//==== Copyright (c) 1996-2009, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======//
// Vertex/Pixel Shaders
#if ( defined(_WIN32) && !defined( _X360 ) )
#elif defined( POSIX ) && !defined( _PS3 )
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#define closesocket close
#define WSAGetLastError() errno
#undef SOCKET
typedef int SOCKET; #define SOCKET_ERROR (-1)
#define SD_SEND 0x01
#define INVALID_SOCKET (~0)
#include "togl/rendermechanism.h"
#include "vertexshaderdx8.h"
#include "tier1/utlcommon.h"
#include "tier1/utlsymbol.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/utldict.h"
#include "tier1/utllinkedlist.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "tier1/UtlStringMap.h"
#include "locald3dtypes.h"
#include "shaderapidx8_global.h"
#include "recording.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "keyvalues.h"
#include "shaderapidx8.h"
#include "materialsystem/IShader.h"
#include "materialsystem/ishadersystem.h"
#include "tier0/fasttimer.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "convar.h"
#include "materialsystem/shader_vcs_version.h"
#include "tier1/lzmaDecoder.h"
#include "tier1/utlmap.h"
#include "shaderlib/shadercombosemantics.h"
#include "datacache/idatacache.h"
#include "tier1/diff.h"
#include "shaderdevicedx8.h"
#include "filesystem/IQueuedLoader.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "shaderapi/ishaderutil.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "tier1/utlintrusivelist.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_console.h"
#if defined( POSIX )
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#elif ( defined(_WIN32) && !defined( _X360 ) )
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#if defined( DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE ) && defined( _PS3 )
// The CGC library is used to compile shaders at runtime.
#include <cg/cgc.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "cgc" )
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// mapping from vcs file basename to shader combo semantics information.
static CUtlStringMap<const ShaderComboSemantics_t *> s_ShaderComboInfoByName;
// It currently includes windows.h and we don't want that.
#include "../utils/bzip2/bzlib.h"
int BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress( char* dest, unsigned int* destLen, char* source, unsigned int sourceLen, int small, int verbosity ) { return 0; }
static ConVar mat_remoteshadercompile( "mat_remoteshadercompile", "", FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar mat_dynamic_shader_compile_force_reload( "mat_dynamic_shader_compile_force_reload", "0" ); #endif
static ConVar mat_dynamic_shader_substring( "mat_dynamic_shader_substring", "" ); #endif
#define MAX_BONES 3
// debugging aid
volatile static char s_ShaderCompileString[]="dynamic_shader_compile_is_on"; #endif
static void MatFlushShaders( void ); #endif
#if 0
#ifndef _PS3
// D3D to OpenGL translator
static D3DToGL sg_D3DToOpenGLTranslator; #endif
#endif // !_PS3
static FILE *GetDebugFileHandle( void ) { static FILE *fp = NULL; if( !fp ) { fp = fopen( "shadercreate.txt", "w" ); Assert( fp ); } return fp; } #endif // PROFILE_SHADER_CREATE
// mat_autoload_glshaders instructs the engine to load a cached shader table at startup
// it will try for glshaders.cfg first, then fall back to glbaseshaders.cfg if not found
ConVar mat_autoload_glshaders( "mat_autoload_glshaders", "1" );
// mat_autosave_glshaders instructs the engine to save out the shader table at key points
// to the filename glshaders.cfg
ConVar mat_autosave_glshaders( "mat_autosave_glshaders", "1" ); #endif
// Explicit instantiation of shader buffer implementation
template class CShaderBuffer< ID3DXBuffer >;
bool ToolsEnabled() { static bool bToolsMode = ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-tools" ) != NULL ); return bToolsMode; }
// Used to find unique shaders
static CUtlMap< CRC32_t, int, int > s_UniqueVS( 0, 0, DefLessFunc( CRC32_t ) ); static CUtlMap< CRC32_t, int, int > s_UniquePS( 0, 0, DefLessFunc( CRC32_t ) ); static CUtlMap< IDirect3DVertexShader9*, CRC32_t, int > s_VSLookup( 0, 0, DefLessFunc( IDirect3DVertexShader9* ) ); static CUtlMap< IDirect3DPixelShader9*, CRC32_t, int > s_PSLookup( 0, 0, DefLessFunc( IDirect3DPixelShader9* ) ); #endif
static int s_NumPixelShadersCreated = 0; static int s_NumVertexShadersCreated = 0;
static void RegisterVS( const void* pShaderBits, int nShaderSize, IDirect3DVertexShader9* pShader ) { #ifdef MEASURE_DRIVER_ALLOCATIONS
CRC32_t crc; CRC32_Init( &crc ); CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc, pShaderBits, nShaderSize ); CRC32_Final( &crc );
s_VSLookup.Insert( pShader, crc );
int nIndex = s_UniqueVS.Find( crc ); if ( nIndex != s_UniqueVS.InvalidIndex() ) { ++s_UniqueVS[nIndex]; } else { int nMemUsed = 23 * 1024; s_UniqueVS.Insert( crc, 1 ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "unique vs count", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, 1 ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "vs driver mem", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, nMemUsed ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "total driver mem", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, nMemUsed ); } #endif
static void RegisterPS( const void* pShaderBits, int nShaderSize, IDirect3DPixelShader9* pShader ) { #ifdef MEASURE_DRIVER_ALLOCATIONS
CRC32_t crc; CRC32_Init( &crc ); CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc, pShaderBits, nShaderSize ); CRC32_Final( &crc );
s_PSLookup.Insert( pShader, crc );
int nIndex = s_UniquePS.Find( crc ); if ( nIndex != s_UniquePS.InvalidIndex() ) { ++s_UniquePS[nIndex]; } else { int nMemUsed = 400; s_UniquePS.Insert( crc, 1 ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "unique ps count", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, 1 ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "ps driver mem", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, nMemUsed ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "total driver mem", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, nMemUsed ); } #endif
static void UnregisterVS( IDirect3DVertexShader9* pShader ) { #ifdef MEASURE_DRIVER_ALLOCATIONS
int nCRCIndex = s_VSLookup.Find( pShader ); if ( nCRCIndex == s_VSLookup.InvalidIndex() ) return;
CRC32_t crc = s_VSLookup[nCRCIndex]; s_VSLookup.RemoveAt( nCRCIndex );
int nIndex = s_UniqueVS.Find( crc ); if ( nIndex != s_UniqueVS.InvalidIndex() ) { if ( --s_UniqueVS[nIndex] <= 0 ) { int nMemUsed = 23 * 1024; VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "unique vs count", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, -1 ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "vs driver mem", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, -nMemUsed ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "total driver mem", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, -nMemUsed ); s_UniqueVS.Remove( nIndex ); } } #endif
static void UnregisterPS( IDirect3DPixelShader9* pShader ) { #ifdef MEASURE_DRIVER_ALLOCATIONS
int nCRCIndex = s_PSLookup.Find( pShader ); if ( nCRCIndex == s_PSLookup.InvalidIndex() ) return;
CRC32_t crc = s_PSLookup[nCRCIndex]; s_PSLookup.RemoveAt( nCRCIndex );
int nIndex = s_UniquePS.Find( crc ); if ( nIndex != s_UniquePS.InvalidIndex() ) { if ( --s_UniquePS[nIndex] <= 0 ) { int nMemUsed = 400; VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "unique ps count", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, -1 ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "ps driver mem", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, -nMemUsed ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "total driver mem", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, -nMemUsed ); s_UniquePS.Remove( nIndex ); } } #endif
// The lovely low-level dx call to create a vertex shader
static HardwareShader_t CreateD3DVertexShader( DWORD *pByteCode, int numBytes, const char *pShaderName, char *debugLabel = NULL ) { MEM_ALLOC_D3D_CREDIT();
if ( !pByteCode ) { Assert( 0 ); return INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER; }
// Compute the vertex specification
HardwareShader_t hShader;
#if defined( _PS3 )
HRESULT hr = Dx9Device()->CreateVertexShader( pByteCode, (IDirect3DVertexShader9 **)&hShader, debugLabel ); #elif defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION )
HRESULT hr = Dx9Device()->CreateVertexShader( pByteCode, (IDirect3DVertexShader9 **)&hShader, pShaderName, debugLabel ); #else
HRESULT hr = Dx9Device()->CreateVertexShader( pByteCode, (IDirect3DVertexShader9 **)&hShader ); #else
HRESULT hr = Dx9Device()->CreateVertexShader( pByteCode, (IDirect3DVertexShader9 **)&hShader, pShaderName ); #endif
// NOTE: This isn't recorded before the CreateVertexShader because
// we don't know the value of shader until after the CreateVertexShader.
RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_CREATE_VERTEX_SHADER, 3 ); RECORD_INT( ( int )hShader ); // hack hack hack
RECORD_INT( numBytes ); RECORD_STRUCT( pByteCode, numBytes );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { Assert( 0 ); hShader = INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER; } else { s_NumVertexShadersCreated++; RegisterVS( pByteCode, numBytes, (IDirect3DVertexShader9 *)hShader ); } return hShader; }
static void PatchPixelShaderForAtiMsaaHack(DWORD *pShader, DWORD dwTexCoordMask) { if ( IsPC() ) { bool bIsSampler, bIsTexCoord; // Should be able to patch only ps2.0
if (*pShader != 0xFFFF0200) return; pShader++; while (pShader) { switch (*pShader & D3DSI_OPCODE_MASK) { case D3DSIO_COMMENT: // Process comment
pShader = pShader + (*pShader >> 16) + 1; break; case D3DSIO_END: // End of shader
return; case D3DSIO_DCL: bIsSampler = (*(pShader + 1) & D3DSP_TEXTURETYPE_MASK) != D3DSTT_UNKNOWN; bIsTexCoord = (((*(pShader + 2) & D3DSP_REGTYPE_MASK) >> D3DSP_REGTYPE_SHIFT) + ((*(pShader + 2) & D3DSP_REGTYPE_MASK2) >> D3DSP_REGTYPE_SHIFT2)) == D3DSPR_TEXTURE; if (!bIsSampler && bIsTexCoord) { DWORD dwTexCoord = *(pShader + 2) & D3DSP_REGNUM_MASK; DWORD mask = 0x01; for (DWORD i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (((dwTexCoordMask & mask) == mask) && (dwTexCoord == i)) { // If found -- patch and get out
// *(pShader + 2) |= D3DSPDM_PARTIALPRECISION;
*(pShader + 2) |= D3DSPDM_MSAMPCENTROID; break; } mask <<= 1; } } // Intentionally fall through...
default: // Skip instruction
pShader = pShader + ((*pShader & D3DSI_INSTLENGTH_MASK) >> D3DSI_INSTLENGTH_SHIFT) + 1; } } } }
// The lovely low-level dx call to create a pixel shader
static HardwareShader_t CreateD3DPixelShader( DWORD *pByteCode, unsigned int nCentroidMask, int numBytes, const char* pShaderName, char *debugLabel = NULL ) { MEM_ALLOC_D3D_CREDIT(); if ( !pByteCode ) return INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER;
// if ( nCentroidMask )
// {
// ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 187, 73, 255 ), "Centroid Mask for %s: 0x%x\n", pShaderName, nCentroidMask );
// }
if ( IsPC() && nCentroidMask && HardwareConfig()->NeedsATICentroidHack() && !HardwareConfig()->SuppressPixelShaderCentroidHackFixup() ) { PatchPixelShaderForAtiMsaaHack( pByteCode, nCentroidMask ); }
HardwareShader_t shader; #if defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION )
#if defined( OSX )
HRESULT hr = Dx9Device()->CreatePixelShader( pByteCode, ( IDirect3DPixelShader ** )&shader, pShaderName, debugLabel ); #else
HRESULT hr = Dx9Device()->CreatePixelShader( pByteCode, ( IDirect3DPixelShader ** )&shader, pShaderName, debugLabel, &nCentroidMask ); #endif
#if defined(_X360)
HRESULT hr = Dx9Device()->CreatePixelShader( pByteCode, ( IDirect3DPixelShader ** )&shader ); #else
HRESULT hr = Dx9Device()->CreatePixelShader( pByteCode, ( IDirect3DPixelShader ** )&shader, pShaderName ); #endif
// NOTE: We have to do this after creating the pixel shader since we don't know
// lookup.m_PixelShader yet!!!!!!!
RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_CREATE_PIXEL_SHADER, 3 ); RECORD_INT( ( int )shader ); // hack hack hack
RECORD_INT( numBytes ); RECORD_STRUCT( pByteCode, numBytes ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { Assert(0); shader = INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER; } else { s_NumPixelShadersCreated++; RegisterPS( pByteCode, numBytes, ( IDirect3DPixelShader9* )shader ); }
return shader; }
template<class T> int BinarySearchCombos( uint32 nStaticComboID, int nCombos, T const *pRecords ) { // Use binary search - data is sorted
int nLowerIdx = 1; int nUpperIdx = nCombos; for (;;) { if ( nUpperIdx < nLowerIdx ) return -1;
int nMiddleIndex = ( nLowerIdx + nUpperIdx ) / 2; uint32 nProbe = pRecords[nMiddleIndex-1].m_nStaticComboID; if ( nStaticComboID < nProbe ) { nUpperIdx = nMiddleIndex - 1; } else { if ( nStaticComboID > nProbe ) nLowerIdx = nMiddleIndex + 1; else return nMiddleIndex - 1; } } }
inline int FindShaderStaticCombo( uint32 nStaticComboID, const ShaderHeader_t& header, StaticComboRecord_t *pRecords ) { if ( header.m_nVersion < 5 ) return -1;
return BinarySearchCombos( nStaticComboID, header.m_nNumStaticCombos, pRecords ); }
// cache redundant i/o fetched components of the vcs files
struct ShaderFileCache_t { CUtlSymbol m_Name; CUtlSymbol m_Filename; ShaderHeader_t m_Header; bool m_bVertexShader;
// valid for diff version only - contains the microcode used as the reference for diff algorithm
CUtlBuffer m_ReferenceCombo;
// valid for ver5 only - contains the directory
CUtlVector< StaticComboRecord_t > m_StaticComboRecords; CUtlVector< StaticComboAliasRecord_t > m_StaticComboDupRecords;
ShaderFileCache_t() { // invalid until version established
m_Header.m_nVersion = 0; }
bool IsValid() const { return m_Header.m_nVersion != 0; }
bool IsOldVersion() const { return m_Header.m_nVersion < 5; }
int IsVersion6() const { return ( m_Header.m_nVersion == 6 ); }
int FindCombo( uint32 nStaticComboID ) { int nSearchAliases = BinarySearchCombos( nStaticComboID, m_StaticComboDupRecords.Count(), m_StaticComboDupRecords.Base() ); if ( nSearchAliases != -1 ) nStaticComboID = m_StaticComboDupRecords[nSearchAliases].m_nSourceStaticCombo; return FindShaderStaticCombo( nStaticComboID, m_Header, m_StaticComboRecords.Base() ); }
bool operator==( const ShaderFileCache_t& a ) const { return m_Name == a.m_Name && m_bVertexShader == a.m_bVertexShader; } };
// Vertex + pixel shader manager
class CShaderManager : public IShaderManager { public: CShaderManager(); virtual ~CShaderManager();
// Methods of IShaderManager
virtual void Init(); virtual void Shutdown(); virtual IShaderBuffer *CompileShader( const char *pProgram, size_t nBufLen, const char *pShaderVersion ); virtual VertexShaderHandle_t CreateVertexShader( IShaderBuffer* pShaderBuffer ); virtual void DestroyVertexShader( VertexShaderHandle_t hShader ); virtual PixelShaderHandle_t CreatePixelShader( IShaderBuffer* pShaderBuffer ); virtual void DestroyPixelShader( PixelShaderHandle_t hShader ); virtual VertexShader_t CreateVertexShader( const char *pVertexShaderFile, int nStaticVshIndex = 0, char *debugLabel = NULL ); virtual PixelShader_t CreatePixelShader( const char *pPixelShaderFile, int nStaticPshIndex = 0, char *debugLabel = NULL ); virtual void SetVertexShader( VertexShader_t shader ); virtual void SetPixelShader( PixelShader_t shader ); virtual void BindVertexShader( VertexShaderHandle_t shader ); virtual void BindPixelShader( PixelShaderHandle_t shader ); virtual void *GetCurrentVertexShader(); virtual void *GetCurrentPixelShader(); virtual void ResetShaderState(); virtual void FlushShaders(); virtual void ClearVertexAndPixelShaderRefCounts(); virtual void PurgeUnusedVertexAndPixelShaders(); void SpewVertexAndPixelShaders(); const char *GetActiveVertexShaderName(); const char *GetActivePixelShaderName(); bool CreateDynamicCombos_Ver4( void *pContext, uint8 *pComboBuffer ); bool CreateDynamicCombos_Ver5( void *pContext, uint8 *pComboBuffer, char *debugLabel = NULL );
static void QueuedLoaderCallback( void *pContext, void *pContext2, const void *pData, int nSize, LoaderError_t loaderError );
virtual HardwareShader_t GetVertexShader( VertexShader_t vs, int dynIdx ); virtual HardwareShader_t GetPixelShader( PixelShader_t ps, int dynIdx );
// Destroys all shaders
void DestroyAllShaders();
virtual void AddShaderComboInformation( const ShaderComboSemantics_t *pSemantics );
#if defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION )
virtual void DoStartupShaderPreloading(); #endif
private: typedef CUtlFixedLinkedList< IDirect3DVertexShader9* >::IndexType_t VertexShaderIndex_t; typedef CUtlFixedLinkedList< IDirect3DPixelShader9* >::IndexType_t PixelShaderIndex_t; struct ShaderStaticCombos_t { int m_nCount; int m_nNumDynamicCombosAfterSkips;
// Can't use CUtlVector here since you CUtlLinkedList<CUtlVector<>> doesn't work.
