//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hud.h"
#include "inetgraphpanel.h"
#include "kbutton.h"
#include <inetchannelinfo.h>
#include "input.h"
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include "VGuiMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/IScheme.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "tier0/cpumonitoring.h"
#include "cdll_bounded_cvars.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemstub.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "matchmaking/imatchframework.h"
#include "cs_gamerules.h"
#ifdef _PS3
#include "ps3/ps3_core.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
static ConVar net_scale ( "net_scale", "5", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); static ConVar net_graphpos ( "net_graphpos", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); static ConVar net_graphsolid ( "net_graphsolid", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); static ConVar net_graphtext ( "net_graphtext", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Draw text fields" ); static ConVar net_graphmsecs ( "net_graphmsecs", "400", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "The latency graph represents this many milliseconds." ); static ConVar net_graphshowlatency( "net_graphshowlatency", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Draw the ping/packet loss graph." ); static ConVar net_graphshowinterp ( "net_graphshowinterp", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Draw the interpolation graph." ); static ConVar net_graphshowsvframerate ( "net_graphshowsvframerate", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Draw the server framerate graph." ); static ConVar net_graphholdsvframerate ( "net_graphholdsvframerate", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Hold worst case in server framerate line." );
void NetgraphChangeCallback( IConVar *var, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue );
ConVar net_graph ( "net_graph","0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Draw the network usage data, = 2 prints in/out data, = 3 draws data on payload,", NetgraphChangeCallback ); static ConVar net_graphheight ( "net_graphheight", "64", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Height of netgraph panel", NetgraphChangeCallback ); static ConVar net_graphproportionalfont( "net_graphproportionalfont", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Determines whether netgraph font is proportional or not", NetgraphChangeCallback );
#define TIMINGS 1024 // Number of values to track (must be power of 2) b/c of masking
#define GRAPH_RED (0.9 * 255)
#define GRAPH_GREEN (0.9 * 255)
#define GRAPH_BLUE (0.7 * 255)
#define LERP_HEIGHT 24
#define COLOR_CHOKED 3
#define COLOR_NORMAL 4
// Purpose: Displays the NetGraph
class CNetGraphPanel : public Panel { typedef Panel BaseClass; private: typedef struct { int latency; int choked; } packet_latency_t;
typedef struct { unsigned short msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::TOTAL+1]; int sampleY; int sampleHeight;
} netbandwidthgraph_t;
typedef struct { float cmd_lerp; int size; bool sent; } cmdinfo_t;
typedef struct { byte color[3]; byte alpha; } netcolor_t;
typedef struct { float flSvFrameTime; float flSvFrameRateStdDev; float flSvFrameStartTimeStdDev; } svframerate_t;
byte colors[ LERP_HEIGHT ][3];
byte sendcolor[ 3 ]; byte holdcolor[ 3 ]; byte extrap_base_color[ 3 ];
struct color { color(byte r_, byte g_, byte b_, byte a_) : r(r_), g(g_), b(b_), a(a_) {} color() {} byte r, g, b, a; };
color textColorDefault; color textColorWarn1; color textColorWarn2; color textColorWarn3;
packet_latency_t m_PacketLatency[ TIMINGS ]; cmdinfo_t m_Cmdinfo[ TIMINGS ]; netbandwidthgraph_t m_Graph[ TIMINGS ]; svframerate_t m_SvFrameRate[ TIMINGS ];
float m_Framerate; float m_AvgLatency; float m_AvgPacketLoss; float m_AvgPacketChoke; int m_IncomingSequence; int m_OutgoingSequence; int m_UpdateWindowSize; float m_IncomingData; float m_OutgoingData; float m_AvgPacketIn; float m_AvgPacketOut;
int m_StreamRecv[MAX_FLOWS]; int m_StreamTotal[MAX_FLOWS];
netcolor_t netcolors[5];
HFont m_hFontProportional; HFont m_hFont;
HFont m_hFontSmall; const ConVar *cl_updaterate; const ConVar *cl_cmdrate;
public: explicit CNetGraphPanel( VPANEL parent ); virtual ~CNetGraphPanel( void );
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme); virtual void Paint(); virtual void OnTick( void );
virtual bool ShouldDraw( void );
void InitColors( void ); int GraphValue( void );
struct CLineSegment { int x1, y1, x2, y2; byte color[4]; byte color2[4]; };
CUtlVector< CLineSegment > m_Rects;
inline void DrawLine( vrect_t *rect, unsigned char *color, unsigned char alpha ); inline void DrawLine2( vrect_t *rect, unsigned char *color, unsigned char *color2, unsigned char alpha, unsigned char alpha2 );
void ResetLineSegments(); void DrawLineSegments();
