//====== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "GameEventListener.h"
#include "../common/xlast_csgo/csgo.spa.h"
#include "iachievementmgr.h"
#define AWARD_ID_NONE ""
class CAchievementMgr; class IPlayerLocal;
// Base class for achievements
class CBaseAchievement : public CGameEventListener, public IAchievement { DECLARE_CLASS_NOBASE( CBaseAchievement ); public: CBaseAchievement(); virtual void Init() {} virtual void ListenForEvents() {}; virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event );
int GetAchievementID() { return m_iAchievementID; } void SetAchievementID( int iAchievementID ) { m_iAchievementID = iAchievementID; } void SetName( const char *pszName ) { m_pszName = pszName; } const char *GetName() { return m_pszName; } void SetFlags( int iFlags ); int GetFlags() { return m_iFlags; } void SetGoal( int iGoal ) { m_iGoal = iGoal; } int GetGoal() { return m_iGoal; } void SetGameDirFilter( const char *pGameDir ); bool HasComponents() { return ( m_iFlags & ACH_HAS_COMPONENTS ) > 0; } void SetPointValue( int iPointValue ) { m_iPointValue = iPointValue; } int GetPointValue() { return m_iPointValue; } bool ShouldHideUntilAchieved() { return m_bHideUntilAchieved; }
void SetHideUntilAchieved( bool bHide ) { m_bHideUntilAchieved = bHide; } void SetStoreProgressInSteam( bool bStoreProgressInSteam ) { m_bStoreProgressInSteam = bStoreProgressInSteam; } bool StoreProgressInSteam() { return m_bStoreProgressInSteam; } virtual bool ShouldShowProgressNotification() { return true; } virtual void OnPlayerStatsUpdate( int nUserSlot ) {}
virtual bool ShouldSaveWithGame(); bool ShouldSaveGlobal(); virtual void PreRestoreSavedGame(); virtual void PostRestoreSavedGame(); void SetCount( int iCount ) { m_iCount = iCount; } int GetCount() { return m_iCount; } void SetProgressShown( int iProgressShown ) { m_iProgressShown = iProgressShown; } int GetProgressShown() { return m_iProgressShown; } virtual bool IsAchieved() { return m_bAchieved; } virtual bool IsActive(); virtual bool IsAvailable(); // Is this achievement available? Might need DLC, etc
virtual bool LocalPlayerCanEarn( void ) { return true; } void SetAchieved( bool bAchieved ) { m_bAchieved = bAchieved; } virtual void CheckAssetAwards( int nSlotId ) {} virtual bool IsMetaAchievement() { return false; }
virtual void OnAchieved( void ) {} uint32 GetUnlockTime( void ) const { return m_uUnlockTime; } void SetUnlockTime( uint32 unlockTime ) { m_uUnlockTime = unlockTime; }
uint64 GetComponentBits() { return m_iComponentBits; } virtual int GetNumComponents() { return m_iNumComponents; } virtual const char *GetComponentDisplayString( int iComponent ); void SetComponentBits( uint64 iComponentBits ); int GetNumComponentBitsSet( void ); void OnComponentEvent( const char *pchComponentName ); void EnsureComponentBitSetAndEvaluate( int iBitNumber ); void EvaluateIsAlreadyAchieved(); virtual void OnMapEvent( const char *pEventName ); virtual void PrintAdditionalStatus() {} // for debugging, achievements may report additional status in achievement_status concmd
virtual void OnSteamUserStatsStored() {} virtual void UpdateAchievement( int nData ) {} virtual bool ShouldShowOnHUD() { return m_bShowOnHUD; } virtual void SetShowOnHUD( bool bShow ); virtual void SetUserSlot( int nUserSlot ) { m_nUserSlot = nUserSlot; } virtual void ClearAchievementData(); virtual const char *GetIconPath() { return NULL; } void SetDisplayOrder( int iDisplayOrder ) { m_iDisplayOrder = iDisplayOrder; } int GetDisplayOrder( ) { return m_iDisplayOrder; }
virtual void ReadProgress( IPlayerLocal *pPlayer ) {} virtual bool WriteProgress( IPlayerLocal *pPlayer ) { return false; }
virtual void GetSettings( KeyValues* pNodeOut ); // serialize
virtual void ApplySettings( /* const */ KeyValues* pNodeIn ); // unserialize
virtual void Think( void ) { return; } // XBox Asset Awards
void SetAssetAward( const char* assetAwardName ); void SetAssetAwardID( int iAssetAwardID ) { m_iAssetAwardID = iAssetAwardID; } int GetAssetAwardID( void ) { return m_iAssetAwardID; } bool IsAssetAward( void ) { return m_iAssetAwardID > 0; }
virtual bool CheckAchievementsEnabled( void );
protected: virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ); virtual void FireGameEvent_Internal( IGameEvent *event ) {}; void SetVictimFilter( const char *pClassName ); void SetAttackerFilter( const char *pClassName ); void SetInflictorFilter( const char *pClassName ); void SetInflictorEntityNameFilter( const char *pEntityName ); void SetMapNameFilter( const char *pMapName ); void SetComponentPrefix( const char *pPrefix ); void IncrementCount( int iOptIncrement = 0 ); void EvaluateNewAchievement(); void AwardAchievement(); void ShowProgressNotification(); void HandleProgressUpdate(); virtual void CalcProgressMsgIncrement(); void SetNextThink( float flThinkTime ); void ClearThink( void );
const char *m_pszName; // name of this achievement
int m_iAchievementID; // ID of this achievement
int m_iFlags; // ACH_* flags for this achievement
int m_iGoal; // goal # of steps to award this achievement
int m_iProgressMsgIncrement; // after how many steps show we show a progress notification
int m_iProgressMsgMinimum; // the minimum progress needed before showing progress notification
int m_iPointValue; // # of points this achievement is worth (currently only used for XBox Live)
bool m_bHideUntilAchieved; // should this achievement be hidden until achieved?
