//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#if defined( INCLUDE_SCALEFORM )
#include "sfhudvotepanel.h"
#include "hud_macros.h"
#include "sfhudcallvotepanel.h"
#include "sfhudfreezepanel.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "c_cs_playerresource.h"
#include "cs_hud_chat.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define SAFECALL( handle, func ) \
if ( handle ) \ { \ func \ }
ConVar cl_vote_ui_active_after_voting( "cl_vote_ui_active_after_voting", "1" ); ConVar cl_vote_ui_show_notification( "cl_vote_ui_show_notification", "0" );
DECLARE_HUDELEMENT( SFHudVotePanel ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( SFHudVotePanel, CallVoteFailed ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( SFHudVotePanel, VoteStart ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( SFHudVotePanel, VotePass ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( SFHudVotePanel, VoteFailed ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( SFHudVotePanel, VoteSetup );
// Purpose: Constructor
SFHudVotePanel::SFHudVotePanel( const char *value ) : SFHudFlashInterface( value ) { SetHiddenBits( HIDEHUD_MISCSTATUS ); m_hVoteButtonBG = NULL; m_hVoteLocalCast = NULL; m_option1Text = NULL; m_option2Text = NULL; m_option1CountText = NULL; m_option2CountText = NULL; m_bVisible = false; m_bHasFocus = false; m_nVoteYes = 0; m_nVoteNo = 0; m_flPostVotedHideTime = -1; }
void SFHudVotePanel::ProcessInput( void ) { OnThink(); }
void SFHudVotePanel::LevelInit( void ) { if ( !FlashAPIIsValid() ) { SFUI_REQUEST_ELEMENT( SF_SS_SLOT( GET_ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_SLOT() ), g_pScaleformUI, SFHudVotePanel, this, VotePanel ); } }
void SFHudVotePanel::LevelShutdown( void ) { if ( FlashAPIIsValid() ) { RemoveFlashElement(); } }
void SFHudVotePanel::FlashReady( void ) { if ( !m_FlashAPI ) { return; }
SFVALUE root = g_pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( m_FlashAPI, "VotePanel" );
if ( !root ) { return; }
SFVALUE inner = g_pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( root, "VotePanelInner" );
if ( !inner ) { SafeReleaseSFVALUE( root ); return; } m_hVoteButtonBG = g_pScaleformUI->Value_GetMember( inner, "VoteButtonBG" ); m_hVoteLocalCast = g_pScaleformUI->TextObject_MakeTextObjectFromMember( inner, "VoteConfirm" ); m_option1Text = g_pScaleformUI->TextObject_MakeTextObjectFromMember( inner, "Vote1" ); m_option2Text = g_pScaleformUI->TextObject_MakeTextObjectFromMember( inner, "Vote2" ); m_option1CountText = g_pScaleformUI->TextObject_MakeTextObjectFromMember( inner, "Vote1Count" ); m_option2CountText = g_pScaleformUI->TextObject_MakeTextObjectFromMember( inner, "Vote2Count" ); SafeReleaseSFVALUE( root ); SafeReleaseSFVALUE( inner );
// listen for events
ListenForGameEvent( "vote_changed" ); ListenForGameEvent( "vote_options" ); ListenForGameEvent( "vote_cast" );
SetVoteActive( false ); m_flVoteResultCycleTime = -1; m_flHideTime = -1; m_bIsYesNoVote = true; m_bPlayerVoted = false; m_bPlayerLocalVote = VOTE_UNCAST; m_nVoteChoicesCount = 2; // Yes/No is the default
m_nVoteYes = 0; m_nVoteNo = 0;
HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( SFHudVotePanel, CallVoteFailed ); HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( SFHudVotePanel, VoteStart ); HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( SFHudVotePanel, VotePass ); HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( SFHudVotePanel, VoteFailed ); HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( SFHudVotePanel, VoteSetup ); }
bool SFHudVotePanel::PreUnloadFlash( void ) { SafeReleaseSFVALUE( m_hVoteButtonBG ); SafeReleaseSFTextObject( m_hVoteLocalCast ); SafeReleaseSFTextObject( m_option1Text ); SafeReleaseSFTextObject( m_option2Text ); SafeReleaseSFTextObject( m_option1CountText ); SafeReleaseSFTextObject( m_option2CountText ); return true; }
// Purpose:
void SFHudVotePanel::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { const char *eventName = event->GetName(); if ( !eventName ) return;
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return;
if( FStrEq( eventName, "vote_changed" ) ) { for ( int index = 0; index < MAX_VOTE_OPTIONS; index++ ) { char szOption[2]; Q_snprintf( szOption, sizeof( szOption ), "%i", index + 1 );
char szVoteOptionCount[13] = "vote_option"; Q_strncat( szVoteOptionCount, szOption, sizeof( szVoteOptionCount ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
m_nVoteOptionCount[index] = event->GetInt( szVoteOptionCount ); } m_nPotentialVotes = event->GetInt( "potentialVotes" ); } else if ( FStrEq( eventName, "vote_options" ) ) { m_VoteSetupChoices.RemoveAll();