HardwareShader_t *m_pHardwareShaders; struct ShaderCreationData_t { CUtlVector<uint8> ByteCode; uint32 iCentroidMask; };
ShaderCreationData_t *m_pCreationData; }; struct ShaderLookup_t { CUtlSymbol m_Name; int m_nStaticIndex; ShaderStaticCombos_t m_ShaderStaticCombos; DWORD m_Flags; int m_nRefCount; intp m_hShaderFileCache; #ifdef DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE
uint32 m_nVcsCrc32; #endif
// for queued loading, bias an aligned optimal buffer forward to correct location
int m_nDataOffset;
// diff version, valid during load only
ShaderDictionaryEntry_t *m_pComboDictionary;
ShaderLookup_t() { m_Flags = 0; m_nRefCount = 0; m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_nCount = 0; m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders = 0; m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pCreationData = 0; m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_nNumDynamicCombosAfterSkips = 0; m_pComboDictionary = NULL; } void IncRefCount() { m_nRefCount++; } bool operator==( const ShaderLookup_t& a ) const { return m_Name == a.m_Name && m_nStaticIndex == a.m_nStaticIndex; } };
struct Combo_t { CUtlSymbol m_ComboName; int m_nMin; int m_nMax; };
struct ShaderCombos_t { CUtlVector<Combo_t> m_StaticCombos; CUtlVector<Combo_t> m_DynamicCombos; unsigned int GetNumDynamicCombos( void ) const { unsigned int combos = 1; int i; for( i = 0; i < m_DynamicCombos.Count(); i++ ) { combos *= ( m_DynamicCombos[i].m_nMax - m_DynamicCombos[i].m_nMin + 1 ); } return combos; } unsigned int GetNumStaticCombos( void ) const { unsigned int combos = 1; int i; for( i = 0; i < m_StaticCombos.Count(); i++ ) { combos *= ( m_StaticCombos[i].m_nMax - m_StaticCombos[i].m_nMin + 1 ); } return combos; } }; #endif
virtual void SetPixelShaderState_Internal( HardwareShader_t shader, DataCacheHandle_t hCachedShader ); virtual void SetVertexShaderState_Internal( HardwareShader_t shader, DataCacheHandle_t hCachedShader );
private: void CreateStaticShaders(); void DestroyStaticShaders();
void InitRemoteShaderCompile(); void DeinitRemoteShaderCompile(); #endif
// The low-level dx call to set the vertex shader state
inline void SetVertexShaderState( HardwareShader_t shader, DataCacheHandle_t hCachedShader = DC_INVALID_HANDLE ) { if ( m_HardwareVertexShader != shader ) { SetVertexShaderState_Internal( shader, hCachedShader ); } }
// The low-level dx call to set the pixel shader state
inline void SetPixelShaderState( HardwareShader_t shader, DataCacheHandle_t hCachedShader = DC_INVALID_HANDLE ) { if ( m_HardwarePixelShader != shader ) { SetPixelShaderState_Internal( shader, hCachedShader ); } }
// Destroy a particular vertex shader
void DestroyVertexShader( VertexShader_t shader ); // Destroy a particular pixel shader
void DestroyPixelShader( PixelShader_t shader );
bool LoadAndCreateShaders( ShaderLookup_t &lookup, bool bVertexShader, char *debugLabel = NULL ); bool DoesShaderCRCMatchSourceCode( const char *pFileName, uint32 crc32, uint32 &sourceCRC ); FileHandle_t OpenFileAndLoadHeader( const char *pFileName, ShaderHeader_t *pHeader );
bool ReadShaderSourceWithIncludes( const char *pShaderName, CUtlBuffer &bffr, bool bTryVshDirectory ); bool LoadAndCreateShaders_Dynamic( ShaderLookup_t &lookup, bool bVertexShader ); const ShaderCombos_t *FindOrCreateShaderCombos( const char *pShaderName ); #ifdef _PS3
bool CompileShaderPS3( const char *pShaderFilename, const char *pShaderModelForD3DX, const CUtlVector<D3DXMACRO> ¯os, CUtlVector< uint8 > &compiledShader ); #endif
HardwareShader_t CompileShader( const char *pShaderName, unsigned int nStaticIndex, unsigned int nDynamicIndex, bool bVertexShader ); #endif
void DisassembleShader( ShaderLookup_t *pLookup, int dynamicCombo, uint8 *pByteCode ); void WriteTranslatedFile( ShaderLookup_t *pLookup, int dynamicCombo, char *pFileContents, char *pFileExtension );
// OSX only, no-op otherwise
void SaveShaderCache( char *cacheName ); // query GLM pair cache for all active shader pairs and write them to disk in named file
bool LoadShaderCache( char *cacheName ); // read named file, establish compiled shader sets for each vertex+static and pixel+static, then link pairs as listed in table
CUtlFixedLinkedList< ShaderLookup_t > m_VertexShaderDict; CUtlFixedLinkedList< ShaderLookup_t > m_PixelShaderDict;
CUtlSymbolTable m_ShaderSymbolTable;
typedef HRESULT (__stdcall *ShaderCompileFromFileFunc_t)( LPCSTR pSrcFile, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, LPCSTR pFunctionName, LPCSTR pProfile, DWORD Flags, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShader, LPD3DXBUFFER * ppErrorMsgs, LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE * ppConstantTable ); CUtlStringMap<ShaderCombos_t> m_ShaderNameToCombos; CSysModule *m_pShaderCompiler30; ShaderCompileFromFileFunc_t m_ShaderCompileFileFunc30; #endif
// The current vertex and pixel shader
HardwareShader_t m_HardwareVertexShader; HardwareShader_t m_HardwarePixelShader;
CUtlFixedLinkedList< IDirect3DVertexShader9* > m_RawVertexShaderDict; CUtlFixedLinkedList< IDirect3DPixelShader9* > m_RawPixelShaderDict;
CUtlFixedLinkedList< ShaderFileCache_t > m_ShaderFileCache;
// false, creates during init.
// true, creates on access, helps reduce d3d memory for tools, but causes i/o hitches.
bool m_bCreateShadersOnDemand;
#if defined( _DEBUG )
// for debugging (can't resolve UtlSym)
// need some history because 360 d3d has rips related to sequencing
char vshDebugName[MAX_SHADER_HISTORY][64]; int vshDebugIndex; char pshDebugName[MAX_SHADER_HISTORY][64]; int pshDebugIndex; #endif
SOCKET m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket; #endif
// Singleton accessor
static CShaderManager s_ShaderManager; IShaderManager *g_pShaderManager = &s_ShaderManager;
// Constructor, destructor
CShaderManager::CShaderManager() : m_ShaderSymbolTable( 0, 32, true /* caseInsensitive */ ), m_VertexShaderDict( 32 ), m_PixelShaderDict( 32 ), m_ShaderFileCache( 32 ) { m_bCreateShadersOnDemand = false;
m_pShaderCompiler30 = 0; m_ShaderCompileFileFunc30 = 0; #ifdef REMOTE_DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE
m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; #endif
#ifdef _DEBUG
vshDebugIndex = 0; pshDebugIndex = 0; #endif
CShaderManager::~CShaderManager() { #if defined ( DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE ) && defined( REMOTE_DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE )
DeinitRemoteShaderCompile(); #endif
void CShaderManager::InitRemoteShaderCompile() { DeinitRemoteShaderCompile(); struct addrinfo hints; ZeroMemory( &hints, sizeof(hints) ); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
// Resolve the server address and port
struct addrinfo *result = NULL; int nResult = getaddrinfo( mat_remoteshadercompile.GetString(), REMOTE_SHADER_COMPILE_PORT, &hints, &result ); if ( nResult != 0 ) { DevWarning( "getaddrinfo failed: %d\n", nResult ); Assert( 0 ); }
// Attempt to connect to an address until one succeeds
for( struct addrinfo *ptr = result; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->ai_next ) { // Create a SOCKET for connecting to remote shader compilation server
m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket = socket( ptr->ai_family, ptr->ai_socktype, ptr->ai_protocol ); if ( m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) { DevWarning( "Error at socket(): %ld\n", WSAGetLastError() ); freeaddrinfo( result ); Assert( 0 ); continue; }
// Connect to server.
nResult = connect( m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket, ptr->ai_addr, (int)ptr->ai_addrlen); if ( nResult == SOCKET_ERROR ) { closesocket( m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket ); m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; continue; } break; }
freeaddrinfo( result );
if ( m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) { DevWarning( "Unable to connect to remote shader compilation server!\n" ); Assert ( 0 ); } }
void CShaderManager::DeinitRemoteShaderCompile() { if ( m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) { if ( shutdown( m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket, SD_SEND ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { DevWarning( "Remote shader compilation shutdown failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); } closesocket( m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket ); m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } } #endif
// Syncs shader cache directory
static void SyncShaderCache() { #if defined( _X360 )
XBX_rSyncShaderCache(); #elif defined ( _PS3 )
// Nothing needs to be done here - we're using a junction link to map src\materialsystem\stdshaders to the bdvd\stdshaders directory.
// Initialization, shutdown
void CShaderManager::Init() { // incompatible with the 360, violates loading system
// only used by PC to help tools reduce d3d footprint
m_bCreateShadersOnDemand = IsPC() && ( ShaderUtil()->InEditorMode() || CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-shadersondemand" ) );
#ifndef PLATFORM_PS3
if( !IsX360() ) { #if !defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION )
#ifdef _DEBUG
m_pShaderCompiler30 = Sys_LoadModule( "d3dx9d_43.dll" ); #endif
if (!m_pShaderCompiler30) { m_pShaderCompiler30 = Sys_LoadModule( "d3dx9_43.dll" ); }
if ( m_pShaderCompiler30 ) { m_ShaderCompileFileFunc30 = (ShaderCompileFromFileFunc_t)GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_pShaderCompiler30, "D3DXCompileShaderFromFileA" ); } #else
m_pShaderCompiler30 = NULL; m_ShaderCompileFileFunc30 = NULL; #endif
InitRemoteShaderCompile(); #endif // REMOTE_DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE
} #endif
// sync the shader cache in case dynamic shader compile is enabled
SyncShaderCache(); #endif
void CShaderManager::Shutdown() { #if defined( DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE ) && !defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION )
if ( m_pShaderCompiler30 ) { Sys_UnloadModule( m_pShaderCompiler30 ); m_pShaderCompiler30 = 0; m_ShaderCompileFileFunc30 = 0; } #endif
if (mat_autosave_glshaders.GetInt()) { #if defined( OSX )
SaveShaderCache("glshaders_OSX.cfg"); #else
SaveShaderCache("glshaders.cfg"); #endif
} #endif
DestroyAllShaders(); DestroyStaticShaders(); }
// Compiles shaders
IShaderBuffer *CShaderManager::CompileShader( const char *pProgram, size_t nBufLen, const char *pShaderVersion ) { #if defined( DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE ) || !defined( _X360 )
#ifdef _DEBUG
nCompileFlags |= D3DXSHADER_DEBUG; #endif
LPD3DXBUFFER pCompiledShader, pErrorMessages; HRESULT hr = D3DXCompileShader( pProgram, nBufLen, NULL, NULL, "main", pShaderVersion, nCompileFlags, &pCompiledShader, &pErrorMessages, NULL );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { if ( pErrorMessages ) { const char *pErrorMessage = (const char *)pErrorMessages->GetBufferPointer(); DevWarning( "Shader compilation failed! Reported the following errors:\n%s\n", pErrorMessage ); pErrorMessages->Release(); } return NULL; }
// NOTE: This uses small block heap allocator; so I'm not going
// to bother creating a memory pool.
CShaderBuffer< ID3DXBuffer > *pShaderBuffer = new CShaderBuffer< ID3DXBuffer >( pCompiledShader ); if ( pErrorMessages ) { pErrorMessages->Release(); }
return pShaderBuffer;
DevWarning( "ERROR: CompileShader called in a non-DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE build!\n" ); DebuggerBreak(); return NULL;
#endif // DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE || !_X360
VertexShaderHandle_t CShaderManager::CreateVertexShader( IShaderBuffer* pShaderBuffer ) { // Create the vertex shader
IDirect3DVertexShader9 *pVertexShader = NULL;
#ifdef _X360
HRESULT hr = Dx9Device()->CreateVertexShader( (const DWORD*)pShaderBuffer->GetBits(), &pVertexShader ); #else
HRESULT hr = Dx9Device()->CreateVertexShader( (const DWORD*)pShaderBuffer->GetBits(), &pVertexShader, NULL ); #endif
if ( FAILED( hr ) || !pVertexShader ) return VERTEX_SHADER_HANDLE_INVALID;
s_NumVertexShadersCreated++; RegisterVS( pShaderBuffer->GetBits(), pShaderBuffer->GetSize(), pVertexShader );
// Insert the shader into the dictionary of shaders
VertexShaderIndex_t i = m_RawVertexShaderDict.AddToTail( pVertexShader ); return (VertexShaderHandle_t)i; }
void CShaderManager::DestroyVertexShader( VertexShaderHandle_t hShader ) { if ( hShader == VERTEX_SHADER_HANDLE_INVALID ) return;
VertexShaderIndex_t i = (VertexShaderIndex_t)hShader; IDirect3DVertexShader9 *pVertexShader = m_RawVertexShaderDict[ i ];
UnregisterVS( pVertexShader );
VerifyEquals( pVertexShader->Release(), 0 ); m_RawVertexShaderDict.Remove( i ); }
PixelShaderHandle_t CShaderManager::CreatePixelShader( IShaderBuffer* pShaderBuffer ) { // Create the vertex shader
IDirect3DPixelShader9 *pPixelShader = NULL; #if defined(_X360)
HRESULT hr = Dx9Device()->CreatePixelShader( (const DWORD*)pShaderBuffer->GetBits(), &pPixelShader ); #else
HRESULT hr = Dx9Device()->CreatePixelShader( (const DWORD*)pShaderBuffer->GetBits(), &pPixelShader, NULL ); #endif
if ( FAILED( hr ) || !pPixelShader ) return PIXEL_SHADER_HANDLE_INVALID;
RegisterPS( pShaderBuffer->GetBits(), pShaderBuffer->GetSize(), pPixelShader );
// Insert the shader into the dictionary of shaders
PixelShaderIndex_t i = m_RawPixelShaderDict.AddToTail( pPixelShader ); return (PixelShaderHandle_t)i; }
void CShaderManager::DestroyPixelShader( PixelShaderHandle_t hShader ) { if ( hShader == PIXEL_SHADER_HANDLE_INVALID ) return;
PixelShaderIndex_t i = (PixelShaderIndex_t)hShader; IDirect3DPixelShader9 *pPixelShader = m_RawPixelShaderDict[ i ];
UnregisterPS( pPixelShader );
VerifyEquals( pPixelShader->Release(), 0 ); m_RawPixelShaderDict.Remove( i ); }
// Globals
HardwareShader_t s_pIllegalMaterialPS = INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER;
// Static methods
void CShaderManager::CreateStaticShaders() { MEM_ALLOC_D3D_CREDIT();
if ( IsPC() ) { // GR - hack for illegal materials
const DWORD psIllegalMaterial[] = { #ifdef DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION
// Use a PS 2.0 binary shader on POSIX
0xffff0200, 0x05000051, 0xa00f0000, 0x3f800000, 0x00000000, 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000, 0x02000001, 0x800f0000, 0xa0e40000, 0x02000001, 0x800f0800, 0x80e40000, 0x0000ffff #else
0xffff0101, 0x00000051, 0xa00f0000, 0x00000000, 0x3f800000, 0x00000000, 0x3f800000, 0x00000001, 0x800f0000, 0xa0e40000, 0x0000ffff #endif
}; // create default shader
#if defined(_X360)
Dx9Device()->CreatePixelShader( psIllegalMaterial, ( IDirect3DPixelShader9 ** )&s_pIllegalMaterialPS ); #else
Dx9Device()->CreatePixelShader( psIllegalMaterial, ( IDirect3DPixelShader9 ** )&s_pIllegalMaterialPS, NULL ); #endif
} }
void CShaderManager::DestroyStaticShaders() { // GR - invalid material hack
// destroy internal shader
if ( s_pIllegalMaterialPS != INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) { ( ( IDirect3DPixelShader9 * )s_pIllegalMaterialPS )->Release(); s_pIllegalMaterialPS = INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER; } }
static const char *GetShaderSourcePath( void ) { static char shaderDir[MAX_PATH]; // GR - just in case init this...
static bool bHaveShaderDir = false; if( !bHaveShaderDir ) { bHaveShaderDir = true; # if ( defined( DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE_CUSTOM_PATH ) )
{ Q_strncpy( shaderDir, DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE_CUSTOM_PATH, MAX_PATH ); } # else
{ # if ( defined( _X360 ) )
{ Q_snprintf( shaderDir, MAX_PATH, "d:\\shadercache" ); } # elif ( defined (_PS3) )
{ Q_snprintf( shaderDir, MAX_PATH, "/app_home/src/materialsystem/stdshaders" ); } # else
{ Q_strncpy( shaderDir, __FILE__, MAX_PATH ); Q_StripFilename( shaderDir ); Q_StripLastDir( shaderDir, MAX_PATH ); Q_strncat( shaderDir, "stdshaders", MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } # endif
} # endif
} return shaderDir; } #endif // DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE
// for linked lists of strings
struct StringNode_t { StringNode_t *m_pNext; StringNode_t *m_pPrev; char m_Text[1]; // the string data
static StringNode_t *MakeStrNode( char const *pStr ) { int nLen = strlen( pStr ); StringNode_t *nRet = ( StringNode_t * ) new uint8[sizeof( StringNode_t ) + nLen ]; strcpy( nRet->m_Text, pStr ); return nRet; }
static bool ReadTextFile( const char *pFilename, const char *pPath, CUtlBuffer &buffer ) { bool bSuccess; buffer.SetBufferType( true, false );
CUtlBuffer tmpBuf; tmpBuf.SetBufferType( true, true ); bSuccess = g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( pFilename, pPath, tmpBuf ); if ( bSuccess ) { if ( !tmpBuf.ConvertCRLF( buffer ) ) { buffer = tmpBuf; } } #else
bSuccess = g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( pFilename, pPath, buffer ); #endif
return bSuccess; }
// read a whole file into a cutlbuffer while expanding #includes.
// FIXME: Could be moved to common code to be generally useful, but needs more thought put into include paths.
static bool ReadTextFileWithIncludes( const char *pFilename, const char *pPath, CUtlBuffer &buffer ) { CUtlBuffer pFileStack[MAX_INCLUDE_STACK_DEPTH]; int nSP = ARRAYSIZE( pFileStack ); CUtlIntrusiveDListWithTailPtr<StringNode_t> fileLines; // tail ptr for fast adds
int nTotalFileBytes = 0; // push
if ( !ReadTextFile( pFilename, pPath, pFileStack[nSP] ) ) return false; while( nSP < ARRAYSIZE( pFileStack ) ) { // read lines
for(;;) { char lineBuffer[2048]; pFileStack[nSP].GetLine( lineBuffer, sizeof( lineBuffer ) ); if ( !pFileStack[nSP].IsValid() ) { break; } char *ln = lineBuffer;
ln += strspn( ln, "\t " ); // skip white space
if ( memcmp( ln, "#include", 8 ) == 0 ) { // omg, an include
ln += 8; ln += strspn( ln, " \t\"<" ); // skip whitespace, ", and <
int nPathNameLength = strcspn( ln, " \t\">\n" ); if ( !nPathNameLength ) { Error( "bad include %s via %s\n", lineBuffer, pFilename ); } ln[nPathNameLength] = 0; // kill everything after end of filename
char incfilename[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( incfilename, GetShaderSourcePath(), sizeof( incfilename ) ); V_strncat( incfilename, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S, sizeof( incfilename ) ); V_strncat( incfilename, ln, sizeof( incfilename ) ); nSP--; if ( !ReadTextFile( incfilename, pPath, pFileStack[nSP] ) ) { Error( "can't open #include of %s\n", ln ); }
if ( !nSP ) { Error( "include nesting too deep via %s", pFilename ); } } else { int nLen = strlen( lineBuffer ); nTotalFileBytes += nLen; StringNode_t *pNewLine = MakeStrNode( lineBuffer ); fileLines.AddToTail( pNewLine ); } } pFileStack[nSP].Purge(); pFileStack[nSP].SetBufferType( true, false ); nSP++; // pop stack
} buffer.EnsureCapacity( nTotalFileBytes + 1); // and NULL
// copy all strings and null terminate
int nLine = 0; for( StringNode_t *i = fileLines.m_pHead; i ; i = i->m_pNext ) { int nLen = strlen( i->m_Text ); buffer.Put( i->m_Text, nLen ); nLine++; } buffer.Put( "\0", 1 ); fileLines.Purge(); return true; }
bool CShaderManager::ReadShaderSourceWithIncludes( const char *pShaderName, CUtlBuffer &bffr, bool bTryVshDirectory ) { char filename[MAX_PATH];
bffr.SetBufferType( true, false ); if ( bTryVshDirectory ) { // try the vsh dir first.