int DrawDataSegment( vrect_t *rcFill, int bytes, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte alpha = 255); void DrawServerType( int xright, int y ); void DrawHatches( int x, int y, int maxmsgbytes ); void DrawStreamProgress( int x, int y, int width ); void DrawTimes( vrect_t vrect, cmdinfo_t *cmdinfo, int x, int w, int graphtype ); void DrawSvFrameRate( vrect_t vrect, svframerate_t *svframerate, int x, int w, int graphtype ); void DrawTextFields( int graphvalue, int x, int y, int w, netbandwidthgraph_t *graph, cmdinfo_t *cmdinfo ); void GraphGetXY( vrect_t *rect, int width, int *x, int *y ); void GetCommandInfo( INetChannelInfo *netchannel, cmdinfo_t *cmdinfo ); void GetFrameData( INetChannelInfo *netchannel, int *biggest_message, float *avg_message, float *f95thpercentile ); void ColorForHeight( packet_latency_t *packet, byte *color, int *ping, byte *alpha ); void GetColorValues( int color, byte *cv, byte *alpha );
void OnFontChanged();
inline void DrawColoredText( vgui::HFont font, int x, int y, color c, const char* sz ) { g_pMatSystemSurface->DrawColoredText( font, x, y, c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a, "%s", sz ); }
inline int TextWidth( HFont font, const char* sz) { return g_pMatSystemSurface->DrawTextLen(font, "%s", sz); }
color GetColorFromVariance( float fValue, float fBase, float fVariance1, float fVariance2, float fVariance3 );
void PaintLineArt( int x, int y, int w, int graphtype, int maxmsgbytes ); void DrawLargePacketSizes( int x, int w, int graphtype, float warning_threshold );
HFont GetNetgraphFont() { return net_graphproportionalfont.GetBool() ? m_hFontProportional : m_hFont; }
void ComputeNetgraphHeight(); void UpdateEstimatedServerFramerate( INetChannelInfo *netchannel );
CMaterialReference m_WhiteMaterial;
int m_EstimatedWidth;
int m_nNetGraphHeight;
float m_flServerFrameComputationTime; float m_flServerFramerateStdDeviation; float m_flServerFrameStartTimeStdDeviation; int m_nServerFramerateSample; };
CNetGraphPanel *g_pNetGraphPanel = NULL;
// Purpose:
// Input : *parent -
CNetGraphPanel::CNetGraphPanel( VPANEL parent ) : BaseClass( NULL, "CNetGraphPanel" ) { int w, h; surface()->GetScreenSize( w, h );
SetParent( parent ); SetSize( w, h ); SetPos( 0, 0 ); SetVisible( false ); SetCursor( 0 );
m_hFont = 0; m_hFontProportional = 0; m_hFontSmall = 0; m_EstimatedWidth = 1; m_nNetGraphHeight = 100;
SetFgColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ); SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false );
cl_updaterate = cvar->FindVar( "cl_updaterate" ); cl_cmdrate = cvar->FindVar( "cl_cmdrate" ); assert( cl_updaterate && cl_cmdrate );
memset( sendcolor, 0, 3 ); memset( holdcolor, 0, 3 ); sendcolor[ 0 ] = sendcolor[ 1 ] = 255;
memset( extrap_base_color, 255, 3 );
memset( m_PacketLatency, 0, TIMINGS * sizeof( packet_latency_t ) ); memset( m_Cmdinfo, 0, TIMINGS * sizeof( cmdinfo_t ) ); memset( m_Graph, 0, TIMINGS * sizeof( netbandwidthgraph_t ) ); memset( m_SvFrameRate, 0, TIMINGS * sizeof( svframerate_t ) );
m_Framerate = 0.0f; m_AvgLatency = 0.0f; m_AvgPacketLoss = 0.0f; m_AvgPacketChoke = 0.0f; m_IncomingSequence = 0; m_OutgoingSequence = 0; m_UpdateWindowSize = 0; m_IncomingData = 0; m_OutgoingData = 0; m_AvgPacketIn = 0.0f; m_AvgPacketOut = 0.0f; m_flServerFrameComputationTime = 0; m_flServerFramerateStdDeviation = 0; m_flServerFrameStartTimeStdDeviation = 0; m_nServerFramerateSample = 0;
netcolors[COLOR_DROPPED].color[0] = 255; netcolors[COLOR_DROPPED].color[1] = 0; netcolors[COLOR_DROPPED].color[2] = 0; netcolors[COLOR_DROPPED].alpha = 255; netcolors[COLOR_INVALID].color[0] = 0; netcolors[COLOR_INVALID].color[1] = 0; netcolors[COLOR_INVALID].color[2] = 255; netcolors[COLOR_INVALID].alpha = 255; netcolors[COLOR_SKIPPED].color[0] = 240; netcolors[COLOR_SKIPPED].color[1] = 127; netcolors[COLOR_SKIPPED].color[2] = 63; netcolors[COLOR_SKIPPED].alpha = 255; netcolors[COLOR_CHOKED].color[0] = 225; netcolors[COLOR_CHOKED].color[1] = 225; netcolors[COLOR_CHOKED].color[2] = 0; netcolors[COLOR_CHOKED].alpha = 255; netcolors[COLOR_NORMAL].color[0] = 63; netcolors[COLOR_NORMAL].color[1] = 255; netcolors[COLOR_NORMAL].color[2] = 63; netcolors[COLOR_NORMAL].alpha = 232;
ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 500 );
m_WhiteMaterial.Init( "vgui/white", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER ); g_pNetGraphPanel = this; }
// Purpose:
CNetGraphPanel::~CNetGraphPanel( void ) { g_pNetGraphPanel = NULL; }
extern ConVar sv_max_allowed_net_graph; void NetgraphChangeCallback( IConVar *var, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue ) { if ( net_graph.GetInt() > sv_max_allowed_net_graph.GetInt() ) { net_graph.SetValue( sv_max_allowed_net_graph.GetInt() ); Msg( "Server does not allow net_graph values above %d\n", sv_max_allowed_net_graph.GetInt() ); } if ( g_pNetGraphPanel ) { g_pNetGraphPanel->OnFontChanged(); } }
void CNetGraphPanel::OnFontChanged() { if ( !m_hFontProportional ) return; // Estimate the width of our panel.