m_nVoteChoicesCount = event->GetInt( "count" ); for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_nVoteChoicesCount; iIndex++ ) { char szNumber[2]; Q_snprintf( szNumber, sizeof( szNumber ), "%i", iIndex + 1 );
char szOptionName[8] = "option"; Q_strncat( szOptionName, szNumber, sizeof( szOptionName ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
const char *pszOptionName = event->GetString( szOptionName ); m_VoteSetupChoices.CopyAndAddToTail( pszOptionName ); } } else if ( FStrEq( eventName, "vote_cast" ) ) { int iPlayer = event->GetInt( "entityid" ); C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayer ); if ( pPlayer != pLocalPlayer ) return;
int vote_option = event->GetInt( "vote_option", TEAM_UNASSIGNED ); if( vote_option == VOTE_OPTION1 ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { if ( m_pScaleformUI ) { m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "flashYesVote", NULL, 0 ); } } //ThumbBg1
//[tj]Convert toScaleform animation g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pVoteActive, "PulseOption1" );
} else if( vote_option == VOTE_OPTION2 ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { if ( m_pScaleformUI ) { m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "flashNoVote", NULL, 0 ); } } //ThumbBg2
//[tj]Convert toScaleform animation g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pVoteActive, "PulseOption2" );
} else if( vote_option == VOTE_OPTION3 ) { //[tj]Convert toScaleform animation g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pVoteActive, "PulseOption3" );
} else if( vote_option == VOTE_OPTION4 ) { //[tj]Convert toScaleform animation g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pVoteActive, "PulseOption4" );
} else if( vote_option == VOTE_OPTION5 ) { //[tj]Convert toScaleform animation g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pVoteActive, "PulseOption5" );
m_bPlayerVoted = true; m_bPlayerLocalVote = vote_option;
if ( !cl_vote_ui_active_after_voting.GetBool() ) { m_flPostVotedHideTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.5f; } } }
void SFHudVotePanel::Hide( void ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { if ( m_pScaleformUI ) { m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "hide", NULL, 0 ); } }
m_bHasFocus = false; }
bool SFHudVotePanel::ShouldDraw( void ) { if ( IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot() || (CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsPlayingTraining()) ) return false;
return cl_drawhud.GetBool() && CHudElement::ShouldDraw(); }
// void SFHudVotePanel::TimerCallback( SCALEFORM_CALLBACK_ARGS_DECL )
// {
// OnThink();
// }
// Purpose: Sent only to the caller
bool SFHudVotePanel::MsgFunc_CallVoteFailed( const CCSUsrMsg_CallVoteFailed &msg ) { if ( !FlashAPIIsValid() ) { return true; }
vote_create_failed_t nReason = (vote_create_failed_t)msg.reason(); int nTime = msg.time();
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return true;
if ( CDemoPlaybackParameters_t const *pParams = engine->GetDemoPlaybackParameters() ) { if ( pParams->m_bAnonymousPlayerIdentity ) return true; }
m_flHideTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 3.0;
char szTime[256]; wchar_t wszTime[256]; Q_snprintf( szTime, sizeof ( szTime), "%i", nTime ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szTime, wszTime, sizeof( wszTime ) );
wchar_t wszFailureString[512];
const char * voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_MAX] = { NULL };
voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_GENERIC] = "#SFUI_vote_failed"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_TRANSITIONING_PLAYERS] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_transition_vote"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_RATE_EXCEEDED] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_vote_spam"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_ISSUE_DISABLED] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_disabled_issue"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NOT_FOUND] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_map_not_found"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_MAP_NAME_REQUIRED] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_map_name_required";
voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENTLY] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_recently"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_KICK] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_recent_kick"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_CHANGEMAP] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_recent_changemap"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_SWAPTEAMS] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_recent_swapteams"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_SCRAMBLETEAMS] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_recent_scrambleteams"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_RESTART] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_recent_restart"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_TEAM_CANT_CALL] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_team_cant_call"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_WAITINGFORPLAYERS] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_waitingforplayers"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_CANNOT_KICK_ADMIN] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_cannot_kick_admin"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_SWAP_IN_PROGRESS] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_swap_in_prog"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_SCRAMBLE_IN_PROGRESS] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_scramble_in_prog"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_SPECTATOR] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_spectator"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_DISABLED] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_disabled"; voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_NEXTLEVEL_SET] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_nextlevel_set";
voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_TOO_EARLY_SURRENDER] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_surrender_too_early";
voteFailedStrings[ VOTE_FAILED_MATCH_PAUSED ] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_paused"; voteFailedStrings[ VOTE_FAILED_MATCH_NOT_PAUSED ] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_not_paused"; voteFailedStrings[ VOTE_FAILED_NOT_10_PLAYERS ] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_not_10_players"; voteFailedStrings[ VOTE_FAILED_NOT_IN_WARMUP ] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_not_in_warmup"; voteFailedStrings[ VOTE_FAILED_CANT_ROUND_END ] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_cant_round_end";
voteFailedStrings[ VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_EXHAUSTED ] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_timeouts_exhausted"; voteFailedStrings[ VOTE_FAILED_TIMEOUT_ACTIVE ] = "#SFUI_vote_failed_timeout_active";
Assert( nReason < VOTE_FAILED_MAX ); if ( nReason < VOTE_FAILED_MAX ) { if ( nReason == VOTE_FAILED_RATE_EXCEEDED || nReason == VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENTLY || nReason == VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_KICK || nReason == VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_CHANGEMAP || nReason == VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_SWAPTEAMS || nReason == VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_SCRAMBLETEAMS || nReason == VOTE_FAILED_FAILED_RECENT_RESTART ) { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszFailureString, sizeof( wszFailureString ), g_pVGuiLocalize->FindSafe( voteFailedStrings[nReason] ? voteFailedStrings[nReason] : voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_GENERIC] ), 1, wszTime ); } else { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszFailureString, sizeof( wszFailureString ), g_pVGuiLocalize->FindSafe( voteFailedStrings[nReason] ? voteFailedStrings[nReason] : voteFailedStrings[VOTE_FAILED_GENERIC] ), 0 ); }
WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { WITH_SFVALUEARRAY( data, 4 ) { m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 0, "#SFUI_vote_failed" ); m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 1, wszFailureString ); m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 2, false ); // did not pass
m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 3, false ); // shows the thumb results?
m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "showResult", data, 4 ); } } }
return true; }
// Purpose: Sent to everyone
bool SFHudVotePanel::MsgFunc_VoteFailed( const CCSUsrMsg_VoteFailed &msg ) { if ( !FlashAPIIsValid() ) { return true; }
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return true;
if ( CDemoPlaybackParameters_t const *pParams = engine->GetDemoPlaybackParameters() ) { if ( pParams->m_bAnonymousPlayerIdentity ) return true; }
bool bShouldShowResults = false;
// Is this a team-only vote?
