//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include <mxtk/mx.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "EventProperties.h"
#include "mdlviewer.h"
#include "choreoevent.h"
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "SoundEmitterSystem/isoundemittersystembase.h"
#include "AddSoundEntry.h"
#include "SoundLookup.h"
#include "ifaceposersound.h"
#include "MatSysWin.h"
static CEventParams g_Params;
class CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog : public CBaseEventPropertiesDialog { typedef CBaseEventPropertiesDialog BaseClass;
CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog() { m_bShowAll = false; m_szLastFilter[ 0 ] = 0; m_Timer = 0; m_flLastFilterUpdateTime; }
virtual void InitDialog( HWND hwndDlg ); virtual BOOL HandleMessage( HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); virtual void SetTitle(); virtual void ShowControlsForEventType( CEventParams *params ); virtual void InitControlData( CEventParams *params );
void PopulateFilterList( bool resetCurrent ); void OnCheckFilterUpdate();
void AddFilterToHistory( char const *filter );
void OnSoundSelected( CEventParams *params );
void PopulateSoundList( char const *current, HWND wnd ); void PopulateVolumeLevels( HWND control, CEventParams *params );
void FindWaveInSoundEntries( CUtlVector< int >& entryList, char const *search ); void OnCheckChangedVolumeLevel( CEventParams *params );
bool m_bShowAll;
CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol > m_FilterHistory; CUtlSymbolTable m_Symbols;
enum { TIMER_ID = 100, };
UINT m_Timer; char m_szLastFilter[ 256 ]; float m_flLastFilterUpdateTime; };
void CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog::AddFilterToHistory( char const *filter ) { CUtlSymbol sym = m_Symbols.AddString( filter ); // Move it to front of list...
m_FilterHistory.FindAndRemove( sym ); m_FilterHistory.AddToHead( sym );
PopulateFilterList( false );
// Apply filter
PopulateSoundList( g_Params.m_szParameters, GetControl( IDC_SOUNDLIST ) ); }
void CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog::PopulateFilterList( bool resetCurrent ) { HWND control = GetControl( IDC_FILTER );
char oldf[ 256 ]; SendMessage( control, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)sizeof( oldf ), (LPARAM)oldf );
SendMessage( control, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 );
int c = m_FilterHistory.Count(); if ( c == 0 ) return;
for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { char const *str = m_Symbols.String( m_FilterHistory[ i ] ); SendMessage( control, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)str ); }
char const *first = m_Symbols.String( m_FilterHistory[ 0 ] ); if ( resetCurrent && first ) { SendMessage( control, WM_SETTEXT , 0, (LPARAM)first ); SendMessage( control, CB_SETEDITSEL , 0, MAKELPARAM( Q_strlen(first), -1 ) ); } else { SendMessage( control, WM_SETTEXT , 0, (LPARAM)oldf ); SendMessage( control, CB_SETEDITSEL , 0, MAKELPARAM( Q_strlen(oldf), -1 ) ); } }
void CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog::OnCheckFilterUpdate() { char curfilter[ 256 ]; HWND control = GetControl( IDC_FILTER ); SendMessage( control, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)sizeof( curfilter), (LPARAM)curfilter );
if ( Q_stricmp( curfilter, m_szLastFilter ) ) { Q_strncpy( m_szLastFilter, curfilter, sizeof( m_szLastFilter ) );
AddFilterToHistory( m_szLastFilter ); } }
void CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog::SetTitle() { SetDialogTitle( &g_Params, "Speak", "Speak Sound" ); }
void CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog::InitControlData( CEventParams *params ) { BaseClass::InitControlData( params );
m_flLastFilterUpdateTime = (float)mx::getTickCount() / 1000.0f;
m_Timer = SetTimer( m_hDialog, TIMER_ID, 1, 0 );
HWND choices1 = GetControl( IDC_SOUNDLIST ); SendMessage( choices1, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 );
HWND choices2 = GetControl( IDC_EVENTCHOICES2 ); SendMessage( choices2, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 ); SendMessage( choices2, WM_SETTEXT , 0, (LPARAM)params->m_szParameters2 );
HWND attenuate = GetControl( IDC_CAPTION_ATTENUATION ); SendMessage( attenuate, BM_SETCHECK, (WPARAM) params->m_bCloseCaptionNoAttenuate ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0 );
PopulateSoundList( params->m_szParameters, choices1 );
OnSoundSelected( params );
PopulateFilterList( true ); }
void CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog::InitDialog( HWND hwndDlg ) { m_hDialog = hwndDlg;
g_Params.PositionSelf( m_hDialog ); // Set working title for dialog, etc.
