//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Displays HUD elements for medals/achievements, and hint text
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hud.h"
#include "hudelement.h"
#include "hud_element_helper.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Controls.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "ivrenderview.h"
#include "scaleformui/scaleformui.h"
#include "sfhudinfopanel.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "text_message.h"
#include "hud_macros.h"
#include "achievementmgr.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "sfhudfreezepanel.h"
#include "bannedwords.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( SFHudInfoPanel, HintText ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( SFHudInfoPanel, KeyHintText );
SFUI_BEGIN_GAME_API_DEF SFUI_END_GAME_API_DEF( SFHudInfoPanel, HelpAchievementModule ); // Asset named HelpAchievementModule to maintain consistency with Flash file naming
// global tunables for this panel
static float g_HintDisplayTime = 6.f; static float g_MedalDisplayTime = 5.f;
extern ConVar cl_draw_only_deathnotices;
SFHudInfoPanel::SFHudInfoPanel( const char *value ) : SFHudFlashInterface( value ), m_HelpPanelHandle(NULL), m_HelpBodyTextHandle(NULL), m_MedalPanelHandle(NULL), m_MedalTitleTextHandle(NULL), m_MedalBodyTextHandle(NULL), m_DefusePanelHandle(NULL), m_DefuseTitleTextHandle(NULL), m_DefuseBodyTextHandle(NULL), m_DefuseIconKit( NULL ), m_DefuseIconNoKit( NULL ), m_DefuseTimerTextHandle(NULL), m_PriorityMessagePanelHandle(NULL), m_PriorityMessageTitleTextHandle(NULL), m_PriorityMessageBodyTextHandle(NULL), m_activeAchievement(CSInvalidAchievement), m_PreviousDefusePercent(-1.0f), m_bDeferRaiseHelpPanel(false), m_bHintPanelHidden( false ), m_bDeferRaisePriorityMessagePanel(false), m_bIsVisible(false) { HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( SFHudInfoPanel, HintText ); HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( SFHudInfoPanel, KeyHintText ); SetHiddenBits( HIDEHUD_MISCSTATUS );
m_HintDisplayTimer.Invalidate(); m_AchievementDisplayTimer.Invalidate(); m_PriorityMsgDisplayTimer.Invalidate(); }
SFHudInfoPanel::~SFHudInfoPanel() { }
void SFHudInfoPanel::ShowPanel( HUDINFO_TYPE panelType, bool value ) { if ( m_bActive && m_FlashAPI ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { ShowPanelNoLock( panelType, value ); } } }
// Caution! If you call this from code that isn't wrapped with Slot Locks, you will run into run-time multi-threading issues!
void SFHudInfoPanel::ShowPanelNoLock( HUDINFO_TYPE panelType, bool value ) { if ( m_bActive && FlashAPIIsValid() ) { WITH_SFVALUEARRAY( data, 1 ) { m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 0, panelType );
if ( value ) { m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "showPanel", data, 1 ); m_bIsVisible = true; } else { if ( panelType == SFHUDINFO_PriorityMessage || panelType == SFHUDINFO_Help ) { STEAMWORKS_TESTSECRET_AMORTIZE( 149 ); }
m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "hidePanel", data, 1 ); m_bIsVisible = false; } } } else { // Set the flags so that panels will be raised once this HUD element is visible and loaded
if ( value ) { if ( panelType == SFHUDINFO_Help ) { m_bDeferRaiseHelpPanel = true; } else if ( panelType == SFHUDINFO_PriorityMessage ) { m_bDeferRaisePriorityMessagePanel = true; } } } }
void SFHudInfoPanel::HideAll( void ) { if ( m_FlashAPI ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "hideAll", NULL, 0 ); } m_bIsVisible = false;
// Reset the defuse percent so that we detect the defuse panel needs to be shown again when we un-hide this HUD element
m_PreviousDefusePercent = -1.0f; } }
void SFHudInfoPanel::LockSlot( bool wantItLocked, bool& currentlyLocked ) { if ( currentlyLocked != wantItLocked ) { if ( wantItLocked ) { LockScaleformSlot(); } else { UnlockScaleformSlot(); }
currentlyLocked = wantItLocked; } }
void SFHudInfoPanel::ProcessInput( void ) { // Collect information about defuse progress
float DefusePercent = -1.0f; int DefuseTimeRemaining = -1; bool bDefuseCanceled = false;
