//====== Copyright (C), Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: This file defines all of our over-the-wire net protocols for the
// Game Coordinator for the item system. Note that we never use types
// with undefined length (like int). Always use an explicit type
// (like int32).
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#pragma pack( push, 1 )
// generic zero-length message struct
struct MsgGCEmpty_t {
// k_EMsgGCSetItemPosition
struct MsgGCSetItemPosition_t { uint64 m_unItemID; uint32 m_unNewPosition; };
// k_EMsgGCCraft
struct MsgGCCraft_t { int16 m_nRecipeDefIndex; uint16 m_nItemCount; // list of m_nItemCount uint64 item IDs
// k_EMsgGCDelete
struct MsgGCDelete_t { uint64 m_unItemID; bool m_bRecycle; };
// k_EMsgGCCraftResponse
struct MsgGCStandardResponse_t { int16 m_nResponseIndex; uint32 m_eResponse; };
// k_EMsgGCVerifyCacheSubscription
struct MsgGCVerifyCacheSubscription_t { uint64 m_ulSteamID; };
// k_EMsgGCNameItem
struct MsgGCNameItem_t { uint64 m_unToolItemID; // the Nametag item
uint64 m_unSubjectItemID; // the item to be renamed
bool m_bDescription; // Varchar: Item name
// k_EMsgGCNameBaseItem
struct MsgGCNameBaseItem_t { uint64 m_unToolItemID; // the Nametag item
uint32 m_unBaseItemDefinitionID; // the base item definition to be renamed
bool m_bDescription; // Varchar: Item name
// k_EMsgGCUnlockCrate
struct MsgGCUnlockCrate_t { uint64 m_unToolItemID; // the crate key
uint64 m_unSubjectItemID; // the crate to be decoded
// k_EMsgGCPaintItem
struct MsgGCPaintItem_t { uint64 m_unToolItemID; // the Paint Can item
uint64 m_unSubjectItemID; // the item to be painted
bool m_bUnusualPaint; // the paint event is unusual paint
// k_EMsgGCPaintKitItem
struct MsgGCPaintKitItem_t { uint64 m_unToolItemID; // the Paint Kit item
uint64 m_unSubjectItemID; // the item to be painted
bool m_bUnusualPaint; // the paint event is unusual paint
// k_EMsgGCPaintKitBaseItem
struct MsgGCPaintKitBaseItem_t { uint64 m_unToolItemID; // the Paint Kit item
uint32 m_unBaseItemDefinitionID; // the base item definition to be painted
// k_EMsgGCPaintKitBaseItem
struct MsgGCDev_PaintKitItemDrop_t { uint32 m_unPaintID; // the Paint Kit ID
uint32 m_unBaseItemDefinitionID; // the base item definition to be painted
int m_nStrangeType; };
// k_EMsgGCGiftWrapItem
struct MsgGCGiftWrapItem_t { uint64 m_unToolItemID; // the Gift Wrap item
uint64 m_unSubjectItemID; // the item to be wrapped
// k_EMsgGCDeliverGift
struct MsgGCDeliverGift_t { uint64 m_unGiftID; uint64 m_ulGiverSteamID; uint64 m_ulTargetSteamID; };
// k_EMsgGCUnwrapGiftRequest
struct MsgGCUnwrapGiftRequest_t { uint64 m_unItemID; };
// k_EMsgGCMOTDRequest
struct MsgGCMOTDRequest_t { RTime32 m_nLastMOTDRequest; // Time at which the client last asked for MOTDs. GC will send back all MOTDs posted since.
