//========= Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "choreochannel.h"
#include "choreoevent.h"
#include "choreoscene.h"
#include "utlrbtree.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Purpose:
CChoreoChannel::CChoreoChannel( void ) { Init(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *name -
CChoreoChannel::CChoreoChannel(const char *name ) { Init(); SetName( name ); }
// Purpose:
// Assignment
// Input : src -
CChoreoChannel& CChoreoChannel::operator=( const CChoreoChannel& src ) { m_bActive = src.m_bActive; Q_strncpy( m_szName, src.m_szName, sizeof( m_szName ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < src.m_Events.Count(); i++ ) { CChoreoEvent *e = src.m_Events[ i ]; CChoreoEvent *newEvent = new CChoreoEvent( e->GetScene() ); *newEvent = *e; AddEvent( newEvent ); newEvent->SetChannel( this ); newEvent->SetActor( m_pActor ); }
return *this; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *name -
void CChoreoChannel::SetName( const char *name ) { assert( Q_strlen( name ) < MAX_CHANNEL_NAME ); Q_strncpy( m_szName, name, sizeof( m_szName ) ); }
// Purpose:
// Output : const char
const char *CChoreoChannel::GetName( void ) { return m_szName; }
// Purpose:
// Output : int
int CChoreoChannel::GetNumEvents( void ) { return m_Events.Count(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : event -
// Output : CChoreoEvent
CChoreoEvent *CChoreoChannel::GetEvent( int event ) { if ( event < 0 || event >= m_Events.Count() ) { return NULL; }
return m_Events[ event ]; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *event -
void CChoreoChannel::AddEvent( CChoreoEvent *event ) { m_Events.AddToTail( event ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *event -
void CChoreoChannel::RemoveEvent( CChoreoEvent *event ) { int idx = FindEventIndex( event ); if ( idx == -1 ) return;
m_Events.Remove( idx ); }
// Purpose:
void CChoreoChannel::RemoveAllEvents() { m_Events.RemoveAll(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *event -
// Output : int
int CChoreoChannel::FindEventIndex( CChoreoEvent *event ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_Events.Count(); i++ ) { if ( event == m_Events[ i ] ) { return i; } } return -1; }
// Purpose:
void CChoreoChannel::Init( void ) { m_szName[ 0 ] = 0; SetActor( NULL ); m_bActive = true; }
// Purpose:
// Output : CChoreoActor
CChoreoActor *CChoreoChannel::GetActor( void ) { return m_pActor; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *actor -
void CChoreoChannel::SetActor( CChoreoActor *actor ) { m_pActor = actor; }
// Purpose:
// Input : active -
void CChoreoChannel::SetActive( bool active ) { m_bActive = active; }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CChoreoChannel::GetActive( void ) const { return m_bActive; }
static bool ChoreEventStartTimeLessFunc( CChoreoEvent * const &p1, CChoreoEvent * const &p2 ) { CChoreoEvent *e1; CChoreoEvent *e2;
e1 = const_cast< CChoreoEvent * >( p1 ); e2 = const_cast< CChoreoEvent * >( p2 );
return e1->GetStartTime() < e2->GetStartTime(); }
void CChoreoChannel::ReconcileGestureTimes() { // Sort gesture events within channel by starting time
CUtlRBTree< CChoreoEvent * > sortedGestures( 0, 0, ChoreEventStartTimeLessFunc ); int i; // Sort items
int c = GetNumEvents(); for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { CChoreoEvent *e = GetEvent( i ); Assert( e ); if ( e->GetType() != CChoreoEvent::GESTURE ) continue;
sortedGestures.Insert( e ); }
// Now walk list of gestures
if ( !sortedGestures.Count() ) return;
CChoreoEvent *previous = NULL;
for ( i = sortedGestures.FirstInorder(); i != sortedGestures.InvalidIndex(); i = sortedGestures.NextInorder( i ) ) { CChoreoEvent *event = sortedGestures[ i ];
if ( !previous ) { // event->SetStartTime( 0.0f );
} else if ( previous->GetSyncToFollowingGesture() ) { // TODO: ask the sequence for what tags to match
CEventAbsoluteTag *pEntryTag = event->FindEntryTag( CChoreoEvent::PLAYBACK ); CEventAbsoluteTag *pExitTag = previous->FindExitTag( CChoreoEvent::PLAYBACK );
if (pEntryTag && pExitTag) { float entryTime = pEntryTag->GetAbsoluteTime( );
// get current decay rate of previous gesture
float duration = previous->GetDuration(); float decayTime = (1.0 - pExitTag->GetPercentage()) * duration;
// adjust the previous gestures end time to current apex + existing decay rate
previous->RescaleGestureTimes( previous->GetStartTime(), entryTime + decayTime, true ); previous->SetEndTime( entryTime + decayTime );
// set the previous gestures end tag to the current apex
pExitTag->SetAbsoluteTime( entryTime );
event->PreventTagOverlap( ); previous->PreventTagOverlap( ); } // BUG: Tracker 3298: ywb 1/31/04
// I think this fixes the issue with abutting past NULL gestures on paste:
// Here's the bug report:
// -------------------------
// When copying and pasteing posture and gesture clips in face poser the beginings of the clips stretch
// to the begining of the scene even if there is a null gesture in place at the begining.