char str[512]; wchar_t ustr[512]; Q_snprintf( str, sizeof( str ), "fps: 435 var: 4.091 ms ping: 533 ms lerp 112.3 ms 0/0 offline" ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( str, ustr, sizeof( ustr ) ); int textTall; g_pMatSystemSurface->GetTextSize( m_hFontProportional, ustr, m_EstimatedWidth, textTall );
int w, h; surface()->GetScreenSize( w, h ); SetSize( w, h ); SetPos( 0, 0 );
ComputeNetgraphHeight(); }
void CNetGraphPanel::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme);
m_hFont = pScheme->GetFont( "DefaultFixedOutline", false ); m_hFontProportional = pScheme->GetFont( "DefaultFixedOutline", true ); m_hFontSmall = pScheme->GetFont( "DefaultVerySmall", false );
OnFontChanged(); }
void CNetGraphPanel::ComputeNetgraphHeight() { m_nNetGraphHeight = net_graphheight.GetInt();
HFont fnt = GetNetgraphFont(); int tall = surface()->GetFontTall( fnt );
int lines = 4; if ( net_graph.GetInt() > 1 ) { lines = 6; } m_nNetGraphHeight = MAX( lines * tall, m_nNetGraphHeight ); }
// Purpose: Copies data from netcolor_t array into fields passed in
// Input : color -
// *cv -
// *alpha -
void CNetGraphPanel::GetColorValues( int color, byte *cv, byte *alpha ) { int i; netcolor_t *pc = &netcolors[ color ]; for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { cv[ i ] = pc->color[ i ]; } *alpha = pc->alpha; }
// Purpose: Sets appropriate color values
// Input : *packet -
// *color -
// *ping -
// *alpha -
void CNetGraphPanel::ColorForHeight( packet_latency_t *packet, byte *color, int *ping, byte *alpha ) { int h = packet->latency; *ping = 0; switch ( h ) { case 9999: GetColorValues( COLOR_DROPPED, color, alpha ); break; case 9998: GetColorValues( COLOR_INVALID, color, alpha ); break; case 9997: GetColorValues( COLOR_SKIPPED, color, alpha ); break; default: *ping = 1; if (packet->choked ) { GetColorValues( COLOR_CHOKED, color, alpha ); } else { GetColorValues( COLOR_NORMAL, color, alpha ); } break; } }
// Purpose: Set up blend colors for comman/client-frame/interpolation graph
void CNetGraphPanel::InitColors( void ) { int i, j; byte mincolor[2][3]; byte maxcolor[2][3]; float dc[2][3]; int hfrac; float f;
mincolor[0][0] = 63; mincolor[0][1] = 0; mincolor[0][2] = 100;
maxcolor[0][0] = 0; maxcolor[0][1] = 63; maxcolor[0][2] = 255;
mincolor[1][0] = 255; mincolor[1][1] = 127; mincolor[1][2] = 0;
maxcolor[1][0] = 250; maxcolor[1][1] = 0; maxcolor[1][2] = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { dc[0][i] = (float)(maxcolor[0][i] - mincolor[0][i]); dc[1][i] = (float)(maxcolor[1][i] - mincolor[1][i]); }
hfrac = LERP_HEIGHT / 3;
for ( i = 0; i < LERP_HEIGHT; i++ ) { if ( i < hfrac ) { f = (float)i / (float)hfrac; for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { colors[ i ][j] = mincolor[0][j] + f * dc[0][j]; } } else { f = (float)(i-hfrac) / (float)(LERP_HEIGHT - hfrac ); for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { colors[ i ][j] = mincolor[1][j] + f * dc[1][j]; } } }
textColorDefault = color(GRAPH_RED, GRAPH_GREEN, GRAPH_BLUE, 255); textColorWarn1 = color(255, 255, 31, 255); textColorWarn2 = color(255, 125, 31, 255); textColorWarn3 = color(255, 31, 31, 255); }
// Purpose: Draw client framerate / usercommand graph
// Input : vrect -
// *cmdinfo -
// x -
// w -
void CNetGraphPanel::DrawTimes( vrect_t vrect, cmdinfo_t *cmdinfo, int x, int w, int graphtype ) { if ( !net_graphshowinterp.GetBool() || graphtype < 3 || net_graphshowsvframerate.GetBool() ) return;
int i; int j; int extrap_point; int a, h; vrect_t rcFill;
extrap_point = LERP_HEIGHT / 3;
for (a=0 ; a<w ; a++) { i = ( m_OutgoingSequence - a ) & ( TIMINGS - 1 ); h = MIN( ( cmdinfo[i].cmd_lerp / 3.0 ) * LERP_HEIGHT, LERP_HEIGHT ); if ( h < 0 ) { h = LERP_HEIGHT; }
rcFill.x = x + w -a - 1; rcFill.width = 1; rcFill.height = 1;
rcFill.y = vrect.y + vrect.height - 4; if ( h >= extrap_point ) { int start = 0;
h -= extrap_point; rcFill.y -= extrap_point;
if ( !net_graphsolid.GetInt() ) { rcFill.y -= (h - 1); start = (h - 1); }
for ( j = start; j < h; j++ ) { DrawLine(&rcFill, colors[j + extrap_point], 255 ); rcFill.y--; } } else { int oldh; oldh = h; rcFill.y -= h; h = extrap_point - h;
if ( !net_graphsolid.GetInt() ) { h = 1; }
for ( j = 0; j < h; j++ ) { DrawLine(&rcFill, colors[j + oldh], 255 ); rcFill.y--; } }
rcFill.y = vrect.y + vrect.height - 4 - extrap_point;
DrawLine( &rcFill, extrap_base_color, 255 );
rcFill.y = vrect.y + vrect.height - 3;
if ( cmdinfo[ i ].sent ) { DrawLine( &rcFill, sendcolor, 255 ); } else { DrawLine( &rcFill, holdcolor, 200 ); } }
DrawLineSegments(); }
void CNetGraphPanel::DrawSvFrameRate( vrect_t vrect, svframerate_t *svframerate, int x, int w, int graphtype ) { if ( !net_graphshowsvframerate.GetBool() || graphtype < 3 ) return;
int i; int j; int extrap_point; int a, h; vrect_t rcFill;
extrap_point = LERP_HEIGHT / 2;
float fTickInterval = gpGlobals->interval_per_tick;
for (a=0 ; a<w ; a++) { i = ( m_nServerFramerateSample - a ) & ( TIMINGS - 1 ); h = extrap_point + MAX( -LERP_HEIGHT/2, MIN( ( ( svframerate[i].flSvFrameTime - fTickInterval ) * net_graphshowsvframerate.GetInt() ) * LERP_HEIGHT/2, LERP_HEIGHT/2 ) );
rcFill.x = x + w -a - 1; rcFill.width = 1; rcFill.height = 1;
rcFill.y = vrect.y + vrect.height - 4;
if ( h >= extrap_point ) { int start = 0;
h -= extrap_point; rcFill.y -= extrap_point;
if ( !net_graphsolid.GetInt() ) { rcFill.y -= (h - 1); start = (h - 1); }
for ( j = start; j < h; j++ ) { DrawLine(&rcFill, colors[j + extrap_point], 255 ); rcFill.y--; } } else { int oldh; oldh = h; rcFill.y -= h; h = extrap_point - h;
if ( !net_graphsolid.GetInt() ) { h = 1; }
for ( j = 0; j < h; j++ ) { DrawLine(&rcFill, colors[j + oldh], 255 ); rcFill.y--; } }
rcFill.y = vrect.y + vrect.height - 4 - extrap_point;
DrawLine( &rcFill, extrap_base_color, 255 );
rcFill.y = vrect.y + vrect.height - 3;
if ( svframerate[ i ].flSvFrameRateStdDev > 1 ) { DrawLine( &rcFill, sendcolor, 255 ); } else { DrawLine( &rcFill, extrap_base_color, 200 ); } }
DrawLineSegments(); }
// Purpose: Compute frame database for rendering m_NetChannel computes choked, and lost packets, too.
