//========= Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "vbsp.h"
#include "map_shared.h"
#include "disp_vbsp.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "builddisp.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "keyvalues.h"
#include "materialsub.h"
#include "fgdlib/fgdlib.h"
#include "manifest.h"
#include "utlbuffer.h"
#include "vmfentitysupport.h"
#include "vmfmeshdatasupport.h"
#include "UtlStringMap.h"
#include "instancing_helper.h"
#include "map.h"
#ifdef VSVMFIO
#include "VmfImport.h"
#endif // VSVMFIO
// Implementation of map data files mgr
class CMapDataFilesMgr : public IMapDataFilesMgr { public: ~CMapDataFilesMgr() { Cleanup(); }
public: void Cleanup();
public: void RegisterFile( char const *szFileName, CUtlBuffer &bufData ); bool ReadRegisteredFile( char const *szFileName, CUtlBuffer &bufRead ); void AddAllRegisteredFilesToPak();
protected: typedef CUtlStringMap< CUtlBuffer * > FileMap; FileMap m_map; };
IMapDataFilesMgr *GetMapDataFilesMgr() { static CMapDataFilesMgr s_mgr; return &s_mgr; }
void CMapDataFilesMgr::Cleanup() { m_map.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); }
void CMapDataFilesMgr::RegisterFile( const char *szFileName, CUtlBuffer &bufData ) { UtlSymId_t fid = m_map.Find( szFileName ); if ( fid != m_map.InvalidIndex() ) { delete m_map[ fid ]; }
CUtlBuffer *pDataCopy = new CUtlBuffer; pDataCopy->Put( bufData.Base(), bufData.TellPut() );
m_map[ szFileName ] = pDataCopy; }
bool CMapDataFilesMgr::ReadRegisteredFile( char const *szFileName, CUtlBuffer &bufRead ) { UtlSymId_t fid = m_map.Find( szFileName ); if ( fid == m_map.InvalidIndex() ) return false;
CUtlBuffer *pBufFile = m_map[ fid ]; bufRead.Put( pBufFile->Base(), pBufFile->TellPut() ); return true; }
void CMapDataFilesMgr::AddAllRegisteredFilesToPak() { for ( int k = 0; k < m_map.GetNumStrings(); ++ k ) { char const *szFileName = m_map.String( k ); CUtlBuffer *pBuffer = m_map[k];
AddBufferToPak( GetPakFile(), szFileName, pBuffer->Base(), pBuffer->TellPut(), false ); } }
// undefine to make plane finding use linear sort
#define BRUSH_CLIP_EPSILON 0.01f // this should probably be the same
// as clip epsilon, but it is 0.1f and I
// currently don't know how that number was
// come to (cab) - this is 0.01 of an inch
// for clipping brush solids
struct LoadSide_t { entity_t *pEntity; mapbrush_t *pBrush; side_t *pSide; int nSideIndex; int nBaseFlags; int nBaseContents; Vector planepts[3]; brush_texture_t td; };
extern qboolean onlyents;
CUtlVector< CMapFile * > g_Maps; CMapFile *g_MainMap = NULL; CMapFile *g_LoadingMap = NULL;
char CMapFile::m_InstancePath[ MAX_PATH ] = ""; int CMapFile::m_InstanceCount = 0; int CMapFile::c_areaportals = 0;
void CMapFile::Init( void ) { entity_num = 0; num_entities = 0;
nummapplanes = 0; memset( mapplanes, 0, sizeof( mapplanes ) );
nummapbrushes = 0; memset( mapbrushes, 0, sizeof( mapbrushes ) );
nummapbrushsides = 0; memset( brushsides, 0, sizeof( brushsides ) );
memset( side_brushtextures, 0, sizeof( side_brushtextures ) );
memset( planehash, 0, sizeof( planehash ) );
m_ConnectionPairs = NULL;
m_StartMapOverlays = g_aMapOverlays.Count(); m_StartMapWaterOverlays = g_aMapWaterOverlays.Count();
c_boxbevels = 0; c_edgebevels = 0; c_clipbrushes = 0; g_ClipTexinfo = -1; }
// All the brush sides referenced by info_no_dynamic_shadow entities.
CUtlVector<int> g_NoDynamicShadowSides;
void TestExpandBrushes (void);
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispDistancesCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispDistancesKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispInfoCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t **ppMapDispInfo ); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispInfoKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispNormalsCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispNormalsKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispOffsetsCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispOffsetsKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispAlphasCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispAlphasKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispTriangleTagsCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispTriangleTagsKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispMultiBlendCallback( CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo ); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispMultiBlendKeyCallback( const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo ); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispAlphaBlendCallback( CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo ); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispAlphaBlendKeyCallback( const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo ); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispMultiBlendColorCallback0(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispMultiBlendColorCallback1(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispMultiBlendColorCallback2(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispMultiBlendColorCallback3(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispMultiBlendColorKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo);
#ifdef VSVMFIO
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispOffsetNormalsCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispOffsetNormalsKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo); #endif // VSVMFIO
ChunkFileResult_t LoadEntityCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, int nParam); ChunkFileResult_t LoadEntityKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, LoadEntity_t *pLoadEntity);
ChunkFileResult_t LoadConnectionsCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, LoadEntity_t *pLoadEntity); ChunkFileResult_t LoadConnectionsKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, LoadEntity_t *pLoadEntity);
ChunkFileResult_t LoadSolidCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, LoadEntity_t *pLoadEntity); ChunkFileResult_t LoadSolidKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapbrush_t *pLoadBrush);
ChunkFileResult_t LoadSideCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, LoadSide_t *pSideInfo); ChunkFileResult_t LoadSideKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, LoadSide_t *pSideInfo);
============================================================================= */
================= PlaneTypeForNormal ================= */ int PlaneTypeForNormal (Vector& normal) { vec_t ax, ay, az; // NOTE: should these have an epsilon around 1.0?
if (normal[0] == 1.0 || normal[0] == -1.0) return PLANE_X; if (normal[1] == 1.0 || normal[1] == -1.0) return PLANE_Y; if (normal[2] == 1.0 || normal[2] == -1.0) return PLANE_Z; ax = fabs(normal[0]); ay = fabs(normal[1]); az = fabs(normal[2]); if (ax >= ay && ax >= az) return PLANE_ANYX; if (ay >= ax && ay >= az) return PLANE_ANYY; return PLANE_ANYZ; }
================ PlaneEqual ================ */ qboolean PlaneEqual (plane_t *p, Vector& normal, vec_t dist, float normalEpsilon, float distEpsilon) { #if 1
if ( fabs(p->normal[0] - normal[0]) < normalEpsilon && fabs(p->normal[1] - normal[1]) < normalEpsilon && fabs(p->normal[2] - normal[2]) < normalEpsilon && fabs(p->dist - dist) < distEpsilon ) return true; #else
if (p->normal[0] == normal[0] && p->normal[1] == normal[1] && p->normal[2] == normal[2] && p->dist == dist) return true; #endif
return false; }
================ AddPlaneToHash ================ */ void CMapFile::AddPlaneToHash (plane_t *p) { int hash;
hash = (int)fabs(p->dist) / 8; hash &= (PLANE_HASHES-1);
p->hash_chain = planehash[hash]; planehash[hash] = p; }
================ CreateNewFloatPlane ================ */ int CMapFile::CreateNewFloatPlane (Vector& normal, vec_t dist) { plane_t *p, temp;
if (VectorLength(normal) < 0.5) g_MapError.ReportError ("FloatPlane: bad normal"); // create a new plane
if (nummapplanes+2 > MAX_MAP_PLANES) g_MapError.ReportError ("MAX_MAP_PLANES");
p = &mapplanes[nummapplanes]; VectorCopy (normal, p->normal); p->dist = dist; p->type = (p+1)->type = PlaneTypeForNormal (p->normal);
VectorSubtract (vec3_origin, normal, (p+1)->normal); (p+1)->dist = -dist;
nummapplanes += 2;
// allways put axial planes facing positive first
if (p->type < 3) { if (p->normal[0] < 0 || p->normal[1] < 0 || p->normal[2] < 0) { // flip order
temp = *p; *p = *(p+1); *(p+1) = temp;
AddPlaneToHash (p); AddPlaneToHash (p+1); return nummapplanes - 1; } }
AddPlaneToHash (p); AddPlaneToHash (p+1); return nummapplanes - 2; }
============== SnapVector ============== */ bool SnapVector (Vector& normal) { int i;
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { if ( fabs(normal[i] - 1) < RENDER_NORMAL_EPSILON ) { VectorClear (normal); normal[i] = 1; return true; }
if ( fabs(normal[i] - -1) < RENDER_NORMAL_EPSILON ) { VectorClear (normal); normal[i] = -1; return true; } }
return false; }
// Purpose: Snaps normal to axis-aligned if it is within an epsilon of axial.
// Rounds dist to integer if it is within an epsilon of integer.
// Input : normal - Plane normal vector (assumed to be unit length).
// dist - Plane constant.
void SnapPlane(Vector &normal, vec_t &dist) { SnapVector(normal);
if (fabs(dist - RoundInt(dist)) < RENDER_DIST_EPSILON) { dist = RoundInt(dist); } }
// Purpose: Snaps normal to axis-aligned if it is within an epsilon of axial.
// Recalculates dist if the normal was snapped. Rounds dist to integer
// if it is within an epsilon of integer.
// Input : normal - Plane normal vector (assumed to be unit length).
// dist - Plane constant.
// p0, p1, p2 - Three points on the plane.
void SnapPlane(Vector &normal, vec_t &dist, const Vector &p0, const Vector &p1, const Vector &p2) { if (SnapVector(normal)) { //
// Calculate a new plane constant using the snapped normal. Use the
// centroid of the three plane points to minimize error. This is like
// rotating the plane around the centroid.
Vector p3 = (p0 + p1 + p2) / 3.0f; dist = normal.Dot(p3); if ( g_snapAxialPlanes ) { dist = RoundInt(dist); } }
if (fabs(dist - RoundInt(dist)) < RENDER_DIST_EPSILON) { dist = RoundInt(dist); } }
============= FindFloatPlane
============= */ #ifndef USE_HASHING
int CMapFile::FindFloatPlane (Vector& normal, vec_t dist) { int i; plane_t *p;
SnapPlane(normal, dist); for (i=0, p=mapplanes ; i<nummapplanes ; i++, p++) { if (PlaneEqual (p, normal, dist, RENDER_NORMAL_EPSILON, RENDER_DIST_EPSILON)) return i; }
return CreateNewFloatPlane (normal, dist); } #else
int CMapFile::FindFloatPlane (Vector& normal, vec_t dist) { int i; plane_t *p; int hash, h;
SnapPlane(normal, dist); hash = (int)fabs(dist) / 8; hash &= (PLANE_HASHES-1);
// search the border bins as well
for (i=-1 ; i<=1 ; i++) { h = (hash+i)&(PLANE_HASHES-1); for (p = planehash[h] ; p ; p=p->hash_chain) { if (PlaneEqual (p, normal, dist, RENDER_NORMAL_EPSILON, RENDER_DIST_EPSILON)) return p-mapplanes; } }
return CreateNewFloatPlane (normal, dist); } #endif
// Purpose: Builds a plane normal and distance from three points on the plane.
// If the normal is nearly axial, it will be snapped to be axial. Looks
// up the plane in the unique planes.
// Input : p0, p1, p2 - Three points on the plane.
// Output : Returns the index of the plane in the planes list.
int CMapFile::PlaneFromPoints(const Vector &p0, const Vector &p1, const Vector &p2) { Vector t1, t2, normal; vec_t dist; VectorSubtract (p0, p1, t1); VectorSubtract (p2, p1, t2); CrossProduct (t1, t2, normal); VectorNormalize (normal);
dist = DotProduct (p0, normal);
SnapPlane(normal, dist, p0, p1, p2);
return FindFloatPlane (normal, dist); }
=========== BrushContents =========== */ int BrushContents (mapbrush_t *b) { int contents; int unionContents = 0; side_t *s; int i;
s = &b->original_sides[0]; contents = s->contents; unionContents = contents; for (i=1 ; i<b->numsides ; i++, s++) { s = &b->original_sides[i];
unionContents |= s->contents; #if 0
if (s->contents != contents) { Msg("Brush %i: mixed face contents\n", b->id); break; } #endif
// NOTE: we're making slime translucent so that it doesn't block lighting on things floating on its surface
int transparentContents = unionContents & (CONTENTS_WINDOW|CONTENTS_GRATE|CONTENTS_WATER|CONTENTS_SLIME); if ( transparentContents ) { contents |= transparentContents | CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT; contents &= ~CONTENTS_SOLID; }
if ( unionContents & CONTENTS_LADDER ) { contents |= CONTENTS_LADDER; // now add CONTENTS_LADDER, so it won't slam it into each side
return contents; }
bool IsAreaPortal( char const *pClassName ) { // If the class name starts with "func_areaportal", then it's considered an area portal.