C_CSPlayer *pPlayer = C_CSPlayer::GetLocalCSPlayer(); bool bSpectating = ( pPlayer && ( pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE || pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_CHASE ) );
if ( pPlayer && bSpectating ) { C_BaseEntity *pTarget = pPlayer->GetObserverTarget();
if ( pTarget && pTarget->IsPlayer() ) { pPlayer = ToCSPlayer( pTarget );
if ( pPlayer && !pPlayer->IsAlive() ) { pPlayer = NULL; } } else { pPlayer = NULL; } }
if ( pPlayer ) { bDefuseCanceled = (pPlayer->m_iProgressBarDuration == 0);
if ( pPlayer->m_iProgressBarDuration > 0 ) { // ProgressBarStartTime is now with respect to m_flSimulationTime rather than local time
DefusePercent = (pPlayer->m_flSimulationTime - pPlayer->m_flProgressBarStartTime) / (float)pPlayer->m_iProgressBarDuration; DefusePercent = clamp( DefusePercent, 0.f, 1.f );
DefuseTimeRemaining = static_cast<int>( ceil( (float)pPlayer->m_iProgressBarDuration - (pPlayer->m_flSimulationTime - pPlayer->m_flProgressBarStartTime) ) ); } } else { // if the player goes away (drops from server, dies, etc) remember to clear any defuse panel for them
if ( m_PreviousDefusePercent >= 0.f ) bDefuseCanceled = true; }
// Updating flash, slot locking begins
bool bSlotIsLocked = false;
if ( m_HintDisplayTimer.HasStarted() ) { // Check if the current hint text should go away
if ( m_HintDisplayTimer.IsElapsed() ) { LockSlot( true, bSlotIsLocked );
// clear the hint, which also clears our timer
SetHintText(NULL); m_bHintPanelHidden = false; } else if ( m_bHintPanelHidden && m_PriorityMsgDisplayTimer.IsElapsed() ) { // Hint message was defered while a priority message was shown. Bring it back.
LockSlot( true, bSlotIsLocked ); m_bHintPanelHidden = false; ShowPanelNoLock( SFHUDINFO_Help, true ); } else if ( m_bActive && m_bDeferRaiseHelpPanel ) { // The help panel was triggered before the HUD was visible: raise it now
LockSlot( true, bSlotIsLocked );
ShowPanelNoLock( SFHUDINFO_Help, true ); } }
if ( m_PriorityMsgDisplayTimer.HasStarted() ) { // Check if the priority message text should go away
if ( m_PriorityMsgDisplayTimer.IsElapsed() ) { LockSlot( true, bSlotIsLocked );
// clear the hint, which also clears our timer
SetPriorityText( static_cast<wchar_t*>(NULL) ); } else if ( m_bActive && m_bDeferRaisePriorityMessagePanel ) { // The priority message panel was triggered before the HUD was visible: raise it now
LockSlot( true, bSlotIsLocked );
ShowPanelNoLock( SFHUDINFO_PriorityMessage, true ); } }
// Update the defuse UI
if ( DefusePercent >= 0.0f ) { LockSlot( true, bSlotIsLocked );
// Update the timer text and progress bar
if ( DefuseTimeRemaining >= 0 && m_DefuseTimerTextHandle ) { char cTimerStr[ 128 ]; int clampedTime = MAX( DefuseTimeRemaining, 0 );
Q_snprintf( cTimerStr, sizeof(cTimerStr), "%02d:%02d", ( clampedTime / 60 ), ( clampedTime % 60 ) ); m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetText( m_DefuseTimerTextHandle, cTimerStr ); }
if ( DefusePercent >= 0.f ) { WITH_SFVALUEARRAY( data, 1 ) { m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 0, DefusePercent); m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "setDefuseProgress", data, 1 ); } } }
if ( m_PreviousDefusePercent < 0.f && DefusePercent >= 0.f ) { LockSlot( true, bSlotIsLocked );
// activated the defuse process: set our static text once, and then show the panel
if ( m_DefuseTitleTextHandle ) { if ( pPlayer->m_bIsGrabbingHostage ) m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetText( m_DefuseTitleTextHandle, "#SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_HostageTitle" ); else m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetText( m_DefuseTitleTextHandle, "#SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseTitle" ); }
if ( m_DefuseBodyTextHandle ) { if ( bSpectating ) { C_CSPlayer *pTargetPlayer = ToCSPlayer( pPlayer->GetObserverTarget() );