// Show/Hide dialog controls
ShowControlsForEventType( &g_Params ); InitControlData( &g_Params );
UpdateTagRadioButtons( &g_Params );
SetFocus( GetControl( IDC_EVENTNAME ) ); }
static CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog g_EventPropertiesSpeakDialog;
void CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog::PopulateVolumeLevels( HWND control, CEventParams *params ) { SendMessage( control, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 );
// Assume uneditable
SendMessage( control, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"VOL_NORM" );
SendMessage( control, WM_SETTEXT , 0, (LPARAM)"VOL_NORM" );
bool enabled = false;
if ( !Q_stristr( params->m_szParameters, ".wav" ) ) { // Look up the sound level from the soundemitter system
int soundindex = soundemitter->GetSoundIndex( params->m_szParameters ); if ( soundindex >= 0 ) { // Look up the sound level from the soundemitter system
CSoundParametersInternal *params = soundemitter->InternalGetParametersForSound( soundindex ); if ( params ) { // Found it
SendMessage( control, WM_SETTEXT , 0, (LPARAM)params->VolumeToString() );
// See if the .txt file is writable
char const *scriptfile = soundemitter->GetSourceFileForSound( soundindex ); if ( scriptfile ) { // See if it's writable
if ( filesystem->FileExists( scriptfile ) && filesystem->IsFileWritable( scriptfile ) ) { enabled = true; } } } } }
EnableWindow( control, enabled ? TRUE : FALSE ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : wnd -
// Output : static void
void CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog::PopulateSoundList( char const *current, HWND wnd ) { extern bool NameLessFunc( const char *const& name1, const char *const& name2 );
CUtlRBTree< char const *, int > m_SortedNames( 0, 0, NameLessFunc );
int c = soundemitter->GetSoundCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { char const *name = soundemitter->GetSoundName( i );
if ( name && name[ 0 ] ) { bool add = true; if ( !m_bShowAll ) { CSoundParameters params; if ( soundemitter->GetParametersForSound( name, params, GENDER_NONE ) ) { if ( params.channel != CHAN_VOICE ) { add = false; } } }
// Apply filter
if ( m_szLastFilter[ 0 ] != 0 ) { if ( !Q_stristr( name, m_szLastFilter ) ) { add = false; } }
if ( add ) { m_SortedNames.Insert( name ); } } }
SendMessage( wnd, WM_SETREDRAW , (WPARAM)FALSE, (LPARAM)0 );
// Remove all
SendMessage( wnd, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 );
int selectslot = 0;
int j = m_SortedNames.FirstInorder(); while ( j != m_SortedNames.InvalidIndex() ) { char const *name = m_SortedNames[ j ]; if ( name && name[ 0 ] ) { int temp = SendMessage( wnd, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)name );
if ( !Q_stricmp( name, current ) ) { selectslot = temp; } }
j = m_SortedNames.NextInorder( j ); }
SendMessage( wnd, LB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)selectslot, 0 );
SendMessage( wnd, WM_SETREDRAW , (WPARAM)TRUE, (LPARAM)0 ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : wnd -
// *params -
// Output : static
void CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog::ShowControlsForEventType( CEventParams *params ) { BaseClass::ShowControlsForEventType( params ); }
void CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog::FindWaveInSoundEntries( CUtlVector< int >& entryList, char const *search ) { int c = soundemitter->GetSoundCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { CSoundParametersInternal *params = soundemitter->InternalGetParametersForSound( i ); if ( !params ) continue;
int waveCount = params->NumSoundNames(); for ( int wave = 0; wave < waveCount; wave++ ) { char const *waveName = soundemitter->GetWaveName( params->GetSoundNames()[ wave ].symbol );
if ( !Q_stricmp( waveName, search ) ) { entryList.AddToTail( i ); break; } } } }
void CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog::OnCheckChangedVolumeLevel( CEventParams *params ) { HWND control = GetControl( IDC_EVENTCHOICES2 ); if ( !IsWindowEnabled( control ) ) { return; }
if ( Q_stristr( params->m_szParameters, ".wav" ) ) { return; }
