//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "hud.h"
#include "hud_element_helper.h"
#include "scaleformui/scaleformui.h"
#include "sfhudflashinterface.h"
#include "c_cs_hostage.h"
#define MAX_DECOYS 30
class SFHudRadar : public SFHudFlashInterface {
// this manages the display of the players and hostages
// in the radar
enum { R_BELOW = 0, R_SAMELEVEL = 1, R_ABOVE = 2, };
// each enum represents an icon that this class is managing
class SFHudRadarIconPackage {
public: SFHudRadarIconPackage(); ~SFHudRadarIconPackage();
// zero all the internal variables
void ClearAll( void );
// get handles to the icons which will all be children
// of the iconPackage handle
void Init( IScaleformUI* pui, SFVALUE iconPackage );
// release all the handles, and clear all the variables
// used when removing players or changing maps
void NukeFromOrbit( SFHudRadar* pSFUI );
// reset all variables to their start of round values
void StartRound( void );
// set the states for this player
void SetIsPlayer( bool value ); void SetIsSelected( bool value ); void SetIsSpeaking ( bool value ); void SetIsOffMap( bool value ); void SetIsAboveOrBelow( int value ); void SetIsMovingHostage( bool value ); void SetIsDead( bool value ); void SetIsRescued( bool value ); void SetPlayerTeam( int team ); void SetGrenadeExpireTime( float value ); void SetIsSpotted( bool value ); void SetIsSpottedByFriendsOnly( bool value ); void SetAlpha( float newAlpha ); void SetIsOnLocalTeam( bool value ); void SetIsBot( bool value ); void SetIsControlledBot( void ); void SetIsDefuse( bool bValue );
// given the current set of states, decide which
// icons should be shown and which should be hidden
void SetupIconsFromStates( void );
// each bit in newFlags represents the visibility of one of the
// icons in the PLAYER_ICON_INDICES. If the bit is on, the icon
// is shown.
void SetVisibilityFlags( int newFlags );
void UpdateIconsPostion( void );
bool IsHostageType( void ) { return m_IconPackType == ICON_PACK_HOSTAGE;} bool IsDecoyType( void ) { return m_IconPackType == ICON_PACK_DECOY;} bool IsPlayerType( void ) { return m_IconPackType == ICON_PACK_PLAYER;} bool IsDefuserType( void ) { return m_IconPackType == ICON_PACK_DEFUSER;}
bool IsVisible( void );
public: // pointer to scaleform
IScaleformUI* m_pScaleformUI;
// the parent for all the icons
SFVALUE m_IconPackage; SFVALUE m_IconPackageRotate;
// the handles for all the icons listed in PLAYER_ICON_INDICES
// the location and position of this player/hostage
// only updated when the player is spotted
Vector m_Position; // current x,y pos
QAngle m_Angle; // view origin 0..360
// HUD Position, rotation and scale - used to update the position of the visible icons
Vector m_HudPosition; float m_HudRotation; float m_HudScale;
// ignore visibility updates until a little time has passed
// this keeps track of when the round started
float m_fRoundStartTime; // the time at which this player/hostage died ( or was rescued )
// used to calculate the alpha of the X icon.
float m_fDeadTime;
// the time at which the player / hostage was last spotted
// used to fade out the ? icon
float m_fGhostTime;
// the alpha currently used to display all icons
// used to lazy update the actual scaleform value
float m_fCurrentAlpha;
// last time we applied this color to the movie
float m_fLastColorUpdate;
// each bit represents one of the PLAYER_ICON_INDICES
// used to lazy update the visibility of the icons in scaleform
int m_iCurrentVisibilityFlags;
// the index of this player/hostage in the radar.
