSamplerObjectHashSize; i++)
  2475. {
  2476. gGL->glDeleteSamplers( 1, &m_samplerObjectHash[i].m_samplerObject );
  2477. m_samplerObjectHash[i].m_samplerObject = 0;
  2478. }
  2479. }
  2480. #endif
  2481. if (m_debugFontTex)
  2482. {
  2483. DelTex( m_debugFontTex );
  2484. m_debugFontTex = NULL;
  2485. }
  2486. ProcessTextureDeletes();
  2487. if ( m_pNullFragmentProgram )
  2488. {
  2489. DelProgram( m_pNullFragmentProgram );
  2490. m_pNullFragmentProgram = NULL;
  2491. }
  2492. // walk m_fboTable and free them up..
  2493. FOR_EACH_VEC( m_fboTable, i )
  2494. {
  2495. CGLMFBO *fbo = m_fboTable[i];
  2496. DelFBO( fbo );
  2497. }
  2498. m_fboTable.SetSize( 0 );
  2499. if (m_pairCache)
  2500. {
  2501. delete m_pairCache;
  2502. m_pairCache = NULL;
  2503. }
  2504. // we need a m_texTable I think..
  2505. // m_texLayoutTable can be scrubbed once we know that all the tex are freed
  2506. #ifdef OSX
  2507. if (m_nsctx && (!m_oneCtxEnable) )
  2508. {
  2509. DelNSGLContext( m_nsctx );
  2510. m_nsctx = NULL;
  2511. m_ctx = NULL;
  2512. }
  2513. #endif
  2514. DecrementWindowRefCount();
  2515. }
  2516. // This method must call SelectTMU()/glActiveTexture() (it's expected as a side effect).
  2517. // This method is no longer called from any performance sensitive code paths.
  2518. void GLMContext::BindTexToTMU( CGLMTex *pTex, int tmu )
  2519. {
  2520. #if GLMDEBUG
  2521. GLM_FUNC;
  2522. #endif
  2523. GLMPRINTF(("--- GLMContext::BindTexToTMU tex %p GL name %d -> TMU %d ", pTex, pTex ? pTex->m_texName : -1, tmu ));
  2524. CheckCurrent();
  2525. SelectTMU( tmu );
  2526. if ( !pTex )
  2527. {
  2528. gGL->glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_1D, 0 );
  2529. gGL->glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
  2530. gGL->glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0 );
  2531. gGL->glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, 0 );
  2532. }
  2533. else
  2534. {
  2535. const GLenum texGLTarget = pTex->m_texGLTarget;
  2536. if ( texGLTarget != GL_TEXTURE_1D ) gGL->glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_1D, 0 );
  2537. if ( texGLTarget != GL_TEXTURE_2D ) gGL->glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
  2538. if ( texGLTarget != GL_TEXTURE_3D ) gGL->glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0 );
  2539. if ( texGLTarget != GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP ) gGL->glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, 0 );
  2540. gGL->glBindTexture( texGLTarget, pTex->m_texName );
  2541. }
  2542. m_samplers[tmu].m_pBoundTex = pTex;
  2543. }
  2544. void GLMContext::BindFBOToCtx( CGLMFBO *fbo, GLenum bindPoint )
  2545. {
  2546. #if GLMDEBUG
  2547. GLM_FUNC;
  2548. #endif
  2549. GLMPRINTF(( "--- GLMContext::BindFBOToCtx fbo %p, GL name %d", fbo, (fbo) ? fbo->m_name : -1 ));
  2550. CheckCurrent();
  2551. if ( bindPoint == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT )
  2552. {
  2553. gGL->glBindFramebufferEXT( GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fbo ? fbo->m_name : 0 );
  2554. m_boundReadFBO = fbo;
  2555. m_boundDrawFBO = fbo;
  2556. return;
  2557. }
  2558. bool targetRead = (bindPoint==GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT);
  2559. bool targetDraw = (bindPoint==GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT);
  2560. if (targetRead)
  2561. {
  2562. if (fbo) // you can pass NULL to go back to no-FBO
  2563. {
  2564. gGL->glBindFramebufferEXT( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fbo->m_name );
  2565. m_boundReadFBO = fbo;
  2566. //dontcare fbo->m_bound = true;
  2567. }
  2568. else
  2569. {
  2570. gGL->glBindFramebufferEXT( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0 );
  2571. m_boundReadFBO = NULL;
  2572. }
  2573. }
  2574. if (targetDraw)
  2575. {
  2576. if (fbo) // you can pass NULL to go back to no-FBO
  2577. {
  2578. gGL->glBindFramebufferEXT( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fbo->m_name );
  2579. m_boundDrawFBO = fbo;
  2580. //dontcare fbo->m_bound = true;
  2581. }
  2582. else
  2583. {
  2584. gGL->glBindFramebufferEXT( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0 );
  2585. m_boundDrawFBO = NULL;
  2586. }
  2587. }
  2588. }
  2589. void GLMContext::BindBufferToCtx( EGLMBufferType type, CGLMBuffer *pBuff, bool bForce )
  2590. {
  2591. #if GLMDEBUG
  2592. GLM_FUNC;
  2593. #endif
  2594. GLMPRINTF(( "--- GLMContext::BindBufferToCtx buff %p, GL name %d", pBuff, (pBuff) ? pBuff->m_nHandle : -1 ));
  2595. CheckCurrent();
  2596. GLuint nGLName = pBuff ? pBuff->GetHandle() : 0;
  2597. if ( !bForce )
  2598. {
  2599. if ( m_nBoundGLBuffer[type] == nGLName )
  2600. return;
  2601. }
  2602. GLenum target = 0;
  2603. switch( type )
  2604. {
  2605. case kGLMVertexBuffer: target = GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB; break;
  2606. case kGLMIndexBuffer: target = GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB; break;
  2607. case kGLMUniformBuffer: target = GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_EXT; break;
  2608. case kGLMPixelBuffer: target = GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB; break;
  2609. default: Assert(!"Unknown buffer type" );
  2610. }
  2611. Assert( !pBuff || ( pBuff->m_buffGLTarget == target ) );
  2612. m_nBoundGLBuffer[type] = nGLName;
  2613. gGL->glBindBufferARB( target, nGLName );
  2614. }
  2615. #ifdef OSX
  2616. // As far as I can tell this stuff is only useful under OSX.
  2617. ConVar gl_can_mix_shader_gammas( "gl_can_mix_shader_gammas", 0 );
  2618. ConVar gl_cannot_mix_shader_gammas( "gl_cannot_mix_shader_gammas", 0 );
  2619. #endif
  2620. // ConVar param_write_mode("param_write_mode", "0");
  2621. void GLMContext::MarkAllSamplersDirty()
  2622. {
  2623. m_nNumDirtySamplers = GLM_SAMPLER_COUNT;
  2624. for (uint i = 0; i < GLM_SAMPLER_COUNT; i++)
  2625. {
  2626. m_nDirtySamplerFlags[i] = 0;
  2627. m_nDirtySamplers[i] = (uint8)i;
  2628. }
  2629. }
  2630. void GLMContext::FlushDrawStatesNoShaders( )
  2631. {
  2632. Assert( ( m_drawingFBO == m_boundDrawFBO ) && ( m_drawingFBO == m_boundReadFBO ) ); // this check MUST succeed
  2633. GLM_FUNC;
  2634. GL_BATCH_PERF( m_FlushStats.m_nTotalBatchFlushes++; )
  2635. NullProgram();
  2636. }
  2637. #if GLMDEBUG
  2638. enum EGLMDebugDumpOptions
  2639. {
  2640. eDumpBatchInfo,
  2641. eDumpSurfaceInfo,
  2642. eDumpStackCrawl,
  2643. eDumpShaderLinks,
  2644. // eDumpShaderText, // we never use this one
  2645. eDumpShaderParameters,
  2646. eDumpTextureSetup,
  2647. eDumpVertexAttribSetup,
  2648. eDumpVertexData,
  2649. eOpenShadersForEdit
  2650. };
  2651. enum EGLMVertDumpMode
  2652. {
  2653. // options that affect eDumpVertexData above
  2654. eDumpVertsNoTransformDump,
  2655. eDumpVertsTransformedByViewProj,
  2656. eDumpVertsTransformedByModelViewProj,
  2657. eDumpVertsTransformedByBoneZeroThenViewProj,
  2658. eDumpVertsTransformedByBonesThenViewProj,
  2659. eLastDumpVertsMode
  2660. };
  2661. char *g_vertDumpModeNames[] =
  2662. {
  2663. "noTransformDump",
  2664. "transformedByViewProj",
  2665. "transformedByModelViewProj",
  2666. "transformedByBoneZeroThenViewProj",
  2667. "transformedByBonesThenViewProj"
  2668. };
  2669. static void CopyTilEOL( char *dst, char *src, int dstSize )
  2670. {
  2671. dstSize--;
  2672. int i=0;
  2673. while ( (i<dstSize) && (src[i] != 0) && (src[i] != '\n') && (src[i] != '\r') )
  2674. {
  2675. dst[i] = src[i];
  2676. i++;
  2677. }
  2678. dst[i] = 0;
  2679. }
  2680. static uint g_maxVertsToDumpLog2 = 4;
  2681. static uint g_maxFramesToCrawl = 20; // usually enough. Not enough? change it..
  2682. extern char sg_pPIXName[128];
  2683. // min is eDumpVertsNormal, max is the one before eLastDumpVertsMode
  2684. static enum EGLMVertDumpMode g_vertDumpMode = eDumpVertsNoTransformDump;
  2685. void GLMContext::DebugDump( GLMDebugHookInfo *info, uint options, uint vertDumpMode )
  2686. {
  2687. int oldIndent = GLMGetIndent();
  2688. GLMSetIndent(0);
  2689. CGLMProgram *vp = m_drawingProgram[kGLMVertexProgram];
  2690. CGLMProgram *fp = m_drawingProgram[kGLMFragmentProgram];
  2691. bool is_draw = (info->m_caller==eDrawElements);
  2692. const char *batchtype = is_draw ? "draw" : "clear";
  2693. if (options & (1<<eDumpBatchInfo))
  2694. {
  2695. GLMPRINTF(("-D- %s === %s %d ======================================================== %s %d frame %d", sg_pPIXName, batchtype, m_nBatchCounter, batchtype, m_nBatchCounter, m_debugFrameIndex ));
  2696. }
  2697. if (options & (1<<eDumpSurfaceInfo))
  2698. {
  2699. GLMPRINTF(("-D-" ));
  2700. GLMPRINTF(("-D- surface info:"));
  2701. GLMPRINTF(("-D- drawing FBO: %8x bound draw-FBO: %8x (%s)", m_drawingFBO, m_boundDrawFBO, (m_drawingFBO==m_boundDrawFBO) ? "in sync" : "desync!" ));
  2702. CGLMFBO *fbo = m_boundDrawFBO;
  2703. for( int i=0; i<kAttCount; i++)
  2704. {
  2705. CGLMTex *tex = fbo->m_attach[i].m_tex;
  2706. if (tex)
  2707. {
  2708. GLMPRINTF(("-D- bound FBO (%8x) attachment %d = tex %8x (GL %d) (%s)", fbo, i, tex, tex->m_texName, tex->m_layout->m_layoutSummary ));
  2709. }
  2710. else
  2711. {
  2712. // warning if no depthstencil attachment
  2713. switch(i)
  2714. {
  2715. case kAttDepth:
  2716. case kAttStencil:
  2717. case kAttDepthStencil:
  2718. GLMPRINTF(("-D- bound FBO (%8x) attachment %d = NULL, warning!", fbo, i ));
  2719. break;
  2720. }
  2721. }
  2722. }
  2723. }
  2724. if (options & (1<<eDumpStackCrawl))
  2725. {
  2726. CStackCrawlParams cp;
  2727. memset( &cp, 0, sizeof(cp) );
  2728. cp.m_frameLimit = g_maxFramesToCrawl;
  2729. GetStackCrawl(&cp);
  2730. GLMPRINTF(("-D-" ));
  2731. GLMPRINTF(("-D- stack crawl"));
  2732. for( uint i=0; i< cp.m_frameCount; i++)
  2733. {
  2734. GLMPRINTF(("-D-\t%s", cp.m_crawlNames[i] ));
  2735. }
  2736. }
  2737. if ( (options & (1<<eDumpShaderLinks)) && is_draw)
  2738. {
  2739. // we want to print out - GL name, pathname to disk copy if editable, extra credit would include the summary translation line
  2740. // so grep for "#// trans#"
  2741. char attribtemp[1000];
  2742. char transtemp[1000];
  2743. if (vp)
  2744. {
  2745. char *attribmap = strstr(vp->m_text, "#//ATTRIBMAP");
  2746. if (attribmap)
  2747. {
  2748. CopyTilEOL( attribtemp, attribmap, sizeof(attribtemp) );
  2749. }
  2750. else
  2751. {
  2752. strcpy( attribtemp, "no attrib map" );
  2753. }
  2754. char *trans = strstr(vp->m_text, "#// trans#");
  2755. if (trans)
  2756. {
  2757. CopyTilEOL( transtemp, trans, sizeof(transtemp) );
  2758. }
  2759. else
  2760. {
  2761. strcpy( transtemp, "no translation info" );
  2762. }
  2763. char *linkpath = "no file link";
  2764. #if GLMDEBUG
  2765. linkpath = vp->m_editable->m_mirror->m_path;
  2766. #endif
  2767. GLMPRINTF(("-D-"));
  2768. GLMPRINTF(("-D- ARBVP || GL %d || Path %s ", vp->m_descs[kGLMARB].m_object.arb, linkpath ));
  2769. GLMPRINTF(("-D- Attribs %s", attribtemp ));
  2770. GLMPRINTF(("-D- Trans %s", transtemp ));
  2771. /*
  2772. if ( (options & (1<<eDumpShaderText)) && is_draw )
  2773. {
  2774. GLMPRINTF(("-D-"));
  2775. GLMPRINTF(("-D- VP text " ));
  2776. GLMPRINTTEXT(vp->m_string, eDebugDump ));
  2777. }
  2778. */
  2779. }
  2780. else
  2781. {
  2782. GLMPRINTF(("-D- VP (none)" ));
  2783. }
  2784. if (fp)
  2785. {
  2786. char *trans = strstr(fp->m_text, "#// trans#");
  2787. if (trans)
  2788. {
  2789. CopyTilEOL( transtemp, trans, sizeof(transtemp) );
  2790. }
  2791. else
  2792. {
  2793. strcpy( transtemp, "no translation info" );
  2794. }
  2795. char *linkpath = "no file link";
  2796. #if GLMDEBUG
  2797. linkpath = fp->m_editable->m_mirror->m_path;
  2798. #endif
  2799. GLMPRINTF(("-D-"));
  2800. GLMPRINTF(("-D- FP || GL %d || Path %s ", fp->m_descs[kGLMARB].m_object.arb, linkpath ));
  2801. GLMPRINTF(("-D- Trans %s", transtemp ));
  2802. /*
  2803. if ( (options & (1<<eDumpShaderText)) && is_draw )
  2804. {
  2805. GLMPRINTF(("-D-"));
  2806. GLMPRINTF(("-D- FP text " ));
  2807. GLMPRINTTEXT((fp->m_string, eDebugDump));
  2808. }
  2809. */
  2810. }
  2811. else
  2812. {
  2813. GLMPRINTF(("-D- FP (none)" ));
  2814. }
  2815. }
  2816. if ( (options & (1<<eDumpShaderParameters)) && is_draw )
  2817. {
  2818. GLMPRINTF(("-D-"));
  2819. GLMPRINTF(("-D- VP parameters" ));
  2820. char *label = "";
  2821. //int labelcounter = 0;
  2822. static int vmaskranges[] = { /*18,47,*/ -1,-1 };
  2823. //float transposeTemp; // row, column for printing
  2824. int slotIndex = 0;
  2825. int upperSlotLimit = 61;
  2826. // take a peek at the vertex attrib setup. If it has an attribute for bone weights, then raise the shader param dump limit to 256.