if ( pTargetPlayer ) { wchar_t wszLocalized[100]; wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pTargetPlayer->GetPlayerName(), wszPlayerName, sizeof(wszPlayerName) ); if ( pTargetPlayer->HasDefuser() ) g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalized, sizeof( wszLocalized ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Spec_DefuseText" ), 1, wszPlayerName ); else g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszLocalized, sizeof( wszLocalized ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Spec_DefuseText_NoKit" ), 1, wszPlayerName );
m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetText( m_DefuseBodyTextHandle, wszLocalized ); } else { m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetText( m_DefuseBodyTextHandle, "" ); } } else { if ( pPlayer->m_bIsGrabbingHostage ) m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetText( m_DefuseBodyTextHandle, "#SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_HostageText" ); else if ( pPlayer->HasDefuser() ) m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetText( m_DefuseBodyTextHandle, "#SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseText" ); else m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetText( m_DefuseBodyTextHandle, "#SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_DefuseText_NoKit" ); } }
if ( m_DefuseIconKit && m_DefuseIconNoKit ) { bool bHasDefuser = pPlayer->HasDefuser();
m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetVisible( m_DefuseIconKit, bHasDefuser ); m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetVisible( m_DefuseIconNoKit, !bHasDefuser ); }
ShowPanelNoLock( SFHUDINFO_Defuse, true ); }
if ( m_PreviousDefusePercent >= 0.f && bDefuseCanceled ) { LockSlot( true, bSlotIsLocked );
// stopped defusing: hide the panel
ShowPanelNoLock( SFHUDINFO_Defuse, false ); }
m_PreviousDefusePercent = DefusePercent;
// Update current achievement UI
if ( m_activeAchievement != CSInvalidAchievement ) { if ( m_AchievementDisplayTimer.HasStarted() && m_AchievementDisplayTimer.IsElapsed() ) { LockSlot( true, bSlotIsLocked );
// start the hide process on the panel
ShowPanelNoLock( SFHUDINFO_Medal, false ); } else { // Once the panel is fully gone, clear the active achievement so we can display the next one
if ( m_MedalPanelHandle ) { LockSlot( true, bSlotIsLocked );
ScaleformDisplayInfo dinfo; m_pScaleformUI->Value_GetDisplayInfo( m_MedalPanelHandle, &dinfo );
if ( !dinfo.GetVisibility() ) { m_activeAchievement = CSInvalidAchievement; } } } } else if ( m_achievementQueue.Count() > 0 ) { // Grab the next queued achievement and pop it up
AchivementQueueInfo queueInfo = m_achievementQueue.RemoveAtHead();
m_AchievementDisplayTimer.Start( g_MedalDisplayTime );
m_activeAchievement = queueInfo.type;
// [dwenger] Play the achievement earned sound effect
vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/achievement_earned.wav" );
// Here we get the achievement to be displayed and set that in the popup windows
IAchievementMgr *pAchievementMgr = engine->GetAchievementMgr(); if ( !pAchievementMgr ) return;
IAchievement *pAchievement = pAchievementMgr->GetAchievementByID( m_activeAchievement, queueInfo.playerSlot ); if ( pAchievement ) { LockSlot( true, bSlotIsLocked );
if ( m_MedalTitleTextHandle ) { m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetText( m_MedalTitleTextHandle, ACHIEVEMENT_LOCALIZED_NAME( pAchievement ) ); }
if ( m_MedalBodyTextHandle ) { // not showing the text for right now because the body field isn't incorperated into the design, will address later
m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetText( m_MedalBodyTextHandle, "" ); //m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetText( m_MedalBodyTextHandle, ACHIEVEMENT_LOCALIZED_DESC( pAchievement ) );
// Notify the panel of the achievement name, so we can display the appropriate icon (icon name MUST match the achievement short name, eg. "ENEMY_KILL_HIGH", "SAME_UNIFORM")
WITH_SFVALUEARRAY( data, 1 ) { m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 0, pAchievement->GetName()); m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "setMedalAnnouncement", data, 1 ); }
// Achievements and medals always take precedent over hints / priority messages.