// used to create the instance name of the icon package in flash
int m_iIndex;
// set from the player objects UserID or EntityID ( for the hostages ). Lets us find the radar
// object that represents a player / hostage
int m_iEntityID;
// state variables used to keep track of the player / hostage state
// so we know which icon( s ) to show
int m_Health; // 0..100, 7 bit
wchar_t m_wcName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH+1];
// the base icon for the player
int m_iPlayerType; // will be PI_CT, PI_T, or PI_HOSTAGE
int m_nAboveOrBelow;// R_BELOW = 0,R_SAMELEVEL = 1,R_ABOVE = 2,
float m_fGrenExpireTime;
ICON_PACK_TYPE m_IconPackType;
bool m_bIsActive : 1; bool m_bOffMap : 1; bool m_bIsPlayer : 1; bool m_bIsSelected : 1; bool m_bIsSpeaking : 1; bool m_bIsDead : 1; bool m_bIsBot : 1; bool m_bIsMovingHostage : 1; bool m_bIsSpotted : 1; bool m_bIsSpottedByFriendsOnly : 1; bool m_bIsRescued : 1; bool m_bIsOnLocalTeam : 1; bool m_bIsDefuser : 1; bool m_bHostageIsUsed : 1;
// don't put anything new after the bitfields or suffer the Wrath of the Compiler!
// this little class manages the display of the hostage
// indicators in the panel
HI_UNUSED = HI_NUM_ICONS, }; public:
SFHudRadarHostageIcons(); ~SFHudRadarHostageIcons();
void Init( IScaleformUI* scaleformui, SFVALUE iconPackage ); void ReleaseHandles( SFHudRadar* pradar );
void SetStatus( int status );
public: IScaleformUI* m_pScaleformUI;
// the parent object of all the icons
SFVALUE m_IconPackage;
// the icons which represent each of the HOSTAGE_ICON_INDICES
// the index of the icon that is currently shown
int m_iCurrentIcon;
// this just keeps track of the bombzone and hostagezone
// icons that are shown on the radar
struct SFHudRadarGoalIcon { Vector m_Position; SFVALUE m_Icon; };
public: explicit SFHudRadar( const char *value ); virtual ~SFHudRadar();
// These overload the CHudElement class
virtual void ProcessInput( void ); virtual void LevelInit( void ); virtual void LevelShutdown( void ); virtual void SetActive( bool bActive ); virtual void Init( void ); virtual bool ShouldDraw( void ); virtual void Reset( void ) { SetActive( true ); }
// these overload the ScaleformFlashInterfaceMixin class
virtual void FlashLoaded( void ); virtual void FlashReady( void ); virtual bool PreUnloadFlash( void ); void MapLoaded( SCALEFORM_CALLBACK_ARGS_DECL );
// overloads for the CGameEventListener class
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event );
bool MsgFunc_ProcessSpottedEntityUpdate( const CCSUsrMsg_ProcessSpottedEntityUpdate &msg );
void ShowRadar( bool value ) {m_bShowRadar = value;} bool IsRadarShown( void ) {return m_bShowRadar;}
void ResizeHud( void ); void SwitchRadarToRound( bool toRound );
CUserMessageBinder m_UMCMsgProcessSpottedEntityUpdate;
bool m_bRound; // Is the radar round ( otherwise square )
void ResetRadar( bool bResetGlobalStates = true );
void ResetForNewMap( void ); void ResetRound( void ); void SetMap( const char* pMapName ); void WorldToRadar( const Vector& ptin, Vector& ptout ); void RadarToHud( const Vector& ptin, Vector& ptout ); void LazyCreateGoalIcons( void ); void FlashLoadMap( const char* pMapName ); void FlashUpdateMapLayer( int layerIdx );
void InitIconPackage( SFHudRadarIconPackage* pPlayer, int iAbsoluteIndex, ICON_PACK_TYPE packType ); void RemoveIconPackage( SFHudRadarIconPackage* pPlayer );
SFHudRadarIconPackage* CreatePlayer( int index ); void ResetPlayer( int index ); void RemovePlayer( int index );
