//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "bone_merge_cache.h"
#include "bone_setup.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// CBoneMergeCache
CBoneMergeCache::CBoneMergeCache() { Init( NULL ); }
void CBoneMergeCache::Init( CBaseAnimating *pOwner ) { m_pOwner = pOwner; m_pFollow = NULL; m_pFollowHdr = NULL; m_pFollowRenderHdr = NULL; m_pOwnerHdr = NULL; m_pFollowRenderHdr = NULL; m_nFollowBoneSetupMask = 0; m_bForceCacheClear = false; m_MergedBones.Purge(); V_memset( m_iRawIndexMapping, 0xFF, sizeof( m_iRawIndexMapping ) ); // initialize to -1s
void CBoneMergeCache::UpdateCache() { if ( !m_pOwner ) return;
CStudioHdr *pOwnerHdr = m_pOwner->GetModelPtr(); if ( !pOwnerHdr ) return; const studiohdr_t *pOwnerRenderHdr = pOwnerHdr->GetRenderHdr();
CBaseAnimating *pFollow = m_pOwner->FindFollowedEntity(); CStudioHdr *pFollowHdr = (pFollow ? pFollow->GetModelPtr() : NULL); const studiohdr_t *pFollowRenderHdr = (pFollowHdr ? pFollowHdr->GetRenderHdr() : NULL );
// if the follow parent has changed, or any of the underlying models has changed, reset the MergedBones list
if ( pFollow != m_pFollow || pFollowRenderHdr != m_pFollowRenderHdr || pOwnerRenderHdr != m_pOwnerRenderHdr || m_bForceCacheClear ) { m_MergedBones.Purge();
m_bForceCacheClear = false; // Update the cache.
if ( pFollow && pFollowHdr && pOwnerHdr ) { m_pFollow = pFollow; m_pFollowHdr = pFollowHdr; m_pFollowRenderHdr = pFollowRenderHdr; m_pOwnerHdr = pOwnerHdr; m_pOwnerRenderHdr = pOwnerRenderHdr;
m_BoneMergeBits.Resize( pOwnerHdr->numbones() ); m_BoneMergeBits.ClearAll();
const mstudiobone_t *pOwnerBones = m_pOwnerHdr->pBone( 0 ); m_nFollowBoneSetupMask = BONE_USED_BY_BONE_MERGE; for ( int i = 0; i < m_pOwnerHdr->numbones(); i++ ) { int parentBoneIndex = Studio_BoneIndexByName( m_pFollowHdr, pOwnerBones[i].pszName() ); if ( parentBoneIndex < 0 ) continue;
m_iRawIndexMapping[i] = parentBoneIndex;
// Add a merged bone here.
CMergedBone mergedBone; mergedBone.m_iMyBone = i; mergedBone.m_iParentBone = parentBoneIndex; m_MergedBones.AddToTail( mergedBone ); m_BoneMergeBits.Set( i );
// flag bones used in merge so that they'll always be setup
if ( ( m_pFollowHdr->boneFlags( parentBoneIndex ) & BONE_USED_BY_BONE_MERGE ) == 0 ) { // go ahead and mark the bone and its parents
int n = parentBoneIndex; while (n != -1) { m_pFollowHdr->setBoneFlags( n, BONE_USED_BY_BONE_MERGE ); n = m_pFollowHdr->boneParent( n ); } }
// FIXME: only do this if it's for a "reverse" merge
if ( ( m_pOwnerHdr->boneFlags( i ) & BONE_USED_BY_BONE_MERGE ) == 0 ) { // go ahead and mark the bone and its parents
int n = i; while (n != -1) { m_pOwnerHdr->setBoneFlags( n, BONE_USED_BY_BONE_MERGE ); n = m_pOwnerHdr->boneParent( n ); } } }
// No merged bones found? Slam the mask to 0
if ( !m_MergedBones.Count() ) { m_nFollowBoneSetupMask = 0; }
// find and record pose params that match by name
for ( int i = 0; i < MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM; i++ ) { // init mapping as invalid
m_nOwnerToFollowPoseParamMapping[i] = -1; if ( i < m_pFollowHdr->GetNumPoseParameters() ) { // get the follower's pose param name for this index
const char * szFollowerPoseParamName = m_pFollowHdr->pPoseParameter( i ).pszName();
// find it on the owner
for ( int n = 0; n < MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM && n < m_pOwnerHdr->GetNumPoseParameters(); n++ ) { const char * szOwnerPoseParamName = m_pOwnerHdr->pPoseParameter( n ).pszName(); if ( !Q_strcmp( szFollowerPoseParamName, szOwnerPoseParamName ) ) { //match
m_nOwnerToFollowPoseParamMapping[i] = n; break; } } } }
} else { Init( m_pOwner ); } } }
void CBoneMergeCache::MergeMatchingPoseParams( void ) { UpdateCache();
// If this is set, then all the other cache data is set.