int16 m_eLanguage; };
// k_EMsgGCMOTDRequestResponse
struct MsgGCMOTDRequestResponse_t { int16 m_nEntries; };
// k_EMsgGCCustomizeItemTexture
struct MsgGCCustomizeItemTexture_t { uint64 m_unToolItemID; // the tool
uint64 m_unSubjectItemID; // the item wants the texture
uint64 m_unImageUGCHandle; // cloud ID of image file (UGCHandle_t)
// k_EMsgGCSetItemStyle
struct MsgGCSetItemStyle_t { uint64 m_unItemID; uint8 m_iStyle; };
// k_EMsgGCUnlockItemStyle
struct MsgGCUnlockItemStyle_t { uint64 m_unItemID; uint8 m_iStyle; };
// k_EMsgGCUnlockItemStyleResponse
struct MsgGCUnlockItemStyleResponse_t { uint64 m_unItemID; uint8 m_iStyle; uint8 m_iStylePreReq; uint8 m_iResult; };
// k_EMsgGCItemPreviewCheckStatus
struct MsgGCCheckItemPreviewStatus_t { uint32 m_unItemDefIndex; };
// k_EMsgGCItemPreviewCheckStatusResponse
struct MsgGCItemPreviewCheckStatusResponse_t { uint32 m_unItemDefIndex; uint32 m_eResponse; RTime32 m_timePreviewTime; };
// k_EMsgGCItemPreviewRequest
struct MsgGCItemPreviewRequest_t { uint32 m_unItemDefIndex; };
// k_EMsgGCItemPreviewRequestResponse
struct MsgGCItemPreviewRequestResponse_t { uint32 m_unItemDefIndex; uint32 m_eResponse; };
// k_EMsgGCItemPreviewExpireNotification
struct MsgGCItemPreviewExpireNotification_t { uint32 m_unItemDefIndex; };
// k_EMsgGCItemPreviewItemBoughtNotification
struct MsgGCItemPreviewItemBoughtNotification_t { uint32 m_unItemDefIndex; };
// k_EMsgGCUseItemResponse
enum EGCMsgUseItemResponse { k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_ItemUsed = 0, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_GiftNoOtherPlayers = 1, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_ServerError = 2, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_MiniGameAlreadyStarted = 3, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_ItemUsed_ItemsGranted = 4, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_DropRateBonusAlreadyGranted = 5, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_NotInLowPriorityPool = 6, k_EGCMsgUseItemResponse_ForceSizeInt = 0x7FFFFFFF };
// k_EMsgGCUseItemResponse
struct MsgGCUseItemResponse_t { uint32 m_eResponse; uint32 m_unDefIndex; };
// struct MsgGCGiftedItems_t
// {
// uint64 m_ulGifterSteamID;
// bool m_bRandomPerson;
// uint8 m_unNumGiftRecipients;
// // other data dynamically added:
// // steam ids of all the recipients
// };
// k_EMsgGCRemoveItemName
struct MsgGCRemoveItemName_t { uint64 m_unItemID; bool m_bDescription; };
// k_EMsgGCRemoveItemPaint
struct MsgGCRemoveItemPaint_t { uint64 m_unItemID; };
// MsgGCRemoveItemCustomTexture_t
struct MsgGCRemoveItemCustomTexture_t { uint64 m_unItemID; };
// MsgGCRemoveItemMakersMark_t
struct MsgGCRemoveItemMakersMark_t { uint64 m_unItemID; };
// MsgGCRemoveItemUniqueCraftIndex_t
struct MsgGCRemoveItemUniqueCraftIndex_t { uint64 m_unItemID; };
// k_EMsgGCApplyConsumableEffects
struct MsgGCApplyConsumableEffects_t { uint64 m_ulInitiatorSteamID; uint32 m_unItemDefinitionID; };
// Trading
// k_EMsgGCTrading_InitiateTradeRequest
struct MsgGCTrading_InitiateTradeRequest_t { uint32 m_unTradeRequestID; uint64 m_ulOtherSteamID; // @note player A's name as string when sent to party B
enum EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse { k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Accepted = 0, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Declined = 1, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_VAC_Banned_Initiator = 2, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_VAC_Banned_Target = 3, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Target_Already_Trading = 4, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Disabled = 5, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_NotLoggedIn = 6, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Cancel = 7, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_TooSoon = 8, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_TooSoonPenalty = 9, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Trade_Banned_Initiator = 10, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Trade_Banned_Target = 11, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Free_Account_Initiator_DEPRECATED = 12, // free accounts can initiate trades now