if ( m_PriorityMsgDisplayTimer.HasStarted() ) { if ( m_bHintPanelHidden ) { m_bHintPanelHidden = false; m_HintDisplayTimer.Invalidate(); }
SetPriorityText( static_cast<wchar_t*>(NULL) ); }
if ( m_HintDisplayTimer.HasStarted() ) { SetHintText( NULL ); }
ShowPanelNoLock( SFHUDINFO_Medal, true ); } }
LockSlot( false, bSlotIsLocked );
// Clear any transient data now
if ( m_bActive ) { m_bDeferRaiseHelpPanel = false; m_bDeferRaisePriorityMessagePanel = false; }
static void GetTextBoxForElement( IScaleformUI *pScaleformUI, SFVALUE root, const char *elementName, const char *textElementName, SFVALUE &sfv ) { SFVALUE TempHandle = pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( root, elementName );
if ( TempHandle ) { sfv = pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( TempHandle, textElementName ); pScaleformUI->ReleaseValue( TempHandle ); } }
void SFHudInfoPanel::FlashReady( void ) { ListenForGameEvent( "achievement_earned_local" );
m_HelpPanelHandle = m_pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( m_FlashAPI, "HudPanelHelp" );
if ( m_HelpPanelHandle ) { SFVALUE AnimatedPanelHandle = m_pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( m_HelpPanelHandle, "Panel" );
if ( AnimatedPanelHandle ) { GetTextBoxForElement( m_pScaleformUI, AnimatedPanelHandle, "HelpText", "TextBox", m_HelpBodyTextHandle );
m_pScaleformUI->ReleaseValue( AnimatedPanelHandle ); } }
m_PriorityMessagePanelHandle = m_pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( m_FlashAPI, "HudPanelCenter" );
if ( m_PriorityMessagePanelHandle ) { SFVALUE AnimatedPanelHandle = m_pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( m_PriorityMessagePanelHandle, "Panel" );
if ( AnimatedPanelHandle ) { GetTextBoxForElement( m_pScaleformUI, AnimatedPanelHandle, "CenterTextTitle", "TextBox", m_PriorityMessageTitleTextHandle ); GetTextBoxForElement( m_pScaleformUI, AnimatedPanelHandle, "CenterText", "TextBox", m_PriorityMessageBodyTextHandle );
m_pScaleformUI->ReleaseValue( AnimatedPanelHandle ); } }
m_MedalPanelHandle = m_pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( m_FlashAPI, "HudPanelMedal" );
if ( m_MedalPanelHandle ) { SFVALUE AnimatedPanelHandle = m_pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( m_MedalPanelHandle, "Panel" );
if ( AnimatedPanelHandle ) { GetTextBoxForElement( m_pScaleformUI, AnimatedPanelHandle, "MedalTitleText", "TextBox", m_MedalTitleTextHandle ); GetTextBoxForElement( m_pScaleformUI, AnimatedPanelHandle, "MedalText", "TextBox", m_MedalBodyTextHandle );
m_pScaleformUI->ReleaseValue( AnimatedPanelHandle ); } }
m_DefusePanelHandle = m_pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( m_FlashAPI, "HudPanelDefuse" );
if ( m_DefusePanelHandle ) { SFVALUE AnimatedPanelHandle = m_pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( m_DefusePanelHandle, "Panel" );
m_DefuseIconKit = m_pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( m_DefusePanelHandle, "icon_defuse" ); m_DefuseIconNoKit = m_pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( m_DefusePanelHandle, "icon_no_defusekit" );
if ( AnimatedPanelHandle ) { GetTextBoxForElement( m_pScaleformUI, AnimatedPanelHandle, "DefuseText", "TextBox", m_DefuseBodyTextHandle ); SFVALUE TitleBarHandle = m_pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( AnimatedPanelHandle, "DefuseTextTitle" );
if ( TitleBarHandle ) { SFVALUE TitleTextHandle = m_pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( TitleBarHandle, "DefuseTitle" );
if ( TitleTextHandle ) { GetTextBoxForElement( m_pScaleformUI, TitleTextHandle, "DefuseTitle", "TextBox1", m_DefuseTitleTextHandle );
GetTextBoxForElement( m_pScaleformUI, TitleTextHandle, "DefuseTitle", "TextBox2", m_DefuseTimerTextHandle );
m_pScaleformUI->ReleaseValue( TitleTextHandle ); }
m_pScaleformUI->ReleaseValue( TitleBarHandle ); }
m_pScaleformUI->ReleaseValue( AnimatedPanelHandle ); } }
// hide everything initially
HideAll(); }