SFHudRadarIconPackage* CreateHostage( int index ); void ResetHostage( int index ); void RemoveHostage( int index ); void RemoveStaleHostages( void ); void RemoveAllHostages( void );
SFHudRadarIconPackage* CreateDecoy( int index ); void RemoveAllDecoys( void ); void RemoveDecoy( int index );
SFHudRadarIconPackage * CreateDefuser( int nEntityID ); SFHudRadarIconPackage * GetDefuser( int nEntityID, bool bCreateIfNotFound = false ); void SetDefuserPos( int nEntityID, int x, int y, int z, int a ); void UpdateAllDefusers( void ); void RemoveAllDefusers( void ); void RemoveDefuser( int index );
bool LazyUpdateIconArray( SFHudRadarIconPackage* pArray, int lastIndex ); virtual bool LazyCreateIconPackage( SFHudRadarIconPackage* pPackage );
void LazyCreatePlayerIcons( void );
void SetPlayerTeam( int index, int team );
int GetPlayerIndexFromUserID( int userID ); int GetHostageIndexFromHostageEntityID( int entityID ); int GetDecoyIndexFromEntityID( int entityID ); int GetDefuseIndexFromEntityID( int nEntityID );
void ApplySpectatorModes( void );
void PositionRadarViewpoint( void ); void PlaceGoalIcons( void ); void Show( bool show ); void PlacePlayers(); void PlaceHostages(); void SetIconPackagePosition( SFHudRadarIconPackage* pPackage ); void UpdateMiscIcons( void ); void SetVisibilityFlags( int newFlags ); void SetupIconsFromStates( void );
void SetLocationText( wchar_t *newText );
void ResetRoundVariables( bool bResetGlobalStates = true );
void UpdateDecoys( void );
void UpdateAllPlayerNumbers( void ); void UpdatePlayerNumber( SFHudRadarIconPackage* pPackage );
SFHudRadarIconPackage* GetRadarPlayer( int index ); SFHudRadarIconPackage* GetRadarHostage( int index ); SFHudRadarIconPackage* GetRadarDecoy( int index ); SFHudRadarIconPackage* GetRadarDefuser( int index ); SFHudRadarIconPackage* GetRadarHeight( int index );
// these are the icons used individually by the radar and panel
enum { MAX_BOMB_ZONES = 2, }; int m_nCurrentRadarVerticalSection;
struct HudRadarLevelVerticalSection_t { int m_nSectionIndex; char m_szSectionName[MAX_MAP_NAME]; float m_flSectionAltitudeFloor; float m_flSectionAltitudeCeiling;
HudRadarLevelVerticalSection_t() { m_nSectionIndex = 0; m_szSectionName[0] = 0; m_flSectionAltitudeFloor = 0; m_flSectionAltitudeCeiling = 0; } };
CUtlVector< HudRadarLevelVerticalSection_t > m_vecRadarVerticalSections;
// this holds the names and indexes of the messages we receive so that
// we don't have to do a whole bunch of string compares to find them
static CUtlMap<const char*, int> m_messageMap;
// these are used to scale world coordinates to radar coordinates
Vector m_MapOrigin; float m_fMapSize; float m_fRadarSize; float m_fPixelToRadarScale; float m_fWorldToPixelScale; float m_fWorldToRadarScale;
// this is center of the radar in world and map coordinates
Vector m_RadarViewpointWorld; Vector m_RadarViewpointMap; float m_RadarRotation;
// the current position of the bomb
Vector m_BombPosition;
// the last time the bomb was seen. Used to fade
// out the bomb icon after it has dropped out of sight
float m_fBombSeenTime; float m_fBombAlpha;
// the current position of the defuser
Vector m_DefuserPosition;
// the last time the defuser was seen. Used to fade
// out the defuser icon after it has dropped out of sight
float m_fDefuserSeenTime; float m_fDefuserAlpha;
// a bitmap of the icons that are currently beeing shown.