// -------------------------
else if ( pEntryTag && !Q_stricmp( previous->GetName(), "NULL" ) ) { // If the previous was a null event, then do a bit of fixup
event->SetStartTime( previous->GetEndTime() );
event->PreventTagOverlap( ); } */
// The previous event decays from it's end dispaly end time to the current event's display start time
// The next event starts just after the display end time of the previous event
previous = event; }
if ( previous ) { CChoreoScene *scene = previous->GetScene(); if ( scene ) { // HACK: Could probably do better by allowing user to drag the blue "end time" bar
//float finish = scene->FindStopTime();
//previous->RescaleGestureTimes( previous->GetStartTime(), finish );
//previous->SetEndTime( finish );
} }
c = 0; for ( i = sortedGestures.FirstInorder(); i != sortedGestures.InvalidIndex(); i = sortedGestures.NextInorder( i ) ) { CChoreoEvent *event = sortedGestures[ i ];
Msg( "event %i start %f disp %f dispend %f end %f\n", c + 1, event->GetStartTime( CChoreoEvent::SIMULATION ), event->GetStartTime( CChoreoEvent::DISPLAY ), event->GetEndTime( CChoreoEvent::DISPLAY ), event->GetEndTime( CChoreoEvent::SIMULATION ) ); c++; } */ }
// Purpose:
void CChoreoChannel::MarkForSaveAll( bool mark ) { SetMarkedForSave( mark );
int c = GetNumEvents(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { CChoreoEvent *e = GetEvent( i ); e->SetMarkedForSave( mark ); } }
struct EventGroup { EventGroup() : timeSortedEvents( 0, 0, ChoreEventStartTimeLessFunc ) { }
EventGroup( const EventGroup& src ) : timeSortedEvents( 0, 0, ChoreEventStartTimeLessFunc ) { timeSortedEvents.RemoveAll(); int i = src.timeSortedEvents.FirstInorder(); while ( i != src.timeSortedEvents.InvalidIndex() ) { timeSortedEvents.Insert( src.timeSortedEvents[ i ] );
i = src.timeSortedEvents.NextInorder( i ); } }
EventGroup & operator=( const EventGroup& src ) { if ( this == &src ) return *this;
timeSortedEvents.RemoveAll(); int i = src.timeSortedEvents.FirstInorder(); while ( i != src.timeSortedEvents.InvalidIndex() ) { timeSortedEvents.Insert( src.timeSortedEvents[ i ] );
i = src.timeSortedEvents.NextInorder( i ); } return *this; }
CUtlRBTree< CChoreoEvent * > timeSortedEvents; };
// Compute master/slave, count, endtime info for close captioning data
// Purpose:
void CChoreoChannel::ReconcileCloseCaption() { // Create a dictionary based on the combined token name
CUtlDict< EventGroup, int > validSpeakEventsGroupedByName;
int i; // Sort items
int c = GetNumEvents(); for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { CChoreoEvent *e = GetEvent( i ); Assert( e ); if ( e->GetType() != CChoreoEvent::SPEAK ) continue;
CChoreoEvent::CLOSECAPTION type;
type = e->GetCloseCaptionType(); if ( type == CChoreoEvent::CC_DISABLED ) { e->SetUsingCombinedFile( false ); e->SetRequiredCombinedChecksum( 0 ); e->SetNumSlaves( 0 ); e->SetLastSlaveEndTime( 0.0f ); continue; }
char const *name = e->GetCloseCaptionToken(); if ( !name || !name[0] ) { // Fixup invalid slave tag
if ( type == CChoreoEvent::CC_SLAVE ) { e->SetCloseCaptionType( CChoreoEvent::CC_MASTER ); e->SetUsingCombinedFile( false ); e->SetRequiredCombinedChecksum( 0 ); e->SetNumSlaves( 0 ); e->SetLastSlaveEndTime( 0.0f ); } continue; } int idx = validSpeakEventsGroupedByName.Find( name ); if ( idx == validSpeakEventsGroupedByName.InvalidIndex() ) { EventGroup eg; eg.timeSortedEvents.Insert( e ); validSpeakEventsGroupedByName.Insert( name, eg ); } else { EventGroup & eg = validSpeakEventsGroupedByName[ idx ]; eg.timeSortedEvents.Insert( e ); } }