bool SFHudInfoPanel::PreUnloadFlash( void ) { StopListeningForAllEvents();
SafeReleaseSFVALUE( m_HelpPanelHandle ); SafeReleaseSFVALUE( m_HelpBodyTextHandle );
SafeReleaseSFVALUE( m_MedalPanelHandle ); SafeReleaseSFVALUE( m_MedalTitleTextHandle ); SafeReleaseSFVALUE( m_MedalBodyTextHandle );
SafeReleaseSFVALUE( m_DefusePanelHandle ); SafeReleaseSFVALUE( m_DefuseTitleTextHandle ); SafeReleaseSFVALUE( m_DefuseTimerTextHandle ); SafeReleaseSFVALUE( m_DefuseBodyTextHandle );
SafeReleaseSFVALUE( m_DefuseIconKit ); SafeReleaseSFVALUE( m_DefuseIconNoKit );
SafeReleaseSFVALUE( m_PriorityMessagePanelHandle ); SafeReleaseSFVALUE( m_PriorityMessageTitleTextHandle ); SafeReleaseSFVALUE( m_PriorityMessageBodyTextHandle ); return true; }
void SFHudInfoPanel::LevelInit( void ) { if ( !FlashAPIIsValid() ) { SFUI_REQUEST_ELEMENT( SF_SS_SLOT( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ), g_pScaleformUI, SFHudInfoPanel, this, HelpAchievementModule ); } else { // When initially loaded, hide this panel
HideAll(); } }
void SFHudInfoPanel::LevelShutdown( void ) { if ( FlashAPIIsValid() ) { RemoveFlashElement(); } }
void SFHudInfoPanel::Reset( void ) { HideAll(); }
bool SFHudInfoPanel::ShouldDraw( void ) { if ( IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot() ) return false;
return cl_drawhud.GetBool() && cl_draw_only_deathnotices.GetBool() == false && CHudElement::ShouldDraw(); }
void SFHudInfoPanel::SetActive( bool bActive ) { if ( m_bActive && !bActive ) { HideAll(); }
CHudElement::SetActive( bActive ); }
bool SFHudInfoPanel::MsgFunc_HintText( const CCSUsrMsg_HintText &msg ) { const char *tmpStr = hudtextmessage->LookupString( msg.text().c_str(), NULL ); LocalizeAndDisplay( tmpStr, tmpStr ); return true; }
bool SFHudInfoPanel::MsgFunc_KeyHintText( const CCSUsrMsg_KeyHintText &msg ) { const char *tmpStr = hudtextmessage->LookupString( msg.hints(0).c_str(), NULL ); LocalizeAndDisplay( tmpStr, tmpStr ); return true; }
void SFHudInfoPanel::LocalizeAndDisplay( const char *pszHudTxtMsg, const char *szRawString ) { wchar_t szBuf[255]; wchar_t *pszBuf;
// init buffers & pointers
szBuf[0] = 0; pszBuf = szBuf;
// try to localize
if ( pszHudTxtMsg ) { pszBuf = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszHudTxtMsg ); } else { pszBuf = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szRawString ); }
if ( !pszBuf ) { // use plain ASCII string
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szRawString, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf) ); pszBuf = szBuf; }
// replace key binding text
wchar_t keyBindingBuf[512]; UTIL_ReplaceKeyBindings( pszBuf, sizeof( szBuf ), keyBindingBuf, sizeof( keyBindingBuf ) );
// make it visible
SetHintText( pszBuf ); }
bool SFHudInfoPanel::SetHintText( wchar_t *text ) { if ( FlashAPIIsValid() && !m_AchievementDisplayTimer.HasStarted() ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { if ( text ) { if ( m_HelpBodyTextHandle ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetTextHTML( m_HelpBodyTextHandle, m_pScaleformUI->ReplaceGlyphKeywordsWithHTML( text ) ); } }
if ( m_PriorityMsgDisplayTimer.HasStarted() ) { // Defer display of the hint message until the priority message has finished displaying
m_bHintPanelHidden = true; m_HintDisplayTimer.Start( g_HintDisplayTime + m_PriorityMsgDisplayTimer.GetRemainingTime() ); } else { // start (or reset) the timer for auto-hiding this latest hint
m_HintDisplayTimer.Start( g_HintDisplayTime ); ShowPanelNoLock( SFHUDINFO_Help, true ); } } else { m_HintDisplayTimer.Invalidate();
ShowPanelNoLock( SFHUDINFO_Help, false ); } } }
return true; }
ConVar cl_display_scaleform_achievement_popups( "cl_display_scaleform_achievement_popups", "0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL ); #else
ConVar cl_display_scaleform_achievement_popups( "cl_display_scaleform_achievement_popups", "1", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); #endif
void SFHudInfoPanel::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent * event ) { const char *pEventName = event->GetName();