Q_strncpy( filename, GetShaderSourcePath(), MAX_PATH ); Q_strncat( filename, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S, MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); Q_strncat( filename, pShaderName, MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); Q_strncat( filename, ".vsh", MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); if ( ReadTextFileWithIncludes( filename, NULL, bffr ) ) return true; }
// try the fxc dir.
Q_strncpy( filename, GetShaderSourcePath(), MAX_PATH ); Q_strncat( filename, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S, MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); Q_strncat( filename, pShaderName, MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); Q_strncat( filename, ".fxc", MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); if ( ReadTextFileWithIncludes( filename, NULL, bffr ) ) return true;
// Maybe this is a specific version [20 & 20b] -> [2x]
if ( Q_strlen( pShaderName ) >= 3 ) { char *pszEndFilename = filename + strlen( filename ); if ( !Q_stricmp( pszEndFilename - 6, "30.fxc" ) ) { // Total hack. Who knows what builds that 30 shader?
strcpy( pszEndFilename - 6, "20b.fxc" ); if ( ReadTextFileWithIncludes( filename, NULL, bffr ) ) return true; strcpy( pszEndFilename - 6, "2x.fxc" ); if ( ReadTextFileWithIncludes( filename, NULL, bffr ) ) return true; strcpy( pszEndFilename - 6, "20.fxc" ); if ( ReadTextFileWithIncludes( filename, NULL, bffr ) ) return true; } else { if ( !stricmp( pszEndFilename - 6, "20.fxc" ) ) { pszEndFilename[ -5 ] = 'x'; } else if ( !stricmp( pszEndFilename - 7, "20b.fxc" ) ) { strcpy( pszEndFilename - 7, "2x.fxc" ); --pszEndFilename; } else if ( !stricmp( pszEndFilename - 6, "11.fxc" ) ) { strcpy( pszEndFilename - 6, "xx.fxc" ); }
if ( ReadTextFileWithIncludes( filename, NULL, bffr ) ) return true; if ( !stricmp( pszEndFilename - 6, "2x.fxc" ) ) { pszEndFilename[ -6 ] = 'x'; if ( ReadTextFileWithIncludes( filename, NULL, bffr ) ) return true; } } } return false; }
const CShaderManager::ShaderCombos_t *CShaderManager::FindOrCreateShaderCombos( const char *pShaderName ) { if( m_ShaderNameToCombos.Defined( pShaderName ) ) { return &m_ShaderNameToCombos[pShaderName]; } ShaderCombos_t &combos = m_ShaderNameToCombos[pShaderName];
char filename[MAX_PATH]; // try the vsh dir first.
Q_strncpy( filename, GetShaderSourcePath(), MAX_PATH ); Q_strncat( filename, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S, MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); Q_strncat( filename, pShaderName, MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); Q_strncat( filename, ".vsh", MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); CUtlInplaceBuffer bffr( 0, 0, CUtlInplaceBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); bool bOpenResult = ReadTextFileWithIncludes( filename, NULL, bffr ); if ( bOpenResult ) { NULL; } else { // try the fxc dir.
Q_strncpy( filename, GetShaderSourcePath(), MAX_PATH ); Q_strncat( filename, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S, MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); Q_strncat( filename, pShaderName, MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); Q_strncat( filename, ".fxc", MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); bOpenResult = ReadTextFileWithIncludes( filename, NULL, bffr );
if ( !bOpenResult ) { // Maybe this is a specific version [20 & 20b] -> [2x]
if ( Q_strlen( pShaderName ) >= 3 ) { char *pszEndFilename = filename + strlen( filename ); if ( !Q_stricmp( pszEndFilename - 6, "30.fxc" ) ) { // Total hack. Who knows what builds that 30 shader?
strcpy( pszEndFilename - 6, "20b.fxc" ); bOpenResult = ReadTextFileWithIncludes( filename, NULL, bffr ); if ( !bOpenResult ) { strcpy( pszEndFilename - 6, "2x.fxc" ); bOpenResult = ReadTextFileWithIncludes( filename, NULL, bffr ); } if ( !bOpenResult ) { strcpy( pszEndFilename - 6, "20.fxc" ); bOpenResult = ReadTextFileWithIncludes( filename, NULL, bffr ); } } else { if ( !stricmp( pszEndFilename - 6, "20.fxc" ) ) { pszEndFilename[ -5 ] = 'x'; } else if ( !stricmp( pszEndFilename - 7, "20b.fxc" ) ) { strcpy( pszEndFilename - 7, "2x.fxc" ); --pszEndFilename; } else if ( !stricmp( pszEndFilename - 6, "11.fxc" ) ) { strcpy( pszEndFilename - 6, "xx.fxc" ); }
bOpenResult = ReadTextFileWithIncludes( filename, NULL, bffr ); if ( !bOpenResult ) { if ( !stricmp( pszEndFilename - 6, "2x.fxc" ) ) { pszEndFilename[ -6 ] = 'x'; bOpenResult = ReadTextFileWithIncludes( filename, NULL, bffr ); } } } } }
if ( !bOpenResult ) { Assert( 0 ); return NULL; } }
while( char *line = bffr.InplaceGetLinePtr() ) { // dear god perl is better at this kind of shit!
int begin = 0; int end = 0;
// check if the line starts with '//'
if( line[0] != '/' || line[1] != '/' ) { continue; }
// Check if line intended for platform lines
if ( IsGameConsole() ) { if ( Q_stristr( line, "[PC]" ) ) continue;
if ( IsPS3() ) { if ( Q_stristr( line, "[360]" ) || Q_stristr( line, "[XBOX]" ) || Q_stristr( line, "[!SONYPS3]" ) ) continue; } else if ( IsX360() ) { if ( Q_stristr( line, "[SONYPS3]" ) ) continue; } } else { if ( Q_stristr( line, "[360]" ) || Q_stristr( line, "[XBOX]" ) || Q_stristr( line, "[SONYPS3]" ) || Q_stristr( line, "[CONSOLE]" ) ) continue; }
// Skip SFM combos
if ( 1 ) // Change this to 0 if fxc_prep.pl disables [SFM]
{ // [SFM] enabled in fxc_prep.pl
if ( Q_stristr( line, "[!SFM]" ) ) { continue; } } else { // [SFM] disabled in fxc_prep.pl
if ( Q_stristr( line, "[SFM]" ) ) { continue; } }
// Skip any lines intended for other shader version
if ( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "_ps20" ) && !Q_stristr( pShaderName, "_ps20b" ) && Q_stristr( line, "[ps" ) && !Q_stristr( line, "[ps20]" ) ) continue; if ( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "_ps20b" ) && Q_stristr( line, "[ps" ) && !Q_stristr( line, "[ps20b]" ) ) continue; if ( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "_ps30" ) && Q_stristr( line, "[ps" ) && !Q_stristr( line, "[ps30]" ) ) continue; if ( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "_vs20" ) && Q_stristr( line, "[vs" ) && !Q_stristr( line, "[vs20]" ) ) continue; if ( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "_vs30" ) && Q_stristr( line, "[vs" ) && !Q_stristr( line, "[vs30]" ) ) continue;
char *pScan = &line[2]; while( *pScan == ' ' || *pScan == '\t' ) { pScan++; }
bool bDynamic; if( Q_strncmp( pScan, "DYNAMIC", 7 ) == 0 ) { bDynamic = true; pScan += 7; } else if( Q_strncmp( pScan, "STATIC", 6 ) == 0 ) { bDynamic = false; pScan += 6; } else { continue; }
// skip whitespace
while( *pScan == ' ' || *pScan == '\t' ) { pScan++; }
// check for colon
if( *pScan != ':' ) { continue; } pScan++;
// skip whitespace
while( *pScan == ' ' || *pScan == '\t' ) { pScan++; }
// check for quote
if( *pScan != '\"' ) { continue; } pScan++;
char *pBeginningOfName = pScan; while( 1 ) { if( *pScan == '\0' ) { break; } if( *pScan == '\"' ) { break; } pScan++; }
if( *pScan == '\0' ) { continue; }
// must have hit a quote. .done with string.
// slam a NULL at the end quote of the string so that we have the string at pBeginningOfName.
*pScan = '\0'; pScan++;
// skip whitespace
while( *pScan == ' ' || *pScan == '\t' ) { pScan++; }
// check for quote
if( *pScan != '\"' ) { continue; } pScan++;
// make sure that we have a number after the quote.
if( !V_isdigit( *pScan ) ) { continue; }
while( V_isdigit( *pScan ) ) { begin = begin * 10 + ( *pScan - '0' ); pScan++; }
if( pScan[0] != '.' || pScan[1] != '.' ) { continue; } pScan += 2;
// make sure that we have a number
if( !V_isdigit( *pScan ) ) { continue; }
while( V_isdigit( *pScan ) ) { end = end * 10 + ( *pScan - '0' ); pScan++; }
if( pScan[0] != '\"' ) { continue; }
// sweet freaking jesus. .done parsing the line.
// char buf[1024];
// sprintf( buf, "\"%s\" \"%s\" %d %d\n", bDynamic ? "DYNAMIC" : "STATIC", pBeginningOfName, begin, end );
// Plat_DebugString( buf );
Combo_t *pCombo = NULL; if( bDynamic ) { pCombo = &combos.m_DynamicCombos[combos.m_DynamicCombos.AddToTail()]; } else { pCombo = &combos.m_StaticCombos[combos.m_StaticCombos.AddToTail()]; }
pCombo->m_ComboName = m_ShaderSymbolTable.AddString( pBeginningOfName ); pCombo->m_nMin = begin; pCombo->m_nMax = end; } return &combos; } #endif // DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE
// Used to deal with include files
class CDxInclude : public ID3DXInclude { public: CDxInclude( const char *pMainFileName );
#if defined( _X360 )
virtual HRESULT WINAPI Open( D3DXINCLUDE_TYPE IncludeType, LPCSTR pFileName, LPCVOID pParentData, LPCVOID * ppData, UINT * pBytes, LPSTR pFullPath, DWORD cbFullPath ); #else
virtual HRESULT WINAPI Open( D3DXINCLUDE_TYPE IncludeType, LPCSTR pFileName, LPCVOID pParentData, LPCVOID * ppData, UINT * pBytes ); #endif
virtual HRESULT WINAPI Close( LPCVOID pData );
private: char m_pBasePath[MAX_PATH]; #if defined( _X360 )
char m_pFullPath[MAX_PATH]; #endif
CDxInclude::CDxInclude( const char *pMainFileName ) { Q_ExtractFilePath( pMainFileName, m_pBasePath, sizeof(m_pBasePath) ); }
#if defined( _X360 )
HRESULT CDxInclude::Open( D3DXINCLUDE_TYPE IncludeType, LPCSTR pFileName, LPCVOID pParentData, LPCVOID * ppData, UINT * pBytes, LPSTR pFullPath, DWORD cbFullPath ) #else
HRESULT CDxInclude::Open( D3DXINCLUDE_TYPE IncludeType, LPCSTR pFileName, LPCVOID pParentData, LPCVOID * ppData, UINT * pBytes ) #endif
{ char pTemp[MAX_PATH]; if ( !Q_IsAbsolutePath( pFileName ) && ( IncludeType == D3DXINC_LOCAL ) ) { Q_ComposeFileName( m_pBasePath, pFileName, pTemp, sizeof(pTemp) ); pFileName = pTemp; }
CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( pFileName, NULL, buf ) ) return E_FAIL;
*pBytes = buf.TellMaxPut(); void *pMem = malloc( *pBytes ); memcpy( pMem, buf.Base(), *pBytes ); *ppData = pMem;
# if ( defined( _X360 ) )
{ Q_ComposeFileName( m_pBasePath, pFileName, m_pFullPath, sizeof(m_pFullPath) ); pFullPath = m_pFullPath; cbFullPath = MAX_PATH; } # endif
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CDxInclude::Close( LPCVOID pData ) { void *pMem = const_cast<void*>( pData ); free( pMem ); return S_OK; } #endif // not POSIX
static const char *FileNameToShaderModel( const char *pShaderName, bool bVertexShader ) { // Figure out the shader model
const char *pShaderModel = NULL; if( bVertexShader ) { if( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "vs20" ) ) { pShaderModel = "vs_2_0"; bVertexShader = true; } else if( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "vs11" ) ) { pShaderModel = "vs_1_1"; bVertexShader = true; } else if( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "vs14" ) ) { pShaderModel = "vs_1_1"; bVertexShader = true; } else if( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "vs30" ) ) { pShaderModel = "vs_3_0"; bVertexShader = true; } else { #ifdef _DEBUG
Error( "Failed dynamic shader compiled\nBuild shaderapidx9.dll in debug to find problem\n" ); #else
Assert( 0 ); #endif
} } else { if( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "ps20b" ) ) { pShaderModel = "ps_2_b"; } else if( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "ps20" ) ) { pShaderModel = "ps_2_0"; } else if( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "ps11" ) ) { pShaderModel = "ps_1_1"; } else if( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "ps14" ) ) { pShaderModel = "ps_1_4"; } else if( Q_stristr( pShaderName, "ps30" ) ) { pShaderModel = "ps_3_0"; } else { #ifdef _DEBUG
Error( "Failed dynamic shader compiled\nBuild shaderapidx9.dll in debug to find problem\n" ); #else
Assert( 0 ); #endif
} } return pShaderModel; } #endif // DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE
#if defined( _X360 )
static ConVar mat_flushshaders_generate_updbs( "mat_flushshaders_generate_updbs", "1", 0, "Generates UPDBs whenever you flush shaders." ); #endif
#ifdef _PS3
int CgcIncludeOpen( SCECGC_INCLUDE_TYPE type, const char* filename, char** data, size_t* size ) { // We manually expand out all #include's form the shader source, so it's not necessary to do anything here.
