//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "LocalizationDialog.h"
#include "CreateTokenDialog.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Button.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ListPanel.h"
#include "VGUI/IVGui.h"
#include "VGUI/ILocalize.h"
#include "VGUI/ISurface.h"
#include "tier1/KeyValues.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Menu.h"
#include "vgui_controls/MenuButton.h"
#include "vgui_controls/MessageBox.h"
#include "vgui_controls/FileOpenDialog.h"
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace vgui;
// Purpose: Constructor
CLocalizationDialog::CLocalizationDialog(const char *fileName) : Frame(NULL, "LocalizationDialog") { m_iCurrentToken = -1;
m_pTokenList = new ListPanel(this, "TokenList");
m_pTokenList->AddColumnHeader(0, "Token", "Token Name", 128, 128, 1024, 0 ); m_pLanguageEdit = new TextEntry(this, "LanguageEdit"); m_pLanguageEdit->SetMultiline(true); m_pLanguageEdit->SetVerticalScrollbar(true); m_pLanguageEdit->SetCatchEnterKey(true); m_pEnglishEdit = new TextEntry(this, "EnglishEdit"); m_pEnglishEdit->SetMultiline(true); m_pEnglishEdit->SetVerticalScrollbar(true); m_pEnglishEdit->SetVerticalScrollbar(true);
m_pFileMenu = new Menu(this, "FileMenu");
m_pFileMenu->AddMenuItem(" &Open File ", new KeyValues("FileOpen"), this); m_pFileMenu->AddMenuItem(" &Save File ", new KeyValues("FileSave"), this); m_pFileMenu->AddMenuItem(" E&xit Localizer ", new KeyValues("Close"), this); m_pFileMenuButton = new MenuButton(this, "FileMenuButton", "File"); m_pFileMenuButton->SetMenu(m_pFileMenu); m_pApplyButton = new Button(this, "ApplyButton", "Apply"); m_pApplyButton->SetCommand(new KeyValues("ApplyChanges")); m_pTestLabel = new Label(this, "TestLabel", "");
strcpy(m_szFileName, fileName);
char buf[512]; Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s - Localization Editor", m_szFileName); SetTitle(buf, true);
// load in the string table
if (!g_pVGuiLocalize->AddFile( m_szFileName ) ) { MessageBox *msg = new MessageBox("Fatal error", "couldn't load specified file"); msg->SetCommand("Close"); msg->AddActionSignalTarget(this); msg->DoModal(); return; }
// populate the dialog with the strings
StringIndex_t idx = g_pVGuiLocalize->GetFirstStringIndex(); while ( idx != vgui::INVALID_STRING_INDEX ) { // adds the strings into the table, along with the indexes
m_pTokenList->AddItem(new KeyValues("LString", "Token", g_pVGuiLocalize->GetNameByIndex(idx)), idx, false, false);
// move to the next string
idx = g_pVGuiLocalize->GetNextStringIndex(idx); }
// sort the table
m_pTokenList->SetSortColumn(0); m_pTokenList->SortList(); }
// Purpose: Destructor
CLocalizationDialog::~CLocalizationDialog() { }
// Purpose: Handles closing of the dialog - shuts down the whole app
void CLocalizationDialog::OnClose() { BaseClass::OnClose();
// Stop vgui running
vgui::ivgui()->Stop(); }
// Purpose: lays out the dialog
void CLocalizationDialog::PerformLayout() { OnTextChanged();
BaseClass::PerformLayout(); }
// Purpose: Sets the currently selected token
void CLocalizationDialog::OnTokenSelected() { if (m_pTokenList->GetSelectedItemsCount() != 1) { // clear the list
m_pLanguageEdit->SetText(""); m_pEnglishEdit->SetText(""); //!! unicode test label
m_iCurrentToken = -1; } else { // get the data
int itemId = m_pTokenList->GetSelectedItem(0); vgui::ListPanelItem *data = m_pTokenList->GetItemData( itemId ); Assert( data ); m_iCurrentToken = data->userData; wchar_t *unicodeString = g_pVGuiLocalize->GetValueByIndex(m_iCurrentToken);