// Also computes latency data and sets max packet size
// Input : *packet_latency -
// *graph -
// *choke_count -
// *loss_count -
// *biggest_message -
// 1 -
void CNetGraphPanel::GetFrameData( INetChannelInfo *netchannel, int *biggest_message, float *avg_message, float *f95thpercentile ) { float frame_received_time; // float frame_latency;
*biggest_message = 0; *avg_message = 0.0f; *f95thpercentile = 0.0f;
int msg_count = 0;
m_IncomingSequence = netchannel->GetSequenceNr( FLOW_INCOMING ); m_OutgoingSequence = netchannel->GetSequenceNr( FLOW_OUTGOING ); m_UpdateWindowSize = netchannel->GetBufferSize(); m_AvgPacketLoss = netchannel->GetAvgLoss( FLOW_INCOMING ); m_AvgPacketChoke = netchannel->GetAvgChoke( FLOW_INCOMING ); m_AvgLatency = netchannel->GetAvgLatency( FLOW_OUTGOING ); m_IncomingData = netchannel->GetAvgData( FLOW_INCOMING ) / 1024.0f; m_OutgoingData = netchannel->GetAvgData( FLOW_OUTGOING ) / 1024.0f; m_AvgPacketIn = netchannel->GetAvgPackets( FLOW_INCOMING ); m_AvgPacketOut = netchannel->GetAvgPackets( FLOW_OUTGOING );
for ( int i=0; i<MAX_FLOWS; i++ ) netchannel->GetStreamProgress( i, &m_StreamRecv[i], &m_StreamTotal[i] );
float flAdjust = 0.0f;
if ( cl_updaterate->GetFloat() > 0.001f ) { flAdjust = -0.5f / cl_updaterate->GetFloat();
m_AvgLatency += flAdjust; }
// Can't be below zero
m_AvgLatency = MAX( 0.0, m_AvgLatency );
flAdjust *= 1000.0f;
// Fill in frame data
for ( int seqnr =m_IncomingSequence - m_UpdateWindowSize + 1 ; seqnr <= m_IncomingSequence ; seqnr++) { frame_received_time = netchannel->GetPacketTime( FLOW_INCOMING, seqnr );
netbandwidthgraph_t *nbwg = &m_Graph[ seqnr & ( TIMINGS - 1 )]; packet_latency_t *lat = &m_PacketLatency[ seqnr & ( TIMINGS - 1 ) ];
netchannel->GetPacketResponseLatency( FLOW_INCOMING, seqnr, &lat->latency, &lat->choked );
if ( lat->latency < 9995 ) { lat->latency += flAdjust; lat->latency = MAX( lat->latency, 0 ); }
for ( int i=0; i<=INetChannelInfo::TOTAL; i++ ) { nbwg->msgbytes[i] = netchannel->GetPacketBytes( FLOW_INCOMING, seqnr, i ); }
// Assert ( nbwg->msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::TOTAL] > 0 );
if ( nbwg->msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::TOTAL] > *biggest_message ) { *biggest_message = nbwg->msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::TOTAL]; }
*avg_message += (float)( nbwg->msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::TOTAL] ); msg_count++;
if ( *biggest_message > 1000 ) { *biggest_message = 1000; }
if ( msg_count >= 1 ) { *avg_message /= msg_count;
int deviationsquared = 0;
// Compute std deviation
// Fill in frame data
for (int seqnr=m_IncomingSequence - m_UpdateWindowSize + 1 ; seqnr <= m_IncomingSequence ; seqnr++) { int bytes = m_Graph[ seqnr & ( TIMINGS - 1 )].msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::TOTAL] - ( *avg_message );
deviationsquared += ( bytes * bytes ); }
float var = ( float )( deviationsquared ) / (float)( msg_count - 1 ); float stddev = sqrt( var );
*f95thpercentile = *avg_message + 2.0f * stddev; } }
// Purpose: Fills in command interpolation/holdback & message size data
// Input : *cmdinfo -
void CNetGraphPanel::GetCommandInfo( INetChannelInfo *netchannel, cmdinfo_t *cmdinfo ) { for ( int seqnr = m_OutgoingSequence - m_UpdateWindowSize + 1 ; seqnr <= m_OutgoingSequence ; seqnr++) { // Also set up the lerp point.
cmdinfo_t *ci = &cmdinfo[ seqnr & ( TIMINGS - 1 ) ];
ci->cmd_lerp = netchannel->GetCommandInterpolationAmount( FLOW_OUTGOING, seqnr ); ci->sent = netchannel->IsValidPacket( FLOW_OUTGOING, seqnr ); ci->size = netchannel->GetPacketBytes( FLOW_OUTGOING, seqnr, INetChannelInfo::TOTAL); } }
// Purpose: Draws overlay text fields showing framerate, latency, bandwidth breakdowns,
// and, optionally, packet loss and choked packet percentages
// Input : graphvalue -
// x -
// y -
// *graph -
// *cmdinfo -
// count -
// avg -
// *framerate -
// 0.0 -
// avg -
void CNetGraphPanel::DrawTextFields( int graphvalue, int x, int y, int w, netbandwidthgraph_t *graph, cmdinfo_t *cmdinfo ) { if ( !net_graphtext.GetBool() ) return;
static int lastout;
float fTickInterval = gpGlobals->interval_per_tick; float fTickRate = (fTickInterval > 0) ? (1.0f / fTickInterval) : 0.0f; if ( fTickRate <= 0.000001f ) fTickRate = 0.000001f;
char sz[ 256 ]; int out;
HFont font = GetNetgraphFont();
// Move rolling average
m_Framerate = FRAMERATE_AVG_FRAC * m_Framerate + ( 1.0 - FRAMERATE_AVG_FRAC ) * gpGlobals->absoluteframetime;
// Print it out
y -= m_nNetGraphHeight;
int saveY = y;
if ( m_Framerate <= 0.0f ) m_Framerate = 1.0f;
if ( engine->IsPlayingDemo() ) m_AvgLatency = 0.0f;
int textTall = surface()->GetFontTall( font );
Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "fps: %5i var: %4.1f ms ping: %i ms", (int)(1.0f / m_Framerate), gpGlobals->absoluteframestarttimestddev*1000.0f, (int)(m_AvgLatency*1000.0f) ); DrawColoredText( font, x, y, textColorDefault, sz );
// Draw update rate
color upratecolor = textColorDefault; if ( cl_updaterate->GetFloat() < fTickRate ) upratecolor = GetColorFromVariance(cl_updaterate->GetFloat(), fTickRate, 0.0f, 0.2f, 0.5f); else if ( cl_updaterate->GetFloat() > fTickRate ) upratecolor = textColorWarn3; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "up:%5.1f/s", cl_updaterate->GetFloat() ); DrawColoredText( font, x + w - TextWidth(font, sz) - 1, y, upratecolor, sz );
y += textTall;
int textWidth;
if ( graphvalue >= 2 ) { out = cmdinfo[ ( ( m_OutgoingSequence - 1 ) & ( TIMINGS - 1 ) ) ].size; if ( !out ) { out = lastout; } else { lastout = out; }
int totalsize = graph[ ( m_IncomingSequence & ( TIMINGS - 1 ) ) ].msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::TOTAL];
Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "in: %5i %5.2fk/s ", totalsize, m_IncomingData ); DrawColoredText( font, x, y, textColorDefault, sz );
textWidth = TextWidth( font, sz );
color interpcolor = textColorDefault; float flInterp = GetClientInterpAmount(); if ( flInterp > 0.001f ) { // flInterp is below recommended setting!!!
