//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: The 360 VTF file format I/O class to help simplify access to 360 VTF files.
// 360 Formatted VTF's are stored ascending 1x1 up to NxN. Disk format and unserialized
// formats are expected to be the same.
#include "bitmap/imageformat.h"
#include "cvtf.h"
#include "utlbuffer.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "tier0/mem.h"
#include "tier2/fileutils.h"
#include "byteswap.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "tier1/lzmaDecoder.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Callback for UpdateOrCreate utility function - swaps a vtf file.
static bool VTFCreateCallback( const char *pSourceName, const char *pTargetName, const char *pPathID, void *pExtraData ) { // Generate the file
CUtlBuffer sourceBuf; CUtlBuffer targetBuf; bool bOk = g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( pSourceName, pPathID, sourceBuf ); if ( bOk ) { bOk = ConvertVTFTo360Format( pSourceName, sourceBuf, targetBuf, NULL ); if ( bOk ) { bOk = g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( pTargetName, pPathID, targetBuf ); } }
if ( !bOk ) { Warning( "Failed to create %s\n", pTargetName ); } return bOk; }
// Calls utility function to create .360 version of a vtf file.
int CVTFTexture::UpdateOrCreate( const char *pFilename, const char *pPathID, bool bForce ) { return ::UpdateOrCreate( pFilename, NULL, 0, pPathID, VTFCreateCallback, bForce, NULL ); }
// Determine size of file, possibly smaller if skipping top mip levels.
int CVTFTexture::FileSize( bool bPreloadOnly, int nMipSkipCount ) const { if ( bPreloadOnly ) { // caller wants size of preload
return m_iPreloadDataSize; }
const ResourceEntryInfo *pEntryInfo = FindResourceEntryInfo( VTF_LEGACY_RSRC_IMAGE ); if ( !pEntryInfo ) { // has to exist
Assert( 0 ); return 0; } int iImageDataOffset = pEntryInfo->resData;
if ( m_iCompressedSize ) { // file is compressed, mip skipping is non-applicable at this stage
return iImageDataOffset + m_iCompressedSize; }
// caller gets file size, possibly truncated due to mip skipping
int nFaceSize = ComputeFaceSize( nMipSkipCount ); return iImageDataOffset + m_nFrameCount * m_nFaceCount * nFaceSize; }
// Unserialization of image data from buffer
bool CVTFTexture::LoadImageData( CUtlBuffer &buf, bool bBufferIsVolatile, int nMipSkipCount ) { ResourceEntryInfo *pEntryInfo = FindResourceEntryInfo( VTF_LEGACY_RSRC_IMAGE ); if ( !pEntryInfo ) { // has to exist
Assert( 0 ); return false; } int iImageDataOffset = pEntryInfo->resData;
// Fix up the mip count + size based on how many mip levels we skip...
if ( nMipSkipCount > 0 ) { if ( nMipSkipCount >= m_nMipCount ) { nMipSkipCount = 0; } ComputeMipLevelDimensions( nMipSkipCount, &m_nWidth, &m_nHeight, &m_nDepth ); m_nMipCount -= nMipSkipCount; m_nMipSkipCount += nMipSkipCount; }
int iImageSize = ComputeFaceSize(); iImageSize = m_nFrameCount * m_nFaceCount * iImageSize;
// seek to start of image data
// The mip levels are stored on disk ascending from smallest (1x1) to largest (NxN) to allow for picmip truncated reads
buf.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, iImageDataOffset );
CLZMA lzma; if ( m_iCompressedSize ) { unsigned char *pCompressedData = (unsigned char *)buf.PeekGet(); if ( !lzma.IsCompressed( pCompressedData ) ) { // huh? header says it was compressed
Assert( 0 ); return false; } // have to decode entire image
unsigned int originalSize = lzma.GetActualSize( pCompressedData ); AllocateImageData( originalSize ); unsigned int outputLength = lzma.Uncompress( pCompressedData, m_pImageData ); return ( outputLength == originalSize ); }
bool bOK; if ( bBufferIsVolatile ) { AllocateImageData( iImageSize ); buf.Get( m_pImageData, iImageSize ); bOK = buf.IsValid(); } else { // safe to alias
m_pImageData = (unsigned char *)buf.PeekGet( iImageSize, 0 ); bOK = ( m_pImageData != NULL ); }
return bOK; }
// Unserialization
bool CVTFTexture::ReadHeader( CUtlBuffer &buf, VTFFileHeaderX360_t &header ) { memset( &header, 0, sizeof( VTFFileHeaderX360_t ) ); buf.GetObjects( &header ); if ( !buf.IsValid() ) { Warning( "*** Error getting header from a X360 VTF file.\n" ); return false; }
// Validity check
if ( Q_strncmp( header.fileTypeString, "VTFX", 4 ) ) { Warning( "*** Tried to load a PC VTF file as a X360 VTF file!\n" ); return false; }
if ( header.version[0] != VTF_X360_MAJOR_VERSION || header.version[1] != VTF_X360_MINOR_VERSION ) { Warning( "*** Encountered X360 VTF file with an invalid version!\n" ); return false; }
if ( ( header.flags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP ) && ( header.width != header.height ) ) { Warning( "*** Encountered X360 VTF non-square cubemap!\n" ); return false; }
if ( ( header.flags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP ) && ( header.depth != 1 ) ) { Warning( "*** Encountered X360 VTF volume texture cubemap!\n" ); return false; }
if ( header.width <= 0 || header.height <= 0 || header.depth <= 0 ) { Warning( "*** Encountered X360 VTF invalid texture size!\n" ); return false; }
return true; }
// Unserialization. Can optionally alias image components to a non-volatile buffer,
// which prevents unecessary copies. Disk format and memory format of the image
// components are explicitly the same.