int soundindex = soundemitter->GetSoundIndex( params->m_szParameters ); if ( soundindex < 0 ) return;
// Look up the sound level from the soundemitter system
CSoundParametersInternal *soundparams = soundemitter->InternalGetParametersForSound( soundindex ); if ( !params ) { return; }
// See if it's writable, if not then bail
char const *scriptfile = soundemitter->GetSourceFileForSound( soundindex ); if ( !scriptfile || !filesystem->FileExists( scriptfile ) || !filesystem->IsFileWritable( scriptfile ) ) { return; }
// Copy the parameters
CSoundParametersInternal newparams; newparams.CopyFrom( *soundparams );
// Get the value from the control
char newvolumelevel[ 256 ]; SendMessage( control, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)sizeof( newvolumelevel ), (LPARAM)newvolumelevel );
newparams.VolumeFromString( newvolumelevel );
// No change
if ( newparams == *soundparams ) { return; }
soundemitter->UpdateSoundParameters( params->m_szParameters , newparams ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : hwndDlg -
// uMsg -
// wParam -
// lParam -
// Output : static BOOL CALLBACK
static BOOL CALLBACK EventPropertiesSpeakDialog( HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return g_EventPropertiesSpeakDialog.HandleMessage( hwndDlg, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); };
void CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog::OnSoundSelected( CEventParams *params ) { PopulateVolumeLevels( GetControl( IDC_EVENTCHOICES2 ), params ); SendMessage( GetControl( IDC_SOUNDNAME ), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)params->m_szParameters );
// Update script name and wavename fields
HWND scriptname = GetControl( IDC_STATIC_SCRIPTFILE ); HWND wavename = GetControl( IDC_STATIC_WAVEFILENAME );
SendMessage( scriptname, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)1, (LPARAM)"" ); SendMessage( wavename, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)1, (LPARAM)"" );
int soundindex = soundemitter->GetSoundIndex( params->m_szParameters ); if ( soundindex >= 0 ) { char const *script = soundemitter->GetSourceFileForSound( soundindex ); if ( script && script [ 0 ] ) { SendMessage( scriptname, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)Q_strlen( script ) + 1, (LPARAM)script ); // Look up the sound level from the soundemitter system
CSoundParametersInternal *params = soundemitter->InternalGetParametersForSound( soundindex ); if ( params ) { // Get wave name
char const *w = soundemitter->GetWaveName( params->GetSoundNames()[ 0 ].symbol ); if ( w && w[ 0 ] ) { SendMessage( wavename, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)Q_strlen( w ) + 1, (LPARAM)w ); } } } } }
BOOL CEventPropertiesSpeakDialog::HandleMessage( HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { m_hDialog = hwndDlg;
bool handled = false; BOOL bret = InternalHandleMessage( &g_Params, hwndDlg, uMsg, wParam, lParam, handled ); if ( handled ) return bret;
switch(uMsg) { case WM_PAINT: { PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc; hdc = BeginPaint(hwndDlg, &ps); DrawSpline( hdc, GetControl( IDC_STATIC_SPLINE ), g_Params.m_pEvent ); EndPaint(hwndDlg, &ps);
return FALSE; } break; case WM_VSCROLL: { RECT rcOut; GetSplineRect( GetControl( IDC_STATIC_SPLINE ), rcOut );
InvalidateRect( hwndDlg, &rcOut, TRUE ); UpdateWindow( hwndDlg ); return FALSE; } break; case WM_INITDIALOG: { InitDialog( hwndDlg ); } return FALSE; case WM_TIMER: { g_pMatSysWindow->Frame();
float curtime = (float)mx::getTickCount() / 1000.0f; if ( curtime - m_flLastFilterUpdateTime > 0.5f ) { m_flLastFilterUpdateTime = curtime; OnCheckFilterUpdate(); } } return FALSE; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: { char sz[ 512 ]; GetDlgItemText( m_hDialog, IDC_SOUNDNAME, sz, sizeof( sz ) );
Q_FixSlashes( sz );
// Strip off game directory stuff
Q_strncpy( g_Params.m_szParameters, sz, sizeof( g_Params.m_szParameters ) ); char *p = Q_strstr( sz, "\\sound\\" ); if ( p ) { Q_strncpy( g_Params.m_szParameters, p + strlen( "\\sound\\" ), sizeof( g_Params.m_szParameters ) ); }