k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Shared_Account_Initiator= 13, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Service_Unavailable = 14,
k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_Count, k_EGCMsgInitiateTradeResponse_ForceSizeInt = 0x7FFFFFFF };
// k_EMsgGCTrading_InitiateTradeResponse
struct MsgGCTrading_InitiateTradeResponse_t { uint32 m_eResponse; uint32 m_unTradeRequestID; };
// k_EMsgGCTrading_StartSession
struct MsgGCTrading_StartSession_t { uint32 m_unSessionVersion; uint64 m_ulSteamIDPartyA; uint64 m_ulSteamIDPartyB; // @note strings from player names will be added to the message
// k_EMsgGCTrading_SetItem
struct MsgGCTrading_SetItem_t { bool m_bShowcase; uint64 m_unItemID; uint8 m_unPosition; };
// k_EMsgGCTrading_RemoveItem
struct MsgGCTrading_RemoveItem_t { uint64 m_unItemID; };
// k_EMsgGCTrading_UpdateTradeInfo
struct MsgGCTrading_UpdateTradeInfo_t { uint32 m_unSessionVersion; uint8 m_unNumItemsPartyA; uint8 m_unNumItemsPartyB; uint8 m_unNumShowcaseItemsPartyA; uint8 m_unNumShowcaseItemsPartyB; // @note 4 lists of item ids in the order above
// k_EMsgGCTrading_SetReadiness
struct MsgGCTrading_SetReadiness_t { uint32 m_unSessionVersion; bool m_bReady; };
// k_EMsgGCTrading_ConfirmOffer
struct MsgGCTrading_ConfirmOffer_t { uint32 m_unConfirmedSessionVersion; };
// k_EMsgGCTrading_ReadinessResponse
struct MsgGCTrading_ReadinessResponse_t { uint32 m_unSessionVersion; bool m_bIsReadyPartyA; bool m_bIsReadyPartyB; bool m_bConfirmedByPartyA; bool m_bConfirmedByPartyB; };
enum EGCMsgSessionClosed { k_EGCMsgSessionClosed_ItemsTraded = 0, k_EGCMsgSessionClosed_Canceled = 1, k_EGCMsgSessionClosed_Error = 2, k_EGCMsgSessionClosed_DoesNotOwnItems = 3, k_EGCMsgSessionClosed_UntradableItems = 4, k_EGCMsgSessionClosed_NoItems = 5, k_EGCMsgSessionClosed_Disabled = 6, k_EGCMsgSessionClosed_ForceSizeInt = 0x7FFFFFFF };
// k_EMsgGCTrading_SessionClosed
struct MsgGCTrading_SessionClosed_t { uint32 m_eReason; };
// k_EMsgGCTrading_CancelSession
struct MsgGCTrading_CancelSession_t { };
// k_EMsgGCTrading_TradeChatMsg
struct MsgGCTrading_TradeChatMsg_t { // char* variable length chat message, up to 128 characters
// k_EMsgGCTrading_TradeTypingChatMsg
struct MsgGCTrading_TradeTypingChatMsg_t { // empty
// k_EMsgGCUsedClaimCodeItem
struct MsgGCUsedClaimCodeItem_t { // string of URL
// ServerBrowser messages
enum EGCMsgServerBrowser { k_EGCMsgServerBrowser_FromServerBrowser = 0, k_EGCMsgServerBrowser_FromAutoAskDialog = 1, };
// k_EMsgGCServerBrowser_FavoriteServer
// k_EMsgGCServerBrowser_BlacklistServer
struct MsgGCServerBrowser_Server_t { uint32 m_unIP; int m_usPort; uint8 m_ubSource; // 0=serverbrowser, 1=auto-ask dialog
// Public facing loot lists.
// k_EMsgGC_RevolvingLootList
struct MsgGC_RevolvingLootList_t { uint8 m_usListID; // Id of this list.
// Var Data:
// Serialized Lootlist KV
// Microtransactions
// k_EMsgGCStorePurchaseFinalize
struct MsgGCStorePurchaseFinalize_t { uint64 m_ulTxnID; // Transaction ID for the the transaction
struct MsgGCStorePurchaseFinalizeResponse_t { int16 m_eResult; // Result of the operation
uint32 m_cItemIDs; // Number of items contained in the purchase
// Var Data:
// If successful, list of m_cItemIDs uint64's
// that represent the purchased items
struct MsgGCStorePurchaseCancel_t { uint64 m_ulTxnID; // Transaction ID for the the transaction
struct MsgGCStorePurchaseCancelResponse_t { int16 m_eResult; // Result of the operation
struct MsgGCStorePurchaseQueryTxn_t { uint64 m_ulTxnID; // Transaction ID for the the transaction
struct MsgGCStorePurchaseQueryTxnResponse_t { int16 m_eResult; // Result of the operation
int16 m_ePurchaseState; // State of the queried transaction
uint32 m_cItemIDs; // Number of items contained in the purchase
// Var Data:
// If the order is final, list of m_cItemIDs uint64's
// that represent the items purchased by this order
// k_EMsgGCLookupAccount
struct MsgGCLookupAccount_t { uint16 m_uiFindType;
// Var Data
// string containing Persona / URL / etc
// k_EMsgGCLookupAccountResponse
// k_EMsgGCLookupAccountName
struct MsgGCLookupAccountName_t { uint32 m_unAccountID; };
// k_EMsgGCLookupAccountNameResponse
struct MsgGCLookupAccountNameResponse_t { uint32 m_unAccountID; // string containing persona name
#pragma pack( pop )