int iTeam = msg.team(); int invalidTeam = TEAM_INVALID; if ( (iTeam == invalidTeam || iTeam == pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber()) && (m_nVoteYes != 0 || m_nVoteNo != 0) ) { bShouldShowResults = true; }
bool bOtherTeam = false; if ( iTeam != invalidTeam && iTeam != pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() ) bOtherTeam = true;
vote_create_failed_t nReason = (vote_create_failed_t)msg.reason();
const char* failureString;
bool bThumbsCondition = false;
switch ( nReason ) { case VOTE_FAILED_GENERIC: failureString = "#SFUI_vote_failed"; break;
case VOTE_FAILED_YES_MUST_EXCEED_NO: failureString = "#SFUI_vote_failed_yesno"; bThumbsCondition = true; break;
case VOTE_FAILED_QUORUM_FAILURE: failureString = "#SFUI_vote_failed_quorum"; bThumbsCondition = true; break;
case VOTE_FAILED_REMATCH: failureString = "#SFUI_vote_failed_rematch"; bThumbsCondition = true; break;
case VOTE_FAILED_CONTINUE: failureString = "#SFUI_vote_failed_continue"; bThumbsCondition = true; break;
default: AssertMsg( false, "Invalid vote failure reason" ); failureString = ""; break; }
if ( bOtherTeam ) { // don't do anything because you'll see the result of the vote in chat based on the action
// CBaseHudChat *hudChat = (CBaseHudChat *)GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudChat );
// if ( pwcIssue[0] )
// {
// hudChat->ChatPrintfW( pLocalPlayer->entindex(), CHAT_FILTER_SERVERMSG, pwcIssue );
// }
} else { //This will be hidden in OnThink
WITH_SFVALUEARRAY( data, 4 ) { m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 0, "#SFUI_vote_failed" ); m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 1, failureString ); m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 2, false ); // did not pass
m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 3, bThumbsCondition && bShouldShowResults ); // shows the thumb results?
m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "showResult", data, 4 ); }
SetVoteActive( false ); m_bVotePassed = false; m_flVoteResultCycleTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 2; m_flHideTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 3.5;
pLocalPlayer->EmitSound("Vote.Failed"); }
return true; }
// Purpose:
bool SFHudVotePanel::MsgFunc_VoteStart( const CCSUsrMsg_VoteStart &msg ) { if ( !FlashAPIIsValid() ) { return true; }
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return true;
if ( CDemoPlaybackParameters_t const *pParams = engine->GetDemoPlaybackParameters() ) { if ( pParams->m_bAnonymousPlayerIdentity ) return true; }
// Is this a team-only vote?
// first
int iTeam = msg.team(); int invalidTeam = TEAM_INVALID; bool bShowingOtherTeam = false; if ( iTeam != invalidTeam && iTeam != pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() ) { m_nVoteYes = 0; m_nVoteNo = 0; bShowingOtherTeam = true; }
// Entity calling the vote
bool bShowNotif = cl_vote_ui_show_notification.GetBool(); const char *pszCallerName = "Server"; // second
int iEntityCallingVote = msg.ent_idx(); if ( iEntityCallingVote != 99 ) { C_BasePlayer *pVoteCaller = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iEntityCallingVote ); if ( pVoteCaller ) { pszCallerName = pVoteCaller->GetPlayerName();
// Don't show a notification to the caller
if ( pVoteCaller == pLocalPlayer ) { bShowNotif = false; m_bPlayerVoted = true; // we're assuming they did vote option 1 here because they voted for it
m_bPlayerLocalVote = VOTE_OPTION1; } } else { // Caller invalid for some reason
pszCallerName = "Player"; } }
// the vote type
// third
int nVoteType = msg.vote_type();
// DisplayString
// fourth
const char *szIssue = msg.disp_str().c_str();
// DetailString
// fifth