if ( flInterp < ( 2.0f / cl_updaterate->GetFloat() ) ) { interpcolor = GetColorFromVariance(flInterp, 2.0f / cl_updaterate->GetFloat(), 0.0f, 0.2f, 0.5f); } // Server tick rate lower than interp can possibly deal with
if ( flInterp < fTickInterval ) { interpcolor = textColorWarn3; } }
Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "lerp: %4.1fms", GetClientInterpAmount() * 1000.0f ); DrawColoredText( font, x + textWidth, y, interpcolor, sz );
Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%3.1f/s", m_AvgPacketIn ); DrawColoredText( font, x + w - TextWidth( font, sz ) - 1, y, textColorDefault, sz );
y += textTall;
Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "out: %5i %5.2fk/s", out, m_OutgoingData ); DrawColoredText( font, x, y, textColorDefault, sz );
Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%3.1f/s", m_AvgPacketOut ); DrawColoredText( font, x + w - TextWidth( font, sz ) - 1, y, textColorDefault, sz );
y += textTall; }
color cmdratecolor = textColorDefault; if ( cl_cmdrate->GetFloat() < fTickRate ) cmdratecolor = GetColorFromVariance(cl_cmdrate->GetFloat(), fTickRate, 0.0f, 0.2f, 0.5f); else if ( cl_cmdrate->GetFloat() > fTickRate ) cmdratecolor = textColorWarn3; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "cmd:%5.1f/s", cl_cmdrate->GetFloat() ); DrawColoredText( GetNetgraphFont(), x + w - TextWidth(font, sz) - 1, y, cmdratecolor, sz );
DrawServerType( x + w, y + textTall );
Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "loss: %3i%% choke: %2i%%", (int)(m_AvgPacketLoss*100.0f), (int)(m_AvgPacketChoke*100.0f) );
textWidth = TextWidth(font, sz);
DrawColoredText( font, x, y, textColorDefault, sz );
y += textTall;
Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "tick:%5.1f ", fTickRate); DrawColoredText( font, x, y, textColorDefault, sz );
int tickTextWide = TextWidth(font, sz); color servercolor = textColorDefault; if ( m_flServerFrameComputationTime > ( 1/fTickRate ) + 0.0001 ) servercolor = GetColorFromVariance( m_flServerFrameComputationTime, 1/fTickRate, 0.25f, 0.5f, 0.75f);
Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "sv:%5.1f %s%4.1f ms var: %6.3f ms", m_flServerFrameComputationTime*1000.0f, ( net_graphholdsvframerate.GetBool() ? "~/" : "+-" ), m_flServerFramerateStdDeviation * 1000.0f, m_flServerFrameStartTimeStdDeviation * 1000.0f ); DrawColoredText( font, x + tickTextWide, y, servercolor, sz );
y += textTall;
// Draw legend
if ( graphvalue >= 3 ) { int textTall = g_pMatSystemSurface->GetFontTall( m_hFontSmall );
y = saveY - textTall - 5; int cw, ch; g_pMatSystemSurface->GetTextSize( m_hFontSmall, L"otherplayersWWW", cw, ch ); if ( x - cw < 0 ) { x += w + 5; } else { x -= cw; }
DrawColoredText( m_hFontSmall, x, y, color(0, 0, 255, 255), "localplayer" ); y -= textTall; DrawColoredText( m_hFontSmall, x, y, color(0, 255, 0, 255), "otherplayers" ); y -= textTall; DrawColoredText( m_hFontSmall, x, y, color(255, 0, 0, 255), "entities" ); y -= textTall; DrawColoredText( m_hFontSmall, x, y, color(255, 255, 0, 255), "sounds" ); y -= textTall; DrawColoredText( m_hFontSmall, x, y, color(0, 255, 255, 255), "events" ); y -= textTall; DrawColoredText( m_hFontSmall, x, y, color(255, 0, 255, 255), "tempents" ); y -= textTall; DrawColoredText( m_hFontSmall, x, y, color(128, 128, 0, 255), "usermessages" ); y -= textTall; DrawColoredText( m_hFontSmall, x, y, color(0, 128, 128, 255), "entmessages" ); y -= textTall; DrawColoredText( m_hFontSmall, x, y, color(128, 0, 0, 255), "stringcmds" ); y -= textTall; DrawColoredText( m_hFontSmall, x, y, color(0, 128, 0, 255), "stringtables" ); y -= textTall; DrawColoredText( m_hFontSmall, x, y, color(0, 0, 128, 255), "voice" ); y -= textTall; } else { const CPUFrequencyResults frequency = GetCPUFrequencyResults(); double currentTime = Plat_FloatTime(); const double displayTime = 5.0f; // Display frequency results for this long.
if ( frequency.m_GHz > 0 && frequency.m_timeStamp + displayTime > currentTime ) { // Optionally print out the CPU frequency monitoring data.
color cpuColor = textColorDefault; if ( frequency.m_percentage < kCPUMonitoringWarning2 ) cpuColor = textColorWarn3; else if ( frequency.m_percentage < kCPUMonitoringWarning1 ) cpuColor = textColorWarn2; // Experimental fading out as data becomes stale. Probably too distracting.
