//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ienginevgui.h"
#include "vguisystemmoduleloader.h"
#include "sys_utils.h"
#include "IVguiModule.h"
#include "ServerBrowser/IServerBrowser.h"
#include <vgui/IPanel.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <keyvalues.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include "filesystem.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// instance of class
CVGuiSystemModuleLoader g_VModuleLoader;
extern vgui::VPANEL GetGameUIBasePanel(); #else
#include "../SteamUI/PlatformMainPanel.h"
extern CPlatformMainPanel *g_pMainPanel; #endif
bool bSteamCommunityFriendsVersion = false;
#include <tier0/dbg.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
// Purpose: Constructor
CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::CVGuiSystemModuleLoader() { m_bModulesInitialized = false; m_bPlatformShouldRestartAfterExit = false; m_pPlatformModuleData = NULL; }
// Purpose: Destructor
CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::~CVGuiSystemModuleLoader() { }
// Purpose: returns true if the module loader has acquired the platform mutex and loaded the modules
bool CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::IsPlatformReady() { return m_bModulesInitialized; }
// Purpose: sets up all the modules for use
bool CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::InitializeAllModules(CreateInterfaceFn *factorylist, int factorycount) { if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // not valid for 360
return false; }
bool bSuccess = true;
// Init vgui in the modules
int i; for ( i = 0; i < m_Modules.Count(); i++ ) { if (!m_Modules[i].moduleInterface->Initialize(factorylist, factorycount)) { bSuccess = false; Error("Platform Error: module failed to initialize\n"); } }
// create a table of all the loaded modules
CreateInterfaceFn *moduleFactories = (CreateInterfaceFn *)_alloca(sizeof(CreateInterfaceFn) * m_Modules.Count()); for ( i = 0; i < m_Modules.Count(); i++ ) { moduleFactories[i] = Sys_GetFactory(m_Modules[i].module); }
// give the modules a chance to link themselves together
for (i = 0; i < m_Modules.Count(); i++) { if (!m_Modules[i].moduleInterface->PostInitialize(moduleFactories, m_Modules.Count())) { bSuccess = false; Error("Platform Error: module failed to initialize\n"); } #ifdef GAMEUI_EXPORTS
vgui::VPANEL rootpanel = enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_GAMEUIDLL ); m_Modules[i].moduleInterface->SetParent( rootpanel ); #else
m_Modules[i].moduleInterface->SetParent(g_pMainPanel->GetVPanel()); #endif
m_bModulesInitialized = true; return bSuccess; }
// Purpose: Loads and initializes all the modules specified in the platform file
bool CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::LoadPlatformModules(CreateInterfaceFn *factorylist, int factorycount, bool useSteamModules) { #ifdef DEDICATED
return false; #endif
if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // not valid for 360
return false; }
bool bSuccess = true;
// load platform menu
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("Platform"); if (!kv->LoadFromFile(g_pFullFileSystem, "steam/games/PlatformMenu.vdf", "PLATFORM")) { kv->deleteThis(); return false; }
// walk the platform menu loading all the interfaces
KeyValues *menuKeys = kv->FindKey("Menu", true); for (KeyValues *it = menuKeys->GetFirstSubKey(); it != NULL; it = it->GetNextKey()) { // see if we should skip steam modules
if (!useSteamModules && it->GetInt("SteamApp")) continue;
const char *pchInterface = it->GetString("interface");
// don't load friends if we are using Steam Community
if ( !Q_stricmp( pchInterface, "VGuiModuleTracker001" ) && bSteamCommunityFriendsVersion ) continue;
// get copy out of steam cache
const char *dllPath = NULL; if ( IsOSX() ) { dllPath = it->GetString("dll_osx"); } else if ( IsLinux() ) { dllPath = it->GetString("dll_linux"); } else { dllPath = it->GetString("dll"); }
// load the module (LoadModule calls GetLocalCopy() under steam)
printf("****loading %s\n", dllPath); CSysModule *mod = g_pFullFileSystem->LoadModule(dllPath, "EXECUTABLE_PATH"); if (!mod) { Error("Platform Error: bad module '%s', not loading\n", it->GetString("dll")); bSuccess = false; continue; }
// make sure we get the right version
IVGuiModule *moduleInterface = (IVGuiModule *)Sys_GetFactory(mod)(pchInterface, NULL); if (!moduleInterface) { Warning("Platform Error: module version ('%s, %s) invalid, not loading\n", it->GetString("dll"), it->GetString("interface")); bSuccess = false; continue; }
// store off the module
int newIndex = m_Modules.AddToTail(); m_Modules[newIndex].module = mod; m_Modules[newIndex].moduleInterface = moduleInterface; m_Modules[newIndex].data = it; }
m_pPlatformModuleData = kv; return InitializeAllModules(factorylist, factorycount) && bSuccess; }
// Purpose: gives all platform modules a chance to Shutdown gracefully
void CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::ShutdownPlatformModules() { if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // not valid for 360