char const *pBaseName = "func_areaportal"; char const *pCur = pBaseName; while( *pCur && *pClassName ) { if( *pCur != *pClassName ) break;
++pCur; ++pClassName; }
return *pCur == 0; }
================= AddBrushBevels
Adds any additional planes necessary to allow the brush to be expanded against axial bounding boxes ================= */ void CMapFile::AddBrushBevels (mapbrush_t *b) { int axis, dir; int i, j, k, l, order; side_t sidetemp; brush_texture_t tdtemp; side_t *s, *s2; Vector normal; float dist; winding_t *w, *w2; Vector vec, vec2; float d;
// add the axial planes
order = 0; for (axis=0 ; axis <3 ; axis++) { for (dir=-1 ; dir <= 1 ; dir+=2, order++) { // see if the plane is allready present
for (i=0, s=b->original_sides ; i<b->numsides ; i++,s++) { if (mapplanes[s->planenum].normal[axis] == dir) break; }
if (i == b->numsides) { // add a new side
if (nummapbrushsides == MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES) g_MapError.ReportError ("MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES"); nummapbrushsides++; b->numsides++; VectorClear (normal); normal[axis] = dir; if (dir == 1) dist = b->maxs[axis]; else dist = -b->mins[axis]; s->planenum = FindFloatPlane (normal, dist); s->texinfo = b->original_sides[0].texinfo; s->contents = b->original_sides[0].contents; s->bevel = true; c_boxbevels++; }
// if the plane is not in it canonical order, swap it
if (i != order) { sidetemp = b->original_sides[order]; b->original_sides[order] = b->original_sides[i]; b->original_sides[i] = sidetemp;
j = b->original_sides - brushsides; tdtemp = side_brushtextures[j+order]; side_brushtextures[j+order] = side_brushtextures[j+i]; side_brushtextures[j+i] = tdtemp; } } }
// add the edge bevels
if (b->numsides == 6) return; // pure axial
// test the non-axial plane edges
for (i=6 ; i<b->numsides ; i++) { s = b->original_sides + i; w = s->winding; if (!w) continue; for (j=0 ; j<w->numpoints ; j++) { k = (j+1)%w->numpoints; VectorSubtract (w->p[j], w->p[k], vec); if (VectorNormalize (vec) < 0.5) continue; SnapVector (vec); for (k=0 ; k<3 ; k++) if ( vec[k] == -1 || vec[k] == 1) break; // axial
if (k != 3) continue; // only test non-axial edges
// try the six possible slanted axials from this edge
for (axis=0 ; axis <3 ; axis++) { for (dir=-1 ; dir <= 1 ; dir+=2) { // construct a plane
VectorClear (vec2); vec2[axis] = dir; CrossProduct (vec, vec2, normal); if (VectorNormalize (normal) < 0.5) continue; dist = DotProduct (w->p[j], normal);
// if all the points on all the sides are
// behind this plane, it is a proper edge bevel
for (k=0 ; k<b->numsides ; k++) { // if this plane has allready been used, skip it
// NOTE: Use a larger tolerance for collision planes than for rendering planes
if ( PlaneEqual(&mapplanes[b->original_sides[k].planenum], normal, dist, 0.01f, 0.01f ) ) break;
w2 = b->original_sides[k].winding; if (!w2) continue; for (l=0 ; l<w2->numpoints ; l++) { d = DotProduct (w2->p[l], normal) - dist; if (d > 0.1) break; // point in front
} if (l != w2->numpoints) break; }
if (k != b->numsides) continue; // wasn't part of the outer hull
// add this plane
if (nummapbrushsides == MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES) g_MapError.ReportError ("MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES"); nummapbrushsides++; s2 = &b->original_sides[b->numsides]; s2->planenum = FindFloatPlane (normal, dist); s2->texinfo = b->original_sides[0].texinfo; s2->contents = b->original_sides[0].contents; s2->bevel = true; c_edgebevels++; b->numsides++; } } } } }
================== SetBrushSideThickness
Sets whether the side is thin, based on the edges of the winding ================== */ void SetBrushSideThickness( side_t* side ) { const int numPoints = side->winding->numpoints; const Vector* points = side->winding->p; const float STEP_HEIGHT_SQ = 16.0f * 16.0f; side->thin = 0;
// If any edge of the brush side polygon is shorter than step height, the side is thin.
for( int i = 1; i < numPoints && side->thin == 0; ++i ) { side->thin |= (points[i] - points[i - 1]).LengthSqr() - STEP_HEIGHT_SQ < EQUAL_EPSILON ? 1 : 0; }
side->thin |= (points[0] - points[numPoints - 1]).LengthSqr() - STEP_HEIGHT_SQ < EQUAL_EPSILON ? 1 : 0; }
================ MakeBrushWindings
makes basewindigs for sides and mins / maxs for the brush ================ */ qboolean CMapFile::MakeBrushWindings (mapbrush_t *ob) { int i, j; winding_t *w; side_t *side; plane_t *plane;
ClearBounds (ob->mins, ob->maxs);
for (i=0 ; i<ob->numsides ; i++) { plane = &mapplanes[ob->original_sides[i].planenum]; w = BaseWindingForPlane (plane->normal, plane->dist); for (j=0 ; j<ob->numsides && w; j++) { if (i == j) continue; if (ob->original_sides[j].bevel) continue; plane = &mapplanes[ob->original_sides[j].planenum^1]; // ChopWindingInPlace (&w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0); //CLIP_EPSILON);
// adding an epsilon here, due to precision issues creating complex
// displacement surfaces (cab)
ChopWindingInPlace( &w, plane->normal, plane->dist, BRUSH_CLIP_EPSILON ); }
side = &ob->original_sides[i]; side->winding = w; if (w) { side->visible = true; for (j=0 ; j<w->numpoints ; j++) AddPointToBounds (w->p[j], ob->mins, ob->maxs); SetBrushSideThickness( side ); } }
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { if (ob->mins[i] < MIN_COORD_INTEGER || ob->maxs[i] > MAX_COORD_INTEGER) Msg("Brush %i: bounds out of range\n", ob->id); if (ob->mins[i] > MAX_COORD_INTEGER || ob->maxs[i] < MIN_COORD_INTEGER) Msg("Brush %i: no visible sides on brush\n", ob->id); }
return true; }
// Purpose: Takes all of the brushes from the current entity and adds them to the
// world's brush list. Used by func_detail and func_areaportal.
// Input : mapent - Entity whose brushes are to be moved to the world.
void CMapFile::MoveBrushesToWorld( entity_t *mapent ) { int newbrushes; int worldbrushes; mapbrush_t *temp; int i;
// this is pretty gross, because the brushes are expected to be
// in linear order for each entity
newbrushes = mapent->numbrushes; worldbrushes = entities[0].numbrushes;
temp = (mapbrush_t *)malloc(newbrushes*sizeof(mapbrush_t)); memcpy (temp, mapbrushes + mapent->firstbrush, newbrushes*sizeof(mapbrush_t));
#if 0 // let them keep their original brush numbers
for (i=0 ; i<newbrushes ; i++) temp[i].entitynum = 0; #endif
// make space to move the brushes (overlapped copy)
memmove (mapbrushes + worldbrushes + newbrushes, mapbrushes + worldbrushes, sizeof(mapbrush_t) * (nummapbrushes - worldbrushes - newbrushes) );
// copy the new brushes down
memcpy (mapbrushes + worldbrushes, temp, sizeof(mapbrush_t) * newbrushes);
// fix up indexes
entities[0].numbrushes += newbrushes; for (i=1 ; i<num_entities ; i++) entities[i].firstbrush += newbrushes; free (temp);
mapent->numbrushes = 0; }
// Purpose: Takes all of the brushes from the current entity and adds them to the
// world's brush list. Used by func_detail and func_areaportal.
// Input : mapent - Entity whose brushes are to be moved to the world.
void CMapFile::MoveBrushesToWorldGeneral( entity_t *mapent ) { int newbrushes; int worldbrushes; mapbrush_t *temp; int i;
for( i = 0; i < nummapdispinfo; i++ ) { if ( mapdispinfo[ i ].entitynum == ( mapent - entities ) ) { mapdispinfo[ i ].entitynum = 0; } }
// this is pretty gross, because the brushes are expected to be
// in linear order for each entity
newbrushes = mapent->numbrushes; worldbrushes = entities[0].numbrushes;
temp = (mapbrush_t *)malloc(newbrushes*sizeof(mapbrush_t)); memcpy (temp, mapbrushes + mapent->firstbrush, newbrushes*sizeof(mapbrush_t));
#if 0 // let them keep their original brush numbers
for (i=0 ; i<newbrushes ; i++) temp[i].entitynum = 0; #endif
// make space to move the brushes (overlapped copy)
memmove (mapbrushes + worldbrushes + newbrushes, mapbrushes + worldbrushes, sizeof(mapbrush_t) * (mapent->firstbrush - worldbrushes) );
// wwwxxxmmyyy
// copy the new brushes down
memcpy (mapbrushes + worldbrushes, temp, sizeof(mapbrush_t) * newbrushes);
// fix up indexes
entities[0].numbrushes += newbrushes; for (i=1 ; i<num_entities ; i++) { if ( entities[ i ].firstbrush < mapent->firstbrush ) // if we use <=, then we'll remap the passed in ent, which we don't want to
{ entities[ i ].firstbrush += newbrushes; } } free (temp);
mapent->numbrushes = 0; }
// Purpose: Iterates the sides of brush and removed CONTENTS_DETAIL from each side
// Input : *brush -
void RemoveContentsDetailFromBrush( mapbrush_t *brush ) { // Only valid on non-world brushes
Assert( brush->entitynum != 0 );
side_t *s; int i;
s = &brush->original_sides[0]; for ( i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++, s++ ) { if ( s->contents & CONTENTS_DETAIL ) { s->contents &= ~CONTENTS_DETAIL; } }
// Purpose: Iterates all brushes in an entity and removes CONTENTS_DETAIL from all brushes
// Input : *mapent -
void CMapFile::RemoveContentsDetailFromEntity( entity_t *mapent ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < mapent->numbrushes; i++ ) { int brushnum = mapent->firstbrush + i;
mapbrush_t *brush = &mapbrushes[ brushnum ]; RemoveContentsDetailFromBrush( brush ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pFile -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispDistancesCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { return(pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadDispDistancesKeyCallback, pMapDispInfo)); }
// Purpose:
// Input : szKey -
// szValue -
// pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispDistancesKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { if (!strnicmp(szKey, "row", 3)) { char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; strcpy(szBuf, szValue);
int nCols = (1 << pMapDispInfo->power) + 1; int nRow = atoi(&szKey[3]);
char *pszNext = strtok(szBuf, " "); int nIndex = nRow * nCols;
while (pszNext != NULL) { pMapDispInfo->dispDists[nIndex] = (float)atof(pszNext); pszNext = strtok(NULL, " "); nIndex++; } }
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
// Purpose: load in the displacement info "chunk" from the .map file into the
// vbsp map displacement info data structure
// Output : return the index of the map displacement info
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispInfoCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t **ppMapDispInfo ) { //
// check to see if we exceeded the maximum displacement info list size
if (nummapdispinfo > MAX_MAP_DISPINFO) { g_MapError.ReportError( "ParseDispInfoChunk: nummapdispinfo > MAX_MAP_DISPINFO" ); }
// get a pointer to the next available displacement info slot
mapdispinfo.AddToTail(); mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo = &mapdispinfo.Tail(); V_memset( pMapDispInfo, 0, sizeof( *pMapDispInfo ) ); nummapdispinfo++;
pMapDispInfo->flags = 0;
// Set up handlers for the subchunks that we are interested in.
CChunkHandlerMap Handlers; Handlers.AddHandler("normals", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadDispNormalsCallback, pMapDispInfo); Handlers.AddHandler("distances", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadDispDistancesCallback, pMapDispInfo); Handlers.AddHandler("offsets", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadDispOffsetsCallback, pMapDispInfo); Handlers.AddHandler("alphas", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadDispAlphasCallback, pMapDispInfo); Handlers.AddHandler("triangle_tags", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadDispTriangleTagsCallback, pMapDispInfo); Handlers.AddHandler("multiblend", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadDispMultiBlendCallback, pMapDispInfo ); Handlers.AddHandler("alphablend", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadDispAlphaBlendCallback, pMapDispInfo );
Assert( MAX_MULTIBLEND_CHANNELS == 4 ); Handlers.AddHandler("multiblend_color_0", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadDispMultiBlendColorCallback0, pMapDispInfo ); Handlers.AddHandler("multiblend_color_1", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadDispMultiBlendColorCallback1, pMapDispInfo ); Handlers.AddHandler("multiblend_color_2", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadDispMultiBlendColorCallback2, pMapDispInfo ); Handlers.AddHandler("multiblend_color_3", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadDispMultiBlendColorCallback3, pMapDispInfo );
#ifdef VSVMFIO
Handlers.AddHandler("offset_normals", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadDispOffsetNormalsCallback, pMapDispInfo); #endif // VSVMFIO
// Read the displacement chunk.