//float age = currentTime - frequency.m_timeStamp;
//cpuColor.a *= ( displayTime - age ) / displayTime;
V_sprintf_safe( sz, "CPU frequency percent: %3.1f%% Min percent: %3.1f%%", frequency.m_percentage, frequency.m_lowestPercentage ); DrawColoredText( font, x, y, cpuColor, sz ); } } }
// Purpose: Determine type of graph to show, or if +graph key is held down, use detailed graph
// Output : int
int CNetGraphPanel::GraphValue( void ) { int graphtype;
graphtype = net_graph.GetInt();
ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD_VGUI( 0 ); if ( !graphtype && !( in_graph.GetPerUser().state & 1 ) ) return 0;
// With +graph key, use max area
if ( !graphtype ) { graphtype = Min( sv_max_allowed_net_graph.GetInt(), 3 ); }
return graphtype; }
// Purpose: Figure out x and y position for graph based on net_graphpos
// value.
// Input : *rect -
// width -
// *x -
// *y -
void CNetGraphPanel::GraphGetXY( vrect_t *rect, int width, int *x, int *y ) { *x = rect->x + 5;
switch ( net_graphpos.GetInt() ) { case 0: break; case 1: *x = rect->x + rect->width - 5 - width; break; case 2: *x = rect->x + ( rect->width - 10 - width ) / 2; break; default: *x = rect->x + clamp( XRES( net_graphpos.GetInt() ), 5, rect->width - width - 5 ); }
*y = rect->y+rect->height - LERP_HEIGHT - 5; }
// Purpose: drawing stream progess (file download etc) as green bars ( under in/out)
// Input : x -
// y -
// maxmsgbytes -
void CNetGraphPanel::DrawStreamProgress( int x, int y, int width ) { vrect_t rcLine;
rcLine.height = 1; rcLine.x = x; byte color[3]; color[0] = 0; color[1] = 200; color[2] = 0;
if ( m_StreamTotal[FLOW_INCOMING] > 0 ) { rcLine.y = y - m_nNetGraphHeight + 15 + 14; rcLine.width = (m_StreamRecv[FLOW_INCOMING]*width)/m_StreamTotal[FLOW_INCOMING]; DrawLine( &rcLine, color, 255 ); }
if ( m_StreamTotal[FLOW_OUTGOING] > 0 ) { rcLine.y = y - m_nNetGraphHeight + 2*15 + 14; rcLine.width = (m_StreamRecv[FLOW_OUTGOING]*width)/m_StreamTotal[FLOW_OUTGOING]; DrawLine( &rcLine, color, 255 ); } }
// Purpose: If showing bandwidth data, draw hatches big enough for largest message
// Input : x -
// y -
// maxmsgbytes -
void CNetGraphPanel::DrawHatches( int x, int y, int maxmsgbytes ) { int starty; int ystep; vrect_t rcHatch;
byte colorminor[3]; byte color[3];
ystep = (int)( 10.0 / net_scale.GetFloat() ); ystep = MAX( ystep, 1 );
rcHatch.y = y; rcHatch.height = 1; rcHatch.x = x; rcHatch.width = 4;
color[0] = 0; color[1] = 200; color[2] = 0;
colorminor[0] = 63; colorminor[1] = 63; colorminor[2] = 0;
for ( starty = rcHatch.y; rcHatch.y > 0 && ((starty - rcHatch.y)*net_scale.GetFloat() < ( maxmsgbytes + 50 ) ); rcHatch.y -= ystep ) { if ( !((int)((starty - rcHatch.y)*net_scale.GetFloat() ) % 50 ) ) { DrawLine( &rcHatch, color, 255 ); } else if ( ystep > 5 ) { DrawLine( &rcHatch, colorminor, 200 ); } } }
// Purpose: State what type of server the user is playing on. dedicated, listen, offline.
// Input : x -
// y -
void CNetGraphPanel::DrawServerType( int xright, int y ) { char const *psz = "offline";
bool bPlayingDemo = engine->IsPlayingDemo(); CDemoPlaybackParameters_t const *pParams = bPlayingDemo ? engine->GetDemoPlaybackParameters() : NULL; bool bLiveBroadcast = bPlayingDemo && pParams && pParams->m_bPlayingLiveRemoteBroadcast; if ( bPlayingDemo && !bLiveBroadcast ) { psz = "demo"; } else if ( engine->IsClientLocalToActiveServer() && !bLiveBroadcast ) { psz = "local"; } else if ( engine->IsInGame() ) { INetChannelInfo *pInfo = engine->GetNetChannelInfo(); bool bP2P = ( netadr_t( pInfo ? pInfo->GetAddress() : "" ).GetPort() == 1 ); if ( engine->IsHLTV() ) { if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsValveDS() ) psz = bLiveBroadcast ? "Official GOTV+" : "Official GOTV"; else if ( bP2P ) psz = bLiveBroadcast ? "P2P GOTV+" : "P2P GOTV"; else psz = bLiveBroadcast ? "GOTV+" : "GOTV"; } else { if ( CSGameRules() && CSGameRules()->IsValveDS() ) psz = "Official DS"; else if ( bP2P ) psz = "P2P"; else psz = "online"; } } else if ( engine->IsConnected() ) psz = "loading";
DrawColoredText( GetNetgraphFont(), xright - TextWidth(GetNetgraphFont(), psz) - 1, y, textColorDefault, psz ); }
// Purpose: Draws bandwidth breakdown data
// Input : *rcFill -
// bytes -
// r -
// g -
// b -
// alpha -
// Output : int
