//====== Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "matsys_controls/picker.h"
#include "tier1/keyvalues.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ListPanel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/TextEntry.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Button.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
// Base asset Picker
// Sort by asset name
static int __cdecl PickerBrowserSortFunc( vgui::ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2 ) { const char *string1 = item1.kv->GetString("choice"); const char *string2 = item2.kv->GetString("choice"); return stricmp( string1, string2 ); }
// Purpose: Constructor
CPicker::CPicker( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pColumnHeader, const char *pTextType ) : BaseClass( pParent, "Picker" ) { m_pPickerType = pColumnHeader; m_pPickerTextType = pTextType;
// FIXME: Make this an image browser
m_pPickerBrowser = new vgui::ListPanel( this, "Browser" ); m_pPickerBrowser->AddColumnHeader( 0, "choice", m_pPickerType, 52, 0 ); m_pPickerBrowser->SetSelectIndividualCells( true ); m_pPickerBrowser->SetEmptyListText( "Nothing to pick" ); m_pPickerBrowser->SetDragEnabled( true ); m_pPickerBrowser->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pPickerBrowser->SetSortFunc( 0, PickerBrowserSortFunc ); m_pPickerBrowser->SetSortColumn( 0 ); // filter selection
m_pFilterList = new TextEntry( this, "FilterList" ); m_pFilterList->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pFilterList->RequestFocus();
LoadControlSettingsAndUserConfig( "resource/picker.res" ); }
// Purpose: Destructor
CPicker::~CPicker() { }
// Purpose:
void CPicker::OnKeyCodeTyped( KeyCode code ) { if (( code == KEY_UP ) || ( code == KEY_DOWN ) || ( code == KEY_PAGEUP ) || ( code == KEY_PAGEDOWN )) { KeyValues *pMsg = new KeyValues("KeyCodeTyped", "code", code); vgui::ipanel()->SendMessage( m_pPickerBrowser->GetVPanel(), pMsg, GetVPanel()); pMsg->deleteThis(); } else { BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped( code ); } }
// Purpose: refreshes the asset list
void CPicker::SetStringList( const PickerList_t &list ) { m_Type = list.m_Type; m_pPickerBrowser->RemoveAll();
int nCount = list.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { const char *pPickerName = list[i].m_pChoiceString; KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "node", "choice", pPickerName ); if ( m_Type == PICKER_CHOICE_STRING ) { kv->SetString( "value", list[i].m_pChoiceValue ); } else { kv->SetPtr( "value", list[i].m_pChoiceValuePtr ); } int nItemID = m_pPickerBrowser->AddItem( kv, 0, false, false );
if ( m_Type == PICKER_CHOICE_STRING ) { KeyValues *pDrag = new KeyValues( "drag", "text", list[i].m_pChoiceValue ); if ( m_pPickerTextType ) { pDrag->SetString( "texttype", m_pPickerTextType ); } m_pPickerBrowser->SetItemDragData( nItemID, pDrag ); } } RefreshChoiceList(); }
// Purpose: refreshes the choice list
void CPicker::RefreshChoiceList( ) { // Check the filter matches
int nMatchingCount = 0; int nTotalCount = 0; for ( int nItemID = m_pPickerBrowser->FirstItem(); nItemID != m_pPickerBrowser->InvalidItemID(); nItemID = m_pPickerBrowser->NextItem( nItemID ) ) { KeyValues *kv = m_pPickerBrowser->GetItem( nItemID ); const char *pPickerName = kv->GetString( "choice" ); bool bVisible = !m_Filter.Length() || Q_stristr( pPickerName, m_Filter.Get() ); m_pPickerBrowser->SetItemVisible( nItemID, bVisible ); if ( bVisible ) { ++nMatchingCount; } ++nTotalCount; }
char pColumnTitle[512]; Q_snprintf( pColumnTitle, sizeof(pColumnTitle), "%s (%d/%d)", m_pPickerType, nMatchingCount, nTotalCount ); m_pPickerBrowser->SetColumnHeaderText( 0, pColumnTitle );