bool m_bStoreProgressInSteam; // should incremental progress be stored in Steam. A counter with same name as achievement must be set up in Steam.
const char *m_pInflictorClassNameFilter; // if non-NULL, inflictor class name to filter with
const char *m_pInflictorEntityNameFilter; // if non-NULL, inflictor entity name to filter with
const char *m_pVictimClassNameFilter; // if non-NULL, victim class name to filter with
const char *m_pAttackerClassNameFilter; // if non-NULL, attacker class name to filter with
const char *m_pMapNameFilter; // if non-NULL, map name to filter with
const char *m_pGameDirFilter; // if non-NULL, game dir name to filter with
const char **m_pszComponentNames; const char **m_pszComponentDisplayNames; // localizable strings for each component
int m_iNumComponents; const char *m_pszComponentPrefix; int m_iComponentPrefixLen; bool m_bAchieved; // is this achievement achieved
uint32 m_uUnlockTime; // time_t that this achievement was unlocked (0 if before Steamworks unlock time support)
int m_iCount; // # of steps satisfied toward this achievement (only valid if not achieved)
int m_iProgressShown; // # of progress msgs we've shown
uint64 m_iComponentBits; // bitfield of components achieved
CAchievementMgr *m_pAchievementMgr; // our achievement manager
int m_nUserSlot; int m_iDisplayOrder; // Order in which the achievement is displayed in the UI
bool m_bShowOnHUD; // if set, the player wants this achievement pinned to the HUD
int m_iAssetAwardID; // ID of the avatar award asset associated with this achievement. Alliteration!
friend class CAchievementMgr; public: DECLARE_DATADESC(); };
class CFailableAchievement : public CBaseAchievement { DECLARE_CLASS( CFailableAchievement, CBaseAchievement ); public: CFailableAchievement(); void SetFailed();
virtual bool ShouldSaveWithGame(); virtual void PreRestoreSavedGame(); virtual void PostRestoreSavedGame(); virtual bool IsAchieved() { return !m_bFailed && BaseClass::IsAchieved(); } virtual bool IsActive() { return m_bActivated && !m_bFailed && BaseClass::IsActive(); } bool IsFailed() { return m_bFailed; }
virtual void OnMapEvent( const char *pEventName ); virtual void OnActivationEvent() { Activate(); } virtual void OnEvaluationEvent(); virtual const char *GetActivationEventName() =0; virtual const char *GetEvaluationEventName() =0;
protected: void Activate();
bool m_bActivated; // are we activated? (If there is a map event that turns us on, has that happened)
bool m_bFailed; // has this achievement failed
public: DECLARE_DATADESC(); };
class CMapAchievement : public CBaseAchievement { virtual void Init() { SetFlags( ACH_LISTEN_MAP_EVENTS | ACH_SAVE_GLOBAL ); SetGoal( 1 ); } };
class CAchievement_AchievedCount : public CBaseAchievement { public: void Init(); virtual void OnSteamUserStatsStored( void ); virtual bool IsMetaAchievement() { return true; }
int GetLowRange() { return m_iLowRange; } int GetHighRange() { return m_iHighRange; } int GetNumRequired() { return m_iNumRequired; }
protected: void SetAchievementsRequired( int iNumRequired, int iLowRange, int iHighRange );
private: int m_iNumRequired; int m_iLowRange; int m_iHighRange; };
// Helper class for achievement creation
typedef CBaseAchievement* (*achievementCreateFunc) (void); class CBaseAchievementHelper { public: CBaseAchievementHelper( achievementCreateFunc createFunc ) { m_pfnCreate = createFunc; m_pNext = s_pFirst; s_pFirst = this; } achievementCreateFunc m_pfnCreate; CBaseAchievementHelper *m_pNext; static CBaseAchievementHelper *s_pFirst; };
#define DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT_( className, achievementID, achievementName, gameDirFilter, iPointValue, bHidden ) \
static CBaseAchievement *Create_##className( void ) \ { \ CBaseAchievement *pAchievement = new className( ); \ pAchievement->SetAchievementID( achievementID ); \ pAchievement->SetName( achievementName ); \ pAchievement->SetPointValue( iPointValue ); \ pAchievement->SetHideUntilAchieved( bHidden ); \ if ( gameDirFilter ) pAchievement->SetGameDirFilter( gameDirFilter ); \ return pAchievement; \ }; \ static CBaseAchievementHelper g_##className##_Helper( Create_##className );
#define DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT( className, achievementID, achievementName, iPointValue ) \
DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT_( className, achievementID, achievementName, NULL, iPointValue, false )
#define DECLARE_MAP_EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_( achievementID, achievementName, gameDirFilter, iPointValue, bHidden ) \
class CAchievement##achievementID : public CMapAchievement {}; \ DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT_( CAchievement##achievementID, achievementID, achievementName, gameDirFilter, iPointValue, bHidden ) \
#define DECLARE_MAP_EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT( achievementID, achievementName, iPointValue ) \
DECLARE_MAP_EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_( achievementID, achievementName, NULL, iPointValue, false )
#define DECLARE_MAP_EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_HIDDEN( achievementID, achievementName, iPointValue ) \
DECLARE_MAP_EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_( achievementID, achievementName, NULL, iPointValue, true )