*data = NULL; *size = 0; return 0; }
int CgcIncludeClose( const char* data ) { return 1; }
int g_nCgAllocated;
void* CgMalloc( void* arg, size_t size ) // Memory allocation callback
{ g_nCgAllocated += size; uint * pData = (uint*)malloc( size + sizeof( uint ) ); *pData = size; return pData + 1; }
void CgFree( void* arg, void* ptr ) // Memory freeing callback
{ uint * pData = ( ( uint* ) ptr ) - 1; g_nCgAllocated -= *pData; free( pData ); }
class CgContextWrapper { public: CGCcontext *m_cgc; CgContextWrapper( CGCmem *pMem ) { m_cgc = sceCgcNewContext( pMem ); } ~CgContextWrapper() { sceCgcDeleteContext( m_cgc ); } operator CGCcontext * () { return m_cgc ; } };
bool CShaderManager::CompileShaderPS3( const char *pShaderFilename, const char *pShaderModelForD3DX, const CUtlVector<D3DXMACRO> ¯os, CUtlVector< uint8 > &compiledShader ) { CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); bool bReadShader = ReadShaderSourceWithIncludes( pShaderFilename, buf, false ); if ( !bReadShader ) { DevMsg( 0, "Failed reading source shader file: %s\n", pShaderFilename ); DebuggerBreak(); return false; }
char *pShaderSource = (char *)malloc( buf.Size() + 1 ); memcpy( pShaderSource, buf.Base(), buf.Size() ); pShaderSource[buf.Size()] = '\0';
CUtlVector< CUtlString > options; for ( int i=0; i < ( macros.Count() - 1 ); i++ ) { char buf[256]; V_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "-D%s=%s", macros[i].Name, macros[i].Definition ); options.AddToTail( CUtlString( buf ) ); }
options.AddToTail( CUtlString( "-O1" ) ); options.AddToTail( CUtlString( "-fastmath" ) ); options.AddToTail( CUtlString( "-inline" ) ); options.AddToTail( CUtlString( "all" ) );
const char ** ppOptions = (const char**)stackalloc( sizeof(char*) * ( options.Count() + 1 ) ); for( int i = 0; i < options.Count(); ++i ) ppOptions[i] = options[i].Get(); ppOptions[ options.Count() ] = NULL;
const char * pRsxProfile = pShaderModelForD3DX; if( pShaderModelForD3DX[0] == 'v' ) { pRsxProfile = "sce_vp_rsx"; } else if( pShaderModelForD3DX[0] == 'p' ) { pRsxProfile = "sce_fp_rsx"; }
CGCmem mem; mem.malloc = CgMalloc; mem.free = CgFree; mem.arg = NULL;
CGCinclude incWrap; incWrap.open = CgcIncludeOpen; incWrap.close = CgcIncludeClose; CgContextWrapper cgContext( &mem ); CGCbin *pCgCompiledShader = sceCgcNewBin( &mem ); CGCbin *pCgMessages = sceCgcNewBin( &mem ); CGCbin *pCgAcsiiOutput = sceCgcNewBin( &mem );
int nStatus = sceCgcCompileString( cgContext.m_cgc, pShaderSource, pRsxProfile, "main", ppOptions, pCgCompiledShader, pCgMessages, pCgAcsiiOutput, &incWrap ); if ( nStatus != SCECGC_OK ) { DevMsg( 0, "Failed dynamic shader compiled - fix the shader while the debugger is at the breakpoint, then continue. (sceCgcCompileString status=%i.)\n", nStatus ); DevMsg( "Compiler messages:\n%s\n", (char*)sceCgcGetBinData( pCgMessages ) ); } else { if ( sceCgcGetBinSize( pCgMessages ) > 1 ) { DevMsg( "Compilation succeeded with compiler messages:\n%s\n", (char*)sceCgcGetBinData( pCgMessages ) ); }
compiledShader.SetCount( sceCgcGetBinSize( pCgCompiledShader ) ); memcpy( &compiledShader[0], sceCgcGetBinData( pCgCompiledShader ), sceCgcGetBinSize( pCgCompiledShader ) ); } sceCgcDeleteBin( pCgCompiledShader ); pCgCompiledShader = NULL; sceCgcDeleteBin( pCgMessages ); pCgMessages = NULL;
sceCgcDeleteBin( pCgAcsiiOutput ); pCgAcsiiOutput = NULL;
return nStatus == SCECGC_OK; } #endif // _PS3
HardwareShader_t CShaderManager::CompileShader( const char *pShaderName, unsigned int nStaticIndex, unsigned int nDynamicIndex, bool bVertexShader ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CompileShader", "CompileShader" ); if ( !m_ShaderNameToCombos.Defined( pShaderName ) ) { FindOrCreateShaderCombos( pShaderName ); } const ShaderCombos_t &combos = m_ShaderNameToCombos[pShaderName]; #ifdef _DEBUG
unsigned int numStaticCombos = combos.GetNumStaticCombos(); unsigned int numDynamicCombos = combos.GetNumDynamicCombos(); Assert( nStaticIndex % numDynamicCombos == 0 ); Assert( ( nStaticIndex % numDynamicCombos ) >= 0 && ( nStaticIndex % numDynamicCombos ) < numStaticCombos ); Assert( nDynamicIndex >= 0 && nDynamicIndex < numDynamicCombos ); #endif
bool bVerbose = true; if ( V_strlen( mat_dynamic_shader_substring.GetString() ) > 0 ) { if ( V_stristr( pShaderName, mat_dynamic_shader_substring.GetString() ) == NULL ) // If didn't find a match
{ bVerbose = false; } }
if ( bVerbose ) { if ( bVertexShader ) ConColorMsg( Color( 0, 187, 255, 255 ), "Compiling VS - %s\n", pShaderName ); else ConColorMsg( Color( 67, 217, 87, 255 ), "Compiling PS - %s\n", pShaderName ); } #endif
CUtlVector<D3DXMACRO> macros; // plus 1 for null termination, plus 1 for #define SHADER_MODEL_*, and plus 1 for #define _X360 on 360
macros.SetCount( combos.m_DynamicCombos.Count() + combos.m_StaticCombos.Count() + 2 + ( ( IsX360() || IsPS3() ) ? 1 : 0 ) );
// Loop over all dynamic combos first
unsigned int nCombo = nStaticIndex + nDynamicIndex; int macroIndex = 0; int i; for ( i = 0; i < combos.m_DynamicCombos.Count(); i++ ) { unsigned int countForCombo = combos.m_DynamicCombos[i].m_nMax - combos.m_DynamicCombos[i].m_nMin + 1; unsigned int val = nCombo % countForCombo + combos.m_DynamicCombos[i].m_nMin; nCombo /= countForCombo; macros[macroIndex].Name = m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( combos.m_DynamicCombos[i].m_ComboName ); char buf[16]; sprintf( buf, "%d", val ); CUtlSymbol valSymbol( buf ); macros[macroIndex].Definition = valSymbol.String(); macroIndex++; }
// Loop over all static combos and print combo info
if ( bVerbose ) ConColorMsg( Color( 200, 200, 200, 255 ), "\tStatic:" ); #endif
for ( i = 0; i < combos.m_StaticCombos.Count(); i++ ) { unsigned int countForCombo = combos.m_StaticCombos[i].m_nMax - combos.m_StaticCombos[i].m_nMin + 1; unsigned int val = nCombo % countForCombo + combos.m_StaticCombos[i].m_nMin; nCombo /= countForCombo; macros[macroIndex].Name = m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( combos.m_StaticCombos[i].m_ComboName ); char buf[16]; sprintf( buf, "%d", val ); CUtlSymbol valSymbol( buf ); macros[macroIndex].Definition = valSymbol.String();
if ( bVerbose ) { #ifdef DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE_THIN
if ( V_strcmp( macros[macroIndex].Definition, "0" ) != 0 ) // If not set to 0
{ if ( V_strcmp( macros[macroIndex].Definition, "0" ) == 0 ) { ConColorMsg( Color( 200, 200, 200, 255 ), " %s=0", macros[macroIndex].Name ); } else { ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 100, 100, 255 ), " %s", macros[macroIndex].Name ); ConColorMsg( Color( 200, 200, 200, 255 ), "=" ); ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), "%s", macros[macroIndex].Definition ); } } } #endif
macroIndex++; }
// Now print dynamic combo info
if ( bVerbose ) { ConColorMsg( Color( 200, 200, 200, 255 ), "\n\tDynamic:" ); for ( i = 0; i < combos.m_DynamicCombos.Count(); i++ ) { int macroIndex = i; #ifdef DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE_THIN
if ( V_strcmp( macros[macroIndex].Definition, "0" ) != 0 ) // If not set to 0
{ if ( V_strcmp( macros[macroIndex].Definition, "0" ) == 0 ) { ConColorMsg( Color( 200, 200, 200, 255 ), " %s=0", macros[macroIndex].Name ); } else { ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 100, 100, 255 ), " %s", macros[macroIndex].Name ); ConColorMsg( Color( 200, 200, 200, 255 ), "=" ); ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), "%s", macros[macroIndex].Definition ); } } } ConColorMsg( Color( 200, 200, 200, 255 ), "\n" ); } #endif
char filename[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( filename, GetShaderSourcePath(), MAX_PATH ); Q_strncat( filename, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S, MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); Q_strncat( filename, pShaderName, MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); Q_strncat( filename, ".fxc", MAX_PATH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); const char *pShaderModel = FileNameToShaderModel( pShaderName, bVertexShader );
const char *pShaderModelForD3DX = pShaderModel; if ( 0 == V_strcmp( pShaderModelForD3DX, "ps_2_0" ) ) { // We compile the ps20 path with ps_2_b these days since we don't support ps20 anymore. Still want to get the perf and combo reduction of this path for low end.
pShaderModelForD3DX = "ps_2_b"; } // define the shader model
char shaderModelDefineString[1024]; Q_snprintf( shaderModelDefineString, 1024, "SHADER_MODEL_%s", pShaderModel ); Q_strupr( shaderModelDefineString ); macros[macroIndex].Name = shaderModelDefineString; macros[macroIndex].Definition = "1"; macroIndex++;
char platformDefineString[1024]; if( IsX360() || IsPS3() ) { Q_snprintf( platformDefineString, 1024, IsPS3() ? "_PS3" : "_X360" ); Q_strupr( platformDefineString ); macros[macroIndex].Name = platformDefineString; macros[macroIndex].Definition = "1"; macroIndex++; }
// NULL terminate.
macros[macroIndex].Name = NULL; macros[macroIndex].Definition = NULL;
// Instead of erroring out, infinite-loop on shader compilation
// (i.e. give developers a chance to fix the shader code w/out restarting the game)
int retriesLeft = 20; retriesLeft;
#if defined( PLATFORM_PS3 ) || ( !defined( POSIX ) && !defined( _DEBUG ) )
retry_compile: #endif
// Try and open the file to see if it exists
FileHandle_t fp = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( filename, "r" );
if ( fp == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { // Maybe this is a specific version [20 & 20b] -> [2x]
if ( strlen( pShaderName ) >= 3 ) { char *pszEndFilename = filename + strlen( filename ); if ( !Q_stricmp( pszEndFilename - 6, "30.fxc" ) ) { strcpy( pszEndFilename - 6, "20b.fxc" ); fp = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( filename, "r" ); if ( fp == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { strcpy( pszEndFilename - 6, "2x.fxc" ); fp = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( filename, "r" ); } if ( fp == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { strcpy( pszEndFilename - 6, "20.fxc" ); fp = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( filename, "r" ); } } else { if ( !Q_stricmp( pszEndFilename - 6, "20.fxc" ) ) { pszEndFilename[ -5 ] = 'x'; fp = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( filename, "r" ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( pszEndFilename - 7, "20b.fxc" ) ) { strcpy( pszEndFilename - 7, "2x.fxc" ); fp = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( filename, "r" ); } else if ( !stricmp( pszEndFilename - 6, "11.fxc" ) ) { strcpy( pszEndFilename - 6, "xx.fxc" ); fp = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( filename, "r" ); }
if ( fp == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { if ( !stricmp( pszEndFilename - 6, "2x.fxc" ) ) { pszEndFilename[ -6 ] = 'x'; fp = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( filename, "r" ); } } } } }
if ( fp != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fp ); }
#define SEND_BUF_SIZE 40000
#define RECV_BUF_SIZE 40000
// Remotely-compiled shader code
uint32 *pRemotelyCompiledShader = NULL; uint32 nRemotelyCompiledShaderLength = 0; static char pSendbuf[SEND_BUF_SIZE], pRecvbuf[RECV_BUF_SIZE], pFixedFilename[MAX_PATH], buf[MAX_PATH];
if ( m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) { InitRemoteShaderCompile(); }
// In this case, we're going to use a remote service to do our compiling
if ( m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) { // Build up command list for remote shader compiler
V_FixupPathName( pFixedFilename, MAX_PATH, filename ); V_FileBase( pFixedFilename, buf, MAX_PATH ); // Just find base filename
V_strncat( buf, ".fxc", MAX_PATH ); V_snprintf( pSendbuf, SEND_BUF_SIZE, "%s\n", buf ); V_strncat( pSendbuf, pShaderModel, SEND_BUF_SIZE ); V_strncat( pSendbuf, "\n", SEND_BUF_SIZE ); V_snprintf( buf, MAX_PATH, "%d\n", macros.Count() ); V_strncat( pSendbuf, buf, SEND_BUF_SIZE ); for ( int i=0; i < macros.Count(); i++ ) { V_snprintf( buf, MAX_PATH, "%s\n%s\n", macros[i].Name, macros[i].Definition ); V_strncat( pSendbuf, buf, SEND_BUF_SIZE ); } V_strncat( pSendbuf, "", SEND_BUF_SIZE );
// Send commands to remote shader compiler
int nResult = send( m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket, pSendbuf, (int)strlen( pSendbuf ), 0 ); if ( nResult == SOCKET_ERROR ) { DevWarning( "send failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); DeinitRemoteShaderCompile(); }
if ( m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) { // Block here until we get a result back from the server
nResult = recv( m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket, pRecvbuf, RECV_BUF_SIZE, 0 ); if ( nResult == 0 ) { DevWarning( "Connection closed\n" ); DeinitRemoteShaderCompile(); } else if ( nResult < 0 ) { DevWarning( "recv failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); DeinitRemoteShaderCompile(); }
if ( m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) { // Grab the first 32 bits, which tell us what the rest of the data is
uint32 nCompileResultCode; memcpy( &nCompileResultCode, pRecvbuf, sizeof( nCompileResultCode ) );
// If is zero, we have an error, so the rest of the data is a text string from the compiler
if ( nCompileResultCode == 0x00000000 ) { DevWarning( "Remote shader compile error: %s\n", pRecvbuf+4 ); } else // we have an actual binary shader blob coming back
{ while ( nResult != ( nCompileResultCode + 4 ) ) { nResult += recv( m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket, pRecvbuf + nResult, RECV_BUF_SIZE - nResult, 0 ); } nRemotelyCompiledShaderLength = nCompileResultCode; pRemotelyCompiledShader = (uint32 *) pRecvbuf; pRemotelyCompiledShader++; } } } } // End using remote compile service
bool bShadersNeedFlush = false; #endif
#if defined( PLATFORM_PS3 )
CUtlVector< uint8 > compiledShaderPS3; bool nSucceeded = CompileShaderPS3(pShaderName, pShaderModelForD3DX, macros, compiledShaderPS3); if (!nSucceeded) { bShadersNeedFlush = true;
if (retriesLeft-- > 0) { // Dynamic shader compile has failed! Fix the shader before continuing in the debugger.
// Compilation failed, and if we're debugging the user has already continued. Retry compiling the shader.
goto retry_compile; }
#elif !defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION )
HRESULT hr; bool b30Shader = !Q_stricmp( pShaderModel, "vs_3_0" ) || !Q_stricmp( pShaderModel, "ps_3_0" ); if ( m_ShaderCompileFileFunc30 && b30Shader ) { CDxInclude dxInclude( filename ); hr = m_ShaderCompileFileFunc30( filename, macros.Base(), &dxInclude, "main", pShaderModelForD3DX, 0 /* DWORD Flags */, &pShader, &pErrorMessages, NULL /* LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE *ppConstantTable */ ); } else { #if ( !defined( _X360 ) )
{ if ( b30Shader ) { DevWarning( "Compiling with a stale version of d3dx. Should have d3d9x_33.dll installed (Apr 2007)\n" ); } hr = D3DXCompileShaderFromFile( filename, macros.Base(), NULL /* LPD3DXINCLUDE */, "main", pShaderModelForD3DX, 0 /* DWORD Flags */, &pShader, &pErrorMessages, NULL /* LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE *ppConstantTable */ );
// If we're using the remote compiling service, let's double-check against a local compile
if ( ( m_RemoteShaderCompileSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) && pRemotelyCompiledShader ) { if ( ( memcmp( pRemotelyCompiledShader, pShader->GetBufferPointer(), pShader->GetBufferSize() ) != 0 ) || ( pShader->GetBufferSize() != nRemotelyCompiledShaderLength) ) { DevWarning( "Remote and local shaders don't match!\n" ); return INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER; } } #endif // REMOTE_DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE
} #else // _X360 path
{ D3DXSHADER_COMPILE_PARAMETERS compileParams; memset( &compileParams, 0, sizeof( compileParams ) ); char pUPDBOutputFile[MAX_PATH] = ""; //where we write the file
char pUPDBPIXLookup[MAX_PATH] = ""; //where PIX (on a pc) looks for the file
if( mat_flushshaders_generate_updbs.GetBool() ) { //UPDB generation for PIX debugging
compileParams.Flags |= D3DXSHADEREX_GENERATE_UPDB; compileParams.UPDBPath = pUPDBPIXLookup;
// *** IMPORTANT ***
// To get UPDBs working, you need to ensure that the UPDB_X360 directory is created underneath your mod folder on the Xbox 360.
// You must also replace DEPLOYMENT_ROOT with your mod path.
// This should probably be cleaned up, except that very few people use this feature and I'm not sure how to get the mod path properly in shaderapidx9.dll.
#define DEPLOYMENT_ROOT "xe:\\csgo"
char outputFileOnly[MAX_PATH]; const char *pOutputFileStart = &outputFileOnly[0]; Q_snprintf( outputFileOnly, MAX_PATH, "%s_S%d_D%d.updb", pShaderName, nStaticIndex, nDynamicIndex ); int nOutputFileNameLen = Q_strlen( outputFileOnly ); if ( nOutputFileNameLen >= 40 ) { // X360 has a ~41 character filename limit
pOutputFileStart += ( nOutputFileNameLen - 40 ); } Q_snprintf( pUPDBOutputFile, MAX_PATH, "d:\\UPDB_X360\\%s", pOutputFileStart ); Q_strncpy( pUPDBPIXLookup, DEPLOYMENT_ROOT, MAX_PATH ); // Skip past the "d:" part of the output file path
Q_strncat( pUPDBPIXLookup, pUPDBOutputFile + 2, MAX_PATH ); } hr = D3DXCompileShaderFromFileEx( filename, macros.Base(), NULL /* LPD3DXINCLUDE */, "main", pShaderModelForD3DX, 0 /* DWORD Flags */, &pShader, &pErrorMessages, NULL /* LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE *ppConstantTable */, &compileParams ); if( (pUPDBOutputFile[0] != '\0') && compileParams.pUPDBBuffer ) //Did we generate a updb?
{ CUtlBuffer outbuffer; DWORD dataSize = compileParams.pUPDBBuffer->GetBufferSize(); outbuffer.EnsureCapacity( dataSize ); memcpy( outbuffer.Base(), compileParams.pUPDBBuffer->GetBufferPointer(), dataSize ); outbuffer.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, dataSize ); CreateDirectoryA( "d:\\UPDB_X360", NULL ); g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( pUPDBOutputFile, NULL, outbuffer );
compileParams.pUPDBBuffer->Release(); } } #endif // ( !defined( _X360 ) )
if ( hr != D3D_OK ) { if ( pErrorMessages ) { const char *pErrorMessageString = (const char *)pErrorMessages->GetBufferPointer(); Plat_DebugString( pErrorMessageString ); Plat_DebugString( "\n" ); }
#ifndef _DEBUG
if ( retriesLeft-- > 0 ) { DevMsg( 0, "Failed dynamic shader compiled - fix the shader while the debugger is at the breakpoint, then continue\n" ); DebuggerBreakIfDebugging(); #if defined( DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE )
// We probably changed code to fix the error, so go ahead and sync the shader cache from the PC to the 360.
SyncShaderCache(); #endif
bShadersNeedFlush = true; #endif
goto retry_compile; } if( !IsX360() ) //errors make the 360 puke and die. We have a better solution for this particular error
Error( "Failed dynamic shader compile\nBuild shaderapidx9.dll in debug to find problem\n" ); #else // _DEBUG
Assert( 0 ); #if defined( DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE )
// We probably changed code to fix the error, so go ahead and sync the shader cache from the PC to the 360.