if ( !m_pOwnerHdr || m_MergedBones.Count() == 0 ) return;
// set follower pose params using mapped indices from owner
for ( int i = 0; i < MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM; i++ ) { if ( m_nOwnerToFollowPoseParamMapping[i] != -1 ) { m_pOwner->SetPoseParameter( m_nOwnerToFollowPoseParamMapping[i], m_pFollow->GetPoseParameter( i ) ); } } }
void CBoneMergeCache::MergeMatchingBones( int boneMask ) { UpdateCache();
// If this is set, then all the other cache data is set.
if ( !m_pOwnerHdr || m_MergedBones.Count() == 0 ) return;
// Have the entity we're following setup its bones.
int nTempMask = m_nFollowBoneSetupMask; if ( m_pFollow->IsPlayer() ) { // if the parent is a player, respect the incoming bone mask plus attachments,
nTempMask = ( boneMask | BONE_USED_BY_ATTACHMENT ); // but only use the custom blending rule portion
if ( m_pFollow->m_nCustomBlendingRuleMask != -1 ) nTempMask &= m_pFollow->m_nCustomBlendingRuleMask; } m_pFollow->SetupBones( NULL, -1, nTempMask, gpGlobals->curtime );
// Now copy the bone matrices.
for ( int i=0; i < m_MergedBones.Count(); i++ ) { int iOwnerBone = m_MergedBones[i].m_iMyBone; int iParentBone = m_MergedBones[i].m_iParentBone; // Only update bones reference by the bone mask.
if ( !( m_pOwnerHdr->boneFlags( iOwnerBone ) & boneMask ) ) continue;
MatrixCopy( m_pFollow->GetBone( iParentBone ), m_pOwner->GetBoneForWrite( iOwnerBone ) ); } } #endif
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
void CBoneMergeCache::BuildMatricesWithBoneMerge( const CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, const QAngle& angles, const Vector& origin, const Vector pos[MAXSTUDIOBONES], const Quaternion q[MAXSTUDIOBONES], matrix3x4_t bonetoworld[MAXSTUDIOBONES], CBaseAnimating *pParent, CBoneCache *pParentCache, int boneMask ) {
bool bMergedBone[ MAXSTUDIOBONES ]; memset( &bMergedBone, 0, sizeof(bool) * MAXSTUDIOBONES );
for ( int i=0; i < m_MergedBones.Count(); i++ ) { int iOwnerBone = m_MergedBones[i].m_iMyBone; int iParentBone = m_MergedBones[i].m_iParentBone;
if ( iParentBone >= 0 ) { // Only update bones reference by the bone mask.
if ( !( pStudioHdr->boneFlags( iOwnerBone ) & boneMask ) ) continue;
matrix3x4_t *pMat = pParentCache->GetCachedBone( iParentBone ); if ( pMat ) { MatrixCopy( *pMat, bonetoworld[ iOwnerBone ] ); bMergedBone[iOwnerBone] = true; } }
const mstudiobone_t *pbones = pStudioHdr->pBone( 0 ); matrix3x4_t rotationmatrix; // model to world transformation
AngleMatrix( angles, origin, rotationmatrix);
for ( int i=0; i < pStudioHdr->numbones(); i++ ) { if ( !bMergedBone[i] ) { // If we get down here, then the bone wasn't merged.
matrix3x4_t bonematrix; QuaternionMatrix( q[i], pos[i], bonematrix ); if (pbones[i].parent == -1) { ConcatTransforms (rotationmatrix, bonematrix, bonetoworld[i]); } else { ConcatTransforms (bonetoworld[pbones[i].parent], bonematrix, bonetoworld[i]); } } }
//CStudioHdr *fhdr = pParent->GetModelPtr();
//const mstudiobone_t *pbones = pStudioHdr->pBone( 0 );
//matrix3x4_t rotationmatrix; // model to world transformation
//AngleMatrix( angles, origin, rotationmatrix);
//for ( int i=0; i < pStudioHdr->numbones(); i++ )
// // Now find the bone in the parent entity.
// bool merged = false;
// int parentBoneIndex = Studio_BoneIndexByName( fhdr, pbones[i].pszName() );
// if ( parentBoneIndex >= 0 )
// {
// matrix3x4_t *pMat = pParentCache->GetCachedBone( parentBoneIndex );
// if ( pMat )
// {
// MatrixCopy( *pMat, bonetoworld[ i ] );
// merged = true;
// }
// }
// if ( !merged )
// {
// // If we get down here, then the bone wasn't merged.