int CNetGraphPanel::DrawDataSegment( vrect_t *rcFill, int bytes, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte alpha ) { int h; byte color[3];
h = bytes / net_scale.GetFloat(); color[0] = r; color[1] = g; color[2] = b;
rcFill->height = h; rcFill->y -= h;
if ( rcFill->y < 2 ) return 0;
DrawLine( rcFill, color, alpha );
return 1; }
// Purpose:
void CNetGraphPanel::OnTick( void ) { bool bVisible = ShouldDraw(); if ( IsVisible() != bVisible ) { SetVisible( bVisible ); } }
bool CNetGraphPanel::ShouldDraw( void ) { if ( GraphValue() != 0 ) return true;
return false; }
void CNetGraphPanel::DrawLargePacketSizes( int x, int w, int graphtype, float warning_threshold ) { vrect_t rcFill = {0,0,0,0}; int a, i;
for (a=0 ; a<w ; a++) { i = (m_IncomingSequence-a) & ( TIMINGS - 1 ); rcFill.x = x + w -a -1; rcFill.width = 1; rcFill.y = m_Graph[i].sampleY; rcFill.height = m_Graph[i].sampleHeight;
int nTotalBytes = m_Graph[ i ].msgbytes[ INetChannelInfo::TOTAL ];
if ( warning_threshold != 0.0f && nTotalBytes > MAX( 300, warning_threshold ) ) { char sz[ 32 ]; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%i", nTotalBytes );
int len = TextWidth(m_hFont, sz );
int textx, texty;
textx = rcFill.x - len / 2; texty = MAX( 0, rcFill.y - 11 );
DrawColoredText( m_hFont, textx, texty, color(255, 255, 255, 255), sz ); } } }
// Purpose:
void CNetGraphPanel::Paint() { VPROF( "CNetGraphPanel::Paint" );
int graphtype;
int x, y; int w; vrect_t vrect;
int maxmsgbytes = 0;
float avg_message = 0.0f; float warning_threshold = 0.0f;
if ( ( graphtype = GraphValue() ) == 0 ) return;
// Since we divide by scale, make sure it's sensible
if ( net_scale.GetFloat() <= 0 ) { net_scale.SetValue( 0.1f ); }
// Get screen rectangle
int sw, sh; surface()->GetScreenSize( sw, sh );
if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // shrink for titlesafe
int insetX = XBOX_MINBORDERSAFE * (float)sw; int insetY = XBOX_MINBORDERSAFE * (float)sh; vrect.x = insetX; vrect.y = insetY; vrect.width = sw - 2 * insetX; vrect.height = sh - 2 * insetY; } else { vrect.x = 0; vrect.y = 0; vrect.width = sw; vrect.height = sh; }
w = MIN( (int)TIMINGS, m_EstimatedWidth ); if ( vrect.width < w + 10 ) { w = vrect.width - 10; }
// get current client netchannel INetChannelInfo interface
INetChannelInfo *nci = engine->GetNetChannelInfo();
if ( nci ) { // update incoming data
GetFrameData( nci, &maxmsgbytes, &avg_message, &warning_threshold );
// update outgoing data
GetCommandInfo( nci, m_Cmdinfo );
UpdateEstimatedServerFramerate( nci ); }
GraphGetXY( &vrect, w, &x, &y );
if ( graphtype >= 3 ) { PaintLineArt( x, y, w, graphtype, maxmsgbytes );
DrawLargePacketSizes( x, w, graphtype, warning_threshold ); }
// Draw client frame timing info
DrawTimes( vrect, m_Cmdinfo, x, w, graphtype );
DrawSvFrameRate( vrect, m_SvFrameRate, x, w, graphtype );
DrawTextFields( graphtype, x, y, w, m_Graph, m_Cmdinfo ); }
// Purpose:
void CNetGraphPanel::PaintLineArt( int x, int y, int w, int graphtype, int maxmsgbytes ) { VPROF( "CNetGraphPanel::PaintLineArt" );
int lastvalidh = 0;
byte color[3]; int ping; byte alpha; vrect_t rcFill = {0,0,0,0};
int pingheight = m_nNetGraphHeight - LERP_HEIGHT - 2;
if (net_graphmsecs.GetInt() < 50 ) { net_graphmsecs.SetValue( 50 ); }
bool bShowLatency = net_graphshowlatency.GetBool() && graphtype >= 3;
for (int a=0 ; a<w ; a++) { int i = (m_IncomingSequence-a) & ( TIMINGS - 1 ); int h = bShowLatency ? m_PacketLatency[i].latency : 0; packet_latency_t *pl = &m_PacketLatency[ i ]; ColorForHeight( pl, color, &ping, &alpha );
// Skipped
if ( !ping ) { // Re-use the last latency
h = lastvalidh; } else { h = pingheight * (float)h/net_graphmsecs.GetFloat(); lastvalidh = h; }
if ( h > pingheight ) { h = pingheight; }
rcFill.x = x + w -a -1; rcFill.y = y - h; rcFill.width = 1; rcFill.height = h; if ( ping ) { rcFill.height = pl->choked ? 2 : 1; }
if ( !ping ) { DrawLine2(&rcFill, color, color, alpha, 31 ); } else { DrawLine(&rcFill, color, alpha ); }
rcFill.y = y; rcFill.height = 1;
color[0] = 0; color[1] = 255; color[2] = 0;
DrawLine( &rcFill, color, 160 );
if ( graphtype < 3 ) continue;
// Draw a separator.
rcFill.y = y - m_nNetGraphHeight - 1; rcFill.height = 1;
color[0] = 255; color[1] = 255; color[2] = 255;
DrawLine(&rcFill, color, 255 );
// Move up for begining of data
rcFill.y -= 1;
// Packet didn't have any real data...