  2827. bool usesSkinning = false;
  2828. GLMVertexSetup *pSetup = &m_drawVertexSetup;
  2829. for( int index=0; index < kGLMVertexAttributeIndexMax; index++ )
  2830. {
  2831. usesSkinning |= (pSetup->m_attrMask & (1<<index)) && ((pSetup->m_vtxAttribMap[index]>>4)== D3DDECLUSAGE_BLENDWEIGHT);
  2832. }
  2833. if (usesSkinning)
  2834. {
  2835. upperSlotLimit = 256;
  2836. }
  2837. while( slotIndex < upperSlotLimit )
  2838. {
  2839. // if slot index is in a masked range, skip it
  2840. // if slot index is the start of a matrix, label it, print it, skip ahead 4 slots
  2841. for( int maski=0; vmaskranges[maski] >=0; maski+=2)
  2842. {
  2843. if ( (slotIndex >= vmaskranges[maski]) && (slotIndex <= vmaskranges[maski+1]) )
  2844. {
  2845. // that index is masked. set to one past end of range, print a blank line for clarity
  2846. slotIndex = vmaskranges[maski+1]+1;
  2847. GLMPrintStr("-D- .....");
  2848. }
  2849. }
  2850. if (slotIndex < upperSlotLimit)
  2851. {
  2852. float *values = &m_programParamsF[ kGLMVertexProgram ].m_values[slotIndex][0];
  2853. switch( slotIndex )
  2854. {
  2855. case 4:
  2856. printmat( "MODELVIEWPROJ", slotIndex, 4, values );
  2857. slotIndex += 4;
  2858. break;
  2859. case 8:
  2860. printmat( "VIEWPROJ", slotIndex, 4, values );
  2861. slotIndex += 4;
  2862. break;
  2863. default:
  2864. if (slotIndex>=58)
  2865. {
  2866. // bone
  2867. char bonelabel[100];
  2868. sprintf(bonelabel, "MODEL_BONE%-2d", (slotIndex-58)/3 );
  2869. printmat( bonelabel, slotIndex, 3, values );
  2870. slotIndex += 3;
  2871. }
  2872. else
  2873. {
  2874. // just print the one slot
  2875. GLMPRINTF(("-D- %03d: [ %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f ] %s", slotIndex, values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3], label ));
  2876. slotIndex++;
  2877. }
  2878. break;
  2879. }
  2880. }
  2881. }
  2882. // VP stage still, if in GLSL mode, find the bound pair and see if it has live i0, b0-b3 uniforms
  2883. if (m_pBoundPair) // should only be non-NULL in GLSL mode
  2884. {
  2885. #if 0
  2886. if (m_pBoundPair->m_locVertexBool0>=0)
  2887. {
  2888. GLMPRINTF(("-D- GLSL 'b0': %d", m_programParamsB[kGLMVertexProgram].m_values[0] ));
  2889. }
  2890. if (m_pBoundPair->m_locVertexBool1>=0)
  2891. {
  2892. GLMPRINTF(("-D- GLSL 'b1': %d", m_programParamsB[kGLMVertexProgram].m_values[1] ));
  2893. }
  2894. if (m_pBoundPair->m_locVertexBool2>=0)
  2895. {
  2896. GLMPRINTF(("-D- GLSL 'b2': %d", m_programParamsB[kGLMVertexProgram].m_values[2] ));
  2897. }
  2898. if (m_pBoundPair->m_locVertexBool3>=0)
  2899. {
  2900. GLMPRINTF(("-D- GLSL 'b3': %d", m_programParamsB[kGLMVertexProgram].m_values[3] ));
  2901. }
  2902. if (m_pBoundPair->m_locVertexInteger0>=0)
  2903. {
  2904. GLMPRINTF(("-D- GLSL 'i0': %d", m_programParamsI[kGLMVertexProgram].m_values[0][0] ));
  2905. }
  2906. #endif
  2907. }
  2908. GLMPRINTF(("-D-"));
  2909. GLMPRINTF(("-D- FP parameters " ));
  2910. static int fmaskranges[] = { 40,41, -1,-1 };
  2911. slotIndex = 0;
  2912. label = "";
  2913. while(slotIndex < 40)
  2914. {
  2915. // if slot index is in a masked range, skip it
  2916. // if slot index is the start of a matrix, label it, print it, skip ahead 4 slots
  2917. for( int maski=0; fmaskranges[maski] >=0; maski+=2)
  2918. {
  2919. if ( (slotIndex >= fmaskranges[maski]) && (slotIndex <= fmaskranges[maski+1]) )
  2920. {
  2921. // that index is masked. set to one past end of range, print a blank line for clarity
  2922. slotIndex = fmaskranges[maski+1]+1;
  2923. GLMPrintStr("-D- .....");
  2924. }
  2925. }
  2926. if (slotIndex < 40)
  2927. {
  2928. float *values = &m_programParamsF[ kGLMFragmentProgram ].m_values[slotIndex][0];
  2929. switch( slotIndex )
  2930. {
  2931. case 0: label = "g_EnvmapTint"; break;
  2932. case 1: label = "g_DiffuseModulation"; break;
  2933. case 2: label = "g_EnvmapContrast_ShadowTweaks"; break;
  2934. case 3: label = "g_EnvmapSaturation_SelfIllumMask (xyz, and w)"; break;
  2935. case 4: label = "g_SelfIllumTint_and_BlendFactor (xyz, and w)"; break;
  2936. case 12: label = "g_ShaderControls"; break;
  2937. case 13: label = "g_DepthFeatheringConstants"; break;
  2938. case 20: label = "g_EyePos"; break;
  2939. case 21: label = "g_FogParams"; break;
  2940. case 22: label = "g_FlashlightAttenuationFactors"; break;
  2941. case 23: label = "g_FlashlightPos"; break;
  2942. case 24: label = "g_FlashlightWorldToTexture"; break;
  2943. case 28: label = "cFlashlightColor"; break;
  2944. case 29: label = "g_LinearFogColor"; break;
  2945. case 30: label = "cLightScale"; break;
  2946. case 31: label = "cFlashlightScreenScale"; break;
  2947. default:
  2948. label = "";
  2949. break;
  2950. }
  2951. GLMPRINTF(("-D- %03d: [ %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f ] %s", slotIndex, values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3], label ));
  2952. slotIndex ++;
  2953. }
  2954. }
  2955. if (m_pBoundPair->m_locFragmentFakeSRGBEnable)
  2956. {
  2957. GLMPRINTF(("-D- GLSL 'flEnableSRGBWrite': %f", m_pBoundPair->m_fakeSRGBEnableValue ));
  2958. }
  2959. }
  2960. if ( (options & (1<<eDumpTextureSetup)) && is_draw )
  2961. {
  2962. GLMPRINTF(( "-D-" ));
  2963. GLMPRINTF(( "-D- Texture / Sampler setup" ));
  2964. GLMPRINTF(( "-D- TODO" ));
  2965. #if 0
  2966. for( int i=0; i<GLM_SAMPLER_COUNT; i++ )
  2967. {
  2968. if (m_samplers[i].m_pBoundTex)
  2969. {
  2970. GLMTexSamplingParams *samp = &m_samplers[i].m_samp;
  2971. GLMPRINTF(( "-D-" ));
  2972. GLMPRINTF(("-D- Sampler %-2d tex %08x layout %s", i, m_samplers[i].m_pBoundTex, m_samplers[i].m_pBoundTex->m_layout->m_layoutSummary ));
  2973. GLMPRINTF(("-D- addressMode[ %s %s %s ]",
  2974. GLMDecode( eGL_ENUM, samp->m_addressModes[0] ),
  2975. GLMDecode( eGL_ENUM, samp->m_addressModes[1] ),
  2976. GLMDecode( eGL_ENUM, samp->m_addressModes[2] )
  2977. ));
  2978. GLMPRINTF(("-D- magFilter [ %s ]", GLMDecode( eGL_ENUM, samp->m_magFilter ) ));
  2979. GLMPRINTF(("-D- minFilter [ %s ]", GLMDecode( eGL_ENUM, samp->m_minFilter ) ));
  2980. GLMPRINTF(("-D- srgb [ %s ]", samp->m_srgb ? "T" : "F" ));
  2981. GLMPRINTF(("-D- shadowFilter [ %s ]", samp->m_compareMode == GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE_ARB ? "T" : "F" ));
  2982. // add more as needed later..
  2983. }
  2984. }
  2985. #endif
  2986. }
  2987. if ( (options & (1<<eDumpVertexAttribSetup)) && is_draw )
  2988. {
  2989. GLMVertexSetup *pSetup = &m_drawVertexSetup;
  2990. uint nRelevantMask = pSetup->m_attrMask;
  2991. for( int index=0; index < kGLMVertexAttributeIndexMax; index++ )
  2992. {
  2993. uint mask = 1<<index;
  2994. if (nRelevantMask & mask)
  2995. {
  2996. GLMVertexAttributeDesc *setdesc = &pSetup->m_attrs[index];
  2997. char sizestr[100];
  2998. if (setdesc->m_nCompCount < 32)
  2999. {
  3000. sprintf( sizestr, "%d", setdesc->m_nCompCount);
  3001. }
  3002. else
  3003. {
  3004. strcpy( sizestr, GLMDecode( eGL_ENUM, setdesc->m_nCompCount ) );
  3005. }
  3006. if (pSetup->m_vtxAttribMap[index] != 0xBB)
  3007. {
  3008. GLMPRINTF(("-D- attr=%-2d decl=$%s%1d stride=%-2d offset=%-3d buf=%08x size=%s type=%s normalized=%s ",
  3009. index,
  3010. GLMDecode(eD3D_VTXDECLUSAGE, pSetup->m_vtxAttribMap[index]>>4 ),
  3011. pSetup->m_vtxAttribMap[index]&0x0F,
  3012. setdesc->m_stride,
  3013. setdesc->m_offset,
  3014. setdesc->m_pBuffer,
  3015. sizestr,
  3016. GLMDecode( eGL_ENUM, setdesc->m_datatype),
  3017. setdesc->m_normalized?"Y":"N"
  3018. ));
  3019. }
  3020. else
  3021. {
  3022. // the attrib map is referencing an attribute that is not wired up in the vertex setup...
  3023. DebuggerBreak();
  3024. }
  3025. }
  3026. }
  3027. }
  3028. if ( (options & (1<<eDumpVertexData)) && is_draw )
  3029. {
  3030. GLMVertexSetup *pSetup = &m_drawVertexSetup;
  3031. int start = info->m_drawStart;
  3032. int end = info->m_drawEnd;
  3033. int endLimit = start + (1<<g_maxVertsToDumpLog2);
  3034. int realEnd = MIN( end, endLimit );
  3035. // vertex data
  3036. GLMPRINTF(("-D-"));
  3037. GLMPRINTF(("-D- Vertex Data : %d of %d verts (index %d through %d)", realEnd-start, end-start, start, realEnd-1));
  3038. for( int vtxIndex=-1; vtxIndex < realEnd; vtxIndex++ ) // vtxIndex will jump from -1 to start after first spin, not necessarily to 0
  3039. {
  3040. char buf[64000];
  3041. char *mark = buf;
  3042. // index -1 is the first run through the loop, we just print a header
  3043. // iterate attrs
  3044. if (vtxIndex>=0)
  3045. {
  3046. mark += sprintf(mark, "-D- %04d: ", vtxIndex );
  3047. }
  3048. // for transform dumping, we latch values as we spot them
  3049. float vtxPos[4];
  3050. int vtxBoneIndices[4]; // only three get used
  3051. float vtxBoneWeights[4]; // only three get used and index 2 is synthesized from 0 and 1
  3052. vtxPos[0] = vtxPos[1] = vtxPos[2] = 0.0;
  3053. vtxPos[3] = 1.0;
  3054. vtxBoneIndices[0] = vtxBoneIndices[1] = vtxBoneIndices[2] = vtxBoneIndices[3] = 0;
  3055. vtxBoneWeights[0] = vtxBoneWeights[1] = vtxBoneWeights[2] = vtxBoneWeights[3] = 0.0;
  3056. for( int attr = 0; attr < kGLMVertexAttributeIndexMax; attr++ )
  3057. {
  3058. if (pSetup->m_attrMask & (1<<attr) )
  3059. {
  3060. GLMVertexAttributeDesc *desc = &pSetup->m_attrs[ attr ];
  3061. // print that attribute.
  3062. // on OSX, VB's never move unless resized. You can peek at them when unmapped. Safe enough for debug..