SyncShaderCache(); #endif
bShadersNeedFlush = true; #endif
#endif // _DEBUG
{ // Output number of instructions
#if defined( DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE_VERBOSE ) && !defined( PLATFORM_PS3 ) && !defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION )
if ( bVerbose ) { LPD3DXBUFFER pDisassembly = NULL; #ifdef _X360
D3DXDisassembleShaderEx( static_cast<DWORD*>( pShader->GetBufferPointer() ), D3DXDISASSEMBLER_SHOW_TIMING_ESTIMATE, NULL, &pDisassembly ); #else
D3DXDisassembleShader( static_cast<DWORD*>( pShader->GetBufferPointer() ), false, NULL, &pDisassembly ); #endif
const char *pString = ( pDisassembly != NULL ) ? ( const char * )pDisassembly->GetBufferPointer() : "Error!";
const char *pInstructions; if ( IsX360() ) { pInstructions = strstr( pString, "// Shader Timing Estimate" ); } else { pInstructions = strstr( pString, "// approximately " ); } if ( pInstructions != NULL ) { if ( IsX360() ) { ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 255, 100, 255 ), "%s\n", pInstructions ); } else { ConColorMsg( Color( 255, 255, 100, 255 ), "\t%s\n", &( pInstructions[ V_strlen( "// approximately " ) ] ) ); } } if ( pDisassembly != NULL) pDisassembly->Release(); } #endif
{ // enable to dump the disassembly for shader validation
char exampleCommandLine[2048]; Q_strncpy( exampleCommandLine, "// Run from stdshaders\n// ..\\..\\dx9sdk\\utilities\\fxc.exe ", sizeof( exampleCommandLine ) ); int i; for( i = 0; macros[i].Name; i++ ) { Q_strncat( exampleCommandLine, "/D", sizeof( exampleCommandLine ) ); Q_strncat( exampleCommandLine, macros[i].Name, sizeof( exampleCommandLine ) ); Q_strncat( exampleCommandLine, "=", sizeof( exampleCommandLine ) ); Q_strncat( exampleCommandLine, macros[i].Definition, sizeof( exampleCommandLine ) ); Q_strncat( exampleCommandLine, " ", sizeof( exampleCommandLine ) ); }
Q_strncat( exampleCommandLine, "/T", sizeof( exampleCommandLine ) ); Q_strncat( exampleCommandLine, pShaderModelForD3DX, sizeof( exampleCommandLine ) ); Q_strncat( exampleCommandLine, " ", sizeof( exampleCommandLine ) ); Q_strncat( exampleCommandLine, filename, sizeof( exampleCommandLine ) ); Q_strncat( exampleCommandLine, "\n", sizeof( exampleCommandLine ) );
ID3DXBuffer *pd3dxBuffer; HRESULT hr; hr = D3DXDisassembleShader( ( DWORD* )pShader->GetBufferPointer(), false, NULL, &pd3dxBuffer ); Assert( hr == D3D_OK ); CUtlBuffer tempBuffer; tempBuffer.SetBufferType( true, false ); int exampleCommandLineLength = strlen( exampleCommandLine ); tempBuffer.EnsureCapacity( pd3dxBuffer->GetBufferSize() + exampleCommandLineLength ); memcpy( tempBuffer.Base(), exampleCommandLine, exampleCommandLineLength ); memcpy( ( char * )tempBuffer.Base() + exampleCommandLineLength, pd3dxBuffer->GetBufferPointer(), pd3dxBuffer->GetBufferSize() ); tempBuffer.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, pd3dxBuffer->GetBufferSize() + exampleCommandLineLength ); char filename[MAX_PATH]; sprintf( filename, "%s_%d_%d.asm", pShaderName, nStaticIndex, nDynamicIndex ); g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( filename, "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH", tempBuffer ); } #endif
{ if ( bVertexShader ) { return CreateD3DVertexShader( ( DWORD * )pRemotelyCompiledShader, nRemotelyCompiledShaderLength, pShaderName ); } else { return CreateD3DPixelShader( ( DWORD * )pRemotelyCompiledShader, 0, nRemotelyCompiledShaderLength, pShaderName ); // hack hack hack! need to get centroid info from the source
} } #elif defined( PLATFORM_PS3 )
{ if ( bVertexShader ) { return CreateD3DVertexShader( ( DWORD * )compiledShaderPS3.Base(), compiledShaderPS3.Count(), pShaderName ); } else { return CreateD3DPixelShader( ( DWORD * )compiledShaderPS3.Base(), 0, compiledShaderPS3.Count(), pShaderName ); // hack hack hack! need to get centroid info from the source
} } #else // local compile, not remote
{ if ( bVertexShader ) { return CreateD3DVertexShader( ( DWORD * )pShader->GetBufferPointer(), pShader->GetBufferSize(), pShaderName ); } else { return CreateD3DPixelShader( ( DWORD * )pShader->GetBufferPointer(), 0, pShader->GetBufferSize(), pShaderName ); // hack hack hack! need to get centroid info from the source
} } #endif
{ // We keep up with whether we hit a compile error above. If we did, then we likely need to recompile everything again since we could have changed global code.
if ( bShadersNeedFlush ) { MatFlushShaders(); } } #endif
#if !defined( REMOTE_DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE ) && !defined( PLATFORM_PS3 )
{ if ( pShader ) { pShader->Release(); } } #endif
if ( pErrorMessages ) { pErrorMessages->Release(); } #endif
} #endif
bool CShaderManager::LoadAndCreateShaders_Dynamic( ShaderLookup_t &lookup, bool bVertexShader ) { const char *pName = m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( lookup.m_Name ); const ShaderCombos_t *pCombos = FindOrCreateShaderCombos( pName ); if ( !pCombos ) { return false; }
int numDynamicCombos = pCombos->GetNumDynamicCombos(); lookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders = new HardwareShader_t[numDynamicCombos]; lookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_nCount = numDynamicCombos; lookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pCreationData = new ShaderStaticCombos_t::ShaderCreationData_t[numDynamicCombos];
int i; for( i = 0; i < numDynamicCombos; i++ ) { lookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[i] = INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER; } return true; } #endif
// Open the shader file, optionally gets the header
FileHandle_t CShaderManager::OpenFileAndLoadHeader( const char *pFileName, ShaderHeader_t *pHeader ) { FileHandle_t fp = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( pFileName, "rb", "PLATFORM" ); if ( fp == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { return FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE; }
if ( pHeader ) { // read the header
g_pFullFileSystem->Read( pHeader, sizeof( ShaderHeader_t ), fp );
switch ( pHeader->m_nVersion ) { case 4: // version with combos done as diffs vs a reference combo
// vsh/psh or older fxc
case 5: case 6: // version with optimal dictionary and compressed combo block
default: Assert( 0 ); DevWarning( "Shader %s is the wrong version %d, expecting %d\n", pFileName, pHeader->m_nVersion, SHADER_VCS_VERSION_NUMBER ); g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fp ); return FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE; } }
return fp; }
// Writes text files named for looked-up shaders. Used by GL shader translator to dump code for debugging
void CShaderManager::WriteTranslatedFile( ShaderLookup_t *pLookup, int dynamicCombo, char *pFileContents, char *pFileExtension ) { const char *pName = m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pLookup->m_Name ); int nNumChars = V_strlen( pFileContents );
CUtlBuffer tempBuffer; tempBuffer.SetBufferType( true, false ); tempBuffer.EnsureCapacity( nNumChars ); memcpy( ( char * )tempBuffer.Base(), pFileContents, nNumChars ); tempBuffer.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, nNumChars );
char filename[MAX_PATH]; sprintf( filename, "%s_%d_%d.%s", pName, pLookup->m_nStaticIndex, dynamicCombo, pFileExtension ); g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( filename, "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH", tempBuffer ); }
// Disassemble a shader for debugging. Writes .asm files.
void CShaderManager::DisassembleShader( ShaderLookup_t *pLookup, int dynamicCombo, uint8 *pByteCode ) { #if defined( WRITE_ASSEMBLY )
const char *pName = m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pLookup->m_Name );
ID3DXBuffer *pd3dxBuffer; HRESULT hr; hr = D3DXDisassembleShader( (DWORD*)pByteCode, false, NULL, &pd3dxBuffer ); Assert( hr == D3D_OK );
CUtlBuffer tempBuffer; tempBuffer.SetBufferType( true, false ); tempBuffer.EnsureCapacity( pd3dxBuffer->GetBufferSize() ); memcpy( ( char * )tempBuffer.Base(), pd3dxBuffer->GetBufferPointer(), pd3dxBuffer->GetBufferSize() ); tempBuffer.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, pd3dxBuffer->GetBufferSize() );
char filename[MAX_PATH]; sprintf( filename, "%s_%d_%d.asm", pName, pLookup->m_nStaticIndex, dynamicCombo ); g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( filename, "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH", tempBuffer ); #endif
// Create dynamic combos
bool CShaderManager::CreateDynamicCombos_Ver4( void *pContext, uint8 *pComboBuffer ) { ShaderLookup_t* pLookup = (ShaderLookup_t *)pContext;
ShaderFileCache_t *pFileCache = &m_ShaderFileCache[pLookup->m_hShaderFileCache]; ShaderHeader_t *pHeader = &pFileCache->m_Header;
int nReferenceComboSizeForDiffs = ((ShaderHeader_t_v4 *)pHeader)->m_nDiffReferenceSize;
uint8 *pReferenceShader = NULL; uint8 *pDiffOutputBuffer = NULL; if ( nReferenceComboSizeForDiffs ) { // reference combo is *always* the largest combo, so safe worst case size for uncompression buffer
pReferenceShader = (uint8 *)pFileCache->m_ReferenceCombo.Base(); pDiffOutputBuffer = (uint8 *)stackalloc( nReferenceComboSizeForDiffs ); }
// build this shader's dynamic combos
bool bOK = true; int nStartingOffset = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < pHeader->m_nDynamicCombos; i++ ) { if ( pLookup->m_pComboDictionary[i].m_Offset == -1 ) { // skipped
continue; }
if ( !nStartingOffset ) { nStartingOffset = pLookup->m_pComboDictionary[i].m_Offset; }
// offsets better be sequentially ascending
Assert( nStartingOffset <= pLookup->m_pComboDictionary[i].m_Offset );
if ( pLookup->m_pComboDictionary[i].m_Size <= 0 ) { // skipped
continue; }
// get the right byte code from the monolithic buffer
uint8 *pByteCode = (uint8 *)pComboBuffer + pLookup->m_nDataOffset + pLookup->m_pComboDictionary[i].m_Offset - nStartingOffset; int nByteCodeSize = pLookup->m_pComboDictionary[i].m_Size;
if ( pReferenceShader ) { // reference combo better be the largest combo, otherwise memory corruption
Assert( nReferenceComboSizeForDiffs >= nByteCodeSize );
// use the differencing algorithm to recover the full shader
int nOriginalSize; ApplyDiffs( pReferenceShader, pByteCode, nReferenceComboSizeForDiffs, nByteCodeSize, nOriginalSize, pDiffOutputBuffer, nReferenceComboSizeForDiffs );
pByteCode = pDiffOutputBuffer; nByteCodeSize = nOriginalSize; }
#if defined( WRITE_ASSEMBLY )
DisassembleShader( pLookup, i, pByteCode ); #endif
HardwareShader_t hardwareShader = INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER;
if ( IsPC() && m_bCreateShadersOnDemand ) { // cache the code off for later
pLookup->m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pCreationData[i].ByteCode.SetSize( nByteCodeSize ); V_memcpy( pLookup->m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pCreationData[i].ByteCode.Base(), pByteCode, nByteCodeSize ); pLookup->m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pCreationData[i].iCentroidMask = pFileCache->m_bVertexShader ? 0 : pHeader->m_nCentroidMask; } else { const char *pShaderName = m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pLookup->m_Name );
if ( pFileCache->m_bVertexShader ) { hardwareShader = CreateD3DVertexShader( reinterpret_cast< DWORD *>( pByteCode ), nByteCodeSize, pShaderName ); } else { hardwareShader = CreateD3DPixelShader( reinterpret_cast< DWORD *>( pByteCode ), pHeader->m_nCentroidMask, nByteCodeSize, pShaderName ); }
if ( hardwareShader == INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) { Assert( 0 ); bOK = false; break; } } pLookup->m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[i] = hardwareShader; }
delete [] pLookup->m_pComboDictionary; pLookup->m_pComboDictionary = NULL;
return bOK; }
// Create dynamic combos
static uint32 NextULONG( uint8 * &pData ) { // handle unaligned read
uint32 nRet; memcpy( &nRet, pData, sizeof( nRet ) ); pData += sizeof( nRet ); return nRet; } bool CShaderManager::CreateDynamicCombos_Ver5( void *pContext, uint8 *pComboBuffer, char *debugLabel ) { ShaderLookup_t* pLookup = (ShaderLookup_t *)pContext; ShaderFileCache_t *pFileCache = &m_ShaderFileCache[pLookup->m_hShaderFileCache]; uint8 *pCompressedShaders = pComboBuffer + pLookup->m_nDataOffset;
uint8 *pUnpackBuffer = new uint8[MAX_SHADER_UNPACKED_BLOCK_SIZE];
char *debugLabelPtr = debugLabel; // can be moved to point at something else if need be
// now, loop through all blocks
bool bOK = true; while ( bOK ) { uint32 nBlockSize = NextULONG( pCompressedShaders ); if ( nBlockSize == 0xffffffff ) { // any more blocks?
break; }
switch( nBlockSize & 0xc0000000 ) { case 0: // bzip2
{ // uncompress
uint32 nOutsize = MAX_SHADER_UNPACKED_BLOCK_SIZE; int nRslt = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress( reinterpret_cast<char *>( pUnpackBuffer ), &nOutsize, reinterpret_cast<char *>( pCompressedShaders ), nBlockSize, 1, 0 ); if ( nRslt < 0 ) { // errors are negative for bzip
Assert( 0 ); DevWarning( "BZIP Error (%d) decompressing shader", nRslt ); bOK = false; } pCompressedShaders += nBlockSize; nBlockSize = nOutsize; // how much data there is
} break;
case 0x80000000: // uncompressed
{ // not compressed, as is
nBlockSize &= 0x3fffffff; memcpy( pUnpackBuffer, pCompressedShaders, nBlockSize ); pCompressedShaders += nBlockSize; } break;
case 0x40000000: // lzma compressed
{ CLZMA lzDecoder; nBlockSize &= 0x3fffffff; size_t nOutsize = lzDecoder.Uncompress( reinterpret_cast<uint8 *>( pCompressedShaders ), pUnpackBuffer ); pCompressedShaders += nBlockSize; nBlockSize = nOutsize; // how much data there is
} break; default: { Assert( 0 ); Error(" unrecognized shader compression type = file corrupt?"); bOK = false; } } uint8 *pReadPtr = pUnpackBuffer; while ( pReadPtr < pUnpackBuffer+nBlockSize ) { uint32 nCombo_ID = NextULONG( pReadPtr ); uint32 nShaderSize = NextULONG( pReadPtr ); #if defined( WRITE_ASSEMBLY )
DisassembleShader( pLookup, nCombo_ID, pReadPtr ); #endif
HardwareShader_t hardwareShader = INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER;
int iIndex = nCombo_ID; if ( iIndex >= pLookup->m_nStaticIndex ) iIndex -= pLookup->m_nStaticIndex; // ver5 stores combos as full combo, ver6 as dynamic combo # only
if ( IsPC() && m_bCreateShadersOnDemand ) { // cache the code off for later
pLookup->m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pCreationData[iIndex].ByteCode.SetSize( nShaderSize ); V_memcpy( pLookup->m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pCreationData[iIndex].ByteCode.Base(), pReadPtr, nShaderSize ); pLookup->m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pCreationData[iIndex].iCentroidMask = pFileCache->m_bVertexShader ? 0 : pFileCache->m_Header.m_nCentroidMask; } else { const char *pShaderName = m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pLookup->m_Name );
if ( pFileCache->m_bVertexShader ) {
#if 0
// this is all test code
CUtlBuffer bufGLSLCode( 1000, 50000, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); bool bVertexShader;
uint32 nOptions = 0; nOptions |= D3DToGL_OptionUseEnvParams; nOptions |= D3DToGL_OptionDoFixupZ; nOptions |= D3DToGL_OptionDoFixupY; //options |= D3DToGL_OptionSpew;
// GLSL options
nOptions |= D3DToGL_OptionGLSL;// | D3DToGL_OptionAllowStaticControlFlow | D3DToGL_AddHexComments | D3DToGL_PutHexCommentsAfterLines;
sg_NewD3DToOpenGLTranslator.TranslateShader( (uint32 *) pReadPtr, &bufGLSLCode, &bVertexShader, nOptions, -1, 0, debugLabel ); nOptions |= D3DToGL_OptionGLSL; // | D3DToGL_AddHexComments | D3DToGL_PutHexCommentsAfterLines;
//if ( !IsOSX() )
{ nOptions |= D3DToGL_OptionAllowStaticControlFlow; } sg_NewD3DToOpenGLTranslator.TranslateShader( (uint32 *) pReadPtr, &bufGLSLCode, &bVertexShader, nOptions, -1, 0, debugLabel ); nOptions |= D3DToGL_OptionGLSL;// | D3DToGL_AddHexComments | D3DToGL_PutHexCommentsAfterLines;
sg_D3DToOpenGLTranslator.TranslateShader( (uint32 *) pReadPtr, &bufGLSLCode, &bVertexShader, nOptions, -1, 0, debugLabel ); Assert( bVertexShader );
WriteTranslatedFile( pLookup, iIndex, (char *)bufGLSLCode.Base(), "glsl_v" ); // GLSL
// munge the debug label a bit to aid in decoding... catenate the iIndex on the end
char temp[1024]; sprintf(temp, "%s vs-combo %d", (debugLabel)?debugLabel:"none", iIndex ); debugLabelPtr = temp; #endif
// pass binary code to d3d interface, on GL it will invoke the translator back to asm
hardwareShader = CreateD3DVertexShader( reinterpret_cast< DWORD *>( pReadPtr ), nShaderSize, pShaderName, debugLabelPtr ); } else { #if 0
// this is all test code
CUtlBuffer bufGLSLCode( 1000, 50000, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); bool bVertexShader;
uint32 nOptions = D3DToGL_OptionUseEnvParams;
// GLSL options
nOptions |= D3DToGL_OptionGLSL; // | D3DToGL_OptionSRGBWriteSuffix | D3DToGL_AddHexComments | D3DToGL_PutHexCommentsAfterLines;
//if ( !IsOSX() )
{ nOptions |= D3DToGL_OptionAllowStaticControlFlow; } sg_D3DToOpenGLTranslator.TranslateShader( (uint32 *) pReadPtr, &bufGLSLCode, &bVertexShader, nOptions, -1, 0, debugLabel ); Assert( !bVertexShader );
WriteTranslatedFile( pLookup, iIndex, (char *)bufGLSLCode.Base(), "glsl_p" ); // GLSL
// munge the debug label a bit to aid in decoding... catenate the iIndex on the end
char temp[1024]; sprintf(temp, "%s ps-combo %d", (debugLabel)?debugLabel:"", iIndex ); debugLabelPtr = temp; #endif
// pass binary code to d3d interface, on GL it will invoke the translator back to asm
hardwareShader = CreateD3DPixelShader( reinterpret_cast< DWORD *>( pReadPtr ), pFileCache->m_Header.m_nCentroidMask, nShaderSize, pShaderName, debugLabelPtr ); } if ( hardwareShader == INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) { DevWarning( "failed to create shader\n" ); Assert( 0 ); bOK = false; break; }
pLookup->m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_nNumDynamicCombosAfterSkips++; } pLookup->m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[iIndex] = hardwareShader; pReadPtr += nShaderSize; } }
delete[] pUnpackBuffer;
return bOK; }
// Static method, called by thread, don't call anything non-threadsafe from handler!!!
void CShaderManager::QueuedLoaderCallback( void *pContext, void *pContext2, const void *pData, int nSize, LoaderError_t loaderError ) { ShaderLookup_t* pLookup = (ShaderLookup_t *)pContext;
bool bOK = ( loaderError == LOADERERROR_NONE ); if ( bOK ) { if ( pContext2 ) { // presence denotes diff version
bOK = s_ShaderManager.CreateDynamicCombos_Ver4( pContext, (uint8 *)pData ); } else { bOK = s_ShaderManager.CreateDynamicCombos_Ver5( pContext, (uint8 *)pData ); } } if ( !bOK ) { pLookup->m_Flags |= SHADER_FAILED_LOAD; } }
bool CShaderManager::DoesShaderCRCMatchSourceCode( const char *pShaderName, uint32 crc32, uint32 &sourceCRC ) { if ( mat_dynamic_shader_compile_force_reload.GetBool() ) { return false; }
CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); bool bTryVshDirectory = false; if ( ReadShaderSourceWithIncludes( pShaderName, buf, bTryVshDirectory ) ) { sourceCRC = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( buf.Base(), MAX( 0, buf.TellPut() - 1 ) );
if ( sourceCRC == crc32 ) { #if defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
DevWarning( "crc match for %s\n", pShaderName ); #endif
return true; } } DevWarning( "***** CRC mismatch for %s 0x%x 0x%x\n", pShaderName, sourceCRC, crc32 ); return false; } #endif
// Convert from a static combo/dynamic combo back into the combo values and spew.
void BitchAboutSkippedCombo( const char *pShaderName, int nStaticComboID, int nDynamicComboID ) { char path[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( path, pShaderName, MAX_PATH ); V_FileBase( path, path, MAX_PATH ); if ( IsGameConsole() ) { // Need to filebase twice to get rid of the .360.vcs or .ps3.vcs on the game consoles.