const char *szParam1 = msg.details_str().c_str();
// OtherTeam string
// sixth
const char *szOtherTeam = msg.other_team_str().c_str();
// seventh
m_bIsYesNoVote = msg.is_yes_no_vote();
// Display vote caller's name
wchar_t wszCallerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH];
wchar_t wszHeaderString[512]; wchar_t *pwszHeaderString;
// Player
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pszCallerName, wszCallerName, sizeof( wszCallerName ) );
g_pScaleformUI->MakeStringSafe( wszCallerName, wszCleanName, sizeof( wszCleanName ) );
TruncatePlayerName( wszCleanName, ARRAYSIZE( wszCleanName ), VOTE_PANEL_NAME_TRUNCATE_AT );
// String
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszHeaderString, sizeof(wszHeaderString), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_vote_header" ), 1, wszCleanName ); pwszHeaderString = wszHeaderString;
// Display the Issue
wchar_t *pwcParam; wchar_t wcParam[128] = {0};
wchar_t *pwcIssue; wchar_t wcIssue[512] = {0};
if ( Q_strlen( szParam1 ) > 0 ) { const int nMaxLength = MAX_MAP_NAME+10+1; char szToken[nMaxLength];
if ( nVoteType == VOTEISSUE_NEXTLEVEL || nVoteType == VOTEISSUE_CHANGELEVEL ) { szParam1 = V_GetFileName( szParam1 ); }
if ( (nVoteType == VOTEISSUE_CHANGELEVEL || nVoteType == VOTEISSUE_NEXTLEVEL ) && CSGameRules()->GetFriendlyMapNameToken(szParam1, szToken, nMaxLength) ) { pwcParam = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szToken ); } else { if ( szParam1[0] == '#' ) { pwcParam = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szParam1 ); } else { // Convert to wchar
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szParam1, wcParam, sizeof( wcParam ) ); pwcParam = wcParam; } }
if ( bShowingOtherTeam ) g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wcIssue, sizeof(wcIssue), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szOtherTeam ), 1, pwcParam ); else g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wcIssue, sizeof(wcIssue), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szIssue ), 1, pwcParam );
pwcIssue = wcIssue; } else { // no param, just localize the issue
if ( bShowingOtherTeam ) pwcIssue = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szOtherTeam ); else pwcIssue = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szIssue );
if ( !pwcIssue ) pwcIssue = L"VOTE"; }
g_pScaleformUI->MakeStringSafe( pwcIssue, wszCleanName, sizeof( wszCleanName ) ); pwcIssue = wszCleanName; // if the vote is called by the other team, just show a chat message here informing this team
if ( bShowingOtherTeam ) { CBaseHudChat *hudChat = (CBaseHudChat *)GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudChat ); if ( pwcIssue[0] ) { hudChat->ChatPrintfW( pLocalPlayer->entindex(), CHAT_FILTER_SERVERMSG, pwcIssue ); }
return true; }
SetVoteActive( true );
SAFECALL( m_hVoteButtonBG, m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetVisible( m_hVoteButtonBG, false ); );
// Figure out which UI
if ( m_bIsYesNoVote ) { UpdateYesNoButtonText( bShowingOtherTeam ); }
#if !defined( CSTRIKE15 )
else { // GENERAL UI
if ( m_VoteSetupChoices.Count() ) { // Clear the labels to prevent previous options from being displayed,
// such as when there are fewer options this vote than the previous
for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < MAX_VOTE_OPTIONS; iIndex++ ) { // Construct Label name
char szOptionNum[2]; Q_snprintf( szOptionNum, sizeof( szOptionNum ), "%i", iIndex + 1 );
char szVoteOptionCount[13] = "LabelOption"; Q_strncat( szVoteOptionCount, szOptionNum, sizeof( szVoteOptionCount ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
//Convert to Scaleform if we go to non-yes/no votes: m_pVoteActive->SetControlString( szVoteOptionCount, "" );