  3063. char *bufferBase = (char*)desc->m_pBuffer->m_pLastMappedAddress;
  3064. uint stride = desc->m_stride;
  3065. uint fieldoffset = desc->m_offset;
  3066. uint baseoffset = vtxIndex * stride;
  3067. char *attrBase = bufferBase + baseoffset + fieldoffset;
  3068. uint usage = pSetup->m_vtxAttribMap[attr]>>4;
  3069. uint usageindex = pSetup->m_vtxAttribMap[attr]&0x0F;
  3070. if (vtxIndex <0)
  3071. {
  3072. mark += sprintf(mark, "[%s%1d @ offs=%04d / strd %03d] ", GLMDecode(eD3D_VTXDECLUSAGE, usage ), usageindex, fieldoffset, stride );
  3073. }
  3074. else
  3075. {
  3076. mark += sprintf(mark, "[%s%1d ", GLMDecode(eD3D_VTXDECLUSAGE, usage ), usageindex );
  3077. if (desc->m_nCompCount<32)
  3078. {
  3079. for( uint which = 0; which < desc->m_nCompCount; which++ )
  3080. {
  3081. static char *fieldname = "xyzw";
  3082. switch( desc->m_datatype )
  3083. {
  3084. case GL_FLOAT:
  3085. {
  3086. float *floatbase = (float*)attrBase;
  3087. mark += sprintf(mark, (usage != D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD) ? "%c%7.3f " : "%c%.3f", fieldname[which], floatbase[which] );
  3088. if (usage==D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITION)
  3089. {
  3090. if (which<4)
  3091. {
  3092. // latch pos
  3093. vtxPos[which] = floatbase[which];
  3094. }
  3095. }
  3096. if (usage==D3DDECLUSAGE_BLENDWEIGHT)
  3097. {
  3098. if (which<4)
  3099. {
  3100. // latch weight
  3101. vtxBoneWeights[which] = floatbase[which];
  3102. }
  3103. }
  3104. }
  3105. break;
  3106. case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE:
  3107. {
  3108. unsigned char *unchbase = (unsigned char*)attrBase;
  3109. mark += sprintf(mark, "%c$%02X ", fieldname[which], unchbase[which] );
  3110. }
  3111. break;
  3112. default:
  3113. // hold off on other formats for now
  3114. mark += sprintf(mark, "%c????? ", fieldname[which] );
  3115. break;
  3116. }
  3117. }
  3118. }
  3119. else // special path for BGRA bytes which are expressed in GL by setting the *size* to GL_BGRA (gross large enum)
  3120. {
  3121. switch(desc->m_nCompCount)
  3122. {
  3123. case GL_BGRA: // byte reversed color
  3124. {
  3125. for( int which = 0; which < 4; which++ )
  3126. {
  3127. static const char *fieldname = "BGRA";
  3128. switch( desc->m_datatype )
  3129. {
  3130. case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE:
  3131. {
  3132. unsigned char *unchbase = (unsigned char*)attrBase;
  3133. mark += sprintf(mark, "%c$%02X ", fieldname[which], unchbase[which] );
  3135. {
  3136. if (which<4)
  3137. {
  3138. // latch index
  3139. vtxBoneIndices[which] = unchbase[which]; // ignoring the component reverse which BGRA would inflict, but we also ignore it below so it matches up.
  3140. }
  3141. }
  3142. }
  3143. break;
  3144. default:
  3145. DebuggerBreak();
  3146. break;
  3147. }
  3148. }
  3149. }
  3150. break;
  3151. }
  3152. }
  3153. mark += sprintf(mark, "] " );
  3154. }
  3155. }
  3156. }
  3157. GLMPrintStr( buf, eDebugDump );
  3158. if (vtxIndex >=0)
  3159. {
  3160. // if transform dumping requested, and we've reached the actual vert dump phase, do it
  3161. float vtxout[4];
  3162. char *translabel = NULL; // NULL means no print...
  3163. switch( g_vertDumpMode )
  3164. {
  3165. case eDumpVertsNoTransformDump: break;
  3166. case eDumpVertsTransformedByViewProj: // viewproj is slot 8
  3167. {
  3168. float *viewproj = &m_programParamsF[ kGLMVertexProgram ].m_values[8][0];
  3169. transform_dp4( vtxPos, viewproj, 4, vtxout );
  3170. translabel = "post-viewproj";
  3171. }
  3172. break;
  3173. case eDumpVertsTransformedByModelViewProj: // modelviewproj is slot 4
  3174. {
  3175. float *modelviewproj = &m_programParamsF[ kGLMVertexProgram ].m_values[4][0];
  3176. transform_dp4( vtxPos, modelviewproj, 4, vtxout );
  3177. translabel = "post-modelviewproj";
  3178. }
  3179. break;
  3180. case eDumpVertsTransformedByBoneZeroThenViewProj:
  3181. {
  3182. float postbone[4];
  3183. postbone[3] = 1.0;
  3184. float *bonemat = &m_programParamsF[ kGLMVertexProgram ].m_values[58][0];
  3185. transform_dp4( vtxPos, bonemat, 3, postbone );
  3186. float *viewproj = &m_programParamsF[ kGLMVertexProgram ].m_values[8][0]; // viewproj is slot 8
  3187. transform_dp4( postbone, viewproj, 4, vtxout );
  3188. translabel = "post-bone0-viewproj";
  3189. }
  3190. break;
  3191. case eDumpVertsTransformedByBonesThenViewProj:
  3192. {
  3193. //float bone[4][4]; // [bone index][bone member] // members are adjacent
  3194. vtxout[0] = vtxout[1] = vtxout[2] = vtxout[3] = 0;
  3195. // unpack the third weight
  3196. vtxBoneWeights[2] = 1.0 - (vtxBoneWeights[0] + vtxBoneWeights[1]);
  3197. for( int ibone=0; ibone<3; ibone++ )
  3198. {
  3199. int boneindex = vtxBoneIndices[ ibone ];
  3200. float *bonemat = &m_programParamsF[ kGLMVertexProgram ].m_values[58+(boneindex*3)][0];
  3201. float boneweight = vtxBoneWeights[ibone];
  3202. float postbonevtx[4];
  3203. transform_dp4( vtxPos, bonemat, 3, postbonevtx );
  3204. // add weighted sum into output
  3205. for( int which=0; which<4; which++ )
  3206. {
  3207. vtxout[which] += boneweight * postbonevtx[which];
  3208. }
  3209. }
  3210. // fix W ? do we care ? check shaders to see what they do...
  3211. translabel = "post-skin3bone-viewproj";
  3212. }
  3213. break;
  3214. }
  3215. if(translabel)
  3216. {
  3217. // for extra credit, do the perspective divide and viewport
  3218. GLMPRINTF(("-D- %-24s: [ %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ]", translabel, vtxout[0],vtxout[1],vtxout[2],vtxout[3] ));
  3219. GLMPRINTF(("-D-" ));
  3220. }
  3221. }
  3222. if (vtxIndex<0)
  3223. {
  3224. vtxIndex = start-1; // for printing of the data (note it will be incremented at bottom of loop, so bias down by 1)
  3225. }
  3226. else
  3227. { // no more < and > around vert dump lines
  3228. //mark += sprintf(mark, "" );
  3229. }
  3230. }
  3231. }
  3232. if (options & (1<<eOpenShadersForEdit) )
  3233. {
  3234. #if GLMDEBUG
  3235. if (m_drawingProgram[ kGLMVertexProgram ])
  3236. {
  3237. m_drawingProgram[ kGLMVertexProgram ]->m_editable->OpenInEditor();
  3238. }
  3239. if (m_drawingProgram[ kGLMFragmentProgram ])
  3240. {
  3241. m_drawingProgram[ kGLMFragmentProgram ]->m_editable->OpenInEditor();
  3242. }
  3243. #endif
  3244. }
  3245. /*
  3246. if (options & (1<<))
  3247. {
  3248. }
  3249. */
  3250. // trailer line
  3251. GLMPRINTF(("-D- ===================================================================================== end %s %d frame %d", batchtype, m_nBatchCounter, m_debugFrameIndex ));
  3252. GLMSetIndent(oldIndent);
  3253. }
  3254. // here is the table that binds knob numbers to names. change at will.
  3255. char *g_knobnames[] =
  3256. {
  3257. /*0*/ "dummy",
  3258. /*1*/ "FB-SRGB",
  3259. #if 0
  3260. /*1*/ "tex-U0-bias", // src left
  3261. /*2*/ "tex-V0-bias", // src upper
  3262. /*3*/ "tex-U1-bias", // src right
  3263. /*4*/ "tex-V1-bias", // src bottom
  3264. /*5*/ "pos-X0-bias", // dst left
  3265. /*6*/ "pos-Y0-bias", // dst upper
  3266. /*7*/ "pos-X1-bias", // dst right
  3267. /*8*/ "pos-Y1-bias", // dst bottom
  3268. #endif
  3269. };
  3270. int g_knobcount = sizeof( g_knobnames ) / sizeof( g_knobnames[0] );
  3271. void GLMContext::DebugHook( GLMDebugHookInfo *info )
  3272. {
  3273. // FIXME: This has seriously bitrotted.
  3274. return;
  3275. bool debughook = false;
  3276. // debug hook is called after an action has taken place.
  3277. // that would be the initial action, or a repeat.
  3278. // if paused, we stay inside this function until return.
  3279. // when returning, we inform the caller if it should repeat its last action or continue.
  3280. // there is no global pause state. The rest of the app runs at the best speed it can.
  3281. // initial stuff we do unconditionally
  3282. // increment iteration
  3283. info->m_iteration++; // can be thought of as "number of times the caller's action has now occurred - starting at 1"
  3284. // now set initial state guess for the info block (outcome may change below)
  3285. info->m_loop = false;
  3286. // check prior hold-conditions to see if any of them hit.
  3287. // note we disarm each trigger once the hold has occurred (one-shot style)
  3288. switch( info->m_caller )
  3289. {
  3290. case eBeginFrame:
  3291. if (debughook) GLMPRINTF(("-D- Caller: BeginFrame" ));
  3292. if ( (m_holdFrameBegin>=0) && (m_holdFrameBegin==m_debugFrameIndex) ) // did we hit a frame breakpoint?
  3293. {
  3294. if (debughook) GLMPRINTF(("-D- BeginFrame trigger match, clearing m_holdFrameBegin, hold=true" ));
  3295. m_holdFrameBegin = -1;
  3296. info->m_holding = true;
  3297. }
  3298. break;
  3299. case eClear:
  3300. if (debughook) GLMPRINTF(("-D- Caller: Clear" ));
  3301. if ( (m_holdBatch>=0) && (m_holdBatchFrame>=0) && ((int)m_holdBatch==(int)m_nBatchCounter) && ((int)m_holdBatchFrame==(int)m_debugFrameIndex) )
  3302. {
  3303. if (debughook) GLMPRINTF(("-D- Clear trigger match, clearing m_holdBatch&Frame, hold=true" ));
  3304. m_holdBatch = m_holdBatchFrame = -1;
  3305. info->m_holding = true;
  3306. }
  3307. break;
  3308. case eDrawElements:
  3309. if (debughook) GLMPRINTF(( (info->m_caller==eClear) ? "-D- Caller: Clear" : "-D- Caller: Draw" ));
  3310. if ( (m_holdBatch>=0) && (m_holdBatchFrame>=0) && ((int)m_holdBatch==(int)m_nBatchCounter) && ((int)m_holdBatchFrame==(int)m_debugFrameIndex) )
  3311. {
  3312. if (debughook) GLMPRINTF(("-D- Draw trigger match, clearing m_holdBatch&Frame, hold=true" ));
  3313. m_holdBatch = m_holdBatchFrame = -1;
  3314. info->m_holding = true;
  3315. }
  3316. break;
  3317. case eEndFrame:
  3318. if (debughook) GLMPRINTF(("-D- Caller: EndFrame" ));
  3319. // check for any expired batch hold req
  3320. if ( (m_holdBatch>=0) && (m_holdBatchFrame>=0) && (m_holdBatchFrame==m_debugFrameIndex) )
  3321. {
  3322. // you tried to say 'next batch', but there wasn't one in this frame.
  3323. // target first batch of next frame instead
  3324. if (debughook) GLMPRINTF(("-D- EndFrame noticed an expired draw hold trigger, rolling to next frame, hold=false"));
  3325. m_holdBatch = 0;
  3326. m_holdBatchFrame++;
  3327. info->m_holding = false;
  3328. }
  3329. // now check for an explicit hold on end of this frame..
  3330. if ( (m_holdFrameEnd>=0) && (m_holdFrameEnd==m_debugFrameIndex) )
  3331. {
  3332. if (debughook) GLMPRINTF(("-D- EndFrame trigger match, clearing m_holdFrameEnd, hold=true" ));
  3333. m_holdFrameEnd = -1;
  3334. info->m_holding = true;
  3335. }
  3336. break;
  3337. }
  3338. // spin until event queue is empty *and* hold is false
  3339. int evtcount=0;
  3340. bool refresh = info->m_holding || m_debugDelayEnable; // only refresh once per initial visit (if paused!) or follow up event input
  3341. int breakToDebugger = 0;
  3342. // 1 = break to GDB
  3343. // 2 = break to OpenGL Profiler if attached
  3344. do
  3345. {
  3346. if (refresh)
  3347. {
  3348. if (debughook) GLMPRINTF(("-D- pushing pixels" ));
  3349. DebugPresent(); // show pixels
  3350. uint minidumpOptions = (1<<eDumpBatchInfo) /* | (1<<eDumpSurfaceInfo) */;
  3351. DebugDump( info, minidumpOptions, g_vertDumpMode );
  3352. ThreadSleep( 10000 / 1000 ); // lil sleep
  3353. refresh = false;
  3354. }
  3355. bool eventCheck = true; // event pull will be skipped if we detect a shader edit being done
  3356. // keep editable shaders in sync
  3357. #if GLMDEBUG
  3358. bool redrawBatch = false;
  3359. if (m_drawingProgram[ kGLMVertexProgram ])
  3360. {
  3361. if( m_drawingProgram[ kGLMVertexProgram ]->SyncWithEditable() )
  3362. {
  3363. redrawBatch = true;
  3364. }
  3365. }
  3366. if (m_drawingProgram[ kGLMFragmentProgram ])
  3367. {
  3368. if( m_drawingProgram[ kGLMFragmentProgram ]->SyncWithEditable() )
  3369. {
  3370. redrawBatch = true;
  3371. }
  3372. }
  3373. if (redrawBatch)
  3374. {
  3375. // act as if user pressed the option-\ key
  3376. if (m_drawingLang == kGLMGLSL)
  3377. {
  3378. // if GLSL mode, force relink - and refresh the pair cache as needed
  3379. if (m_pBoundPair)
  3380. {
  3381. // fix it in place
  3382. m_pBoundPair->RefreshProgramPair();
  3383. }
  3384. }
  3385. // TODO - need to retest this whole path
  3386. FlushDrawStates( 0, 0, 0 ); // this is key, because the linked shader pair may have changed (note call to PurgePairsWithShader in cglmprogram.cpp)
  3387. GLMPRINTF(("-- Shader changed, re-running batch" ));
  3388. m_holdBatch = m_nBatchCounter;
  3389. m_holdBatchFrame = m_debugFrameIndex;
  3390. m_debugDelayEnable = false;
  3391. info->m_holding = false;
  3392. info->m_loop = true;
  3393. eventCheck = false;
  3394. }
  3395. #endif
  3396. if(eventCheck)
  3397. {
  3398. PumpWindowsMessageLoop();
  3399. CCocoaEvent evt;
  3400. evtcount = GetEvents( &evt, 1, true ); // asking for debug events only.