V_FileBase( path, path, MAX_PATH ); } CUtlSymbol symbol; symbol = s_ShaderComboInfoByName.Find( path ); if ( symbol == ( CUtlSymbol )UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL ) { DevWarning( "Can't find combo info for skipped combo! Tell a programmer!!!\n" ); return; }
const ShaderComboSemantics_t *pSemantics = s_ShaderComboInfoByName[symbol];
// The static combo id actually has the dynamic bits embedded in it, so we need to extract those first.
for ( int i = 0; i < pSemantics->nDynamicShaderComboArrayCount; i++ ) { int comboSize = pSemantics->pDynamicShaderComboArray[ i ].m_nComboMax - pSemantics->pDynamicShaderComboArray[ i ].m_nComboMin + 1; nStaticComboID /= comboSize; }
DevWarning( "static combos: " ); for ( int i = 0; i < pSemantics->nStaticShaderComboArrayCount; i++ ) { int comboSize = pSemantics->pStaticShaderComboArray[i].m_nComboMax - pSemantics->pStaticShaderComboArray[i].m_nComboMin + 1; int comboVal = nStaticComboID % comboSize; if ( SHADER_COMBO_SPEW_VERBOSE || comboVal != 0 ) { const char *pName = pSemantics->pStaticShaderComboArray[i].m_pComboName; DevWarning( "%s=%d ", pName, comboVal ); } nStaticComboID /= comboSize; } DevWarning( "\n" );
if ( nDynamicComboID != -1 ) { DevWarning( "dynamic combos: " ); for ( int i = 0; i < pSemantics->nDynamicShaderComboArrayCount; i++ ) { int comboSize = pSemantics->pDynamicShaderComboArray[i].m_nComboMax - pSemantics->pDynamicShaderComboArray[i].m_nComboMin + 1; int comboVal = nDynamicComboID % comboSize; if ( SHADER_COMBO_SPEW_VERBOSE || comboVal != 0 ) { const char *pName = pSemantics->pDynamicShaderComboArray[i].m_pComboName; DevWarning( "%s=%d ", pName, comboVal ); } nDynamicComboID /= comboSize; } DevWarning( "\n" ); } }
void PrintComboDesc( const char *pShaderName, int nStaticComboID, int nDynamicComboID ) { char path[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( path, pShaderName, MAX_PATH ); V_FileBase( path, path, MAX_PATH ); if ( IsX360() ) { // Need to filebase twice to get rid of the .360.vcs or .ps3.vcs on the game consoles.
V_FileBase( path, path, MAX_PATH ); } CUtlSymbol symbol; symbol = s_ShaderComboInfoByName.Find( path ); if ( symbol == ( CUtlSymbol )UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL ) { DevWarning( "Can't print combo desc for shader \"%s\"\n", pShaderName ); return; }
const ShaderComboSemantics_t *pSemantics = s_ShaderComboInfoByName[symbol];
// The static combo id actually has the dynamic bits embedded in it, so we need to extract those first.
for ( int i = 0; i < pSemantics->nDynamicShaderComboArrayCount; i++ ) { int comboSize = pSemantics->pDynamicShaderComboArray[ i ].m_nComboMax - pSemantics->pDynamicShaderComboArray[ i ].m_nComboMin + 1; nStaticComboID /= comboSize; }
Msg( "static combos: " ); for ( int i = 0; i < pSemantics->nStaticShaderComboArrayCount; i++ ) { int comboSize = pSemantics->pStaticShaderComboArray[i].m_nComboMax - pSemantics->pStaticShaderComboArray[i].m_nComboMin + 1; int comboVal = nStaticComboID % comboSize; if ( SHADER_COMBO_SPEW_VERBOSE || comboVal != 0 ) { const char *pName = pSemantics->pStaticShaderComboArray[i].m_pComboName; Msg( "%s=%d ", pName, comboVal ); } nStaticComboID /= comboSize; } Msg( "\n" );
if ( nDynamicComboID != -1 ) { Msg( "dynamic combos: " ); for ( int i = 0; i < pSemantics->nDynamicShaderComboArrayCount; i++ ) { int comboSize = pSemantics->pDynamicShaderComboArray[i].m_nComboMax - pSemantics->pDynamicShaderComboArray[i].m_nComboMin + 1; int comboVal = nDynamicComboID % comboSize; if ( SHADER_COMBO_SPEW_VERBOSE || comboVal != 0 ) { const char *pName = pSemantics->pDynamicShaderComboArray[i].m_pComboName; Msg( "%s=%d ", pName, comboVal ); } nDynamicComboID /= comboSize; } Msg( "\n" ); } }
// Loads all shaders
bool CShaderManager::LoadAndCreateShaders( ShaderLookup_t &lookup, bool bVertexShader, char *debugLabel ) { const char *pName = m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( lookup.m_Name );
// find it in the cache
// a cache hit prevents costly i/o for static components, i.e. header, ref combo, etc.
ShaderFileCache_t fileCacheLookup; fileCacheLookup.m_Name = lookup.m_Name; fileCacheLookup.m_bVertexShader = bVertexShader; intp fileCacheIndex = m_ShaderFileCache.Find( fileCacheLookup ); if ( fileCacheIndex == m_ShaderFileCache.InvalidIndex() ) { // not found, create a new entry
fileCacheIndex = m_ShaderFileCache.AddToTail(); }
lookup.m_hShaderFileCache = fileCacheIndex;
// fetch from cache
ShaderFileCache_t *pFileCache = &m_ShaderFileCache[fileCacheIndex]; ShaderHeader_t *pHeader = &pFileCache->m_Header;
FileHandle_t hFile = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE; if ( pFileCache->IsValid() ) { #ifdef DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE
lookup.m_nVcsCrc32 = pHeader->m_nSourceCRC32; #endif
// using cached header, just open file, no read of header needed
hFile = OpenFileAndLoadHeader( m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pFileCache->m_Filename ), NULL ); if ( hFile == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { // shouldn't happen
Assert( 0 ); return false; } } else { V_memset( pHeader, 0, sizeof( ShaderHeader_t ) );
// try the vsh/psh dir first
char filename[MAX_PATH]; Q_snprintf( filename, MAX_PATH, "shaders\\%s\\%s" SHADER_FNAME_EXTENSION, bVertexShader ? "vsh" : "psh", pName ); hFile = OpenFileAndLoadHeader( filename, pHeader ); if ( hFile == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { // next, try the fxc dir
Q_snprintf( filename, MAX_PATH, "shaders\\fxc\\%s" SHADER_FNAME_EXTENSION, pName ); hFile = OpenFileAndLoadHeader( filename, pHeader ); #ifdef DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE
lookup.m_nVcsCrc32 = pHeader->m_nSourceCRC32; // See if the CRC in the VCS file matches the source. If so, load from there rather than compiling dynamically.
uint32 sourceCRC; if ( hFile == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE || !DoesShaderCRCMatchSourceCode( m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( lookup.m_Name ), pHeader->m_nSourceCRC32, sourceCRC ) ) { if ( hFile != FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { g_pFullFileSystem->Close( hFile ); hFile = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE; } // Clear out the header that we loaded (if we loaded it) in case the CRCs don't match.
memset( pHeader, 0, sizeof( *pHeader ) ); // Dynamically compile if it's HLSL.
if ( LoadAndCreateShaders_Dynamic( lookup, bVertexShader ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } #endif
if ( hFile == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { lookup.m_Flags |= SHADER_FAILED_LOAD; DevWarning( "Couldn't load %s shader %s\n", bVertexShader ? "vertex" : "pixel", pName ); return false; } } else { lookup.m_Flags |= SHADER_IS_ASM; }
lookup.m_Flags = pHeader->m_nFlags;
pFileCache->m_Name = lookup.m_Name; pFileCache->m_Filename = m_ShaderSymbolTable.AddString( filename ); pFileCache->m_bVertexShader = bVertexShader;
if ( pFileCache->IsOldVersion() ) { int referenceComboSize = ((ShaderHeader_t_v4 *)pHeader)->m_nDiffReferenceSize; if ( referenceComboSize ) { // cache the reference combo
pFileCache->m_ReferenceCombo.EnsureCapacity( referenceComboSize ); g_pFullFileSystem->Read( pFileCache->m_ReferenceCombo.Base(), referenceComboSize, hFile ); } } else { // cache the dictionary
pFileCache->m_StaticComboRecords.EnsureCount( pHeader->m_nNumStaticCombos ); g_pFullFileSystem->Read( pFileCache->m_StaticComboRecords.Base(), pHeader->m_nNumStaticCombos * sizeof( StaticComboRecord_t ), hFile ); if ( pFileCache->IsVersion6() ) { // read static combo alias records
int nNumDups; g_pFullFileSystem->Read( &nNumDups, sizeof( nNumDups ), hFile ); if ( nNumDups ) { pFileCache->m_StaticComboDupRecords.EnsureCount( nNumDups ); g_pFullFileSystem->Read( pFileCache->m_StaticComboDupRecords.Base(), nNumDups * sizeof( StaticComboAliasRecord_t ), hFile ); } }
} }
// FIXME: should make lookup and ShaderStaticCombos_t are pool allocated.
int i; lookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_nCount = pHeader->m_nDynamicCombos; lookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders = new HardwareShader_t[pHeader->m_nDynamicCombos]; lookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_nNumDynamicCombosAfterSkips = 0; if ( IsPC() && m_bCreateShadersOnDemand ) { lookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pCreationData = new ShaderStaticCombos_t::ShaderCreationData_t[pHeader->m_nDynamicCombos]; } for ( i = 0; i < pHeader->m_nDynamicCombos; i++ ) { lookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[i] = INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER; }
int nStartingOffset = 0; int nEndingOffset = 0;
if ( pFileCache->IsOldVersion() ) { int nDictionaryOffset = sizeof( ShaderHeader_t ) + ((ShaderHeader_t_v4 *)pHeader)->m_nDiffReferenceSize;
// read in shader's dynamic combos directory
lookup.m_pComboDictionary = new ShaderDictionaryEntry_t[pHeader->m_nDynamicCombos]; g_pFullFileSystem->Seek( hFile, nDictionaryOffset + lookup.m_nStaticIndex * sizeof( ShaderDictionaryEntry_t ), FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); if( !g_pFullFileSystem->Read( lookup.m_pComboDictionary, pHeader->m_nDynamicCombos * sizeof( ShaderDictionaryEntry_t ), hFile ) ) { g_pFullFileSystem->Close( hFile ); if( !IsCert() ) { const char *pShaderName; pShaderName = m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pFileCache->m_Filename ); DevWarning( "Shader '%s' - Cannot read, skipping.\n", pShaderName ); } return false; }
// want single read of all this shader's dynamic combos into a target buffer
// shaders are written sequentially, determine starting offset and length
for ( i = 0; i < pHeader->m_nDynamicCombos; i++ ) { if ( lookup.m_pComboDictionary[i].m_Offset == -1 ) { // skipped
continue; }
// ensure offsets are in fact sequentially ascending
Assert( lookup.m_pComboDictionary[i].m_Offset >= nStartingOffset && lookup.m_pComboDictionary[i].m_Size >= 0 );
if ( !nStartingOffset ) { nStartingOffset = lookup.m_pComboDictionary[i].m_Offset; } nEndingOffset = lookup.m_pComboDictionary[i].m_Offset + lookup.m_pComboDictionary[i].m_Size; } if ( !nStartingOffset ) { g_pFullFileSystem->Close( hFile ); const char *pShaderName; pShaderName = m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pFileCache->m_Filename ); DevWarning( "Shader '%s' - All dynamic combos skipped. This is bad!\n", pShaderName ); Assert( 0 ); return false; } } else { int nStaticComboIdx = pFileCache->FindCombo( lookup.m_nStaticIndex / pFileCache->m_Header.m_nDynamicCombos ); if ( nStaticComboIdx == -1 ) { g_pFullFileSystem->Close( hFile ); lookup.m_Flags |= SHADER_FAILED_LOAD; const char *pShaderName; pShaderName = m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pFileCache->m_Filename ); DevWarning( "*************************************************\n" ); DevWarning( "Shader '%s' - Couldn't load combo %d of shader (dyn=%d)\n", pShaderName, lookup.m_nStaticIndex, pFileCache->m_Header.m_nDynamicCombos ); BitchAboutSkippedCombo( pShaderName, lookup.m_nStaticIndex / pFileCache->m_Header.m_nDynamicCombos, -1 ); DevWarning( "*************************************************\n" ); Assert( 0 ); return false; }
nStartingOffset = pFileCache->m_StaticComboRecords[nStaticComboIdx].m_nFileOffset; nEndingOffset = pFileCache->m_StaticComboRecords[nStaticComboIdx+1].m_nFileOffset; }
// align offsets for unbuffered optimal i/o - fastest i/o possible
unsigned nOffsetAlign, nSizeAlign, nBufferAlign; g_pFullFileSystem->GetOptimalIOConstraints( hFile, &nOffsetAlign, &nSizeAlign, &nBufferAlign ); unsigned int nAlignedOffset = AlignValue( ( nStartingOffset - nOffsetAlign ) + 1, nOffsetAlign ); unsigned int nAlignedBytesToRead = AlignValue( nEndingOffset - nAlignedOffset, nSizeAlign );
// used for adjusting provided buffer to actual data
lookup.m_nDataOffset = nStartingOffset - nAlignedOffset;
bool bOK = true; if ( IsGameConsole() && g_pQueuedLoader->IsMapLoading() ) { LoaderJob_t loaderJob; loaderJob.m_pFilename = m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pFileCache->m_Filename ); loaderJob.m_pPathID = "PLATFORM"; loaderJob.m_pCallback = QueuedLoaderCallback; loaderJob.m_pContext = (void *)&lookup; loaderJob.m_pContext2 = (void *)pFileCache->IsOldVersion(); loaderJob.m_Priority = LOADERPRIORITY_DURINGPRELOAD; loaderJob.m_nBytesToRead = nAlignedBytesToRead; loaderJob.m_nStartOffset = nAlignedOffset; g_pQueuedLoader->AddJob( &loaderJob ); } else { //printf("\n CShaderManager::LoadAndCreateShaders - reading %d bytes from file offset %d", nAlignedBytesToRead, nAlignedOffset);
// single optimal read of all dynamic combos into monolithic buffer
uint8 *pOptimalBuffer = (uint8 *)g_pFullFileSystem->AllocOptimalReadBuffer( hFile, nAlignedBytesToRead, nAlignedOffset ); g_pFullFileSystem->Seek( hFile, nAlignedOffset, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); if( g_pFullFileSystem->Read( pOptimalBuffer, nAlignedBytesToRead, hFile ) ) { if ( pFileCache->IsOldVersion() ) { bOK = CreateDynamicCombos_Ver4( &lookup, pOptimalBuffer ); } else { bOK = CreateDynamicCombos_Ver5( &lookup, pOptimalBuffer, debugLabel ); } }
g_pFullFileSystem->FreeOptimalReadBuffer( pOptimalBuffer ); }
g_pFullFileSystem->Close( hFile );
if ( !bOK ) { lookup.m_Flags |= SHADER_FAILED_LOAD; }
return bOK; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------old code
#if 0
// Set this convar internally to build or add to the shader cache file
// We really only expect this to work on POSIX
ConVar mat_cacheshaders( "mat_cacheshaders", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY );
#define SHADER_CACHE_FILE "shader_cache.cfg"
#define PROGRAM_CACHE_FILE "program_cache.cfg"
static void WriteToShaderCache( const char *pShaderName, const int nIndex ) { #ifndef DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION
return; #endif
KeyValues *pShaderCache = new KeyValues( "shadercache" ); // we don't load anything, it starts empty.. pShaderCache->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, SHADER_CACHE_FILE, "MOD" );
if ( !pShaderCache ) { DevWarning( "Could not write to shader cache file!\n" ); return; }
// Subkey for specific shader
KeyValues *pShaderKey = pShaderCache->FindKey( pShaderName, true ); Assert( pShaderKey );
bool bFound = false; int nKeys = 0; char szIndex[8]; FOR_EACH_VALUE( pShaderKey, pValues ) { if ( pValues->GetInt() == nIndex ) { bFound = true; } nKeys++; }
if ( !bFound ) { V_snprintf( szIndex, 8, "%d", nKeys ); pShaderKey->SetInt( szIndex, nIndex ); }
pShaderCache->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, SHADER_CACHE_FILE, "MOD" ); pShaderCache->deleteThis(); }
void CShaderManager::WarmShaderCache() { #ifndef DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION
return; #endif
// Don't access the cache if we're building it!
if ( mat_cacheshaders.GetBool() ) return;
// Don't warm the cache if we're just going to monkey with the shaders anyway
return; #endif
double st = Sys_FloatTime();
// First we warm SHADERS ===============================================
KeyValues *pShaderCache = new KeyValues( "shadercache" ); pShaderCache->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, SHADER_CACHE_FILE, "MOD" );
if ( !pShaderCache ) { DevWarning( "Could not find shader cache file!\n" ); return; }
// Run through each shader in the cache
FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pShaderCache, pShaderKey ) { const char *pShaderName = pShaderKey->GetName(); bool bVertexShader = Q_stristr( pShaderName, "_vs20" ) || Q_stristr( pShaderName, "_vs30" );
FOR_EACH_VALUE( pShaderKey, pValue ) { char temp[1024]; int staticIndex = pValue->GetInt();
if ( bVertexShader ) { V_snprintf( temp, sizeof(temp), "vs-file %s vs-index %d", pShaderName, staticIndex ); CreateVertexShader( pShaderName, staticIndex, temp ); } else { V_snprintf( temp, sizeof(temp), "ps-file %s ps-index %d", pShaderName, staticIndex ); CreatePixelShader( pShaderName, staticIndex, temp ); } } }
// Next, we warm PROGRAMS (which are pairs of shaders) =================
KeyValues *pProgramCache = new KeyValues( "programcache" ); pProgramCache->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, PROGRAM_CACHE_FILE, "MOD" );
if ( !pProgramCache ) { DevWarning( "Could not find program cache file!\n" ); return; }
// Run through each program in the cache
FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pProgramCache, pProgramKey ) { KeyValues *pValue = pProgramKey->GetFirstValue(); const char *pVertexShaderName = pValue->GetString(); pValue = pValue->GetNextValue(); const char *pPixelShaderName = pValue->GetString(); pValue = pValue->GetNextValue(); int nVertexShaderStaticIndex = pValue->GetInt(); pValue = pValue->GetNextValue(); int nPixelShaderStaticIndex = pValue->GetInt(); pValue = pValue->GetNextValue(); int nVertexShaderDynamicIndex = pValue->GetInt(); pValue = pValue->GetNextValue(); int nPixelShaderDynamicIndex = pValue->GetInt();
ShaderLookup_t vshLookup; vshLookup.m_Name = m_ShaderSymbolTable.AddString( pVertexShaderName ); // TODO: use String() here and catch this odd case
vshLookup.m_nStaticIndex = nVertexShaderStaticIndex; VertexShader_t vertexShader = m_VertexShaderDict.Find( vshLookup );
ShaderLookup_t pshLookup; pshLookup.m_Name = m_ShaderSymbolTable.AddString( pPixelShaderName ); pshLookup.m_nStaticIndex = nPixelShaderStaticIndex; PixelShader_t pixelShader = m_PixelShaderDict.Find( pshLookup );
// If we found both shaders, do the link!