pFile->PushHandlers(&Handlers); ChunkFileResult_t eResult = pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadDispInfoKeyCallback, pMapDispInfo); pFile->PopHandlers();
if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { // return a pointer to the displacement info
*ppMapDispInfo = pMapDispInfo; }
return(eResult); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *szKey -
// *szValue -
// *mapent -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispInfoKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { if (!stricmp(szKey, "power")) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueInt(szValue, pMapDispInfo->power); } #ifdef VSVMFIO
else if (!stricmp(szKey, "elevation")) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueFloat(szValue, pMapDispInfo->m_elevation); } #endif // VSVMFIO
else if (!stricmp(szKey, "uaxis")) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector3(szValue, pMapDispInfo->uAxis); } else if (!stricmp(szKey, "vaxis")) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector3(szValue, pMapDispInfo->vAxis); } else if( !stricmp( szKey, "startposition" ) ) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector3( szValue, pMapDispInfo->startPosition ); } else if( !stricmp( szKey, "flags" ) ) { int nFlags;
CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueInt( szValue, nFlags ); pMapDispInfo->flags |= nFlags; } #if 0 // old data
else if (!stricmp( szKey, "alpha" ) ) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector4( szValue, pMapDispInfo->alphaValues ); } #endif
else if (!stricmp(szKey, "mintess")) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueInt(szValue, pMapDispInfo->minTess); } else if (!stricmp(szKey, "smooth")) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueFloat(szValue, pMapDispInfo->smoothingAngle); }
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pFile -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispNormalsCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { return(pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadDispNormalsKeyCallback, pMapDispInfo)); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *szKey -
// *szValue -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispNormalsKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { if (!strnicmp(szKey, "row", 3)) { char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; strcpy(szBuf, szValue);
int nCols = (1 << pMapDispInfo->power) + 1; int nRow = atoi(&szKey[3]);
char *pszNext0 = strtok(szBuf, " "); char *pszNext1 = strtok(NULL, " "); char *pszNext2 = strtok(NULL, " ");
int nIndex = nRow * nCols;
while ((pszNext0 != NULL) && (pszNext1 != NULL) && (pszNext2 != NULL)) { pMapDispInfo->vectorDisps[nIndex][0] = (float)atof(pszNext0); pMapDispInfo->vectorDisps[nIndex][1] = (float)atof(pszNext1); pMapDispInfo->vectorDisps[nIndex][2] = (float)atof(pszNext2);
pszNext0 = strtok(NULL, " "); pszNext1 = strtok(NULL, " "); pszNext2 = strtok(NULL, " ");
nIndex++; } }
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *szKey -
// *szValue -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispOffsetsCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { return(pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadDispOffsetsKeyCallback, pMapDispInfo)); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *szKey -
// *szValue -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispOffsetsKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { if (!strnicmp(szKey, "row", 3)) { char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; strcpy(szBuf, szValue);
int nCols = (1 << pMapDispInfo->power) + 1; int nRow = atoi(&szKey[3]);
char *pszNext0 = strtok(szBuf, " "); char *pszNext1 = strtok(NULL, " "); char *pszNext2 = strtok(NULL, " ");
int nIndex = nRow * nCols;
while ((pszNext0 != NULL) && (pszNext1 != NULL) && (pszNext2 != NULL)) { pMapDispInfo->vectorOffsets[nIndex][0] = (float)atof(pszNext0); pMapDispInfo->vectorOffsets[nIndex][1] = (float)atof(pszNext1); pMapDispInfo->vectorOffsets[nIndex][2] = (float)atof(pszNext2);
pszNext0 = strtok(NULL, " "); pszNext1 = strtok(NULL, " "); pszNext2 = strtok(NULL, " ");
nIndex++; } }
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
#ifdef VSVMFIO
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispOffsetNormalsCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { return(pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadDispOffsetNormalsKeyCallback, pMapDispInfo)); }
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispOffsetNormalsKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { if (!strnicmp(szKey, "row", 3)) { char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; strcpy(szBuf, szValue);
int nCols = (1 << pMapDispInfo->power) + 1; int nRow = atoi(&szKey[3]);
char *pszNext0 = strtok(szBuf, " "); char *pszNext1 = strtok(NULL, " "); char *pszNext2 = strtok(NULL, " ");
int nIndex = nRow * nCols;
while ((pszNext0 != NULL) && (pszNext1 != NULL) && (pszNext2 != NULL)) { pMapDispInfo->m_offsetNormals[nIndex][0] = (float)atof(pszNext0); pMapDispInfo->m_offsetNormals[nIndex][1] = (float)atof(pszNext1); pMapDispInfo->m_offsetNormals[nIndex][2] = (float)atof(pszNext2);
pszNext0 = strtok(NULL, " "); pszNext1 = strtok(NULL, " "); pszNext2 = strtok(NULL, " ");
nIndex++; } }
return(ChunkFile_Ok); } #endif // VSVMFIO
// Purpose:
// Input : *szKey -
// *szValue -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispAlphasCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { return(pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadDispAlphasKeyCallback, pMapDispInfo)); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *szKey -
// *szValue -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispAlphasKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { if (!strnicmp(szKey, "row", 3)) { char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; strcpy(szBuf, szValue);
int nCols = (1 << pMapDispInfo->power) + 1; int nRow = atoi(&szKey[3]);
char *pszNext0 = strtok(szBuf, " ");
int nIndex = nRow * nCols;
while (pszNext0 != NULL) { pMapDispInfo->alphaValues[nIndex] = (float)atof(pszNext0); pszNext0 = strtok(NULL, " "); nIndex++; } }
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispTriangleTagsCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { return(pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadDispTriangleTagsKeyCallback, pMapDispInfo)); }
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispTriangleTagsKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { if ( !strnicmp( szKey, "row", 3 ) ) { char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; strcpy( szBuf, szValue );
int nCols = ( 1 << pMapDispInfo->power ); int nRow = atoi( &szKey[3] );
char *pszNext = strtok( szBuf, " " );
int nIndex = nRow * nCols; int iTri = nIndex * 2;
while ( pszNext != NULL ) { // Collapse the tags here!
unsigned short nTriTags = ( unsigned short )atoi( pszNext );
// Walkable
bool bWalkable = ( ( nTriTags & COREDISPTRI_TAG_WALKABLE ) != 0 ); if ( ( ( nTriTags & COREDISPTRI_TAG_FORCE_WALKABLE_BIT ) != 0 ) ) { bWalkable = ( ( nTriTags & COREDISPTRI_TAG_FORCE_WALKABLE_VAL ) != 0 ); }
// Buildable
bool bBuildable = ( ( nTriTags & COREDISPTRI_TAG_BUILDABLE ) != 0 ); if ( ( ( nTriTags & COREDISPTRI_TAG_FORCE_BUILDABLE_BIT ) != 0 ) ) { bBuildable = ( ( nTriTags & COREDISPTRI_TAG_FORCE_BUILDABLE_VAL ) != 0 ); }
nTriTags = 0; if ( bWalkable ) { nTriTags |= DISPTRI_TAG_WALKABLE; }
if ( bBuildable ) { nTriTags |= DISPTRI_TAG_BUILDABLE; }
pMapDispInfo->triTags[iTri] = nTriTags; pszNext = strtok( NULL, " " ); iTri++; } }
return( ChunkFile_Ok ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *szKey -
// *szValue -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispMultiBlendCallback( CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo ) { pMapDispInfo->flags |= DISP_INFO_FLAG_HAS_MULTIBLEND; return( pFile->ReadChunk( ( KeyHandler_t ) LoadDispMultiBlendKeyCallback, pMapDispInfo ) ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pFile -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispMultiBlendKeyCallback( const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo ) { if ( !strnicmp( szKey, "row", 3 ) ) { char szBuf[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ]; strcpy( szBuf, szValue );
int nCols = ( 1 << pMapDispInfo->power ) + 1; int nRow = atoi( &szKey[ 3 ] );
char *pszNext = strtok( szBuf, " " );
int nIndex = nRow * nCols;
while ( pszNext != NULL ) { Vector4D vMultiBlend;
vMultiBlend.x = ( float )atof( pszNext ); pszNext = strtok(NULL, " "); vMultiBlend.y = ( float )atof( pszNext ); pszNext = strtok(NULL, " "); vMultiBlend.z = ( float )atof( pszNext ); pszNext = strtok(NULL, " "); vMultiBlend.w = ( float )atof( pszNext ); pszNext = strtok(NULL, " ");
pMapDispInfo->m_vMultiBlends[ nIndex ].m_vMultiBlend = vMultiBlend;
nIndex++; } }
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *szKey -
// *szValue -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispAlphaBlendCallback( CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo ) { pMapDispInfo->flags |= DISP_INFO_FLAG_HAS_MULTIBLEND; return( pFile->ReadChunk( ( KeyHandler_t ) LoadDispAlphaBlendKeyCallback, pMapDispInfo ) ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pFile -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispAlphaBlendKeyCallback( const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo ) { if ( !strnicmp( szKey, "row", 3 ) ) { char szBuf[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ]; strcpy( szBuf, szValue );
int nCols = ( 1 << pMapDispInfo->power ) + 1; int nRow = atoi( &szKey[ 3 ] );
char *pszNext = strtok( szBuf, " " );
int nIndex = nRow * nCols;
while ( pszNext != NULL ) { Vector4D vAlphaBlend;
vAlphaBlend.x = ( float )atof( pszNext ); pszNext = strtok(NULL, " "); vAlphaBlend.y = ( float )atof( pszNext ); pszNext = strtok(NULL, " "); vAlphaBlend.z = ( float )atof( pszNext ); pszNext = strtok(NULL, " "); vAlphaBlend.w = ( float )atof( pszNext ); pszNext = strtok(NULL, " ");
pMapDispInfo->m_vMultiBlends[ nIndex ].m_vAlphaBlend = vAlphaBlend;
nIndex++; } }
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
static int nMultiBlendColorIndex = 0;
// Purpose:
// Input : *pFile -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispMultiBlendColorCallback0(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { nMultiBlendColorIndex = 0;
return(pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadDispMultiBlendColorKeyCallback, pMapDispInfo)); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pFile -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispMultiBlendColorCallback1(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { nMultiBlendColorIndex = 1;
return(pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadDispMultiBlendColorKeyCallback, pMapDispInfo)); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pFile -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispMultiBlendColorCallback2(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { nMultiBlendColorIndex = 2;
return(pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadDispMultiBlendColorKeyCallback, pMapDispInfo)); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pFile -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispMultiBlendColorCallback3(CChunkFile *pFile, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { nMultiBlendColorIndex = 3;
return(pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadDispMultiBlendColorKeyCallback, pMapDispInfo)); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pFile -
// *pDisp -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadDispMultiBlendColorKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapdispinfo_t *pMapDispInfo) { if (!strnicmp(szKey, "row", 3)) { char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; strcpy(szBuf, szValue);
int nCols = ( 1 << pMapDispInfo->power ) + 1; int nRow = atoi(&szKey[3]);
char *pszNext = strtok(szBuf, " ");
int nIndex = nRow * nCols;
while (pszNext != NULL) { Vector vMultiBlendColor;
vMultiBlendColor.x = ( float )atof( pszNext ); pszNext = strtok(NULL, " "); vMultiBlendColor.y = ( float )atof( pszNext ); pszNext = strtok(NULL, " "); vMultiBlendColor.z = ( float )atof( pszNext ); pszNext = strtok(NULL, " ");
pMapDispInfo->m_vMultiBlends[ nIndex ].m_vMultiBlendColors[ nMultiBlendColorIndex ] = vMultiBlendColor;
nIndex++; } }
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
// Purpose:
// Input : brushSideID -
// Output : int
int CMapFile::SideIDToIndex( int brushSideID ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < nummapbrushsides; i++ ) { if ( brushsides[i].id == brushSideID ) { return i; } } Assert( 0 ); return -1; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *mapent -
// *key -
void ConvertSideList( entity_t *mapent, char *key ) { char *pszSideList = ValueForKey( mapent, key );
if (pszSideList) { char *pszTmpList = ( char* )_alloca( strlen( pszSideList ) + 1 ); strcpy( pszTmpList, pszSideList );
bool bFirst = true; char szNewValue[1024]; szNewValue[0] = '\0';
const char *pszScan = strtok( pszTmpList, " " ); if ( !pszScan ) return; do { int nSideID;
if ( sscanf( pszScan, "%d", &nSideID ) == 1 ) { int nIndex = g_LoadingMap->SideIDToIndex(nSideID); if (nIndex != -1) { if (!bFirst) { strcat( szNewValue, " " ); } else { bFirst = false; }
char szIndex[15]; itoa( nIndex, szIndex, 10 ); strcat( szNewValue, szIndex ); } } } while ( ( pszScan = strtok( NULL, " " ) ) );
SetKeyValue( mapent, key, szNewValue ); } }
// Add all the sides referenced by info_no_dynamic_shadows entities to g_NoDynamicShadowSides.