  3401. if (evtcount)
  3402. {
  3403. // print it
  3404. if (debughook) GLMPRINTF(("-D- Received debug key '%c' with modifiers %x", evt.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified, evt.m_ModifierKeyMask ));
  3405. // flag for refresh if we spin again
  3406. refresh = 1;
  3407. switch(evt.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified)
  3408. {
  3409. case ' ': // toggle pause
  3410. // clear all the holds to be sure
  3411. m_holdFrameBegin = m_holdFrameEnd = m_holdBatch = m_holdBatchFrame = -1;
  3412. info->m_holding = !info->m_holding;
  3413. if (!info->m_holding)
  3414. {
  3415. m_debugDelayEnable = false; // coming out of pause means no slow mo
  3416. }
  3417. GLMPRINTF((info->m_holding ? "-D- Paused." : "-D- Unpaused." ));
  3418. break;
  3419. case 'f': // frame advance
  3420. GLMPRINTF(("-D- Command: next frame" ));
  3421. m_holdFrameBegin = m_debugFrameIndex+1; // stop at top of next numbered frame
  3422. m_debugDelayEnable = false; // get there fast
  3423. info->m_holding = false;
  3424. break;
  3425. case ']': // ahead 1 batch
  3426. case '}': // ahead ten batches
  3427. {
  3428. int delta = evt.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified == ']' ? 1 : 10;
  3429. m_holdBatch = m_nBatchCounter+delta;
  3430. m_holdBatchFrame = m_debugFrameIndex;
  3431. m_debugDelayEnable = false; // get there fast
  3432. info->m_holding = false;
  3433. GLMPRINTF(("-D- Command: advance %d batches to %d", delta, m_holdBatch ));
  3434. }
  3435. break;
  3436. case '[': // back one batch
  3437. case '{': // back 10 batches
  3438. {
  3439. int delta = evt.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified == '[' ? -1 : -10;
  3440. m_holdBatch = m_nBatchCounter + delta;
  3441. if (m_holdBatch<0)
  3442. {
  3443. m_holdBatch = 0;
  3444. }
  3445. m_holdBatchFrame = m_debugFrameIndex+1; // next frame, but prev batch #
  3446. m_debugDelayEnable = false; // get there fast
  3447. info->m_holding = false;
  3448. GLMPRINTF(("-D- Command: rewind %d batches to %d", delta, m_holdBatch ));
  3449. }
  3450. break;
  3451. case '\\': // batch rerun
  3452. m_holdBatch = m_nBatchCounter;
  3453. m_holdBatchFrame = m_debugFrameIndex;
  3454. m_debugDelayEnable = false;
  3455. info->m_holding = false;
  3456. info->m_loop = true;
  3457. GLMPRINTF(("-D- Command: re-run batch %d", m_holdBatch ));
  3458. break;
  3459. case 'c': // toggle auto color clear
  3460. m_autoClearColor = !m_autoClearColor;
  3461. GLMPRINTF((m_autoClearColor ? "-D- Auto color clear ON" : "-D- Auto color clear OFF" ));
  3462. break;
  3463. case 's': // toggle auto stencil clear
  3464. m_autoClearStencil = !m_autoClearStencil;
  3465. GLMPRINTF((m_autoClearStencil ? "-D- Auto stencil clear ON" : "-D- Auto stencil clear OFF" ));
  3466. break;
  3467. case 'd': // toggle auto depth clear
  3468. m_autoClearDepth = !m_autoClearDepth;
  3469. GLMPRINTF((m_autoClearDepth ? "-D- Auto depth clear ON" : "-D- Auto depth clear OFF" ));
  3470. break;
  3471. case '.': // break to debugger or insta-quit
  3472. if (evt.m_ModifierKeyMask & (1<<eControlKey))
  3473. {
  3474. GLMPRINTF(( "-D- INSTA QUIT! (TM) (PAT PEND)" ));
  3475. abort();
  3476. }
  3477. else
  3478. {
  3479. GLMPRINTF(( "-D- Breaking to debugger" ));
  3480. breakToDebugger = 1;
  3481. info->m_holding = true;
  3482. info->m_loop = true; // so when you come back from debugger, you get another spin (i.e. you enter paused mode)
  3483. }
  3484. break;
  3485. case 'g': // break to OGLP and enable OGLP logging of spew
  3486. if (GLMDetectOGLP()) // if this comes back true, there will be a breakpoint set on glColor4sv.
  3487. {
  3488. uint channelMask = GLMDetectAvailableChannels(); // will re-assert whether spew goes to OGLP log
  3489. if (channelMask & (1<<eGLProfiler))
  3490. {
  3491. GLMDebugChannelMask(&channelMask);
  3492. breakToDebugger = 2;
  3493. info->m_holding = true;
  3494. info->m_loop = true; // so when you come back from debugger, you get another spin (i.e. you enter paused mode)
  3495. }
  3496. }
  3497. break;
  3498. case '_': // toggle slow mo
  3499. m_debugDelayEnable = !m_debugDelayEnable;
  3500. break;
  3501. case '-': // go slower
  3502. if (m_debugDelayEnable)
  3503. {
  3504. // already in slow mo, so lower speed
  3505. m_debugDelay <<= 1; // double delay
  3506. if (m_debugDelay > (1<<24))
  3507. {
  3508. m_debugDelay = (1<<24);
  3509. }
  3510. }
  3511. else
  3512. {
  3513. // enter slow mo
  3514. m_debugDelayEnable = true;
  3515. }
  3516. break;
  3517. case '=': // go faster
  3518. if (m_debugDelayEnable)
  3519. {
  3520. // already in slow mo, so raise speed
  3521. m_debugDelay >>= 1; // halve delay
  3522. if (m_debugDelay < (1<<17))
  3523. {
  3524. m_debugDelay = (1<<17);
  3525. }
  3526. }
  3527. else
  3528. {
  3529. // enter slow mo
  3530. m_debugDelayEnable = true;
  3531. }
  3532. break;
  3533. case 'v':
  3534. // open vs in editor (foreground pop)
  3535. #if GLMDEBUG
  3536. if (m_drawingProgram[ kGLMVertexProgram ])
  3537. {
  3538. m_drawingProgram[ kGLMVertexProgram ]->m_editable->OpenInEditor( true );
  3539. }
  3540. #endif
  3541. break;
  3542. case 'p':
  3543. // open fs/ps in editor (foreground pop)
  3544. #if GLMDEBUG
  3545. if (m_drawingProgram[ kGLMFragmentProgram ])
  3546. {
  3547. m_drawingProgram[ kGLMFragmentProgram ]->m_editable->OpenInEditor( true );
  3548. }
  3549. #endif
  3550. break;
  3551. case '<': // dump fewer verts
  3552. case '>': // dump more verts
  3553. {
  3554. int delta = (evt.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified=='>') ? 1 : -1;
  3555. g_maxVertsToDumpLog2 = MIN( MAX( g_maxVertsToDumpLog2+delta, 0 ), 16 );
  3556. // just re-dump the verts
  3557. DebugDump( info, 1<<eDumpVertexData, g_vertDumpMode );
  3558. }
  3559. break;
  3560. case 'x': // adjust transform dump mode
  3561. {
  3562. int newmode = g_vertDumpMode+1;
  3563. if (newmode >= eLastDumpVertsMode)
  3564. {
  3565. // wrap
  3566. newmode = eDumpVertsNoTransformDump;
  3567. }
  3568. g_vertDumpMode = (EGLMVertDumpMode)newmode;
  3569. GLMPRINTF(("-D- New vert dump mode is %s", g_vertDumpModeNames[g_vertDumpMode] ));
  3570. }
  3571. break;
  3572. case 'u': // more crawl
  3573. {
  3574. CStackCrawlParams cp;
  3575. memset( &cp, 0, sizeof(cp) );
  3576. cp.m_frameLimit = kMaxCrawlFrames;
  3577. GetStackCrawl(&cp);
  3578. GLMPRINTF(("-D-" ));
  3579. GLMPRINTF(("-D- extended stack crawl:"));
  3580. for( uint i=0; i< cp.m_frameCount; i++)
  3581. {
  3582. GLMPRINTF(("-D-\t%s", cp.m_crawlNames[i] ));
  3583. }
  3584. }
  3585. break;
  3586. case 'q':
  3587. DebugDump( info, 0xFFFFFFFF, g_vertDumpMode );
  3588. break;
  3589. case 'H':
  3590. case 'h':
  3591. {
  3592. // toggle drawing language. hold down shift key to do it immediately.
  3593. if (m_caps.m_hasDualShaders)
  3594. {
  3595. bool immediate;
  3596. immediate = evt.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified == 'H'; // (evt.m_ModifierKeyMask & (1<<eShiftKey)) != 0;
  3597. if (m_drawingLang==kGLMARB)
  3598. {
  3599. GLMPRINTF(( "-D- Setting GLSL language mode %s.", immediate ? "immediately" : "for next frame start" ));
  3600. SetDrawingLang( kGLMGLSL, immediate );
  3601. }
  3602. else
  3603. {
  3604. GLMPRINTF(( "-D- Setting ARB language mode %s.", immediate ? "immediately" : "for next frame start" ));
  3605. SetDrawingLang( kGLMARB, immediate );
  3606. }
  3607. refresh = immediate;
  3608. }
  3609. else
  3610. {
  3611. GLMPRINTF(("You can't change shader languages unless you launch with -glmdualshaders enabled"));
  3612. }
  3613. }
  3614. break;
  3615. // ======================================================== debug knobs. change these as needed to troubleshoot stuff
  3616. // keys to select a knob
  3617. // or, toggle a debug flavor, if control is being held down
  3618. case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
  3619. {
  3620. if (evt.m_ModifierKeyMask & (1<<eControlKey))
  3621. {
  3622. // '0' toggles the all-channels on or off
  3623. int flavorSelect = evt.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified - '0';
  3624. if ( (flavorSelect >=0) && (flavorSelect<eFlavorCount) )
  3625. {
  3626. uint mask = GLMDebugFlavorMask();
  3627. mask ^= (1<<flavorSelect);
  3628. GLMDebugFlavorMask(&mask);
  3629. }
  3630. }
  3631. else
  3632. {
  3633. // knob selection
  3634. m_selKnobIndex = evt.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified - '0';
  3635. GLMPRINTF(("-D- Knob # %d (%s) selected.", m_selKnobIndex, g_knobnames[ m_selKnobIndex ] ));
  3636. m_selKnobIncrement = (m_selKnobIndex<5) ? (1.0f / 2048.0f) : (1.0 / 256.0f);
  3637. ThreadSleep( 500000 / 1000 );
  3638. }
  3639. refresh = false;
  3640. }
  3641. break;
  3642. // keys to adjust or zero a knob
  3643. case 't': // toggle
  3644. {
  3645. if (m_selKnobIndex < g_knobcount)
  3646. {
  3647. GLMKnobToggle( g_knobnames[ m_selKnobIndex ] );
  3648. }
  3649. }
  3650. break;
  3651. case 'l': // less
  3652. case 'm': // more
  3653. case 'z': // zero
  3654. {
  3655. if (m_selKnobIndex < g_knobcount)
  3656. {
  3657. float val = GLMKnob( g_knobnames[ m_selKnobIndex ], NULL );
  3658. if (evt.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified == 'l')
  3659. {
  3660. // minus (less)
  3661. val -= m_selKnobIncrement;
  3662. if (val < m_selKnobMinValue)
  3663. {
  3664. val = m_selKnobMinValue;
  3665. }
  3666. // send new value back to the knob
  3667. GLMKnob( g_knobnames[ m_selKnobIndex ], &val );
  3668. }
  3669. if (evt.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified == 'm')
  3670. {
  3671. // plus (more)
  3672. val += m_selKnobIncrement;
  3673. if (val > m_selKnobMaxValue)
  3674. {
  3675. val = m_selKnobMaxValue;
  3676. }
  3677. // send new value back to the knob
  3678. GLMKnob( g_knobnames[ m_selKnobIndex ], &val );
  3679. }
  3680. if (evt.m_UnicodeKeyUnmodified == 'z')
  3681. {
  3682. // zero
  3683. val = 0.0f;
  3684. // send new value back to the knob
  3685. GLMKnob( g_knobnames[ m_selKnobIndex ], &val );
  3686. }
  3687. GLMPRINTF(("-D- Knob # %d (%s) set to %f (%f/1024.0)", m_selKnobIndex, g_knobnames[ m_selKnobIndex ], val, val * 1024.0 ));
  3688. ThreadSleep( 500000 / 1000 );
  3689. refresh = false;
  3690. }
  3691. }
  3692. break;
  3693. }
  3694. }
  3695. }
  3696. } while( ((evtcount>0) || info->m_holding) && (!breakToDebugger) );
  3697. if (m_debugDelayEnable)
  3698. {
  3699. ThreadSleep( m_debugDelay / 1000 );
  3700. }
  3701. if (breakToDebugger)
  3702. {
  3703. switch (breakToDebugger)
  3704. {
  3705. case 1:
  3706. DebuggerBreak();
  3707. break;
  3708. case 2:
  3709. short fakecolor[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
  3710. gGL->glColor4sv( fakecolor ); // break to OGLP
  3711. break;
  3712. }
  3713. // re-flush all GLM states so you can fiddle with them in the debugger. then run the batch again and spin..