m_pPickerBrowser->SortList(); if ( ( m_pPickerBrowser->GetSelectedItemsCount() == 0 ) && ( m_pPickerBrowser->GetItemCount() > 0 ) ) { int nItemID = m_pPickerBrowser->GetItemIDFromRow( 0 ); m_pPickerBrowser->SetSelectedCell( nItemID, 0 ); } }
// Purpose: refreshes dialog on text changing
void CPicker::OnTextChanged( ) { int nLength = m_pFilterList->GetTextLength(); m_Filter.SetLength( nLength ); if ( nLength > 0 ) { m_pFilterList->GetText( m_Filter.Get(), nLength+1 ); } RefreshChoiceList(); }
// Returns the selected string
PickerChoiceType_t CPicker::GetSelectionType() const { return m_Type; }
const char *CPicker::GetSelectedString( ) const { if ( m_pPickerBrowser->GetSelectedItemsCount() == 0 ) return NULL;
if ( m_Type != PICKER_CHOICE_STRING ) return NULL;
int nIndex = m_pPickerBrowser->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); KeyValues *pItemKeyValues = m_pPickerBrowser->GetItem( nIndex ); return pItemKeyValues->GetString( "value" ); }
void *CPicker::GetSelectedPtr( ) const { if ( m_pPickerBrowser->GetSelectedItemsCount() == 0 ) return NULL;
if ( m_Type != PICKER_CHOICE_PTR ) return NULL;
int nIndex = m_pPickerBrowser->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); KeyValues *pItemKeyValues = m_pPickerBrowser->GetItem( nIndex ); return pItemKeyValues->GetPtr( "value" ); }
// Returns the index of the selected string
int CPicker::GetSelectedIndex() { if ( m_pPickerBrowser->GetSelectedItemsCount() == 0 ) return -1;
return m_pPickerBrowser->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); }
// Purpose: Modal picker frame
CPickerFrame::CPickerFrame( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pTitle, const char *pPickerType, const char *pTextType ) : BaseClass( pParent, "PickerFrame" ) { m_pContextKeyValues = NULL; SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true ); m_pPicker = new CPicker( this, pPickerType, pTextType ); m_pPicker->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pOpenButton = new Button( this, "OpenButton", "#FileOpenDialog_Open", this, "Open" ); m_pCancelButton = new Button( this, "CancelButton", "#FileOpenDialog_Cancel", this, "Cancel" ); SetBlockDragChaining( true );
LoadControlSettingsAndUserConfig( "resource/pickerframe.res" );
SetTitle( pTitle, false ); }
CPickerFrame::~CPickerFrame() { CleanUpMessage(); }
// Deletes the message
void CPickerFrame::CleanUpMessage() { if ( m_pContextKeyValues ) { m_pContextKeyValues->deleteThis(); m_pContextKeyValues = NULL; } }
// Purpose: Activate the dialog
void CPickerFrame::DoModal( const PickerList_t &list, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ) { CleanUpMessage(); m_pContextKeyValues = pContextKeyValues; m_pPicker->SetStringList( list ); BaseClass::DoModal(); }
// On command
void CPickerFrame::OnCommand( const char *pCommand ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "Open" ) ) { KeyValues *pActionKeys = new KeyValues( "Picked" ); pActionKeys->SetInt( "choiceIndex", m_pPicker->GetSelectedIndex( ) );
if ( m_pPicker->GetSelectionType() == PICKER_CHOICE_STRING ) { const char *pPickerName = m_pPicker->GetSelectedString( ); pActionKeys->SetString( "choice", pPickerName ); } else { void *pPickerPtr = m_pPicker->GetSelectedPtr( ); pActionKeys->SetPtr( "choice", pPickerPtr ); }
if ( m_pContextKeyValues ) { pActionKeys->AddSubKey( m_pContextKeyValues ); m_pContextKeyValues = NULL; } PostActionSignal( pActionKeys ); CloseModal(); return; }
if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "Cancel" ) ) { CloseModal(); return; }
BaseClass::OnCommand( pCommand ); }