ChunkFileResult_t HandleNoDynamicShadowsEnt( entity_t *pMapEnt ) { // Get the list of the sides.
char *pSideList = ValueForKey( pMapEnt, "sides" );
// Parse the side list.
char *pScan = strtok( pSideList, " " ); if( pScan ) { do { int brushSideID; if( sscanf( pScan, "%d", &brushSideID ) == 1 ) { if ( g_NoDynamicShadowSides.Find( brushSideID ) == -1 ) g_NoDynamicShadowSides.AddToTail( brushSideID ); } } while( ( pScan = strtok( NULL, " " ) ) ); } // Clear out this entity.
pMapEnt->epairs = NULL; return ( ChunkFile_Ok ); }
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadOverlayDataTransitionKeyCallback( const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapoverlay_t *pOverlay ) { if ( !stricmp( szKey, "material" ) ) { // Get the material name.
const char *pMaterialName = szValue; if( g_ReplaceMaterials ) { pMaterialName = ReplaceMaterialName( szValue ); }
Assert( strlen( pMaterialName ) < OVERLAY_MAP_STRLEN ); if ( strlen( pMaterialName ) >= OVERLAY_MAP_STRLEN ) { Error( "Overlay Material Name (%s) > OVERLAY_MAP_STRLEN (%d)", pMaterialName, OVERLAY_MAP_STRLEN ); return ChunkFile_Fail; } strcpy( pOverlay->szMaterialName, pMaterialName ); } else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "StartU") ) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueFloat( szValue, pOverlay->flU[0] ); } else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "EndU" ) ) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueFloat( szValue, pOverlay->flU[1] ); } else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "StartV" ) ) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueFloat( szValue, pOverlay->flV[0] ); } else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "EndV" ) ) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueFloat( szValue, pOverlay->flV[1] ); } else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "BasisOrigin" ) ) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector3( szValue, pOverlay->vecOrigin ); } else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "BasisU" ) ) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector3( szValue, pOverlay->vecBasis[0] ); } else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "BasisV" ) ) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector3( szValue, pOverlay->vecBasis[1] ); } else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "BasisNormal" ) ) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector3( szValue, pOverlay->vecBasis[2] ); } else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "uv0" ) ) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector3( szValue, pOverlay->vecUVPoints[0] ); } else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "uv1" ) ) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector3( szValue, pOverlay->vecUVPoints[1] ); } else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "uv2" ) ) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector3( szValue, pOverlay->vecUVPoints[2] ); } else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "uv3" ) ) { CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector3( szValue, pOverlay->vecUVPoints[3] ); } else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "sides" ) ) { const char *pSideList = szValue; char *pTmpList = ( char* )_alloca( strlen( pSideList ) + 1 ); strcpy( pTmpList, pSideList ); const char *pScan = strtok( pTmpList, " " ); if ( !pScan ) return ChunkFile_Fail;
pOverlay->aSideList.Purge(); pOverlay->aFaceList.Purge();
do { int nSideId; if ( sscanf( pScan, "%d", &nSideId ) == 1 ) { pOverlay->aSideList.AddToTail( nSideId ); } } while ( ( pScan = strtok( NULL, " " ) ) ); }
return ChunkFile_Ok; }
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadOverlayDataTransitionCallback( CChunkFile *pFile, int nParam ) { int iOverlay = g_aMapWaterOverlays.AddToTail(); mapoverlay_t *pOverlay = &g_aMapWaterOverlays[iOverlay]; if ( !pOverlay ) return ChunkFile_Fail;
pOverlay->nId = ( MAX_MAP_OVERLAYS + 1 ) + g_aMapWaterOverlays.Count() - 1; pOverlay->m_nRenderOrder = 0;
ChunkFileResult_t eResult = pFile->ReadChunk( ( KeyHandler_t )LoadOverlayDataTransitionKeyCallback, pOverlay ); return eResult; }
static ChunkFileResult_t LoadOverlayTransitionCallback( CChunkFile *pFile, int nParam ) { CChunkHandlerMap Handlers; Handlers.AddHandler( "overlaydata", ( ChunkHandler_t )LoadOverlayDataTransitionCallback, 0 ); pFile->PushHandlers( &Handlers );
ChunkFileResult_t eResult = pFile->ReadChunk( NULL, NULL );
return eResult; }
// Purpose: Iterates all brushes in a ladder entity, generates its mins and maxs.
// These are stored in the object, since the brushes are going to go away.
// Input : *mapent -
void CMapFile::AddLadderKeys( entity_t *mapent ) { char buf[128];
// Default to usable by any team
SetKeyValue( mapent, "team", "0" );
// Default to up (should have at least one climbable surface)
SetKeyValue( mapent, "normal.x", "0" ); SetKeyValue( mapent, "normal.y", "0" ); SetKeyValue( mapent, "normal.z", "1" );
int i; for ( i = 0; i < mapent->numbrushes; i++ ) { int brushnum = mapent->firstbrush + i; mapbrush_t *brush = &mapbrushes[ brushnum ]; for ( int j=0; j<brush->numsides; ++j ) { side_t *side = &(brush->original_sides[j]); if ( (side->contents & CONTENTS_LADDER) == 0 ) continue;
dplane_t* pPlane = &mapplanes[side->planenum]; const Vector &normal = pPlane->normal; /*
Msg( "%.0f,%.0f,%.0f -> %.0f,%.0f,%.0f: Ladder %d has climbable side with normal %.1f,%.1f,%.1f\n", brush->mins.x, brush->mins.y, brush->mins.z, brush->maxs.z, brush->maxs.y, brush->maxs.z, mapent->firstbrush, normal.x, normal.y, normal.z ); */
if ( side->contents & CONTENTS_TEAM1 ) { SetKeyValue( mapent, "team", "1" ); } else if ( side->contents & CONTENTS_TEAM2 ) { SetKeyValue( mapent, "team", "2" ); }
Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%f", normal.x ); SetKeyValue( mapent, "normal.x", buf );
Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%f", normal.y ); SetKeyValue( mapent, "normal.y", buf );
Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%f", normal.z ); SetKeyValue( mapent, "normal.z", buf ); } } }
// Special implementation of custom load/save chunks for entities
class CSyncMesh_SaveLoadHandler : public CVmfMeshDataSupport_SaveLoadHandler { public: virtual char const *GetCustomSectionName() { return "meshdata"; }
protected: virtual ChunkFileResult_t OnFileDataLoaded( CUtlBuffer &bufData ); };
ChunkFileResult_t CSyncMesh_SaveLoadHandler::OnFileDataLoaded( CUtlBuffer &bufData ) { char const * arrFiles[] = { ".ma", ".dmx", ".mdl", ".vvd", ".dx90.vtx", ".phy", ".ss2" }; char const * arrNames[] = { "maa", "dmx", "mdl", "vvd", "vtx", "phy", "ss2" };
char const *pFileExt = NULL;
// Determine the file name to save
for ( int j = 0; j < ARRAYSIZE( arrFiles ); ++ j ) { if ( !stricmp( m_hLoadHeader.sPrefix, arrNames[j] ) ) { pFileExt = arrFiles[j]; break; } } if ( !pFileExt ) return ChunkFile_Fail;
// The filename
char sSaveFileName[ MAX_PATH ] = {0}; sprintf( sSaveFileName, "models/.hammer.mdlcache/%s%s", m_hLoadHeader.sHash, pFileExt ); GetMapDataFilesMgr()->RegisterFile( sSaveFileName, bufData ); return ChunkFile_Ok; }
ChunkFileResult_t LoadEntityCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, int nParam) { return g_LoadingMap->LoadEntityCallback( pFile, nParam ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pFile -
// ulParam -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t CMapFile::LoadEntityCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, int nParam) { if (num_entities == MAX_MAP_ENTITIES) { // Exits.
g_MapError.ReportError ("num_entities == MAX_MAP_ENTITIES"); }
entity_t *mapent = &entities[num_entities]; num_entities++; memset(mapent, 0, sizeof(*mapent)); mapent->firstbrush = nummapbrushes; mapent->numbrushes = 0; //mapent->portalareas[0] = -1;
//mapent->portalareas[1] = -1;
LoadEntity_t LoadEntity; LoadEntity.pEntity = mapent;
// No default flags/contents
LoadEntity.nBaseFlags = 0; LoadEntity.nBaseContents = 0;
// Set up handlers for the subchunks that we are interested in.
CChunkHandlerMap Handlers; Handlers.AddHandler("solid", (ChunkHandler_t)::LoadSolidCallback, &LoadEntity); Handlers.AddHandler("connections", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadConnectionsCallback, &LoadEntity); Handlers.AddHandler( "overlaytransition", ( ChunkHandler_t )LoadOverlayTransitionCallback, 0 );
CSyncMesh_SaveLoadHandler hdlrEntityMeshData; VmfInstallMapEntitySaveLoadHandler( &hdlrEntityMeshData );
VmfAddMapEntityHandlers( &Handlers, NULL );
// Read the entity chunk.
pFile->PushHandlers(&Handlers); ChunkFileResult_t eResult = pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadEntityKeyCallback, &LoadEntity); pFile->PopHandlers();
VmfUninstallMapEntitySaveLoadHandler( &hdlrEntityMeshData );
if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { GetVectorForKey (mapent, "origin", mapent->origin);
// func_detail brushes are moved into the world entity. The CONTENTS_DETAIL flag was set by the loader.
const char *pClassName = ValueForKey( mapent, "classname" );
// func_brush entities whose names begin with "structure_" are moved into the world
if ( g_bConvertStructureToDetail && !Q_strcmp( "func_brush", pClassName ) && Q_strncmp( ValueForKey( mapent, "targetname" ), "structure_", 10 ) == 0 ) { MoveBrushesToWorld (mapent); mapent->numbrushes = 0;
// clear out this entity
mapent->epairs = NULL; return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
// offset all of the planes and texinfo
if ( mapent->origin[0] || mapent->origin[1] || mapent->origin[2] ) { for (int i=0 ; i<mapent->numbrushes ; i++) { mapbrush_t *b = &mapbrushes[mapent->firstbrush + i]; for (int j=0 ; j<b->numsides ; j++) { side_t *s = &b->original_sides[j]; vec_t newdist = mapplanes[s->planenum].dist - DotProduct (mapplanes[s->planenum].normal, mapent->origin); s->planenum = FindFloatPlane (mapplanes[s->planenum].normal, newdist); if ( !onlyents ) { s->texinfo = TexinfoForBrushTexture (&mapplanes[s->planenum], &side_brushtextures[s-brushsides], mapent->origin); } } MakeBrushWindings (b); } }
if ( !strcmp( "func_detail", pClassName ) ) { MoveBrushesToWorld (mapent); mapent->numbrushes = 0; // clear out this entity
mapent->epairs = NULL; return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
// these get added to a list for processing the portal file
// but aren't necessary to emit to the BSP
if ( !strcmp( "func_viscluster", pClassName ) ) { AddVisCluster(mapent); return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
// func_ladder brushes are moved into the world entity. We convert the func_ladder to an info_ladder
// that holds the ladder's mins and maxs, and leave the entity. This helps the bots figure out ladders.
if ( !strcmp( "func_ladder", pClassName ) ) { AddLadderKeys( mapent );
// Convert to in-game entity classname
SetKeyValue( mapent, "classname", "func_simpleladder" );
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
if ( !strcmp( "test_sidelist", pClassName ) ) { ConvertSideList(mapent, "sides"); return ChunkFile_Ok; }
if ( !strcmp( "info_overlay", pClassName ) ) { int iAccessorID = Overlay_GetFromEntity( mapent );
if ( iAccessorID < 0 ) { // Clear out this entity.
mapent->epairs = NULL; } else { // Convert to info_overlay_accessor entity
SetKeyValue( mapent, "classname", "info_overlay_accessor" );
// Remember the id for accessing the overlay
char buf[16]; Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%i", iAccessorID ); SetKeyValue( mapent, "OverlayID", buf ); }
return ( ChunkFile_Ok ); }
if ( !strcmp( "info_overlay_transition", pClassName ) ) { // Clear out this entity.
mapent->epairs = NULL; return ( ChunkFile_Ok ); }
if ( Q_stricmp( pClassName, "info_no_dynamic_shadow" ) == 0 ) { return HandleNoDynamicShadowsEnt( mapent ); }
// areaportal entities move their brushes, but don't eliminate
// the entity
if( IsAreaPortal( pClassName ) ) { char str[128];
if (mapent->numbrushes != 1) { Error ("Entity %i: func_areaportal can only be a single brush", num_entities-1); }
mapbrush_t *b = &mapbrushes[nummapbrushes-1]; b->contents = CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL; c_areaportals++; mapent->areaportalnum = c_areaportals;
// set the portal number as "portalnumber"
sprintf (str, "%i", c_areaportals); SetKeyValue (mapent, "portalnumber", str);
MoveBrushesToWorld (mapent); return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
#ifdef VSVMFIO
if ( !Q_stricmp( pClassName, "light" ) ) { CVmfImport::GetVmfImporter()->ImportLightCallback( ValueForKey( mapent, "hammerid" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "origin" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_light" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_lightHDR" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_lightscaleHDR" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_quadratic_attn" ) ); }
if ( !Q_stricmp( pClassName, "light_spot" ) ) { CVmfImport::GetVmfImporter()->ImportLightSpotCallback( ValueForKey( mapent, "hammerid" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "origin" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "angles" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "pitch" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_light" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_lightHDR" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_lightscaleHDR" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_quadratic_attn" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_inner_cone" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_cone" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_exponent" ) ); }
if ( !Q_stricmp( pClassName, "light_dynamic" ) ) { CVmfImport::GetVmfImporter()->ImportLightDynamicCallback( ValueForKey( mapent, "hammerid" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "origin" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "angles" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "pitch" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_light" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_quadratic_attn" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_inner_cone" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_cone" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "brightness" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "distance" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "spotlight_radius" ) ); }
if ( !Q_stricmp( pClassName, "light_environment" ) ) { CVmfImport::GetVmfImporter()->ImportLightEnvironmentCallback( ValueForKey( mapent, "hammerid" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "origin" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "angles" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "pitch" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_light" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_lightHDR" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_lightscaleHDR" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_ambient" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_ambientHDR" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "_AmbientScaleHDR" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "SunSpreadAngle" ) ); }
const char *pModel = ValueForKey( mapent, "model" ); if ( pModel && Q_strlen( pModel ) ) { CVmfImport::GetVmfImporter()->ImportModelCallback( pModel, ValueForKey( mapent, "hammerid" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "angles" ), ValueForKey( mapent, "origin" ), MDagPath() ); }
const char *pHammerId = ValueForKey( mapent, "hammerid" ); if ( !pHammerId ) { pHammerId = "UNKNOWN"; }
CVmfImport::GetVmfImporter()->EntityCallback( mapent, pHammerId ); #endif // VSVMFIO
// If it's not in the world at this point, unmark CONTENTS_DETAIL from all sides...
if ( mapent != &entities[ 0 ] ) { RemoveContentsDetailFromEntity( mapent ); }
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
return(eResult); }
entity_t* EntityByName( char const *pTestName ) { if( !pTestName ) return 0;
for( int i=0; i < g_MainMap->num_entities; i++ ) { entity_t *e = &g_MainMap->entities[i];
const char *pName = ValueForKey( e, "targetname" ); if( stricmp( pName, pTestName ) == 0 ) return e; }
return 0; }
void CMapFile::ForceFuncAreaPortalWindowContents() { // Now go through all areaportal entities and force CONTENTS_WINDOW
// on the brushes of the bmodels they point at.
char *targets[] = {"target", "BackgroundBModel"}; int nTargets = sizeof(targets) / sizeof(targets[0]);
for( int i=0; i < num_entities; i++ ) { entity_t *e = &entities[i];
const char *pClassName = ValueForKey( e, "classname" );
// Don't do this on "normal" func_areaportal entities. Those are tied to doors
// and should be opaque when closed. But areaportal windows (and any other
// distance-based areaportals) should be windows because they are normally open/transparent
if( !IsAreaPortal( pClassName ) || !Q_stricmp( pClassName, "func_areaportal" ) ) continue;
// const char *pTestEntName = ValueForKey( e, "targetname" );
for( int iTarget=0; iTarget < nTargets; iTarget++ ) { char const *pEntName = ValueForKey( e, targets[iTarget] ); if( !pEntName[0] ) continue;
entity_t *pBrushEnt = EntityByName( pEntName ); if( !pBrushEnt ) continue;
for( int iBrush=0; iBrush < pBrushEnt->numbrushes; iBrush++ ) { mapbrushes[pBrushEnt->firstbrush + iBrush].contents &= ~CONTENTS_SOLID; mapbrushes[pBrushEnt->firstbrush + iBrush].contents |= CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT | CONTENTS_WINDOW; } } } }
// ============ Instancing ============
#define INSTANCE_VARIABLE_KEY "replace"
#define INSTANCE_PARM_KEY "parm"
static GameData GD;
// Purpose: this function will set a secondary lookup path for instances.