bool CVTFTexture::UnserializeFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer &buf, bool bBufferIsVolatile, bool bHeaderOnly, bool bPreloadOnly, int nMipSkipCount ) { VTFFileHeaderX360_t header; ResourceEntryInfo *pEntryInfo;
if ( !ReadHeader( buf, header ) ) { return false; }
// must first release any prior owned memory or reset aliases, otherwise corruption if types intermingled
ReleaseImageMemory(); ReleaseResources();
m_nVersion[0] = header.version[0]; m_nVersion[1] = header.version[1];
m_nWidth = header.width; m_nHeight = header.height; m_nDepth = header.depth; m_Format = header.imageFormat; m_nFlags = header.flags; m_nFrameCount = header.numFrames; m_nFaceCount = ( m_nFlags & TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP ) ? CUBEMAP_FACE_COUNT : 1; m_nMipCount = ComputeMipCount(); m_nMipSkipCount = header.mipSkipCount; m_vecReflectivity = header.reflectivity; m_flBumpScale = header.bumpScale; m_iPreloadDataSize = header.preloadDataSize; m_iCompressedSize = header.compressedSize;
m_LowResImageFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888; if ( header.lowResImageSample[3] ) { // nonzero denotes validity of color value
m_nLowResImageWidth = 1; m_nLowResImageHeight = 1; *(unsigned int *)m_LowResImageSample = *(unsigned int *)header.lowResImageSample; } else { m_nLowResImageWidth = 0; m_nLowResImageHeight = 0; *(unsigned int *)m_LowResImageSample = 0; }
// 360 always has the image resource
Assert( header.numResources >= 1 ); m_arrResourcesInfo.SetCount( header.numResources ); m_arrResourcesData.SetCount( header.numResources );
// Read the dictionary of resources info
buf.Get( m_arrResourcesInfo.Base(), m_arrResourcesInfo.Count() * sizeof( ResourceEntryInfo ) ); if ( !buf.IsValid() ) { return false; }
pEntryInfo = FindResourceEntryInfo( VTF_LEGACY_RSRC_IMAGE ); if ( !pEntryInfo ) { // not optional, has to be present
Assert( 0 ); return false; }
if ( bHeaderOnly ) { // caller wants header components only
// resource data chunks are NOT unserialized!
return true; }
if ( !LoadNewResources( buf ) ) { return false; }
if ( bPreloadOnly ) { // caller wants preload portion only, everything up to the image
return true; }
if ( !LoadImageData( buf, bBufferIsVolatile, nMipSkipCount ) ) { return false; }
return true; }
// Discard image data to free up memory.
void CVTFTexture::ReleaseImageMemory() { // valid sizes identify locally owned memory
if ( m_nImageAllocSize ) { delete [] m_pImageData; m_nImageAllocSize = 0; }
// block pointers could be owned or aliased, always clear
// ensures other caller's don't free an aliased pointer
m_pImageData = NULL; }
// Attributes...
bool CVTFTexture::IsPreTiled() const { return false; }
int CVTFTexture::MappingWidth() const { return m_nWidth << m_nMipSkipCount; }
int CVTFTexture::MappingHeight() const { return m_nHeight << m_nMipSkipCount; }
int CVTFTexture::MappingDepth() const { return m_nDepth << m_nMipSkipCount; }
int CVTFTexture::MipSkipCount() const { return m_nMipSkipCount; }
unsigned char *CVTFTexture::LowResImageSample() { return &m_LowResImageSample[0]; }