//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Implements visual effects entities: sprites, beams, bubbles, etc.
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "utllinkedlist.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
#include <float.h>
// Forward declarations
class CSoundPatch;
// Class used to help store events that occurred over time
template <class T, class I> class CTimedEventQueue { public: // The time passed in here represents the amount of time the queue stores
CTimedEventQueue( float flMaxTime );
// REI: Not sure why I have to declare these as delete, shouldn't that be inherited from CUtlLinkedList having a deleted copy constructor?
CTimedEventQueue( const CTimedEventQueue& ) = delete; CTimedEventQueue& operator= ( const CTimedEventQueue& ) = delete;
// Adds an event to the queue, will pop off stale events from the queue
// NOTE: All events added to the queue must monotonically increase in time!
I PushEvent( float flTime, const T &data );
// Grabs the last event that happened before or at the specified time
I GetEventIndex( float flTime ) const;
// Gets event information
float GetEventTime( I i ) const; const T &GetEventData( I i ) const;
private: struct QueueEntry_t { float m_flTime; T m_Data; };
float m_flQueueHeadTime; float m_flMaxTime; CUtlLinkedList< T, I > m_Queue; };
// The time passed in here represents the amount of time the queue stores
template <class T, class I> CTimedEventQueue<T,I>::CTimedEventQueue( float flMaxTime ) : m_flMaxTime(flMaxTime) { // The length of time of events in the queue must be reasonable
Assert( m_flMaxTime > 0.0f ); m_flQueueHeadTime = -FLT_MAX; }
// Adds an event to the queue, will pop off stale events from the queue
template <class T, class I> I CTimedEventQueue<T,I>::PushEvent( float flTime, const T &data ) { Assert( m_flQueueHeadTime <= flTime ); m_flQueueHeadTime = flTime;
// First push the event...
I idx = m_Queue.AddToHead(); m_Queue[idx].m_flTime = flTime; m_Queue[idx].m_Data = data; // Then retire stale events...
I i = m_Queue.Tail(); while (m_Queue[i].m_flTime < m_flQueueHeadTime - m_flMaxTime ) { I prev = m_Queue.Prev(i); Assert( prev != m_Queue.InvalidIndex() ); m_Queue.Remove(i); i = prev; }
return idx; }
// Grabs the last event that happened before or at the specified time
template <class T, class I> I CTimedEventQueue<T,I>::GetEventIndex( float flTime ) const { // This checks for a request that fell off the queue
Assert( (flTime >= m_flQueueHeadTime - m_flMaxTime) && (flTime <= m_flQueueHeadTime) ); // Then retire stale events...
I i = m_Queue.Head(); while( m_Queue[i].m_flTime > flTime ) { i = m_Queue.Next(i); Assert( i != m_Queue.InvalidIndex() ); }
return i; }
// Gets event information
template <class T, class I> inline float CTimedEventQueue<T,I>::GetEventTime( I i ) const { return m_Queue[i].m_flTime; }
template <class T, class I> inline const T &CTimedEventQueue<T,I>::GetEventData( I i ) const { return m_Queue[i].m_Data; }
// Implementation of the class that computes windspeed
class CEnvWindShared { public: DECLARE_CLASS_NOBASE( CEnvWindShared ); DECLARE_EMBEDDED_NETWORKVAR(); CEnvWindShared(); ~CEnvWindShared();
CEnvWindShared( const CEnvWindShared & ) = delete; CEnvWindShared& operator= ( const CEnvWindShared& ) = delete;
void Init( int iEntIndex, int iRandomSeed, float flTime, int iWindDir, float flInitialWindSpeed );
void SetLocation( const Vector &location );
// Method to update the wind speed
// Time passed in here is global time, not delta time
// The function returns the time at which it must be called again
float WindThink( float flTime );
// FIXME: These really should be private
CNetworkVar( float, m_flStartTime );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iWindSeed ); // random number seed...
CNetworkVar( int, m_iMinWind ); // the slowest the wind can normally blow
CNetworkVar( int, m_iMaxWind ); // the fastest the wind can normally blow
CNetworkVar( int, m_windRadius ); // the radius this entity affects with its windiness, so a map can have multiple
CNetworkVar( int, m_iMinGust ); // the slowest that a gust can be
CNetworkVar( int, m_iMaxGust ); // the fastest that a gust can be
CNetworkVar( float, m_flMinGustDelay ); // min time between gusts
CNetworkVar( float, m_flMaxGustDelay ); // max time between gusts
CNetworkVar( float, m_flGustDuration ); // max time between gusts
CNetworkVar( int, m_iGustDirChange ); // max number of degrees wind dir changes on gusts.
CNetworkVector( m_location ); // The location of this wind controller
int m_iszGustSound; // name of the wind sound to play for gusts.
int m_iWindDir; // wind direction (yaw)
float m_flWindSpeed; // the wind speed
Vector m_currentWindVector; // For all the talk of proper prediction, we ended up just storing and returning through a static vector. Now we can have multiple env_wind, so we need this in here.
Vector m_CurrentSwayVector; Vector m_PrevSwayVector;
CNetworkVar( int, m_iInitialWindDir ); CNetworkVar( float, m_flInitialWindSpeed );
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
COutputEvent m_OnGustStart; COutputEvent m_OnGustEnd; #endif
private: struct WindAveEvent_t { float m_flStartWindSpeed; // the wind speed at the time of the event
float m_flAveWindSpeed; // the average wind speed of the event
struct WindVariationEvent_t { float m_flWindAngleVariation; float m_flWindSpeedVariation; };
void ComputeWindVariation( float flTime );
// Updates the wind sound
void UpdateWindSound( float flTotalWindSpeed );
void UpdateTreeSway( float flTime );
float m_flVariationTime; float m_flSwayTime; float m_flSimTime; // What's the time I last simulated up to?
float m_flSwitchTime; // when do I actually switch from gust to not gust
float m_flAveWindSpeed; // the average wind speed
bool m_bGusting; // is the wind gusting right now?
float m_flWindAngleVariation; float m_flWindSpeedVariation;
int m_iEntIndex;
// Used to generate random numbers
CUniformRandomStream m_Stream;
// NOTE: In order to make this algorithm independent of calling frequency
// I have to decouple the stream used to generate average wind speed
// and the stream used to generate wind variation since they are
// simulated using different timesteps
CUniformRandomStream m_WindVariationStream;
// Used to generate the wind sound...
CSoundPatch *m_pWindSound;
// Event history required for prediction
CTimedEventQueue< WindAveEvent_t, unsigned short > m_WindAveQueue; CTimedEventQueue< WindVariationEvent_t, unsigned short > m_WindVariationQueue; };
inline void CEnvWindShared::SetLocation( const Vector &location ) { m_location = location; }
// Method to sample the wind speed at a particular location
Vector GetWindspeedAtLocation( const Vector &location );
// Method to sample the windspeed at a particular time
void GetWindspeedAtTime( float flTime, Vector &vecVelocity );
// Method to reset wind speed..
void ResetWindspeed();