// Set us up the vote
for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_nVoteChoicesCount; iIndex++ ) { // Construct Option name
const char *pszChoiceName = m_VoteSetupChoices[iIndex];
char szOptionName[256]; Q_snprintf( szOptionName, sizeof( szOptionName ), "F%i. ", iIndex + 1 );
Q_strncat( szOptionName, pszChoiceName, sizeof( szOptionName ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
// Construct Label name
char szOptionNum[2]; Q_snprintf( szOptionNum, sizeof( szOptionNum ), "%i", iIndex + 1 );
char szVoteOptionCount[13] = "LabelOption"; Q_strncat( szVoteOptionCount, szOptionNum, sizeof( szVoteOptionCount ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
// Set Label string
//Convert to Scaleform if we go to non-yes/no votes:
if ( m_pVoteActive ) { m_pVoteActive->SetControlString( szVoteOptionCount, szOptionName ); } */ } } } #endif //!defined( CSTRIKE15 )
ShowVoteUI( pwszHeaderString, pwcIssue );
return true; }
void SFHudVotePanel::UpdateYesNoButtonText( bool bShowOtherTeam ) { bool bUsingKeyboard = ( m_pScaleformUI && false == m_pScaleformUI->IsSetToControllerUI( SF_FULL_SCREEN_SLOT ) );
// YES / NO UI
wchar_t *pszTextVoted; wchar_t *pszTextY; wchar_t *pszTextN;
if ( bShowOtherTeam ) { pszTextN = L""; pszTextY = L""; pszTextVoted = L""; } else if ( !m_bPlayerVoted ) { if ( bUsingKeyboard ) { pszTextN = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_vote_no_pc_instruction" ); pszTextY = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_vote_yes_pc_instruction" ); } else { pszTextN = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_vote_no_console_instruction" ); pszTextY = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_vote_yes_console_instruction" ); }
pszTextVoted = L"";
SAFECALL( m_hVoteButtonBG, m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetVisible( m_hVoteButtonBG, true ); ); } else { if( m_bPlayerLocalVote == VOTE_OPTION1 ) { pszTextVoted = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_vote_yes_confirmation_pc_instruction" ); } else { pszTextVoted = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#SFUI_vote_no_confirmation_pc_instruction" ); }
pszTextN = L""; pszTextY = L"";
SAFECALL( m_hVoteButtonBG, m_pScaleformUI->Value_SetVisible( m_hVoteButtonBG, true ); ); }
if ( pszTextY ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { if ( m_option1Text ) { m_option1Text->SetTextHTML( m_pScaleformUI->ReplaceGlyphKeywordsWithHTML( pszTextY ) ); } } }
if ( pszTextN ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { if ( m_option2Text ) { m_option2Text->SetTextHTML( m_pScaleformUI->ReplaceGlyphKeywordsWithHTML( pszTextN ) ); } } }
if ( pszTextVoted ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { if ( m_hVoteLocalCast ) { m_hVoteLocalCast->SetTextHTML( m_pScaleformUI->ReplaceGlyphKeywordsWithHTML( pszTextVoted ) ); } } }
if ( !bShowOtherTeam ) { char szYesCount[512] = ""; Q_snprintf( szYesCount, 512, "%d", m_nVoteYes ); char szNoCount[512] = ""; Q_snprintf( szNoCount, 512, "%d", m_nVoteNo ); WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { if ( m_option1CountText ) { m_option1CountText->SetText( szYesCount ); }
if ( m_option2CountText ) { m_option2CountText->SetText( szNoCount ); } } } }
// Purpose:
bool SFHudVotePanel::MsgFunc_VotePass( const CCSUsrMsg_VotePass &msg ) { if ( !FlashAPIIsValid() ) { return true; }
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return true;
if ( CDemoPlaybackParameters_t const *pParams = engine->GetDemoPlaybackParameters() ) { if ( pParams->m_bAnonymousPlayerIdentity ) return true; }
bool bShouldShowResults = false;
// Is this a team-only vote?