if ( m_PacketLatency[i].latency > 9995 ) continue;
if ( !DrawDataSegment( &rcFill, m_Graph[ i ].msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::LOCALPLAYER], 0, 0, 255 ) ) continue;
if ( !DrawDataSegment( &rcFill, m_Graph[ i ].msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::OTHERPLAYERS], 0, 255, 0 ) ) continue;
if ( !DrawDataSegment( &rcFill, m_Graph[ i ].msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::ENTITIES], 255, 0, 0 ) ) continue;
if ( !DrawDataSegment( &rcFill, m_Graph[ i ].msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::SOUNDS], 255, 255, 0) ) continue;
if ( !DrawDataSegment( &rcFill, m_Graph[ i ].msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::EVENTS], 0, 255, 255 ) ) continue; if ( !DrawDataSegment( &rcFill, m_Graph[ i ].msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::TEMPENTS], 255, 0, 255 ) ) continue;
if ( !DrawDataSegment( &rcFill, m_Graph[ i ].msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::USERMESSAGES], 128, 128, 0 ) ) continue;
if ( !DrawDataSegment( &rcFill, m_Graph[ i ].msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::ENTMESSAGES], 0, 128, 128 ) ) continue;
if ( !DrawDataSegment( &rcFill, m_Graph[ i ].msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::STRINGCMD], 128, 0, 0) ) continue;
if ( !DrawDataSegment( &rcFill, m_Graph[ i ].msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::STRINGTABLE], 0, 128, 0) ) continue;
if ( !DrawDataSegment( &rcFill, m_Graph[ i ].msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::VOICE], 0, 0, 128 ) ) continue;
if ( !DrawDataSegment( &rcFill, m_Graph[ i ].msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::PAINTMAP], 64, 0, 0 ) ) continue;
// Final data chunk is total size, don't use solid line routine for this
h = m_Graph[i].msgbytes[INetChannelInfo::TOTAL] / net_scale.GetFloat();
color[ 0 ] = color[ 1 ] = color[ 2 ] = 240;
rcFill.height = 1; rcFill.y = y - m_nNetGraphHeight - 1 - h;
if ( rcFill.y < 2 ) continue;
DrawLine(&rcFill, color, 128 );
// Cache off height
m_Graph[i].sampleY = rcFill.y; m_Graph[i].sampleHeight = rcFill.height; }
if ( graphtype >= 3 ) { // Draw hatches for first one:
// on the far right side
DrawHatches( x, y - m_nNetGraphHeight - 1, maxmsgbytes ); DrawStreamProgress( x, y, w ); }
DrawLineSegments(); }
// Purpose:
void CNetGraphPanel::ResetLineSegments() { m_Rects.RemoveAll(); }
// Purpose:
void CNetGraphPanel::DrawLineSegments() { int c = m_Rects.Count(); if ( c <= 0 ) return;
int start = 0; while ( start < c ) { int consume = MIN( 5000, c - start );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); IMesh* m_pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true, NULL, NULL, m_WhiteMaterial ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( m_pMesh, MATERIAL_LINES, c );
int i; for ( i = start ; i < start + consume; i++ ) { CLineSegment *seg = &m_Rects[ i ];
meshBuilder.Color4ubv( seg->color ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0.0f, 0.0f ); meshBuilder.Position3f( seg->x1, seg->y1, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex();
meshBuilder.Color4ubv( seg->color2 ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f( 0, 0.0f, 0.0f ); meshBuilder.Position3f( seg->x2, seg->y2, 0 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); }
start += consume; } }
// Purpose: Draws a colored, filled rectangle
// Input : *rect -
// *color -
// alpha -
void CNetGraphPanel::DrawLine( vrect_t *rect, unsigned char *color, unsigned char alpha ) { DrawLine2( rect, color, color, alpha, alpha ); }
// Purpose: Draws a colored, filled rectangle
// Input : *rect -
// *color -
// alpha -
void CNetGraphPanel::DrawLine2( vrect_t *rect, unsigned char *color, unsigned char *color2, unsigned char alpha, unsigned char alpha2 ) { VPROF( "CNetGraphPanel::DrawLine2" );
int idx = m_Rects.AddToTail(); CLineSegment *seg = &m_Rects[ idx ];
seg->color[0] = color[0]; seg->color[1] = color[1]; seg->color[2] = color[2]; seg->color[3] = alpha; seg->color2[0] = color2[0]; seg->color2[1] = color2[1]; seg->color2[2] = color2[2]; seg->color2[3] = alpha2;
if ( rect->width == 1 ) { seg->x1 = rect->x; seg->y1 = rect->y; seg->x2 = rect->x; seg->y2 = rect->y + rect->height; } else if ( rect->height == 1 ) { seg->x1 = rect->x; seg->y1 = rect->y; seg->x2 = rect->x + rect->width; seg->y2 = rect->y; } else { Assert( 0 ); m_Rects.Remove( idx ); } }
void CNetGraphPanel::UpdateEstimatedServerFramerate( INetChannelInfo *netchannel ) { netchannel->GetRemoteFramerate( &m_flServerFrameComputationTime, &m_flServerFramerateStdDeviation, &m_flServerFrameStartTimeStdDeviation ); m_SvFrameRate[ m_nServerFramerateSample % TIMINGS ].flSvFrameTime = m_flServerFrameComputationTime; m_SvFrameRate[ m_nServerFramerateSample % TIMINGS ].flSvFrameRateStdDev = m_flServerFramerateStdDeviation; m_SvFrameRate[ m_nServerFramerateSample % TIMINGS ].flSvFrameStartTimeStdDev = m_flServerFrameStartTimeStdDeviation; ++ m_nServerFramerateSample;
if ( net_graphholdsvframerate.GetBool() ) { for ( int j = 0; j < TIMINGS; ++ j ) { if ( m_SvFrameRate[j].flSvFrameTime > m_flServerFrameComputationTime ) m_flServerFrameComputationTime = m_SvFrameRate[j].flSvFrameTime; if ( m_SvFrameRate[j].flSvFrameRateStdDev > m_flServerFramerateStdDeviation ) m_flServerFramerateStdDeviation = m_SvFrameRate[j].flSvFrameRateStdDev; if ( m_SvFrameRate[ j ].flSvFrameStartTimeStdDev > m_flServerFrameStartTimeStdDeviation ) m_flServerFrameStartTimeStdDeviation = m_SvFrameRate[ j ].flSvFrameStartTimeStdDev; } } }
CNetGraphPanel::color CNetGraphPanel::GetColorFromVariance( float fValue, float fBase, float fVariance1, float fVariance2, float fVariance3 ) { if ( fBase == 0.0f ) return textColorDefault;
float fDelta = fabsf(fBase - fValue); float fDeltaFraction = fDelta / fBase; if ( fDeltaFraction > fVariance3 ) return textColorWarn3; if ( fDeltaFraction > fVariance2 ) return textColorWarn2; if ( fDeltaFraction > fVariance1 ) return textColorWarn1; return textColorDefault; }
class CNetGraphPanelInterface : public INetGraphPanel { private: CNetGraphPanel *netGraphPanel; public: CNetGraphPanelInterface( void ) { netGraphPanel = NULL; } void Create( VPANEL parent ) { netGraphPanel = new CNetGraphPanel( parent ); } void Destroy( void ) { if ( netGraphPanel ) { netGraphPanel->SetParent( (Panel *)NULL ); delete netGraphPanel; } } };
static CNetGraphPanelInterface g_NetGraphPanel; INetGraphPanel *netgraphpanel = ( INetGraphPanel * )&g_NetGraphPanel;