// Input : pszInstancePath - the secondary lookup path
void CMapFile::SetInstancePath( const char *pszInstancePath ) { strcpy( m_InstancePath, pszInstancePath ); V_strlower( m_InstancePath ); V_FixSlashes( m_InstancePath ); }
// Purpose: this function will check the main map for any func_instances. It will
// also attempt to load in the gamedata file for instancing remapping help.
// Input : none
// Output : none
void CMapFile::CheckForInstances( const char *pszFileName ) { if ( this != g_MainMap ) { // all sub-instances will be appended to the main map master list as they are read in
// so the main loop below will naturally get to the appended ones.
return; }
char GameInfoPath[ MAX_PATH ];
g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( "gameinfo.txt", "MOD", GameInfoPath, sizeof( GameInfoPath ) ); KeyValues *GameInfoKV = ReadKeyValuesFile( GameInfoPath ); if ( !GameInfoKV ) { Msg( "Could not locate gameinfo.txt for Instance Remapping at %s\n", GameInfoPath ); return; }
const char *InstancePath = GameInfoKV->GetString( "InstancePath", NULL ); if ( InstancePath ) { CMapFile::SetInstancePath( InstancePath ); }
const char *GameDataFile = GameInfoKV->GetString( "GameData", NULL ); if ( !GameDataFile ) { Msg( "Could not locate 'GameData' key in %s\n", GameInfoPath ); return; }
char FDGPath[ MAX_PATH ]; if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( GameDataFile, "EXECUTABLE_PATH", FDGPath, sizeof( FDGPath ) ) ) { if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( GameDataFile, "", FDGPath, sizeof( FDGPath ) ) ) { Msg( "Could not locate GameData file %s\n", GameDataFile ); } }
bool bFoundInstances = false;
GD.Load( FDGPath );
PreLoadInstances( &GD );
GD.BeginInstancing( 1 );
// this list will grow as instances are merged onto it. sub-instances are merged and
// automatically done in this processing.
for ( int i = 0; i < num_entities; i++ ) { char *pEntity = ValueForKey( &entities[ i ], "classname" ); if ( !strcmp( pEntity, "func_instance" ) ) { char *pInstanceFile = ValueForKey( &entities[ i ], "file" ); if ( pInstanceFile[ 0 ] ) { char InstancePath[ MAX_PATH ]; bool bLoaded = false;
if ( CInstancingHelper::ResolveInstancePath( g_pFullFileSystem, pszFileName, pInstanceFile, m_InstancePath, InstancePath, MAX_PATH ) ) { if ( LoadMapFile( InstancePath ) ) { MergeInstance( &entities[ i ], g_LoadingMap ); delete g_LoadingMap; bLoaded = true; bFoundInstances = true; } }
if ( bLoaded == false ) { Log_Error( LOG_GENERAL, "Could not open instance file %s\n", pInstanceFile ); } }
entities[ i ].numbrushes = 0; entities[ i ].epairs = NULL; } }
if ( bFoundInstances ) { PreLoadInstances( &GD ); }
for ( int i = 0; i < num_entities; i++ ) { char *pEntity = ValueForKey( &entities[ i ], "classname" ); if ( Q_stricmp( pEntity, "func_instance_parms" ) == 0 ) { // Clear out this entity.
entities[ i ].numbrushes = 0; entities[ i ].epairs = NULL; } }
g_LoadingMap = this; }
// Purpose: this function will do all of the necessary work to merge the instance
// into the main map.
// Input : pInstanceEntity - the entity of the func_instance
// Instance - the map file of the instance
// Output : none
void CMapFile::MergeInstance( entity_t *pInstanceEntity, CMapFile *Instance ) { matrix3x4_t mat; QAngle angles; Vector OriginOffset = pInstanceEntity->origin;
GetAnglesForKey( pInstanceEntity, "angles", angles ); AngleMatrix( angles, OriginOffset, mat );
Msg( "Instance Remapping: O:( %g, %g, %g ) A:( %g, %g, %g )\n", OriginOffset.x, OriginOffset.y, OriginOffset.z, angles.x, angles.y, angles.z ); #endif // #ifdef MERGE_INSTANCE_DEBUG_INFO
// MergeAINodes( pInstanceEntity, Instance, OriginOffset, angles, mat );
MergePlanes( pInstanceEntity, Instance, OriginOffset, angles, mat ); MergeBrushes( pInstanceEntity, Instance, OriginOffset, angles, mat ); MergeBrushSides( pInstanceEntity, Instance, OriginOffset, angles, mat ); MergeEntities( pInstanceEntity, Instance, OriginOffset, angles, mat ); MergeOverlays( pInstanceEntity, Instance, OriginOffset, angles, mat ); MergeIOProxy( pInstanceEntity, Instance, OriginOffset, angles, mat ); }
void CMapFile::PreLoadInstances( GameData *pGD ) { char temp[ 2048 ]; // none of these parameters are used in the 2nd pass
Vector InstanceOrigin = vec3_origin; QAngle InstanceAngle = vec3_angle; char NameFixup[ 128 ] = ""; GameData::TNameFixup FixupStyle = GameData::NAME_FIXUP_NONE;
GD.BeginInstancing( 2 );
for( int i = 0; i < num_entities; i++ ) { entity_t *pEntity = &entities[ i ]; char *pClassName = ValueForKey( pEntity, "classname" ); GDclass *pEntClass = pGD->BeginInstanceRemap( pClassName, NameFixup, InstanceOrigin, InstanceAngle );
if ( pEntClass ) { for( int i = 0; i < pEntClass->GetVariableCount(); i++ ) { GDinputvariable *EntVar = pEntClass->GetVariableAt( i ); char *pValue = ValueForKey( pEntity, ( char * )EntVar->GetName() ); if ( pGD->RemapKeyValue( EntVar->GetName(), pValue, temp, FixupStyle ) ) { #ifdef MERGE_INSTANCE_DEBUG_INFO
Msg( " %d. Remapped %s: from %s to %s\n", i, EntVar->GetName(), pValue, temp ); #endif // #ifdef MERGE_INSTANCE_DEBUG_INFO
SetKeyValue( pEntity, EntVar->GetName(), temp ); } else { #ifdef MERGE_INSTANCE_DEBUG_INFO
Msg( " %d. Ignored %s: %s\n", i, EntVar->GetName(), pValue ); #endif // #ifdef MERGE_INSTANCE_DEBUG_INFO
} } } } }
// Purpose: this function will do some overall work after all instances have been
// transformed and fixed up
// Input : none
// Output : none
void CMapFile::PostLoadInstances( ) { for( int i = 0; i < num_entities; i++ ) { entity_t *pEntity = &entities[ i ]; char *pClassName = ValueForKey( pEntity, "classname" );
if( !strcmp( "env_cubemap", pClassName ) ) { const char *pSideListStr = ValueForKey( pEntity, "sides" ); int size; size = IntForKey( pEntity, "cubemapsize" ); Cubemap_InsertSample( pEntity->origin, size ); Cubemap_SaveBrushSides( pSideListStr );
// clear out this entity
pEntity->epairs = NULL; } } }
// Purpose: this function will merge in the map planes from the instance into
// the main map.
// Input : pInstanceEntity - the entity of the func_instance
// Instance - the map file of the instance
// InstanceOrigin - the translation of the instance
// InstanceAngle - the rotation of the instance
// InstanceMatrix - the translation / rotation matrix of the instance
// Output : none
void CMapFile::MergePlanes( entity_t *pInstanceEntity, CMapFile *Instance, Vector &InstanceOrigin, QAngle &InstanceAngle, matrix3x4_t &InstanceMatrix ) { // Each pair of planes needs to be added to the main map
for ( int i = 0; i < Instance->nummapplanes; i += 2 ) { FindFloatPlane( Instance->mapplanes[i].normal, Instance->mapplanes[i].dist ); } }
// Purpose: this function will merge in the map brushes from the instance into
// the main map.
// Input : pInstanceEntity - the entity of the func_instance
// Instance - the map file of the instance
// InstanceOrigin - the translation of the instance
// InstanceAngle - the rotation of the instance
// InstanceMatrix - the translation / rotation matrix of the instance
// Output : none
void CMapFile::MergeBrushes( entity_t *pInstanceEntity, CMapFile *Instance, Vector &InstanceOrigin, QAngle &InstanceAngle, matrix3x4_t &InstanceMatrix ) { int max_brush_id = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < nummapbrushes; i++ ) { if ( mapbrushes[ i ].id > max_brush_id ) { max_brush_id = mapbrushes[ i ].id; } }
for( int i = 0; i < Instance->nummapbrushes; i++ ) { mapbrushes[ nummapbrushes + i ] = Instance->mapbrushes[ i ];
mapbrush_t *brush = &mapbrushes[ nummapbrushes + i ]; brush->entitynum += num_entities; brush->brushnum += nummapbrushes;
if ( i < Instance->entities[ 0 ].numbrushes || ( brush->contents & CONTENTS_LADDER ) != 0 ) { // world spawn brushes as well as ladders we physically move
Vector minsIn = brush->mins; Vector maxsIn = brush->maxs;
TransformAABB( InstanceMatrix, minsIn, maxsIn, brush->mins, brush->maxs ); } else { } brush->id += max_brush_id; int index = brush->original_sides - Instance->brushsides; brush->original_sides = &brushsides[ nummapbrushsides + index ]; }
nummapbrushes += Instance->nummapbrushes; }
// Purpose: this function will merge in the map sides from the instance into
// the main map.
// Input : pInstanceEntity - the entity of the func_instance
// Instance - the map file of the instance
// InstanceOrigin - the translation of the instance
// InstanceAngle - the rotation of the instance
// InstanceMatrix - the translation / rotation matrix of the instance
// Output : none
void CMapFile::MergeBrushSides( entity_t *pInstanceEntity, CMapFile *Instance, Vector &InstanceOrigin, QAngle &InstanceAngle, matrix3x4_t &InstanceMatrix ) { int max_side_id = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < nummapbrushsides; i++ ) { if ( brushsides[ i ].id > max_side_id ) { max_side_id = brushsides[ i ].id; } }
for( int i = 0; i < Instance->nummapbrushsides; i++ ) { brushsides[ nummapbrushsides + i ] = Instance->brushsides[ i ];
side_t *side = &brushsides[ nummapbrushsides + i ]; // The planes got merged & remapped. So you need to search for the output plane index on each side
// NOTE: You could optimize this by saving off an index map in MergePlanes
side->planenum = FindFloatPlane( Instance->mapplanes[side->planenum].normal, Instance->mapplanes[side->planenum].dist ); side->id += max_side_id;
// this could be pre-processed into a list for quicker checking
bool bNeedsTranslation = ( side->pMapDisp && side->pMapDisp->entitynum == 0 ); if ( !bNeedsTranslation ) { // check for sides that are part of the world spawn - those need translating
for( int j = 0; j < Instance->entities[ 0 ].numbrushes; j++ ) { int loc = Instance->mapbrushes[ j ].original_sides - Instance->brushsides;
if ( i >= loc && i < ( loc + Instance->mapbrushes[ j ].numsides ) ) { bNeedsTranslation = true; break; } } } if ( !bNeedsTranslation ) { // sides for ladders are outside of the world spawn, but also need translating
for( int j = Instance->entities[ 0 ].numbrushes; j < Instance->nummapbrushes; j++ ) { int loc = Instance->mapbrushes[ j ].original_sides - Instance->brushsides;
if ( i >= loc && i < ( loc + Instance->mapbrushes[ j ].numsides ) && ( Instance->mapbrushes[ j ].contents & CONTENTS_LADDER ) != 0 ) { bNeedsTranslation = true; break; } } } if ( bNeedsTranslation ) { // we only want to do the adjustment on world spawn brushes, not entity brushes
if ( side->winding ) { for( int point = 0; point < side->winding->numpoints; point++ ) { Vector inPoint = side->winding->p[ point ]; VectorTransform( inPoint, InstanceMatrix, side->winding->p[ point ] ); } }
int planenum = side->planenum; cplane_t inPlane, outPlane; inPlane.normal = mapplanes[ planenum ].normal; inPlane.dist = mapplanes[ planenum ].dist;
MatrixTransformPlane( InstanceMatrix, inPlane, outPlane ); planenum = FindFloatPlane( outPlane.normal, outPlane.dist ); side->planenum = planenum;
brush_texture_t bt = Instance->side_brushtextures[ i ];
VectorRotate( Instance->side_brushtextures[ i ].UAxis, InstanceMatrix, bt.UAxis ); VectorRotate( Instance->side_brushtextures[ i ].VAxis, InstanceMatrix, bt.VAxis ); bt.shift[ 0 ] -= InstanceOrigin.Dot( bt.UAxis ) / bt.textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[ 0 ]; bt.shift[ 1 ] -= InstanceOrigin.Dot( bt.VAxis ) / bt.textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[ 1 ];
if ( !onlyents ) { side->texinfo = TexinfoForBrushTexture ( &mapplanes[ side->planenum ], &bt, vec3_origin ); } }
if ( side->pMapDisp ) { mapdispinfo_t *disp = side->pMapDisp; disp->brushSideID = side->id; Vector inPoint = disp->startPosition; VectorTransform( inPoint, InstanceMatrix, disp->startPosition );
disp->face.originalface = side; disp->face.texinfo = side->texinfo; disp->face.planenum = side->planenum; disp->entitynum += num_entities;
for( int point = 0; point < disp->face.w->numpoints; point++ ) { Vector inPoint = disp->face.w->p[ point ]; VectorTransform( inPoint, InstanceMatrix, disp->face.w->p[ point ] ); }
} }
nummapbrushsides += Instance->nummapbrushsides; }
// Purpose: this function will look for replace parameters in the function instance
// to see if there is anything in the epair that should be replaced.