int iTeam = msg.team(); int invalidTeam = TEAM_INVALID; if ( pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() > 0 && (iTeam == invalidTeam || iTeam == pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber()) && (m_nVoteYes != 0 || m_nVoteNo != 0) ) { bShouldShowResults = true; }
bool bOtherTeam = false; if ( pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() > 0 && iTeam != invalidTeam && iTeam != pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() ) bOtherTeam = true;
int nVoteType = msg.vote_type();
// Passed string
const char *szResult = msg.disp_str().c_str(); // Detail string
const char *szParam1 = msg.details_str().c_str();
// Localize
wchar_t *pwcParam; wchar_t wcParam[128];
const wchar_t *pwcIssue; wchar_t wcIssue[512];
if ( Q_strlen( szParam1 ) > 0 ) { const int nMaxLength = MAX_MAP_NAME+10+1; char szToken[nMaxLength];
if ( nVoteType == VOTEISSUE_NEXTLEVEL || nVoteType == VOTEISSUE_CHANGELEVEL ) { szParam1 = V_GetFileName( szParam1 ); }
if ( (nVoteType == VOTEISSUE_CHANGELEVEL || nVoteType == VOTEISSUE_NEXTLEVEL ) && CSGameRules()->GetFriendlyMapNameToken(szParam1, szToken, nMaxLength) ) { pwcParam = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szToken ); } else { if ( szParam1[0] == '#' ) { pwcParam = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szParam1 ); } else { // Convert to wchar
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szParam1, wcParam, sizeof( wcParam ) ); pwcParam = wcParam; } }
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wcIssue, sizeof(wcIssue), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szResult ), 1, pwcParam ); pwcIssue = wcIssue; } else { // No param, just localize the result
pwcIssue = g_pVGuiLocalize->FindSafe( szResult ); }
if ( bOtherTeam ) { // don't do anything because you'll see the result of the vote in chat based on the action
// CBaseHudChat *hudChat = (CBaseHudChat *)GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudChat );
// if ( pwcIssue[0] )
// {
// hudChat->ChatPrintfW( pLocalPlayer->entindex(), CHAT_FILTER_SERVERMSG, pwcIssue );
// }
} else { UpdateYesNoButtonText();
WITH_SFVALUEARRAY( data, 4 ) { m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 0, "#SFUI_vote_passed" ); m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 1, pwcIssue ); m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 2, true ); // passed!
m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 3, bShouldShowResults ); // shows the thumb results?
m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "showResult", data, 4 ); }
pLocalPlayer->EmitSound( "Vote.Passed" );
SetVoteActive( false ); m_bVotePassed = true; m_flVoteResultCycleTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 2; m_flHideTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 3.5; }
return true; }
// Purpose: Creates a UI for Vote Issue selection
bool SFHudVotePanel::MsgFunc_VoteSetup( const CCSUsrMsg_VoteSetup &msg ) { if ( CDemoPlaybackParameters_t const *pParams = engine->GetDemoPlaybackParameters() ) { if ( pParams->m_bAnonymousPlayerIdentity ) return true; }
//[tj] This stuff should be ported to the CallVote module.
C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return;
// Load up the list of Vote Issues
m_VoteSetupIssues.RemoveAll(); int nIssueCount = msg.ReadByte(); if ( nIssueCount ) { for ( int index = 0; index < nIssueCount; index++ ) { char szIssue[256]; msg.ReadString( szIssue, sizeof(szIssue) ); if ( !m_VoteSetupIssues.HasElement( szIssue ) ) { // Send it over to the listpanel
m_VoteSetupIssues.CopyAndAddToTail( szIssue ); } } } else { m_VoteSetupIssues.CopyAndAddToTail( "Voting disabled on this Server" ); } m_pVoteSetupDialog->AddVoteIssues( m_VoteSetupIssues );
// Load up the list of Vote Issue Parameters
m_VoteSetupMapCycle.RemoveAll(); if ( g_pStringTableServerMapCycle ) { int index = g_pStringTableServerMapCycle->FindStringIndex( "ServerMapCycle" ); if ( index != ::INVALID_STRING_INDEX ) { int nLength = 0; const char *pszMapCycle = (const char *)g_pStringTableServerMapCycle->GetStringUserData( index, &nLength ); if ( pszMapCycle && pszMapCycle[0] ) { if ( pszMapCycle && nLength ) { V_SplitString( pszMapCycle, "\n", m_VoteSetupMapCycle ); }
// Alphabetize
if ( m_VoteSetupMapCycle.Count() ) { m_VoteSetupMapCycle.Sort( m_VoteSetupMapCycle.SortFunc ); } } } }
// Now send any data we gathered over to the listpanel
return true; }
//[tj] This stuff should be ported to the CallVote module.