// matrix3x4_t bonematrix;
// QuaternionMatrix( q[i], pos[i], bonematrix );
// if (pbones[i].parent == -1)
// {
// ConcatTransforms (rotationmatrix, bonematrix, bonetoworld[i]);
// }
// else
// {
// ConcatTransforms (bonetoworld[pbones[i].parent], bonematrix, bonetoworld[i]);
// }
// }
} #endif
void CBoneMergeCache::CopyFromFollow( const BoneVector followPos[], const BoneQuaternion followQ[], int boneMask, BoneVector myPos[], BoneQuaternion myQ[] ) { UpdateCache();
// If this is set, then all the other cache data is set.
if ( !m_pOwnerHdr || m_MergedBones.Count() == 0 ) return;
// Now copy the bone matrices.
for ( int i=0; i < m_MergedBones.Count(); i++ ) { int iOwnerBone = m_MergedBones[i].m_iMyBone; int iParentBone = m_MergedBones[i].m_iParentBone; // Only update bones reference by the bone mask.
if ( !( m_pOwnerHdr->boneFlags( iOwnerBone ) & boneMask ) ) continue;
myPos[ iOwnerBone ] = followPos[ iParentBone ]; myQ[ iOwnerBone ] = followQ[ iParentBone ]; } }
void CBoneMergeCache::CopyToFollow( const BoneVector myPos[], const BoneQuaternion myQ[], int boneMask, BoneVector followPos[], BoneQuaternion followQ[] ) { UpdateCache();
// If this is set, then all the other cache data is set.
if ( !m_pOwnerHdr || m_MergedBones.Count() == 0 ) return;
// Now copy the bone matrices.
for ( int i=0; i < m_MergedBones.Count(); i++ ) { int iOwnerBone = m_MergedBones[i].m_iMyBone; int iParentBone = m_MergedBones[i].m_iParentBone; // Only update bones reference by the bone mask.
if ( !( m_pOwnerHdr->boneFlags( iOwnerBone ) & boneMask ) ) continue;
followPos[ iParentBone ] = myPos[ iOwnerBone ]; followQ[ iParentBone ] = myQ[ iOwnerBone ]; } m_nCopiedFramecount = gpGlobals->framecount; }
bool CBoneMergeCache::IsCopied( ) { return (m_nCopiedFramecount == gpGlobals->framecount); }
bool CBoneMergeCache::GetAimEntOrigin( Vector *pAbsOrigin, QAngle *pAbsAngles ) { UpdateCache();
// If this is set, then all the other cache data is set.
if ( !m_pOwnerHdr || m_MergedBones.Count() == 0 ) return false;
// We want the abs origin such that if we put the entity there, the first merged bone
// will be aligned. This way the entity will be culled in the correct position.
// ie: mEntity * mBoneLocal = mFollowBone
// so: mEntity = mFollowBone * Inverse( mBoneLocal )
// Note: the code below doesn't take animation into account. If the attached entity animates
// all over the place, then this won't get the right results.
// FIXME: we're merged onto a dead player that's likely ragdolled all over the place.
// The parent's cached position and angles are dirty, but the absorigin and absangles are good enough.
// Returning false here means the uncached parent origin/angles will be used.
if ( m_pFollow->IsPlayer() && !m_pFollow->IsAlive() ) return false;
// Get mFollowBone.
ACTIVE_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYER_GUARD( 0 ); m_pFollow->SetupBones( NULL, -1, m_nFollowBoneSetupMask, gpGlobals->curtime ); const matrix3x4_t &mFollowBone = m_pFollow->GetBone( m_MergedBones[0].m_iParentBone ); #else
m_pFollow->SetupBones( NULL, m_nFollowBoneSetupMask );
matrix3x4_t mFollowBone; m_pFollow->GetBoneTransform( m_MergedBones[0].m_iParentBone, mFollowBone ); #endif
// Get Inverse( mBoneLocal )
matrix3x4_t mBoneLocal, mBoneLocalInv; SetupSingleBoneMatrix( m_pOwnerHdr, m_pOwner->GetSequence(), 0, m_MergedBones[0].m_iMyBone, mBoneLocal ); MatrixInvert( mBoneLocal, mBoneLocalInv );
// Now calculate mEntity = mFollowBone * Inverse( mBoneLocal )
matrix3x4_t mEntity; ConcatTransforms( mFollowBone, mBoneLocalInv, mEntity ); MatrixAngles( mEntity, *pAbsAngles, *pAbsOrigin );
return true; }
bool CBoneMergeCache::GetRootBone( matrix3x4_t &rootBone ) { UpdateCache();
// If this is set, then all the other cache data is set.
if ( !m_pOwnerHdr || m_MergedBones.Count() == 0 ) return false;
// Get mFollowBone.
m_pFollow->SetupBones( NULL, -1, m_nFollowBoneSetupMask, gpGlobals->curtime ); rootBone = m_pFollow->GetBone( m_MergedBones[0].m_iParentBone ); #else
m_pFollow->SetupBones( NULL, m_nFollowBoneSetupMask ); m_pFollow->GetBoneTransform( m_MergedBones[0].m_iParentBone, rootBone ); #endif
return true; }