OnCheckChangedVolumeLevel( &g_Params );
GetDlgItemText( m_hDialog, IDC_EVENTNAME, g_Params.m_szName, sizeof( g_Params.m_szName ) );
if ( !g_Params.m_szName[ 0 ] ) { Q_strncpy( g_Params.m_szName, sz, sizeof( g_Params.m_szName ) ); }
char szTime[ 32 ]; GetDlgItemText( m_hDialog, IDC_STARTTIME, szTime, sizeof( szTime ) ); g_Params.m_flStartTime = atof( szTime ); GetDlgItemText( m_hDialog, IDC_ENDTIME, szTime, sizeof( szTime ) ); g_Params.m_flEndTime = atof( szTime );
// Parse tokens from tags
ParseTags( &g_Params );
KillTimer( m_hDialog, m_Timer );
EndDialog( hwndDlg, 1 ); } break; case IDCANCEL: { KillTimer( m_hDialog, m_Timer ); EndDialog( hwndDlg, 0 ); } break; case IDC_CAPTION_ATTENUATION: { HWND control = GetControl( IDC_CAPTION_ATTENUATION ); g_Params.m_bCloseCaptionNoAttenuate = SendMessage( control, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0 ) == BST_CHECKED ? true : false; } break; case IDC_PLAY_SOUND: { // Get sound name from soundemitter
sound->PlaySound( NULL, 1.0f, va( "sound/%s", FacePoser_TranslateSoundName( g_Params.m_szParameters ) ), NULL ); } break; case IDC_OPENSOURCE: { // Look up the sound level from the soundemitter system
int soundindex = soundemitter->GetSoundIndex( g_Params.m_szParameters ); if ( soundindex >= 0 ) { // Look up the sound level from the soundemitter system
CSoundParametersInternal *params = soundemitter->InternalGetParametersForSound( soundindex ); if ( params ) { // See if the .txt file is writable
char const *scriptfile = soundemitter->GetSourceFileForSound( soundindex ); if ( scriptfile ) { char relative_path[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( relative_path, MAX_PATH, "%s", scriptfile );
char full_path[MAX_PATH]; if ( filesystem->GetLocalPath( relative_path, full_path, MAX_PATH ) ) { ShellExecute( NULL, "open", full_path, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); } } } } } break; case IDC_SHOW_ALL_SOUNDS: { m_bShowAll = SendMessage( GetControl( IDC_SHOW_ALL_SOUNDS ), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0 ) == BST_CHECKED ? true : false;
PopulateSoundList( g_Params.m_szParameters, GetControl( IDC_EVENTCHOICES ) ); } break; case IDC_CHECK_ENDTIME: { g_Params.m_bHasEndTime = SendMessage( GetControl( IDC_CHECK_ENDTIME ), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0 ) == BST_CHECKED ? true : false; if ( !g_Params.m_bHasEndTime ) { ShowWindow( GetControl( IDC_ENDTIME ), SW_HIDE ); } else { ShowWindow( GetControl( IDC_ENDTIME ), SW_RESTORE ); } } break; case IDC_CHECK_RESUMECONDITION: { g_Params.m_bResumeCondition = SendMessage( GetControl( IDC_CHECK_RESUMECONDITION ), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0 ) == BST_CHECKED ? true : false; } break; case IDC_SOUNDLIST: { HWND control = (HWND)lParam; if ( control ) { int cursel = SendMessage( control, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); if ( cursel != LB_ERR ) { SendMessage( control, LB_GETTEXT, cursel, (LPARAM)g_Params.m_szParameters ); OnSoundSelected( &g_Params );
if ( HIWORD( wParam ) == LBN_DBLCLK ) { // Get sound name from soundemitter
sound->PlaySound( NULL, 1.0f, va( "sound/%s", FacePoser_TranslateSoundName( g_Params.m_szParameters ) ), NULL ); } } } } break; case IDC_EVENTCHOICES2: { HWND control = (HWND)lParam; if ( control ) { SendMessage( control, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)sizeof( g_Params.m_szParameters2 ), (LPARAM)g_Params.m_szParameters2 ); } } break; case IDC_ABSOLUTESTART: { g_Params.m_bUsesTag = false; UpdateTagRadioButtons( &g_Params ); } break; case IDC_RELATIVESTART: { g_Params.m_bUsesTag = true; UpdateTagRadioButtons( &g_Params ); } break; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *view -
// *actor -
// Output : int
int EventProperties_Speak( CEventParams *params ) { g_Params = *params;
int retval = DialogBox( (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle( 0 ), MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_EVENTPROPERTIES_SPEAK ), (HWND)g_MDLViewer->getHandle(), (DLGPROC)EventPropertiesSpeakDialog );
*params = g_Params;
return retval; }