// Purpose: Propagate vote option parameters to the Issue Parameters list
void SFHudVotePanel::PropagateOptionParameters( void ) { C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return;
m_pVoteSetupDialog->AddVoteIssueParams_MapCycle( m_VoteSetupMapCycle );
// Insert future issue param data containers here
} */
void SFHudVotePanel::SetVoteActive( bool bActive ) { m_bVoteActive = bActive; }
// Purpose:
void SFHudVotePanel::ShowVoteUI( wchar_t* headerText, wchar_t* voteText, bool bShowingOtherTeam ) { if ( !FlashAPIIsValid() ) { return; }
m_bHasFocus = false;
//Force a refresh before showing
WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { WITH_SFVALUEARRAY( data, 2 ) { m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 0, headerText ); m_pScaleformUI->ValueArray_SetElement( data, 1, voteText ); if ( bShowingOtherTeam ) m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "showOtherTeamCastVote", data, 2 ); else m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "showCastVote", data, 2 ); } }
if ( !bShowingOtherTeam ) { C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( pLocalPlayer ) { pLocalPlayer->EmitSound("Vote.Created"); } } }
// Purpose:
void SFHudVotePanel::OnThink( void ) { if ( !FlashAPIIsValid() ) return;
if ( !m_bVoteActive && m_flHideTime < 0 && m_flPostVotedHideTime < 0 ) return;
if ( m_bVoteActive && m_bHasFocus == false && GetHud().HudDisabled() == false ) { // do not give focus to the vote panel until the HUD becomes visible
m_bHasFocus = true; WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "focusCastVote", NULL, 0 ); } }
if ( m_bVoteActive && m_bVisible == false ) { SetActive( true ); } // We delay hiding the menu after we cast a vote
if ( m_bPlayerVoted && m_flPostVotedHideTime > 0 && m_flPostVotedHideTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) { Hide(); m_flPostVotedHideTime = -1; }
if ( !m_bVoteActive && m_flHideTime != -1 && m_flHideTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) { Hide(); m_flHideTime = -1; }
if ( m_flVoteResultCycleTime > 0 && m_flVoteResultCycleTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) { //[tj]Convert toScaleform animation g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pVoteActive, "HideVoteBackgrounds" );
m_flVoteResultCycleTime = -1; m_bPlayerVoted = false; m_bPlayerLocalVote = VOTE_UNCAST; m_bVoteActive = false; }
if ( m_bIsYesNoVote ) { if ( m_nVoteOptionCount[0] != m_nVoteYes ) { m_nVoteYes = m_nVoteOptionCount[0]; }
if ( m_nVoteOptionCount[1] != m_nVoteNo ) { m_nVoteNo = m_nVoteOptionCount[1]; }
UpdateYesNoButtonText(); } }
void SFHudVotePanel::VoteYes( SCALEFORM_CALLBACK_ARGS_DECL ) { bool bEatKey = false; if ( m_bVoteActive ) { if ( !m_bPlayerVoted ) { engine->ClientCmd( "vote option1" ); bEatKey = true; } }
m_pScaleformUI->Params_SetResult( obj, bEatKey ); }
void SFHudVotePanel::VoteNo( SCALEFORM_CALLBACK_ARGS_DECL ) { bool bEatKey = false; if ( m_bVoteActive ) { if ( !m_bPlayerVoted ) { engine->ClientCmd( "vote option2" ); bEatKey = true; } }
m_pScaleformUI->Params_SetResult( obj, bEatKey ); }
void SFHudVotePanel::SetActive( bool bActive ) { if ( bActive != m_bVisible ) { if ( FlashAPIIsValid() ) { if ( bActive ) { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "showImmediate", NULL, 0 ); } } else { WITH_SLOT_LOCKED { m_pScaleformUI->Value_InvokeWithoutReturn( m_FlashAPI, "hideImmediate", NULL, 0 ); } } }
m_bVisible = bActive; }
CHudElement::SetActive( bActive ); }