// each bit corresponds to one the RADAR_ICON_INDICES
int m_iCurrentVisibilityFlags;
// the handles to the RADAR_ICON_INDICES icons
// Background panel
SFVALUE m_BackgroundPanel;
// handles to the radar movie clips in flash.
// there is a rotation and a translation layer each for the icons and for the background map.
// The map and the icons have separate layers because the map is behind a mask layer, and the
// icons are not.
// the root of the entire radar and dashboard
SFVALUE m_RadarModule;
// the root of the radar part of the module
SFVALUE m_Radar;
// the layers that handle the icons
SFVALUE m_IconTranslation; SFVALUE m_IconRotation;
// the layers that handle the map
SFVALUE m_MapRotation; SFVALUE m_MapTranslation;
// handles to the actual bomb zone and hostage icons that are defined
// in the flash file
// "handle" to the text that holds the current location
ISFTextObject* m_LocationText;
// the last index of an active player in the m_Players array
int m_iLastPlayerIndex;
// the last index of an active hostage in the m_Hostages array
int m_iLastHostageIndex;
// the last index of an active decoy in the m_Decoys array
int m_iLastDecoyIndex;
// the last index of an active defuser in the m_Defuser array
int m_iLastDefuserIndex;
// keeps the state information and icon handles for the players
SFHudRadarIconPackage m_Players[MAX_PLAYERS];
// keeps the state information and icon handles for the hostages
SFHudRadarIconPackage m_Hostages[MAX_HOSTAGES];
// keeps the state information and icon handles for the decoys
SFHudRadarIconPackage m_Decoys[MAX_DECOYS];
// keeps the state information and icon handles for the decoys
SFHudRadarIconPackage m_Defusers[MAX_PLAYERS];
// the handles to the hostage status icons that appear beneath the dashboard
SFHudRadarHostageIcons m_HostageStatusIcons[MAX_HOSTAGES];
// a goal icon is either a bomb-area or a hostage-area icon
// This array holds the positions / handles of the ones that are active for the current map
int m_iNumGoalIcons; SFHudRadarGoalIcon m_GoalIcons[MAX_HOSTAGE_RESCUES + MAX_BOMB_ZONES];
// the current observer mode. Figures into the placement of the center of the radar
// and a few other things
int m_iObserverMode;
// there is a loaded and a desired so that we don't load the same map twice, and so that we
// can request that a map be loaded before the flash stuff is able to actually load it.
char m_cLoadedMapName[MAX_MAP_NAME+1]; char m_cDesiredMapName[MAX_MAP_NAME+1];
// the name of our current location
wchar_t m_wcLocationString[MAX_LOCATION_TEXT_LENGTH+1];
// keeps track of weather flash is ready or not and if it's currently being loaded
bool m_bFlashLoading : 1; bool m_bFlashReady : 1;
// this is set by a con command to hide the whole radar
bool m_bShowRadar : 1;
bool m_bVisible;
bool m_bShowViewFrustrum;
// set to true in spectator mode if we're not in pro mode
bool m_bShowAll : 1;
// keep track of whether we've already gotten all the goal icons and player icons from the
// flash file. This is necessary because some of the level information is loaded before
// flash is ready
bool m_bGotGoalIcons : 1; bool m_bGotPlayerIcons : 1;
// state information about which icons should be displayed
bool m_bShowingHostageZone : 1; bool m_bBombPlanted : 1; bool m_bBombDropped : 1; bool m_bBombDefused : 1; bool m_bBombExploded : 1; bool m_bShowBombHighlight : 1; bool m_bShowingDashboard : 1;
bool m_bBombIsSpotted : 1; int m_nBombEntIndex; int m_nBombHolderUserId;
bool m_bTrackDefusers;
// entities spotted last ProcessSpottedEntityUpdate
CBitVec<MAX_EDICTS> m_EntitySpotted; };
#endif /* SFHUDRADAR_H_ */