//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "optionssubaudio.h"
#include "cvarslider.h"
#include "engineinterface.h"
#include "modinfo.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ComboBox.h"
#include "vgui_controls/QueryBox.h"
#include "tier1/keyvalues.h"
#include "tier1/convar.h"
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "gameui_util.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
// This member is static so that the updated audio language can be referenced during shutdown
char* COptionsSubAudio::m_pchUpdatedAudioLanguage = (char*)GetLanguageShortName( k_Lang_English );
// Purpose: Constructor
COptionsSubAudio::COptionsSubAudio(vgui::Panel *parent) : PropertyPage(parent, NULL) { m_pSFXSlider = new CCvarSlider( this, "SFXSlider", "#GameUI_SoundEffectVolume", 0.0f, 1.0f, "volume" ); m_pMusicSlider = new CCvarSlider( this, "MusicSlider", "#GameUI_MusicVolume", 0.0f, 1.0f, "Snd_MusicVolume" ); m_pCloseCaptionCombo = new ComboBox( this, "CloseCaptionCheck", 6, false ); m_pCloseCaptionCombo->AddItem( "#GameUI_NoClosedCaptions", NULL ); m_pCloseCaptionCombo->AddItem( "#GameUI_SubtitlesAndSoundEffects", NULL ); m_pCloseCaptionCombo->AddItem( "#GameUI_Subtitles", NULL );
m_pSoundQualityCombo = new ComboBox( this, "SoundQuality", 6, false ); m_pSoundQualityCombo->AddItem( "#GameUI_High", new KeyValues("SoundQuality", "quality", SOUNDQUALITY_HIGH) ); m_pSoundQualityCombo->AddItem( "#GameUI_Medium", new KeyValues("SoundQuality", "quality", SOUNDQUALITY_MEDIUM) ); m_pSoundQualityCombo->AddItem( "#GameUI_Low", new KeyValues("SoundQuality", "quality", SOUNDQUALITY_LOW) );
m_pSpeakerSetupCombo = new ComboBox( this, "SpeakerSetup", 6, false ); m_pSpeakerSetupCombo->AddItem( "#GameUI_Headphones", new KeyValues("SpeakerSetup", "speakers", 0) ); m_pSpeakerSetupCombo->AddItem( "#GameUI_2Speakers", new KeyValues("SpeakerSetup", "speakers", 2) ); m_pSpeakerSetupCombo->AddItem( "#GameUI_4Speakers", new KeyValues("SpeakerSetup", "speakers", 4) ); m_pSpeakerSetupCombo->AddItem( "#GameUI_5Speakers", new KeyValues("SpeakerSetup", "speakers", 5) ); m_pSpeakerSetupCombo->AddItem( "#GameUI_7Speakers", new KeyValues("SpeakerSetup", "speakers", 7) );
m_pSpokenLanguageCombo = new ComboBox (this, "AudioSpokenLanguage", 6, false );
LoadControlSettings("Resource\\OptionsSubAudio.res"); }
// Purpose: Destructor
COptionsSubAudio::~COptionsSubAudio() { }
// Purpose: Reloads data
void COptionsSubAudio::OnResetData() { m_bRequireRestart = false; m_pSFXSlider->Reset(); m_pMusicSlider->Reset();
// reset the combo boxes
// close captions
CGameUIConVarRef closecaption("closecaption"); CGameUIConVarRef cc_subtitles("cc_subtitles"); if (closecaption.GetBool()) { if (cc_subtitles.GetBool()) { m_pCloseCaptionCombo->ActivateItem(2); } else { m_pCloseCaptionCombo->ActivateItem(1); } } else { m_pCloseCaptionCombo->ActivateItem(0); }
// speakers
CGameUIConVarRef snd_surround_speakers("Snd_Surround_Speakers"); int speakers = snd_surround_speakers.GetInt(); {for (int itemID = 0; itemID < m_pSpeakerSetupCombo->GetItemCount(); itemID++) { KeyValues *kv = m_pSpeakerSetupCombo->GetItemUserData(itemID); if (kv && kv->GetInt("speakers") == speakers) { m_pSpeakerSetupCombo->ActivateItem(itemID); } }} // sound quality is made up from several cvars
CGameUIConVarRef Snd_PitchQuality("Snd_PitchQuality"); CGameUIConVarRef dsp_slow_cpu("dsp_slow_cpu"); int quality = SOUNDQUALITY_LOW; if (dsp_slow_cpu.GetBool() == false) { quality = SOUNDQUALITY_MEDIUM; } if (Snd_PitchQuality.GetBool()) { quality = SOUNDQUALITY_HIGH; } // find the item in the list and activate it
{for (int itemID = 0; itemID < m_pSoundQualityCombo->GetItemCount(); itemID++) { KeyValues *kv = m_pSoundQualityCombo->GetItemUserData(itemID); if (kv && kv->GetInt("quality") == quality) { m_pSoundQualityCombo->ActivateItem(itemID); } }}
// Audio Languages
char szCurrentLanguage[50] = ""; char szAvailableLanguages[512] = ""; szAvailableLanguages[0] = NULL;
// Fallback to current engine language
engine->GetUILanguage( szCurrentLanguage, sizeof( szCurrentLanguage ));
// In a Steam environment we get the current language
#if !defined( NO_STEAM )
// When Steam isn't running we can't get the language info...