if ( ( vertexShader != m_VertexShaderDict.InvalidIndex() ) && ( pixelShader != m_PixelShaderDict.InvalidIndex() ) ) { #ifdef DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION
//HardwareShader_t hardwareVertexShader = vshLookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[nVertexShaderDynamicIndex];
//HardwareShader_t hardwarePixelShader = pshLookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[nPixelShaderDynamicIndex];
HardwareShader_t hardwareVertexShader = m_VertexShaderDict[vertexShader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[nVertexShaderDynamicIndex]; HardwareShader_t hardwarePixelShader = m_PixelShaderDict[pixelShader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[nPixelShaderDynamicIndex];
if ( ( hardwareVertexShader != INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) && ( hardwarePixelShader != INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) ) { if ( S_OK != Dx9Device()->LinkShaderPair( (IDirect3DVertexShader9 *)hardwareVertexShader, (IDirect3DPixelShader9 *)hardwarePixelShader ) ) { DevWarning( "Could not link OpenGL shaders: %s (%d, %d) : %s (%d, %d)\n", pVertexShaderName, nVertexShaderStaticIndex, nVertexShaderDynamicIndex, pPixelShaderName, nPixelShaderStaticIndex, nPixelShaderDynamicIndex ); } } #endif
} else { DevWarning( "Invalid shader linkage: %s (%d, %d) : %s (%d, %d)\n", pVertexShaderName, nVertexShaderStaticIndex, nVertexShaderDynamicIndex, pPixelShaderName, nPixelShaderStaticIndex, nPixelShaderDynamicIndex ); } }
float elapsed = ( float )( Sys_FloatTime() - st ) * 1000.0; DevMsg( "WarmShaderCache took %.3f msec\n", elapsed ); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------old code
// Purpose: compare two KeyValues by name
typedef KeyValues* PKEYVALUES; int __cdecl KeyValueNameCompare( const PKEYVALUES *pLeft, const PKEYVALUES *pRight ) { // Compare vertex shader name
const char *pLeftString = (*pLeft)->GetString( "vs" ); const char *pRightString = (*pRight)->GetString( "vs" );
int nVSCompare = Q_stricmp( pLeftString, pRightString ); if ( nVSCompare > 0 ) return 1; else if ( nVSCompare < 0 ) return -1;
// Compare pixel shader name
pLeftString = (*pLeft)->GetString( "ps" ); pRightString = (*pRight)->GetString( "ps" );
int nPSCompare = Q_stricmp( pLeftString, pRightString ); if ( nPSCompare > 0 ) return 1; else if ( nPSCompare < 0 ) return -1;
// Compare vs static index
int nLeft = (*pLeft)->GetInt( "vs_static" ); int nRight = (*pRight)->GetInt( "vs_static" ); if ( nLeft > nRight ) return 1; else if ( nRight > nLeft ) return -1;
// Compare ps static index
nLeft = (*pLeft)->GetInt( "ps_static" ); nRight = (*pRight)->GetInt( "ps_static" ); if ( nLeft > nRight ) return 1; else if ( nRight > nLeft ) return -1;
// Compare vs dynamic index
nLeft = (*pLeft)->GetInt( "vs_dynamic" ); nRight = (*pRight)->GetInt( "vs_dynamic" ); if ( nLeft > nRight ) return 1; else if ( nRight > nLeft ) return -1;
// Compare ps dynamic index
nLeft = (*pLeft)->GetInt( "ps_dynamic" ); nRight = (*pRight)->GetInt( "ps_dynamic" ); if ( nLeft > nRight ) return 1; else if ( nRight > nLeft ) return -1;
return 0; // exactly equal...this should never happen
void CShaderManager::SaveShaderCache( char *cacheName ) { #ifdef DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION // must ifdef, it uses calls which don't exist in the real DX9 interface
KeyValues *pProgramCache = new KeyValues( "glshadercache" );
if ( !pProgramCache ) { DevWarning( "Could not write to program cache file!\n" ); return; }
int i=0; GLMShaderPairInfo info;
do { Dx9Device()->QueryShaderPair( i, &info ); if ( info.m_status == 1 ) { // found one
// extract values of interest which represent a pair of shaders
if ( info.m_vsName[0] && info.m_psName[0] && (info.m_vsDynamicIndex > -1) && (info.m_psDynamicIndex > -1) ) { // make up a key - this thing is really a list of tuples, so need not be keyed by anything particular
KeyValues *pProgramKey = pProgramCache->CreateNewKey(); Assert( pProgramKey );
pProgramKey->SetString ( "vs", info.m_vsName ); pProgramKey->SetString ( "ps", info.m_psName );
pProgramKey->SetInt ( "vs_static", info.m_vsStaticIndex ); pProgramKey->SetInt ( "ps_static", info.m_psStaticIndex );
pProgramKey->SetInt ( "vs_dynamic", info.m_vsDynamicIndex ); pProgramKey->SetInt ( "ps_dynamic", info.m_psDynamicIndex ); } } i++; } while( info.m_status >= 0 );
// Let's sort these so that the shader cache files are more diff-able
CUtlVector<KeyValues *> allSubKeys;
FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pProgramCache, pvSubKey ) { allSubKeys.AddToTail( pvSubKey ); }
KeyValues *pProgramCacheToDisk = new KeyValues( "glshadercache" );
allSubKeys.Sort( KeyValueNameCompare );
FOR_EACH_VEC( allSubKeys, i ) { KeyValues *pNewChild = allSubKeys[i]->MakeCopy(); char pNewChildName[8]; V_snprintf( pNewChildName, sizeof( pNewChildName ), "%d", i ); pNewChild->SetName( pNewChildName ); pProgramCacheToDisk->AddSubKey( pNewChild ); } pProgramCacheToDisk->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, cacheName, "MOD" );
pProgramCacheToDisk->deleteThis(); pProgramCache->deleteThis(); // done! whew
bool CShaderManager::LoadShaderCache( char *cacheName ) { #ifdef DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION
KeyValues *pProgramCache = new KeyValues( "glshadercache" ); bool found = pProgramCache->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, cacheName, "MOD" );
if ( !found ) { DevWarning( "Could not load program cache file %s\n", cacheName ); return false; }
// walk the table..
// To take advantage of OpenGL implementations building GLSL shaders in parallel, we have 3 stages:
// * Issue compilation commands (vertex shader and pixel shader) (Defer querying compilation result)
// * Issue link commands (for a shader pair) (Defer querying link result)
// * Check compilation/link result
CUtlVector<CUtlKeyValuePair<HardwareShader_t, HardwareShader_t> > shaderPairList; FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pProgramCache, pProgramKey ) { // extract values decribing the specific active pair
// then see if either stage needs a compilation done
// then proceed to link
KeyValues *pValue = pProgramKey->GetFirstValue(); if (!pValue) continue; const char *pVertexShaderName = pValue->GetString();
pValue = pValue->GetNextValue(); if (!pValue) continue; const char *pPixelShaderName = pValue->GetString();
pValue = pValue->GetNextValue(); if (!pValue) continue; int nVertexShaderStaticIndex = pValue->GetInt();
pValue = pValue->GetNextValue(); if (!pValue) continue; int nPixelShaderStaticIndex = pValue->GetInt();
pValue = pValue->GetNextValue(); if (!pValue) continue; int nVertexShaderDynamicIndex = pValue->GetInt();
pValue = pValue->GetNextValue(); if (!pValue) continue; int nPixelShaderDynamicIndex = pValue->GetInt();
ShaderLookup_t vshLookup; vshLookup.m_Name = m_ShaderSymbolTable.AddString( pVertexShaderName ); // TODO: use String() here and catch this odd case
vshLookup.m_nStaticIndex = nVertexShaderStaticIndex; VertexShader_t vertexShader = m_VertexShaderDict.Find( vshLookup );
// if the VS was not found - now is the time to build it
if( vertexShader == m_VertexShaderDict.InvalidIndex()) { char temp[1024]; V_snprintf( temp, sizeof(temp), "vs-file %s vs-index %d", pVertexShaderName, nVertexShaderStaticIndex ); CreateVertexShader( pVertexShaderName, nVertexShaderStaticIndex, temp ); // this one should not fail
vertexShader = m_VertexShaderDict.Find( vshLookup ); Assert( vertexShader != m_VertexShaderDict.InvalidIndex()); } ShaderLookup_t pshLookup; pshLookup.m_Name = m_ShaderSymbolTable.AddString( pPixelShaderName ); pshLookup.m_nStaticIndex = nPixelShaderStaticIndex; PixelShader_t pixelShader = m_PixelShaderDict.Find( pshLookup );
if( pixelShader == m_PixelShaderDict.InvalidIndex()) { char temp[1024]; V_snprintf( temp, sizeof(temp), "ps-file %s ps-index %d", pPixelShaderName, nPixelShaderStaticIndex ); CreatePixelShader( pPixelShaderName, nPixelShaderStaticIndex, temp ); // this one should not fail
pixelShader = m_PixelShaderDict.Find( pshLookup ); Assert( pixelShader != m_PixelShaderDict.InvalidIndex()); } // If we found both shaders, do the link!
if ( ( vertexShader != m_VertexShaderDict.InvalidIndex() ) && ( pixelShader != m_PixelShaderDict.InvalidIndex() ) ) { // double check that the hardware shader arrays are actually instantiated.. bail on the attempt if not (odd...)
if (m_VertexShaderDict[vertexShader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders && m_PixelShaderDict[pixelShader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders) { // and sanity check the indices..
if ( ( nVertexShaderDynamicIndex >= 0 ) && ( nPixelShaderDynamicIndex >= 0 ) && ( nVertexShaderDynamicIndex < m_VertexShaderDict[vertexShader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_nCount ) && ( nPixelShaderDynamicIndex < m_PixelShaderDict[pixelShader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_nCount ) ) { HardwareShader_t hardwareVertexShader = m_VertexShaderDict[vertexShader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[nVertexShaderDynamicIndex]; HardwareShader_t hardwarePixelShader = m_PixelShaderDict[pixelShader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[nPixelShaderDynamicIndex];
if ( ( hardwareVertexShader != INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) && ( hardwarePixelShader != INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) ) { // Keep track of vertex and pixel shaders we need to link
shaderPairList.AddToTail( CUtlKeyValuePair<HardwareShader_t, HardwareShader_t>( hardwareVertexShader, hardwarePixelShader ) );
if (S_OK != Dx9Device()->LinkShaderPair( (IDirect3DVertexShader9 *)hardwareVertexShader, (IDirect3DPixelShader9 *)hardwarePixelShader )) { DevWarning( "Could not link OpenGL shaders\n" ); } } } else { DevWarning( "nVertexShaderDynamicIndex or nPixelShaderDynamicIndex invalid\n" ); } } else { DevWarning( "m_pHardwareShaders was null\n" ); } } else { DevWarning( "Invalid shader linkage: %s (%d, %d) : %s (%d, %d)\n", pVertexShaderName, nVertexShaderStaticIndex, nVertexShaderDynamicIndex, pPixelShaderName, nPixelShaderStaticIndex, nPixelShaderDynamicIndex ); } }
// Check compilation/link status
FOR_EACH_VEC( shaderPairList, i ) { HardwareShader_t hardwareVertexShader = shaderPairList[i].m_key; HardwareShader_t hardwarePixelShader = shaderPairList[i].m_value;
Dx9Device()->ValidateShaderPair( (IDirect3DVertexShader9 *)hardwareVertexShader, (IDirect3DPixelShader9 *)hardwarePixelShader ); }
pProgramCache->deleteThis(); return true; #else
return false; // have to return a value on Windows build to appease compiler
// Creates and destroys vertex shaders
VertexShader_t CShaderManager::CreateVertexShader( const char *pFileName, int nStaticVshIndex, char *debugLabel ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT();
if ( !pFileName ) { return INVALID_SHADER; } VertexShader_t shader; ShaderLookup_t lookup; lookup.m_Name = m_ShaderSymbolTable.AddString( pFileName ); lookup.m_nStaticIndex = nStaticVshIndex; shader = m_VertexShaderDict.Find( lookup ); if ( shader == m_VertexShaderDict.InvalidIndex() ) { //printf("\nCShaderManager::CreateVertexShader( filename = %s, staticVshIndex = %d - not in cache", pFileName, nStaticVshIndex );
shader = m_VertexShaderDict.AddToTail( lookup ); if ( !LoadAndCreateShaders( m_VertexShaderDict[shader], true, debugLabel ) ) { return INVALID_SHADER; } } m_VertexShaderDict[shader].IncRefCount(); return shader; }
// Create pixel shader
PixelShader_t CShaderManager::CreatePixelShader( const char *pFileName, int nStaticPshIndex, char *debugLabel ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT();
if ( !pFileName ) { return INVALID_SHADER; } PixelShader_t shader; ShaderLookup_t lookup; lookup.m_Name = m_ShaderSymbolTable.AddString( pFileName ); lookup.m_nStaticIndex = nStaticPshIndex; shader = m_PixelShaderDict.Find( lookup ); if ( shader == m_PixelShaderDict.InvalidIndex() ) { shader = m_PixelShaderDict.AddToTail( lookup ); if ( !LoadAndCreateShaders( m_PixelShaderDict[shader], false, debugLabel ) ) { return INVALID_SHADER; } } m_PixelShaderDict[shader].IncRefCount(); return shader; }
// Clear the refCounts to zero
void CShaderManager::ClearVertexAndPixelShaderRefCounts() { for ( VertexShader_t vshIndex = m_VertexShaderDict.Head(); vshIndex != m_VertexShaderDict.InvalidIndex(); vshIndex = m_VertexShaderDict.Next( vshIndex ) ) { m_VertexShaderDict[vshIndex].m_nRefCount = 0; }
for ( PixelShader_t pshIndex = m_PixelShaderDict.Head(); pshIndex != m_PixelShaderDict.InvalidIndex(); pshIndex = m_PixelShaderDict.Next( pshIndex ) ) { m_PixelShaderDict[pshIndex].m_nRefCount = 0; } }
// Destroy all shaders that have no reference
void CShaderManager::PurgeUnusedVertexAndPixelShaders() { #ifdef DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION
if (mat_autosave_glshaders.GetInt()) { #if defined( OSX )
SaveShaderCache("glshaders_OSX.cfg"); #else
SaveShaderCache("glshaders.cfg"); #endif
} return; // don't purge shaders, it's too costly to put them back
// iterate vertex shaders
for ( VertexShader_t vshIndex = m_VertexShaderDict.Head(); vshIndex != m_VertexShaderDict.InvalidIndex(); ) { Assert( m_VertexShaderDict[vshIndex].m_nRefCount >= 0 );
// Get the next one before we potentially delete the current one.
VertexShader_t next = m_VertexShaderDict.Next( vshIndex ); if ( m_VertexShaderDict[vshIndex].m_nRefCount <= 0 ) { DestroyVertexShader( vshIndex ); } vshIndex = next; }
// iterate pixel shaders
for ( PixelShader_t pshIndex = m_PixelShaderDict.Head(); pshIndex != m_PixelShaderDict.InvalidIndex(); ) { Assert( m_PixelShaderDict[pshIndex].m_nRefCount >= 0 );
// Get the next one before we potentially delete the current one.
PixelShader_t next = m_PixelShaderDict.Next( pshIndex ); if ( m_PixelShaderDict[pshIndex].m_nRefCount <= 0 ) { DestroyPixelShader( pshIndex ); } pshIndex = next; } }
void* CShaderManager::GetCurrentVertexShader() { return (void*)m_HardwareVertexShader; }
void* CShaderManager::GetCurrentPixelShader() { return (void*)m_HardwarePixelShader; }
// The low-level dx call to set the vertex shader state
void CShaderManager::SetVertexShaderState_Internal( HardwareShader_t shader, DataCacheHandle_t hCachedShader ) { if ( m_HardwareVertexShader != shader ) { RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_SET_VERTEX_SHADER, 1 ); RECORD_INT( ( int )shader ); // hack hack hack
VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "vertex shader change", COUNTER_GROUP_DEFAULT, 1 ); Dx9Device()->SetVertexShader( (IDirect3DVertexShader9*)shader ); m_HardwareVertexShader = shader; } }
void CShaderManager::BindVertexShader( VertexShaderHandle_t hVertexShader ) { HardwareShader_t hHardwareShader = m_RawVertexShaderDict[ (VertexShaderIndex_t)hVertexShader] ; SetVertexShaderState( hHardwareShader ); }
// Sets a particular vertex shader as the current shader
void CShaderManager::SetVertexShader( VertexShader_t shader ) { // Determine which vertex shader to use...
if ( shader == INVALID_SHADER ) { SetVertexShaderState( 0 ); return; }
int vshIndex = m_nVertexShaderIndex; Assert( vshIndex >= 0 ); if( vshIndex < 0 ) { vshIndex = 0; }
ShaderLookup_t &vshLookup = m_VertexShaderDict[shader]; // DevWarning( "vsh: %s static: %d dynamic: %d\n", m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( vshLookup.m_Name ),
// vshLookup.m_nStaticIndex, m_nVertexShaderIndex );
// *** IMPORTANT ***
// If enabling DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE causes a crash here in a Release PC build, make sure you add the compiler switch /FC to the .vpc file.