char value[2048]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI(unicodeString, value, sizeof(value));
//!! unicode test label
// set the text
m_pLanguageEdit->SetText(value); m_pEnglishEdit->SetText(value); }
m_pApplyButton->SetEnabled(false); }
// Purpose: Checks to see if any text has changed
void CLocalizationDialog::OnTextChanged() { static char buf1[1024], buf2[1024];
m_pLanguageEdit->GetText( buf1, sizeof( buf1 ) ); m_pEnglishEdit->GetText( buf2, sizeof( buf2 ) );
if (!strcmp(buf1, buf2)) { m_pApplyButton->SetEnabled(false); } else { m_pApplyButton->SetEnabled(true); } }
// Purpose: Copies any changes made into the main database
void CLocalizationDialog::OnApplyChanges() { if (m_iCurrentToken < 0) return;
static char buf1[1024]; static wchar_t unicodeString[1024]; m_pLanguageEdit->GetText( buf1, sizeof( buf1 ) ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(buf1, unicodeString, sizeof(unicodeString) / sizeof(wchar_t));
//!! unicode test label
// apply the text change to the database
g_pVGuiLocalize->SetValueByIndex(m_iCurrentToken, unicodeString);
// disable the apply button
// reselect the token
OnTokenSelected(); }
// Purpose: Message handler for saving current file
void CLocalizationDialog::OnFileSave() { if (g_pVGuiLocalize->SaveToFile( m_szFileName ) ) { // success
MessageBox *box = new MessageBox("Save Successful - VLocalize", "File was successfully saved.", false); box->DoModal(); } else { // failure
MessageBox *box = new MessageBox("Error during save - VLocalize", "Error - File was not successfully saved.", false); box->DoModal(); } }
// Purpose: Message handler for loading a file
void CLocalizationDialog::OnFileOpen() { FileOpenDialog *box = new FileOpenDialog( this, "Open", true );
box->SetStartDirectory("u:\\"); box->AddFilter("*.*", "All Files (*.*)", true ); box->DoModal(false); }
// Purpose: Handles a token created message
// Input : *tokenName - the name of the newly created token
void CLocalizationDialog::OnTokenCreated(const char *tokenName) { // add the new string table token to the token list
int idx = g_pVGuiLocalize->FindIndex(tokenName); int itemId = m_pTokenList->AddItem(new KeyValues("LString", "Token", g_pVGuiLocalize->GetNameByIndex(idx)), idx, true, true );
// make that currently selected
m_pTokenList->SetSingleSelectedItem( itemId ); OnTokenSelected(); }
// Purpose: Creates a new token
void CLocalizationDialog::OnCreateToken() { CCreateTokenDialog *dlg = new CCreateTokenDialog( this ); dlg->AddActionSignalTarget(this); dlg->CreateSingleToken(); }
char const *CLocalizationDialog::GetFileName() const { return m_szFileName; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *command -
void CLocalizationDialog::OnCommand(const char *command) { if (!stricmp(command, "CreateToken")) { OnCreateToken(); } else { BaseClass::OnCommand(command); } }
// Purpose: empty message map
MessageMapItem_t CLocalizationDialog::m_MessageMap[] = { MAP_MESSAGE( CLocalizationDialog, "RowSelected", OnTokenSelected ), // message from the m_pTokenList
MAP_MESSAGE( CLocalizationDialog, "TextChanged", OnTextChanged ), // message from the text entry
MAP_MESSAGE( CLocalizationDialog, "ApplyChanges", OnApplyChanges ), // message from the text entry
MAP_MESSAGE( CLocalizationDialog, "FileSave", OnFileSave ), MAP_MESSAGE( CLocalizationDialog, "FileOpen", OnFileOpen ), MAP_MESSAGE_CONSTCHARPTR( CLocalizationDialog, "TokenCreated", OnTokenCreated, "name" ), }; IMPLEMENT_PANELMAP(CLocalizationDialog, BaseClass);