// Input : pPair - the epair with the value
// pInstanceEntity - the func_instance that may ahve replace keywords
// Output : pPair - the value field may be updated
void CMapFile::ReplaceInstancePair( epair_t *pPair, entity_t *pInstanceEntity, entity_t *pParmsEntity ) { char Value[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ], NewValue[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ]; bool Overwritten = false;
strcpy( NewValue, pPair->value ); for ( epair_t *epInstance = pInstanceEntity->epairs; epInstance != NULL; epInstance = epInstance->next ) { if ( strnicmp( epInstance->key, INSTANCE_VARIABLE_KEY, strlen( INSTANCE_VARIABLE_KEY ) ) == 0 ) { char InstanceVariable[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ];
strcpy( InstanceVariable, epInstance->value );
char *ValuePos = strchr( InstanceVariable, ' ' ); if ( !ValuePos ) { continue; } *ValuePos = 0; ValuePos++;
strcpy( Value, NewValue ); if ( !V_StrSubst( Value, InstanceVariable, ValuePos, NewValue, sizeof( NewValue ), false ) ) { Overwritten = true; break; } } }
if ( !Overwritten && strcmp( pPair->value, NewValue ) != 0 ) { free( pPair->value ); pPair->value = copystring( NewValue ); } }
// Purpose: this function will merge in the entities from the instance into
// the main map.
// Input : pInstanceEntity - the entity of the func_instance
// Instance - the map file of the instance
// InstanceOrigin - the translation of the instance
// InstanceAngle - the rotation of the instance
// InstanceMatrix - the translation / rotation matrix of the instance
// Output : none
void CMapFile::MergeEntities( entity_t *pInstanceEntity, CMapFile *Instance, Vector &InstanceOrigin, QAngle &InstanceAngle, matrix3x4_t &InstanceMatrix ) { int max_entity_id = 0; char temp[ 2048 ]; char NameFixup[ 128 ]; entity_t *pWorldspawnEnt = NULL; entity_t *pParmsEnt = NULL; GameData::TNameFixup FixupStyle;
char *pTargetName = ValueForKey( pInstanceEntity, "targetname" ); char *pName = ValueForKey( pInstanceEntity, "name" ); if ( pTargetName[ 0 ] ) { sprintf( NameFixup, "%s", pTargetName ); } else if ( pName[ 0 ] ) { sprintf( NameFixup, "%s", pName ); } else { sprintf( NameFixup, "InstanceAuto%d", m_InstanceCount ); }
for( int i = 0; i < num_entities; i++ ) { char *pID = ValueForKey( &entities[ i ], "hammerid" ); if ( pID[ 0 ] ) { int value = atoi( pID ); if ( value > max_entity_id ) { max_entity_id = value; } } }
FixupStyle = ( GameData::TNameFixup )( IntForKey( pInstanceEntity, "fixup_style" ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < Instance->num_entities; i++ ) { char *pEntity = ValueForKey( &Instance->entities[ i ], "classname" ); if ( Q_stricmp( pEntity, "func_instance_parms" ) == 0 ) { pParmsEnt = &Instance->entities[ i ]; break; } }
if ( pParmsEnt != NULL ) { int nReplaceCount = 1;
for ( epair_t *epParms = pParmsEnt->epairs; epParms != NULL; epParms = epParms->next ) { char ParmTemp[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ]; char *pszParmVariable; char *pszParmDefaultValue; bool bFound = false;
if ( strnicmp( epParms->key, INSTANCE_PARM_KEY, strlen( INSTANCE_PARM_KEY ) ) != 0 ) { continue; }
strcpy( ParmTemp, epParms->value );
pszParmVariable = ParmTemp;
char *pPos = strchr( ParmTemp, ' ' ); if ( !pPos ) { continue; }
*pPos = 0; pPos++;
pPos = strchr( pPos, ' ' ); if ( !pPos ) { continue; }
pPos++; pszParmDefaultValue = pPos;
for ( epair_t *epInstance = pInstanceEntity->epairs; epInstance != NULL; epInstance = epInstance->next ) { if ( strnicmp( epInstance->key, INSTANCE_VARIABLE_KEY, strlen( INSTANCE_VARIABLE_KEY ) ) == 0 ) { char InstanceVariable[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ];
strcpy( InstanceVariable, epInstance->value );
char *ValuePos = strchr( InstanceVariable, ' ' ); if ( !ValuePos ) { continue; } *ValuePos = 0; ValuePos++;
if ( strcmpi( pszParmVariable, InstanceVariable ) == 0 ) { if ( strcmpi( ValuePos, "???" ) == 0 ) { epInstance->key[ 0 ] = 0; epInstance->value[ 0 ] = 0; } else { bFound = true; } break; } } }
if ( !bFound ) { char ParmReplacementKey[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ]; char ParmReplacementValue[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ];
sprintf( ParmReplacementKey, "%stemp%d", INSTANCE_VARIABLE_KEY, nReplaceCount ); nReplaceCount++; sprintf( ParmReplacementValue, "%s %s", pszParmVariable, pszParmDefaultValue );
epair_t *pNewKV = new epair_t;
pNewKV->key = new char [ strlen( ParmReplacementKey ) + 1 ]; pNewKV->value = new char [ strlen( ParmReplacementValue ) + 1 ];
strcpy( pNewKV->key, ParmReplacementKey ); strcpy( pNewKV->value, ParmReplacementValue );
pNewKV->next = pInstanceEntity->epairs; pInstanceEntity->epairs = pNewKV; } } }
for( int i = 0; i < Instance->num_entities; i++ ) { entities[ num_entities + i ] = Instance->entities[ i ];
entity_t *entity = &entities[ num_entities + i ]; entity->firstbrush += ( nummapbrushes - Instance->nummapbrushes );
char *pID = ValueForKey( entity, "hammerid" ); if ( pID[ 0 ] ) { int value = atoi( pID ); value += max_entity_id; sprintf( temp, "%d", value );
SetKeyValue( entity, "hammerid", temp ); }
char *pEntity = ValueForKey( entity, "classname" ); if ( strcmpi( pEntity, "worldspawn" ) == 0 ) { pWorldspawnEnt = entity; } else { Vector inOrigin = entity->origin; VectorTransform( inOrigin, InstanceMatrix, entity->origin );
// search for variables coming from the func_instance to replace inside of the instance
// this is done before entity fixup, so fixup may occur on the replaced value. Not sure if this is a desired order of operation yet.
for ( epair_t *ep = entity->epairs; ep != NULL; ep = ep->next ) { ReplaceInstancePair( ep, pInstanceEntity, pParmsEnt ); }
Msg( "Remapping class %s\n", pEntity ); #endif // #ifdef MERGE_INSTANCE_DEBUG_INFO
GDclass *EntClass = GD.BeginInstanceRemap( pEntity, NameFixup, InstanceOrigin, InstanceAngle ); if ( EntClass ) { for( int i = 0; i < EntClass->GetVariableCount(); i++ ) { GDinputvariable *EntVar = EntClass->GetVariableAt( i ); char *pValue = ValueForKey( entity, ( char * )EntVar->GetName() ); if ( GD.RemapKeyValue( EntVar->GetName(), pValue, temp, FixupStyle ) ) { #ifdef MERGE_INSTANCE_DEBUG_INFO
Msg( " %d. Remapped %s: from %s to %s\n", i, EntVar->GetName(), pValue, temp ); #endif // #ifdef MERGE_INSTANCE_DEBUG_INFO
SetKeyValue( entity, EntVar->GetName(), temp ); } else { #ifdef MERGE_INSTANCE_DEBUG_INFO
Msg( " %d. Ignored %s: %s\n", i, EntVar->GetName(), pValue ); #endif // #ifdef MERGE_INSTANCE_DEBUG_INFO
} } }
if ( strcmpi( pEntity, "func_simpleladder" ) == 0 ) { // hate having to do this, but the key values are so screwed up
AddLadderKeys( entity ); /* Vector vInNormal, vOutNormal;
vInNormal.x = FloatForKey( entity, "normal.x" ); vInNormal.y = FloatForKey( entity, "normal.y" ); vInNormal.z = FloatForKey( entity, "normal.z" ); VectorRotate( vInNormal, InstanceMatrix, vOutNormal );
Q_snprintf( temp, sizeof( temp ), "%f", vOutNormal.x ); SetKeyValue( entity, "normal.x", temp );
Q_snprintf( temp, sizeof( temp ), "%f", vOutNormal.y ); SetKeyValue( entity, "normal.y", temp );
Q_snprintf( temp, sizeof( temp ), "%f", vOutNormal.z ); SetKeyValue( entity, "normal.z", temp );*/ } }
Msg( "Instance Entity %d remapped to %d\n", i, num_entities + i ); Msg( " FirstBrush: from %d to %d\n", Instance->entities[ i ].firstbrush, entity->firstbrush ); Msg( " KV Pairs:\n" ); for ( epair_t *ep = entity->epairs; ep != NULL; ep = ep->next ) { Msg( " %s %s\n", ep->key, ep->value ); } #endif // #ifdef MERGE_INSTANCE_DEBUG_INFO
// search for variables coming from the func_instance to replace inside of the instance
// this is done before connection fix up, so fix up may occur on the replaced value. Not sure if this is a desired order of operation yet.
for( CConnectionPairs *Connection = Instance->m_ConnectionPairs; Connection; Connection = Connection->m_Next ) { ReplaceInstancePair( Connection->m_Pair, pInstanceEntity, pParmsEnt ); }
for( CConnectionPairs *Connection = Instance->m_ConnectionPairs; Connection; Connection = Connection->m_Next ) { char *newValue, *oldValue; char origValue[ 4096 ]; int extraLen = 0;
oldValue = Connection->m_Pair->value; strcpy( origValue, oldValue ); char *pos = strchr( origValue, VMF_IOPARAM_STRING_DELIMITER ); if ( pos ) { // null terminate the first field
*pos = NULL; extraLen = strlen( pos + 1) + 1; // for the comma we just null'd
if ( GD.RemapNameField( origValue, temp, FixupStyle ) ) { newValue = new char [ strlen( temp ) + extraLen + 1 ]; strcpy( newValue, temp ); if ( pos ) { int nSize = strlen( newValue ); newValue[ nSize ] = VMF_IOPARAM_STRING_DELIMITER; strcpy( &newValue[ nSize + 1 ], pos + 1 ); }
Connection->m_Pair->value = newValue; delete oldValue; }
// we need to look for operations that have target names as parameters
// ugly below:
oldValue = Connection->m_Pair->value; strcpy( origValue, oldValue ); pos = strchr( origValue, VMF_IOPARAM_STRING_DELIMITER ); if ( pos ) { pos++; char *pos2 = strchr( pos, VMF_IOPARAM_STRING_DELIMITER ); if ( pos2 && strnicmp( pos, "setparent", pos2 - pos ) == 0 ) { pos2++; char *pos3 = strchr( pos2, VMF_IOPARAM_STRING_DELIMITER );
if ( pos3 ) { char szFixupValue[ 4096 ];
strncpy( szFixupValue, pos2, pos3 - pos2 ); szFixupValue[ pos3 - pos2 ] = 0; if ( GD.RemapNameField( szFixupValue, temp, FixupStyle ) ) { strcpy( szFixupValue, origValue ); strcpy( &szFixupValue[ pos2 - origValue ], temp ); strcat( szFixupValue, pos3 );
newValue = new char[ strlen( szFixupValue ) + 1 ]; strcpy( newValue, szFixupValue ); Connection->m_Pair->value = newValue; delete oldValue; } } } } }
num_entities += Instance->num_entities;
CConnectionPairs *pLast = m_ConnectionPairs; while( pLast != NULL && pLast->m_Next != NULL ) { pLast = pLast->m_Next; }
if ( pLast == NULL ) { m_ConnectionPairs = Instance->m_ConnectionPairs; } else { pLast->m_Next = Instance->m_ConnectionPairs; }
MoveBrushesToWorldGeneral( pWorldspawnEnt ); if ( IntForKey( pInstanceEntity, "toplevel" ) == 1 ) { entities[ 0 ].epairs = pWorldspawnEnt->epairs; } pWorldspawnEnt->numbrushes = 0; pWorldspawnEnt->epairs = NULL; }
// Purpose: this function will translate overlays from the instance into
// the main map.