// The crash occurs because __FILE__ macros return different values in Release vs Debug unless /FC is enabled, and so the shader path cannot be found without it.
static void* pNull = 0;
HardwareShader_t &dxshader = m_VertexShaderDict[shader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders ? m_VertexShaderDict[shader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[vshIndex] : pNull;
if ( dxshader == INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) { // compile it since we haven't already!
dxshader = CompileShader( m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( vshLookup.m_Name ), vshLookup.m_nStaticIndex, vshIndex, true ); Assert( dxshader != INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER );
if( IsX360() ) { //360 does not respond well at all to bad shaders or Error() calls. So we're staying here until we get something that compiles
while( dxshader == INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) { DevWarning( "A dynamically compiled vertex shader has failed to build. Pausing for 5 seconds and attempting rebuild.\n" ); #ifdef _WIN32
Sleep( 5000 ); #elif POSIX
usleep( 5000 ); #endif
dxshader = CompileShader( m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( vshLookup.m_Name ), vshLookup.m_nStaticIndex, vshIndex, true ); } } } #else
if ( vshLookup.m_Flags & SHADER_FAILED_LOAD ) { Assert( 0 ); return; } #ifdef _DEBUG
vshDebugIndex = (vshDebugIndex + 1) % MAX_SHADER_HISTORY; Q_strncpy( vshDebugName[vshDebugIndex], m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( vshLookup.m_Name ), sizeof( vshDebugName[0] ) ); #endif
HardwareShader_t dxshader = vshLookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[vshIndex]; #endif
if ( IsPC() && ( dxshader == INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) && m_bCreateShadersOnDemand ) { #ifdef DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE
ShaderStaticCombos_t::ShaderCreationData_t *pCreationData = &m_VertexShaderDict[shader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pCreationData[vshIndex]; #else
ShaderStaticCombos_t::ShaderCreationData_t *pCreationData = &vshLookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pCreationData[vshIndex]; #endif
dxshader = CreateD3DVertexShader( ( DWORD * )pCreationData->ByteCode.Base(), pCreationData->ByteCode.Count(), m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( vshLookup.m_Name ) );
// copy the compiled shader handle back to wherever it's supposed to be stored
m_VertexShaderDict[shader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[vshIndex] = dxshader; #else
vshLookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[vshIndex] = dxshader; #endif
Assert( dxshader );
if ( !dxshader ) { static bool s_bFirst = true; if ( s_bFirst ) { s_bFirst = false;
DevWarning( "*************************************************\n" ); DevWarning( "!!!!!Using invalid shader combo!!!!! Consult a programmer and tell them to build debug materialsystem.dll and stdshader*.dll. Run with \"mat_bufferprimitives 0\" and look for CMaterial in the call stack and see what m_pDebugName is. You are likely using a shader combo that has been skipped.\n" ); DevWarning( "Shader: %s static: %d dynamic: %d\n", m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( vshLookup.m_Name ), vshLookup.m_nStaticIndex, m_nVertexShaderIndex ); BitchAboutSkippedCombo( m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( vshLookup.m_Name ), vshLookup.m_nStaticIndex, m_nVertexShaderIndex ); DevWarning( "*************************************************\n" ); Assert( 0 ); } } #endif
SetVertexShaderState( dxshader ); }
// The low-level dx call to set the pixel shader state
void CShaderManager::SetPixelShaderState_Internal( HardwareShader_t shader, DataCacheHandle_t hCachedShader ) { if ( m_HardwarePixelShader != shader ) { VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "pixel shader change", COUNTER_GROUP_DEFAULT, 1 ); Dx9Device()->SetPixelShader( (IDirect3DPixelShader*)shader ); m_HardwarePixelShader = shader; } }
void CShaderManager::BindPixelShader( PixelShaderHandle_t hPixelShader ) { HardwareShader_t hHardwareShader = m_RawPixelShaderDict[ (PixelShaderIndex_t)hPixelShader ]; SetPixelShaderState( hHardwareShader ); }
#if defined ( DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE ) && defined ( DEBUG )
ConVar mat_flushshaders_async( "mat_flushshaders_async", "0" ); #endif
// Sets a particular pixel shader as the current shader
void CShaderManager::SetPixelShader( PixelShader_t shader ) {
#if defined ( DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE ) && defined ( DEBUG )
if ( mat_flushshaders_async.GetBool() ) { FlushShaders(); mat_flushshaders_async.SetValue( false ); } #endif
if ( shader == INVALID_SHADER ) { SetPixelShaderState( 0 ); return; }
int pshIndex = m_nPixelShaderIndex; Assert( pshIndex >= 0 ); ShaderLookup_t &pshLookup = m_PixelShaderDict[shader]; if ( pshIndex > pshLookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_nCount ) { SetPixelShaderState( 0 ); DevWarning( "***** Invalid pixel shader index (out of range) for %s (%d of %d).\n", m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pshLookup.m_Name ), pshIndex, pshLookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_nCount ); Assert( 0 ); return; } // DevWarning( "psh: %s static: %d dynamic: %d\n", m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( lookup.m_Name ),
// lookup.m_nStaticIndex, m_nPixelShaderIndex );
static void* pNull;
HardwareShader_t &dxshader = m_PixelShaderDict[shader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders ? m_PixelShaderDict[shader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[pshIndex] : pNull;
if ( dxshader == INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) { // compile it since we haven't already!
dxshader = CompileShader( m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pshLookup.m_Name ), pshLookup.m_nStaticIndex, pshIndex, false ); // Assert( dxshader != INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER );
if( IsX360() ) { //360 does not respond well at all to bad shaders or Error() calls. So we're staying here until we get something that compiles
while( dxshader == INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) { DevWarning( "A dynamically compiled pixel shader has failed to build. Pausing for 5 seconds and attempting rebuild.\n" ); #ifdef _WIN32
Sleep( 5000 ); #elif POSIX
usleep( 5000 ); #endif
dxshader = CompileShader( m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pshLookup.m_Name ), pshLookup.m_nStaticIndex, pshIndex, false ); } } } #else
if ( pshLookup.m_Flags & SHADER_FAILED_LOAD ) { Assert( 0 ); DevWarning( "***** Trying to set a pixel shader (%s) that failed loading!\n", m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pshLookup.m_Name ) ); return; } #ifdef _DEBUG
pshDebugIndex = (pshDebugIndex + 1) % MAX_SHADER_HISTORY; Q_strncpy( pshDebugName[pshDebugIndex], m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pshLookup.m_Name ), sizeof( pshDebugName[0] ) ); #endif
HardwareShader_t dxshader = pshLookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[pshIndex]; #endif
if ( IsPC() && ( dxshader == INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) && m_bCreateShadersOnDemand ) { #ifdef DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE
ShaderStaticCombos_t::ShaderCreationData_t *pCreationData = &m_PixelShaderDict[shader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pCreationData[pshIndex]; #else
ShaderStaticCombos_t::ShaderCreationData_t *pCreationData = &pshLookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pCreationData[pshIndex]; #endif
const char *pShaderName = m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pshLookup.m_Name ); dxshader = CreateD3DPixelShader( ( DWORD * )pCreationData->ByteCode.Base(), pCreationData->iCentroidMask, pCreationData->ByteCode.Count(), pShaderName );
// copy the compiled shader handle back to wherever it's supposed to be stored
m_PixelShaderDict[shader].m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[pshIndex] = dxshader; #else
pshLookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[pshIndex] = dxshader; #endif
AssertMsg( dxshader != INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER, "Failed to set pixel shader." ); if ( dxshader == INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) { static bool s_bFirst = true; if ( s_bFirst ) { s_bFirst = false;
DevWarning( "*************************************************\n" ); DevWarning( "!!!!!Using invalid pixel shader combo!!!!! Consult a programmer and tell them to build debug materialsystem.dll and stdshader*.dll. Run with \"mat_bufferprimitives 0\" and look for CMaterial in the call stack and see what m_pDebugName is. You are likely using a shader combo that has been skipped.\n" ); DevWarning( "Shader: %s static: %d dynamic: %d\n", m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pshLookup.m_Name ), pshLookup.m_nStaticIndex, m_nPixelShaderIndex ); BitchAboutSkippedCombo( m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pshLookup.m_Name ), pshLookup.m_nStaticIndex, m_nPixelShaderIndex ); DevWarning( "*************************************************\n" ); Assert( 0 ); } }
SetPixelShaderState( dxshader ); }
// Resets the shader state
void CShaderManager::ResetShaderState() { // This will force the calls to SetVertexShader + SetPixelShader to actually set the state
m_HardwareVertexShader = (HardwareShader_t)-1; m_HardwarePixelShader = (HardwareShader_t)-1;
SetVertexShader( INVALID_SHADER ); SetPixelShader( INVALID_SHADER ); }
// Destroy a particular vertex shader
void CShaderManager::DestroyVertexShader( VertexShader_t shader ) { ShaderStaticCombos_t &combos = m_VertexShaderDict[shader].m_ShaderStaticCombos; int i; for ( i = 0; i < combos.m_nCount; i++ ) { if ( combos.m_pHardwareShaders[i] != INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) { IDirect3DVertexShader9* pShader = ( IDirect3DVertexShader9 * )combos.m_pHardwareShaders[i]; UnregisterVS( pShader ); #ifdef DBGFLAG_ASSERT
int nRetVal = #endif
pShader->Release(); Assert( nRetVal == 0 ); } } delete [] combos.m_pHardwareShaders; combos.m_pHardwareShaders = NULL;
if ( combos.m_pCreationData != NULL ) { delete [] combos.m_pCreationData; combos.m_pCreationData = NULL; }
m_VertexShaderDict.Remove( shader ); }
// Destroy a particular pixel shader
void CShaderManager::DestroyPixelShader( PixelShader_t pixelShader ) { ShaderStaticCombos_t &combos = m_PixelShaderDict[pixelShader].m_ShaderStaticCombos; int i; for ( i = 0; i < combos.m_nCount; i++ ) { if ( combos.m_pHardwareShaders[i] != INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) { IDirect3DPixelShader* pShader = ( IDirect3DPixelShader * )combos.m_pHardwareShaders[i]; UnregisterPS( pShader ); #ifdef DBGFLAG_ASSERT
int nRetVal = #endif
pShader->Release(); Assert( nRetVal == 0 ); } } delete [] combos.m_pHardwareShaders; combos.m_pHardwareShaders = NULL;
if ( combos.m_pCreationData != NULL ) { delete [] combos.m_pCreationData; combos.m_pCreationData = NULL; }
m_PixelShaderDict.Remove( pixelShader ); }
HardwareShader_t CShaderManager::GetVertexShader( VertexShader_t vs, int dynIdx ) { ShaderLookup_t &vshLookup = m_VertexShaderDict[vs]; HardwareShader_t dxshader = vshLookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[dynIdx]; return dxshader; }
HardwareShader_t CShaderManager::GetPixelShader( PixelShader_t ps, int dynIdx ) { ShaderLookup_t &pshLookup = m_PixelShaderDict[ps]; HardwareShader_t dxshader = pshLookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_pHardwareShaders[dynIdx]; return dxshader; }
// Destroys all shaders
void CShaderManager::DestroyAllShaders( void ) { #ifdef DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION
return; #endif
for ( VertexShader_t vshIndex = m_VertexShaderDict.Head(); vshIndex != m_VertexShaderDict.InvalidIndex(); ) { Assert( m_VertexShaderDict[vshIndex].m_nRefCount >= 0 ); VertexShader_t next = m_VertexShaderDict.Next( vshIndex ); DestroyVertexShader( vshIndex ); vshIndex = next; }
for ( PixelShader_t pshIndex = m_PixelShaderDict.Head(); pshIndex != m_PixelShaderDict.InvalidIndex(); ) { Assert( m_PixelShaderDict[pshIndex].m_nRefCount >= 0 ); PixelShader_t next = m_PixelShaderDict.Next( pshIndex ); DestroyPixelShader( pshIndex ); pshIndex = next; }
// invalidate the file cache
m_ShaderFileCache.Purge(); }
// print all vertex and pixel shaders along with refcounts to the console
void CShaderManager::SpewVertexAndPixelShaders( void ) { // only spew a populated shader file cache
Msg( "\nShader File Cache:\n" ); for ( intp cacheIndex = m_ShaderFileCache.Head(); cacheIndex != m_ShaderFileCache.InvalidIndex(); cacheIndex = m_ShaderFileCache.Next( cacheIndex ) ) { ShaderFileCache_t *pCache; pCache = &m_ShaderFileCache[cacheIndex]; Msg( "Total Combos:%9d Static:%9d Dynamic:%7d SeekTable:%7d Ver:%d '%s'\n", pCache->m_Header.m_nTotalCombos, pCache->m_Header.m_nDynamicCombos ? pCache->m_Header.m_nTotalCombos/pCache->m_Header.m_nDynamicCombos : 0, pCache->m_Header.m_nDynamicCombos, pCache->IsOldVersion() ? 0 : pCache->m_Header.m_nNumStaticCombos, pCache->m_Header.m_nVersion, m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( pCache->m_Filename ) ); } Msg( "\n" );
// spew vertex shader dictionary
int totalVertexShaders = 0; int totalVertexShaderSets = 0; const char *pName; for ( VertexShader_t vshIndex = m_VertexShaderDict.Head(); vshIndex != m_VertexShaderDict.InvalidIndex(); vshIndex = m_VertexShaderDict.Next( vshIndex ) ) { const ShaderLookup_t &lookup = m_VertexShaderDict[vshIndex]; pName = m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( lookup.m_Name ); Msg( "-- vsh 0x%8.8x: static combo:%9d dynamic combos:%6d refcount:%4d \"%s\"\n", vshIndex, ( int )lookup.m_nStaticIndex, ( int )lookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_nNumDynamicCombosAfterSkips, lookup.m_nRefCount, pName ); Msg( " " ); PrintComboDesc( pName, ( int )lookup.m_nStaticIndex, -1 ); totalVertexShaders += lookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_nNumDynamicCombosAfterSkips; totalVertexShaderSets++; }
// spew pixel shader dictionary
int totalPixelShaders = 0; int totalPixelShaderSets = 0; for ( PixelShader_t pshIndex = m_PixelShaderDict.Head(); pshIndex != m_PixelShaderDict.InvalidIndex(); pshIndex = m_PixelShaderDict.Next( pshIndex ) ) { const ShaderLookup_t &lookup = m_PixelShaderDict[pshIndex]; pName = m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( lookup.m_Name ); Msg( "-- psh 0x%8.8x: static combo:%9d dynamic combos:%6d refcount:%4d \"%s\"\n", pshIndex, ( int )lookup.m_nStaticIndex, ( int )lookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_nNumDynamicCombosAfterSkips, lookup.m_nRefCount, pName ); Msg( " " ); PrintComboDesc( pName, ( int )lookup.m_nStaticIndex, -1 ); totalPixelShaders += lookup.m_ShaderStaticCombos.m_nNumDynamicCombosAfterSkips; totalPixelShaderSets++; }
Msg( "Total unique vertex shaders: %d\n", totalVertexShaders ); Msg( "Total vertex shader sets: %d\n", totalVertexShaderSets ); Msg( "Total unique pixel shaders: %d\n", totalPixelShaders ); Msg( "Total pixel shader sets: %d\n", totalPixelShaderSets ); }
CON_COMMAND( mat_spewvertexandpixelshaders, "Print all vertex and pixel shaders currently loaded to the console" ) { ( ( CShaderManager * )ShaderManager() )->SpewVertexAndPixelShaders(); }
const char *CShaderManager::GetActiveVertexShaderName() { #if !defined( _DEBUG )
return ""; #else
if ( !m_HardwareVertexShader ) { return "NULL"; } return vshDebugName[vshDebugIndex]; #endif
const char *CShaderManager::GetActivePixelShaderName() { #if !defined( _DEBUG )
return ""; #else
if ( !m_HardwarePixelShader ) { return "NULL"; } return pshDebugName[pshDebugIndex]; #endif
void CShaderManager::FlushShaders( void ) { #ifdef DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE
for( VertexShader_t shader = m_VertexShaderDict.Head(); shader != m_VertexShaderDict.InvalidIndex(); shader = m_VertexShaderDict.Next( shader ) ) { int i; ShaderStaticCombos_t &combos = m_VertexShaderDict[shader].m_ShaderStaticCombos; if( m_VertexShaderDict[shader].m_Flags & SHADER_IS_ASM ) { // don't nuke non-HLSL shaders since we don't dynamically compile them.
continue; } uint32 sourceCRC; if ( DoesShaderCRCMatchSourceCode( m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( m_VertexShaderDict[shader].m_Name ), m_VertexShaderDict[shader].m_nVcsCrc32, sourceCRC ) ) { continue; } m_VertexShaderDict[shader].m_nVcsCrc32 = sourceCRC;
for( i = 0; i < combos.m_nCount; i++ ) { if( combos.m_pHardwareShaders[i] != INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) { DevWarning( "Releasing vertex shader %s: ", m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( m_VertexShaderDict[shader].m_Name ) ); PrintComboDesc( m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( m_VertexShaderDict[shader].m_Name ), m_VertexShaderDict[shader].m_nStaticIndex, -1 ); DevWarning( "\n" ); #ifdef _DEBUG
int nRetVal= #endif
( ( IDirect3DVertexShader9 * )combos.m_pHardwareShaders[i] )->Release(); Assert( nRetVal == 0 ); } combos.m_pHardwareShaders[i] = INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER; } }
for( PixelShader_t shader = m_PixelShaderDict.Head(); shader != m_PixelShaderDict.InvalidIndex(); shader = m_PixelShaderDict.Next( shader ) ) { int i; ShaderStaticCombos_t &combos = m_PixelShaderDict[shader].m_ShaderStaticCombos; if( m_PixelShaderDict[shader].m_Flags & SHADER_IS_ASM ) { // don't nuke non-HLSL shaders since we don't dynamically compile them.
continue; }
uint32 sourceCRC; if ( DoesShaderCRCMatchSourceCode( m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( m_PixelShaderDict[shader].m_Name ), m_PixelShaderDict[shader].m_nVcsCrc32, sourceCRC ) ) { continue; } m_PixelShaderDict[shader].m_nVcsCrc32 = sourceCRC;
for( i = 0; i < combos.m_nCount; i++ ) { if( combos.m_pHardwareShaders[i] != INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER ) { DevWarning( "Releasing pixel shader %s: ", m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( m_PixelShaderDict[shader].m_Name ) ); PrintComboDesc( m_ShaderSymbolTable.String( m_PixelShaderDict[shader].m_Name ), m_PixelShaderDict[shader].m_nStaticIndex, -1 ); DevWarning( "\n" ); #ifdef _DEBUG
int nRetVal = #endif
( ( IDirect3DPixelShader * )combos.m_pHardwareShaders[i] )->Release(); Assert( nRetVal == 0 ); } combos.m_pHardwareShaders[i] = INVALID_HARDWARE_SHADER; } }
// invalidate the file cache
m_ShaderFileCache.Purge(); #endif
static void MatFlushShaders( void ) { SyncShaderCache(); ( ( CShaderManager * )ShaderManager() )->FlushShaders(); } #endif
CON_COMMAND( mat_flushshaders, "flush all hardware shaders when using DYNAMIC_SHADER_COMPILE" ) { MatFlushShaders(); } #endif
CON_COMMAND( mat_shadercount, "display count of all shaders and reset that count" ) { DevWarning( "Num Pixel Shaders = %d Vertex Shaders=%d\n", s_NumPixelShadersCreated, s_NumVertexShadersCreated ); s_NumVertexShadersCreated = 0; s_NumPixelShadersCreated = 0; }
void DestroyAllVertexAndPixelShaders( void ) { ( ( CShaderManager * )ShaderManager() )->DestroyAllShaders(); }
void CShaderManager::AddShaderComboInformation( const ShaderComboSemantics_t *pSemantics ) { if ( !s_ShaderComboInfoByName.Defined( pSemantics->pShaderName ) ) { s_ShaderComboInfoByName[pSemantics->pShaderName] = pSemantics; } }
#if defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION )
void CShaderManager::DoStartupShaderPreloading() { if (mat_autoload_glshaders.GetInt()) { #if defined( OSX )
// try base file
if ( !LoadShaderCache( "glbaseshaders_OSX.cfg" ) ) // factory cache
{ DevWarning( "Could not find base GL shader cache file (OSX)\n" ); }
if ( !LoadShaderCache( "glshaders_OSX.cfg" ) ) // user mutable cache
{ DevWarning( "Could not find user GL shader cache file (OSX)\n" ); } #else
// try base file
if ( !LoadShaderCache( "glbaseshaders.cfg" ) ) // factory cache
{ DevWarning( "Could not find base GL shader cache file\n" ); }
if ( !LoadShaderCache( "glshaders.cfg" ) ) // user mutable cache
{ DevWarning( "Could not find user GL shader cache file\n" ); } #endif
} } #endif