if ( cl_display_scaleform_achievement_popups.GetBool() ) { if ( Q_strcmp( "achievement_earned_local", pEventName ) == 0 ) { AchivementQueueInfo queueInfo; queueInfo.type = (eCSAchievementType)event->GetInt( "achievement" ); queueInfo.playerSlot = event->GetInt( "splitscreenplayer" ); // If this achievement is for this player, enqueue it to display on the next tick
if ( queueInfo.playerSlot == engine->GetActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot() ) { m_achievementQueue.Insert(queueInfo); } } } }
// Common code to setup the priority text window for a new message, or tear it down if the message is cleared
void SFHudInfoPanel::ModifyPriorityTextWindow( bool bMsgSet ) { if ( bMsgSet ) { bool bAlreadyActive = m_PriorityMsgDisplayTimer.HasStarted() && !m_PriorityMsgDisplayTimer.IsElapsed();
// start (or reset) the timer for auto-hiding this latest text
static ConVarRef scr_centertime( "scr_centertime" ); m_PriorityMsgDisplayTimer.Start( scr_centertime.GetFloat() );
if ( m_PriorityMessageTitleTextHandle ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetText( m_PriorityMessageTitleTextHandle, "#SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_PriorityMsgTitle" ); } }
if ( bAlreadyActive ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { // don't re-animate the window into position, just flash it and swap the text
m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "flashCenterText", NULL, 0 ); } } else { if ( m_HintDisplayTimer.HasStarted() ) { // Priority messages take precedent. Temporarily hide the hint panel.
m_bHintPanelHidden = true; m_HintDisplayTimer.Start( m_HintDisplayTimer.GetElapsedTime() + scr_centertime.GetFloat() ); ShowPanelNoLock( SFHUDINFO_Help, false ); }
ShowPanelNoLock( SFHUDINFO_PriorityMessage, true ); } } else { m_PriorityMsgDisplayTimer.Invalidate();
ShowPanelNoLock( SFHUDINFO_PriorityMessage, false ); } }
// ANSI C-string version
void SFHudInfoPanel::SetPriorityText( char *pMsg ) { if ( FlashAPIIsValid() && !m_AchievementDisplayTimer.HasStarted() ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { ModifyPriorityTextWindow( (pMsg != NULL) ); if ( pMsg && m_PriorityMessageBodyTextHandle ) { if ( g_BannedWords.BInitialized() ) { int nLen = V_strlen( pMsg ); int cubDestSizeInBytes = ( 1 + nLen ) * sizeof( wchar_t ); wchar_t * pwchBuffer = ( wchar_t * ) stackalloc( cubDestSizeInBytes ); V_UTF8ToUnicode( pMsg, pwchBuffer, cubDestSizeInBytes ); if ( g_BannedWords.CensorBannedWordsInplace( pwchBuffer ) ) { m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetText( m_PriorityMessageBodyTextHandle, pwchBuffer ); pMsg = NULL; } } if ( pMsg ) { m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetText( m_PriorityMessageBodyTextHandle, pMsg ); } } } } }
// TCHAR (multi-byte) string version
void SFHudInfoPanel::SetPriorityText( wchar_t *pMsg ) { if ( FlashAPIIsValid() && !m_AchievementDisplayTimer.HasStarted() ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { ModifyPriorityTextWindow( (pMsg != NULL) );
if ( pMsg && m_PriorityMessageBodyTextHandle ) { g_BannedWords.CensorBannedWordsInplace( pMsg ); m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetTextHTML( m_PriorityMessageBodyTextHandle, m_pScaleformUI->ReplaceGlyphKeywordsWithHTML( pMsg ) ); } } } }
void SFHudInfoPanel::SetPriorityHintText( wchar_t *pMsg ) { if ( FlashAPIIsValid() && !m_AchievementDisplayTimer.HasStarted() ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { //m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "flashCenterText", NULL, 0 );
if ( pMsg ) { // make it visible
g_BannedWords.CensorBannedWordsInplace( pMsg ); SetHintText( pMsg ); } } } }
void SFHudInfoPanel::ApplyYOffset( int nOffset ) { if ( FlashAPIIsValid() ) { WITH_SFVALUEARRAY_SLOT_LOCKED( data, 1 ) { m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 0, nOffset ); m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "setYOffset", data, 1 ); } } }