return; }
// static include guard to prevent recursive calls
static bool runningFunction = false; if (runningFunction) return;
runningFunction = true;
// deactivate all the modules first
// give all the modules notice of quit
int i; for ( i = 0; i < m_Modules.Count(); i++ ) { vgui::ivgui()->PostMessage(m_Modules[i].moduleInterface->GetPanel(), new KeyValues("Command", "command", "Quit"), NULL); }
for ( i = 0; i < m_Modules.Count(); i++ ) { m_Modules[i].moduleInterface->Shutdown(); }
runningFunction = false; }
// Purpose: Deactivates all the modules (puts them into in inactive but recoverable state)
void CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::DeactivatePlatformModules() { for (int i = 0; i < m_Modules.Count(); i++) { m_Modules[i].moduleInterface->Deactivate(); } }
// Purpose: Reenables all the deactivated platform modules
void CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::ReactivatePlatformModules() { for (int i = 0; i < m_Modules.Count(); i++) { m_Modules[i].moduleInterface->Reactivate(); } }
// Purpose: Disables and unloads platform
void CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::UnloadPlatformModules() { for (int i = 0; i < m_Modules.Count(); i++) { g_pFullFileSystem->UnloadModule(m_Modules[i].module); }
if (m_pPlatformModuleData) { m_pPlatformModuleData->deleteThis(); m_pPlatformModuleData = NULL; } }
// Purpose: Called every frame
void CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::RunFrame() { }
// Purpose: returns number of modules loaded
int CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::GetModuleCount() { return m_Modules.Count(); }
// Purpose: returns the string menu name (unlocalized) of a module
// moduleIndex is of the range [0, GetModuleCount())
const char *CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::GetModuleLabel(int moduleIndex) { return m_Modules[moduleIndex].data->GetString("MenuName", "< unknown >"); }
// Purpose:
bool CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::IsModuleVisible(int moduleIndex) { return vgui::ipanel()->IsVisible( m_Modules[moduleIndex].moduleInterface->GetPanel() ); }
// Purpose: brings the specified module to the foreground
bool CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::IsModuleHidden(int moduleIndex) { return m_Modules[moduleIndex].data->GetBool("Hidden", false); }
// Purpose: brings the specified module to the foreground
bool CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::ActivateModule(int moduleIndex) { if (!m_Modules.IsValidIndex(moduleIndex)) return false;
m_Modules[moduleIndex].moduleInterface->Activate(); return true; }
// Purpose: look up a module by name
int CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::GetModuleIndexFromName( const char* moduleName ) { int result = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < GetModuleCount(); i++ ) { if ( !stricmp( GetModuleLabel( i ), moduleName ) || !stricmp( m_Modules[i].data->GetName(), moduleName ) ) { result = i; break; } }
return result;
// Purpose: activates a module by name
bool CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::ActivateModule( const char *moduleName ) { // ActivateModule checks the validity of the index, so it will
// work correctly even if moduleName is not a valid module
return ActivateModule( GetModuleIndexFromName( moduleName ) ); }
// Purpose: returns a modules interface factory
CreateInterfaceFn CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::GetModuleFactory(int moduleIndex) { return Sys_GetFactory(m_Modules[moduleIndex].module); }
// Purpose:
void CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::PostMessageToAllModules(KeyValues *message) { for (int i = 0; i < m_Modules.Count(); i++) { vgui::ivgui()->PostMessage(m_Modules[i].moduleInterface->GetPanel(), message->MakeCopy(), NULL); } message->deleteThis(); }
// Purpose: Post a message to a particular module
// posts a message to a single module
bool CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::PostMessageToModule( int moduleIndex, KeyValues *message ) { if ( !m_Modules.IsValidIndex( moduleIndex ) ) return false;
vgui::ivgui()->PostMessage( m_Modules[moduleIndex].moduleInterface->GetPanel(), message->MakeCopy(), NULL );
return true; }
bool CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::PostMessageToModule( const char *moduleName, KeyValues *message ) { // ActivateModule checks the validity of the index, so it will
// work correctly even if moduleName is not a valid module
return PostMessageToModule( GetModuleIndexFromName( moduleName ), message ); }
// Purpose: sets the the platform should update and restart when it quits
void CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::SetPlatformToRestart() { m_bPlatformShouldRestartAfterExit = true; }
// Purpose: data accessor
bool CVGuiSystemModuleLoader::ShouldPlatformRestart() { return m_bPlatformShouldRestartAfterExit; }