if ( steamapicontext->SteamApps() ) { Q_strncpy( szCurrentLanguage, steamapicontext->SteamApps()->GetCurrentGameLanguage(), sizeof(szCurrentLanguage) ); Q_strncpy( szAvailableLanguages, steamapicontext->SteamApps()->GetAvailableGameLanguages(), sizeof(szAvailableLanguages) ); } #endif
// Get the spoken language and store it for comparison purposes
m_nCurrentAudioLanguage = PchLanguageToELanguage( szCurrentLanguage );
// Check to see if we have a list of languages from Steam
if ( V_strlen( szAvailableLanguages ) ) { // Populate the combo box with each available language
CSplitString languagesList( szAvailableLanguages, "," );
for ( int i=0; i < languagesList.Count(); i++ ) { const ELanguage languageCode = PchLanguageToELanguage( languagesList[i] ); m_pSpokenLanguageCombo->AddItem( GetLanguageVGUILocalization( languageCode ), new KeyValues ("Audio Languages", "language", languageCode) ); } } else { // Add the current language to the combo
m_pSpokenLanguageCombo->AddItem( GetLanguageVGUILocalization( m_nCurrentAudioLanguage ), new KeyValues ("Audio Languages", "language", m_nCurrentAudioLanguage) ); }
// Activate the current language in the combo
{for (int itemID = 0; itemID < m_pSpokenLanguageCombo->GetItemCount(); itemID++) { KeyValues *kv = m_pSpokenLanguageCombo->GetItemUserData( itemID ); if ( kv && kv->GetInt( "language" ) == m_nCurrentAudioLanguage ) { m_pSpokenLanguageCombo->ActivateItem( itemID ); break; } }} }
// Purpose: Applies changes
void COptionsSubAudio::OnApplyChanges() { m_pSFXSlider->ApplyChanges(); m_pMusicSlider->ApplyChanges();
// set the cvars appropriately
// Tracker 28933: Note we can't do this because closecaption is marked
// FCVAR_USERINFO and it won't get sent to server is we direct set it, we
// need to pass it along to the engine parser!!!
// ConVar *closecaption = (ConVar *)cvar->FindVar("closecaption");
int closecaption_value = 0;
CGameUIConVarRef cc_subtitles( "cc_subtitles" ); switch (m_pCloseCaptionCombo->GetActiveItem()) { default: case 0: closecaption_value = 0; cc_subtitles.SetValue( 0 ); break; case 1: closecaption_value = 1; cc_subtitles.SetValue( 0 ); break; case 2: closecaption_value = 1; cc_subtitles.SetValue( 1 ); break; }
// Stuff the close caption change to the console so that it can be
// sent to the server (FCVAR_USERINFO) so that you don't have to restart
// the level for the change to take effect.
char cmd[ 64 ]; Q_snprintf( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), "closecaption %i\n", closecaption_value ); engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( cmd );
CGameUIConVarRef snd_surround_speakers( "Snd_Surround_Speakers" ); int speakers = m_pSpeakerSetupCombo->GetActiveItemUserData()->GetInt( "speakers" ); snd_surround_speakers.SetValue( speakers );
// quality
CGameUIConVarRef Snd_PitchQuality( "Snd_PitchQuality" ); CGameUIConVarRef dsp_slow_cpu( "dsp_slow_cpu" ); int quality = m_pSoundQualityCombo->GetActiveItemUserData()->GetInt( "quality" ); switch ( quality ) { case SOUNDQUALITY_LOW: dsp_slow_cpu.SetValue(true); Snd_PitchQuality.SetValue(false); break; case SOUNDQUALITY_MEDIUM: dsp_slow_cpu.SetValue(false); Snd_PitchQuality.SetValue(false); break; default: Assert("Undefined sound quality setting."); case SOUNDQUALITY_HIGH: dsp_slow_cpu.SetValue(false); Snd_PitchQuality.SetValue(true); break; };
// headphones at high quality get enhanced stereo turned on
CGameUIConVarRef dsp_enhance_stereo( "dsp_enhance_stereo" ); if (speakers == 0 && quality == SOUNDQUALITY_HIGH) { #ifdef CSTRIKE15
dsp_enhance_stereo.SetValue( 0 ); #else
dsp_enhance_stereo.SetValue( 1 ); #endif
} else { dsp_enhance_stereo.SetValue( 0 ); }
// Audio spoken language
KeyValues *kv = m_pSpokenLanguageCombo->GetItemUserData( m_pSpokenLanguageCombo->GetActiveItem() ); const ELanguage nUpdatedAudioLanguage = (ELanguage)( kv ? kv->GetInt( "language" ) : k_Lang_English );