// Input : InstanceEntityNum - the entity number of the func_instance
// Instance - the map file of the instance
// InstanceOrigin - the translation of the instance
// InstanceAngle - the rotation of the instance
// InstanceMatrix - the translation / rotation matrix of the instance
// Output : none
void CMapFile::MergeOverlays( entity_t *pInstanceEntity, CMapFile *Instance, Vector &InstanceOrigin, QAngle &InstanceAngle, matrix3x4_t &InstanceMatrix ) { for( int i = Instance->m_StartMapOverlays; i < g_aMapOverlays.Count(); i++ ) { Overlay_Translate( &g_aMapOverlays[ i ], InstanceOrigin, InstanceAngle, InstanceMatrix ); } for( int i = Instance->m_StartMapWaterOverlays; i < g_aMapWaterOverlays.Count(); i++ ) { Overlay_Translate( &g_aMapWaterOverlays[ i ], InstanceOrigin, InstanceAngle, InstanceMatrix ); } }
#define PROXY_ID "instance:"
#define PROXY_RELAY "OnProxyRelay"
void CMapFile::MergeIOProxy( entity_t *pInstanceEntity, CMapFile *Instance, Vector &InstanceOrigin, QAngle &InstanceAngle, matrix3x4_t &InstanceMatrix ) { char *pTargetName = ValueForKey( pInstanceEntity, "targetname" );
if ( pTargetName[ 0 ] == 0 ) { // we can only do this for explicity named instances
return; }
entity_t *io_proxy_entity = NULL;
// find the proxy entity
for( int i = 0; i < Instance->num_entities; i++ ) { entity_t *entity = &entities[ num_entities - Instance->num_entities + i ];
char *pEntity = ValueForKey( entity, "classname" ); if ( strcmpi( pEntity, "func_instance_io_proxy" ) == 0 ) { io_proxy_entity = entity; break; } }
if ( io_proxy_entity == NULL ) { // if we don't have a proxy, bail
return; }
char *pProxyName = ValueForKey( io_proxy_entity, "targetname" ); GameData::TNameFixup FixupStyle = ( GameData::TNameFixup )( IntForKey( pInstanceEntity, "fixup_style" ) ); int nNumRelay = 0;
// rename existing proxy events to be uniquely numbered
for ( epair_t *ep = io_proxy_entity->epairs; ep != NULL; ep = ep->next ) { if ( strcmpi( ep->key, PROXY_RELAY ) == 0 ) { nNumRelay++;
char *pszOldKey = ep->key; char temp[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ]; sprintf( temp, "%s%d", pszOldKey, nNumRelay );
ep->key = new char[ strlen( temp ) + 1 ]; strcpy( ep->key, temp ); delete pszOldKey; } }
// examine all entity connections external to the instance, this is for IO going in to the instance
CConnectionPairs *pConnection = m_ConnectionPairs; while( pConnection != Instance->m_ConnectionPairs ) { char origValue[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ];
strcpy( origValue, pConnection->m_Pair->value ); char *pos = strchr( origValue, VMF_IOPARAM_STRING_DELIMITER ); if ( pos != NULL ) { // this is a proxy relay io
*pos = 0;
if ( strcmpi( origValue, pTargetName ) == 0 ) { // which goes to the proxy relay inside the instance
char *pszProxy = pos + 1;
pos = strchr( pszProxy, VMF_IOPARAM_STRING_DELIMITER ); if ( pos != NULL ) { // it is properly formatted
if ( strnicmp( pszProxy, PROXY_ID, strlen( PROXY_ID ) ) == 0 ) { // the entity linkup is properly formatted instance:xxxxxxx
pszProxy += strlen( PROXY_ID );
char test[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ], search[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ]; strcpy( test, pszProxy ); char *Seperator = strchr( test, ';' ); *Seperator = NULL;
GD.RemapNameField( test, search, FixupStyle );
*Seperator = VMF_IOPARAM_STRING_DELIMITER; char *NextSeperator = strchr( Seperator + 1, VMF_IOPARAM_STRING_DELIMITER ); *NextSeperator = 0; strcat( search, Seperator );
// try and find the matchup entry in the proxy
for ( epair_t *ep = io_proxy_entity->epairs; ep != NULL; ep = ep->next ) { if ( strnicmp( ep->key, PROXY_RELAY, strlen( PROXY_RELAY ) ) == 0 && strnicmp( ep->value, search, strlen( search ) ) == 0 ) { // the key is a relay and the value is identical
int len = sprintf( search, "%s%c%s%c%s", pProxyName, VMF_IOPARAM_STRING_DELIMITER, ep->key, VMF_IOPARAM_STRING_DELIMITER, NextSeperator + 1 );
char *pszOldKey = pConnection->m_Pair->value;
pConnection->m_Pair->value = new char[ len + 1 ]; strcpy( pConnection->m_Pair->value, search ); delete pszOldKey;
break; } } } } } }
pConnection = pConnection->m_Next; }
CUtlVector< epair_t * > RenameList, RemoveList;
// examine all entity connections external to the instance, this is for IO going out of the instance
pConnection = m_ConnectionPairs; while( pConnection != Instance->m_ConnectionPairs ) { // ugly way to find connections for the func_instance
for ( epair_t *ep = pInstanceEntity->epairs; ep != NULL; ep = ep->next ) { if ( ep == pConnection->m_Pair ) { // this connection is a member of our func_instance
char *pszProxy = ep->key;
if ( strnicmp( pszProxy, PROXY_ID, strlen( PROXY_ID ) ) == 0 ) { // it is a proxy relay
pszProxy += strlen( PROXY_ID );
char test[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ], search[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ]; strcpy( test, pszProxy );
char *Seperator = strchr( test, ';' ); *Seperator = NULL;
GD.RemapNameField( test, search, FixupStyle );
char temp[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ];
nNumRelay++; sprintf( temp, "%s%d", PROXY_RELAY, nNumRelay ); // attach the new io to the proxy
SetKeyValue( io_proxy_entity, temp, ep->value );
// attempt to find the entity inside of the instance to hook this up to
for( int i = 0; i < Instance->num_entities; i++ ) { entity_t *entity = &entities[ num_entities - Instance->num_entities + i ];
char *pszName = ValueForKey( entity, "targetname" ); if ( strcmpi( pszName, search ) == 0 ) { // the target name matches, so this is the entity to hook up
for ( epair_t *epTarget = entity->epairs; epTarget != NULL; epTarget = epTarget->next ) { if ( strcmpi( epTarget->key, Seperator + 1 ) != 0 ) { continue; }
char temp2[ MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN ]; strcpy( temp2, epTarget->value );
char *Pos1 = strchr( temp2, VMF_IOPARAM_STRING_DELIMITER ); if ( Pos1 != NULL ) { // we found the key and it is formatted properly
*Pos1 = NULL; Pos1 = strchr( Pos1 + 1, VMF_IOPARAM_STRING_DELIMITER ); if ( Pos1 != NULL ) { // also continues to be formatted properly
sprintf( NewKey, "%s_NEW", Seperator + 1 ); sprintf( NewValue, "%s%c%s%s", temp2, VMF_IOPARAM_STRING_DELIMITER, temp, Pos1 ); // attach it to the new proxy
epair_t *pNewEP = SetKeyValue( entity, NewKey, NewValue, true ); RenameList.AddToHead( pNewEP ); RemoveList.AddToHead( epTarget ); } } }
break; } } } } }
pConnection = pConnection->m_Next; }
for( int i = 0; i < RenameList.Count(); i++ ) { RenameList[ i ]->key[ strlen( RenameList[ i ]->key ) - strlen( "_NEW" ) ] = 0; }
for( int i = 0; i < RemoveList.Count(); i++ ) { RemoveList[ i ]->key[ 0 ] = 0; RemoveList[ i ]->value[ 0 ] = 0; } }
// Purpose: Loads a VMF or MAP file. If the file has a .MAP extension, the MAP
// loader is used, otherwise the file is assumed to be in VMF format.
// Input : pszFileName - Full path of the map file to load.
bool LoadMapFile( const char *pszFileName ) { bool bLoadingManifest = false; ChunkFileResult_t eResult; CManifest *pMainManifest = NULL;
// Dummy this up for the texture handling. This can be removed when old .MAP file
// support is removed.
g_nMapFileVersion = 400;
const char *pszExtension = V_GetFileExtension( pszFileName ); if ( pszExtension && strcmpi( pszExtension, "vmm" ) == 0 ) { pMainManifest = new CManifest(); if ( pMainManifest->LoadVMFManifest( pszFileName ) ) { eResult = ChunkFile_Ok; pszFileName = pMainManifest->GetInstancePath(); } else { eResult = ChunkFile_Fail; } bLoadingManifest = true; } else { //
// Open the file.
CChunkFile File; eResult = File.Open(pszFileName, ChunkFile_Read);
// Read the file.
if ( eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { int index = g_Maps.AddToTail( new CMapFile() ); g_LoadingMap = g_Maps[ index ]; if ( g_MainMap == NULL ) { g_MainMap = g_LoadingMap; }
if ( g_MainMap == g_LoadingMap || verbose ) { Msg( "Loading %s\n", pszFileName ); }
// reset the displacement info count
// nummapdispinfo = 0;
// Set up handlers for the subchunks that we are interested in.
CChunkHandlerMap Handlers; Handlers.AddHandler("world", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadEntityCallback, 0); Handlers.AddHandler("entity", (ChunkHandler_t)LoadEntityCallback, 0);
// Read the sub-chunks. We ignore keys in the root of the file.
while (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { eResult = File.ReadChunk(); }
File.PopHandlers(); } else { Error("Error opening %s: %s.\n", pszFileName, File.GetErrorText(eResult)); g_MapError.ReportError(File.GetErrorText(eResult)); } }
if ((eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) || (eResult == ChunkFile_EOF)) { // Update the overlay/side list(s).
Overlay_UpdateSideLists( g_LoadingMap->m_StartMapOverlays ); OverlayTransition_UpdateSideLists( g_LoadingMap->m_StartMapWaterOverlays );
g_LoadingMap->CheckForInstances( pszFileName ); if ( g_LoadingMap == g_MainMap ) { g_LoadingMap->PostLoadInstances(); }
if ( pMainManifest ) { pMainManifest->CordonWorld(); }
ClearBounds (g_LoadingMap->map_mins, g_LoadingMap->map_maxs); for (int i=0 ; i<g_MainMap->entities[0].numbrushes ; i++) { // HLTOOLS: Raise map limits
if (g_LoadingMap->mapbrushes[i].mins[0] > MAX_COORD_INTEGER) { continue; // no valid points
AddPointToBounds (g_LoadingMap->mapbrushes[i].mins, g_LoadingMap->map_mins, g_LoadingMap->map_maxs); AddPointToBounds (g_LoadingMap->mapbrushes[i].maxs, g_LoadingMap->map_mins, g_LoadingMap->map_maxs); }
qprintf ("%5i brushes\n", g_LoadingMap->nummapbrushes); qprintf ("%5i clipbrushes\n", g_LoadingMap->c_clipbrushes); qprintf ("%5i total sides\n", g_LoadingMap->nummapbrushsides); qprintf ("%5i boxbevels\n", g_LoadingMap->c_boxbevels); qprintf ("%5i edgebevels\n", g_LoadingMap->c_edgebevels); qprintf ("%5i entities\n", g_LoadingMap->num_entities); qprintf ("%5i planes\n", g_LoadingMap->nummapplanes); qprintf ("%5i areaportals\n", g_LoadingMap->c_areaportals); qprintf ("size: %5.0f,%5.0f,%5.0f to %5.0f,%5.0f,%5.0f\n", g_LoadingMap->map_mins[0],g_LoadingMap->map_mins[1],g_LoadingMap->map_mins[2], g_LoadingMap->map_maxs[0],g_LoadingMap->map_maxs[1],g_LoadingMap->map_maxs[2]);
// Clear the error reporting
g_MapError.ClearState(); }
if ( g_MainMap == g_LoadingMap ) { num_entities = g_MainMap->num_entities; memcpy( entities, g_MainMap->entities, sizeof( g_MainMap->entities ) ); } g_LoadingMap->ForceFuncAreaPortalWindowContents();
return ( ( eResult == ChunkFile_Ok ) || ( eResult == ChunkFile_EOF ) ); }
ChunkFileResult_t LoadSideCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, LoadSide_t *pSideInfo) { return g_LoadingMap->LoadSideCallback( pFile, pSideInfo ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : pFile -
// pParent -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t CMapFile::LoadSideCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, LoadSide_t *pSideInfo) { if (nummapbrushsides == MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES) { g_MapError.ReportError ("MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES"); }
pSideInfo->pSide = &brushsides[nummapbrushsides];
side_t *side = pSideInfo->pSide; mapbrush_t *b = pSideInfo->pBrush; g_MapError.BrushSide( pSideInfo->nSideIndex++ );
// initialize the displacement info
pSideInfo->pSide->pMapDisp = NULL;
// Set up handlers for the subchunks that we are interested in.