  3714. ForceFlushStates();
  3715. }
  3716. }
  3717. void GLMContext::DebugPresent( void )
  3718. {
  3719. CGLMTex *drawBufferTex = m_drawingFBO->m_attach[kAttColor0].m_tex;
  3720. gGL->glFinish();
  3721. Present( drawBufferTex );
  3722. }
  3723. void GLMContext::DebugClear( void )
  3724. {
  3725. // get old clear color
  3726. GLClearColor_t clearcol_orig;
  3727. m_ClearColor.Read( &clearcol_orig,0 );
  3728. // new clear color
  3729. GLClearColor_t clearcol;
  3730. clearcol.r = m_autoClearColorValues[0];
  3731. clearcol.g = m_autoClearColorValues[1];
  3732. clearcol.b = m_autoClearColorValues[2];
  3733. clearcol.a = m_autoClearColorValues[3];
  3734. m_ClearColor.Write( &clearcol ); // don't check, don't defer
  3735. uint mask = 0;
  3736. if (m_autoClearColor) mask |= GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT;
  3737. if (m_autoClearDepth) mask |= GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
  3738. if (m_autoClearStencil) mask |= GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT;
  3739. gGL->glClear( mask );
  3740. gGL->glFinish();
  3741. // put old color back
  3742. m_ClearColor.Write( &clearcol_orig ); // don't check, don't defer
  3743. }
  3744. #endif
  3745. void GLMContext::CheckNative( void )
  3746. {
  3747. // note that this is available in release. We don't use GLMPRINTF for that reason.
  3748. // note we do not get called unless either slow-batch asserting or logging is enabled.
  3749. #ifdef OSX
  3750. bool gpuProcessing;
  3751. GLint fragmentGPUProcessing, vertexGPUProcessing;
  3752. CGLGetParameter (CGLGetCurrentContext(), kCGLCPGPUFragmentProcessing, &fragmentGPUProcessing);
  3753. CGLGetParameter(CGLGetCurrentContext(), kCGLCPGPUVertexProcessing, &vertexGPUProcessing);
  3754. // spews then asserts.
  3755. // that way you can enable both, get log output on a pair if it's slow, and then the debugger will pop.
  3756. if(m_slowSpewEnable)
  3757. {
  3758. if ( !vertexGPUProcessing )
  3759. {
  3760. m_drawingProgram[ kGLMVertexProgram ]->LogSlow( m_drawingLang );
  3761. }
  3762. if ( !fragmentGPUProcessing )
  3763. {
  3764. m_drawingProgram[ kGLMFragmentProgram ]->LogSlow( m_drawingLang );
  3765. }
  3766. }
  3767. if(m_slowAssertEnable)
  3768. {
  3769. if ( !vertexGPUProcessing || !fragmentGPUProcessing)
  3770. {
  3771. Assert( !"slow batch" );
  3772. }
  3773. }
  3774. #else
  3775. //Assert( !"impl GLMContext::CheckNative()" );
  3776. if (m_checkglErrorsAfterEveryBatch)
  3777. {
  3778. // This is slow, and somewhat redundant (-gldebugoutput uses the GL_ARB_debug_output extension, which can be at least asynchronous), but having a straightforward backup can be useful.
  3779. // This is useful for callstack purposes - GL_ARB_debug_output may break in a different thread that the thread triggering the GL error.
  3780. //gGL->glFlush();
  3781. GLenum errorcode = (GLenum)gGL->glGetError();
  3782. if ( errorcode != GL_NO_ERROR )
  3783. {
  3784. const char *decodedStr = GLMDecode( eGL_ERROR, errorcode );
  3785. char buf[512];
  3786. V_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf), "\nGL ERROR! %08x = '%s'\n", errorcode, decodedStr );
  3787. // Make sure the dev sees something, because these errors can happen early enough that DevMsg() does nothing.
  3788. #ifdef WIN32
  3789. OutputDebugStringA( buf );
  3790. #else
  3791. printf( "%s", buf );
  3792. #endif
  3793. }
  3794. }
  3795. #endif
  3796. }
  3797. // debug font
  3798. void GLMContext::GenDebugFontTex( void )
  3799. {
  3800. if(!m_debugFontTex)
  3801. {
  3802. // make a 128x128 RGBA texture
  3803. GLMTexLayoutKey key;
  3804. memset( &key, 0, sizeof(key) );
  3805. key.m_texGLTarget = GL_TEXTURE_2D;
  3806. key.m_xSize = 128;
  3807. key.m_ySize = 128;
  3808. key.m_zSize = 1;
  3809. key.m_texFormat = D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8;
  3810. key.m_texFlags = 0;
  3811. m_debugFontTex = NewTex( &key, 1, "GLM debug font" );
  3812. //-----------------------------------------------------
  3813. GLMTexLockParams lockreq;
  3814. lockreq.m_tex = m_debugFontTex;
  3815. lockreq.m_face = 0;
  3816. lockreq.m_mip = 0;
  3817. GLMTexLayoutSlice *slice = &m_debugFontTex->m_layout->m_slices[ lockreq.m_tex->CalcSliceIndex( lockreq.m_face, lockreq.m_mip ) ];
  3818. lockreq.m_region.xmin = lockreq.m_region.ymin = lockreq.m_region.zmin = 0;
  3819. lockreq.m_region.xmax = slice->m_xSize;
  3820. lockreq.m_region.ymax = slice->m_ySize;
  3821. lockreq.m_region.zmax = slice->m_zSize;
  3822. lockreq.m_readback = false;
  3823. char *lockAddress;
  3824. int yStride;
  3825. int zStride;
  3826. m_debugFontTex->Lock( &lockreq, &lockAddress, &yStride, &zStride );
  3827. //-----------------------------------------------------
  3828. // fetch elements of font data and make texels... we're doing the whole slab so we don't really need the stride info
  3829. uint32 *destTexelPtr = (uint32 *)lockAddress;
  3830. for( int index = 0; index < 16384; index++ )
  3831. {
  3832. if (g_glmDebugFontMap[index] == ' ')
  3833. {
  3834. // clear
  3835. *destTexelPtr = 0x00000000;
  3836. }
  3837. else
  3838. {
  3839. // opaque white (drawing code can modulate if desired)
  3840. *destTexelPtr = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  3841. }
  3842. destTexelPtr++;
  3843. }
  3844. //-----------------------------------------------------
  3845. GLMTexLockParams unlockreq;
  3846. unlockreq.m_tex = m_debugFontTex;
  3847. unlockreq.m_face = 0;
  3848. unlockreq.m_mip = 0;
  3849. // region need not matter for unlocks
  3850. unlockreq.m_region.xmin = unlockreq.m_region.ymin = unlockreq.m_region.zmin = 0;
  3851. unlockreq.m_region.xmax = unlockreq.m_region.ymax = unlockreq.m_region.zmax = 0;
  3852. unlockreq.m_readback = false;
  3853. m_debugFontTex->Unlock( &unlockreq );
  3854. //-----------------------------------------------------
  3855. // change up the tex sampling on this texture to be "nearest" not linear
  3856. //-----------------------------------------------------
  3857. // don't leave texture bound on the TMU
  3858. BindTexToTMU( NULL, 0 );
  3859. // also make the index and vertex buffers for use - up to 1K indices and 1K verts
  3860. uint indexBufferSize = 1024*2;
  3861. m_debugFontIndices = NewBuffer(kGLMIndexBuffer, indexBufferSize, 0); // two byte indices
  3862. // we go ahead and lock it now, and fill it with indices 0-1023.
  3863. char *indices = NULL;
  3864. GLMBuffLockParams idxLock;
  3865. idxLock.m_nOffset = 0;
  3866. idxLock.m_nSize = indexBufferSize;
  3867. idxLock.m_bNoOverwrite = false;
  3868. idxLock.m_bDiscard = true;
  3869. m_debugFontIndices->Lock( &idxLock, &indices );
  3870. for( int i=0; i<1024; i++)
  3871. {
  3872. unsigned short *idxPtr = &((unsigned short*)indices)[i];
  3873. *idxPtr = i;
  3874. }
  3875. m_debugFontIndices->Unlock();
  3876. m_debugFontVertices = NewBuffer(kGLMVertexBuffer, 1024 * 128, 0); // up to 128 bytes per vert
  3877. }
  3878. }
  3879. #define MAX_DEBUG_CHARS 256
  3880. struct GLMDebugTextVertex
  3881. {
  3882. float x,y,z;
  3883. float u,v;
  3884. char rgba[4];
  3885. };
  3886. void GLMContext::DrawDebugText( float x, float y, float z, float drawCharWidth, float drawCharHeight, char *string )
  3887. {
  3888. if (!m_debugFontTex)
  3889. {
  3890. GenDebugFontTex();
  3891. }
  3892. // setup needed to draw text
  3893. // we're assuming that +x goes left to right on screen, no billboarding math in here
  3894. // and that +y goes bottom up
  3895. // caller knows projection / rectangle so it gets to decide vertex spacing
  3896. // debug font must be bound to TMU 0
  3897. // texturing enabled
  3898. // alpha blending enabled
  3899. // generate a quad per character
  3900. // characters are 6px wide by 11 px high.
  3901. // upper left character in tex is 0x20
  3902. // y axis will need to be flipped for display
  3903. // for any character in 0x20 - 0x7F - here are the needed UV's
  3904. // leftU = ((character % 16) * 6.0f / 128.0f)
  3905. // rightU = lowU + (6.0 / 128.0);
  3906. // topV = ((character - 0x20) * 11.0f / 128.0f)
  3907. // bottomV = lowV + (11.0f / 128.0f)
  3908. int stringlen = strlen( string );
  3909. if (stringlen > MAX_DEBUG_CHARS)
  3910. {
  3911. stringlen = MAX_DEBUG_CHARS;
  3912. }
  3913. // lock
  3914. char *vertices = NULL;
  3915. GLMBuffLockParams vtxLock;
  3916. vtxLock.m_nOffset = 0;
  3917. vtxLock.m_nSize = 1024 * stringlen;
  3918. vtxLock.m_bNoOverwrite = false;
  3919. vtxLock.m_bDiscard = false;
  3920. m_debugFontVertices->Lock( &vtxLock, &vertices );
  3921. GLMDebugTextVertex *vtx = (GLMDebugTextVertex*)vertices;
  3922. GLMDebugTextVertex *vtxOutPtr = vtx;
  3923. for( int charindex = 0; charindex < stringlen; charindex++ )
  3924. {
  3925. float leftU,rightU,topV,bottomV;
  3926. int character = (int)string[charindex];
  3927. character -= 0x20;
  3928. if ( (character<0) || (character > 0x7F) )
  3929. {
  3930. character = '*' - 0x20;
  3931. }
  3932. leftU = ((character & 0x0F) * 6.0f ) / 128.0f;
  3933. rightU = leftU + (6.0f / 128.0f);
  3934. topV = ((character >> 4) * 11.0f ) / 128.0f;
  3935. bottomV = topV + (11.0f / 128.0f);
  3936. float posx,posy,posz;
  3937. posx = x + (drawCharWidth * (float)charindex);
  3938. posy = y;
  3939. posz = z;
  3940. // generate four verts
  3941. // first vert will be upper left of displayed quad (low X, high Y) then we go clockwise
  3942. for( int quadvert = 0; quadvert < 4; quadvert++ )
  3943. {
  3944. bool isTop = (quadvert <2); // verts 0 and 1
  3945. bool isLeft = (quadvert & 1) == (quadvert >> 1); // verts 0 and 3
  3946. vtxOutPtr->x = posx + (isLeft ? 0.0f : drawCharWidth);
  3947. vtxOutPtr->y = posy + (isTop ? drawCharHeight : 0.0f);
  3948. vtxOutPtr->z = posz;
  3949. vtxOutPtr->u = isLeft ? leftU : rightU;
  3950. vtxOutPtr->v = isTop ? topV : bottomV;
  3951. vtxOutPtr++;
  3952. }
  3953. }
  3954. // verts are done.
  3955. // unlock...
  3956. m_debugFontVertices->Unlock();
  3957. // make a vertex setup
  3958. GLMVertexSetup vertSetup;
  3959. // position, color, tc = 0, 3, 8
  3960. vertSetup.m_attrMask = (1<<kGLMGenericAttr00) | (1<<kGLMGenericAttr03) | (1<<kGLMGenericAttr08);
  3961. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr00].m_pBuffer = m_debugFontVertices;
  3962. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr00].m_nCompCount = 3; // 3 floats
  3963. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr00].m_datatype = GL_FLOAT;
  3964. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr00].m_stride = sizeof(GLMDebugTextVertex);
  3965. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr00].m_offset = offsetof(GLMDebugTextVertex, x);
  3966. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr00].m_normalized= false;
  3967. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr03].m_pBuffer = m_debugFontVertices;
  3968. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr03].m_nCompCount = 4; // four bytes
  3969. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr03].m_datatype = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
  3970. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr03].m_stride = sizeof(GLMDebugTextVertex);
  3971. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr03].m_offset = offsetof(GLMDebugTextVertex, rgba);
  3972. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr03].m_normalized= true;
  3973. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr08].m_pBuffer = m_debugFontVertices;
  3974. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr08].m_nCompCount = 2; // 2 floats
  3975. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr08].m_datatype = GL_FLOAT;
  3976. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr08].m_stride = sizeof(GLMDebugTextVertex);
  3977. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr08].m_offset = offsetof(GLMDebugTextVertex, u);
  3978. vertSetup.m_attrs[kGLMGenericAttr03].m_normalized= false;
  3979. // bind texture and draw it..
  3980. CGLMTex *pPrevTex = m_samplers[0].m_pBoundTex;
  3981. BindTexToTMU( m_debugFontTex, 0 );
  3982. SelectTMU(0); // somewhat redundant
  3983. gGL->glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
  3984. gGL->glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
  3985. if (0)
  3986. {
  3987. gGL->glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
  3988. gGL->glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
  3989. gGL->glVertexPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( vtx[0] ), &vtx[0].x );
  3990. gGL->glClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);
  3991. gGL->glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof( vtx[0] ), &vtx[0].u );
  3992. }
  3993. else
  3994. {
  3995. SetVertexAttributes( &vertSetup );
  3996. }
  3997. gGL->glDrawArrays( GL_QUADS, 0, stringlen * 4 );
  3998. // disable all the input streams
  3999. if (0)
  4000. {
  4001. gGL->glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
  4002. gGL->glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
  4003. }
  4004. else
  4005. {
  4006. SetVertexAttributes( NULL );
  4007. }
  4008. gGL->glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
  4009. BindTexToTMU( pPrevTex, 0 );
  4010. }
  4011. //===============================================================================
  4012. void GLMgrSelfTests( void )
  4013. {
  4014. return; // until such time as the tests are revised or axed
  4015. GLMDisplayParams glmParams;
  4016. glmParams.m_fsEnable = false;
  4017. glmParams.m_vsyncEnable = false; // "The runtime updates the window client area immediately and might do so more
  4018. glmParams.m_backBufferWidth = 1024;
  4019. glmParams.m_backBufferHeight = 768;
  4020. glmParams.m_backBufferFormat = D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8;
  4021. glmParams.m_multiSampleCount = 2;
  4022. glmParams.m_enableAutoDepthStencil = true;
  4023. glmParams.m_autoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D24S8;
  4024. glmParams.m_fsRefreshHz = 60;
  4025. glmParams.m_mtgl = true;
  4026. glmParams.m_focusWindow = 0;
  4027. // make a new context on renderer 0.