if ( nUpdatedAudioLanguage != m_nCurrentAudioLanguage ) { // Store new language in static member so that it can be accessed during shutdown when this instance is gone
m_pchUpdatedAudioLanguage = (char *) GetLanguageShortName( nUpdatedAudioLanguage ); // Inform user that they need to restart in order change language at this time
QueryBox *qb = new QueryBox( "#GameUI_ChangeLanguageRestart_Title", "#GameUI_ChangeLanguageRestart_Info", GetParent()->GetParent()->GetParent() ); if (qb != NULL) { qb->SetOKCommand( new KeyValues( "Command", "command", "RestartWithNewLanguage" ) ); qb->SetOKButtonText( "#GameUI_ChangeLanguageRestart_OkButton" ); qb->SetCancelButtonText( "#GameUI_ChangeLanguageRestart_CancelButton" ); qb->AddActionSignalTarget( GetParent()->GetParent()->GetParent() ); qb->DoModal(); } } }
// Purpose: Called on controls changing, enables the Apply button
void COptionsSubAudio::OnControlModified() { PostActionSignal(new KeyValues("ApplyButtonEnable")); }
// Purpose: returns true if the engine needs to be restarted
bool COptionsSubAudio::RequiresRestart() { // nothing in audio requires a restart like now
return false; }
// Purpose:
void COptionsSubAudio::OnCommand( const char *command ) { if ( !stricmp( command, "TestSpeakers" ) ) { // ask them if they REALLY want to test the speakers if they're in a game already.
if (engine->IsConnected()) { QueryBox *qb = new QueryBox("#GameUI_TestSpeakersWarning_Title", "#GameUI_TestSpeakersWarning_Info" ); if (qb != NULL) { qb->SetOKCommand(new KeyValues("RunTestSpeakers")); qb->SetOKButtonText("#GameUI_TestSpeakersWarning_OkButton"); qb->SetCancelButtonText("#GameUI_TestSpeakersWarning_CancelButton"); qb->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); qb->DoModal(); } else { // couldn't create the warning dialog for some reason, so just test the speakers.
RunTestSpeakers(); } } else { // player isn't connected to a game so there's no reason to warn them about being disconnected.
// create the command to execute
RunTestSpeakers(); } } else if ( !stricmp( command, "ShowThirdPartyAudioCredits" ) ) { OpenThirdPartySoundCreditsDialog(); }
BaseClass::OnCommand( command ); }
// Purpose: Run the test speakers map.
void COptionsSubAudio::RunTestSpeakers() { engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "disconnect\nwait\nwait\nsv_lan 1\nsetmaster enable\nmaxplayers 1\n\nhostname \"Speaker Test\"\nprogress_enable\nmap test_speakers\n" ); }
// Purpose: Open third party audio credits dialog
void COptionsSubAudio::OpenThirdPartySoundCreditsDialog() { if (!m_OptionsSubAudioThirdPartyCreditsDlg.Get()) { m_OptionsSubAudioThirdPartyCreditsDlg = new COptionsSubAudioThirdPartyCreditsDlg(GetVParent()); } m_OptionsSubAudioThirdPartyCreditsDlg->Activate(); }
COptionsSubAudioThirdPartyCreditsDlg::COptionsSubAudioThirdPartyCreditsDlg( vgui::VPANEL hParent ) : BaseClass( NULL, NULL ) { SetProportional( true );
#ifdef SWARM_DLL
// parent is ignored, since we want look like we're steal focus from the parent (we'll become modal below)
SetScheme( "SwarmScheme" ); #endif
SetTitle( "#GameUI_ThirdPartyAudio_Title", true ); SetSize( vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), 500 ), vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), 200 ) );
MoveToCenterOfScreen(); SetSizeable( false ); SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true ); }
void COptionsSubAudioThirdPartyCreditsDlg::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); LoadControlSettings( "resource/OptionsSubAudioThirdPartyDlg.res" ); }
void COptionsSubAudioThirdPartyCreditsDlg::Activate() { BaseClass::Activate();
input()->SetAppModalSurface(GetVPanel()); }
void COptionsSubAudioThirdPartyCreditsDlg::OnKeyCodeTyped(vgui::KeyCode code) { // force ourselves to be closed if the escape key it pressed
if (code == KEY_ESCAPE) { Close(); } else { BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped(code); } }