c = validSpeakEventsGroupedByName.Count(); // Now walk list of events by group
if ( !c ) { return; }
for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { EventGroup & eg = validSpeakEventsGroupedByName[ i ]; int sortedEventInGroup = eg.timeSortedEvents.Count(); // If there's only one, just mark it valid
if ( sortedEventInGroup <= 1 ) { CChoreoEvent *e = eg.timeSortedEvents[ 0 ]; Assert( e ); // Make sure it's the master
e->SetCloseCaptionType( CChoreoEvent::CC_MASTER ); // Since it's by itself, can't be using "combined" file
e->SetUsingCombinedFile( false ); e->SetRequiredCombinedChecksum( 0 ); e->SetNumSlaves( 0 ); e->SetLastSlaveEndTime( 0.0f ); continue; }
// Okay, read them back in of start time
int j = eg.timeSortedEvents.FirstInorder(); CChoreoEvent *master = NULL; while ( j != eg.timeSortedEvents.InvalidIndex() ) { CChoreoEvent *e = eg.timeSortedEvents[ j ]; if ( !master ) { master = e; e->SetCloseCaptionType( CChoreoEvent::CC_MASTER ); //e->SetUsingCombinedFile( true );
e->SetRequiredCombinedChecksum( 0 ); e->SetNumSlaves( sortedEventInGroup - 1 ); e->SetLastSlaveEndTime( e->GetEndTime() ); } else { // Keep bumping out the end time
master->SetLastSlaveEndTime( e->GetEndTime() ); e->SetCloseCaptionType( CChoreoEvent::CC_SLAVE ); e->SetUsingCombinedFile( master->IsUsingCombinedFile() ); e->SetRequiredCombinedChecksum( 0 ); e->SetLastSlaveEndTime( 0.0f ); }
j = eg.timeSortedEvents.NextInorder( j ); } } }
bool CChoreoChannel::GetSortedCombinedEventList( char const *cctoken, CUtlRBTree< CChoreoEvent * >& events ) { events.RemoveAll();
int i; // Sort items
int c = GetNumEvents(); for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { CChoreoEvent *e = GetEvent( i ); Assert( e ); if ( e->GetType() != CChoreoEvent::SPEAK ) continue;
if ( e->GetCloseCaptionType() == CChoreoEvent::CC_DISABLED ) continue;
// A master with no slaves is not a combined event
if ( e->GetCloseCaptionType() == CChoreoEvent::CC_MASTER && e->GetNumSlaves() == 0 ) continue;
char const *token = e->GetCloseCaptionToken(); if ( Q_stricmp( token, cctoken ) ) continue;
events.Insert( e ); }
return ( events.Count() > 0 ) ? true : false; }
void CChoreoChannel::SaveToBuffer( CUtlBuffer& buf, CChoreoScene *pScene, IChoreoStringPool *pStringPool ) { buf.PutShort( pStringPool->FindOrAddString( GetName() ) );
int c = GetNumEvents(); Assert( c <= 255 ); buf.PutUnsignedChar( c );
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { CChoreoEvent *e = GetEvent( i ); Assert( e ); e->SaveToBuffer( buf, pScene, pStringPool ); }
buf.PutChar( GetActive() ? 1 : 0 ); }
bool CChoreoChannel::RestoreFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer& buf, CChoreoScene *pScene, CChoreoActor *pActor, IChoreoStringPool *pStringPool ) { char sz[ 256 ]; pStringPool->GetString( buf.GetShort(), sz, sizeof( sz ) ); SetName( sz );
int numEvents = (int)buf.GetUnsignedChar(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < numEvents; ++i ) { CChoreoEvent *e = pScene->AllocEvent(); if ( e->RestoreFromBuffer( buf, pScene, pStringPool ) ) { AddEvent( e ); e->SetChannel( this ); e->SetActor( pActor ); continue; } return false; }
SetActive( buf.GetChar() == 1 ? true : false );
return true; }