  4028. GLMContext *ctx = GLMgr::aGLMgr()->NewContext( NULL, &glmParams ); ////FIXME you can't make contexts this way any more.
  4029. if (!ctx)
  4030. {
  4031. DebuggerBreak(); // no go
  4032. return;
  4033. }
  4034. // make a test object based on that context.
  4035. //int alltests[] = {0,1,2,3, -1};
  4036. //int newtests[] = {3, -1};
  4037. int twotests[] = {2, -1};
  4038. //int notests[] = {-1};
  4039. int *testlist = twotests;
  4040. GLMTestParams params;
  4041. memset( &params, 0, sizeof(params) );
  4042. params.m_ctx = ctx;
  4043. params.m_testList = testlist;
  4044. params.m_glErrToDebugger = true;
  4045. params.m_glErrToConsole = true;
  4046. params.m_intlErrToDebugger = true;
  4047. params.m_intlErrToConsole = true;
  4048. params.m_frameCount = 1000;
  4049. GLMTester testobj( &params );
  4050. testobj.RunTests( );
  4051. GLMgr::aGLMgr()->DelContext( ctx );
  4052. }
  4053. void GLMContext::SetDefaultStates( void )
  4054. {
  4055. GLM_FUNC;
  4056. CheckCurrent();
  4057. m_AlphaTestEnable.Default();
  4058. m_AlphaTestFunc.Default();
  4059. m_AlphaToCoverageEnable.Default();
  4060. m_CullFaceEnable.Default();
  4061. m_CullFrontFace.Default();
  4062. m_PolygonMode.Default();
  4063. m_DepthBias.Default();
  4064. m_ClipPlaneEnable.Default();
  4065. m_ClipPlaneEquation.Default();
  4066. m_ScissorEnable.Default();
  4067. m_ScissorBox.Default();
  4068. m_ViewportBox.Default();
  4069. m_ViewportDepthRange.Default();
  4070. m_ColorMaskSingle.Default();
  4071. m_ColorMaskMultiple.Default();
  4072. m_BlendEnable.Default();
  4073. m_BlendFactor.Default();
  4074. m_BlendEquation.Default();
  4075. m_BlendColor.Default();
  4076. //m_BlendEnableSRGB.Default(); // this isn't useful until there is an FBO bound - in fact it will trip a GL error.
  4077. m_DepthTestEnable.Default();
  4078. m_DepthFunc.Default();
  4079. m_DepthMask.Default();
  4080. m_StencilTestEnable.Default();
  4081. m_StencilFunc.Default();
  4082. m_StencilOp.Default();
  4083. m_StencilWriteMask.Default();
  4084. m_ClearColor.Default();
  4085. m_ClearDepth.Default();
  4086. m_ClearStencil.Default();
  4087. }
  4088. void GLMContext::VerifyStates ( void )
  4089. {
  4090. GLM_FUNC;
  4091. CheckCurrent();
  4092. // bare bones sanity check, head over to the debugger if our sense of the current context state is not correct
  4093. // we should only want to call this after a flush or the checks will flunk.
  4094. if( m_AlphaTestEnable.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4095. if( m_AlphaTestFunc.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4096. if( m_AlphaToCoverageEnable.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4097. if( m_CullFaceEnable.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4098. if( m_CullFrontFace.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4099. if( m_PolygonMode.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4100. if( m_DepthBias.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4101. if( m_ClipPlaneEnable.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4102. //if( m_ClipPlaneEquation.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4103. if( m_ScissorEnable.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4104. if( m_ScissorBox.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4105. if( m_ViewportBox.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4106. if( m_ViewportDepthRange.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4107. if( m_ColorMaskSingle.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4108. if( m_ColorMaskMultiple.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4109. if( m_BlendEnable.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4110. if( m_BlendFactor.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4111. if( m_BlendEquation.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4112. if( m_BlendColor.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4113. // only do this as caps permit
  4114. if (m_caps.m_hasGammaWrites)
  4115. {
  4116. if( m_BlendEnableSRGB.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4117. }
  4118. if( m_DepthTestEnable.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4119. if( m_DepthFunc.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4120. if( m_DepthMask.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4121. if( m_StencilTestEnable.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4122. if( m_StencilFunc.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4123. if( m_StencilOp.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4124. if( m_StencilWriteMask.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4125. if( m_ClearColor.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4126. if( m_ClearDepth.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4127. if( m_ClearStencil.Check() ) GLMStop();
  4128. }
  4129. static inline uint GetDataTypeSizeInBytes( GLenum dataType )
  4130. {
  4131. switch ( dataType )
  4132. {
  4133. case GL_BYTE:
  4134. case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE:
  4135. return 1;
  4136. case GL_SHORT:
  4137. case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
  4138. case GL_HALF_FLOAT:
  4139. return 2;
  4140. case GL_INT:
  4141. case GL_FLOAT:
  4142. return 4;
  4143. default:
  4144. Assert( 0 );
  4145. break;
  4146. }
  4147. return 0;
  4148. }
  4149. #ifndef OSX
  4150. void GLMContext::DrawRangeElementsNonInline( GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, uint baseVertex, CGLMBuffer *pIndexBuf )
  4151. {
  4152. #if GLMDEBUG
  4153. GLM_FUNC;
  4154. #else
  4155. //tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s %d-%d count:%d mode:%d type:%d", __FUNCTION__, start, end, count, mode, type );
  4156. #endif
  4157. ++m_nBatchCounter;
  4158. SetIndexBuffer( pIndexBuf );
  4159. void *indicesActual = (void*)indices;
  4160. if ( pIndexBuf->m_bPseudo )
  4161. {
  4162. // you have to pass actual address, not offset
  4163. indicesActual = (void*)( (intp)indicesActual + (intp)pIndexBuf->m_pPseudoBuf );
  4164. }
  4165. if (pIndexBuf->m_bUsingPersistentBuffer)
  4166. {
  4167. indicesActual = (void*)( (intp)indicesActual + (intp)pIndexBuf->m_nPersistentBufferStartOffset );
  4168. }
  4170. // Obviously only for debugging.
  4171. if ( !pIndexBuf->IsSpanValid( (uint)indices, count * GetDataTypeSizeInBytes( type ) ) )
  4172. {
  4173. // The consumption range crosses more than one lock span, or the lock is trying to consume a bad IB range.
  4175. }
  4176. if ( ( type == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT ) && ( pIndexBuf->m_bPseudo ) )
  4177. {
  4178. Assert( start <= end );
  4179. for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++)
  4180. {
  4181. uint n = ((const uint16*)indicesActual)[i];
  4182. if ( ( n < start ) || ( n > end ) )
  4183. {
  4185. }
  4186. }
  4187. unsigned char *pVertexShaderAttribMap = m_pDevice->m_vertexShader->m_vtxAttribMap;
  4188. const int nMaxVertexAttributesToCheck = m_drawingProgram[ kGLMVertexProgram ]->m_maxVertexAttrs;
  4189. IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 *pVertDecl = m_pDevice->m_pVertDecl;
  4190. const uint8 *pVertexAttribDescToStreamIndex = pVertDecl->m_VertexAttribDescToStreamIndex;
  4191. // FIXME: Having to duplicate all this flush logic is terrible here
  4192. for( int nMask = 1, nIndex = 0; nIndex < nMaxVertexAttributesToCheck; ++nIndex, nMask <<= 1 )
  4193. {
  4194. uint8 vertexShaderAttrib = pVertexShaderAttribMap[ nIndex ];
  4195. uint nDeclIndex = pVertexAttribDescToStreamIndex[vertexShaderAttrib];
  4196. if ( nDeclIndex == 0xFF )
  4197. continue;
  4198. D3DVERTEXELEMENT9_GL *pDeclElem = &pVertDecl->m_elements[nDeclIndex];
  4199. Assert( ( ( vertexShaderAttrib >> 4 ) == pDeclElem->m_dxdecl.Usage ) && ( ( vertexShaderAttrib & 0x0F ) == pDeclElem->m_dxdecl.UsageIndex) );
  4200. const uint nStreamIndex = pDeclElem->m_dxdecl.Stream;
  4201. const D3DStreamDesc *pStream = &m_pDevice->m_streams[ nStreamIndex ];
  4202. CGLMBuffer *pBuf = m_pDevice->m_vtx_buffers[ nStreamIndex ];
  4203. if ( pBuf == m_pDevice->m_pDummy_vtx_buffer )
  4204. continue;
  4205. Assert( pStream->m_vtxBuffer->m_vtxBuffer == pBuf );
  4206. int nBufOffset = pDeclElem->m_gldecl.m_offset + pStream->m_offset;
  4207. Assert( nBufOffset >= 0 );
  4208. Assert( nBufOffset < (int)pBuf->m_nSize );
  4209. uint nBufSize = pStream->m_vtxBuffer->m_vtxBuffer->m_nSize;
  4210. uint nDataTypeSize = GetDataTypeSizeInBytes( pDeclElem->m_gldecl.m_datatype );
  4211. uint nActualStride = pStream->m_stride ? pStream->m_stride : nDataTypeSize;
  4212. uint nStart = nBufOffset + ( start + baseVertex ) * nActualStride;
  4213. uint nEnd = nBufOffset + ( end + baseVertex ) * nActualStride + nDataTypeSize;
  4214. if ( nEnd > nBufSize )
  4215. {
  4217. }
  4218. if ( !pStream->m_vtxBuffer->m_vtxBuffer->IsSpanValid( nStart, nEnd - nStart ) )
  4219. {
  4220. // The draw is trying to consume a range of the bound VB that hasn't been set to valid data!
  4222. }
  4223. }
  4224. }
  4225. #endif
  4226. Assert( m_drawingLang == kGLMGLSL );
  4227. if ( m_pBoundPair )
  4228. {
  4229. gGL->glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex( mode, start, end, count, type, indicesActual, baseVertex );
  4230. #if GLMDEBUG
  4231. if ( m_slowCheckEnable )
  4232. {
  4233. CheckNative();
  4234. }
  4235. #endif
  4236. }
  4237. }
  4238. #else
  4239. // support for OSX 10.6 (no support for glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex)
  4240. // legacy path that we're re-enabling for all OSX users as a result of perf regressions
  4241. void GLMContext::DrawRangeElements(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, CGLMBuffer *pIndexBuf)
  4242. {
  4243. GLM_FUNC;
  4244. // CheckCurrent();
  4245. ++m_nBatchCounter; // batch index increments unconditionally on entry
  4246. SetIndexBuffer( pIndexBuf );
  4247. void *indicesActual = (void*)indices;
  4248. if ( pIndexBuf->m_bPseudo )
  4249. {
  4250. // you have to pass actual address, not offset
  4251. indicesActual = (void*)( (intp)indicesActual + (intp)pIndexBuf->m_pPseudoBuf );
  4252. }
  4253. if (pIndexBuf->m_bUsingPersistentBuffer)
  4254. {
  4255. indicesActual = (void*)( (intp)indicesActual + (intp)pIndexBuf->m_nPersistentBufferStartOffset );
  4256. }
  4257. #if GLMDEBUG
  4258. // init debug hook information
  4259. GLMDebugHookInfo info;
  4260. memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
  4261. info.m_caller = eDrawElements;
  4262. // relay parameters we're operating under
  4263. info.m_drawMode = mode;
  4264. info.m_drawStart = start;
  4265. info.m_drawEnd = end;
  4266. info.m_drawCount = count;
  4267. info.m_drawType = type;
  4268. info.m_drawIndices = indices;
  4269. do
  4270. {
  4271. // obey global options re pre-draw clear
  4272. if (m_autoClearColor || m_autoClearDepth || m_autoClearStencil)
  4273. {
  4274. GLMPRINTF(("-- DrawRangeElements auto clear"));
  4275. this->DebugClear();
  4276. }
  4277. // always sync with editable shader text prior to draw
  4278. #if GLMDEBUG
  4279. // TODO - fixup OSX 10.6 m_boundProg not used in this version togl (m_pBoundPair)
  4280. //FIXME disengage this path if context is in GLSL mode..
  4281. // it will need fixes to get the shader pair re-linked etc if edits happen anyway.