CChunkHandlerMap Handlers; Handlers.AddHandler( "dispinfo", ( ChunkHandler_t )LoadDispInfoCallback, &side->pMapDisp );
// Read the side chunk.
pFile->PushHandlers(&Handlers); ChunkFileResult_t eResult = pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadSideKeyCallback, pSideInfo); pFile->PopHandlers();
if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { side->contents |= pSideInfo->nBaseContents; side->surf |= pSideInfo->nBaseFlags; pSideInfo->td.flags |= pSideInfo->nBaseFlags;
if (fulldetail ) { side->contents &= ~CONTENTS_DETAIL; } if ( g_bConvertStructureToDetail && pSideInfo->pEntity == &entities[0] ) { // Convert world structural brushes to detail if the flag is set
// hints and skips are never detail, and have no content
if (side->surf & (SURF_HINT|SURF_SKIP) ) { side->contents = 0; }
// find the plane number
int planenum = PlaneFromPoints(pSideInfo->planepts[0], pSideInfo->planepts[1], pSideInfo->planepts[2]); if (planenum != -1) { //
// See if the plane has been used already.
int k; for ( k = 0; k < b->numsides; k++) { side_t *s2 = b->original_sides + k; if (s2->planenum == planenum) { g_MapError.ReportWarning("duplicate plane"); break; } if ( s2->planenum == (planenum^1) ) { g_MapError.ReportWarning("mirrored plane"); break; } }
// If the plane hasn't been used already, keep this side.
if (k == b->numsides) { side = b->original_sides + b->numsides; side->planenum = planenum; if ( !onlyents ) { side->texinfo = TexinfoForBrushTexture (&mapplanes[planenum], &pSideInfo->td, vec3_origin); } // save the td off in case there is an origin brush and we
// have to recalculate the texinfo
if (nummapbrushsides == MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES) g_MapError.ReportError ("MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES"); side_brushtextures[nummapbrushsides] = pSideInfo->td; nummapbrushsides++; b->numsides++;
#ifdef VSVMFIO
// Tell Maya We Have Another Side
if ( CVmfImport::GetVmfImporter() ) { CVmfImport::GetVmfImporter()->AddSideCallback( b, side, pSideInfo->td, pSideInfo->planepts[ 0 ], pSideInfo->planepts[ 1 ], pSideInfo->planepts[ 2 ] ); } #endif // VSVMFIO
} } else { g_MapError.ReportWarning("plane with no normal"); } }
return(eResult); }
// Purpose:
// Input : szKey -
// szValue -
// pSideInfo -
// Output :
ChunkFileResult_t LoadSideKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, LoadSide_t *pSideInfo) { if (!stricmp(szKey, "plane")) { int nRead = sscanf(szValue, "(%f %f %f) (%f %f %f) (%f %f %f)", &pSideInfo->planepts[0][0], &pSideInfo->planepts[0][1], &pSideInfo->planepts[0][2], &pSideInfo->planepts[1][0], &pSideInfo->planepts[1][1], &pSideInfo->planepts[1][2], &pSideInfo->planepts[2][0], &pSideInfo->planepts[2][1], &pSideInfo->planepts[2][2]);
if (nRead != 9) { g_MapError.ReportError("parsing plane definition"); } } else if (!stricmp(szKey, "material")) { // Get the material name.
if( g_ReplaceMaterials ) { szValue = ReplaceMaterialName( szValue ); }
strcpy(pSideInfo->td.name, szValue); g_MapError.TextureState(szValue);
// Find default flags and values for this material.
int mt = FindMiptex(pSideInfo->td.name); pSideInfo->td.flags = textureref[mt].flags; pSideInfo->td.lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel = textureref[mt].lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel;
pSideInfo->pSide->contents = textureref[mt].contents; pSideInfo->pSide->surf = pSideInfo->td.flags; } else if (!stricmp(szKey, "uaxis")) { int nRead = sscanf(szValue, "[%f %f %f %f] %f", &pSideInfo->td.UAxis[0], &pSideInfo->td.UAxis[1], &pSideInfo->td.UAxis[2], &pSideInfo->td.shift[0], &pSideInfo->td.textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[0]); if (nRead != 5) { g_MapError.ReportError("parsing U axis definition"); } } else if (!stricmp(szKey, "vaxis")) { int nRead = sscanf(szValue, "[%f %f %f %f] %f", &pSideInfo->td.VAxis[0], &pSideInfo->td.VAxis[1], &pSideInfo->td.VAxis[2], &pSideInfo->td.shift[1], &pSideInfo->td.textureWorldUnitsPerTexel[1]); if (nRead != 5) { g_MapError.ReportError("parsing V axis definition"); } } else if (!stricmp(szKey, "lightmapscale")) { pSideInfo->td.lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel = atoi(szValue); if (pSideInfo->td.lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel == 0.0f) { g_MapError.ReportWarning("luxel size of 0"); pSideInfo->td.lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel = g_defaultLuxelSize; } pSideInfo->td.lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel *= g_luxelScale; pSideInfo->td.lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel = MIN( MAX( pSideInfo->td.lightmapWorldUnitsPerLuxel, g_minLuxelScale ), g_maxLuxelScale ); } else if (!stricmp(szKey, "contents")) { pSideInfo->pSide->contents |= atoi(szValue); } else if (!stricmp(szKey, "flags")) { pSideInfo->td.flags |= atoi(szValue); pSideInfo->pSide->surf = pSideInfo->td.flags; } else if (!stricmp(szKey, "id")) { pSideInfo->pSide->id = atoi( szValue ); } else if (!stricmp(szKey, "smoothing_groups")) { pSideInfo->pSide->smoothingGroups = atoi( szValue ); }
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
// Purpose: Reads the connections chunk of the entity.
// Input : pFile - Chunk file to load from.
// pLoadEntity - Structure to receive loaded entity information.
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadConnectionsCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, LoadEntity_t *pLoadEntity) { return(pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadConnectionsKeyCallback, pLoadEntity)); }
// Purpose: Parses a key/value pair from the entity connections chunk.
// Input : szKey - Key indicating the name of the entity output.
// szValue - Comma delimited fields in the following format:
// <target>,<input>,<parameter>,<delay>,<times to fire>
// pLoadEntity - Structure to receive loaded entity information.
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadConnectionsKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, LoadEntity_t *pLoadEntity) { return g_LoadingMap->LoadConnectionsKeyCallback( szKey, szValue, pLoadEntity ); }
ChunkFileResult_t CMapFile::LoadConnectionsKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, LoadEntity_t *pLoadEntity) { //
// Create new input and fill it out.
epair_t *pOutput = new epair_t;
pOutput->key = new char [strlen(szKey) + 1]; pOutput->value = new char [strlen(szValue) + 1];
strcpy(pOutput->key, szKey); strcpy(pOutput->value, szValue);
m_ConnectionPairs = new CConnectionPairs( pOutput, m_ConnectionPairs ); //
// Append it to the end of epairs list.
pOutput->next = NULL;
if (!pLoadEntity->pEntity->epairs) { pLoadEntity->pEntity->epairs = pOutput; } else { epair_t *ep; for ( ep = pLoadEntity->pEntity->epairs; ep->next != NULL; ep = ep->next ) { } ep->next = pOutput; }
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
ChunkFileResult_t LoadSolidCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, LoadEntity_t *pLoadEntity) { return g_LoadingMap->LoadSolidCallback( pFile, pLoadEntity ); };
// Purpose:
// Input : pFile -
// pParent -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t CMapFile::LoadSolidCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, LoadEntity_t *pLoadEntity) { if (nummapbrushes == MAX_MAP_BRUSHES) { g_MapError.ReportError ("nummapbrushes == MAX_MAP_BRUSHES"); }
mapbrush_t *b = &mapbrushes[nummapbrushes]; b->original_sides = &brushsides[nummapbrushsides]; b->entitynum = num_entities-1; b->brushnum = nummapbrushes - pLoadEntity->pEntity->firstbrush;
LoadSide_t SideInfo; SideInfo.pEntity = pLoadEntity->pEntity; SideInfo.pBrush = b; SideInfo.nSideIndex = 0; SideInfo.nBaseContents = pLoadEntity->nBaseContents; SideInfo.nBaseFlags = pLoadEntity->nBaseFlags;
// Set up handlers for the subchunks that we are interested in.
CChunkHandlerMap Handlers; Handlers.AddHandler("side", (ChunkHandler_t)::LoadSideCallback, &SideInfo);
// Read the solid chunk.
pFile->PushHandlers(&Handlers); ChunkFileResult_t eResult = pFile->ReadChunk((KeyHandler_t)LoadSolidKeyCallback, b); pFile->PopHandlers();
if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { // get the content for the entire brush
b->contents = BrushContents (b);
// allow detail brushes to be removed
if (nodetail && (b->contents & CONTENTS_DETAIL) && !HasDispInfo( b ) ) { b->numsides = 0; return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
// allow water brushes to be removed
if (nowater && (b->contents & MASK_WATER) ) { b->numsides = 0; return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
// create windings for sides and bounds for brush
MakeBrushWindings (b);
// brushes that will not be visible at all will never be
// used as bsp splitters
// only do this on the world entity
// UNDONE (wills) CSGO wants lots of unique textures for different clip brush material types
/*if ( b->entitynum == 0 )
{ if (b->contents & (CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP|CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP) ) { if ( g_ClipTexinfo < 0 ) { g_ClipTexinfo = b->original_sides[0].texinfo; } c_clipbrushes++; for (int i=0 ; i<b->numsides ; i++) { b->original_sides[i].texinfo = TEXINFO_NODE; } } }*/
// origin brushes are removed, but they set
// the rotation origin for the rest of the brushes
// in the entity. After the entire entity is parsed,
// the planenums and texinfos will be adjusted for
// the origin brush
if (b->contents & CONTENTS_ORIGIN) { char string[32]; Vector origin;
if (num_entities == 1) { Error("Brush %i: origin brushes not allowed in world", b->id); }
VectorAdd (b->mins, b->maxs, origin); VectorScale (origin, 0.5, origin);
sprintf (string, "%i %i %i", (int)origin[0], (int)origin[1], (int)origin[2]); SetKeyValue (&entities[b->entitynum], "origin", string);
VectorCopy (origin, entities[b->entitynum].origin);
// don't keep this brush
b->numsides = 0;
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
#ifdef VSVMFIO
if ( CVmfImport::GetVmfImporter() ) { CVmfImport::GetVmfImporter()->MapBrushToMayaCallback( b ); } #endif // VSVMFIO
// find a map brushes with displacement surfaces and remove them from the "world"
if( HasDispInfo( b ) ) { // add the base face data to the displacement surface
DispGetFaceInfo( b );
// don't keep this brush
b->numsides = 0;
return( ChunkFile_Ok ); }
AddBrushBevels (b);
nummapbrushes++; pLoadEntity->pEntity->numbrushes++; } else { return eResult; }
return(ChunkFile_Ok); }
// Purpose:
// Input : pFile -
// parent -
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t
ChunkFileResult_t LoadSolidKeyCallback(const char *szKey, const char *szValue, mapbrush_t *pLoadBrush) { if (!stricmp(szKey, "id")) { pLoadBrush->id = atoi(szValue); g_MapError.BrushState(pLoadBrush->id); }
return ChunkFile_Ok; }
================ TestExpandBrushes
Expands all the brush planes and saves a new map out ================ */ void CMapFile::TestExpandBrushes (void) { FILE *f; side_t *s; int i, j, bn; winding_t *w; char *name = "expanded.map"; mapbrush_t *brush; vec_t dist;
Msg ("writing %s\n", name); f = fopen (name, "wb"); if (!f) Error ("Can't write %s\b", name);
fprintf (f, "{\n\"classname\" \"worldspawn\"\n"); fprintf( f, "\"mapversion\" \"220\"\n\"sounds\" \"1\"\n\"MaxRange\" \"4096\"\n\"mapversion\" \"220\"\n\"wad\" \"vert.wad;dev.wad;generic.wad;spire.wad;urb.wad;cit.wad;water.wad\"\n" );
for (bn=0 ; bn<nummapbrushes ; bn++) { brush = &mapbrushes[bn]; fprintf (f, "{\n"); for (i=0 ; i<brush->numsides ; i++) { s = brush->original_sides + i; dist = mapplanes[s->planenum].dist; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) dist += fabs( 16 * mapplanes[s->planenum].normal[j] );
w = BaseWindingForPlane (mapplanes[s->planenum].normal, dist);
fprintf (f,"( %i %i %i ) ", (int)w->p[0][0], (int)w->p[0][1], (int)w->p[0][2]); fprintf (f,"( %i %i %i ) ", (int)w->p[1][0], (int)w->p[1][1], (int)w->p[1][2]); fprintf (f,"( %i %i %i ) ", (int)w->p[2][0], (int)w->p[2][1], (int)w->p[2][2]);
fprintf (f, "%s [ 0 0 1 -512 ] [ 0 -1 0 -256 ] 0 1 1 \n", TexDataStringTable_GetString( GetTexData( texinfo[s->texinfo].texdata )->nameStringTableID ) );
FreeWinding (w); } fprintf (f, "}\n"); } fprintf (f, "}\n");
fclose (f);
Error ("can't proceed after expanding brushes"); }