  4282. if (m_boundProgram[kGLMVertexProgram])
  4283. {
  4284. m_boundProgram[kGLMVertexProgram]->SyncWithEditable();
  4285. }
  4286. else
  4287. {
  4288. AssertOnce(!"drawing with no vertex program bound");
  4289. }
  4290. if (m_boundProgram[kGLMFragmentProgram])
  4291. {
  4292. m_boundProgram[kGLMFragmentProgram]->SyncWithEditable();
  4293. }
  4294. else
  4295. {
  4296. AssertOnce(!"drawing with no fragment program bound");
  4297. }
  4298. #endif
  4299. // do the drawing
  4300. if ( m_pBoundPair )
  4301. {
  4302. gGL->glDrawRangeElements(mode, start, end, count, type, indicesActual);
  4303. GLMCheckError();
  4304. if (m_slowCheckEnable)
  4305. {
  4306. CheckNative();
  4307. }
  4308. }
  4309. this->DebugHook(&info);
  4310. } while (info.m_loop);
  4311. #else
  4312. if ( m_pBoundPair )
  4313. {
  4314. gGL->glDrawRangeElements(mode, start, end, count, type, indicesActual);
  4315. #if GLMDEBUG
  4316. if ( m_slowCheckEnable )
  4317. {
  4318. CheckNative();
  4319. }
  4320. #endif
  4321. }
  4322. #endif
  4323. }
  4324. #endif // #ifndef OSX
  4325. #if 0
  4326. // helper function to do enable or disable in one step
  4327. void glSetEnable( GLenum which, bool enable )
  4328. {
  4329. if (enable)
  4330. gGL->glEnable(which);
  4331. else
  4332. gGL->glDisable(which);
  4333. }
  4334. // helper function for int vs enum clarity
  4335. void glGetEnumv( GLenum which, GLenum *dst )
  4336. {
  4337. gGL->glGetIntegerv( which, (int*)dst );
  4338. }
  4339. #endif
  4340. //===============================================================================
  4341. GLMTester::GLMTester(GLMTestParams *params)
  4342. {
  4343. m_params = *params;
  4344. m_drawFBO = NULL;
  4345. m_drawColorTex = NULL;
  4346. m_drawDepthTex = NULL;
  4347. }
  4348. GLMTester::~GLMTester()
  4349. {
  4350. }
  4351. void GLMTester::StdSetup( void )
  4352. {
  4353. GLMContext *ctx = m_params.m_ctx;
  4354. m_drawWidth = 1024;
  4355. m_drawHeight = 768;
  4356. // make an FBO to draw into and activate it. no depth buffer yet
  4357. m_drawFBO = ctx->NewFBO();
  4358. // make color buffer texture
  4359. GLMTexLayoutKey colorkey;
  4360. //CGLMTex *colortex;
  4361. memset( &colorkey, 0, sizeof(colorkey) );
  4362. colorkey.m_texGLTarget = GL_TEXTURE_2D;
  4363. colorkey.m_xSize = m_drawWidth;
  4364. colorkey.m_ySize = m_drawHeight;
  4365. colorkey.m_zSize = 1;
  4366. colorkey.m_texFormat = D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8;
  4367. colorkey.m_texFlags = kGLMTexRenderable;
  4368. m_drawColorTex = ctx->NewTex( &colorkey );
  4369. // do not leave that texture bound on the TMU
  4370. ctx->BindTexToTMU(NULL, 0 );
  4371. // attach color to FBO
  4372. GLMFBOTexAttachParams colorParams;
  4373. memset( &colorParams, 0, sizeof(colorParams) );
  4374. colorParams.m_tex = m_drawColorTex;
  4375. colorParams.m_face = 0;
  4376. colorParams.m_mip = 0;
  4377. colorParams.m_zslice= 0; // for clarity..
  4378. m_drawFBO->TexAttach( &colorParams, kAttColor0 );
  4379. // check it.
  4380. bool ready = m_drawFBO->IsReady();
  4381. InternalError( !ready, "drawing FBO no go");
  4382. // bind it
  4383. ctx->BindFBOToCtx( m_drawFBO, GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  4384. gGL->glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) m_drawWidth, (GLsizei) m_drawHeight );
  4385. CheckGLError("stdsetup viewport");
  4386. gGL->glScissor( 0,0, (GLsizei) m_drawWidth, (GLsizei) m_drawHeight );
  4387. CheckGLError("stdsetup scissor");
  4388. gGL->glOrtho( -1,1, -1,1, -1,1 );
  4389. CheckGLError("stdsetup ortho");
  4390. // activate debug font
  4391. ctx->GenDebugFontTex();
  4392. }
  4393. void GLMTester::StdCleanup( void )
  4394. {
  4395. GLMContext *ctx = m_params.m_ctx;
  4396. // unbind
  4397. ctx->BindFBOToCtx( NULL, GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  4398. // del FBO
  4399. if (m_drawFBO)
  4400. {
  4401. ctx->DelFBO( m_drawFBO );
  4402. m_drawFBO = NULL;
  4403. }
  4404. // del tex
  4405. if (m_drawColorTex)
  4406. {
  4407. ctx->DelTex( m_drawColorTex );
  4408. m_drawColorTex = NULL;
  4409. }
  4410. if (m_drawDepthTex)
  4411. {
  4412. ctx->DelTex( m_drawDepthTex );
  4413. m_drawDepthTex = NULL;
  4414. }
  4415. }
  4416. void GLMTester::Clear( void )
  4417. {
  4418. GLMContext *ctx = m_params.m_ctx;
  4419. ctx->MakeCurrent();
  4420. gGL->glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) m_drawWidth, (GLsizei) m_drawHeight );
  4421. gGL->glScissor( 0,0, (GLsizei) m_drawWidth, (GLsizei) m_drawHeight );
  4422. gGL->glOrtho( -1,1, -1,1, -1,1 );
  4423. CheckGLError("clearing viewport");
  4424. // clear to black
  4425. gGL->glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0, 1.0f);
  4426. CheckGLError("clearing color");
  4428. CheckGLError("clearing");
  4429. //glFinish();
  4430. //CheckGLError("clear finish");
  4431. }
  4432. void GLMTester::Present( int seed )
  4433. {
  4434. GLMContext *ctx = m_params.m_ctx;
  4435. ctx->Present( m_drawColorTex );
  4436. }
  4437. void GLMTester::CheckGLError( const char *comment )
  4438. {
  4439. return;
  4440. char errbuf[1024];
  4441. //borrowed from GLMCheckError.. slightly different
  4442. if (!comment)
  4443. {
  4444. comment = "";
  4445. }
  4446. GLenum errorcode = (GLenum)gGL->glGetError();
  4447. GLenum errorcode2 = 0;
  4448. if ( errorcode != GL_NO_ERROR )
  4449. {
  4450. const char *decodedStr = GLMDecode( eGL_ERROR, errorcode );
  4451. const char *decodedStr2 = "";
  4452. if ( errorcode == GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT )
  4453. {
  4454. // dig up the more detailed FBO status
  4455. errorcode2 = gGL->glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT( GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  4456. decodedStr2 = GLMDecode( eGL_ERROR, errorcode2 );
  4457. sprintf( errbuf, "\n%s - GL Error %08x/%08x = '%s / %s'\n", comment, errorcode, errorcode2, decodedStr, decodedStr2 );
  4458. }
  4459. else
  4460. {
  4461. sprintf( errbuf, "\n%s - GL Error %08x = '%s'\n", comment, errorcode, decodedStr );
  4462. }
  4463. if ( m_params.m_glErrToConsole )
  4464. {
  4465. printf("%s", errbuf );
  4466. }
  4467. if ( m_params.m_glErrToDebugger )
  4468. {
  4469. DebuggerBreak();
  4470. }
  4471. }
  4472. }
  4473. void GLMTester::InternalError( int errcode, char *comment )
  4474. {
  4475. if (errcode)
  4476. {
  4477. if (m_params.m_intlErrToConsole)
  4478. {
  4479. printf("%s - error %d\n", comment, errcode );
  4480. }
  4481. if (m_params.m_intlErrToDebugger)
  4482. {
  4483. DebuggerBreak();
  4484. }
  4485. }
  4486. }
  4487. void GLMTester::RunTests( void )
  4488. {
  4489. int *testList = m_params.m_testList;
  4490. while( (*testList >=0) && (*testList < 20) )
  4491. {
  4492. RunOneTest( *testList++ );
  4493. }
  4494. }
  4495. void GLMTester::RunOneTest( int testindex )
  4496. {
  4497. // this might be better with 'ptmf' style
  4498. switch(testindex)
  4499. {
  4500. case 0: Test0(); break;
  4501. case 1: Test1(); break;
  4502. case 2: Test2(); break;
  4503. case 3: Test3(); break;
  4504. default:
  4505. DebuggerBreak(); // unrecognized
  4506. }
  4507. }
  4508. // #####################################################################################################################
  4509. // some fixed lists which may be useful to all tests
  4510. D3DFORMAT g_drawTexFormatsGLMT[] = // -1 terminated
  4511. {
  4512. D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,
  4513. D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4,
  4514. D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8,
  4515. D3DFMT_X1R5G5B5,
  4516. D3DFMT_A1R5G5B5,
  4517. D3DFMT_L8,
  4518. D3DFMT_A8L8,
  4519. D3DFMT_R8G8B8,
  4520. D3DFMT_A8,
  4521. D3DFMT_R5G6B5,
  4522. D3DFMT_DXT1,
  4523. D3DFMT_DXT3,
  4524. D3DFMT_DXT5,
  4525. D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F,
  4526. D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16,
  4527. (D3DFORMAT)-1
  4528. };
  4529. D3DFORMAT g_fboColorTexFormatsGLMT[] = // -1 terminated
  4530. {
  4531. D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,
  4532. //D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4, //unsupported
  4533. D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8,
  4534. D3DFMT_X1R5G5B5,
  4535. //D3DFMT_A1R5G5B5, //unsupported
  4536. D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F,
  4537. D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F,
  4538. D3DFMT_R5G6B5,
  4539. (D3DFORMAT)-1
  4540. };
  4541. D3DFORMAT g_fboDepthTexFormatsGLMT[] = // -1 terminated, but note 0 for "no depth" mode
  4542. {
  4543. (D3DFORMAT)0,
  4544. D3DFMT_D16,
  4545. D3DFMT_D24X8,
  4546. D3DFMT_D24S8,
  4547. (D3DFORMAT)-1
  4548. };
  4549. // #####################################################################################################################
  4550. void GLMTester::Test0( void )
  4551. {
  4552. // make and delete a bunch of textures.
  4553. // lock and unlock them.
  4554. // use various combos of -
  4555. // √texel format
  4556. // √2D | 3D | cube map
  4557. // √mipped / not
  4558. // √POT / NPOT
  4559. // large / small / square / rect
  4560. // square / rect
  4561. GLMContext *ctx = m_params.m_ctx;
  4562. ctx->MakeCurrent();
  4563. CUtlVector< CGLMTex* > testTextures; // will hold all the built textures
  4564. // test stage loop
  4565. // 0 is creation
  4566. // 1 is lock/unlock
  4567. // 2 is deletion
  4568. for( int teststage = 0; teststage < 3; teststage++)
  4569. {
  4570. int innerindex = 0; // increment at stage switch
  4571. // format loop
  4572. for( D3DFORMAT *fmtPtr = g_drawTexFormatsGLMT; *fmtPtr != ((D3DFORMAT)-1); fmtPtr++ )
  4573. {
  4574. // form loop
  4575. GLenum forms[] = { GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, (GLenum)-1 };
  4576. for( GLenum *formPtr = forms; *formPtr != ((GLenum)-1); formPtr++ )
  4577. {
  4578. // mip loop
  4579. for( int mipped = 0; mipped < 2; mipped++ )
  4580. {
  4581. // large / square / pot loop
  4582. // &4 == large &2 == square &1 == POT
  4583. // NOTE you *have to be square* for cube maps.
  4584. for( int aspect = 0; aspect < 8; aspect++ )
  4585. {
  4586. switch( teststage )
  4587. {
  4588. case 0:
  4589. {
  4590. GLMTexLayoutKey key;
  4591. memset( &key, 0, sizeof(key) );
  4592. key.m_texGLTarget = *formPtr;
  4593. key.m_texFormat = *fmtPtr;
  4594. if (mipped)
  4595. key.m_texFlags |= kGLMTexMipped;
  4596. // assume big, square, POT, and 3D, then adjust as needed
  4597. key.m_xSize = key.m_ySize = key.m_zSize = 256;
  4598. if ( !(aspect&4) ) // big or little ?
  4599. {
  4600. // little
  4601. key.m_xSize >>= 2;
  4602. key.m_ySize >>= 2;
  4603. key.m_zSize >>= 2;
  4604. }
  4605. if ( key.m_texGLTarget != GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP )
  4606. {
  4607. if ( !(aspect & 2) ) // square or rect?
  4608. {
  4609. // rect
  4610. key.m_ySize >>= 1;
  4611. key.m_zSize >>= 2;
  4612. }
  4613. }
  4614. if ( !(aspect&1) ) // POT or NPOT?
  4615. {
  4616. // NPOT
  4617. key.m_xSize += 56;
  4618. key.m_ySize += 56;
  4619. key.m_zSize += 56;
  4620. }
  4621. // 2D, 3D, cube map ?
  4622. if (key.m_texGLTarget!=GL_TEXTURE_3D)
  4623. {
  4624. // 2D or cube map: flatten Z extent to one texel
  4625. key.m_zSize = 1;
  4626. }
  4627. else
  4628. {
  4629. // 3D: knock down Z quite a bit so our test case does not run out of RAM
  4630. key.m_zSize >>= 3;
  4631. if (!key.m_zSize)
  4632. {
  4633. key.m_zSize = 1;
  4634. }
  4635. }
  4636. CGLMTex *newtex = ctx->NewTex( &key );
  4637. CheckGLError( "tex create test");
  4638. InternalError( newtex==NULL, "tex create test" );
  4639. testTextures.AddToTail( newtex );
  4640. printf("\n[%5d] created tex %s",innerindex,newtex->m_layout->m_layoutSummary );
  4641. }
  4642. break;
  4643. case 1:
  4644. {
  4645. CGLMTex *ptex = testTextures[innerindex];
  4646. for( int face=0; face <ptex->m_layout->m_faceCount; face++)
  4647. {
  4648. for( int mip=0; mip <ptex->m_layout->m_mipCount; mip++)
  4649. {
  4650. GLMTexLockParams lockreq;
  4651. lockreq.m_tex = ptex;
  4652. lockreq.m_face = face;
  4653. lockreq.m_mip = mip;
  4654. GLMTexLayoutSlice *slice = &ptex->m_layout->m_slices[ ptex->CalcSliceIndex( face, mip ) ];
  4655. lockreq.m_region.xmin = lockreq.m_region.ymin = lockreq.m_region.zmin = 0;
  4656. lockreq.m_region.xmax = slice->m_xSize;
  4657. lockreq.m_region.ymax = slice->m_ySize;
  4658. lockreq.m_region.zmax = slice->m_zSize;
  4659. char *lockAddress;
  4660. int yStride;
  4661. int zStride;
  4662. ptex->Lock( &lockreq, &lockAddress, &yStride, &zStride );
  4663. CheckGLError( "tex lock test");
  4664. InternalError( lockAddress==NULL, "null lock address");
  4665. // write some texels of this flavor:
  4666. // red 75% green 40% blue 15% alpha 80%
  4667. GLMGenTexelParams gtp;
  4668. gtp.m_format = ptex->m_layout->m_format->m_d3dFormat;
  4669. gtp.m_dest = lockAddress;
  4670. gtp.m_chunkCount = (slice->m_xSize * slice->m_ySize * slice->m_zSize) / (ptex->m_layout->m_format->m_chunkSize * ptex->m_layout->m_format->m_chunkSize);
  4671. gtp.m_byteCountLimit = slice->m_storageSize;
  4672. gtp.r = 0.75;
  4673. gtp.g = 0.40;
  4674. gtp.b = 0.15;
  4675. gtp.a = 0.80;
  4676. GLMGenTexels( &gtp );
  4677. InternalError( gtp.m_bytesWritten != gtp.m_byteCountLimit, "byte count mismatch from GLMGenTexels" );
  4678. }
  4679. }
  4680. for( int face=0; face <ptex->m_layout->m_faceCount; face++)
  4681. {
  4682. for( int mip=0; mip <ptex->m_layout->m_mipCount; mip++)
  4683. {
  4684. GLMTexLockParams unlockreq;
  4685. unlockreq.m_tex = ptex;
  4686. unlockreq.m_face = face;
  4687. unlockreq.m_mip = mip;
  4688. // region need not matter for unlocks
  4689. unlockreq.m_region.xmin = unlockreq.m_region.ymin = unlockreq.m_region.zmin = 0;
  4690. unlockreq.m_region.xmax = unlockreq.m_region.ymax = unlockreq.m_region.zmax = 0;
  4691. //char *lockAddress;
  4692. //int yStride;
  4693. //int zStride;
  4694. ptex->Unlock( &unlockreq );
  4695. CheckGLError( "tex unlock test");
  4696. }
  4697. }
  4698. printf("\n[%5d] locked/wrote/unlocked tex %s",innerindex, ptex->m_layout->m_layoutSummary );
  4699. }
  4700. break;
  4701. case 2:
  4702. {
  4703. CGLMTex *dtex = testTextures[innerindex];
  4704. printf("\n[%5d] deleting tex %s",innerindex, dtex->m_layout->m_layoutSummary );
  4705. ctx->DelTex( dtex );
  4706. CheckGLError( "tex delete test");
  4707. }
  4708. break;
  4709. } // end stage switch
  4710. innerindex++;
  4711. } // end aspect loop
  4712. } // end mip loop
  4713. } // end form loop
  4714. } // end format loop
  4715. } // end stage loop
  4716. }
  4717. // #####################################################################################################################
  4718. void GLMTester::Test1( void )
  4719. {
  4720. // FBO exercises
  4721. GLMContext *ctx = m_params.m_ctx;
  4722. ctx->MakeCurrent();
  4723. // FBO color format loop
  4724. for( D3DFORMAT *colorFmtPtr = g_fboColorTexFormatsGLMT; *colorFmtPtr != ((D3DFORMAT)-1); colorFmtPtr++ )
  4725. {
  4726. // FBO depth format loop
  4727. for( D3DFORMAT *depthFmtPtr = g_fboDepthTexFormatsGLMT; *depthFmtPtr != ((D3DFORMAT)-1); depthFmtPtr++ )
  4728. {
  4729. // mip loop
  4730. for( int mipped = 0; mipped < 2; mipped++ )
  4731. {
  4732. GLenum forms[] = { GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, (GLenum)-1 };
  4733. // form loop
  4734. for( GLenum *formPtr = forms; *formPtr != ((GLenum)-1); formPtr++ )
  4735. {
  4736. //=============================================== make an FBO
  4737. CGLMFBO *fbo = ctx->NewFBO();
  4738. //=============================================== make a color texture
  4739. GLMTexLayoutKey colorkey;
  4740. memset( &colorkey, 0, sizeof(colorkey) );
  4741. switch(*formPtr)
  4742. {
  4743. case GL_TEXTURE_2D:
  4744. colorkey.m_texGLTarget = GL_TEXTURE_2D;
  4745. colorkey.m_xSize = 800;
  4746. colorkey.m_ySize = 600;
  4747. colorkey.m_zSize = 1;
  4748. break;
  4749. case GL_TEXTURE_3D:
  4750. colorkey.m_texGLTarget = GL_TEXTURE_3D;
  4751. colorkey.m_xSize = 800;
  4752. colorkey.m_ySize = 600;
  4753. colorkey.m_zSize = 32;
  4754. break;
  4755. case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP:
  4756. colorkey.m_texGLTarget = GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP;
  4757. colorkey.m_xSize = 800;
  4758. colorkey.m_ySize = 800; // heh, cube maps have to have square sides...
  4759. colorkey.m_zSize = 1;
  4760. break;
  4761. }
  4762. colorkey.m_texFormat = *colorFmtPtr;
  4763. colorkey.m_texFlags = kGLMTexRenderable;
  4764. // decide if we want mips
  4765. if (mipped)
  4766. {
  4767. colorkey.m_texFlags |= kGLMTexMipped;
  4768. }
  4769. CGLMTex *colorTex = ctx->NewTex( &colorkey );
  4770. // Note that GLM will notice the renderable flag, and force texels to be written
  4771. // so the FBO will be complete
  4772. //=============================================== attach color
  4773. GLMFBOTexAttachParams colorParams;
  4774. memset( &colorParams, 0, sizeof(colorParams) );
  4775. colorParams.m_tex = colorTex;
  4776. colorParams.m_face = (colorkey.m_texGLTarget == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) ? 2 : 0; // just steer to an alternate face as a test
  4777. colorParams.m_mip = (colorkey.m_texFlags & kGLMTexMipped) ? 2 : 0; // pick non-base mip slice
  4778. colorParams.m_zslice= (colorkey.m_texGLTarget == GL_TEXTURE_3D) ? 3 : 0; // just steer to an alternate slice as a test;
  4779. fbo->TexAttach( &colorParams, kAttColor0 );
  4780. //=============================================== optional depth tex
  4781. CGLMTex *depthTex = NULL;
  4782. if (*depthFmtPtr > 0 )
  4783. {
  4784. GLMTexLayoutKey depthkey;
  4785. memset( &depthkey, 0, sizeof(depthkey) );
  4786. depthkey.m_texGLTarget = GL_TEXTURE_2D;
  4787. depthkey.m_xSize = colorkey.m_xSize >> colorParams.m_mip; // scale depth tex to match color tex
  4788. depthkey.m_ySize = colorkey.m_ySize >> colorParams.m_mip;
  4789. depthkey.m_zSize = 1;
  4790. depthkey.m_texFormat = *depthFmtPtr;
  4791. depthkey.m_texFlags = kGLMTexRenderable | kGLMTexIsDepth; // no mips.
  4792. if (depthkey.m_texFormat==D3DFMT_D24S8)
  4793. {
  4794. depthkey.m_texFlags |= kGLMTexIsStencil;
  4795. }
  4796. depthTex = ctx->NewTex( &depthkey );
  4797. //=============================================== attach depth
  4798. GLMFBOTexAttachParams depthParams;
  4799. memset( &depthParams, 0, sizeof(depthParams) );
  4800. depthParams.m_tex = depthTex;
  4801. depthParams.m_face = 0;
  4802. depthParams.m_mip = 0;
  4803. depthParams.m_zslice= 0;
  4804. EGLMFBOAttachment depthAttachIndex = (depthkey.m_texFlags & kGLMTexIsStencil) ? kAttDepthStencil : kAttDepth;
  4805. fbo->TexAttach( &depthParams, depthAttachIndex );
  4806. }
  4807. printf("\n FBO:\n color tex %s\n depth tex %s",
  4808. colorTex->m_layout->m_layoutSummary,
  4809. depthTex ? depthTex->m_layout->m_layoutSummary : "none"
  4810. );
  4811. // see if FBO is happy
  4812. bool ready = fbo->IsReady();
  4813. printf("\n -> %s\n", ready ? "pass" : "fail" );
  4814. // unbind
  4815. ctx->BindFBOToCtx( NULL, GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT );
  4816. // del FBO
  4817. ctx->DelFBO(fbo);
  4818. // del texes
  4819. ctx->DelTex( colorTex );
  4820. if (depthTex) ctx->DelTex( depthTex );
  4821. } // end form loop
  4822. } // end mip loop
  4823. } // end depth loop
  4824. } // end color loop
  4825. }
  4826. // #####################################################################################################################
  4827. static int selftest2_seed = 0; // inc this every run to force main thread to teardown/reset display view
  4828. void GLMTester::Test2( void )
  4829. {
  4830. GLMContext *ctx = m_params.m_ctx;
  4831. ctx->MakeCurrent();
  4832. StdSetup(); // default test case drawing setup
  4833. // draw stuff (loop...)
  4834. for( int i=0; i<m_params.m_frameCount; i++)
  4835. {
  4836. // ramping shades of blue...
  4837. GLfloat clear_color[4] = { 0.50f, 0.05f, ((float)(i%100)) / 100.0, 1.0f };
  4838. gGL->glClearColor(clear_color[0], clear_color[1], clear_color[2], clear_color[3]);
  4839. CheckGLError("test2 clear color");
  4841. CheckGLError("test2 clearing");
  4842. // try out debug text
  4843. for( int j=0; j<16; j++)
  4844. {
  4845. char text[256];
  4846. sprintf(text, "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog %d times", i );
  4847. float theta = ( (i*0.10f) + (j * 6.28f) ) / 16.0f;
  4848. float posx = cos(theta) * 0.5;
  4849. float posy = sin(theta) * 0.5;
  4850. float charwidth = 6.0 * (2.0 / 1024.0);
  4851. float charheight = 11.0 * (2.0 / 768.0);
  4852. ctx->DrawDebugText( posx, posy, 0.0f, charwidth, charheight, text );
  4853. }
  4854. gGL->glFinish();
  4855. CheckGLError("test2 finish");
  4856. Present( selftest2_seed );
  4857. }
  4858. StdCleanup();
  4859. selftest2_seed++;
  4860. }
  4861. // #####################################################################################################################
  4862. static char g_testVertexProgram01 [] =
  4863. {
  4864. "!!ARBvp1.0 \n"
  4865. "TEMP vertexClip; \n"
  4866. "DP4 vertexClip.x, state.matrix.mvp.row[0], vertex.position; \n"
  4867. "DP4 vertexClip.y, state.matrix.mvp.row[1], vertex.position; \n"
  4868. "DP4 vertexClip.z, state.matrix.mvp.row[2], vertex.position; \n"
  4869. "DP4 vertexClip.w, state.matrix.mvp.row[3], vertex.position; \n"
  4870. "ADD vertexClip.y, vertexClip.x, vertexClip.y; \n"
  4871. "MOV result.position, vertexClip; \n"
  4872. "MOV result.color, vertex.color; \n"
  4873. "MOV result.texcoord[0], vertex.texcoord; \n"
  4874. "END \n"
  4875. };
  4876. static char g_testFragmentProgram01 [] =
  4877. {
  4878. "!!ARBfp1.0 \n"
  4879. "TEMP color; \n"
  4880. "MUL color, fragment.texcoord[0].y, 2.0; \n"
  4881. "ADD color, 1.0, -color; \n"
  4882. "ABS color, color; \n"
  4883. "ADD result.color, 1.0, -color; \n"
  4884. "MOV result.color.a, 1.0; \n"
  4885. "END \n"
  4886. };
  4887. // generic attrib versions..
  4888. static char g_testVertexProgram01_GA [] =
  4889. {
  4890. "!!ARBvp1.0 \n"
  4891. "TEMP vertexClip; \n"
  4892. "DP4 vertexClip.x, state.matrix.mvp.row[0], vertex.attrib[0]; \n"
  4893. "DP4 vertexClip.y, state.matrix.mvp.row[1], vertex.attrib[0]; \n"
  4894. "DP4 vertexClip.z, state.matrix.mvp.row[2], vertex.attrib[0]; \n"
  4895. "DP4 vertexClip.w, state.matrix.mvp.row[3], vertex.attrib[0]; \n"
  4896. "ADD vertexClip.y, vertexClip.x, vertexClip.y; \n"
  4897. "MOV result.position, vertexClip; \n"
  4898. "MOV result.color, vertex.attrib[3]; \n"
  4899. "MOV result.texcoord[0], vertex.attrib[8]; \n"
  4900. "END \n"
  4901. };
  4902. static char g_testFragmentProgram01_GA [] =
  4903. {
  4904. "!!ARBfp1.0 \n"
  4905. "TEMP color; \n"
  4906. "TEX color, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 2D;"
  4907. //"MUL color, fragment.texcoord[0].y, 2.0; \n"
  4908. //"ADD color, 1.0, -color; \n"
  4909. //"ABS color, color; \n"
  4910. //"ADD result.color, 1.0, -color; \n"
  4911. //"MOV result.color.a, 1.0; \n"
  4912. "MOV result.color, color; \n"
  4913. "END \n"
  4914. };
  4915. void GLMTester::Test3( void )
  4916. {
  4917. /**************************
  4918. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX stale test code until we revise the program interface
  4919. GLMContext *ctx = m_params.m_ctx;
  4920. ctx->MakeCurrent();
  4921. StdSetup(); // default test case drawing setup
  4922. // make vertex&pixel shader
  4923. CGLMProgram *vprog = ctx->NewProgram( kGLMVertexProgram, g_testVertexProgram01_GA );
  4924. ctx->BindProgramToCtx( kGLMVertexProgram, vprog );
  4925. CGLMProgram *fprog = ctx->NewProgram( kGLMFragmentProgram, g_testFragmentProgram01_GA );
  4926. ctx->BindProgramToCtx( kGLMFragmentProgram, fprog );
  4927. // draw stuff (loop...)
  4928. for( int i=0; i<m_params.m_frameCount; i++)
  4929. {
  4930. // ramping shades of blue...
  4931. GLfloat clear_color[4] = { 0.50f, 0.05f, ((float)(i%100)) / 100.0, 1.0f };
  4932. glClearColor(clear_color[0], clear_color[1], clear_color[2], clear_color[3]);
  4933. CheckGLError("test3 clear color");
  4935. CheckGLError("test3 clearing");
  4936. // try out debug text
  4937. for( int j=0; j<16; j++)
  4938. {
  4939. char text[256];
  4940. sprintf(text, "This here is running through a trivial vertex shader");
  4941. float theta = ( (i*0.10f) + (j * 6.28f) ) / 16.0f;
  4942. float posx = cos(theta) * 0.5;
  4943. float posy = sin(theta) * 0.5;
  4944. float charwidth = 6.0 * (2.0 / 800.0);
  4945. float charheight = 11.0 * (2.0 / 640.0);
  4946. ctx->DrawDebugText( posx, posy, 0.0f, charwidth, charheight, text );
  4947. }
  4948. glFinish();
  4949. CheckGLError("test3 finish");
  4950. Present( 3333 );
  4951. }
  4952. StdCleanup();
  4953. *****************************/
  4954. }
  4955. #if GLMDEBUG
  4956. void GLMTriggerDebuggerBreak()
  4957. {
  4958. // we call an obscure GL function which we know has been breakpointed in the OGLP function list
  4959. static signed short nada[] = { -1,-1,-1,-1 };
  4960. gGL->glColor4sv( nada );
  4961. }
  4962. #endif